1 Capital Journal, Salem, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING! Pet Lint Ptr Lin time Per Line time .......... ,.15e ,.40e ! Per Liu I month II 00 ' Outside of Salem lie Pr Una pt day U Ib OOet I time mm 80 I time mln 81.20 No Refund READERS 1 Lwcal Newe CL OnlTi Ptr une . oe To Place in Ad Phone 2-2406 ' F? SALEJHOUSES IT YOU LIKE nice -uhurban home. gar den, flowera and lawn, at a decent price, drive out to 890 Radrliffe Drive afternooni or evenings and see (or . yourself .Large living room, fireplace, "'tirt'wd. floors, clever dr., 3 bedrooms, ;., food utility room, garage, kitchen. Automatic halt, rinse and refrigerator r' included. Lot 160x100. Nice fence. Own- or leavini town. Must sell now. Phone S-em. oiai FOR SALE BY OWNERS WEW I B R. Home, located at 1665 Front , , at,, north off nth 8t. in north Ensle wood district. 110.500.00 with 1B.O00.O0 f HA. commitment, open evenings Fade ft Keena, owners ft builder. 122 EoDERN S b.r. house. Fruit A nut trees. Elect, range A water heater. 3 bllu. to '"hopping center. 1950. 437 C St., Indr pendenct Ph. 104J a 133 LOOK Two bdrm. atuero bouse, att. gar., com pletely fur n tuned witn Launaramat, TT. water healer, new electric stove, double plumming. $0,500. Ph. 38737 131' ENGLEWOOD $14,500 Hew. well constructed. I bdrm. home Large rooms, hardwood floors, big wm , dow. drapes, Vert, blind, dble. garsse. Lawn In. Oil air cond. furnace. If you want a new home in the Ilneat district let ua ahow you thl one. Chas. Hudkins & Son . M0 N. Hiah St. Phone 3-4138. sl31 ' 80IWW, OVER 300 ft. of hlway front. Neat. clean 3 rm. house. Good water ivi. Nice fir tree. V. acrei. Oood value. Ph. " 16600. ED. LUKINBEAL. REAL ESTATE 440N.14m St. a 133 HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT 07M FOR this new, well const, home. . ,Hbs 3 nice bdrm., llv. rm. with fplare, ' dinette, beautiful oak floors. Dandy utility rm. with ht. and lust wait till . you see tne xnrneni rn. .ocao. ED. LUKINBEAL. REAL ESTATE 440J. 14lh St. al33 A REAL OPPORTUNITY , i Mew all plastic z bdrm, bung, with apace In attic for extra rm. attached garage Largs lot In fine location. Unfinished . but a handy man could complete for a Ht "'small out-lay of. money. Price 85500. - 'Call Bon Clear. Walter Musgrave Realtor BEST BUYS 2 $1000 DOWN - t rm. furn. house, private welt. Close "to bus, atora and achool. Total price 14,200. VIEW A very nice rm. home, eloaa In. Extra large lot. Only I mo. old. Excellent view. 13,100 down. Total price only -09.500. JT-A1 Isaak & Co., Realtors f. Member of Multiple Listing Bureau 3036 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7830, 3-4598 Eve. 3-0473 j3-35S6 a!21 j ' tNE RED ROOM house. Newly decorated. ' 7 fruit trees. On bua Una. 13500. Ph. "3-4603. al- j ".?5'T or TOWN OWNER here to sell J hfririMim hnmr Rt offer takrs If I '""Furniture If desired. M0 N. 11th St. I No SundaycallsL al31' .jgT ROOM modern house, 9 blocks from Reach. Near good hunting and fish lng. Also 3 rm. cottage Pi blocks from beach, at Terr la Drl Mar. Write to L. O. Raker, Rt. 2, Box 74. Cloverdale. Ore. - or Ph. Balem 39070. al24' pJewMODEHN 2 BR house, large lot. 160 per month, 6 Interest, for Information call at07SalrmHelghta ave. east. a!31 4 ROOM house. 2 IotanOxl5oT Vmlle "Lyons, Ore. Box 13. E. E. Hensley. aiai justthe"placei t,BT OWNER: One bedroom modern home. ' Furnished. Includes refrigerator, knot- ''','Yy pine living room Ac kltrhen. Located ' ;nn - arra with ten Pranauct walnut ""trees, also two kinds- of berries. Nice "'" 'hog goes with this. See at Box 660, 3' blocks East of QBE on Bonne Rd. South J of town. Priced at only 84450. al3I ,4 A BARGAIN For Sale, I room new house, floored at tic, electric heat, oak floors. Venetian blinds. Insulated throughout. ' A. 1600 down, the rest FHA. 17000 full price. l See owner 4 miles South on Prinale toad. R. 4, Bx. 616. Dan H. Wlebe. a 134 ,.BT OWNER; Large all in garden, small BY OWNER New 2 hdrm. home, hard a ood floors. In nutated, elei trie heat .Buaby door. 8naKalcllff Dr. aiaa Jw6 BDRM., clrc. oil heat. "range,-elrc. water system. 2 A. Vess Hommel, Turn- a!33 riEAI'TIFI'L ranch style home on acre. Lawn, shrubs, garden hi. Fenced. Open eves, and Sun. fur Inspection. Small down payment on FHA ' mile east of .Lancaster on Center. Ph. 3004. alll AM. EI.EC. new. mod. home. lte. rm " ' LR, DR. 2 BR. Kit , bkf. nook, large " utll. rm.. H. W floors, fireplace. Ige, " 'elnsets. Lois of buill-ina, close in ror lot. 81H.000. For appt. call 3S4.H or apply BOB N. Coltagr. gi33- KING WOOD HFMG'HTs" - l.VOoo Nice Ige. home, llv. rm. IftxM. ifireplare, din rm . den, 2 bdrm , f basement, auto, oil fur., hwd. firs. km-Cell Hsrvrv Hurt. :.'Huff Real Estate Co. r. .( REALTORS 341 Themekela St. , - Ph.3P371, eves. 3V44I. aI32" " FAIR MOUNT" HlfLT Ixtvely. new 3 bdrm. or 3 bdrm. and Huff Real Estate Co. ' ' ' REALTOHS- 141 Chemeketa St ' Ph .10271. evrs. 19441 U3. lltRFE bedroom house with 1' baths living room, rtin.ng room, kllchen. base ment, aiiioniaiir heat, fireplace, hard- wmi iioors. garage to tracta lor acreage with a good house. ' tt TRADE for a larger house, this all ( atleftrie 3 bedroom home with haih. ltv ' lng room, dining room, nook, hardwood ; floora, basement, fireplace, double gar age. WI1,L ACXEPT a good late modal ear as part down payment on this new. all Jectrle. I bedroom home. Has baih living room, kitchen and nook, hard- wood floors, and Is very well built " P. H. Bell, Realtor Ph 1-lMli 361 Phemeketa St tvM.