12 Capital Journal, Salem, Seat Officers By Candlelight Silverton In formal candle light ceremonial at the Metho- diet Sunday forenoon wonhip Hhour, Rev. Ben F. Browning will direct the Installation of "WSCS officer! for the coming year, assisted oy ivirs. narry .Riches, retiring preiident. Mr. W. P. Scarth, with her aon, Robert, ai accompanist, will ling "My Tak" as the cere ; monial song for the incoming officers. T Mrs. Albert Grinde will be in- (tailed as WSCS president. Her '..assisting group will include as -vice president Mra. Theodore IHobart: as treasurer, Mrs. John V-Gehrke; secretary of literature 'and publication Mrs. Harry rRiches: secretary of spiritual life. Mrs. Pearl Porter; secre- tary of missionary education, Mrs. Roscoe Langley: two chair- 2, men as secretary of Christian social relations and local church activities, Mrs. Harry Hahn and Mrs. R. A. Montgomery; general secretary, Mrs. F. E. Sylvester; promotion secretary, Mrs. A. F Jack; secretary of supply, Mrs E. A. Finlay; secretary of youth work, Mrs. Harrison Fisher; sec- .retary of children's work, Mrs Ben F. Browning. a The Methodist WSCS is made "up of the general group of worn len s organizations of the par- lih, with five circles holding "special sessions, two meeting in the evening and three during 'the afternoons. Mrs. N. L. Dodds is chairman of the Miriam ctr Jcle and Mrs. L, Lehman of the Esther circle, their meetings held in the evenings. Those .meeting during the afternoons are Sarah Jane circle, Mrs. Pearl .Porter, chairman; Ellen circle, 'Mrs. A. H. Smith, chairman, and 'the Martha circle, Mra. Harry Riches, chairman. ;Webfoof Grangers jTo Attend Church T)nv4on The Davton - Web- "foot grange monthly meeting "held was attended by 11 mem abers and four guests. The guests "were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schrle Iber, Mr. and Mrs. Gill of Mc Minnvllle, A short radio play was pre sented by the three Lyman chil dren. Refreshments were served followed by square dancing to phonograph music and calling by Mr. Gill. June 8 will be grange Sunday to be observed by attending ehurch services at Unlonvale ehurch and Immedi ately following the group will motor to the George Doud grove for a picnic dinner. ' Silverton Church Programs Filled Silverton Church activities for the coming week include the Saturday afternoon meeting In Trinity church of the L. C. R. Girls. The program to begin at 1 o'clock In the basement social rooms. Cavalry Lutheran, Sunday evening, May 22, 7 o'clock, fel lowship song service. Christian and Missionary al liance Bible study and prayer services, Wednesday evening, at 7:43 o'clock. Youth Dinner Guests Woodburn Young people of the Christian church who will be graduating' from school this year will be entertained at a banquet by the Bible school of the church Saturday night at 7 o'clock. Graduates are Roy Henn, Merle Lelghty, Don Horn, Don Scarborough and Miss Hard Smollnsky from the high school; Drlmar Wolf and Wayne Helsel from the Junior high. Keep the Wind and the Sun and the Rain c OUT.,,oaf HAIR Let ILF5TROMS Do It with flONf ER-FLINTCOTI ROOFING Your home Is your most valu able posaMaion. Protect II MlnM the ravajirs ot tlmt ano the elements. Your beat pro tection Is good rootlne Installed or a (ood contractor A tint Irak can sink a snip and a sin gle leak can also niln row property and prised poweulont II T.n WRITTEN OUAR4NTEI PAT All I.ITTMT AI H A MONTH mt soor tNnrrmoN Dial I 141 ItlCeart Oregon, Friday, May 20. 