Local Paragraphs Mis Your Paper? If the Capital Journal carrier fail! to leave your copy please phone 22406 BEFORE 6 P. Mv and a copy will be delivered to you. , To Meet Friday The Wo man'! Relief corps is to hold its regular meeting Friday at 2 p. m. in the Veteran! of Foreign Wars hall. Young Will Speak Don A. Young, retiring member of the Salem achool board, will dis cuss achool problems at the Fri day luncheon of the Salem Re alty Board. Three to Graduate Three eighth grade pupils at Twin Crest school will receive diplo mas at the Quinaby RNA hall Monday night at 8 o'clock. Mrs Agnes Booth, county school superintendent, will speak. Gra duates are Oleta Hall, Edward Young and Ernestine Stephens. Teachers are Mrs. Mary nam aon and Mrs. Emma Barton. Baccalaureate Slated Bac calaureate services for the gra duatine class of the Mill City high school will be held at the Christian church there Sunday evening with Rev. Morton Boothe, of the Albany Presby. terian church, giving the ser mon. Graduation exercises will be held in the theater Thursday night, May 26, with Dr. Chester Hamblin, of the Salem Presby terian church, speaking. Time Change Beneficial At least one man is happy with the change to daylight savings time. W. F. Dwyed, Mill City, was ac cused of driving while under the influence of intoxicating liquor near Mill City last February 27 and was scheduled for trial in Albany Justice court before Judge Harlow L. Weinrick. When the complainant, Mrs. Adelle Hutchinson, arrived one hour after the set time she found that the case had been dismissed. She said she did not take daylight savings into con sideration. ' Wallace Sprague Advanced Wallace A. Sprague, who for several years has been assistant managing editor of "Parade" magazine, which has editorial offices in the Chrysler building. New York, has been advanced to managing editor. He is a son of Charles A. Sprague, publiser of the Oregon Statesman, and was formerly on the Statesman staff. He succeeds Jess Gorkin who is advanced to editor. Pa rade is carried as a supplement to newspapers in cities of the east, middle west and south, and has a circulation of 8 4 million. Squirrel Poison Ready Poi son grain for ground squirrel control can be obtained from the office of the county agent in Salem, according to Ben A. New ell Marion county extension agent. Other supplies are avail able at banks in Woodburn, S i 1 - verton, Stayton, Mt. Angel and St. Paul. Church Calls Grangers Mem bers of the West Salem Grange will observe rural life Sunday by attending services at the West Salem Methodist church Sunday morning. Memorial services were held at the weekly meet ing. The program included prayer by Rev. O. Leonard Jones, scripture reading by Irene Parson, chaplain; reading. Jean DeWitt; address by Carlton Brown who also gave a solo and a reading by Hate) Boening. Numbers were given by a quar tet composed of Brown, Harold Burns, Hazel Anderson and Hazel Boening with decoration of the altar in charge of Flor ence Kortemeyer, Hazel Boen ing. Lucy Weller and Charlotte Brewster. New Gas Tax Effective July 2 Oregon's Increased gasoline tax should become effective July 2, but the increased tax on diesel and other motor vehicle fuels should become law on July 1, Attorney General George Neu- ner ruled today. The present tax is S cents a gallon on gasoline and diesel. The legislature voted to boost them to 6 cents on July 1. Neuner, in his opinion for Sec retary of State Earl T. Newbry. held that the diesel tax increase couldn't become effective until 90 days after the adjournment of