ffmaaMMMBaMMtMMMai ! r.mmtmmmtmmmmmmmimmm Capital Women Edited by MARIAN LOWRT FISCHER Capital Journal, Salem. Oregon. Friday, May 20, 1949 Plan Meeting Miss Phelps Announces Wedding Day Miss Ardans D. Phtlpi. daughter of Mr. and Mr. Tru man Phelps, announced her en gagement to George M. Crinde, aon of Elling Grinde of Salem, on May IS at the home of Miss Emerald Pickett at a imall ga thering of close friends attend ing a miscellaneous shower hon oring Mri. Larry Trupukka. Scrolls tied with white satin ribbon were placed on the aerv-lp . T- I Inf dates announcing the wed-il U ICI 1 1 o I Cl I !Of Betrothal Marion auxiliary, No. 681, Veterans of Foreign Wars, will be host for a meeting of district No. 20, Monday evening, at the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall A chaplain will be elected. A no-host lunch will be served. Motoring to Silverton Friday evening will be Mrs. Leon Han sen, Mrs. Mel Clemens, Mrs. Bill Wieprecht, and Mrs. Joe Hop kins, officers of district No. 20, to complete arrangements for the meeting Monday evening. lng plates announcing the wed ding date, July 8. Misa Phelps attended Salem high school and now is employ ed at General Finance corpora tion. Announcement is made by Mr. and Mrs. Ray McKeever of the engagement of their daugh- Mr ftrlnrte attended school in ter, Miss Darlene June McKeev- MinoL North Dakota orior toier.'to Gerald McBee, son of Mr serving three years in the U.S. navy. He is employed at Zeller- bach Paper company. Here from Alaska Mr. and Mrs. John Foster of Anchorage, Alaska, have been visiting with Foster's mother Mrs. A. W. Foster, 1585 Sag inaw street. Mr. Foster came nere for Mother's day and Mrs Foster's mother, Mrs. Cook of Oak Park, Chicago, 111., Joined ner mother here at the Foster gome. Mrs. Cook left for Chi eago last Friday and Mr. and Mrs. John Foster will leave for Alaska next Monday. They flew here from Anchor- ige and picked up a new car it Seattle which had been or iered for them so will drive test dressed school girl and Mrs. will take them about two weeks make the trip, Mrs. A. W. roster will accompany them as lar as Burley, Wash., to spend a nonth with her son, Sherman roster. The Fosters have taken ii all coast points, the Bonne rille dam, golfing and fishing, lohnny Foster works in the ilalm office of the Alaskan Rail road company at Anchorage. MR, AND MRS. Jamea L. Moorman honored their aon, Harlan, on his birthday Sun lay at the home In Park avenue. Those invited to greet him were: Mrs. Harlan Moorman and two rmall daughters, Michelle and Claudia, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Moorman, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Plummer, Misa Shirley Plum ner, Donald Plummer, Miss forma Irvin of Portland, Dwain lerverin of Hayden Lake, Ida io. After dinner the afternoon vas spent informally. AMONG Salem folk In Port end at the mid-week to see per brmances of the play, "I Know My Love," were Mrs. Edward 0. Stadter, Jr., Mrs. Donald McCargar, Miss Nellie Schwab, Dr. Helen Pearce, Miss Dorothy earce. THR ANNUAL reception giv m by Willamette university acuity for seniors, parents, ilumnl and friends is set for Saturday June 11, invitations lelng received for It. The event vill be in Lausanne hall. and Mrs. Charles McBee, all of Salem. No date is set for the wed ding. The bride-elect is gradu ating this year from Salem high school and Mr. McBee is em ployed in Tacoma. Poppy Sale Set, Tea Given Mothers Members of Marion auxiliary buddy poppy committee met n .nJnn ot with members of MeadowlarklfXcUrUUri JCl committees at Mrs. Leon Han-!r- At. I ui riui i ii iv-it; K, ; If N ... j "iCama Dance Friday Eve Mils Shirley Hill, Mrs. Arnot. Mrs. Estill L. Brunk, Mrs. John Dickinson, Mrs. Calvin Kent, Mrs. Maynard Nelson. M waiter Pierce. Mrs. J. Wesley On the calendar for this eve-Sullivan. Mrs. Robert Tiernan, several Salem girls will be ning la the May dance for the Mrs. James H. Turnbull. Mrs.among tne gue,ti taking in the Cama club Dancing will be be- i Stanley Dilatush, Mrs. Elmore speciai week-end event at Ore tween 9:30 and 12:30 o'clock in Hill and the hostess. :gon state college, Saturday and tne crystal oaraens. mr. ana ... i Sunday. Mrs. Dale Johnson are chairmen for the event. Birthday Party Among those entertaining groups before the dance are Mr. I Tommy Brantner celebrated, Miss