1949 MILO WOLD, director of the LInfield college chamber or cheitra that will present a musical program at the First Presbyterian church Sunday evening at 7:30. The orchestra of 14 musicians will perform certain chamber works and compositions calling for small and unusual instrumental com binations. Appearing as fea tured soloist will be Franklin Mitchell, head of the Linfirld organ department. Dr. Chester W. Hamblin, the pastor, will give a meditaton on "The Man Who Never Sang." Child Evangelism Rally Sunday The Salem Child Evangelism Fellowship announces their spring rally Sunday, May 22, at the senior high school auditor ium. The meeting will begin at 3 p.m. This program will be presented by the boys and girls for their parents and friends Dr. Bill Rice, from Wheaton. 111. will be the speaker for the after noon. Miss Myrna" Stover, city director, reports there have been 26 home Bible classes meeting each week. These classes will be closing for the summer months and will re open again in the fall. A Child Evangelism Bible camp will be held at Canby, July 25-31. This will be a state Child Evangel ism camp and there will be about 20 boys and girls from Salem who will be attending. Guest Ministers Bethel Baptist The pastor of the Bethel Ban- list church left for Rochester, N. Y., at the beginning of the week and will have two men take his place In the pulpit here Sunday. Dr. J. R. Turnbull, who served the church as Interim pastor last year, will preach In the morning. His topic is "Wit nesses for Christ." Rev. D. D. Randall of the American Sun day school union is to preach In the evening at 7:30. The local pastor. Rev. Rudolph Woyke, went to Rochester to attend the Baptist Seminary board meet ings, of which he is a member Bivins Youth Speaker Woodburn Rev. H. L. Bivins of Astoria will be the main speaker at the Youth for Christ rally to be held here Saturday night at 7:45 o'clock in the Foursquare church. Rev. Bivins Is substituting for Rev. Lester Gibson who is away on vaca tion. Music will be furnished by 'ocal talent. Mill City Churches rresbvtertsit Dr. David Prcuson. rn In ner auntie? school, 10 am. Morn in chureh service, 11. Chireh of rhrlit Thomas Courtney. mtnliter. Bible school, t U Mornlni worship, II. Chrlittan Endeavor, 0 30. Xvs oln worship, 1:41. Ce Hiello Bv, Mai. pastor. Mornlni services o'clock. Free Methe4!el--Danna1 H inkle pastor. Sunday school. 10. Mornlni service, 11. Bvenlng service, 1:30. CowimbnllT Rev. Wsvne Watlklne. pas tor. nunrtay school. 10 Morntns worship 11. Evenlnt Service, 1 46. ' J IK Salem 6 (?liurclie6 Jmu Lh Manorial Mtlh4lit North Winter it Jefftnon atrMts. Louie C. Klr by, D D., putor. Sunday irboel. I Mornlnt eervlct, 1!. Sermoa eubieet: 'The suwtrdihip of nra.ee." Aiuhm: "The Lord ! Uy Bhephcrd," duet by lire. OIm HumUton nd Un. Itlrnerd Bell- Eve. nine erlce. t 30. Acrmen eubjecl. "Christ Oift to Otberi." Youth froupa meet t .. Or mo Luther (ElCt Luther . Bor gen. pestor. Worah:pplnf In Koilewood rhool. North Hth and Ntbreek etreete. Sunday tchoot at 10. Dlvlno worihlp ml 11. Chbreh of the Tmmrtmmmt Geetel 4M North ltth etreet. between Center Che meketa. Rev. Jamee H. Taylor, paetor. Sundy cbool. . Uornlnt eervlee, 11. Sermon by the paator. Sermon subject: 'Why PrayT" oursquare Youth rally. :. Ivenlog eervlee. 