the legislature because it was not an emergency measur. Licenses are Issued Obtain ing- marriage licenses at Vancou ver, Wash., were Leo J. Morris and Virginia M. Kitchen, both of Salem; Leonard A. Gukelsen and Norma J. Cartwright, both of Sweet Home: Harold L. John son, Rickreall and Dorothy J. Enelish. Dallas: Otis E. .Banta nd Rnsemarie Noah, both of sweet Home: Francis J. Richard son and Luanne J. Slme, both of Albany and Arnold W. Bru- mitU Sweet Home and Laura L Brumitt, Portland. Late Sports jtyy3gyj -ysnn 'iiiatPi m'wmmt mm mmvmmt 'TT"1" aT 0MWsVHMasstfistekAkfsAsW Ifapital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, May 19, 194ft ?l . F S L. Elfstrom two Salem Rotary Scholaniiips Awarded Mayor Robert awards Rotary club-Willamette scholarships to high school students and one Silverton high youth. Those pictured above receiving the awards include Joyce Edgell and Paul Jewell of Salem high school and Ernest Duvall, of Silverton high. ilHs. LHHHHaAaJii Hospital Fire (Continued from Pag V Humor Magazine Appears at W. U. Willamette MARKET QUOTATIONS SaieaB L'eal.ee Market ay valla raeklaa c.peati Sprln lamoi The "Puritan university's brand new humor isma red nmoa. Yranraaa nam ... NATIONAL Boston 001 ooo ooa i Pittsburgh ... .000 200 0002 Biewrorct ana aaiKeiu, msi Riddle. Casey , nd McCullough. Demos Book Pearson Walter S. Pearson, state treasurer, will be in Eugene Thursday evening to speak at a dinner meeting of the Lane county democratic central committee. Precinct committeemen will meet after dinner. Resort Is Sold The Bruch man interests, which have been operating Breitenbush Hot Springs in the Cascades in the Mill City area, have bought from the Healy estate. The sale price is reported in excess of $50,000. The resort consists of several buildings and 160 acres. Visiting Lebanon Plant Fif ty members of the Investment Bond Traders' club of Portland will make a trip to Lebanon by bus Friday, leaving ahortly af ter lunch. They will visit the Cascades Plywood corporation during the afternoon and have dinner at the plant. Leave Salem Memorial Dis missed from the Salem Memor ial hospital with infant sons are Mrs. Russell Langeliers, 625 Hall, Woodburn, and Mrs. John Coleman, 1(21 Cross. Mrs. V loyce Hunking, Woodburn, has gone home with an Infant daugh ter. District Court t v buull lndeoendenro. wrlllnl cluck aim inaulllclfnt lunde. Pleaded ol lulllr. trial mi tor -" ... - 1350 ball. School Girl Injured Lucy Rickard, 12-year-old Central Howell girl, was taken to the Silverton hospital with Injuries received when her bicycle was struck by an automobile driven by Gertrude M. Brice, Silverton star route. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Rickard of Central Howell. Meeting Friday The Wom-j en's auxiliary of the St. Paul's Episcopal church Is to meet Fri day at 1:30 p.m. in the parish house. Mrs. George H. Swift and Mrs. George Corwin, dele gates to the synod meeting in Seattle, will give reports. There will be a tea following the pro gram. Rob Ranch Listed Cobie Orey and T. R. Glrod, both of Route 2, box 197, have filed with the Marion county, clerk a certificate of assumed business name for Orey Hop Ranch. Leave Salem General Leav ing the Salem General hospital with recently born infanta are Mrs. Donald R. Hansen and son 2855 Silverton rosd; Mrs. Vern Tallman and daughter, 1140 Lee; Mrs. Robert J. Powers and son, route 7 and Mrs. Irwin Bartell and daughter, Aumsville. Gibbens Improving Earl W Gibbens of Woodburn who re cently suffered a heart attack and who underwent major aurg ery at the Salem