20 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, May 19, 1949 Peddler of Dreams By PEGGY DERN- Chaoter 14 "But, Garry tx sensible! Denny would weaie nu nearti" "I'll take Denny, too. Alter all, twins ought to be a lot of fun. And the baby adores Tippy and will easily jzet accustomed u uen ny," said Susan eagerly. Fellcltv wu distressed, bewlld red. It had all come so suddenly so without a moment of preparation. And she had an uneasy conviction that It was. on tiusan s pari, mere a momentary whim that she'd reeret In her next breath. "Well, we don't have to decide oils verv minute, do we?" Pro' tested Chalmers good-naturedly, his sves on Pe lcltv s white lace. was under the impression that this was a picnic. Why Is everybody so serious?" . "But I am serious, Chal. X do want to adopt Tippy. She's a dar ling so pretty it would be fun to aress ner up ana snow ner on cried Susan. "Which would be the very worst thing that could possibly happen to tiddv. said Felicity, -enes ai ready well aware of her beauty 4nd has an extremely exaggerated idea of her own importance." . Susan looked at her sharply. "I'm afraid you don't understand Tippy," she said sweetly. "I'll see to it that she has a trained child psychologist as a governess and that she Is taught to express herself you'll see. Tippy Is going to be somebody terribly exciting to live with" She spoke as though the matter was all settled, ana the arrival of the butler, accompanied by two xootmen carrying a huge tea-hamper and various thermos jugs, created at diversion. . The butler served the luncheon with all the dignity and formality that he would have exhibited in the most formal drawing room, to the wiae-eyea interest 01 tr,e cnuaren, Who clustered about watching him. ao entranced that they were scarce lv aware of the delectable food. Susan suddenly put down her plate and put out a hand to Tippy drawing her close. ' "Tippy, how'd you like to come and live with baby and me?" she ooaxed. ' And be my little girl?" "You mean live here with you in that beautiful house?", she stam mered. - "OX course here and abroad and oh, wherever I go. Would you like It?' demanded Susan eagerly. - It was Denny who answered. Denny who cried sharply, "Hey, the can't do that. She belongs to US." Susan said lightly, extending her other hand. "Oh, you're coming too. Denny. Didn't I tell you? I'm going to adopt Tippy and you." . Tippy looked at the tea table, Jhe half -eaten cake In her hand; p the dunes to the lovely white Villa with its luxury and beauty of which she had caught a glimpse A few days before. "And have food like this all the time?" she suggested cannily. Susan laughed. "Of course, angel. And lots of lovely frocks and beau tiful dollies and nice hair-ribbons " ."I'd llkt It a lot, said Tippy. - Cornelia, who spoke so seldom and was so shy and retiring that people often forgot her entirely, aid In a low, shocked voice, "Why. Tipperary Hornel Aren't you asham ed? To turn against your own flesh and blood!" Ellen crept Into Felicity's arms and from that beloved shelter look ad at Tippy as though she had never before set eyes on her. "There!" 