-8ft6l.J.7S. 1-I6ft6. g - TeO N. CHILDSriNC. '"" REALTORS T ROOM MODERN HOME. Only I yri eld '"Price H00. l I ACRES. I bdrm. plastered house " Breakfast nook; cement haement. fr- - -Dare, garaae. Chicken house. On pav- wi road clos in. Price only itooo -Terms -I -BEDROOM HOME with fireplace Nice mini room piu DrcBiiasi nnoh large -Mrms. Lots of rlel spare Full cement ... easement; oh rurnace. Close to MrKin ;..ley achool Price ill !WX -LEO N. CHILDS. INC. REALTORS Fit t-3M3. J44 Stale St Evenings. 1-4007. 3-4M0 allJ BY OBNER 1 ft. old I rm. house logo 41 Hth. g!32' "! 4 BEDROOM HOME rioa lo Stte Office bldaa Liv, rm . " fireplace, dm. rm , kitchen, bath. bee ' went . Oil furnace All rooms are ge " 'Very nice lot. Oaner wanta to aell THE REAL ESTATE MARKET r- St M. HiglSt Ph I-470.1. al32 BY OWNTR I rm modern house, Hollv- wood dlitrlet, loooo. Ph. 3 133 . nt'RT tTK and 3 bdrm house on ne Broadway ttenaloa. TI, Fh. 1-4017 S1U Oregon, Saturday, May 21, 1949 FOR SALE HOUSES Looking for a Home? WHY PAY RENT? You can own your own 2 bdrm. home, pear Laalla achool. a aurprua at 14300. LARGE WELL BUILT FAMILY HOUSE 3 bdrnu., fireplace, all on one floor Basement, garage. Laree lot. Cloaa In I7S.V). Small down payment. L. E. Klumpp Real Estate North of O rev hound Bua Depot Ph. 3-7642. Rea. 3-0136 Bill REALLY ciTTE 2 bdrm., large living rm Wall to wall carpeting, modern kitchen with bar. 00 Duncan. alJl ",rCan"You"Beat This?"" Thl lovely 3 BR home, located at I31H Franklin St., W. Salem, hu nice LR, DR Kit., bath. hdwd. fir,. plaaWred un ftn. up, full baaement, W. furnace, dble. garage, nice Jhrubs At tree, gell ing today at the ACTUAL FHA. bp praUed value of IS. 000, Term. 13,000 dn., ba at 157 per mo., and thla IncI fire Ins and taxe, for a nice comfort able home, plua value for your dollar, aee thU home today. For appointment, call John H. Hansen, Realtor $4,000 Two bedroom home with large aaraie. good location on Lancaster Ave. ' acre of excellent land, house la Plas tered, about 10 year old. Need redec orating and can be handled for lo down payment $5,500 THE BUY OF THE WEEK, large 2 bedroom home, with full basement and automatic oil furnace with air condi tioning, large garase also a car port Nice lot with plenty of shrubs, flowers fruit, etc. We think thl la well worth the monev. $500 DOWN Three bedroom home with full base ment, good location. Home ha been rented and need redecoration, Full price only I47S0. $1500 DOWN Two year old three bedroom home. In aulaled, automatic haat. Located in a restricted district, price reduced to 19, 000. Exeejent term. See Joe on this one. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 3-8316. 0,130' $1850 DOWN New 2 bdrm. home with large unfln. upstairs. LR. DR. fireplace, hdwd. firs., auto ht., attached garage. Lot 70x155, NE A real buy at 18950. Balance at 4w Interest. SOUTH SALEM 2'v yr. old 2 bdrm. home on corner lot. choice district. Lge. LR. DR. ulllity rm.. nciwn. nrs.. an eier. n . weatner st ripped and Insulated, attached garage, patio, garden, beautiful landscaping. Price 110,700. approx. 83000 down. Bal ance easy at 4'a Int. Homes, acreages, business opps.. Iota, etc. Come in. We probably have It I Open eves, till 1:301 COLBATH LAND CO. 1663 Center St. Ph. 24M3 RY OWNER, nearly new 0 room house C'ltv water, sewer, elec. heat. 65.800. Good terms. Ph. 3-3712. a!33 BY OWNER. New 2 bdrm. home. hdwd. floors, attarhed garage, automatic heat, fireplace. FHA terms. 1970 N. 23rri. B121 BLOCKS rrom city center" best rest deiiilal section. 2 bdrm. plus lame fin ished attic. 1 i bath. 09500. 868 ft. Liberty. al36' 1IMM DOWN, 645 mo.. 3 BR modern home. aitariiea gar. 770 B. Lancaster. alii FOR SALE new 3 rm. modern house In Mill city. Price :t200. Terms. Apply Sunday. 3361 Hazel Ave., Salem. J. Pletier. Apt. T. am ON MILL CREEK, to Irase 2-bdrm. mod ern nome: llreplare: hdwd. floors down stairs; double plumbing: full basement, wood furnace, elect, water htr,, slaly tubs; separate garage and furn. sleep ing porch; specious land -scaped grounds, lawn furniture 85 month. 2491 Trade St. JOE HUTCHISON, Realtor. 4S5 Court 81. Ph. 2-3639. gl3:i " $850 DOWN ! 2-bedroom home with fireplace, at tached garage, part hardwood floors. Balance 160 per month. Located eat. No. 353 : 3 BEDROOMS! Part basement, auto, oil furnace, nlre I fireplace, lovely back yard, private 1 drive, extra utility room off kitchen. ; Mske an ofTer. Eaay term to re- . sponsible party. No. 304 Reimann Real Estate Phone 3-9209 301 Snmh )tit m Sun. & Ete., 3-3738, 3-8341. 3-5905, 2-2346. al31 SPECIAL SILVERTON ROAD SPECIAL 1710 cash-bal. 160 per month will bur almost 3 acres of aood soil A sub stantial older style 3-bcdroom home; iinfinihed mstBlr., solid concreie foun dation, some outbmldins. Why pav rent ? OUR BEST BUY TODAY We offer prospective purchasers no ixiiuBj on una excellent 3-bedroom home In the Reiser area; full basement, oil furnace, fireplace, larse frnced yard perfect location, city bus. Onlr lf00 do n. bal. FHA Purchase price 11000 less than aiprelsrd value. We say -don'i hesitate. Mattson & Roethlin REAL ESTATE Phone 3-.sfl.tB 1 Norih Hltli Bhe. Ph. 1.724, 2-7433, 3-1734 at33 BV OWNKR: View home Candalaria hais New. 2 bdrm., lie. LR. im. kitchen and nook. Dble saraae Auio, oil furnace Ue lol. 34K Alice Ae Out S Com in 1 turn west at Dairy Queen. Pli. 3.4406 IU.I BV OWNER: New 1 RR home, wail to' wall carpel. Every modrtn convenience, Lol 380XJJ0 Will accept car as pari nt -"V"-, B"' r,( v pl -S"07 al33- $;i!)o0 Small I wo bedroom home al ede of cltv. Noilli, Wired for ranse f.et. water healer. At i ached aarasr wuii lanndt travs Garden "ce. , b'.ock to bus A real bur. COLBATH LAND CO. 1001 Center St. p,,, UMJ Sun. PlvJ-l405 S-9017 or 3-OOJl alll Reduced to' $3850 I10O0 down will handle this 2 RR home on lae. rorner lot So Summer St Owner has purchased acreaie and eacri flee for quick aale Strout Realty 0!VO S llth Bt Ph 2-. Ml) el2P $1850 DOWN New t bdrm. home wiht la tie unfln uwlB(rs LR DR fireplace, hdwd Mrs auto hi. attached taraee I.oi TOiiv NE A real buy at gM. Balance at 4li. imeif-.' SOUTH SALEM 8' yr. old t bdrm. home on rorner lei choice district le. LR. DR. utiln rm hdd firs., all ele. ht , aeatherairlpped and insulated, attached aaraee, pane eairten. beautiful landscape Price IIO.7A0 appro. 