Memorial hos pital last week, has been return ed to the Woodburn hospital and is Improving slowly. Life Underwriters Members of the Salem Life Underwriters association will meet Friday noon at the Senator for the an nual election of officers. Bud Home of the Business Men's Assurance company of Portland, will speak on the subject "Let's write More Life Insurance VFW Session Nears Attend ance at a district meting of the Veterans of Foreign War posts here Sunday and also the state convention to be held in Coos Bay next month is being empha sized by District Commander Parks. He and Commander Clemens, Marion Post No. 661 visited the Mt. Angel post this week and both spoke briefly The Mt. Angel post will hold memorial services at Calvary cemetery May 30. Shutting Off Water Water users in West Salem are being notified that the water will be ahut off between 6 and 8 o'clock Monday evening to mfeke neces sary repairs and adjustments to the season. The shut-off was or iginally planned for last Tues day between 2 and 4 o'clock. Merner Guest At Luncheon A group of Salem Industrial ists and business men had as their special guest at a luncheon Thursday at the Marion hotel Carl Merner of Emeryville, Calif., production manager for Moore Business Forms. With Mrs. Merner was C. R Miller, manager of the Salem plant recently established by the company to serve the 11 western states. The meeting was Informal. Mr. Merner discussed business conditions in general, and the business of the Salem p'ant in particular. He la optimistic on both. The company'a location in Salem has been justified, he said. The Salem plant will not reach full production capacity for from three to five yean he thinks, but the growth to ca pacity will be steady and substantial. Recovering from Fall Gladys Surgeon is recovering slowly from the effect of fall last week in her home. She suffered an Injury to her back. BORN The Capital Journal Wcltomaa . the FnllMrtHi Nw CIHtfn: rurKvrTNB T llr. nt Mr. J T'jrrrntlBt. 31 f . Cnttct. tht ! 0nrl IWMPutl, bo. Mar It. WT-T Mr. ititl Mr. Ora K tbj. I'M N. Liberty, tt tftt ft.m 0nrl fcocpltal. ci (Mr. Mir II. MrCAH T Mr. and Mr 0n M Mr etnn. ISM Pete, tl Ut ftftJia OtDr kait4i, a tm. Mir u. COURT NEWS Civil Service Age Limit for Police Lowered 21 to 35 Heated debate punctuated the Salem civil service commission Wednesday afternoon before a lowered age limt of 21 to 35 was adopted by the group for police department candidates. A clash of opinion developed over the members of the radio department at City hall with the chairman of the board, William J. En tress, contending that they were members of the police de- department be made eligible for Lev-ttT E. Sehrull, Pleaded not autlty, Brook, noiwupport. htarini t lor May i.mM t. tinder wood. Bvrton. writ- inv clieok wilh luaulllctant fund. Om dismissed Circuit Court ni.ni-an on Dune in? Defen dant ordered to pay 160 per month dur ing pendency 01 sun. Maxtne Bonawell ft. Boy oil lrtf Van Fleck: Jury found lor the plaintiff In the sum 01 im-. n,lrh u vmtar vs. avbll J. Potter: Decree of divorce restore s deienaani a former nam of Sybil J. Dymond. B.rth nrtner vi Oret on Motor Stales and Joseph H. Harp: Complaint see its juob mnt of 15000 teneral damages and Sill luftii dimitti for Injuries received by plalntin wnue naini on oue m defendants on January te, ivts. D wight It. Miles and wife va Oeori n Wuoman and Wife: Oom Plaint seeks J 181.34 allegedly due plaintiffs on prom- isory note. I-Mtar W. Wrliht ve Settle I. Vrliht Complaint seeks deeree of divorce fend aslu that piainiiri m