8usan crowed tri umphantly. "You see. Felicity? You ean't stand In her wav. I can do as much for her. I'll take such grand care of her." "But but her father will have to decide." protested Felicity un steadily. "I'll write to him." Chalmers said (juietly, "Far be tt from me, my angel, to offer the slightest hindrance to your little whims and fancies but whv not lust have Tippy visit you arid the baby for a week or two before you decide anything definite? Att ar all, Tippy may change her mind." "And," said Garrett firmly, eye ing Tippy with a curious look. "It's entirely In the cards that you may TOiniKe jvurm. up a nanniui. L I- J Z-tssT llwV 2 rmu nm' d(,rM' on,,T ?Alr.rvHt handle the i SiSur M wl w rrKK iworra vnpiiai jour- nuu. w. w JVIONtY! "I won't change my mind," said Susan. "Were going to have an awful lot of fun, arent we, Tippy? You and I are going shopping to morrow morning, uppy, my lamDi' Tippy's eyes gleamed and Fe. Hetty's heart sank a little. But It had all happened so suddenly, so unexpectedly, that she was com pletely at sea. And yet looking at uppy-s amau, composed lace, the curious gleam m Tippy s lovely eyes Felicity was bewildered and unhap py. And more man a little alrald Later, when the party was over and Felicity began herding the chil dren towards Garrett's car, Susan kept a close grip on Tippy, who looiea at reucuy almost deiianuy "Tippy's saying." said Susan. And you too, Denny, of course. ' "I'm going wltli Fuss." said Den ny stuooorniy. 'But. Denny TIddv '11 be so lone ly lor you'' exclaimed Susan. Composed, completely mistress of the situation. Tippy said clearly, 'Oh. no I won't. Let him go on back to Ma Green's if he wants to. I'm staying here. It's going to be lot of fun. Garrett said under his breath to Felicity. "Don't look so tragic, dar ling. After all. It's a decision she has to make for herself." Felicity nodded, trvinn not to notice that "darling," yet hearing It ringing all down the corridors of her heart above the distress and bewilderment of that moment. (To be continued) 2549 SIZES 10 40 Fancy Free The look of casual comfort . . in a frock blending trim button-bodice with short cut sleeves, practical big patch pock ets. An lntereslng handling of stripes will make this an outstand ing style. No. 3649 is cut In sizes 10. 19. 14 Id. 18. 20. 36. 