AUTOMOBILIS 1041 DODOS Luiury Liner. 13. DM mile on 41 motor. See bttwten 4 and 1 p. tn. at 1140 H. Ctpltol. 'q 134 1M1 CHEVROLET Truck with new 1H2 trailer house, built on bed. Lowell Bar low, Watt Maple and Oth 6ta., Dallas. q 133 I040-4O H. D. Motoreyele. Vary good shapeT 1300. 1046 Ford I passenter coupe, top condition. Reasonably priced, OBI Kini wood Aye.. West Btlam. ql30 1147 FORD prciUJP-Vton. inquire at houae trailer at rear of Central Howell Store on Sllvertoo Road, evee. or Sun. l ia 'M STUDE. or trad for tat water htr., davenport, oil dr.. eewlni machine. Ph. 3-4330, ql21 WILL bell equity for 1400 on 1041 Butck convertible, axe. cond. Muat aell lmmed. Will take old car In good condition on trade, 3373 State St. Ph. 31940. ql 1030 FORD l-DOOR. EXCELLENT COKDmOH, UN. SEE CAROL 930 N. COMMERCIAL 144 PORD COUPE, excellent cond. Must aril at once. 01000 caah. 34 N. th at.. Apt. I. -after I p. a. ql33 141 CHEV. iVe T. ataka truck. 3 apeed. 3 new tlrea, 4 new recapa. new paint. toed motor. Reaaonabla. 1 mile weit of Peat Sclo. H. A. Pierce. Rt. 3. Box 110. Sclo. ql33 iCODEL A FORD Roaditer, 30 motor, good condition. Inquiry Norman Hall. Oervala. Ore. ql3 1040 BOTCK Spatial 4-dr. aadan for quick aale, RAH, good tlrea, ft. Ph. 34877. 1645 H. 17th. qiaa 4t CBEV. 4-dr. apeclal deluxt. Lota of extraa. Like new. On owner. M0 N. nth. Ph. a-iiu. iai M CHRTSLER. Rum good. 100. 1385 H. 4 qlJl 1141 DE LUXE FORD eoupe. Excel, cond. Rdalo At heater. Seat cover. See at 16D0 S. Church. qlll NOW WRECEINO a '40 CHEV., '17 Ohv '43 Dodie, '16 Dodlt, '16 Olda, '17 Terraplane, '36 Pontlae. Soma low price can dt trucka. Himm'i Wrecker. Ph. 1-8466, Dallaa Hlihwar. m 1041 PONTIAC aedanette. Low mlleaie, good cond. CaU after I p.m., 076 N. th. Ph. 31143 ql21 (Chevrolet ' lot iinc truck and trailer. No Junk, new body work, 0 new 11-ply tlrea on trailer. New extra trana. 10.000 two apeed Eton with new ring and pinion. Can be financed easily. Melvln Boyct. Pedee. qm 1040 DELUXE HUDSON, 1-door radio and heater. 3500. Donald Harlan. T.B. hoa- pltal after 0 p. m. q!31 1047 CHEV. Aero Sedan, orlg. owner. Save MOO. Ph. 3-7303. ql34 10M PLYMOUTH 4-dr.. good motor and tlrea. McCutcheon, Rt. 4, Box 013. 0 mllea B E. on Hlway Jit. qiai 1040 PLT De Luxe 4 dr. adn. Radio, excel, tlrea. beautiful tray finlab. Original owner, 01100. Ph. 3-0310 or 3-7600. q '00 STUDEBAKER Champion. Clean In- aide Or out. 000x16 tlrea, overdrive. See at 1005 I. com L Mm your own price. ql33 1041 CHEVROLET a door fedan In good condition. 1046 high tork motor. Oood rubber. Low mlleaie on the new motor. 1050. Ph. 3-0936. 344 N. 33rd. 0.131' BEAUTIFUL '40 Dodge l-paaa. coupe. 070 Ratellffe Drive. Phone 3-3003. ql31 to OLDS 0 paaa. club eoupe. R a H, fog Ughta. Oood paint, new tlrea. 8690. I486 Madison till I evea. 3003 Pair grounda Road. Apt. 4. Ph.3-3813. q!31 NEW MOTOR. INSTALLATION Why overhaul your motor when you can Inatall new motor at thla reaaonabla prlea; )B-'41 Plymouth 0360 Includes all necessary gatketa. oil and etc. CAN ARRANGE FOR TERMS SEIFER & MOLL CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH SOT N. Water St. Ph. 101 BILVERTON. OAEOON 0,133' Eisner Motors to Buy 1087 PLYMOUTH 4-door. Oood tlrea, heat er, aeat covera ana new Brake, jaas or beat caah offer. 450 N. 30th St. q!31 1M7 OLDSMOBILE atatlon waton. Excel lent cond. 11950 caah or trade equity for good motorcycle. Ph. 3-7330. ql33 1000 FORD Coupe mechanically perfect, good pa'nt, new tlrea, life xuard tubes, new motor, extraa. Ph. 34317. ql33 Eisner Motors Fine Cars WANTED clean used care. Bob Karr, 3160 A. Com'l 0 P0NTIACS '47 Sdn. cpe $1585 41 Spt. cpe 895 '47 Ford D.L. spt cpe. 1445 Herrall-Owens Co. mo x. ubtnr n. Mm ThU Tim, It'l HUDSON! ferric 8,1m PirU . Horn, of Oood Dim! C.n BHROCK MOTOR OO CAiareh SU. Ph. 3-tim Thu ruw ir. mroftom frrw. .!. . rui. Worn m Oeo0 Omi ow HROOS MOTOR OO 0ban OhM9.fe.ta at f l-tl.l ZEEB'S USED CARS BOY - SELL TRADE TERMS Ml Palrtround Road Phone 1-8454 Eisner Motors to Sell MOTORCYCLE. SCOOTERS INDIAN WorKTa moat modern oaotoreycK CUSHMAN SCOOTERS WHIZ ZER BIKES Genuine part, serv ice every model Shrock's Motorcycle Sales Open every evening till 1. Monday throug) Friday ton Portland Road - Ph 1-1433 BOATS FOLDING BOAT and motor ITO. Marvin Lewis' Service Bta.. Weat Salem, talll ONE 10-ft. Centnrv Boat. Oood condition. 01. UU S. 30th. Phone 3-7330. Oil" TRAILERS UJTILITT TRAILER, steel body and eov. ered top. cail at 1100 Leslie. ww- S0 FOOT SPARTAN Mention trailer 1 mnnthi am !. water heater. 0 ft Frlgidalre. South Wind Fir. furn. Cost 04404. Will sell for 01415. Inoulre at Fir Crest Trailer Court. 1110 N. River Rd. SELL OR TRADE 41 P. W. 30 ft. tamdem Mac. W model Fierce log trailer. Ph. Albany 1310-J-4. "M RATIONAL HOUSE TRAILER 41." 1 feet. Sleeea 4. Two doora. Electric brakes. 