11 000 down. Balance easv at 4 , Int. Homes acr rases, business epns lots etc. Come in We probably hee It. COLBATH LAND CO. 108 Center St Pi J-4M tui TR4.PE: Veteian ould like to trade ht equity in I bdrm. home located in K:er dl't for late model car TATE TEft4V We HaM a new I BR home Uf BH lae. LR. iota of elos et space K, full ba:h. ut , rm , attarh gar Pleniv room for RR upeiairs lo eatM on pate at in Reiir dist. Close to bis school. Only t00 doan TRADE Owner ou;d like to trade hi. 8 BR borne LR. DR. R, Mm int acre locate on MiA..ion t. in eit limiu for nice home and lol in ton Keizer Real Estate & Ins. ONAS OION C R RICRARP 000 Chemaa Rd H mi west of KeTet aehool. Fhoog I UH i 1-4111, alll' FOR SALE HOUSES CLOSE IN SUBURBAN I bdrm., liv. rtn , din. rm., room to eat in kitchen, hall, bath, large tnaide utility. Built in 1041 by preaent oaner. Nice large lot with creex in rear, garden In, firt time luued FHA ehould eppratae thla for around 19000. The price U 170,10. Call Roy Ferna. 1280 buy this 4 rm. home located tn Laalia School dutrlct. 1 bdrnu., paved at. Call O. H. Oraoenhorat, Jr. TWO Or SALEM S FINEST HOMES 1388 Court St. Home In excellent condition, hot water, heating avstema, 4 bdrnu., fireplace, large corner lot. Ideal for eonveraion to a pi. M0 North 13th St. Beautiful family home, 4 bdrnu. plug alee pi rig porch auto, oil heat, finished in excellent taate thruout. Double garage, apnnkllng ivstem. Call Earl West. MR. INVESTOR SoOOO buy IhU concrete block bid . located in main arterial, ft r. leg at 060 per month. A real buy. Call Ooburn L. Orabenhorst. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty St. Sundav and Roy FerrU 3-OOlfl Peter H Oelaer 3-1981 Earl West 2-12S2 REAL ESTATE AUBURN DISTRICT A modern 3 BR home with S ierr full basement. 3950 Monroe Ave. Price toooo. Anown by appointment. An additional S acre ean be purohaacd with this property. JOHNSON IN CITY LIMITS 4 acres for 14000 Can be handled on amall down payment and term. A good Investment. JOHNSON 4 BEDROOMS, NORTH SALEM Oood location. Fireplace, basement, double garage. Only W650 on term. CRAWFORD 4 BEDROOMS, NORTHEAST Suburban. Fireplace, large fenced lot, nice lawn; g fin place for kiddle and only 18050. CRAWFORD 5 ACRES, $850 Oood building alte on pavement. 8 mtle south. Term, too. CRAWFORD WE WANT AN OFFER 9 acre with good, roomy, modern I BR home, barn, ehiek house. I acre atrawberrie, fine lawn and shrubs. CRAWFORD YOUR TERMS 86 acre, 6 mile outh. Must be' sold at once. Make ua an offer. CRAWFORD BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Downtown furniture and hardware, good location. Clean atock, building for lease. KIOOIN8 CLOSE IN BUSINESS DISTRICT Three houses on OlSxlBS fool lot. KIOOINS NO. 3 ZONE Five room home on buinei tot on South Commercial St. 17350. KIOOINS JUST LISTED EetablUhed Photo shop, downtown location. Price 13000, which in clude all furniture, equipment, camera, etc. KIOOINS WANTED NOW! House to aell that can be handled 1000. WE NEED ALL TYPES OF BURT PICHA Realtor 370 North High Slreet Evenings: Crawford, 2 FOR SALE HOUSES OPEN HOUSE 1 P.M. TILL 8 P.M. SUN., MAY 22 Beautiful ranch home on Ktngwood Heights. Brand new 3 bdrm. home with beautiful view. Price 118.5.00. On Lefor drive off Kins wood drive. You will ee our alan. Walter Musgrave, R'lt'rs. pn. 3-SM19 am- FOR SALE LOTS CHOICE BHILIllNfi lot. Englewood dis trict. Inquire 1970 N. ajro. r-none 34554. Bm CHOICE lot with fruit trees north. Small down payment, Terms balance, late car or apply lot on modern house. Phone 20.185 eve. and Su.n. aa!33 INDt'STRlAL LOT, Good location dh S 17th. St. 1750. Phone 2-0738. aal32 ATTENTION Btll.DlRR. Nicelv located suburban lots. East. Restricted district. S5f0 up. See these lots before rou buy. JOHN H. HANSEN REALTOR Ph. ! 3-1819, or 3-4533. 1993 Fairgrounds Rd. ak!31 VIEW LOTS, 500 blk., Vista Ave WOOD ED LOTS. 600 blk., Ratellff Dr. Re stricted, city water. Pil 3-4384. aa' FOR SALE FARMS FOR SHEER VALUE! This 274 A. Farm Has Everything! 4ALEM MAIL! ml. to hlway on 2 fine roads. SCHOOL bus milk trucks! 175 A lustv cropsl Failure ft woods! Late Cape Coo mdrn. duelling. 2 irrat barns in top condition. Numerous tine out bid ! 2 lls A 2 elec. pumps! 2 bit named trout streams on farm! Posses sion on Sept. 15. 130.500 155 A. FARM! ON HI WAY close in to Salem! High and dry. Ideal to divide. Bib hlway Iron) as well as front ase on 2 good Toads 125 A cult. 30 A. woodsy. Plumbed 0 rm. hse. Bn barn A outbids. 