y East Salem Offered Play; School Election Scheduled East Salem, May 18 A special program hai been planned for the evening's entertainment at Middle Grove school house Friday night by the entertainment committee for the Associated Clubs of Middle Grove. A Jitney supper will be served early in the evening and at 8 o'clock the new play, "M'liss," will be given by the Salem Civic players. A general invitation is extended to the public. Friday will also be a school election day when voters of Sa lem district No. 24 will be ask ed to vote on the proposed school budget for the next year. This will be the first school elec tion since the passing of the new law by which only registered voters will vote, and not Just property owners. East Salem's schools, Rickey, Auburn, Swe gle and Middle Grove will vote as they have since consolidation at the C and K lumber company offices near the corner of Lan caster drive and Center street. The May meeting of the Boy Scout committeemen for Middle Grove troop 42 was held In the home of Hubert Aspinwall. At tending were Cleo Keppinger, committeemen chairman; Jack Wikoff, Theodore Kuenzl, Lewis Patterson, John Van Laanen, Bert Bye, William K 1 e e n and Scoutmaster Robert Wagers and Assistant Scoutmasters Robert Pickerel and Hubert Aspinwall. Plans were made for the gen' eral camporee which is held the first week-end in June with transportation and leadership also discussed. Wives of the men met with Mr. Aspinwall's mother for a social hour while the men were meeting. The Middle Grove Dairy Calf club met at the home of Bobby bchaffer with their leader, Don aid Bassett and Mrs. Paul Bas- sett. Wayne Goode, Stephen Pat terson, Lewis Patterson, Jr. and Leonard Hammer were present. For the evening lesson members We carry more than 70 varieties of 10EB DIETETIC FOODS for starch-and-sugar-reitricted diets, salt-free and other restricted diets. Bread, crackers, ellie, desserts, candies a wide and delicious choice. Alio salt-free, starch-free and low calory varieties. Come at for free food charts end recipes, LOEB DIITETIC FOODS II, ft ftundmrf W IxcWiMc ifaca 1901 Available fiaai HEALTH SHOP 885 North Winter Ph. 1-6835 made study of a live calf and then checked a chart as test. At the next meeting a report will be given on the growth of their calves. Lancaster home extension un it will meet Friday at 11 a.m. in the demonstration kitchen of Hogg Brothers in Salem. A boil ed dinner luncheon will be pre pared by project leaders. Swegle'cub pack meets at the school house Friday night Par ents are asked to accompany the boys. Carson Says Young GOP Must Save Party Senator Allan Carson warned members of the Marion county Young Republican club Wed nesday night that the republi cans, unless a real effort Is made, will find the democrats a stronger party In 1950. He said that It Is largely up to the young party members to overcome "old and unchanging ideas. Recalling that he had support ed measures in the recent legis lature that had the backing of young republicans, he said he was "thrown around" not by the democrats but by some of the other republicans. He said the younger republi cans can make their own party, with some advice from the old er members. Taste 'em they're all meat! Tut bow food, plump and Juicy Armour Frankfartara aral They're mada fraih avary day In Portland -aaaaonad jo tha way you Uka 'am hara In Or agon. Armour Frankfartara ara aZ-oiaal. too nothing but Ana baaf and pork and aaaonlngl A Portland-made to Oregon's taste U. S. GOVERNMENT INSPECTED jjgfe Frankfurters I leader in America's finest line of sausage P0C3B Priced "Kash and Karry"-Less Cash More Carry At no sacrifice in quality we offer a complete selection of fresh meat and fish at "low down" prices, prices that can save you from 20 to SO per cent on your fresh meat items. BEEF ROAST SPECIAL Eastern Or. Hereford Arm Cuts Blade Cuts a Rumps 431 LB. BEEF STEAK SPECIAL Eastern Oregon Hereford Round Steak a T-Bon Steak O Rib Steak fl n 11 f Ground Round 59 LB. CHOICE PORK SPECIAL . Lean Pork Steak lb. 45c Center Cut Roast lb. 43c Lean Loin Chops lb. 59c VEAL STEAK LAMB CHOPS HAM SHANKS . SLICED BACON Jb. 59c lb. 59e Jb. 39c -lb. 43c SKINLESS WIENERS FRESHLY GROUND HAMBURGER FRESH COUNTRY SAUSAGE lb. 39- LOCKER BEEF Specially Priced for Another Week! Eastern Oregon Hereford Branded "Quality" Lb.3912( BASINGER'S FOOD MARKET 1288 State Street In the University Shopping Center NEW PEAS Fresh Sweet Wei' Filled Pods 2,25c Sunkist Large, Juicy Lemons doz .43c New California V PotatoeslOlb. Jjt LETTUCE Locally Grown LargeSolid Heads each . 7c Beg Mora Dog Food2cn. 27c Shady Oak Strawberry Preserves lb. 25c EGGS Farm Fresh Strickly Guaranteed Large A Dos. 53c BOOK MATCHES ctn. of 50 Each 10c Luncheon Meat 12 ot. Tin Prices Effective Than. Fri. Sat. May 19-20-21 SHOP and SAVE at BASINGER'S 13th and Stat after a call and tfie local opera-i tor answered. When told to send1 the department to the Scio Lu mber company, she believed it must be a fire out of conrol and the Scio firemen needed as sistance, so she dispatched the call. Meanwhile, Scio Fire depart ment, unaware of the fire in Its territory, didn't respond at all. All's well that ends well, for the fire was out when the local firemen arrived on the scene. Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, May 19, 1949 9 Stayton Firemen Taken for Ride Stayton Stayton firemen had a Joyride to Scio when the plug on the commercial telephone line between Stayton and Scio was left in the wrong position 10 Down p Monthl; VENETIAN BLINDS And Shades W waik. nIih, ant natal raat la VenelUat allaaa. ELMER, The Blind Man Call anytime for Fre Estimates Phone 1-1S2S 1453 Run St West gakm We give S&H Green Stamps WOMEN WANTED For beauty training Ex cellent opportunities are al ways open to the skilled beautician Claim are now forming at Salem's oldest and most advanced beauty school. Call or write for our new low rates Oregon School of Beauty Culture 130 N Liberty Ph. 36800 bors Journal Want Ads Pay SOUND-VALUE DOORS! Here are the Doors you'll want in your building Doors that will serve you well, and long. Doors that are built well, will not warp or creak or stick, once they are properly hung. Doors for every opening, Indoors or out. And Gar age Doors that even a wo man can open and shut with ease! SALEM WOODWORKING CO. 1225 Cross ph. 3-5953 Use Capitol Journal Wont Ads. They Will Satisfy Your Needs. MEW! BETTER! GB.ASS (SILEA&3ER m a l m.jF MIRRORS LEAVES NO WAX OR GREASY FILM! Just spray Sqeez-Kleen on any glass or paint ed surface and wipe. Leaves no streaks ... no woodwork cloudy wax ... no oily film . . . just a sparkling clean, crystal clear finish. Keep several con tainers handy for kitchen, bath and car. Use Sqeez-Kleen for wiping finger marks off doors and other painted surfaces, too! No mechanical gadgets to leak or get out-of-order . . . juit squeese to apray on with one hand and wipe sparkling clean with the other. The plastic con tainsr won't break if you drop it. Easy to refill from Urge glass container. THE PLASTIC CONTAINER -CAN'T BREAK, SPILL OR LEAK -At 1)1 Hardware, Mad by tha Makr$ of WHITE ROSE Beoch J ja&$?fS WINDSHIELDS SPAM 37c 0CB GXTO GTJ GWIGXDra SALMON Alaska Packed 1 lb. Tin 37c