4 wheels Butane ranse. In good condition. lO0 Portland Rd. Howard Trailer Park. till 104f rar-TfiET BnUt Trailer House SI ft Butane equipped, backabla dolly. Call 3-1440. till MARE offer on II ft. modern trailer he 3100 N. Church. till" 10 ft. GLIDER house trailer. Vtrv good rendition. 1400 rash. 144 Court St. uptalra apt. W. O. Dyer. till SO BUCR and Spartan Royal Mansion trailer will take amall trailer trade in HO Lena avenue. till NEW KARRIALL TRAILERS I-WHEEL CTILJTT TRAILERS rrlii-d from 1310 to I1M RONESTEPtE SAI-E0 SERVICE 170 H. CHURCH till V R1TCBATEAC modem trailer. B'.eeta 4. Ilia. FB, t-OOOO. un FINANCIAL - F. H. A. LOANS 4V2 Talk over your real aetata loan problem with ua. Reimann for Real Estate 301 South High Phone l-osoi . CASH $25 to $500 FURNITURE, LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT LOANS UP TO 1300 Car loan up it 1000 Ooma In or phone Hollywood Finance Co. 1001 Fairgrounds Road Acroaa atreet from bank No Parking problem Phone 37033 Lie. N M10I-0U01 Fiord Kenkoo. Mgr t GENERAL FTNANCB COUP. LOANS Llo S-114 and M-tlO and ROT R SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOAMS 131 S. Commercla St. Tel. 3-0101 r PRIVATE MONEY Special rata and una on larger loan tou and abort Ubm payment! ROY H SIMMONS 111 Sor'h Commercial St Phone 3-0111 0Vs RE AX, ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOAMS CAR LOANS STATE FINANCE CO. 103 8. Rig' St. Lie. 8-310 M-1T1 r SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 OR 4 INTEREST I to 40 Yeara and No Commlaaloa Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 344 State St. Phone 3-181 r AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 133 S. Church Parking a Plenty Ph. 1-347 Lie No M-lftO 8-184 T FARM AND CITY LOANS 4Vi and 1 TOUR OWN TERMS of repayment within raaaon. Caah for Real Eatete Contracts and Second Mortgage. CAPITOL BECURRTBS CO 301 Pioneer Truat Bldg Ph. 1-7103 r DIRECTORY ADD IN O MACHINES All spake aaed maafctoat, aoVd, ranted, repaired Roan. 4M Court Phone 30773 APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC HOME appliance repair aervlee Free estimates. Trade-ins accepted on new appliances. Vlnce'e Riectrla. Phone 1-0330. 151 8. Liberty St. o- AT-CR DOOR GRINDING 'awnmower aharpenlno and repairing Dexter, Ph 30033 o AUTO RADIOS Authorised Warranty Repair Station for all makes of Auto Radios Morrow Radio Co.. 151 B. Liberty Ph. 1-0858. 0" MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service day phono 1-0300. RlgM 1-1004. SIS Center. o BUILDING CARPENTRY Remodel, repair that home now. Terms No down payment. Phone 1-4000. o!44' BUILDING CONTRACTORS Building a ew home? Let Sullivan Or Taylor homo builder build It for you Ph. 3-4473 or 3-7S70. 131a Kike Panek, 37B 8. Com'l. Ph 3-5161 Brake Wheel aligning special late olIO BULLDOZING Dean Robinson. Ph. 30037. Bulldozlm leveling, road bids., clear ing teeth for brush. Virgil Huskey, 1010 Falrvlew Ave. Ph. 1-1146, Baiem. Q134' CASH REGISTERS Instant delivery of new RCA caah register Al makes sold, ranted, re paired Roen 450 Court. Ph 1-0773. CEMENT WORKS For expert guaranteed satisfaction new or repair oi foundations, fiaawaixs, driveways, patios, curba, wall, etc. Call 2-tOOU, OIK CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace chimneys vacuum cleaned. Ensley. 771 S. 31st Ph. 3-7171. ollO1 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Vlnca'a Electric for electrical wiring, contracting, repairing 181 aV Liberty Ph. 1-0330 o EXTERMINATORS Breltbaupt's for flowera Dial 1-0170. o HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS i. R Welkins Co producta Fret 4e .lvery 1717 Center Ph. J-IMI. INSULATION A.B.C. Insulation Co. Ph. 1-3740. 130' LANDSCAPr NURSERY P A. Doerfler as Sona. Ornamental. 100 N. Lancaster Dr. at 4 Cor. Ph. 1-1131. o LAWNMOWER8 Sharpening, guaranteed oervlee. New power and hand mowers CaU Harry . Scott. 107 So. Cam ! St tltO' LAWN MOWER SHARPENING LAWN MOWER SHARPENING Expert work. F. Roach, call 10030. el41 At youi door lewnmower iharpenlng Dexter the lawnmawer man Ph. 16011 o block laying 4114 MATTRESSES Capital Bedding. Phone 1-4000. Smltty'a Clipper Sen trucks, tars renud Fb 10100 a or Center Cburch MUSIC LESSONS Spanish and Hawaiian Oultar, Mando lin, Banjo, ttc. 1631 Court St. Fb. 1-1 M. till NURSES' REOISTRT OFFICE FURNITURE A SUPPLIES Desk chairs, files and fltlnt auppltu. aafa. duplicators and supplies, desk lamoa typewriter stands, brief eases Fltrct Wire Recorders. Rats. 400 Court OIL CIRCULATOR SERVICE CaU Cy Tounier. Ph. 1-0071. Jerry Johnson. Ph. 1-1713. A f strom 'a ara equipped to painting Phone 1-1401 FAINTING AND FAPERRANOINO call 13000 for your Painting Paper- hantlne. Attractive rate oiw "painting and paperhanglng. Free-eetl-mate Ph. 1-0511. 