liven ouaiooy two minor ehlMrea. Robert O. Smith tnd Barbara 1. Smith v Kev C. Sever tnd ethers: Demurrer to answer. Probata Court - vrai Edward Lanee estate: Order fixes time for hearing final account at 10 a.m. june . Rosa A. Waatlev eilate: time for hearing objections count. Ar B. Shepherd estate: Deere ' charge administrator. Antal Daniel aetatt: O t 4 T approves sale of real property. Kaennnci ui estate: ssiaie appraised at S3S.SB3. Bit ate aDoralied at S06: time lory extended to June 1: order approves widows allowance of 1100 monthly for even months. Chester w. Mattllnr entste- Order aa proves tale of personal property. . D. MrBrlde estate: Order authorise sale of personal property. Bdna May West tuardiannhip: Order anorovea claim asalnet esrate and thorites 3S monthly payment to the state board if control. Stiate apprais- partment because they are paid from police fundi and hired and directed by the chief of police Richard G. Severin said the city council considered the men to be city employes. At that, Entress stormed: "I don't care what the council says. I can read and understand the English language just as well as they can." He waved a copy of the civil service amendment to the city charter to emphasize his re marks, but the subject was drop ped when the board was advised that the new budget would re move the radio operators from the police budget. A second clash followed when Severin, with the backing of the newly appointed board member, Kenneth C. Perry, moved to al ter the resolution establishing the new age limit to permit all men now in the police depart ment to take civil service examination. Entresi argued that "as a mat ter of principle' the rules shouldn't be changed to enable one man to take the examina tion when he had been hired while over the previous age lim it of 41. The chairman charged that "we would be adding to the bur den of the pension funds by put ting old men in jobs." He then accused the man about whom the argument hinged of being in competant for the post he holds as juvenile officer. Entress contended the other two board members had been victims of pressure from top city officials. Severin denied the charge while Perry emphasized he was in favor of following the suggestion of Police Chief Clyde A. Warren. The chief had asked all men now employed by the the examination. Earlier in the meeting, the group voted to call for candi dates for the fire department with an examination to establish an eligible list to be held in June. Fire Chief Roble pointed out that the present list, containing six names, would not be enough to meet the requirements of i 19-man expansion scheduled un der law to begin in July. Catherine Person Wins Scholarship Catherine Person, Salem high school senior, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Person, has been selected as the recipient of this year s Salem Lions school scholarship. Announcement was made during the Thursday noon luncheon of the club. The acholarship, valued at S300, is given each year by the Lions to a local high school sen ior who plans to follow the tea ching profession. Miss Person was selected because of her per sonality and her aptitude in the handling of children. She plans to enter Oregon College of Edu cation at Monmouth next fall and expects to become an ele mentary teacher. The scholarship recipient has held memberships in the Honor Society, O I r Is League. Tri Y, Y, Girls Letter club, Vikettes, and Snikpoh and has been a member of the Clarion staff. She was vice president of the Girls League this year, partici pated in debate