125,000 DO A. SALEM FARM, Bldgs, etc $R500 97 A, SALEM FARM. Bldgs, etc. $8500 138 A. SALEM FARM. ' cult. l7 past. 2 creeks. Big Fir tim ber. . . S12.500 C. W. STULLER Ec1iisie Aaent. Salem. Ore WALLACE ROAD. 1 ml. N. of Bridie bl31- MIR SALE - foo acres of " farm land 13 miles south or Salrm on Hiihwav 00 Terms. See owner at 3510 Cherry' Ave bl21 l,a.tf CHANCE TO B1 V this berry" farm Btianbrrrle read lo pick, and what a crop 1 acres. Next will be f i Brres bovsenben les. In all there l 11 acres. Including the cutest little 3 bdrm. house. barn, a a rase, tractor. Lablsh dun. All for 433 000. Gross last year over 114 000. t ACR:!s 01 house, lust aoui h of Pen 0 Corner. This Is a bur. Come in and we II tell you about It L. E. Klumpp Real Estate North or Greyhound Bus Depot Ph 1-1(143 Rs 3-0136 bill FOR SALE ACREAGE Ma. 4 RMS. . A. 11000 dn Oiattk. I rms Furn. or unfurn. Nearly 1 acre Paved Nr Salem. WIL1.S.MFTTB REAL ESTATE 173 B Libertr pn. 3-1113 WILL TAKE GOOU"CAR OR TRAILER HOUSE IS acres, t blka to city bu close to achool. T rm older home, barn and chicken house Oood sou, all tn fruit Price 11.000 Ph. J-J Id General Real Estate Co. 350 Center Bt bblll 50 ACRES! Part bottom around Year round creek Several acres blackcap good barn older type, 4 -bed room home. Very a lerm. 2R ACRKS! 811 20 In cultivation, balance food pasture trrieatton a stem goes T room home, all furnished Very good chicken house and barn Only tlO.OOO No 156 Reimann Real Estate Phone 3-0101 201 South High B- Sun fe. 1-3138 3-0341. 1 001, 2-3)46 bbllt 4 ACRVorall leveCl 7leared7 O rm new house. In rllv limits of a growing town. Iwenty.five minutes from Salem Land is ideal for any bernea or egeta bles Hnnes mav be kepi on property PTieo 17008, reply CaplUL Bog 41 0131 (FOR SALE HOUSES Office Phone 2-3471 Evenings Call I REAL ESTATE for a down payment of $500 lo BUSINESS LISTINGS Office 3-3640 f 121 - 5300; Johnson. 3-7451 FOR SALE ACREAGE 5 Acre Producer Excellent small farm, 2 A. cult., 2 A. pasture with some timber. Mod. S rm. home. Neat barn, la rate, pltry. hse . rabbit nse. Water piped all over. Finest strawberries, blackberries, boysen. and raspberrle will provide quick Income. Bargain at lOaOO. Ill health force aale. Strout Realty 059 8. 12th St. Ph. 2-5333. bbl21 It ACRES About 2 mile city llrnltjTNr Od .soil, nice bid, spot. 1600(1. Ph. 3-8835. Wall Socolofsky, Real Estate. bbl23 IMPA0. 0 ACRES with attractive set bldaa. 5 rm. home. Oarage, barn, poultry hse. 2 acres berries. 3 ac. pasture, garden. Owner must sell Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co. REALTORS 151 S. High St. Ph. 34121. Eve. 2 -330(1 bbl23' Si;iLI)ING sites 4 miles east between Center and State SU. Half acres IS00, Acres 1950. 3.0 acre.-s Jl.iOO. 6 arre.s 82150. Phone owner. 31416. bbl21 For Quick Sale 5 acres. Wooded. East. Oood 9 BR home. 2 acres cleared. Need a little finish ing. 11000. B. Isherwood, Realtor 2001 N. Capitol St. Office Ph. 3-3863. Eves. 3-2147 or 2-88.16 bbl3l ft ACRES, beautiful view, unfinished house, good well. Phone 31833 after 4 p.m. bbl34 2 ACRES Modern 3 bdrm. home, Lots of trees, garage, nlre front yard. Private well, bus at front door. Reduced to 08,500 uwner leaving city 22 ACRES 4 room modern home. Amity soil, several out bin Id inns, Implements. 3", miles from town. Total price 1 1.400. Call for Mr. Leavens. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors Member of Multiple Listing Bureau ao:!8 Portland Road Ph. 3-1830, 3-4596. Eves. 3-0403. AOMS bbt2l- I ACRES, nice building spot with shade trees, balance cleared. On hard aur 'aced Browning Ave., 4 miles from Ladd A B'ish. Owner aian on property or Phone 3-6843. bbl21 BT OWMR.10 A in Dalla city ttmlt. rm modern homr. Double g a rate barn, chicken house. JA of prunes and 1 cow Pli 301 Delia. hb138' REAL ESTATE FOR VOIR SAVINGS investment buy a first mortisse on real estate, Salem ft " vicinity. Examine jiecurity yourself Amounts l00 to several thousand dou lars.'net m-eatora S We make all col lections for oti If desired OTA IE FINANCE CO.. 153 8. Hlah HOLIYWOOD DIST. 1M MO. income from 1 furn. Apia. Plus Llv,. Din. Rm.. Fplace, 3 RR, Kit . nook for owner. 3 pvt. baths. Thla ts not an old shack made over but 0 good home 013 500. Ph 36660. ED. LTJKINUKAL. REAL ESTATE 440 N14th 81. cl33 COrTRT I.1VINO In town, l' BRlnaulated home, fireplace, Ie. lot. Garden apace Fruit and nut tree, grapes. 1 doaen taring hen, 16.000. 170 West Bush St Ph 3-64 flt WANTED REAL ESTATE WE ORE in need 0 food bouses to aell in or near Salem If rots wiab tp list your preoertv for aale aee OBABKNHjORSJT BROS.. REALTORS IS4S Liberty St. Phono 3-1411 ea NOTICE 1 If rour property ta for"ea!e rent or etchange. list H with a We have all kinds of cash Olivers TATE FINANCE CO. REALTOR! 12 B H'th St ea EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 1 BR modern home. Nlre corner let en bua line North. Near schools and chur ches for modern suburban home with acreage. 3.H0 Laurel Ave. or phone after 1 p m i bin 6 USINESS OPPORTUNITIES Must Sell Grocery Store I a as pumas Liv me guar era Also a rental Or and local ton To aee this phone i-uat. General Real Estate Co. ISl Center St edlll ntRimtRE at ore, t tie -brick building piste glass front 6 room living apart ment, modern 010 0O0 Stork and na tures at invoice, attorn kg ooo. some term I owned IT years, re'iring Manns Hardware. Daieka, Ore. Opaa Bundav Mill BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES rOI'ITV l .nnrf Fiilmrinl inH fADntalrT gooa location. uooa eauipmeni. ji Front St., Woodburn. Phone Main 124. Cdl23 DOWNTOWN Cafe Well equipped. Doing good business, low overhead. SI 200. 18. OROC. KTOHK. gas station. Com fortable liv. qtr.. good lease. Nice mon ey maker for a couple. $3600. Trade for late car. R. E. MEREDITH REALTOR or B M. MASON 110 S. Commercial Ph. 3-8841 cdl31 DOWNTOWN confectionery In good loca tion, new long lease. Leu man nan price. Ph. 3-4750. edl31 LOT 04x135, old house. Excellent piece of businea property. N. Broadway. Ph. 3-4642 Eve. 2-1647 cd133 FURNITURE FOR SALE 1 PC. LIVINGROOM set. Rose homespun, s year guarantee. sturdy deep rou springs. Close out price SOP 88. We give green stamps. Balem Home Furn. Co.. 137 8. Com 1. dl23 MATTRESS VALI'ER. 837 Coil Inner- spring with heavy damask cover. 