057 Snipping. em PICTURE FRAM1NO !etur frsmina Hatchtee Paint Store PhOkt 1-0117 f plaVttrino Patching, Repatrino. Ph 1-1 101. Piahei 344 S Com'L Ph. t-lOH. PRICING, SPRATINO L. W. Caudle. Ph. 3-7000. Philip W Belike. Ph. RADIO REPAIR Raj Moor 33T0 Portland Rd. Ph. J -04 11 RADIATOR REPAIR Cleaned, repaired. $ O Balr Bono Ph II 101 S Drlee-ba Theatre Since 1017 0133 Ray Moore 3370 Portland Rd. Ph. 1-04)3 RE nUO ERA Tl ON A A PFtlANCf" REPAIR Ttelfinator freeaari Lehman i Matthews JI M. Via OH. Fb. 07041. 0)104 DIRECTORY SAND j GRAVEL Oarden Soil, crushed rock. Shovel and drat no axes vat ins Walling Sand At Oravai Co. fhone 3-0341 o Valley Sand Gravel Co Silt, aand A Ml dirt Excavating 10B shovel at eats Tractor scoop Ot trucks for dirt moving Ph. office 34003. res. 37140 o Salem Saw Wrka. Ph. 1-7003 13M M. Oth 0136 1EWERB AND SEPTIC TANKS Bectiia Soto-Rooter Exclusive Patent Resor iharp Steel Cutting Blades Clean Sewers m Drains Sept la Tanks Olsanetf Seas. Ph 1-0111 ee 1-0400 SEPTIC TANKS K. P. Hamel. Septic tanks cleaned. Electric machine aervic on aewer and drain llnea. Guaranteed work. 1143-Oth St.. Wast Salem. Ph. 1-7404. 0145'a Septic Service. Tanks cleaned Roto Rooter Service on Sewers. 1079 Sim 8t, W. Salem. Ph. 0-1400. 1-5317 0110" TRANSFER A STORAOR xcal j Distance Transfer, storage Burner oils coal Orlqu'U Trucks to Portland daily. Agent tor Br kins House hold goods moved to anywhere in DO o. Canada Lamar Transfer Ji Storase Ph 1-3111 TYFEWB ITERS Smith Corona, Remington Royal, Under wood portables All makes UMd midlines Repairs and rent Roen. 450 Court, o VENETIAN BLINDS WELL DRILLING J. A. Sneed Bona, well-drill lng. 5505 Brooks St.. Salem. Ph. 3-0000. 0133 Fred Wymore. Rt 1 Bos 317 Ph 35135 WEATHERSTRIPPING Free estimates 1 WINDOW CLEANING Acme Window Cleaners Windows, walls woodwork cleaned Floors cleaned, waxed and polished Ph 3-3337 147 Court. Lansdoc Culbertaon and Mather WINDOW SHADES Washable, Roller Made to order. 1 Dav Del. Reinholdt es Lewis. Ph 33630. 0 WOOD SAWDUST West Saler Fuel Co. Ph. 1-4031. WOODSAWING Atkins Crosa. Ph. 31074 or 38178. ol!4 LEGAL NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE MOUNTAIN VIEW DRIVE FROM CAN DALARIA BOULEVARD TO HANSON AVENUE. Notice hereby la given that the com- mnnrAiincll nf th rltv Of Salem. OrCEOn. deema It necessary and expedient and hereb declares Ita purpose and Intention to Improve Mountain View Drive from the south line of Candalarla Boulevard to the north line of Hanaon avenue, in uie city of Salem. Marlon county. Orexon. at the expense of the abutting and adjacent nroMriT. extern in street uiuiKcuoni the expense of whlcn wilt be asaumed by the eltv of Salem, bv brlnxlng said por tion of aald street to the established grade, constructing cement concrete curbs, and paving said portion of aald atreet with a 3Vi inrb aaphaltlc concrete pavement 30 feel wide In accordance with the plane and specifications therefor which were adonted bv the common coun cil May 0. 1040, which art now on file in the office of the city recorder and which by this reference thereto arc made a part nereoi. The common council hereby declares Its purpose and Intention to make the above described Improvement by and through uie atreet improvement Department. By Order of the Common Council May 0, 1040. ALFRED MUNDT. Cltv Recorder Date of first publication hereof la May Capital Journal, May 13, 14. 10. IT, 18, 10. 30, 11. 13, 34, 30. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE MARION STREET FROM EAST CURB LINE OF CAPITOL STREET TO WEST CURB LINK OF TWELFTH STREET, Notice herebv la liven that the c mon council of the city of Salem. Oregon deema H neceseary and eipedlent and hereby declares Its Duroose and Inten' tlon to Improve Marlon street from the east curb lint of Capitol atreet to the west curb line of Twelfth street, in the eity oi eaiem. Marion eountv. oreaon. the expense of tha abutting and adjacent property, oy removing st existing euros. and constructing new cement concrete curoa, widening the existing pavement irom m ieei to o reeu a left or sucn additional width to be on each side of the existing pavement and auch addition al width to be paved with a 0 Inch Port land eement concrete pavement, and the existing pavement to be resurfaced with 1V inch aaohaitle concrete naveinent- all In accordance with the plana and spe cifications therefor which wera adopted by the common council Mav 0. 1040. wnien ara now on file in the offlee of cuy recorder ana wn en bv this reference thereto are made a nart here of. The common eouncll herebv declares Ita purpoae and Intention to make the above described Improvement by and through tha atreet Improvement depart ment. By order of the Common Council May 1040. ALFRED MUNDT, City Recorder Date Of flrat BUbllcatlon hereof la Ua 13. 1040. capital Journal Mav 11. 