7:41. Sermon by the pKttor. Sermon subject: "Does Ood Work Miracles Today T'' Covrl Street Christ Is 17 th and Court streets. W. H. Lyman, minister. Bible srhool assembly, 9.45. Morning worship and Communion. 10r50. Sermon subject: Revolution." Christian Endeavor hour, 7. Evening worship. I. Srmon subject: On Getting Down to Business." St. iehn'e Lutheran (Mi. Sraeal) N. tlth and A streets. Rev. H. W. Oross. psstor. Morning service at ft and 11. Sun day school at 10. Calvary Chapel rt1 Gospel) 1143 North Liberty street. Rev. Claude C and Mary W. Bell, pastors. Sunday school, 10. Mornlnc service. 11. Evening service, the Mart evangelistic party, 7:45. Monitor Community (Full fiospel Mo nitor. Oreiton. Rev. and Mr. E. C. Schilling, pastors. Sunday school. 10. Morning worship, 11. Young people, 7. Evening service, I. Fslth Tabernacle 1305 N. Sth '5th and OelntK. Rev. Max Wyatt, pastor. Sun day school, 10. Morning worship. 11. Ser mon by Rev. Maurice Hart. Evenielistle meeting with Hart parly, I. Faith Ta bernacle cooperating with Calvary Cha pel. Rev. Max Wyatt and Rev, Claude Bell. Christian Missionary Alliance North Sth at oalnes. Herman J. Bohl. pastor. Sunday school, g:45 am. Mornlni serv ice. 11. Sermon subject: "In Memory of Those Who Gave." Evening service, 7:30 n m Herman subtect: The sound film. "Mother and Homo" will be shown. Or chestra practice, 5:30. Young people. St. Mark Ev. Lbthersn 343 N. Church street Rev. M. A. Oetsendaner. D.D.. pas tor; Rev. John Bag Lien, assistant. Sun dsy school. t:4S. Mornlnc service. 11. Ser mon topic: ' Faith In Action." Men of church will have a meeting at wuawooa starting at 3. Luther League, 7. Feiir Corner Bajtlst Julius I. Herr. minister. Church Bible school. I 45. Morn ing worship. 11. Sermon aubtect. "Ex cuses." Special music, lundiv evening service at I Inspiring song service and message entitled, "How a Oood Man Was Saved." Bethany Evangelical and RrfomeS Marlon and Cpuo) St. Rev. Russell May er, pastor. Sunday school. 10. Morning Worship, 11. Evening worship, 7:41. Christ Lutheran -Steto street at ltth. Divine worship at 1:45 and 11 o'clock. Sermon subject: "Prayer." Sunday school at 0:50. C. B. Srhuls, pastor. First Spirit ms 1 1st 341 N. Commercial. Rev. Charles Cooler, speaker. Services at 2:30 and 7:30. First Christian HlBh and Center. Dud ley Strain, minister. Walter Naff, associ ate minister. Church school. 1:45. Morn ing worship and Communion. 10:50. Ser mon: "Keeping Company With Christ," Dudley Strain. Anthem, "Praise My Soul the Ktnc of Heaven." Huhn. Youth meet- nti :18. Evenlna wonhip, 7:30. Sermon. "The Eleventh Commandment." Walter Naff. West Salem Met bad 1st Third and Oerth. O. Leonard Jones, minister. Church ftchool. d 46. Worship, 11. Sermon: "The Holy Earlh," observing country life Sun day, with guests Orange, Lions club. Far mers union and otner community groups. Youth Fellowship, 0:30. Yoiim Adult Fe. Inwship, g. Dr. Norman Huffman, speak er. . First Presbvterlan Chemeketa at Win ter, Cheater W. Hamblin, psstor. John L. uoodenberger. assistant pastor. Church school, 0:46. Morning worship, 10:56. "The Drama of the Fare." Sermon bv the pas tor. Evening worship. 