38. and 40. Size 18. i yds. 35-ln. 8end J5c for PATTERN with Name. Address, and Style Number Stat Size desired. Tht SUMMER FASHION BOOR Is Just off the press, presenting the best in Summer fashions, all de signed With the slmnllcltv th.i spells good style and easy sewing. hiic wiui special attention to the use of cottons. Over 150 pattern designs for all ages and occasions Send now for your copy, price Just 20 cents. Address Pattern Depart ment. Capital Journal. B53 Mi.uinn Street. Ban Francisco S, Calif. PATTERN No. RJM7 Flower Scarf This enchantlm stole Is easily and quickly crocheted dj joining aeucateiy colored minia ture daisies. Use threads In dllfer ent colors for a most delightful ef fect. Perfect to wear with pastel summer frocks or fascinator-fashion on windy evenings. Pattern Envelope No. R-J817 con tains complete crocheting instruc tions, stitch Illustrations and ma terial requirements. WW r,ulrrmfnu. GOODMORNino'I'mmrs-Wl HMt I A To Mtain mis pati,rn .end Mc S'S TALKlO A 'J m COINS, tlvlnt natura number THt.cBNAR" AP D J.MY HLriBAND--- UMMPHSOMEBO0I' SIU6GCD SLEEP-AND PUT A SNORE-STWEP av ne smoud eeai to get to Bern mo op like a carnival escape artist Br nay m YOKUM'S MOON OWLY HAPPCMS ftsOWCE. IN A LIFE.- fcNTI I LL Tl ME t; fi VL t-H AN EIGHT-DOLLAH SCtMt 1 " s"" 0 rrrmTs rni-M f heyI oue'sb71 rno wen wagons' " you 6Aio rrl O.J, LTsH-H-WO DOWN TT UH-HUH-BUT A I ' RIGHT.-HI3 I MCVBE HE A LIKE THftT CAN SEE DIOVOO NOTICE - M R I THERE" SEE? I HIS FLASHLIGHT". J , BflTTERY l R ("UJGET LOST- I eTASVM WWENT Q p I THERE QOES OUR I tTDOESNTSEEM WBWOUT- M . WEV . JZlgZl, W "" SORE, SO I AND 1U SINS-Lf MEBBESO-VlT A'TWAS Tup i A-AAAASTJ I I Sl-X) I AHEA.O I WAS TUE BINS 1 BUT THAT IIV WASN'T THATANASMT7 iTIoo T WCa.DUBOVsVR05'ESIBy CTCSEyoFTHE TIME'S BEEN QOSE 0F SUMMM-EC J Sl. USOr-y CC4SOLICATEDLOKlSSlMCeyKV( r-TY.fFA tt . , OPPE.B.S.T f BUT HOW CO YOU EVER ) .TYoU JUSTTIE 1-AND THEN ) K Don't Votl EVER I Ori.SORE! I HE-CAN'T TELL) u MANAGE TO LEAD yerL- A ROPE ON I MANfiOMl JLf LET THE POOR JBUTHE6ETS WHICH END rf- SUCHALARGE fZ"?2 HIW,FIND SI-W ANIMAL SIT SOC0NFUSED V. TO SIT ON ! feZ". " ANIMAL AROUND.'ort?? OUT VrtVC?H faWkrg DOWNTOREST? BETWEEN r t liy T p IXOlSii&EyKk f 60LLVTHIS IS 1 I WISH WE HAP A IF I THINK V.'E SHOULD START 60tLV.' IT IS LATE .' l"f LET'S HURRV BACK EXOT1NS LET'S I LI6HT, iTSTCOWRxl BACK FOR THE PANCH.' IT ITS 6ETTIN6 PARK UmrA. TJ1E..1??,1, LOOK, RUSTYTHIS TRAIL IV TAkE A LOOK' A 1060IN VERV FAR! yVlMUST BE 6ETTINS UTE.', fe. tSS-& COMIN6 VI I III I fci7l THESE ABE THE AODEL3 h"!" rr. I 1As.t.itll II I EERffi TT NlO&eu AVAILABLE AT THE -VOVENT. TCSZ. HAlTnLUEfv .hssi ?am,tmatoungS e: (pfc Mh '''ta i ' R'ec " ' , ' i Tl f AS. SCHVtTKAl AND SHE'S VT THE CAB IS WAITING-GET SOME OF THE U 7ROSSED OP. TOO1VE REALLY gSv OTHERS TO HELP YOU CARRY THIS PAIR 0 ESI ) rVM8LE0 THC BALL THIS TIME aIoP SPIES OUTSIDE FOR THEIR LAST IDEJKf ME TO usro ab a alas TkT IvivaHi uu.dn.'.'