14. is. if. la 10. . 11. 13. 3. 10. ADVERTISEMENT FOB BIDS 8KPARATS aaaled btda will be received by the Board of Education of School Dlatrtct No. 240J, Marlon County. Ore ton, at the School AdmlnUtration Office, 400 N. High Street. Salem. Oreaon. until June 7, 1040. 7:10 o'clock PM., Daylight Saving Time, (or the following work: Additions and Alteration to Bnglewood Orade School and Addition and Alter ation to McKlnley Orade School, and will then and there be opened and publicly read aloud. Bid received after the time fixed for opening will not be considered. Plana, specification and form of eon. tract document may be examined andor obtained at the off let of Proems n Ox HayaJlp, Amoc. Archt., 3040 S. W. Third Ave.. Portland, or the office af Cnnnn O. Ward. Clerk. 400 N . High St ree t . Salem, Oregon. A deposit of 135 00 will required lor each orclect. which will be refunded upon the return nf elan nA epeclflcationa within a reasonable time. Attention la called lo Bidder Preouallfl. cattona, Sectlona 00-103 to 01103 Inc.. OCLA), which mml be filed witei the Clerk 10 day before date for open ins of bid and for which form mar be ob tained at tha Office of the Arehlteeu or the Clerk. No propoaal will be considered unlaw accompanied by a certified check, cashier' check or bid bond iwtth authorised aurety company aa aurety mad payable to the owner in an amount of not lota than 3 of the amount of the b:d. Surety bond will required In accordance with me contract naeumfnt. The School Dimtrt raaervM the right to reject any or all bide and to waive all Informalities. No bidder may withdraw hts bid after w nour t lor the opening thereof a tore award of contract, unle said award la delayed for o period exceeding ay. OONNBLL O. WARD. District Clerk - Mar 31 30. June 4 EXErt'TRIX' Mftim NOTtCS IS HBTtEBT OIVrN that PEANL OERTRUDE OWEN ha been, by erder oi tn circuit Court of the State Oregon for Marion County, appointed executrix OT the estate of ALBERT EL- WTN OWEN, deceased. Any person having claim aaatnat said eatat are requeateo to preaent them, with proeer veuchera, to aald executrix at 310 Pioneer Trail Building. Balem. Orecon. within aix month from th date of this notice. Dated thU 31at day of Mar. 1!H0. PEARL OERTRUDE OWEN Executrix of the Batata of Albert S:wvn Owen, deceased. t HOT EN RHOTEN SAM F. SPEX7U0TRA Pioneer Truat BuUdino Balem. Oreaon. Attemera for Eaeeutrii. May 31 30. June 4 II II LODGK CP LOOT, uru (very Wed' owdajr Ufht. VUllora wel Mrs. Bowman Y On Another Trip Mrs. Katie Bowman, Salem centenarian who reached her 100th birthday a few week! ago, left again Saturday on one of her frequent trips. She left rriday morning by Pacific Trailways bui for Altus, Okla., by way of Lot Angeles and Albuquerque, and will make the entire trip by Trailways, as she has done several times in recent years to southern places. a Recently she went to Lot An geles, and on a three-day stay there appeared on an ABC net work program, and was re awarded with an electric wash ing machine, electric mixer, etc. The piesent trip to Oklahoma is to visit her last blood relative, Mrs. Aba Bush, who is ill. In Los Angeles she will again be on a radio program. Mrs, Bowman travels alone. Stocks Level Off After Decline New York, May 21 The stock market levelled off to day after a four-day running decline. It was scarcely an aggressive advance but a good majority of key issues moved up minor frac tions. A handful of minus signs dotted the list and numerous shares remped at Friday's fi nal quotations. Trading , a now even for a Saturday. Turnover was at a rate which would bring transac tions for the two hours only slightly above 200,000 shares. Brokers now are blaming the approaching fourth-round wage negotiations with the prospect of higher wages coupled with de clining sales .as the major stumbling block in the market's path. Corporate bonds moved nar rowly. MARKET QUOTATIONS Saleaa Lleeetra Mrhet (B Vallei Packing Compa-nyi ' Spring lambs top 134.00 to 136 00 Sheared lamtw, top. tlt.00 to 130.50 Yearllnia. light 114 00 to 118.00 Cwea 12.00 to 10.00 Cutter eowa Sio.oo to 114.00 Fat dairy eowa 114. SO to 110.00 Dairy hellers .115.00 to 010.00 Bulla 110.00 to 131.00 "alvea goo (300-4M)lba. 130.00 to 133.00 Veal (150-300 IbA.) good . 134 00 to 128.00 (oca Price paw within tit of Port end price for each type Top. 170-223 .ba PortlanO Preoaee Balterfat Tentatlfe. auajeel to Imme diet change Premium quality mail mum 10 .33 to 1 percent aeldltt delivered to Portland 01 -64c lb., Ilrat que lit 7 B0-02c 'b. second quality 37-80c. Valley route and country points fe leap than tirat. Batter Wholesale FOB bulk oubes to rholeaale;a grade AA, 03 s:ore, 01-03C; A, S3 acora 00-81ttc: B, 00 acore, 08e lb.. O, 80 acore, 67c lb. Above prices ara atrlct ir nominal Cheese Belling price to Portland whole sale Oregon emgiea. 