7:30. I.lnfteld Col le Chamber Orchestra. "The Man Who Never Sane, meditation by the pastor. Talk-el rsmmonlty Talbot, Oregon. Rev. R. Roiers Irwin, pastor. Sunday school, 10. Divine worship, 11. Message: "Fools Wise and Otherwise." Junior church. II. Younf peoples service. 7. Eve ning service. I. Message: "Hell, tht Ever lasting Home of the Lost." Trail, Center .63 N. Cottage. Sunday school. 46. Evening service. o'clock Tuesday. May 34. Subject: "Prosperity." Library. II noon to 1 p.m. Bethel Baptist North Cottage at D street. Rev. Rudolph Work, pastor. Sunday school at 46 a m. Mornlni wor ship at 11. Pr. J. R. Turnbull preaching on the topic. "Witnesses for Christ." Youth meettms at 0 10. Evenlni servtct at 7:30. Rev. D. D. Randall preaching. Jasosi Methodist The circles of the Woman's Society of Christian Service of Jason Ie Methodist church will meet on Wednesday at 110 at the following homes: Jan-July. Mrs. Jasper Button. 13 Dunran avenue: Feb.-Ang , Mrs. R. N. Thornquist, 1.170 N. IMh; March-Sept.. Mr. Phil Asp.nwall. 046 Market; April Oct , Mrs. T. E. Borfcman. 10fMf Donna avenue: June-Dec. Mrs. W. B. Whitttng ton, 161 South siren Firs lUatUt Marlon at Liberty. Rev l.'ovd T. Anderson, paator. Rev. C. E. Rnrkwede). a.ulslant psstor. Sunday rhool, 9 46 Mormne worship. 11. Rev, Bill Rice, a-jest evnfiut Youth meet his. 6 11. Joint service with Mr. Fmil Aanrlerud from Rock ford. Illinois aa guest " eskcr. Kwnini evsnselutic service, 'Ttie Denser of Delay." Rev. Bill Rica, Halbert Memc-lal Rat t Located en 'F. one mile rih m iinderosiv. Rev, WHEN YOU BUILD OR REMODEL. ElTH BR0VVN a ... - PM0NC l 1 Mass Recalling Old Parishers Woodburn When St. Luke's parish celebrates its golden Ju bilee Sunday at the 10:30 mass, nine people will be present who attended St, Luke's when it was founded in 1899. They include Joseph McCormick, Jim McCor- mick, Mrs. Gertrude (McCor mick) Jensen, Mrs. Cyril (Mc Cormick) Crosby, Miss Mary Hershberger, Mrs. Paul Sowa, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nibler. all of whom are still living in Woodburn. and Mr. and Mrs. John W. McGrath, now living In Portland. Recent announcement of St. Luke's 30th anniversary brought these facts to light, according to Mr. and Mrs. McGrath: The present church bell at St. Luke's was installed and blessed in March of 1902, with John W. McGrath and Barbara Stirber as two of the four sponsors; and, John W. McGrath and Barbara Stirber were the first couple married In the first church on June 17, 1902. They have two children, Rev. Joseph McGrath, CSC, and Miss Casilda McGrath, who will also attend the jubilee celebration, The Rev. Joseph McGrath, CSC, first native of Woodburn to be ordained to the priesthood and now head of the chemistry department at the University of Portland, will have an honored place in the sanctuary at the anniversary mass. The Rev. Boniface Aicher, OSB, the sec ond native of the parish now a priest, will be deacon at the pontifical mass. Revival Services To Close Sunday Dr. Bill Rice, evangelist from Wheaton, III., will bring his clos ing message on Sunday evening at the First Baptist church on the subject, "The Danger of De lay." In addition a sound film "The Power of the Blood," will be shown. The service will be gin at 7:30 with a baptismal ordinance. Emil Aanderud, in strumental soloist and song lead er, will conduct the music. Dr. Rice will also be speaking at the 11 o'clock morning worship service and Mr. Aanderud will speak to a joint young people's meeting In the church basement at 6:15 p.m. C. f. Brlckwedel, pastor. Sunder school IV 4ft. Mornlnt worship, II. Rev, Brlck wedel preaching. Joint rouni peoples and evening service with First Baptist church, Salem. Instil! of Belltioai Helen re Salem Woman's club, 460 North Cottaae. Rev. William Brron Charles. 