10 year guarantee. J9 AS. Cotton mattress. Full or twin site. 814.95. Salem Home Furn. Co,. 137 S. Com 1. d 12Ja ALL WOOL Chenille Rugs. Reversible. 5 colors. VX1Z. JJSB5; 6x10, 837.95. Also cut order service. Oreen stamps. Salem Home Furn. Co.. 137 S. Com 1. dl23 COGSWELL CHAIR 110. Modern bleached resting taoie, bed. box spring, mattress and bench. 000. General Electric radio phono with 17 records, blonde style, 4 months old, SI 10. 450'j Rosemont Ave nut, West Salem, Ore. Telephone 24797. dm WANTED FURNITURE HIGHEST PRICES paid, Phone Glenn at Fl'RN. A Households Ph 3-5511 da FOR SALE LIVESTOCK ONE CL'ERRF.V cow come fresh around June 1st, also heifer 10 months old. Ph. 20224. ,i26. FOR SALE: Efficiency tested two year old nereiora duhs. Animal Husbandry De partment, Oregon State College, Cor vallis. el24. LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED LICENSED livestock buyer a. Mcuanansn, U27 O. 29. Pn. 3-8147. PETS ONE LIGHT red male Cocker Spaniel pup. Purebred, without papers. 3130 No. River Road. ecl30 FUEL GOOD 16 in. edxing, 15.50 a load. Double loan aio. Oregon Fuel Co. Phone 3-5533. ee!46- WEST SALEM FUEL CO. Block, planer 6c alab wood A dust. Ph. 24031. I.ABWOOD 3 load for 130.00 1 load 112 00. Anderaon Brofl.. Ph 3-0134. eel33 TR1-C1TY FUEL Fresh cut sawdust. Prompt delivery. Ph 37442. We give 8 ft H Green Stamps Green 16 in. mill wood ee GOOD SLAB, dry or green. Oreen edging 3 50 a load. Double load 110 00. Good clean sawdust. Oregon Fuel Co. Ph 3-5533 eel31 CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Diy Slab Wood Phone 3-6444 FOR SALE POULTRY Colored Fryers, Ph. 31298 BABY CHICKS. May 23 & 20. Hamp- snires. Leg Horn. Pa musters. Leg 11 or n cockerel and neavy assorted. Ph 2-2861. Ies Hs-rlierv. f- PRODUCE STRA WBERRIKS. Marshall's 1 410 east or Keizer School on road to Chemnwa Rd J. C. Mount, Rt. 2. Box 40K. ff!23' HELP WANTED STRAWBERRY PICKING. 18 acres. Start Monday, 33rd. 2 miles N E. Keizer school Ed Sproed. Rt. 2, Box 403L a 121 WANTED: FRY Cook, nights, apply In pei son Black & wnne uoiiee snop 1964 N. Capitol. g!22 BERRV PICKERS, picking Sat. Mav 31 at n iiiiamson farm Kt. 7 box zea riarei Oreen Dist. g!22 WANTED Strawberry pickers. Phone STRAWBERRY Pickers wanted, will start Monday, 2.1. A. M. Zahare, Rt. 7, Box 353. l' miles east Chewaua 3 Cor., and ' mtle south. gl24 STRAWBERRY pickers register now. R. r. Barnwell, Moved to 4930 N. River Rd Kelr-er. gl23 STRAWBERRY pickers, registered now. Biamey sncea Kt. 1 box bo on cne maw Rd 'i ml. west of Portland Hl way. on Kelter-Chemawa bus line. gl32 WANTED: STRAWBERRY PICKERS 22 acres of good berries come and scr Ihem. Mader Bros.. Rt. 5, Box 431. Pli 23-F-13.3 ml. east of Macleay: gI22 STRAWRERRY PICKERS register now. A nd r Men farm, Rt. 7, Box 175. Ph. 3-1801. Corner Lancaster Rd. and Ha Eeville Drive el31a WANTED gooseberry pickers. Start Mon. a.ira. pn. nuxu. out silverton Rd., l ml. 8. Central, Howell school. John D. sieiner. gi24 MTRA1VKKRRY pickers starting Mon.. 23rd. uooa picKing. p. fe. senders, Rt. 7. Bx. 352. 1 mi, east, l ml. south Totem- Po't gl34 STRAWBERRY ICKERS - We will pick Mon., May 23. Bob Fltts. biooks. ure. f121 EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. 1204. Leslie, no phone calls. r123 STRAWBERRY pickers register now, Hrrr ua Micnsrne, a- ml. out Silverton Rn ' ml. south Middle Grove School. Ph 37107. 123. WANTED Strawberry pickers starting May e-a nynes, rtt. 7. Box 334. 4 miles E. Chemawa Totem Pole. gl22- STRAWBERRY Pickers. Kenneth Boyne. Box 201. 1 ml. east on Hood view Rd Ph. 31918. gl23 HELP WANTED MALE KITCHEN HELPER wanted ,1. B Drive in. 3230 Fairgrounds Rd. No phone rails. ga!3l ATTENTION SALESMAN Old established national food concern desires the services of an experienced salesman to sell to the grocery trade In Salem and vicinity, Must live in Salem. Must be between 35 and 40 years of age. have good car. furnish bond for which we will pay. Position pays salary and expenses. An excellent opportunity for man who can qualify. Applications will not be considered unless following In formation ta given , age, married or single, experience in detail, and salary expected. Write to M. t. Helman, 303 8. R. Airier St., Portland, Oregon. gal32 rNTEn Journevman form carpenter. O Wa id ion Co.. 010 8. 30th gal25 M.N FOR FARM WORK for summer: MuM have own transportation Grant Ferris Rt.3. Box JTI Ph. 3.1096 galll Building Season Opens Wonderful opportnnitv for retail lumber salesman We need an out side repre sentative to work on liberal commission Experience helpful but not neceisarv Car need. Ph. 3993 for appointment. CUXSMMtt.. -"IV- HELP WANTED FEMALE G1RI. experienced tn pavroll and set ret a lion M.tst be capable of takna full charge of pavrA.i m local cannerv Write Ba 5S Capital Journal In handwriting etat.na experience and qual.ficat ions gbllS OFFICE OIRL for I oc a r"cannery. aTsI perlenced in as records and invoic ing. Shorthand necesssrv Wr te Capita; Journal Box Ml stating experience and . sjtiSUiftMtMaMi glM I HELP WANTED FEMALE LAB. GIRL for evening and nlte work. Minimum requirement high school edu cation. Ph. 2-4133, ask for Mrs. Smith gbl22 MIDDLE AGED woman to care for two I school aged boys 'June and July!. Kelser district. CaU 31276 after 0 p m. I 0bl22' CLOKE INI Fifty strawberry pickers wantea now' 3497 No. River Road. Ph 2-7110, Dinty Moore. gb!22 GIRL WANTED for housework. 