and was a mem ber of the Snikpoh cast that pre sented "I Remember Mamma." The mother was a former teacher. There will be some salvage of equipment, which should bring that part of the cost under the S7S,000 first estimated. Much surgical and laboratory equip ment was saved. The building was automatical ly insured under the state res toration fund. This fund now has $200,000 and $250,000 more will come in after July 1. The state emergency board will meet June 17 and probably take some action on financing reconstruc tion at that time. Whether a completely new building will be necessary. the project be one of rebuilding the old structure, will be de elded after an Inspection by an architect.' The fire started Just after a change of shifts at S o'clock Mrs. Erma Myers, in charge of the clothing commissary, was in the basement Just before she left the building at 4:55 and said nothing seemed to be wrong at the time. The start of the fire was from an unknown cause in the base ment, which was used for stor age. Near the point of the start was an elevator shaft that was not in use. It is possible that the shaft drew the flames rapidly upward. The spread of the fire through the building was rapid. It made a spectacular scene, with smoke pouring from windows and bil lowing through the roof. Less than an hour after the start of the fire the flames burst through the roof and soon afterwards most of it collapsed. Two handicaps faced the fire department low pressure of water and a disabled ladder truck that kept that vehicle at headquarters. At first the in stitution water facilities were used, but later the city system was cut in. All available fire equipment was in use, and sys tematic fighting of the flames reduced the loss and doubtless saved other nearby buildings. Temporarily most of the hos pital patients will be cared for in one of the newei cottages named for the late Governor Earl Snell. The total popula tion of the institution is around 1200. magazine, made its debut campus and downtown newsicutwr ma stands Wednesday. The public- j D"i?h.t.Cri' tion specializes on slanting lis au;u Jokes and cartoons to fit cer tain events, customs and indi viduals at Willamette. Cartooning in the magazine is good throughout, and a satir ical section entitled "A Pictorial Review of Campus Events of the Year" includes one of the wid est variety of photos ever used in a single picture feature. Head "Puritans" are Don Carpenter, editor; Runs Tripp, business manager; Bill Merriam, circulation manager; Ben Younglove. art editor; Ed Fitz- simons. listed as Hays office rep resentative; and Lowell Miller literary critic. Ready for Rubbish The West Snlem city council is staging a clean-up of the city next week and those with rubbish are urg ed to have this on readiness at the curbs or at alleyways so that it may be picked up Tuesday and Wednesday. 114 00 ta 13 0 .HI M la 120 U ,114 0ft to 1110ft ..13 00 ta IS 00 110.00 to I14 0O .I14.M ta 111 00 . .11100 ta 111 00 . .Ill 00 to 131.00 mleM annd (300-4501OI.1 110 00 to 133 00 Vral (150.300 la I load ..I34O0 ta 111 00 I. prle..- aaM althln 11 at earl- tnd prlcaa lef .ach typt Top, 170-211 ifto. Siraaerrta laid lor 13 71 to 13-rup Mat nn th. Portland Kaauida ratm.ra WiialMal. Ptndur. atark.l tadar. Ltt'na. aaa 12 3 a erata. Ca.iloTnio crlarj waa auotad at II 00 ft cra'f nooaeb.rma vara ll eantj a pound Hotbouaa rucumaari aald (or 11.00 ft 2. dnn lui Radtanao war. II ta u aanu ft daaaa buncha.'