11:00, "You Are the Son ot Ood " 1:00 p.m., "Filth Show ers Blessings." Saint Paul's Episcopal Church and Ohemekela, The Rev. Oeorie H. Swift, B. D. rector. Holy communion (in the chapel 710. Junior ehurch and classes. 4:30. Nursery school in parish house, u. Prayer service and sermon, 11. Youth vespers, John tn Memo Mel Seventh Del Advent 1st Hummer and Hood. A. J. Gordon, pan tor. A. D, Chllaon. assistant. Bsbhsth school. 10 a m. Mornlnt service. 11. Serv ice. 1 10. Young people's mission err vol unteers. first Cbareh of Christ. Scientist Lib erty snd Chemeketa. Sunday school at 11. Mornlnt service at 11. Sermon subject, 'Soul and Body." Nursery for children up to three rears of aie provided durlnt the mornlnt service aTventni service at g. Sermon subject, "Soul and Body." 1'nlted Penleroslal 449 Ferry. Rev. Nathaniel Wilson, pastor. Sunday school. fl:4ft. Mormna service. 11. Sermon sub ject. 'The FsMhful Olive Tree." Evening service, 1 30. Sermon, "Tht Disowned." Centrtl Laiherea Chorch Oalnes and North Capitol. O. B. Sundstrom, putor. Sundu? school. I ts. Mornlnt worship. 11. Etenlnt service. 1.30. Evanselut C. Heal and wui spesk. S.l.m H.lihu r.ntn.nllr LltwrlT Road t Madron. Avrnur. R.v. T. c. Brown, putor. Snnila. arhool at 10. Prt.chln, at 11. No?-4tiomtiiBtton.l. Knifhl Manorial Confr.aatlanal Ntna. tanth and Ferrr. Loul. c. Whit., mlnta tr. Stindar arhoo), 018 Mornlnt wor ahtp, II. a.rmorr, "Mora Than Conquar. or, " Chiirrhtlm, nura.rir for amall cltil dran. Pllanm fallowant. froupa tor Aa nlor hlih and Junior huh aiaa, 1:30. la.a Nana, fnt.alal ins Lawla. Ronald V. SittMr. paator, Bunday achool. 10. Claaaaa lor all aaa iroupa Mormna worahlp. It, cVrmon bv paator. Kventna Fvanaatlatlr aarvir,, 7 aft. 1 Silverton Churches MrthoSial Andrew Langen- dorf. pastor. Sunday eehool. 10. Worship. 11. Young people maet, 1.41. rh.reh at Jesia Christ of the Latter Da Saints I Mermen) K. P. hall. Sunday school, 10. Evenlna service. 1. Christian Science Sunday school, fal ser vice. 11. k- .1.-11. Vaiha inhlt 3. Walsh, pastor. Sunday masses, S and 10, week day, g. iisaMklt W 04 Berrel H. Scott, pas tor. Sunday school. Divine worship, 11. Young people s society, : Evan gelistic, SM rv . Bb. at. nil, . Sunday srhool. lfl. Worship hour. 11. Xve- rur I Hailsma Carl Mansfield, pas tor. Sunday school. 10. Worship hour, 11. Cvsnlng service, I. owoalaa Bs Advewtlst Elder A. D. Chllson, Salem, and Harold Johnson, local elder In rharga. Sabbath school, Saturday, 9:30. Morning worship. 11. Saturday. Sunday evening evangelistic aarvlct. Trinity Lutheran M. J. K. Fuhr. pas tor. Sunday srhool and Bible classes. 10 a m. Divine worihlp, 11. Sermon subject: "Why Pray?" Special music. Pastor O. A. Schmidt will also speak. Luther lea gue, 6. Methodist Ben F- Browning, minister. Sunday srhool. t:4t. Nursery for little children. Morning worship, 11. Subject: 'The Last Beatitude." pastor win install WSCS officers. Youth fellowship service. 