-THis yu I A VJt-t-wric.rMc. run RASSLES TH'POOR BK5QEST GUESTS.7 AH 1-UU.UVAi IHtl err Ki-MflfM in ris Fun Lm-IM Kjr-t rin rwaiw THEN WHY DON'T YOU TALK HIM? IIRf.P HIM TT) W,N UP THE PAYROLL SAVINGS PLAN! TELL HIM THAT J SAVED FROM HI PAY CHECK TODAY WILL BACK 6Y THE TIME THIS LAD IS READY FOR mi i Ff.t ' BOT-THASS ONLY TH' BESINNIN'-A EIGHT- ri t AU -lcrfMkl' FklTITI F vn'T PL MTV MORF FT UrYT-A FAST DEMQN - STHAY - ruEUT VORE FOIEWDS AT CAPIDS?- FOLLYED BY FOUR SNAPPY OOKE."-GUAHaNI ttu l UIBWITO MAN OR BLAST AN -THEN -CUMM IH WH. ACTION .'.'-AH CLIMBS A TRECE-POURS GASOLINE. . . . . . . . , , M uALlcn B Mftnc A.I II IMDt uuKTLIU'WaURNIM'O' ROME".':'1-AN.' VHILE AH IS IN MID-AIR, WEAKEYM A APPLm. OFF MAH MAID j TO THATS JUT FOR STOCK IN THE HISTORY- - A PAY 1 PRODUCT ON BUT MV HUSBAND thW J"t what Ht 0 E D0tN6:-.BUVIN6 l l 5AV4 Ht'5 5AVIN& 'T0C,C IN t KifiT HD 8KT COMPANY IN -jJ I mmiVSTDCK IN HISTORY" A SOIN6 CONCERN SINCt J tttrmiPiiivl J FIRM IN WHICH tVERY STOCKHOLDER IT5 ON LX I VI THE BOARD OF DlRKTOR--WITH A PLANT Bsj: bHUN O' HUW I YOKOM SHOOTS WHAT HE'D BE DOINGS-BUYING BIGGEST AND BEST COMPANY IN GOING CONCERN SINCE 1776!--A Si vaiut does! MAKES 1 I it vnoru M I EWHT.1 1 FIRM IN WHICH EVERY STOCKHOLDER T5 ON THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS--WITH A PLANT , THAT COVERS THREE MILLION SQUARE MILES--AND MAKES THE MOST IMPORTANT EARTH-. -YOUR FUTURE RADIO PROGRAMS THURSDAY P.M. 'KSLM w'KGW -go IKOCO r 'KOIN c5 5:M Fulton Uwli, Jr., WnB't Srt4 8IP i Hrb IhrL.r ill Frnk H-mlncwftr Bhbbj lldt Rh-lliaB Bnefc Littl th-w iM FimIbs rrmU Nm 1bi Crb Clib 1ft. CBB iU Nm Owtt Uwmi Bpwt Fbk td. . Mnrrw 64 Straitbl Arr.w Slrln 8rend Cftndlt LItht and Kan Mianlac :U Rlrkiiht Arrnw Xlrinr ger.nsd SUvcr Blh :M t'at. MldBlfht MbiIcbI CvekUlU Nm Cncl BbbIUf iA Tom Mli Elmer FetWB Erot on Chnn Ntwi 7: Gabriel Utter Al JoIiob Show Guh( iiar Shikom lift NorthMt Ntwi Al Jolioa Bbow Eddla UMaf Bhimbm ISO Llttla Shaw Doralbr Larnear Baball Crime Fhataf, tlft Llllle Shew Dorothy Lamoiir Bandttind Crlma Phatai. R:H Medicine Drama Screen Oultd Dm out Depa The Flayhonaa :1ft Muilo Hiim Screen Guild Bateball Tbo riayhaaa :M Morcan Manner Fred Warlnc Baieball Flrat Nlibtar : Morgan Manner Fred Warlna Baeeball Flrtl Mthtar a 40 Muilcal Eehoei Supper Clab Baieball Uwell T ho mat LUilft Mmleal Echaei Newt mt World Baieball Jack Smllh :M MbiIo Aldrlcb Family Baaaball Mr. Kaaa :l Newi Aid rich Family Baieball Mr. Kooa oj-m AO Newe Nowa Baieball Flra Star Ftaal Ifl IS Seleel Loral News fiporti Fae Final Nwieait FBI. Paaot-W ill 50 f L"' BanO f Land Burgandr Room FBI, Peaea 4 Wat M Mutual Newirtel Band Wat on Burtandr Boom Nlht EdIUr tjaj 00 Myiterloue Sam Harn Track US0 Reronada 1 1 :1ft Trarelor Morton Downey Track 14B0 Yob I ho World I 1 :80 Oreheitra Norvel Knlaht Track 1400 Gene Krna Oraa. i4ft Ncw Sorrel Knlnht Track 14W Oreheitra 11:00 Sign Ofl Bln Off Slro OH sllea. FRIDAY 6 A.M. Hodia Podia Newa Hod.e Fedf KOIN Klaak Nowa KOOO Klock KOIN Klaoh Hodft