1420 Market Bt. Call at gbl23' WANTED: Experienced beauty operator. rti. j-avBj. 10131 WOMAN ABOI'T 38 veara or mare-far general office work with knowledge of nionnsnn avno typing, rermanent po sition, 40 hour week. No Saturday work. Apply in person the Linen Thread Co. Inc. Miles Mill, 2150 Fairgrounds Rd. gbl21 WANTED- Elderly lady for housekeeping Room, board, good wage. Out of town. Box 461. Capital Journal. gbl33 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency 160 State St Ph 3-1488 gf WANTED SALESMAN DRAW $75.00 WEEKLY aa)nat commissions and email token quota in selling roof leakproofing di rect to Indue trial, commercial and farm building owners. High prices new roofing create live market for this eco nomical compound. Exclusive territory. Minimum supervision. Home every night. En toy ov n business. Write: M-33. Box 1168, Cleveland. Ohio. ggl21 WELL ESTABLISHED Realtor will have an opening for a salesman in the near future. Must be an experienced man. and one who would like to specialize In business. All Inquiries confidential. Capital Journal Box 459. ggl21 WANTED : Salesman-Must have experl ence In furniture Ac floor covering. Per manaaement position. Good salary and commission. Apply Montgomery Ward. Salem. gg EXPERIENCED Insulation roofing, weather tripping salesman. Best deal. Builders' Insulating Co.. 980 S. Com'!. ggl2I WANTED POSITIONS BOY WANTS lawna to mow. Ph. 1-1894. hi 20 TRACTOR WORK. Model B. J. D. Plow, disc, mower and spring tooth. Ph. 2-0504. hI22 COMPLETE home plans drawn for 3c a square ft. Ph. 34247. hl22 GOOD care for babies under l' veara, eves, after 0 or week-ends. Ph. 28883. hl22 WANTED: FALLING or bucking timber with power saw. Phone Dallas 3240. hl24 ROTOTILLER work. 1148 Hood Bt. 2-0604. hl44 IRONING AND Cleaning by the hour. Ph. 34568; M23 CEMENT WORK Wanted. Ph. 2-4850. M44 TREE WORK "topping, trimming, remov ing. Ins. op. Work guar. W. H. Mr Allister. 840 Trade. Ph. 2-1496. hl44 GENERALYARbWORK. PhTl3-3447TVl23 TREEPRTYINGTPhT342. hl22 ROTO TILLING: U. E. Tiller. Ph. 2-7500, hl22 BABY SITTER. Ph. 2-0580. PAINTING INSIDE or out Free eat. Call Bill, 2-2970. M31 PLASTERING, PATCHWORK and ehlm iey building Ph. 2-4389. Free estimates hl35 STACK your aewing then Phone 2-8603 hi 34 LAWN CUTTING. Phone 2-8403. 1ST CLASS CARPENTER, new, remodel, repair. Large small. 3-8281 aft. S hl34 WILL PROVIDE excellent nome or day care for small child. Ph. 3-6395. hl39 L AVARS NL'RSERY for Infants. Grad reg. nurse In charge. Ph 23391. hl21 AI'TO PAINTING just a shade better by Ray Etter. CaU Shrock Motor Co 3-0101 NEW LAWNS Pruning Rototilling. Landscaping, tree ork rtlcnard Buyer. Ph 2-8110. hl23 CHILD CARE In my home Ph. 25102 h!26 POE'S mimeographing, typing aervtce. urompt service, quality work, lower prttes 669 N 16th Ph 3-3643 h!28 LANDSCAPING Pruning Rototllllng New lawn, tree work. Richard Bover Ph. 3-8110. h!23 FOR RENT ROOMS FOR RENT: Light h.KPt. rm. and sleep ing rm. 790 N. Church. Ph. 3-4335. Jkl23 PLEASANT RM. H. A' C. water. Across State Office Bldg. 1149 Court. Ph. 37319. IklSl ROOM FOR 2 Christian-glrlswi"th all conven:euce of home, 645 N. Winter St. Ph. 3-9460 or 3-4372. Ik 123 ATTRACTIVE rW. 2035 McCo7ThT3-6093 NICE SLEEPING room, close In emploved man preferred. 476 Marion. Jkl32 SLEEPING RM. for business men. 065 N Winter. Ph. 2-6835. Jkl22 SLEEPING" R 60 M for men. Double ft ln lie. 385 N 13th. jkl21 SLEEPING R OO M HoIandcoldw at er 461 N. High jkl21 ROOMS TO RENT WEEK OR MONTH HOTEL SALEM Tel 3-3161 FOR RENT APARTMENTS t RM. FI'RN. apt. Private entrance. Close to Capitol Bide. Pli. 2-MI.VV Jp123- LOVELY new roomy 1 bdrm. unfurnished io'. Kiecirlc licit, stove and refr.aerstoi furnished. Available June 1. Ph. 3-53,.i JP1I3 3 RM. NEW APT. furn. or unfurn. Electric heat, garage. 640 Marlon. Jpl23 4 I. A R OE R M . A PT Ph."33787or "call 1475 N. Com'L Jpl23 SB R FurnTApt.'"Ph7I42"3. J p 1 2 1 FI'RN. t Rm. Apt. Prl. bath. 1 blkT bus" food market. Couple preferred. 725 8 13th. jpUJ NEW MODERN 4 rm. apt., all electric partly furn. 1140 S. 13th. JP123 8 RM. APT. will bfVarent ' about the 10th. Elec. heat. Call 404 S. Winter. ipl3H- ONE 3 and one 3 rm. furn. apt. Adults Phone t-61731938 Center. Jpl21 FOR RENT 2-rm. furn. or unfurn. apt., 1st floor. Oil or gas. Adults. 07t S. 12th Ph -MT: pi2l t RM. furn.. upstairs, neat clean, am ple storage. 1371 N. Commercial JP133- FOR RENT HOUSES REM'TIFl'L t BDRM. fur. home to rent for 0 mos. to right party, 0130 per mo Ph. 34530. jml32 NEW I RM. Apt. Oround fir Furn. or unfurn. Elec. heat, garage. 040 Marlon J133 NFW 1 bedroom home, fireplace, oil floor furnace. 30,10 Scenic View Drive, Out B Commercial to Fwald, west I blocks then North te 3655. lml3J RING OODVlew Home- Ntwtbdrm unfurn . all electric, ranee, ref ga rage 80S mo. Want Perm. Tenant Ph. 2-44.10 jml22 t BDRM. hse. on ' A. oil heat elee trie stove I miles East of Salem. Mr Dirk, Prat urn. Ore. )m!24 3-ROOM unfurnished ill etecTrirnoue. Inquire 1173 Suth St.. West Balem. jmI2.1 To Place Classified Ads ' Phont 2-2406 IFOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS BEACH Dl'PLEX Waeoma, lge. Ttew win- 1 dow. com p. fur., nice for children. S.10 and 833 wk. Rts. by month. Box 223. Ocean Lake. Ore. J123 GOOlTpAaTt RE, near Salem. Ph. 28385 eve. and Bun. J123 TWOGOOD small business rentals at 075 Market street. Owner will remodel to suit tensnt. See Mr. Bourne . at 1140 N. Capitol St. J131 f BAILE R SPAC E. Camp Joy Motel. J 134 V ORIVI truck ear Pb 2-0103 TRl'CKS and car Smltty' Qlpper Ser vice ph 3-0600. Cor. Center 4a Church 1 GROCND FLOOR rooms, suitable for of ficej or store. STATE FINANCE CO. Ph. 34131 J TRAILERS. 12.00 Per day Howser Bros 608 Edgeweter St., West Salem. ) BUSINESS RM for rent. H. L. Stiff. 