Jean Smith, Miss Katie and Mrs. Arnold Warner. They; his fourth birthday anniversary, siegmund. Miss Patricia Fitz have invited as their guests, Mr. I Wednesday, and was feted at a simnos Miss Ann Carson, Miss ISalem Girls ZGo to OSC Among those going from here to be guests at the various sor orities are: Miss Jeanne Clement, To Be July Bride Miss Virginia Carda, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Carda, has announced her engagement to Don ald Meithof, son of Mrs. Marie Meithof and John Meithof, all of Salem. The wedding will be July 2. (Kennell-EUis studio picture) sen s home Wednesday evening. Plans were made for a no-host lunch to be served for the work ers in the basement at 340 Court street with Mrs. Howard Koen ing chairman for Meadowlark and Mrs. B. R. Osborn for Ma rion auxiliary, assisted by Mrs Elmer Idean and Mrs. Maude Dutton. Mrs. Marvin Miller, buddy poppy chairman for Ma rion auxiliary, announced as her committee: Mrs. Mae Wilder, Mrs. Virgil Bolton, Mrs. Delia Schoneboon, Mrs. Charley Hunt, Mrs. Mcl Clemens, Mrs. Ivell Haley, Mrs. James Beall, and Mrs. Leon Hansen. Mrs. Joe Hopkins for Meadowlark will be assisted by Mrs. Bill Wieprecht and Mrs. Bill Kelso. Marion auxiliary entertained the Gold Star Mothers and the American War Mothera with a tea at the home of Mrs. Russell Mudd, Thursday afternoon, with Mrs. Clarence Forbis as chairman. Musical numbers were given by the girls sextet from Salem Heights school, accompanied by Donald Smith, and vocal num bers were given by Mrs. Mar jory Lethin. Pouring were Mrs. John Pe terson and Mrs. Charley Hunt. Serving were Mrs. Mel Clemens, Mrs. Kenneth Frad and Mrs. N. P. Jensen. Preparing refresh ments were: Mrs. Charles Ha gan, Mrs. Charles Hageman and Mrs. Clifford Maison. Mothers present were: Mrs. Helen Welch, Mrs. Cora Hutch enson, Mrs. Viola Zanders, Mrs. Jessie Sanders, Mrs. Edith Lar- kins, Mrs. Lucy Lichty, Mrs. Minnie Humphreys, Mrs. Gena C. Benson, Mrs. Flossie Smal- ley, Mrs. Mabel Lockwood, Mrs. Ora Furlough, Mrs. Carrie Lind say, Mrs. Sarah Peterson, Mrs. Grace Slick, Mrs. Luella Eng strom, Mrs. Bertha Smart, Mrs. Effle McFarland, Mrs. George Pro, Mrs. A. A. Lee, Mrs. Marj ory Nicoll, Mrs. Rose Hagedorn, Mrs. Sara Lappin. A no-host dinner and reunion for a group of former Willa mette university classmates, all members of Alpha Phi Alpha sorority, are to meet on Friday in the Golden Pheasant. Follow ing the dinner the group will go to the home of Mrs. Richard H. Jones for an Informal evening. Planning to attend the reunion event are: Mrs. Leland Shinn, Mrs. Eugene F. Wilkinson, Mrs. Eileen Sheldon, Mrs. C. M. Col lins, Mrs. Richard Van Pelt, Mrs. Harry Parker, Mrs. Jack Chapin, Mrs. Howard Kaffun, Mrs. Nata lie Smith, Mrs. V. F. Davis, Mrs. George Hanauska, Mrs. L. T. Arrell, Mrs. Everett Clark, Mrs. Richard Wherley, Mrs. Robert G. Brady, Jr., Mrs. Thomas Hill, Jr., Mrs. Robert Smith, Mrs. Robert Taylor, Mrs. Richard M. Jones, all of Salem, Mrs. Helen Fischer, Miss Libby Moore, Miss Alice Stone, Mrs. Dean Trumbo, Miss Dorothy Moore, all of Port land, Mrs. Carey Strome of Junc tion City, Miss Marjorie Herr of Albany, Mrs. Tohmas B. Rltchey of Monmouth, Mrs. John W. Han- sell of McMinnville, Mrs, Bruce Carkin of Corvallis, Mrs. Hal Moe and Mrs. Jerry Gastineau of Silverton, Mrs. Deryl Zum walt of Vancouver, Wash., and Miss Lunelle Chapin of Camas, Wash. I BEING WELCOMED home from a three weeks motor trip to the mid-west are Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne J. Young. They were at Detroit, where they visited Mrs Young's brother-in-law and sis ter. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Norman, and also stopped in the Dakotas at Sioux Falls and Mitchell. Dur ing their absence, Mrs. Young's parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Lindgren, were with the Young family. Alumnae Meet Delta Zeta alumnae met on Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Eugene Spaniol at Stayton. Attending the meeting were Mrs. Bjarne Ericksen, Mrs. Charles Feike, Mrs. B. L. Brad ley, Miss Mildred Deischer, Mrs. Charles Derthick, Miss Maxine Paulson, Miss Prudence Paulson, Mrs. E. A. Carleton, Mrs. Nor man Paulson, Mrs. Hugh Mor row, Mrs. Emmett Kleinke, Mrs. Arthur Lewis and the hostess. VISITORS here for two weeks, Mr. and Mrs. Joe G. Kavanaugh left Thursday for their home in Los Angeles.' They had been visiting his mother, Mrs. Vern C. Balch. and Mrs. Harold Muhs, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Jarvis, Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Jarvis, Mr. and Mrs. Eu gene Jarvis, Mr. and Mrs. Leon ard Gottfried. Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Ebner. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Klnzer, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Reimann, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Oh mart, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Klein, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Marr, Mr. and Mrs. James Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne. McKenzie, Mr. party given by his mother Mrs.ishirU. Nu,hrv Miss Beverlv Taze Barton, in the afternoon. Beakey Miss Diane Perry, Miss Guests included Mrs. Earl Evelyn Bishop. Croghan and Patricia; Mrs. Ellis White and Philip and Janna.j JOB'S DAUGHTERS have Mrs. Don Nash and Lary; Mrs. planned their church Sunday for Donald Yung and Richard and i next Sunday May 22 the group to Nancy; Mrs. Roy R. Yung and! attend services in a body at the Janet; Mrs E L. Hamilton and First Presbyterian church Members are asked to meet at 10:30 o'clock at the church. ANNOUNCEMENT has come Joy Ann; Mrs. Chester Boyle and Jane and Jimmy; Mrs. Braden Daggett, Judy and Michael; Mrs. Ted Morrison. Jimmy and and Mrs. R. L. Boaz, Mr. and Mailee; Mrs. Luther Barnes, to Salem friends of the birth of Mrs. William Beigler, Mr. and Luther and Rebeca; Mrs. Bill a son to Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Mrs. Milo Van Houten. Bishop and Ralph; Mrs. Al Cum-:Wirth (Betty Eyerly) at Long Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scott alsolmins, Robert and Rita; Alan Island, N. Y. Grandparents are are entertaining before theF't. Mary Fisher, Billy Mus-lMr. and Mrs. Lee Eyerly of Sa dance, inviting a few friends to grave and Terry Jary. lem. their home. Following the dance a large group of the membership will meet at Dwyer's lodge for a no host supper. Two Hostesses Entertain Group Hostesses Friday evening will be Mrs. J. M. Devers and Mrs. V. M. Sackett, who have invit ed memebrs of the Theater Art group and their husbands for an informal party at the Devers home. The affair is planned to I honor Mrs. W. T. Jenks, a for mer member who is visiting here from California, and Mr. and Mrs. Otto K. Paulus, who returned reecntly from a trip to Cuba and Mexico. During the evening Mr Paulus is to show pictures of their trip. A late supper will be served. ALPHA GAMMA DELTA alumnae met at the home of Mrs. Keith Flory, Tuesday evening, Mrs. Howard Arnot as co-hostess. Guest speaker was Dr. Horace Miller, psychiatrist, whose topic was "Love and Fear." Following the program a shower was given for Mrs. Arnot. Attending the meeting were Save Those Precious Hose! Hose Mending! y &ood nylons ore expensive! -QT" (t menaed? Have them repaired Jvw V. DOWNSTAIRS Iflfiy Nu fUe J I tastes homemade- iWi L We make Nu Made the same way you'd make If f mayonnaise at home ... with eggs, pure salad oil, jff-i f'yfr'Jt I ( fine vinegar, selected spice. Then, fresh Nu Made jSsJtv ' 0f h netted daily to stores. That's why Nu Made i&$'J tastes homemade... why it adds the right degree LJx Ss i of delicate tang to salads. Try it Oijti fi'P L ' Y0 CAN'T BUY A KTTfR MAYONNAISE THAN SS1- ! REDUCED PRICES ON CLASSICAL RECORDS Vinelyte Non-Breakable Album sets at LESS than shellac record prices. 40 DISCOUNT on many album sets. Sale ends JUNE 4th. Take advantage of our special LAY-AWAY-PLAN. NO EXCHANGES-NO REFUNDS DOWNSTAIRS OREGON ILDG. 3-8632 jjji CORNER TOMORROW IS YOUR LAST CHANCE To buy Home Furnishings at Wholesale or Less ELFSTROM'S $100,000.00 WAREHOUSE SALE APPLIANCES RUGS & CARPETS FURNITURE DRAPERIES ART ITEMS No matter how much the public buys, we keep pouring in more. SATURDAY IS THE BIG DAY We're not bringing anything back to the store if we can help it. EVERYTHING GOES AT SOME PRICE We'll even dicker DON'T MISS BEING THERE TOMORROW WAREHOUSE . . . Corner of Liberty Cr Trade Sts. Just Received! a special shipment of little girls DRESSES from New York sizes range from 1-3 & 3-6x They're "perky" printed cotton percales! We're selling them for at this low price you'll want 2 or 3! fit &EMr SAFEWAY STORES 7 I Hi SSMSSSSSME&J , 1 ""SSlSllli