T - VU Vf M4 yut - W 7 kUWi ! MARKET QUOTATIONS steady to 3 eenti lower: wwi iieed ta a rents nigner; top iv bo. noon m holes 170-360 lb. 19 SO to It S6: 170-3, b. IB 00 to 19 M; uvtril lot JOO-J50 ba. IB 00 to IS 73: few JM-400 lbs 17 50 o IB 00: good and choice to, under :& tan. 16 26 to 17 25: 4W-525 Ibi. IMS to art- hivir nhti ilna-ii to around ara Ueesle - h so: Bood cleararu-r. (By VUlM r-acawa company- Cattle salable BOO: tilvn 800: market Sprint lamb top ,13 W) to w generally steadv, light yearlings coatinu- Sheared limbi, top. I1B00 to 130 SO mg in wry broad demand, cholct cattle Yearling. Uittt iit vo io n w ibwnt; scattered loads and lot medium Cnplfal Journal. Salem, Oregon, Friday. May. 20. 19iQ IS New Plastic Container Pictured here with the new plastic container! that their company, White Rose Chemical com pany, has designed for one of its products, are left to right, robert Watson, Robert M. Fischer, Jr., and Howard Grimm. The container, the only induction molded plastic bottle in America and the only sealed plastic bottle, to date, that can be refilled has been patented by the Salem firm. Magic Bottle Produced by White Rose Company Here -i Once again a Salem firm has produced something new. This time it's a container put out by the White Rose Chemical com pany and made of polyethylene, a pliable plastic material. Practical and without mechanical devices to complicate it. in fact It's In the modern streamlined class, the container takes only a squeeze its trade name Is Squeeze-Easy to dispense its liquid contents in a fine spray. Right now it is being used only for White Rose glass clean er, the product for which it was designed, but large eastern con cerns have evinced interest in the container for their products To us this particular contain er it can be made in any color, bright or pastel the housewife need not be a hairpin-chewing gum-and-adhesive tape me chanic. There are no springs, no levers, no handles or buttons to push. Hence there is noth ing to repair. The only piece of metal in the entire bottle is a metal ring used in sealing the bottom of the container. The rest la plastic. Engineer Helps Wanting a dispenser minus little gadgets for its glass, clean er. White Rose Chemical com pany last November began work on designing the container. Working with James E. de Shazer. Jr.. chief engineer of the Beaman Plastic Products company in Portland, they de signed the present one and pat ent rights on the manner in which the container is made and the plastic dispersing unit were secured by the White Rose Co. The container is not only practical for use by the com pany for its glass cleaner, but has qualities that make it de sirable for other uses. To begin with It is the only Induction molded plastic bottle in America other molded hot- tlei are made by a blown proc ess, like glass. Secondly It is the onlv sealed plastic bottle that can be refilled. Polyethylene, the material from which the container is made makes It especially suit able for many products. There is dote (this also includes hydrofluoric acid, which eats glass), no known chemical will harm it. It will withstand tem peratures up to 180 degrees Fahrenheit. A pliable materail, It Is light of weight but tough for rough treatment and flex ible. Polyethylene can with stand blows from a hammer, be dropped from great heights without damage and be knocked or kicked around without breaking. Plug of Plastic It I a six fluid ounce size container that Is used by White Rose Chemical company, a cor poration purchased in January, 1948, by Howard J. Grimm, Mrs. Eva Wiltsey. Leo D. Rel- mann, Robert