1 GOOD USED PIANOS. H L. Stiff. TO DO a good Job rent a good floor send er. We sell everything to complete the Job, HOWSER BROS Ph 0-3640. J WANTED TO RENT RELIABLE CHRISTIAN couple, steady renters, want 1st fir. fur. apt . Prefer work In care of lawn A etc. Write Cap Hal Journal Box 463. Jal23 SMALL I'NFl'RN. hse., close-in. Adults. rn. ivtst. jaiij PROFESSIONAL couple desires 3 bdrm. uniurn. 1 se. casement, garage. 10 be available by Aug. 18 to 30. Ref, Ph. 3-4083. jal32 t OR BR HOME with option to buy. tan inciuoe Lege uswego nomesite. rn. 34083. Wood. Jal21 LOCAL "bUSINE SS man wants 3 or 3 bed room unfurn hse. In good district. Phone 2-8319. jsl21 NEEDED: t bdrm. unfurn. house. Bv June 1st. Ph. 2-4412. Jal23- ROOM AND BOARD GOOD room and board in a widow'a home. 483 summer. Tel. 29971, 1)123 ROOM AND BOARD for 1 business man and one business girl. Home privileges. Immed. possession. Ph. 28572. JJ122 BOARD AND ROOM. 050 E St. Ph. 3-8706. 1J121 LOST AND FOUND LOST Red and Brown Plaid folding um- oeua in wooiworin store, rrioay noon. Ph. 35013. kl23 LOST: LADY'S black wallet around State ec uom i. Keward. pn. 3-7B55. kl21 MISCELLANEOUS ES SPRINGER, men s hatter 464 Court. B1130 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY 8 EULER DENTIST Adolpb Bids. State 6s Commercial 8ts SALEM Phone 3-3311 m HAVE TOUR SINGER Sewing machine repaired by a qualified Singer represen ta' e. Ph 3-3512 for free pick up and delivery service on ah makes of ma chine. Pre; estimate given before work la started Singer Sawing Machine Co 130 N Com'l m BUILDING MATERIAL SKIL-TOOL rental service. VaUy Farm store. J15 silverton Rd. ma 140 STEEL AND ALUMINUM window frames Residential casements, double hung and commercial types. PL'MILITE - Out Edgewater St. . mam FIREPLACE MATERIALS Superior Heatform and Bennett-Ireland fireplace circulators. All fireplace and masonry materials. Phone 25643, Pumlliie West Salem malSl NEW 4 IN. sheet rock plaster board 4.V per sq. it. b lite window sash. 4 sixes, large supply. Perfect for garage, barn Jk chicken house. 83.25 each. C. G. Long. Ph. 2-5821. One mile north of Keizer. mal2S WHITE ASBESTOS siding 010 a sq. At tractive, nreprooi. inexpensive aiding. No painting required. C. G. Long. Ph. 2-6831. One mile north of Xeixer. mal25 Builder-Contractors We have a complete stock of framing lumber, timbers & shlplap. all grades, at rock bottom prices. West Salem saw mill. 1050 Wallace Rd. Ph. 39693. Free Delivery. ma 14 3 TILLAMOOK cedar shingle del. No. I, 19: No. 2. 15. Cedar -wall 18 in. painted shakes, 112.80 per sq. Under course free. Also baled cedar tow. Ted Muller, for merly Eola yard. Ph. Salem 2-1196. Salem Independence road. ma noORS, INTERIOR 3 panel doors, at the great ipecial purchase bottom price, bargain of only 16.60 each. Keith Brown. Fornt St Court St., Salem. ma CLOSE-OfiT, Plywood cutToff. 4B"xlV'X V lor celling panel, wall panel, sid ing nd many other uses. Only 5'e per sq. ft. Keith Brown, Front A Court Sts Salem matf CLOSE-OUT, Plywood Celling Tile . . . rrom 4c per q. ft. In sue from 0"xl8" to 7"x32 ". Bevel edge, cut to give panel effect. Keith Brown, Front & Court Sts.. Salem nnf NEW SHIPMENT 5 last board V OVtc. , ee sq It Rock lathe 45 s 11.75 MONTGOMERY WARD S 1LEM USED FIR FLOORING. Ph. 39702 or 3-4389. RE-ROOF NOW One. two or three years to pay For free estimates phone 3-7177. WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY CO. mal39 AH'MA - LOCK ALUMINUM LOCK SHINGLE. The modern permanent roof ing See vour dealer or dist. Call 3-6401 mal38 CLOSE-OUT SPECIAL, Hardwood Floor lng, pecan and gum In a variety of alses at only 1123 M. Keith Brown, Front fr Court Sts. Salem. matf RED CEDAR ahlne!esNo 00'oT No 2. 06 50. No. 3. 03 00. We del Philips Bros, Rt. 1. Box 110. Pb 00F23. ma SAVE ON ROOFINO Let Ward give you complete IN STALLED price on your roofing need Wide ranse of color Call our outside salesman for f re e timet Phone 3-3191 MONTOOMERT WARD Js OO. SALEM. OREGON ma HARDWOOD FLOORING, now only Mixed Pecan Oak. Six2' at Brown, Front ft Court , Salem. 1 ALUMINUM ROOFING It width lo the following length a" 3 33 o 300 If 140 Ask about Installation service MONTGOMERY WARD CO. SALEM. OR BOON BARGAIN in Latch Beta, 00c p. Keith Brown. Front Court street. Salem. ma tf NURSERY STOCK DAHLIA BULBS, annenomes. tuberous fee gonlas, aialeas. 3 for 01. Martha Wash ington geraniums, lie Fuchsias. 36c Geraniums, mixed colors. I1M f rfna Mum plants 10c earn. Canna lilies 00c cn. sae mil a ureennouse. Brooks. mblll FTTH SI A 8 FOR SALE. 100 VARTTTTTS. MRS, F. E. WARD, 4300 CHERRY AVE mbl30 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS WOOD FI'RN ACE with air conditioning Could be easily converted into oil fur nace. 40 sal electric water tank Double metal bed with serines All in excellent condition. 10 Elm. West Balem. ai23 FOB 0 41 E: AtfKt Teranw, Slrghly used. Ph. 8-447S mil COMBINATION TAH BURNER and a tomatie electric stove with coil and hot water tank. C B. Hen)um. ft S'B I wi le west of Silverton on Inter section of Silverton -Sal em and Mt. An gel hlehwer. nl31 ANTIQUE FOR 0 ME -Man Items Sjf value, must eeu. cau at itio Saginaw B13J FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS PEAT MOSS with turkey droppings 00c per sack 0 sacks 84 50. vaiiev Farm Store, 4340 Silverton Rd. Ph. 23034. ni48 STRAWBERRIES U PICK Bring containers. Have all you want to sat once. 15c lb.. Bat. and Sun. Don N. Zlellnakl, Rt. 7, Box 362, Salem, Ore. P121 Vila WOOL Rt'G with pad, Rt. I Box 336, North on tBt. nidi VAC I1 I'M CLEANER, good oond. 86.00. Phone 27882. niaa- ELECTRIC RANGE and Phil to radio. Ph. 33812. niaa- FOR BALE Corley saw mill model 440 with 3 blades, used one season, con tact H. M. Mathany, Mill City, Ore., General Delivery. nl36 GARDEN PLOW, baby bed, electric rasor. Ph. 3-4J3S; Ol4l VERY FINE Cello complete with bag and 3 good bows. pa. a-ueae. qui USED SINGER Treadle Sewing machine. Good condition 150. einger sewing Machine Co., 130 N. Com'l. nl21 0 CV. FT. FRIOIDA1RE Deep Frees. Almost new. 070 Belmont. Ph. 3-3680. nl23 EXCELLENT condition, enameled wood range with coils. Ph. 3-3789. 