7:30. Blair Finlay, president. Mrs. Har rison Flshar, counsellor. lm manual Lttheran 8. L. Almlle. pas tor. Sunday school and Bible classes, 10. Divine worship, 11. Sermon: "Let Us Pray." Luther league, 7:30. Topic: "Op portunities Unlimited." Calvary Lutheran James A. Tofte. pastor. Sunday school and Bible els. is, 10 a m. Morning worship, 11, with cate r hiring catechumens, theme: "Three Kinds of Hearers.'' Fellowship song ser vice. T. First Christian Arthur Charles Bates, pastor. Bible school. f:4S. Communion and aermon: 'I Am Ready, the Words of Paul the Apostle." Christian Endeavor, 7. Evening aervlca. I o'clock, blackboard de monstration of sermon: "Tht Church Pictured In tht Old Testament." vnriaiian mam niaiivnary Alliance Gordon T. Bratvold. minister. Sunday school. 10. Morning worship. 11. Sermon by pastor. Junior auartat vocal Bvninsr evangelistic sermon by the oastor 1:44 Junior and senior young peopla meet at Club Scholarships Bought at Aumsville Aumsville The Aumsville PTA held its last meeting ot the year in the school auditorium. Mrs. Ed Holmquist, presiding The group voted to give four and one half 4-H summer school scholarships this year. Following the ousiness meet ing new officers were installed. Mrs. Elmer Klein, a past presi dent was installing officer. Mrs Charles Wright is the new presi dent; Mrs. Guy Shields, vice- president, Mrs. Theo. Boehme. secretary; Mr. Roy Hough, treasurer. Mrs. Charles Wright reported on the state PTA con vention in Eugene. Stayron Churches a at let Rev. Wllllard Buckner. pastor Sunday chooI 10 Morntna worship 11 Training hour T:lt p.tn Evening service Chareh mt Christ Clyoe freeman, pas tor. Bible school, 10 a.m.; worship serv ice, 11. Youth fellowship, 1:10 p.m eve ning worship I Chareh of Christ L M Seld. minister Bible study 10. Morning worship 11. Bve nlng worship I Methodist John Moranie. pastor. Bible chool l Worship service U. Youth fel lowship g:M Evening worship t. Assembly of Ged Rav. Melvln Stock wen, pastor. Sunday school 10 Mornlni serv ice 11. Youns people's meetlna g:4ft. olni evant ells tie service 141. Imaaealeta Loaeaptle Cathelle Rev Math. Jonaa, putor Sunday services, masses 4 am.. 7:10 am and ISO a.m. St. Patrick's Cathalle (Lyons) Father Lea nder Schneider, psMor Winter sched ule. 1st. 2nd and Ith Sundays, mass 10 10 a.m.) Ird and 4th Sundays mass at S:J0 a.m. Oar Ladr of toardee Jardaat Father Leander Schneider pastor Winter sched ule. 1st, 2nd snd Sth Sundays mass 0:10 am: Ird nd 4h Sundays mass 10 3A a nt Why Endanger Your Health? By J. I. W1LL1TT 91 tha Capital Dru Star. There are- many miracle drugs on the market today, drugs that carefully adminis tered by a doctor can often re store health in a matter ot hours. In view of this It Is amazing that any one would endanger hie health by purchasing a medical preparation he knowi nothing about. Yet people con tinue to do so. To prescribe medicine requires not only a complete knowledge of what effect drugs will pro duce In the body, but an under standing of your physical con dition at the time, medicine is prescribed. That calls for the services of physician. Just as prescription compounding calls for the skill of an experienced pharmacist. CajvrrlcW Tt la tha lioth ot . aarlM of Vditorl.1 drtlapmanu pptarln la thai .apar lata Pnd.r. Capital Drug Store Suit m Liberty Phone I Sill Latter Day Saints Hold Institute Tha Reorganized Church of Latter Day Saints will conduct a priesthood institute for the Oregon district Friday, Satur day and Sunday at tha 17th and Chemeketa street church of the denomination. Apostle C. G. Mesley will preach at 8 o'clock Friday night while Evangelist Mark Yeoman will deliver tha sermon Satur day night. Bishop M. E. Lasat er will have charge ot the 10 a.m. class Sunday. The Sunday night services will be held in Portland. Mother and Daughter Banquet Is Served Woodburn A mothcr-dsufh- ter banquet was held at St. Mary's Episcopal hall by the Woodburn "Junior Mixers,' with 26 attending. The welcome was given by Mrs. Stewart Popp and the res ponse by Mrs. Byron Ball- feber. Other numbers on the program included piano solo by Mrs, Roy Arney; vocal solo, Miss Aryliss Nelson; tap danc ing by Sally DeArmond, Char lene Blinn and Linda Peterson; acrobatic dancing by Charlene Blinn, with Mrs. Blinn accom panying the dancers. The dinner was prepared by Mrs. William Stenger and serv ed by Misses Janice Norton Betty Norton, Wilma Hanson and June Polly. A corsage was presented to each mother by her daughter. Members and masts were Mrs. James Parka, Mrs. Virgil Ryan: Mrs. Blmer Schneider, Mrs. Byron Bauweoer; Mrs. Paul Ryan. Mrs. James Hammond: Mrs. Burton Richmond. Mra. Oeorta Willlg; Mrs. Irer Twlto. Mrs. Chris Hanson; Mrs. Clarence Hanson, Mrs. Bertha Broyles; Mrs. Carl Ooff, Mra. John Stenger: Mrs. LaVerne Morton, Mrs, Dennis Norton; Mrs, Lyle Sklller, Mrs. Henry Sherlock; Mrs. Arlle Sklller, Mrs. Olia Terry: Mrs. Stewart Popp, Mrs. Louise Pfaf finger: Mrs. Floyd Linn. Mrs. Clifford. Morton; Mrs. Harold Homann, Mrs. Melrla John- Missionary Shows Pictures of Alaska Zena Colored, pictures of residents of Alaska and of the Lazy Mountain children'! home at Palmer were shown at Zena community church by Rev. K R Hughes, who is an Alaskan missionary and supervisor of the orphanages at Palmer and An chorage. R. J. Shepard, former Alas kan road supervisor who with Mrs. Shepard and their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs Harold Washburn of Zena, are old time friends of the K. R Hughes family in Alaska, in in troducing Rev. Hughes spoke of his skill as a carpenter. In fact, he said he built his own chapel where he holds serv ices, and was instrumental in installing a group of quonset huts at the orphanage and with the help of the boys at the or phanage e r e ct e d substantia buildings, after felling the trees out of which lumber for the buildings was sawed. Rev. K. R. Hughes was accom panied by his wife and daugh ted, Vosella, and aon, Kennie Rue. and were guests at the Shepard and Washburn homes while here. The Ross barrier in the Ant actic is a sheet of ice 500 to 1800 feet thick and about the sizt of France. Woodburn Churches fUkrUtlu.. I.tneain nnst Doud S-S. Don Priest, pastor. Sunday school. 10. Servko, 11. Cfc. 7. Bvenlng service. S. Sts. Letter Olbson. pastor. Sunday school. 1.41 a.m. Preaching. 11 and 1:4. YP. 41. Pro Methodist Tount and Oatrh Sts Mrs. Rosalia B. Douglas, pastor. Sunday school. 1:41. Preaching, 11 and 7: it. Powreaaaro Utl I. Lincoln street. Ar thur Ooble. pastor. Sunday school, 1:41. Worship, a and 141 YP. 141. rife Presbyterian Oarfield and Third e .larl K. Pen ton. castor. Sunday school. 