F. Watson and i Robert M. Fischer from Joe Le Cleric, and now having addi tional stockholders. Thii particular container Is used only for spraying the Squeez-Kleen glass cleaner on the glass being cleaned. The bot tle Itself Is of polyethylene and the small tube placed on the inside of the bottle and attached on the dispenser is of the same material. STOCKS QUOTATIONS Fliers' Wives Offer Reward Wives of Col. A. Y. Smith, USAF, Col. Walter W. Hodge, USA, Presidio of San Francisco officers, and of MSgt. S. E. Sluga, USAF, Hamilton Air force base, missing since April 21 on the flight of a B-26 bomb er between Hamilton Air force base and Portland, have offered a reward of $1500 for informa tion leading to the location of the three men, whether alive or dead. Believing that the men may have parachuted or landed in some remote area, the wives are seeking to spur rescue efforts by individuals located in the wide area over which the missing plane may have crashed. The plane was believed sight ed on a mountain side near De troit early this week, but the object, observed at long range, proved to be a patch of snow. Although a widespread air and ground search has been con ducted, there was never any de finite indication as to the area in which the plane may have gone down. Newbry Opposes Excise Taxes Secretary of State Earl T. Newbry today urged Oregon's congressional delegation to sup port a bill introduced by Rep, Thomas E. Martin (R., Iowa) to repeal excise taxes now paid by highway users. Federal excise taxes now am ount to 7 percent of the price of a new auto, lhi cents a gallon on gasoline, S percent of the cost of trucks, busses and tractors, Newbry said. The federal ex cise taxes also amount to 6 cents a gallon on lubricating oil, 9 cents a pound on tires, ft cents a pound on inner tubes and S per cent on parts and accessories. "These emergency federal tax es have no bearing on federal aid to highways," Newbry said. "There is no link between these taxes and federal aid to high ways. Those wno claim tnat these taxes are the basis for fed eral aid to highways are helping to upset the present formula un der which federal highway aid is received. A change In this formula can be disastrous to the western states." Board Named For O&C Lands B itia AsociaUd Pre. American Omu Am Row U Am Tal rl Anaconda tndli Artatton th atatl Boeing Alrn'ana Jallf Packing Canadian Pacing Cm J 1 Caterpillar Chrysler Comwlth 4j oo Con 7ul.ee Continental Can Crown Selleroacn Cur Hi Wrlgnt Oouglaj Aircraft Oupont de Nrm General Biectrle' 3enera) rood Oenerel Uotou OoodTear Tire Harvester Paper Kenneeott Llbby MrN k I LiOng Bell 'A" Montgomery ward lash KeWlnator 12 ,140 , 38 'i , 30H J7 y 31 flat Dairy Central .. itortnern Peelfle Pae Am f.h .. Paa Ou Plea , Paa Tel lei ... ney J O .... Radio Corp ftayoniet ..... Uyoalor Pfd erased afeiall ftiahfleld Safe way Store Sero Rooburk tethern Parlflr Maadard OU Ca tidebeker Co-i Mining . 30S , US irtei . U'e Union on Ca (Talcs. Paelfle , PnrM Alr'inag 13 a ael H Warmer tfro PW ll Wa-JwTtb Salem Markets CemvleteC frooe reperte eff Salem deal- ore ror Ibo midanre et capital Journal Headers, (Reelect) dally). EwfJ .1100 to IB v0 1 Cutter' cow HOW to IM.oo Pat dairy cow II M to til 00 Dairy belter I100 to fll.M eutu tn.oo to m.oo ralve good (JOO-ISOlbs.) 