. STOCKS QUOTATIONS AmTiin m Pow U ..... Am Ttl U Anttondt BondU Aflttlos Beth St il ..... Boalnt Airnlin ,. Ctllf Piflklm .... rtnirtUn Pteift .. Cm J 1 OttorpitUr Ohfir nmUh Sra ... Can) Vultt ..... Continental Can Crown VllirbcB . Cuntu Wriini ,,, Deuflau A tret aft , upon. 4t Nm .... Otncral IrtietrW Oaniral f ou4i ..,, Oantral Uoors ... QMdMif Tift Ibi Rarvtatw (I Papir Kannocott LI bar MrN I Loni Btll A" ... HntgMnrr ward Nuk KaMaaitH .. Ital Dairy OtHtral ..... (rtkarn Paalfl .., Pa Am Plh Pat Ou a Via ... Pm Ta) afc fal PMitr J O ft. cn , kUicaitr lUvonttr Pfd .... lit rat 14 UntaLfl niiRCltid aft war AtOTM a- notkutk rathara Ptrlfk tar OU Ca Maakw C- ., . I t uinlmi TrMMrKi (J OU OU .... vi rMin ,,. ta44 4imiM .. ft SMtf 5T SO" Prtla Ptb ft utter fat Iftuatlv. 'jtrt to 1mm thara ehangt Prcmluta quality ntzlmuia l 31 tm I pawn! aeldltj dtllwtd la Portland fl-ttt lb., tint ua'lty b. wcond quality l?-0c. Vallty rout anrt rouotrv point It law than ftrit- nutirT wboitiait fob ulk tub m rholMl; itbo A A, M tora, 1-I3e; A. S3 cor 10-HlVic: B. M acort, Us Ik.; C, St trort. II Ik. Abovt arte art atmt- ly nominii CbMw fit 11 in prtca to Portland nnM alt Or ton ami-iea. JIH-M1. Oftoa Ik loaf. ilVkQlae: Utpiau laaa itaaa tlm Im Sua (T W holttalart A trad urn, 61-i3l..f. A ttitdiuin. H-lle. iradt S, Pat-Hand Dairy Marfctl Buiitr pr.ct t fttailtrt Grid r:n ic; A A cariona 67c; A prlnu. str: a carton.1, ne. a print, ur. Km Prlkt U rttallara: aA ik(k, iSr . cert Iliad A lan. tie; A Ian a. at-ii". AA madlum. He: etrtlllM mrdium. Stcj A madlum, 53ei varton additional C'kteaa Prle t fttailtrt: Portia ad Or on Rlnilaa lO'i-iO'ie Ortaoa loaf, .b OVa-Hc; triplet iSat t tban ala- Poultry Llt Chlckfiia -. N 1 quality FOB planii. No. 1 brollr-ri under I1 lb 31-31 lb., rrvr-r l'z to J iu., jB-aoe i ioairs 4 Itu 4iid over, 30Slc Ik.; fowl. i.ectinrnx unciir iu., Ji-ase: ovar lb. 36-37r; colored fowl, all velhta, 30- llr; rooatera. all welghU. ll-Mc, Rabbit Average to arowtr lor Uf hlte. frrera whit. 4-5 ibt 21-30 Ik.t Ibj.. i-ll lb . eoJortd IS-SSei eld V Heavy does, 11 lie or an ad frytrs mitrhtra 1 tflc old near ooas. SS-ina. Trka iPrlcaa quoted are 11 to Ik producer on a drexstd velfM oatlal O 8 (fade A young toma 11 S3t Ik ; N. youni nena, nominally aoe Dremcd iirkaja t rttatltrti Oiadt A young hant 10-He New fork atylt dra- d A trade jxunf toma aa-ftM Portland Hlacellanoi C'aarar Hark Dry IO lb. rrccs tt St, n not Valley eoara and medium trtdaa. tac id Mohair lie fb. on 11 -month frowth. ' tiat uaivea in id , accoraioi weiint kip 1 8c Ik., beet 11-13 lb., bull l-ae ib enunt ry kuyr pay 1 kM Nl QaatatloRt itainule .'ranquettM nrit qualrt rant medium. 36 2c: baby U .c, toft tbtl llrit auaiiiy tare, h it: meaium lo.io: ae end quality Urid IT.Je; mdlua 1411 1 tabf 13 a. I III bar la - Jumbo. ftf lr. medium. He; imall, 13e trait Nut urowcra Quotation art on th aaita or 100-lb bat pureb fok altultv Girl Stealing Aufo Foiled by Owner Salem police are looking for girl with skinned knees who is wanted for questioning in connection with the attempted theft of an automobile belong ing to Roger C. Long, Bend. Long told police he was visit ing at the home of his parents, 1125 N. 17th. with his automo bile parked between ISth and lfilh on Nebraska when shortly after midnight he saw It being driven away. He gave chase, jumped on the running board and set the brake fnrtlanrt Rrala Portland. Mar It ! Whtat futuraa not quoted. Caan irain not auolad. CaAh wheat ibid): flolt whllt til; aoft wmta exeludlni ret) s.21; whlia clua 3.21; waatern red 1.11. Hard red alnlcr: Ordinary 111; 14 I cent 121: II per aent 2.11. Hard while baart: Ordinary S.llt per rent. 131. Today