38 4 -40 So Oregon I lb loaf. OUfc-OOVto: triplet e lea than tingles Cgga fTe Wholesalers 1 A grade lane 31-63 c; A medium, 31-31 Vie; grade B. 'arte. 4?,4-04c Partial) Dairy Market - BetterPrice to retallara- Grade AO prlnta Me: AA cartons 07c: A prints. 00c; A cartons. 07e: B print. 03c. Cgga Prke to retailer: AA large 50c. certified A large. SOc: A large. t-sss; AA medium. Me; certified A. medium. 04ei A medium. Olet carton 1c additional Cbeeea Price to retailera. Portland Oregon slnglaa 40l-00Vfce Oregon loal. I 43Wj-33ci triolet IMe laar than ain- Cla Peaiiry 1,10 catcaeae no 1 quality fob planta. No. 1 broilers under SW Iba -30e roaa'ter 4 Iba. and over. 30-lle lb : fowl. Leghorn under 4 lb.. 34-33c: over Iba. 30-37c; colored fowl. aU weights. So le; roosters, all weigh ta, 10-30c. Babbits Ataraee to growers lor Sea hlte: fryer white. 4-3 Iba 37-30 lb ; 3-0 Iba.. )6-0 lb ; colored Ol-tSc; old oi heavy doe. ll-10e srreaxed frrera ta butchera. aTOOc: eld near onea. ISl0c Tarkeyo (Prleaa emoted are tot to the producer on a dressed weight basis) - grao m yoang toms si age lb.; no I young bona, nominally 00c Dreeeed tarkeva ta retailer! OtaOe A. young hen. 70-71 New Yorr- style dree a graoe youna torn aa-eva Portland Mleeellaneoaa Ceeeara Bark Dry lOe lb., green Ve lb Wool Valley eoarse and medium gradea toe lb Man air 30e fb. on 13-month growth. fllOee Calves 30a ib., according to weight klpa. 18c lb., beef tl-llo lb., bull S-flc Ib . country buyer pay 3a laaa Nat Quotations Walnuts Pranouettea mat oualltt tuns bo. 34 7c, large. 33. 7o; medium. 37 3c; sec ond quality Jumbos. 10.3c. large 30 3a; medium, 30 3e: baby 33 3c, aefl ahel, first amy large. 19 le: medium 30 3a: sec ond quality large 07.3c: medium 14 7a; baby 33 3a. Filberts afumn. 30e lb; targe. 10 medium. 10c: small. 13c Quotetlnne above supplied by North- LEGAL NOTICE TO CRFDITOBS Na. 13700 In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore on. for th County of Marion. Probate Department, in the matter of the aatat of Oie T. Store aali, deceased. Notice la hereby given that the under- ataned ha been appointed administrator, eta of the aatate of Ole T. Storaaali, de ceued. by the Circuit Court of th State of Oreaon. for Marlon County, and ha 4iallfied All peraon having Calms tea I rut aald eatate arc hereby notified to preaent the aame to me at the office oi th Capital Journal, Balem. Oreaon. with voucher and duly verii'd, within aix month from the date hereof. Date of flrat publication May 7. 1340. Date of lat publication June 4, 1040. Fdwin M Lewi, Attorney. Mar 7. 14, 31. 30; June 4 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE 1 hereby given that the under aigned ha Med In the Circuit Court ef th State of Oregon for th County of Marlon, Probate Department, her duly ver J(fd Final Account aa Executrix of n estate or Julia E. Blodeetl. deceased. an that aald Court ha fixed Mondav. he 30th dar or June, 1040, at th hour f 10 00 oelock A. M. of aaid day a the time, and the Circuit Court Room In the County Court Houa In Salem, Marion ieun;y. vregon aa in place lor h'erlng aaid Final Account and all objection thereto. Dtd at Salem, Oregon, thli 7th day et Mar. iat SARAH BLODOrrT PRTPRSOR eaerutrix of lae estate of Julia B Biodeett. oeceaaed. Ronald C. mover, Attorney for Executrix, Salem, Oregon May T 14 3! : June LODGK 8 , Speclsl MM. degree, Klng- wood lodge No. 204. AT. and A.M. May 33. 7:30 p-in. (St Weat BaUsm CltF HniU 123 I FT"7? 1 WOJOjaawaaawf,: ,JrT :; - if." M Centenarian on Trip Mrs. Katie Bowman, Salem centen arian, who left alone Friday for a trip to Altus, Okla., shown here boarding a PacificvT railway bus. She is being assisted on the bus by Glen Perry, driver, and H. G. Cooper, Salem Trail ways agent. (Photo by Joe Tompkins) Difference Between Total And Black Eclipse Explained By HUGH PRVETT Astronomer, Extension Division, Oregon Higher Education System ' "Can you tell me in 10 easy words the difference between a 'total' and a 'black eclipse?" ' Our correspondent referred to the press reports regarding the unusual darkness of the moon for a while during the recent fade out. Many then had difficulty seeing it and suspected a small cloud possibly obscured it al- though the bright star Spica nearby remained bright. Some said Spica also faded. Hoping for better vision, one enthusiastic watcher energetic ally polished her already -spotless large east window. Life magazine state that leading as tronomers recalled seeing no other lunar eclipse so dark. At no time, however, where the sky was clear did last month's eclipsed moon become entirely invisible. Since the in vention of telescopes, the moon has on three occasions blacked out so completely among the Blattering stars that it was