130 00 to 133.00 Veal US0-30O lb.) good .134 00 to 138.00 tog price paid within lae of Port nd price for each type. Top. 170-331 .ba Portland fca.tflde Market .Strawberries sold for 13 00 a 13-cup flat on the Portland Eaautde Parmer Whole ale Produce market today. Lettuce wm 13.00 to 3 3ft a crale. Spinach brought 76 cent a 33-lb orange box. JLtparagu moved under ad extreme of S 00 a 30-lb pyramid. RadUhe old for CO to 19 cent ft dox en bunch depending on quality. HothotiA cucumber vera 1C-MI to I6.1B a 30-lb lug. Portland Preflaee Bo tier fat Tent at lee. au)ect to 1m me dlate chang Pr tin turn quality mailmum to . to 1 percent acidity delivered to Portland 61-64c lb.. firt quality S-3c eecond qua Ity &7-S0C. valley route and country points le let than ftrat Ratter wnoleiaio run ouii ouoea 10 trholeale:a grade AA. 3 i:ore, ei-D3c; 03 acor 60-01 Vie; B. 90 score. Bee lb.; C. IB icore, I7e tb. Abov price are atrlct- y nominal Ctaeeee Selling price to Portland whole ale Oreaon Mntlee. 38'b-4le Oregon I b loaf. IIH-He: triplet 4 tear than In g lea Egie (To Wholeeaieri) A graae large S3 -53 Vic; A medium, 61-51 Vic; grade B. arge. 474-MViC Pertland Dairy Market Baiter Price to retailers- oraoe aa prints GSc; AA carton flic: A print wc: A carton, 17c: B print, we. Pcgi Prli-r to retallera: AA targe 8c. certified A large, 66c ; A large, 34-56:: AA medium. He: certified medium, 64c; A medium. 63c; carton additional Cbeeaa Prlc to retailer; Portland Oregon alnslea 0'--iOlic Oregon loaf. J .b 43Vi-62v,c: triplet ivg ir than aio glea Poultry- Live Chlekena - No 1 quality POB planta. No. 1 broilers under 1V lbs J7-3Bc lb.; fryer z't to in.. a-juc io.: rouier 4 lbs. nd over, 30-Jlc lb.: fowl. Leghorn under 4 lbj 34-3Se: over 4 lbs. 26 -27c; colored fowl. aU weights, 30- 31c: roosters, all weights, II-30c. Rabbits Avarase to grower lor live 1 white; fryer whits. 4-5 lb. 37-29c lb.; 1-1 lbs.. .'6-37c lb . colored 33-36C; old or i heavy doe. 13-18c oreJUiod fryer to! butchers 7 0r old nrsr ones. SS-SSe Turkeys (Prices quoted are tot to tbe producer on dressed weight oasis) i 0 8 grade A young torn V B3e tb : No young hens, nominally Wc Dressed urfcTi la rets Herat Utade A, young hens 70- 71c New Ynrr style dress srl A grade nuns tome ftl-Mfo Portland Mliretlaneons Catcara Hark Dry 30a lb. green le lb Wool Valley coarse and medium grades tac lb Mohair 18c lb on 13-month growth. Bides Calves 300 tb , according to weight fctp 18c lb., beet 13.13c lb bull s-flc lb. country buyers pay 9e less Mtil Quotations H ai not a francuetteg first oualltv turn do. 34 7c. large. 33 7e; medium. 37 3c. sec ond quality Jumbos, 30.3e. iarg 31 3c; medium, 31 3o: baby 13 2c. toft ehel. first quality targe, 30 7c; medium 30 2c; sec ond quality largo 37 .2o: medium 34 7a: fteby 22.3a Filberts jumbo. 10a tb i largo, lie medium. 16c; small, 13c Quotations above supplied by North west Nut Growers Quntattore are on the sasls of 100-lb bag purchase fob plant. and good steers. hcWers and mixed year litis, inciuaing steers weign.ng up to 100 lbs. 33 OO to 2 so: oaa gooa cm ows 20 00 to 21.00: common and medium owe 17 74 to 10 76; ranners and cut ters 11.30 to 17 60: few good weighty sausage bulls 33 00 to 33.60; practical top vealrra 37 60: jnosl common to go&d k'.nd 3100 to 27 00: 'resh receipts Include seven loan feeders nut tnese not snon. Sheep salable 300; general market largely on nominally steady basis: short deck closely sorted 100 lb. number one akin clipper. 