1.41. Divine worship, 11 and 1.M TP, I M. Chare of Jesms Christ of Latter Day Sernts ICOP hall. Sunday school. 10. Sa crament Meeting. 11:30. The Rears an laed Chareh of Jeaaa Christ mt Latter bay Sal ateCorner of Second ana uarneio. ueorae omans. pastor. Chureh school, 10. Preaching, 11. Zion's league, 1. Lecture study, g. aVthel Presbyterian 3 mil sail mi ITn. ion School road. Barl K. Fen ton. pastor. Worship, 10. Sunday school, 10:4ft. Chareh ml (Ism! Thl r4 mnA eirmrt mt. Raymond w. Hood, pastor. Church school, 10. Worship, 11 and g. YP. 1. SI. Mary's Mission tEalscaaah r Lin. coin at. at Cupids Court. William Van Metar, vicar. Church school, 10. Worship, Bible Biptlst Orange halt. Bettlemleri Sunday school. 145. Worship service, 11 and 7:41. YP, 1:45. teneen, pastor. Doud and Oswald Sts" CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH Invites You Two Worship Services Every Sunday 8:45 a. m. n . m. Sunday School 9:50 a m. C R. Schulz Pastor Christian Missionary Alliance North Sth at Gaines St. :43 SUNDAY SCHOOI-Supt. James Larson 11:00 "IN MEMORY OF THOSE WHO GAVE" Message by pastor, Herman J. Bohl Choir directed by John Schmidt 5:30 ORCHESTRA PRACTICE 8:30 YOUNG PEOPLE'S T:30 SOUND FILM, "MOTHER AND HOME" Highly Indorsed by many Christian Groups ROOFING Now is th time to order that new roof before the busy summer season. ' Expert workmanship with the highest quality material Free estimates without obligation. McGilchrist & Sons 2SS Ne. Commercial Street Salem FREE PHOTOGRAPH Siie S x 7 Inches OF YOUR CHILD Age 2 months to 5 years Continued by Popular Demand THREE MORE DAYS Saturday, Monday and Tuesday May 21-23-24 children 2 months to s years must ie accompanied it parents selection of proofs no appointment necessary no obligation to iuy Te All Mathers ef Salem and Vicinity To make new friends and in appreciation of post patron age, we have arranged with a specialist In child photo graphy, to make a FREE PHOTOGRAPH of your child In our store, Saturday, Monday ond Tuesday, May 21-23-24. No cost, no obligation, nothing to buy , . . it's FREE. Stare Hears 9:30 a.m. to 1:04 p.m. Toy and Hobby Shop , 163 North Commercial St., Salem w4ty prtiMt, 14:41. JforvagHa aarvtcaa, OarT.la PraarWm IraaM TramblaY. paator. Bund. achoaL 10. Worahlp, ll. CS. 1:M. Malhadlal Hlth achool auditorium. Harry F. Pamhartoo, putor. Church achool, l it. Worahlp, 11. 81. Lata'. Olaolla V. L. Molfanbolar. paator. Harrlaon bctwaaa 3rd and 4th. Bunday aartlcaa. 1, S:30 ond 10. Altar noon davMlom. 4. Nldaroa Lalh.r.a (Maallaal Worahlp, 11. Sunday achool, 10. Many students believe thai primitive men, sometimes called savages, are predominantly re ligious In their outlook. - RADIO PROGRAM TIME CHANGED "FIRST CALL," broadcast of First Baptist Church, regularly heard at 8:00 a.m. to 8:80 a.m on Sundays over KSLM will now be heard from :M te :M e.aa. eaeh Susntay Orer Station KSLM Ber. Uoyd T. Andersea speaklnf Hart Evangelistic Party Every night 7:4.1 (except Mon day). Friday night, Healing Service; Saturday night AU Musical. Fraaaalad or So. Ctaad. Bwjll M CaJ. vary Chaptf .ni Baa. Mat Wy.it AT Faith Tabernacle 5th and Gaines Phone 3847S A REVIVAL CONTINUES WITH I e" JT tllillifcsaalsiK nlllXWM I fcWMW r! I III WHM