Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 21, 1949, Page 10, Image 10

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    10 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Saturday, May 21, 1949
Biggest Valley Folk Dance
Features Lebanon Festival
Lebanon "Swing your mw iwing your paw . . . awing your
girl from Arkansas . . . now iwing grandmaw . . , ihe ain't been
iwung since way lait fall."
It will be the biggest folk dance the valley hai seen In modern
times occupying an entire block of
furnish a colorful finale to the
37th strawberry festival on Sat
urday evening, June 4.
One hundred exhibition danc
ers from the Promenaders, stu
dent dancing group of Oregon
State college, will feature lively
American square dances and the
more Intricate steps of Spanish
nd Scandinavian favorites.
They will be directed by Miss
Irma Weir, OSC Instructor. A
six-piece orchestra is being ar
ranged by Miss Helen Poling,
OSC, who assists Miss Weir in
training dancers at the college
and throughout the valley.
The block between Grant and
Sherman will be roped off for
the event with sidewalk space
left open for spectaftrs. Assist
ing Miss Weir in Wecting will
be three young men students of
Oregon State, Bob Scott, Bud
Robinson and Ravy Levenspiel.
The latter, reared In China, came
to America two yean ago. Ac
customed only to the ballroom
dancing of American settle
ments abroad, he was greatly
Intrigued by the American folk
dances which he now executes
with great skill and enthusiasm.
"The American square dances
demonstrate your democracy to
me more vividly than anything
I have experienced in this coun
try," he said. "They are so
friendly, so informal and so In
clusive of everyone."
After the exhibition dancing,
partners will be drawn from the
spectators and dancing will con
tinue for all who wish to par
ticipate. Since word of Lebanon's fes
tival street dance became known
In folk dancing circles. Miss
Weir has been beseiged by in
quiries from dancers In Port
land, Salem and Albany ' and
other valley points who want to
attend. She anticipates that at
least 3000 will come from out
side points to take part In the
public dancing from 9:30 to
11:30 p. m.
The Lebanon dancers who
have been coached by Miss Weir
and Miss Poling will join the
Promenaders In several of the
exhibition numbers. All will
wear their brightest costumes.
It Is a brand new feature of
the strawberry fair, and the fair
board expects a record atten
dance of out of town people and
local residents who will wish to
see "something so old that it's
new" in festival entertainment.
Exalted Rulers of
Elks Meet Here Today
Exalted rulers of a down Elks
lodges of western Oregon will
be In Salem Saturday afternoon
and evening for an exalted rul
ers' officer training session.
Represented will be the
lodges of Salem, Portland, As
toria, McMinnville, Tillamook,
Albany, Corvallis, Eugene, Leb
anon, Seaside, Oregon CHy and
Frank Hlae of Corvallis, dis
trict deputy, will lead the ses
sions, opening at 3 o'clock at
the Elks temple, and a banquet
will be held at the Senator hotel
t 6:30. Gilbert Wynkoop is ex
alted ruler of the host Salem
Burial of Emit Pyle
Announced for July 19
Honolulu, May 11 U. Ernie
Pyle, Sorlpps-Howard war cor
respondent killed In 1S43 dur
ing the Invasion of le Shlma.
will be buried In Punch Bowl
National Memorial cemetery of
the Pacific, Hawaii, on the
morning of July 18, the army
tnnounced today.
The army said the burial will
be with full military honors
since Pyle was a veteran of
World War I.
Coach Becomes Principal
Newberg, May 21 ) Loran
Douglas, former Newberg high
school coach, will become New
berg high principal next fall.
He will succeed Wlllard Bear,
who has accepted a post with the
Mate department of education In
Lebanon's main street and will
:' 15 wj i - -
Dance Director Miss Erma
Weir, OSC instructor and au
thority on folk dancing, will
direct the Lebanon street
dance exhibition at the close
of the strawberry festival
June 4. She has trained many
western Oregon groups during
the past winter.
Arion Temple Plans
Flag Day Program
Hubbard The Pythian Sis
ters of Arion Temple met with
one guest, Nora Klenskl of Una
Temple, Aurora, present. Avon
Jesse, recently returned from
California was welcomed back.
Peggy Cochran represented
Arion Temple at the district
convention In Portland and the
officers of Ario exemplified the
ladies Initiation.
Lois Miller received the pic
tures donated by Ann Stauffer.