29 76 to local small killers; ipts omerwihe oaa neaa ana imtii . slaunhtcr ewes 9.00 to 13.60: mostly 0 00 to 13.00 according to weight and condition; springs ardent. India expects to produce 361,- 000 tons of linseed this year. LEGAL NOTICE OK HKVICW AND EQUALIZA TION F ASSESSMENT ROLL OF PIB LIC SERVICE PROPERTIES. The State Tax Comroiuion hereby give public notice a by law provided that It will attend In It of He at the capital on the second Monday In June. 1949. and publicly examine the aseAment roll by It made, and review the same, and cor rect all error In valuation, description, quantities or qualities of property by It asxevable and In apportionment of a eineni made by It; and It ha!l be the duty of the person and companies Inter red to appear at tne time and place appointed. Petition or application for the reduc tion or chantce of apportionment of a particular assessment shall be made in writing, verified by the oath of the ap plicant, lis president, aecrrtary, managine SFen; or attorney In fact, and be tiled with the romiuiuion on or before fie day the commlMion i required by law to meet a a board of review, and any pe tition or application not so made, veri fied and Hied shall not be considered or acted upon by the commission. STATE TAX COMMISSION By Carl Chambers. Commissioner and Secretary May 20 27 June 3 Retail Pood Prleea gg Mask 14.18. Rabbit Felicia 14.35. Dairy Fee 14.00 Pealtrri sviymg once Orade A color ed hen 30c: grade A Leghorn hen. 36 cent. Oradc A colored fryer, three pound and up. 30c. Grade A old roosters II 'SOU n Baying Price Extra largo AA. 40c. large AA 4lc; large A. 4flc; medium AA. (6c; medium A. 43-44e; pullets, 28-30C fPkoloaal Prleea Keg wholesale prices to 1 cent above these price above Orade A generally quoted at 63e; mi ll jm 40c. Premium, 13c, No. 1. llCi No. I, 16 6e (buying prleesl. Batter Wholesale grade A, lie; re tail 71, Port Ian 4 drain Portland, May 30 ( Wheat future and cah grain unquoted. Cash wheat 4bldi: Soft white 3.33; soft white (excludnlg rex) 1.23: white club 3.33: western red 3.23. Hard red winter: Ordinary 3.33; 13 per cent 2.20; others unquoted. Hard white baart: Ordinary 3.23; 10 per cent 3.33; others unquoted. Today's car receipt: Wheat 43: barley 4; flour 24: corn 11: oat a: mkllfeed 11. Two Salem Students Rewarded at Oregon Marilyn Archibald, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Archibald, 1330 Ferry street, Salem; and Larry Meiser, son of Mrs. Ber tha D. Meiser, Route 8, Salem were awarded certificates of achievement for meritorious service to the Oregana, annual year book at the University of Oregon. These awards were made at the annual banquet which was held this week. Larry Meiser was also ap pointed an assistant managing editor for next year's staff. Miss Archibald is a junior in journalism and Meiser is a freshman major in liberal arts. Portland LI.Mtwk Portland, Ore., Mar 30 tu.n Werkly UYMtock: Cattle. Prklay salable 135: calves 35: market quotable nominal!? steady. Hots: Frklar salable 50 : 90 holdovers ottered: butchers 35 cenu rusher; sows early; feeders steady; tood-cholce 158-304 lb butchers 31.40-31.50; 335 lb 13 50; 113 lb feeders 33.00. Bheep: Friday salable none: nominal!: Meady; tood-eholce sprlns lambs sslsblr 38.00; food-choice wooled Ismbs quotable 33.00-34.00. Chleaso Livestock Chicago. May 30 0J.B Livestock market Hogs sslsble 4500; butchers around 300 ids. or under moderately active, stead strong: heavier weights low and une'i rwilanH Mnv 20 UPi The last advisory board for the Oregon I and California land forest dis tricts was completed today. Thirteen men were appointed to the Medford forest district At the top of the bottle is a advisory board, to give recom-i plastic screw-plug made of mendations on the admlnistra- , . , tion of public forest lands. The polystyrene The plug can be p.,, work wjth Djtrict removed by Inserting a cross on Eu Peter,on, whose the top of the container, .crew head ter, ,re , Medford. top into slot In the plug when, Medford fore,t district