a ear receipt: wheat Hi Barlar 3: corn 11 oata I; mtllfeed Matthews Confrrmed Washington, May 19 VP) The senate today confirmed Francis i. iviaiinews, umana lawver. as secretary of th navy. The action was by unanimous consent. Request N.W. Fruit Shipments Washington, May It t") Rep. Holmes (R.. Wash.) asked a house deficiency appropriations subcommittee today to Include fresh fruit from tht Pacific northwest in the economic re covery shipments to Europe. Vatthew Lea auata: w. W. MrKlnner appolntad admlnlatrator; W. B. Phtlllpa, Donald A. Tount and I- J. alitor appoint ed apprauara. Loren Loa Porter aauta' Lota a. Kianir appolntod tuardian ad mom. dtar A Ttbbiu appointed tttardlin of John Clark Tibblto and Fannli A. Tib blta, ineompatenu. Ooorn Orabenherat, Paul Wallace and Marr Bowtnaa appoint ed apprauara ! Uta aatato ot Incoenpi-tanu. folic Court Hirold 1-reolu Bauthn. til If Oeoa tnorelal, followlns toe olooa tft anothar ra hloln fined II. Four In driver' aaat: LaVillo Uirtha Orren, S30 UcClina, ailwtan, boll II. Toe much speed: Loran Arthur Batlth. Ill. Oentari Robert J. Deekrotll. Jef feraon: felon Olinteoi ffampllon, Jeffer aoet at. 1. and Jaenai nerd Muntor, Bu lenot aaall fined 111. ltod Oeachwalt, Woodburn Bt. I: failure ta alas; ball 12.11. Aldlnl prtaoner ta oaeaao: Blelll Uae Torbortn, Brewnavllle, Tel.. and William Howard Pranka. Xephrf, Tal.t held for aharlff'a ntfire. For sale by owner 1841 Stu- debaker Champ. Russ Mnhney, Pringlt Rd. Rt. 4, Box S43. Ph. J0129. lie Custom made Venetian Blinds call Reinholdt ft Lewis, I-3SJ8 lit Hair eutting and permanent, our specialty. New low price cold wave. Lip Stick Beauty salon. Ph. 33836. 119 Colorful summer cottons for every occasion at Lorman'a, uu Edgewater, West Balem. Open till T p. m. Ill' Rummage Sale former loca tion Itevent jewelry store. 19 court. May 20. tl. Soroptimist Club. New and used material, also gift table. 120 Phone 2240 before 6 p m. If you miss your Capital Journal. Federally- insured Savings Current dividend IVsV See MRST Federal Savings FIRST 142 C. Liberty. Ph. 1-4944. isuto etreet. Pittsburg Plata Mirrors, good selection, 20 off. Woodrows, 4S0 Center. 119 Fire, auto, liability, burglary. Ken Potts Insurance Agency, 229 N. Liberty. 119 "Top Hatters" Dane Band. Cottonwoods, Sat. Danct I till 1. Ill Cooked food and April sale at the Gas and Coke Co. Frl. 119 Rummage sale Brush College Helpers and Community Club. Fri. and Eat. over Greenbaum's. 120 Special. Young hen turkeys, whole, half or quarter. ISc Ib. C. I. Orwig Co., 4171 Silverton Rd. Ph. 1-6121. 121 Dr. L. B. Warnlcker Dentist is now associated with th Dr Painless Parker offic. 12K N Liberty St., Salem. Ph. 18125 Insured aavlnga earn more than two percent at Salem Fed. eral Savings Association, ISO The occupant, a girl believed about 14 years old, jumped out and when he pursued her she fell, apparently bruising her knees. She disappeared in th neighborhood. Left behind in the car was B white plastic purse which also contained a new gold-plated mesh purse of the type carried with evening dress. The articles were turned over to the police. U. S. GOVT. INSPECTED Leg of Lamb 59c lb. Loin Lamb Chops 69c lb. SHOULDER Lamb Roast A Good Worm Wothr Ml 49c lb. Pure Pork SAUSAGE 3 9c lb. Wormian 5 Market 150 No. Com' I St. (. 5. Gov't Inspected for Your Protection WIENIES STEER BEEF POT ROAST U. S. Gov't Inspected Ib. Lean - Tender U. S. GOV'T. INSPECTED Pork Roast Center Cut 42c ib. Swilft Sliced Bacon Lean Sugar Cured 49c lb. NO Ml'SS NO Fl'SS Swift's Ready to Eat PICNICS 55c lb. Shankleni