035 Madi son, a 133 THAYER BABY BIGOT. In best condi tion 814. Baby awing gi, uwn mower 83. 1710 Waller St. sl21 WOOD FURNACE with air conditioning. Could be easily converter into oil lur nace. Also electric water heater. All In excl. condition. 1390 Elm, West Salem. nl31" REMAN t'FACTL'RED Motors. Ford. Chev., ii ym., uoage. owners: uei power, eco nomy, performance, with a Ward mo tor. New motor guarantee. Liberal trad tn. As low as S10 monthly, Montgom ery Wards, Salem. nl24" REAL RARGAIN tn new 650x16 and 000x14 4 ply tires. 3555 Portland Rd., Salem. NORGE Refrigerator. 0 cu. ft. Like new. Reasonable. 1570 N. Capitol after 0. M21 WALNUT DINING table 42") with exten sions to seat 10. 4 chairs to match. 050 complete. Phone 3-8919 (mornings). nl3i.- FOOT DEEP FREEZE, 30 lb. computing scaie. rnone a-itua. niai FRIGIDAIRE 0 ft. Call 3-5727 or come out to tnevron station, corner of Sil- . verton Rd. and Vancaster Drive. nl21 PRESSURE Cooker. Part for all popular makes. Montgomery Ward Service Dept., in Farm Store. Trade and High Sts. nl22 :Z SAW, 850. 1285 8. 30th. Phone 7238. nl23 DOI'BLE horse trailer. Good condition. New tires. Good spare 0176. Phone 3-13. nl23 CL'SHMAN MOTOR scooter, boy's cloth ing, size i, reasonable. 2631 Laurel. Ph. 3-3405. ni22 SEWING MACHINES. Special Rental sum mer rate 3 mo. 112. This is not regu lar rale. Offer good till June Oth onlv. Ph. 3-767L n!33 USED COMBINATION GAS RANGE 135 .00. Montgomery Ward, Salem. Ph. 3-3101. nl33 COMPANY TRAINED Service men offer you better service on your Ward Ap pliances using up to date Replacement Part. Montgomery Ward Service Dept. In Farm Store, Trade and High. nl23 BEAUTIFUL Hand Crocheted ecru table cloth. 114" by 88". Lacy motif. Call t 1S94 Lee St. nl22 WHITE HOUSE Product. Ph. 2-8741. n!41 NEWBERG TYPE RIVER BOTTOM TOP SOIL. High quality, attractive price. All kinds: Pit run; gravel; sand; mix crush; concrete pipe & tile; re-lnforclng ateel; cement; septic tanks. OREGON GRAVEL CO. 1405 . Front St. Ph. 3-3417. nl42 BARGAIN Store fixtures Including cash register, 191 8. High. STATE FINANCE CO. TELEPHONE 3-4121 10 CANDY BAR machine.' Cab morning 607 N. Capitol, Apt. B. nI32 Ml GALLONS oi outside white paint 83.25 per gallon In 0 gallon palls. 1125 Norway St. nl34 SAVE 3o gal. on gas! Broadway's Super service, ey in. uoerty. nua STEEL CLOTHESLINE post 112 pair up. Railing In atock to order 1143 N. Lib ertr. nl30 GENERAL ELECTRIC Crosley, Gibson and Montag Appltanoe at OerurU. GARDEN SAND, gravel, crushed rock. Shovel ft drag-line excavating. WALL INO SAND ft GRAVEL CO. Ph. 1-0349. FULLER BRUSHES. I74S Grant. Ph. 38357. BI30" SAVE 3e gal. on gasl Broadway's Super service, bve n. L,ioerty. nua- SALEM SAND ft GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road Clearing - Ditching Sewer ft Basement Equipment Rental 10 B 4 yd 13 00 per nr. 10 B i yd. 9.60 per br. D-7 Cat ft Dozer 10.50 per nr. D-6 Cat ft Dozer I 40 per hr. D-4 Cat ft Dozet 7.00 per br. Phone Davs 1-9408 Eve. 3-820 Or 3-4400 balem Oregon n CEDAR posts, yew wood posts, shingles, tele, and elec. poles. Phillips Bros, ku 6. Box liB Ph 68F22 n WALLING SAND ft GRAVEL CO CRUSHED ROCK for roads and driveways cement, ready mix concrete, garden sand, Bulldozing drainage and ditching. -yL shovel and drag line. Pb. 1-0349. FLATROCK For patios, rocs, walls, walks, gardens. and all rock const. We del and sell here or at p:t. See or call for prices. Phiilipa Bros.. Rt 6, Box 118 Pit 68F22 it FERTILIZER. Cow, horse or chicken ma nure delivered tn Salem. Well rotted or manure by sack 11.00 per sack at place or will del five sack orders. Phillips Bros.. Rt. 6. Box 118, Salem, Ph. 08F22. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS SEWING MACHINE, any make or cond. W. Davenport. Ph. 3-1671, 1930 N. 18th. naMO WE WANT strawberries. Market Price tn casn. Ionian jory Parking co. at Ter minal Ice, 249 D St. Phone 3-4500. na WANTED furniture to glue ft repair Leo pre, euro naiiDisning mo n a-iuvt. ft ED FURNITURE Phone 3-0100 Ba PERSONAL I WILL NOT be responsible for any debta rontrartea ov any one out mysen. Dorothy I. Holmes. May 31st. pl23 STANLEY HOME Products. 001 Cross St. Ph. 3-5446, pI4D ALCOHOLICS Anonymous. Box 734. 1-S334. piss AUTOMOBILES ISM PLYMOUTH 4-dr. Excellent trans port at ion. 1175. 500 N. Liberty. Ph. 38530 alio 104M MODEL A overhauled motor. B-B llihts. Oood tire. 8135. 800 N. Liberty. Phone 3-55i39 ql20 04 FORD with etatlon wagon body or will trade for paas. ear. Call eve. or fOUn. Ph. 3-0847, 2205 N. 4th. 0121 MI ST SELL NOW: 1041 Custom DeSotO. New Rubber. RAH. Best bdl take it. 545 N. 2Srd after S. 0123 1040 MERCURY 4-dr. Sedan, radio, heat er. exc. condition. 81390. 24M rteuin Com I. 0120" l PLYMOUTH COACH. RAH good tires, 0376. Hennessy, 01 Hlwa? Ave 1M 100 FORD T-t Deluxe 0-dr. Sterr Col. shirt, s b light. Hvd. brakes, excel, paint and tires, 610S. 1304 Saginaw. Ph. 38101. 0,133 M 1. 4 SALLE, dean, new tires, oie. oond,. 400. Ph. 34530. 0.132" 1040 PACKARD Super Deluxe 4-dr. Sedan. bt original owner. 14. 000 miles, wot, J. M. Tillman, Rt. 1, Bot I13A, Inde pendence. Ore ql20 gl!3 (Continued on Page 17)