An Iris plant given by Jane Col
gan was awarded to Cora Smith
and the mystery package went
to Mane Covey.
Flag day will be observed at
the next meeting, June 7. Re
freshments were served by
Kathryn Will, Clara Hardesty,
Dickie Mullins and Georgia
Mothers and Dads at
Garfield Hear Morf
Loren Mori, fool ha II pnarh af
the Salem senior hieh tphnnl
SDoke at the ThurcHnv nlM
meeting of the Garfield Mothersi
ana jjaas club on "Athletics as
rney Deal with Character
In his discujuinn nf nfhlAlia
Mr. Mort sketched briefly the
history from the timt nt th
ancient Greeks, when track and
rieid events were staged, to the
latest practice in rarrfiiliv in.
tegrated program of athletics,
pnyaicai education and health.
He explained that athletics is
an important unifying factor in
the community as well as the
In concludinff hi. talk uh
outlined the city summer rec
reational ornffrnm nhlnh win
open soon after the closing of
cnoois lor the summer vaca
Durina tha ahori hnm...
meeting of the club the follow
ing officers were elected for
the comtnc vaarr rinvrl MxV.n
president; Mrs. Ray J. Plnson
vice president; Mrs. William
Grelf, secretary; and Louis Mil
ler, treasurer.
Mothers and fath.ra nt h
fifth and sixth grades were hosts
for the evening.
Swap (peaks Sunday
Independence, May 21 Rev.
George W. Swope, nephew of
the late B. F. Swope who is vis
iting here, will preach at the
First Baptist church Sunday
night. He Is director of Chris
tian education and evangelism
for the Baptist denomination in
New York City and Brooklyn.
We will have two front end specialists on our service
floor for a limited time only. Drive In and let them
give your car a complete steering and front end align
ment check. They will also check the front tires for
balance and proper tire wear.
Feel assured your car Is safe for the hlghwav before vou
take that vacation trip! We have Just recently installed
the very latest front end testing equipment available
for your convenience.
The Douglas McKay
Chevrolet Co.
S10 North Commercial St., Salem, Oregon
Jia, . , . ...... . . -o-g
Paulus and
Snider in East
Robert C. Paulus and O. E.
Snider, Salem cannerymen.
were participants Thursday
when the canning industry laid
the cornerstone of a new million
dollar research center In Wash
ington, D.C.
Paulus, of the Paulus Broth
ers Packing company, is a mem
ber of the administrative coun
cil of the National Canners' as
sociation, and Snider, of Blue
Lake Packers, Inc., is a member
of the agricultural policy com
mittee. The research center will be
devoted to scientific studies
aimed at maintaining and im
proving the purity and whole-
someness of canned foods.
The center will house the
eastern laboratories of the 42-year-old
National Canners as
sociation, which was the first
national trade association to
establish a laboratory solely for
its industry's research and tech
nical problems.
Addressing the 150 canners
present for the event, Dr. Paul
B. Dunbar, head of the U.S.
food and drug administration,
hailed the industry s research
activities for their cooperation
with the federal government in
helping to maintain standards
of quality for canned goods at
a scientifically high level for
Ninetieth Birthday
Date Is Celebrated
Turner Mrs. Ada Mathias,
formerly of Turner, observed
her 90th birthday anniversary at
the Fuson Convalescent home
in Aumsville where she has
made her home for a number of
Friends honored her with a
card shower, and numerous
ones called to greet her during
the day. Going from here were
Mrs. Louisa Small, Mrs. Nellie
Gunning and Mrs. Earl Prather.
Mrs. Nellie Gunning was
hostess to the Methodist church
tea, with Miss Loretta Starr of
Salem assisting her. A Mother's
day program was given, and re
freshments were served to Mrs.
Eddie Hatfield, Mrs. Olive Cat
terlin, Mrs. C. A. Bear, Mrs. Joe
Holt, Mrs. Merle Pearson, Mrs.
Earl Prather, Mrs. L. M. Small,
Mrs. Dick Holt, Mrs. J. O. Rus
sell and Miss Nadine Ellis.
Ernest Duvall Named
Senior Class Speaker
Silverton H. W. George,
principal of the senior high
school, is announcing the vale
dictorian as Ernest DuVall, and
the salutatorian as Lawrence
Hobart of the graduating class
whose program is scheduled for
June 1. Dr. Roy Fedje of Salem,
is the commencement speaker.