im possible for a time to see it at all. even with optical aid. Th dates were April 25, 1642; May 18, 1761; and June 10, 1816. At a few other times it was hard to- see. appearing about like the Milkv Way. The eciplses In June 1620 and Oct. 1884 are ex amples. ' The earth's shadow at the dis tance of the moon is almost three times as wide as the moon, so at the middle of a long eclipse our lunar neighbor is well Im mersed in shade. But mythical 'moon-men" then looking our way might see a ring of rosy l!.Y,t all nrAiinri thm hii00 hlarlc tarth. Had Olir World no St mospheric coverinR, they could not see this light, nor could they if the air around this rim should be filled with clouds. Light rays passing very obli- ouely through a medium of vary ing density, such as different. heights of the earth's airy cov ering, are refracted (bent) in ward somewhat. Besides, this white light loses much of its blue anrl trlnlot Kv emttprino In mir . i ..... . air so that what finally leaves the atmosphere In this case bent inward and heading toward the eclipsed moon has a decid edly reddish tinge with which to paint darkened old Luna. Dr. H. N. Russell, the Prince ton astronomer, has this all f i sr uerd out mathematically in Sci entific American of Nov. 1942. Solar rays striking clear air along the earth's surface are bent inward 1.13 degrees. This will take the emerging coppery rays a little past the moon s cen ter when the Utter is In the middle of the shadow. If the entire ring of atmosphere around the earth within the range of the "moon-men" Is fill ed with clouds to a depth of one mue. ine oesi rays win mil ju-. reach the lunar center from all n,ui-. i. iiic uuuui ie nuir RatCllffe. higher, the center will be Invisi- ble. If they extend up four or' j ,. five miles, no refracted Mint wllll8""lB, rli,r Miin reach the moon's surface and ' Portland, Ore., May 21 f A truly "black" total eclipe wllliearch was ordered today for result. A mild approarh to this John Robinson, student flier evidently occurred April 12, 1 who disappeared Tuesday on a 1949. flight from Cookville, Wash , to Wenatchee. It was thought he Snm h-v -i, -.... th.i might have swung south into great masses of dust from vol - canic eruptions, ouch ss are srnman tn in the entire earth and remain In!"11-,!OUtn hl" four!,e' 1hrn the air for a few yearn, may alto1 ook "",ln br,orc vanish have played an important parti ' in all three "invisible" eclipse mentioned above. There were the eruptions of Taal (Philip pines) in 1MI, Vesuvius (Italy) in 1760 and Tomboro (near Java) katoa (Stinria Strait). in 1813. each preceding a blark-l Conversely, some have tried tn out eclipse by about a year. The: blame the recent northwest near-blackouta of 1620 and 1884:rthquake on the dark eclipse jeach followed great eruption! 2 . "C f Oklahoma Hit By 17 Twisters . (Br the AMOcUted Prui) A tornado offensive ground across Oklahoma into Kansas last (Friday) night and sent out flank attacks to strike Colorado and Tennessee. For the fourth night In a row Oklahoma bore the brunt of the tornado assault, with two dead and untold injuries and damage. Already groggy from state wide floods, Oklahoma counted 17 separate twisters from early evening to midnight. More re ports were expected from isolat ed plains communities. In Kansas, more twisters hit southeast of Garden City, near Scott City, Wilmore, Rozel, Chase, Gorham and near Salina and Gypsum. Colorado's storm was at Wray, in the northeast near the Kansas-Nebraska bor der. In Tennessee the damage was at Goin and Barn creek. Since Tuesday, near two-score twisters have battered the Soon er state, while violent electrical storms poured down torrents that sent nearly every prairie creek and river leaping out of its banks. Considering the violence of the weather, the death toll was mercifully light. Two flood deaths one last night and one Tuesday were the only other fatalities beside the tornado victims. Military Law a a a i ! larCAC fftr W I Announcement was made Sat urday by the Instructor for the Army Reserves in Salem, Capt. Richard Reynolds that the mil itary law classes to be held here for regular army personnel and members of the reserves will be held at the Willamette Universi ty law school. Two different cla-ses are to he held weekly, th first hold ing, Its first weekly meeting Tuesday, May 24, and the sec ond, Thursday, May 27. Already approximately SO persons have registered for each class Instructors fcr the classes eight meetings of each class will be held are Lt. Col. Francis T Wade, Lt Col. Eugene E. Laird, MaJ. Clifton Enfield ch.rl., Jens and Capt, Maj Robey lrron ln n ltempt to get around cloudi. He landed in a 1 farmpx'i fifld noar Packwood by year. The first followed! the eruption of Hecla (Iceland); thai lArnnil tha arnnlinn V tnt preceding evening. Capital Journal. Salem. Oregon. Saturday, May 21, 1949 17 Union Ultimatum Threatens End to Ford Negotiations Detroit, May 21 () Government men strove today to save the Ford strike negotiations from collapse. In a developing emergency federal mediators worked to keep the company and the striking CIO United Auto Workers at the peace tabic. 