rdt KOOO Klock KOIN Klock Newa p.rm Tlma Tti Bitter KOIN Kloak Newa Farm Tlma Newe j Baarta Newe March Tlma The Old Bonn Ton a Horning Newa Newa ' Newa Newa Trad Back N" Fred Waring Weitarn Melodies Consamer' Attn Brcakfaal Oaag Frd Warlaa Waetern Holodlea Art Baker Mni'0 Kidora af Saga Waatara atelodloe Kabart Lewis To fradaa 8am Hayea Charch 1b Wild Babort Lawla Bargain Coaatar Second Can King's Crniaderi Vocal Varteltaa Victor Undlabr Second Cub Klng'a Cruaadera Newa Sona al Pioneers jack Bcreh Uaile Without Grand Btam Mu1' Newa Wards Botemair Northwest Newa Hosteaa Honaa Coffee Cup Wendy Warrsa Rata Smith 8 toga Hoiteia Houaa Nortbweat Bcparta Ann! Jenny Pastor1! Call Tommy Doner Rhapsody la Helea Trent Wiles Walts Tommy Poroey Rhythm our Gal Sunday Newa Tommy Deraey Glaia Wak Big BlaUr Gospel Singers Tommy Doner Olaia Was Mt Perking Ferry Coma Todar'a Children Glaia Wag Young Or. MalsM Walls Berenada Brighter Day Glass Was Guiding Light Ladlea Ural Double ar Nothing Ererybodr'a Ideag News Ladlea rirst Double ar Nothing Irgan Hoods Come Get It Queen for a Day News News Norah Drake Queen far a Day Light af World Ted Dale Presents Makes Yen Tlefe Top Trades Life Beautiful Muilo from Snd Mrs. Burton " Newa Ma Perkins Hollywood Perry Maaoa Northwest Newa pepper Young All Time Favorite pa O'Brien Shaw Bob Eberly Show Happiness All-time t-sTorltsa Newspaper of Air Backstage Wlfa Off the Shelf Hint Hunt Johnson Family stella Dallas Off the Shelf Hlnt Bunt Tell Tour Neigh. Lorensa Jonea Recorda Off winner Taka All Blng Sings Wlddcr Brown the Shelf Newspaper af Alt Agalnat the Storm a Girl Marr.ee daisies News Against the Storm Portia Faces Lift Claaska Tunefully Yean Salem Blgb ju,t Plain sill Day Dream Music Meet the Missus Noreltlea an Par. Front Page Farrell Day Dream Mutlc Meet tba Missus Happy Gang Road of Life Women's Paga Arttiur Godfrey nappy Gang Lora Lawton Philosopher irthur Godfrey Songa af Oar Aunt Mary Spotllte an Muile 4rlhur Gudfre IWcw' Wa Love ji Learn Spotllte on Muile Arthur Godfrey DIAL LISTINGS: If FY Tnurdli' ' M. B:00, Senirrel r.t ce, S;M sk- Knlit :00. Keen. Ing Up With 8 ports i 6:18, Home Edition i 8: SO, Green Harnett 1:00, Musel Festival) 7:80, Ja Stafford) S:M, Counterspy i 8:110, Blng Crobr: 9:ftft, Milton Berlet 9:80. Damon Runyon Theatrei 10:00, Richfield Reporter i 10:15, Intermeaioi 10:80, Con cert Houri 1 1 :S0, Memos ta Tomorrow! 12:00, Xtra Houri 1:00, Sign Off. LCY Friday A.M. 8:00, Early Bird; Farm Nrwsi 7:00, Lawson McCallt 7:18, Time Tempos. 7:80. Robert's Almnaaci 7:IS, Time Tempoit 8:00, Mrrt and Marget S:l-, Martin Agranskr; 8:S0, Fair Acest 8:0, Zeke Mannersi 9:00, Breakfast Clubt 10:00, Mildred Bedell! 