The baccalaureate sermon will
be delivered by Arthur Charles
Bates of the Srilverton First
Christian church. 8 o'clock Sun
day evening, May 29, at the
senior high auditorium. The
address theme will be "When a
Man's a Man." There are 78
members of the graduating class
Canning Co-operative
Will Receive Berries
Stayton According to Irvin
Parberry, of the Stayton Can
ning company, cooperative,
strawberries are beginning to
ripen here and the first are ex
pected to be brought into the
cannery some time next week.
This crop was estimated by
Parberry at about 75 percent of
normal, attributing the loss to
frost damage. While there has
been some scattered damage by
weevil, he said It was no more
than experienced in average
Brownie Troop Meets
Liberty The Brownie Troop
112 met with twelve Brownies
present. Mrs. Don Griffith. and
eight Girl Scouts visited ' the
Brownie group and were taught
how to make sit-upons and later
each Brownie made herself one.
Mrs. Luther Billings brought a
birthday cake for her daughter,
Patricia, who celebrated her
tenth birthday. Plans were made
for the Brownie picnic to be held
May 28.
.-wo-1 1 . - ;
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8-36 Stoppers? These two Navy planes, the XF9F-2,
"Panther," (bottom) and F2H-1, "Banshee," (top), and two
other Navy fighter planes are capable of intercepting the
Air Force's huge B-36 bombers, according to Navy sources.
As a result of such claims, the House Armed Services com
mittee asked for tests to determine whether high-flying B-36
bombers can be attacked successfully by Navy and Air Force
fighters. (AP Wirephoto)
English Medical Plan Farce
Salem Woman Thinks
While back In Washington the administration has been urging
adoption of socialized medicine, and about the country John Q
Public has been hearing talks for and against the program. One
Salemite, Lucile Schwichtenberg, had an opportunity to observe
the plans of both England and Norway.
In England Miss Schwichten
berg had an actual experience
with the system. Hearing of the
United States' plan for its health
program while away. Miss
Schwichtenberg, in a letter to
Mrs. Robert W. Shattuc, told
of her impression of the medi
cal plans of both Norway and
England and of her experience
in England.
"I've read in some of the
newspaper clippings my father
sends me that President Tru
man is doing his best to pass
a health bill. I can only say
about the health bill what I
say about communism to re
ally know what it is you have
to live with it.
"Having Just come from three
months in Norway, I find the
English Medical system a farce.
Sounds Good, But
"They have a national health
plan in Norway. You pay so
much a month according to the
amount of your income. It
sounds like a wonderful plan,
but there are exceptions to ev
ery rule. There you are allow
ed to have only your first baby
in a hospital, unless you are
considered dangerously ill. And
even in a home delivery you are
not allowed a doctor, but have
to be content with a nurse.
"There is a dreadful shortage
of doctors; for the simple reas
on that they are over-run with
appointments by women who
have nothing wrong with them,
When You
Think of
Think of
And when you think of New
York Life think of
Walt Wadhams
578 Rose St.
Salem. Oreron
Phone 27930
"If ? Ilk rill Wan
Praised by Deafened
N. wislghtlr, dangling cards
H hnry, balky batteries
No reeelrer batton In the ear
Com. la, dlMov.r for rouurlf how
you mr now fi.vt boUncd hrftr
ln. No lonitr nHd you odvrrtu
ycur fiandict. with the button
thil tu Tour dratnm. Com. In
for ft PRC! thyout or arnd tor
Rugs, drapes, chest, chairs,
tables, overstuffed sets, sew
ing machine, refrigerator,
washing machine, many
miscellaneous items at pick
up prices.
but who, for the first time in
their lives, feel they can afford
to pay him a visit. Naturally
you can't blame a doctor for be
coming disgusted and refusing
patients. Of course, there is al
ways the argument that people
who can't afford to visit their
doctor will be able to receive
needed attention.
"This is true in England
where all doctors are under so
cial medicine, but where they
have a bill similar to health in
surance. Only those who pay
into it benefit by it.' Therefore,
people who are unemployed can
not receive free aid, contrary
to popular belief.
Personal Experience
"I had one small experience
with the English system. I had
the misfortune to break a tooth
in my bridge, and after trying
five doctors finally found one
ancient man who, using the tac
tics of a well educated horse
doctor and about two hours of
my time, succeeded in providing
me with a reasonable facsimile
of a tooth charge, one guinea
"The Health bill says tourists
and visitors are entitled to all
Mr. and Mrs.