in- Palmisrry Readings (VIII tell your past presenl and fottsre. Will advise on love marriage and business. A as wen oil Ojorolioiu. Arc ?oo vfornedT Why be b doubtT KportaJ ueodlnrs. Ovrn t a.m. to 10 p.m. Moved from 466 Ferry to 173 S. Commercial Am r -so- $$ MONEY $$ F1A 4H Real Estate Loans Farm or City Personal and Auto Loans State Finance Co. 153 8. Hlfh St. Lie. 82) 3-5222 1 . r. " - l.nt LAW" WW M Smart ltd! He knowg our Re Royal Power Mower cuts grass , mighty fast. You'll find it the an swer to your lwo mowing prob lem too! The Royale is built by Reo so you know it's as mechan ically perfect, efficient and de pendable as experts can make it. FULL 21" CUT The full 21" cutting width, ad jumble handle and cutting height nd excluiive, power-packed Reo 1 S hp engine enables you to tip through your lawn mowing chores without taking an extra breath. You can mow at maoy at 3 full acres in a day. NO PUSHING The Royalt is telf -propelled. Simple to operatel The ' Magic Touch" control for signing, topping, speeding up or slow ing down is right at your finger lips. AtlGVALUIl Only Only 122.50 ATPENNEY'S Salem, Oregon SHOP SATURDAY AND SAVE YOURSELF PLENTY Shop Penney's Shop and Save With Confidence WOMEN'S RAYON BLOUSES BEAUTIFUL RAYON CREPE BLOUSES LAVISH LACEY STYLES FOR DRESS UP WEAR WHITE, BLUE, PINK, BLACK. 32 TO 38 SECOND FLOOR 2.00 MEN'S BLUE DENIM WORK SUITS BIG MAC WORK SUITS STURDY 8 OZ. DENIM TALON FRONT ZIPPER SIZES 34 TO 46 SANFORIZED MAIN FLOOR 2.99 BUTCHER WEAVE RAYON JUST IN TIME FOR THAT NEW DRESS IN GORGEOUS SHADES. GRAY, AQUA, MAIZE PINK, LT. BLUE, TAN, AND LILAC MEZZANINE 50 YARD WOMEN'S NYLON HOSE NO. 1 QUALITY DUPONT NYLON 51 GAUGE 15 DENIER, 82 TO IO2 . SMART NEW SUMMER SHADES MAIN FLOOR 88' GIRLS' SPORT SHORTS STURDY SANFORIZED SPORT DENIM BLUE, RED, NAVY, BIEGE AND AQUA GIRLS' SIZES 7 TO 14 SECOND FLOOR 1.00 AUTO ROBES SLIGHTLY IMPERFECTS 100 ALL WOOL, COLORFUL PLAIDS FINE FOR SUMMER BEACH USE AND BALL GAMES MEZZANINE 3.77 v r the container needs refilling. England's birthrate has slight ly increased In the last three months, eludes 972.000 acres of O Ic C lands and 113.000 acres of pub lic domain lands in Josephine and Jackson counties and west ern Klamath county. ajaf "L 01,. 1 'oo i"m 1 I auj"-ij to f I i Urll Why Suffer Any Longer when oMiera tan use atie Ohlnaee remedies Amaslna auccaas for SOW rears is. China n matter emit ria ailment so are afflictao-duorderi MnualtU hesn lungs llvst gutaers gaa, inastlpation uieer. die b tee fheumetum gall and bladder, ftear tkiti imal complaint CHARLIE CHAN CHINK! R Rita CO. Offle Heart MM Taea and gat. Omtj ta N Caasaerelal Pbeaa tls MUN oat ADD TO YOUR HOME WITH THIS ... COJJOIT) Art. of Phonal CASH LOANS $100.e'100(h-... COMMERCIAL CREDIT FLA IV item Areneyt N. Chuirh 8U TL J41M NEW LOCATION 1144 Center fit. golem. Oreion Dr. R. Reynolds Clinic Nglofw-Praeteleetet eelol Soeetallet nm Oftles S-OMO, am I Mtl Pleotr of lrM Parfe. log Sgaeo Sena 1 -TVs I lfa lm iniiTt . a a -m. w m e. -mw. a -a 10 CHILDRENS' SANDALS JUST THE ANSWER TO SUMMER FOOTWEAR PROBLEMS STURDY CONSTRUCTED CHILDCRAFT SANDAL SIZES10TO2'2 DOWNSTAIRS STORE w233 7A WOMEN'S JERSEY KNIT SLIPS LOVELY, EASY TO CARE FOR SLIPS WHITE, BLUE, MAIZE, TEAROSE SIZES 32 TO 42 MAIN FLOOR 1.00 GIRLS' ANKLETS WASHFAST STURDY COTTON SOCKS WH ITES WITH PASTEL TOPS, PASTELS SIZES 8Vj TO IO'j MAIN FLOOR 3 PAIRS 1.00 WOMEN'S GOWNS RAYON JERSEY KNITS, RAYON CREPES AND RAYON SATINS PLAIN OR LACE TRIM MAIN FLOOR 2.00 3.00 STORE HOURS 9:30 to 5:30 Monday Thru Saturday FURNITURE CO. 27S No. Liberty Ph.3-4613 A eras erg Harts tree treat He Brer