'Grains Move Higher Today Chicago. May 21 (ft Grains generally moved higher today in a fairly brisk trade. Most in terest centered around the May deliveries, in which healings ended at the close. They advanc ed on short-covering with soy beans showing the most strength. May wheat closed a4 -1 higher at $2.24-2.25, May corn 2'2-4 higher at $1.353-1.38, May oats unchanged to 3 high er at 67i-71, May rye un changed to H lower at $1.37 M- May soybeans to 8 cents higher at $2.40-2.43, and May lard two cents lower to 18 cents a hundred pounds higher at $11.35-11.53. Deferred wheat futures end ed 2 lower to higher, corn 1 cent lower to to 2 cents higher and lard unchanged to 8 cents a hundred pounds high er. 58 Planes 0(1 On Marine Trio Portland, Ore., May 21 V) A transcontinental mass flight of light planes took off from here today with 58 of them scheduled to land at Portland, Me., next Friday. The 39 planes which left here this morning were to pick up nine added starters at Pendleton and Boise today. Pilots for 10 new planes to join the flight at Lock Haven, Pa., May 28 are passengers on the western part of the trip. Pilots from Bend, Klamath Falls. Medford, Coos Bay and The Dalles were to link themselves with the group on today s stops. Tour Secretary Frank Wo- mack said the tour the sev enth for Oregon businessmen pilots is the longest mass flight of small planes ever attempted. The purpose, he said, is to have fun and publicize the state. With special reference to the Port land Rose Festival June 8-12 and the Pendleton Round Up August 24-27. However, boost er groups from the Grants Pass Cavemen and the Coos Bay Pirates are along to promote their areas. On its previous flights the tour group has flown 18,300 miles with a cracked propeller the most serious damage. A C-47 assigned by Air Sec retary Stuart Symington is a part of the flight, carrying press and radio representatives and fliers' luggage. Overnight stops are sched uled at Salt Lake City, Chey enne. Wichita, Indianapolis. Akron, Lock Haven and Port land. The planes will return individually after a May SO flight to Washington, D.C. New Sentences for Recaptured Convicts McMinnville.May 21 Wi New sentences were Imposed here yesterday on two convicts who escaped from the state peniten tiary last week-end, only to be captured two dayi later at Prineville. Convicted of stealing a car ln their flight, the two. Henrv Bradley and Ralph E. Neyman, were sentenced to three years each. The sentences will run concurrently with terms thev were serving. The men took the automobile at Sheridan. It was recovered In Prineville. STOCKS QUOTATIONS fc tnt Alew PvskiaV Asaeneaa osi . 01 . 10'4 .140 .. US Aa Pa to Aaa Tel A rl ..... Aaaeanda . .... Sndia Arlaileai Beth ateel , eelnf Atrpten .., Oallf Paeklnf ... Canadlasi PaalHo Oaae 3 I ( oi trailer Otirreter .. Caen with Baa ... Can Tulle .... CntifiBta: Cap .., Orava Senerbach , Curl It trriiAi ,., OsutlM airrrart . HmpabI 4 Net Oentrai Ctee'ria ntntral OntMla Ot natal atDMir ... Oaodrear 1 ire In i Rartta'er ,,,,, Inl Paper ....... Kenneenlt Mbb Urn A 1 .... Lena Bell A" tf entf omerr rd th Pitnatr i nitre ... T Cent'ei .... , lis , ai'. . in , 43H . 01 tarthtTD feelfte .., If.. -. Pan Pa flat r,.e . raa Tel A lei .. net j O ,,,, "14 1 a Carp .... . a !! .,, aiarenlar pfd RiraeirU Utiaio Banned rawer ftiaraa . 41S . OlS ar BUekufi Mthara Parlflr ouar on c Iia4tlt C' j t a . ; JjJ iia r2 " otitl "rM ", ! a J wota The strike's 11th negotiation session was scheduled today. A union ultimatum to walk out unless Ford agreed to start 1949 contract negotiations on Monday forced the new issue on the UAW "speed-up" strike's 17th day. Ford, all of whose 106.000 pro duction workers are idle, blunt ly refused. The union and management, in an exchange of sharp words, laid the blame for each other on any possible washout of the peace talks. Federal mediators Arthur C. Viat and Sylvester Peti were hopeful. The two formally en. tered the negotiations yesterday. Viat conceded "it's tough" but said "we are doing our best to keep the parties together." "There is a lot of time be tween now and Monday," he added. The recriminations in an in creasingly bitter verbal battle reached a peak yesterday. ; Vice President John S. Bu gas of Ford and UAW President Walter Rcuthcr. chief negotia tors, blasted one another. Bugas told Reuther in a let ter: v. "Your intention seems throughout to have been to use every possible