William Berg
Nebraska St. at R.R. Crossing
Entrance on Garnet St.
Dwarf Evergreen Red Azaleas In
heavy bloom now. May last
through Decoration DaV.
While Honeysuckle Clustered
Azaleas just starting to bloom.
Very fragrant.
I . 3.75 to 5.00
Roses Take your choice of ma
tured roses now in bloom. Buy
them now, take your blooms, and
receive delivery this fall.
Rhododendrons We still have
several dozen native rhododen
drons, blooming size and larger,
5.00 each
Grown in our gardens since thev
were small, and had excellent
May ti
Smlfm, Oregon
Ask for Mr. Miller
Phone Hotel for Special
Horna Appointment
520 Equitable Bldj.
rSiSrSIPolice Jail Two Men
Of the five dentists visited.
one was sitting in nis omce
reading a magazine and frankly
told me he was too 'damm busy'
to fix my tooth. One claimed It
was something new that the
English hadn't progressed that
far in bridgework. One was just
closing up for lunch. The other
two admitted it was out of their
line, they just did fillings and
extractions. My dentist at home
could have fixed my tooth in
10 minutes and I could have
had a white tooth.
"False teeth are provided, but
it takes approximately 12 long
months to get them, and mean
while you run around toothless.
They've never heard tell of any
one having teeth put in the same
day they make the extractions.
Getting glasses takes about the
same length of time, unless you
loosen up with a little cash on
the side.
Efficiency Reduced
'Due to increase of appoint
ments by women with too much
time, etc., is is practically im
possible to get an appointment
for legal reasons. Here, as In
Norway, second confinements
are not accepted by hospital ex
cept under extreme emergencies.
Midwives assist in births and
they are not allowed to give an
"You still run into some peo
ple who applaud the bill, but
the majority of the people find
it does not fit their needs as
they had expected.
"Medical men are very much
against it. On the whole, it has
a tendency to decreas their ef
ficiency when a doctor is go
ing to receive the same amount
of money for talking to 15 wo
men about their trouble as he
will for giving five men actual
treatment, naturally he has a
tendency to become disinterest
ed. He is only human, even if
355 North Liberty
A number of varieties of rhodo
dendrons in bloom. Some fine
The late flowering azaleas are
starting to bloom.
Bedding Plants
Vegetable Plants
Phone 2-1307 Open Sundays
Ferrill's Nursery
13 mile east of Keizer
On Moral Charges
Two men were Jailed by Sa
lem police Friday on charges of
contributing to the delinquency
of minors after two freshman
girls from Sacred Heart acade
my related their stories to Ju
venile officers.
The men were Identified as
Robert Osborn, 1105 S. 14th
street, and Joseph D. Justis, 404
N. Church street.
Police picked up the two
girls after they had been re
ported missing from their homes
overnight. At first they told a
fictitious story of their evening.
later explaining they had been
taken to a secluded spot in
woods near Fairview home
where they spent a night with
the men drinking whiskey and
sleeping in blankets.
Warrants for the arrests were
some place in the past he was
inspired by a youthful wish to
cure the ills of humanity."
Use Organic
The Right Way to
Rebuild Soil
Free of Weed Seeds
SA'-KS $5.00
Bulk 1 ton $T0.00
2 tons 17.50
Free delivery anywhere In
Salem Area
Phone 3-8127
After 5 PM. Phone 24397
Phone 2-4173
Worlds Most Valuable
Fur Bearing Animal
Worth its Weight
Now Available
Visitors Welcome
Watch for sign on "
SSE at Park Lane,
1 ml. North of Underpass
215 Park Lane,
Salem, Oregon
Let Us
Your Heating
A Clean Furnace
Saves Fuel
CALL 3-3603
A dirty heating system de
posits dust and dirt on
drakes and home furnish
'ngs which ruins them.
Soot and ashes left In the
furnace and smokeplpes
gathers moisture which
rusts and destroys the heat
ing system.
Eliminate dust in
your home. Preserve
your heating equip
ment. Don't forget!
Contact us today!
Home owners pay for hav
ing their heating system!
cleaned whether they
have the work done or not.
The loss in efficiency
would pay for the cleaning
in a short time.
Our modern efficient
cleaning equipment enables
na to vacuum clean and
sen-ice your heating ays
tern at an attractive low
Is Our Business"
540 Hood St.
Ph. 3-3603
l'tu '