10:1$, Stars f Today t 10:30, Kay Kyier's College; 11:00, Ted M alone t 11:18. Galen Drake i 11:80, Mr True Stern 12:00, Bet ty Crocken lt:16, Newn 1I:S0, Baukhaget lt:t, More Out of Life, 1:00, Northwest- Visitor Has Mumps Silverton Pamela Lindholm, ten-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Lindholm (Ellen Christenson) of Salem, came to ra,Tii.aiiaa.ii.aiM irgorl a It ji I FTI 5L A TIIA A 11 P 0 WH tjjJjl NA r illH rrllE v 0 M ACROSS L Pronoun i. Black hand aoclaiy t. Away 13. Feminine name 13. Ancient Troy 14. Electrified particle 16. Scotch purge 17. Open place Id a forest 19. Amorous glance 20. Genuine 21. Taxes 22. Ancient Greek judge 28. Teller's offlca 27. Purposive 28. Alternative 21. Soma Owing; Sun sod Native Hindu In the Brit ish army Unmarried woman's titte Flabby Rescues Fend Carry Silly Part of an airplane June bug LiKht two. wheeled ve hicle of India First even number FJpoch Penetrate Make needle work 41. (0. 20. Pinnacle of lea 61. In a Rlacltr b 3 s f 14 E!7 lo I :rT M'Ll Zl p: i" m 'M i27 ip4 Z il WL !1B H t iii" iii W'w S53" ir 1 1 y. -1 '''I Vn.. I A Newafeatvrea ROOM AND BOARD 31 1 SUSPECTED OUR UNCLE WAS 'ggS 1 GOING ID PUT THE STRETCH ON Eg7 -i THAT WEEK-END VISIT O HIS-- i "'V. AND NOW HE HAS EASED HIS TRUNK IN THE GARAGE.'-- V lj 1 1 : . 1 I -ELL, LISTEN ITS STILL S ILJfJJ IW Bb A SMUKI 1 I I 1 fe LJ df TO DROP THE V TO 4:45 P.M. REX, 1190; KOAC, 650 tffAC rbnrsdar p.m.i I, Dpaaati l wMVa a:M gparta Cla. t:M Newai 0:18, Data With Oregon State :, Round the Campflrej 1:1s, Evening Farsi Heuri S, Psychology af the Famllyt S:M, This Is Forestry) 8:15, Newst 9:00, Muslet T-at Endures) 9:45, Evening Meditations. KOAC 10:00. 1 to 4:45 . The Newat 10:15, a.e pcrlally for Women) 11:00, The Concert Hall; l:0O, Newai IMS, Neon Farm Uouri 1:00, Ride 'ran Cow boy i lilt, Variety i 1:30, Melody Lanei t:M, Club wemen's Half Houri :, Memory Book af Muslci 3:00, News. ernersi 1:80. Kay Westt t:00. Breakfast la Hollywood) t:80, Talk Yaur War Out af Hi 8:00, Surprise Packagei 8:80, Bride and Groom i 4:00, Welcome Travelers! 4:80. Art Llnkletter. Silverton for a week end visit with the George Christens, and the John Merrifields, her grand" parents, and woke up with a case of mumps. Solution of Yesterday's Puzzl DOWN 1. Owns 2. Demon I. Scientific study of muaclea Covers with mud Winellks Flat project ing; pleca Peacock buttcrflf Seraphic American explorer Staff Unity Nerve network Nonprofes sional Forward by short Intervals Neckpieca Artificial waterway King; of the. Jews Drench Rinrlet Lukewarm Hide Turns aside) Read met rically Ship's office Cofrnlsant Of the sun Part of an old-fashlona4 rifle Mountain la Crete Far drink Insect Have debts At once Forward By Gens Ahcrn ... UW ' ME ONLY BROUGHT I Ml? TRUNK HER FDR PEAR THE CONTENTS WOULD ST DANK AMD MOLDy WHILE IN STORAGE REALLY , TWAT5 WHY .msutM ' A " ' e V IsoapJ A; aQo pilW vr Nl0 W pKAjRrrtfajElp"iaT'g f?TTrsl g g s I)Cagtal gB iCigTp e sHpo8 I N aiB u Bn"e1vvIekes tIaIbIs jjj 6rnUr b) st i