device to keep this strike going." This was in reply to a Reu the raccusation that the com pany was "using a legitimate strike as a subterfuge to delay contract negotiations." The union wants to negotiate a new contract a the same time that the parties try to negotiate a strike settlement. Salem Markets CceaoleleS trees reperte Maleas See. re far Ib laldaare Capital Jnrnal Reader. (Revise tally). tUlell 9 rrtee See Mash 00.10. Rsftblt Pellela I4.SI. Dairy Pe 04 00. Peallrrt tviyins oriee Grade A oalava ed hen SOe; orade A thorn hen, at eenU. Orade A colored fryer, three pound and up, too. Orade k old rooeter II -ant too Barlai Price Extra lane AA. '40; lari AA 40c: tart A, 40c; medium AA 40e; medium A. 4l-44c: pullets, ll-IOe. Waalcaale Prlaee Ea wholesale price I i t aent above the price above. Orade A oeaerallr sjuoted at &3c: sne- d'Mm 40c. Premium, lie. Ho. 1. Hot Ho. t, II- ftle (buvloi price). Batter Wholesale trade A, 0e; rt .all llo. DEATHS Oarah Jan Oarllrk a rah Jan Oarllck, Mar II. at Jeffer aon. Oreaon. Mother of Hay W. Oar llck of Jefferson. Jam Oarllck of Port land, Mr Joale Burt of ClacMma. Mr. Pear) Smith of Vale. Mr. Nellie OJilvely of Albany and Mr. Mary KIM on of LeaOurc, Ore., and alMer of Mr. Mar Martin ef McMlnnvllla and Mr, rannie Adams ln Wlaconakn. Service will b held Tueday. May 34. at 1:30 p.m.. ai Ih Maey chapel In MrMlnnvllle. In terment la the Iverireen cemetery at MeMlntiTllle. Lama Paa4 Leon a rt, II. at tha mldence, 004 North nth atreet. May 10. Survived by parent. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Paat of Balem; and a brother. Lloyd Put of Baiem. Member or the Kins wood Bible church of Balrm. eVrvlcea will be held Monday. May 33. It I p m. at the H owe 11- Edwarda chapel with Rev. A. A. Loewen efflelatlnc- Interment in the Let Ml sion cemetery. r f Baby Olrl Blraaeb Baby lrl Straurh. at a Wal hospital. May 10. Infant daunhter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Straurh. 3400 Laurel ave. Salem. Survived by a sister, Donna Hi Straurh. and a brother. Steven Straurh. both nf Salem: a randparents. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorce M. Straurh or Dent, Minn . and Mr. and Mrs. K. O. Pevsena of Salem. Private service were hrld Sat mday. May 31, with Internum In St. Bar bara cemetery under th direction W. T. B li don company. Anna Davit Anna Davis, at the retlnenre. nntoia, route I, bo a 3T. May 10. at the ear of 01 yeara. Survived by the husband. Harry oavis or nrooas ana a mere, Mrs. neias Bender of Riverside. Calif. Member ef tha Church of Ood. Bervlre will ba held at th Howell-Edward chapel Tuesday, May 34. at 1:10 pm. with Rev. J. J. Oil iMPle offielatlnt. Interment la tha Lao Mlaaloa cemetery. Will la ss Rmllh In this cur. May 10. William Rmltti. la' raaident ef route 1, boa 107. Salem, Bur vlved by brother, W. H Smith ef Ba lem, Lee A. Smith ef Dallaa, Texas, and Carl M. Smith ef Paeoma. Calif. Bervlrr will b held Monday, May 21. at 1 10 p m. in tha W. T. Riedrm chapel with concluding aervleea In th Le Miuloa emtlry Uhm Balebelor John Batch lor. at tha residence at Turner May 30. Survived by wife. Mre. Clara Batehelor of Turner; and a dsns ti ter . Pearl SUl of Nampa, Idaho. An nounreitient of eervke later by ' Clout h Barrkk company. OBITUARY OUt PR MAtON PTOPI P.O Lebanon Oliver Maaon People. 03 of Lacomb, did at hi home a the reault of self Inflirted aunanot wound Accerdina to Ol'nn Huaton. county coroner, th aaed man had ben f.l and In eatrem pain I it the past several months and had resumed effort lo plare h;m in a hoapi lal for treatment He aa born in Miaou rl. Marrh 34. 1107. He had tlvrd in Oreaon 40 years, the la..' 30 yeara haxna been spent In Lromb He was a retired farmer, Rerviee will be held ffaturdav at 3 p m. at the Howe -Hunt on f hi pel In Lebanon. Tntermen' will be in the I.arnmb ceme tery. R'irvtorft are h.a Ann, Lary ol Ieinf vlew. ah., Ralph of Yelm. Wa..h , Prank of Iromb. nrp-ton Carl T Mirr , Jef reraon. riauirMeri, Mr Wilford Kef ba nth. Reave rlon. Mr Jame Critcher, Sacra mentn; Ater. Mr Mollie F' an "f Cl llornte. IT erandchlldren and elaht treat trandchlldren. Theadere H. Hall Silverton Funeral servlre for Theo dore H Hall, who did In Ine Smith Paalic in 1U a ill be hrld from l he Mem orial chapel nf the fckrtitn funeral tmme at 3 erlnrk Sunday with ourial In Valley View remeierv. He u survived by a aon, parent and aeveral brother and iir. Oartfen Malheaon Werorna - At hi home her May 10, Gordon Matr eann, at the ate of' -10 vears Binned by wile, Helen Mtheon if Wecima lo atep-chlitiren, Vietll Denton and Oladv Kroner, both ef Pnrtitnd: and two trandchlldren. er ires will be held Mnndav. May 33, at 1 pm at the Mrninnka and Wiltielm chap el ai Mil BR Mitwaukie avenue. Pnrtlaad. Xatomtnt ta Llncola Memorial park.