S Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thurmday, May 19, 1949 Merchants Want Opinion on Legality of Treasure Hunt District Attorney E. O. Stadter may be asked by Salem mer chants to request an opinion from the attorney general about the legal status of the "treasure hunt" that is a favorite feature for aeasonal opening events. It was mentioned Wednesday night at a meeting of the board -of director! of the Salem Cham ber of Commerce when Jiim Cities League Has Meeting The time has arrived when well-organized groups must di reet the development of cities, Mayor George W. Peavy of Cor- vallls told a regional meeting of the League of Oregon Cities at the Senator hotel Wednesday Anient. at Mayor Peavy is president of the league and presided at the meeting after he had been Intro- duced by Mayor Robert L. Elf- a strom of Salem. He mentioned street lmprove Z ment, sewage disposal, and water supply as major problems with which growing cities must cope. In support of his argument he mentioned that Oregon's population had Increased 30 per cent in the last 10 years and is expected to increase 30 per cent in the next 10. Deane Seegar of Eugene, con sultant and public relations of ficer for the league, gave a re view of legislation enacted at the 1949 session of Interest to city administrations. Eleven Willamette valley cit ies were represented at the meeting. They were Salem, West Salem, Aurora, Dallas, Falls City. Sllverton, Woodburn, Mt. Angel, Sublimity, Stayton and Independence. In addition, agencies repre sented were the state legisla ture by all of the house delega tion from Marion county and Senator Allan Carson, the Sa lem planning and zoning com mission, the off-street parking committee of Salem, the long range planning commission, Sa lem housing authority, airport committee, all Salem city offic ers, the Chamber of Commerce, and the state board of aeronaut ics. League of Oregon Cities offic ers present were George Peavy, president; Mayor Hillis Smith of Dallas, vice president; Deane Seeger, administrative consul tant; Warren King of Eugene; A. M. Wesley, University of Ore gon; and Herman Kehrli, ex ecutive secretary, Eugene; and R. L. Elfstrom, past president. Board to Bar Commies Washington, May 19 'JP) Chairman David E. Lllienthal of the atomic energy commission (AEC) told senators today the president of the national re search council has agreed that a non-communist affidavit should be required from candi dates for atomic fellowships. He made the statement to a senate appropriations subcommittee brenner, Henry Kropp, direc tors, two to be elected. A motion picture showing big gam under the sever condi tions of last winter were shown with Clark Walsh, director of public relations of the state game commission, acting as nar- Beard, president of the Salem Retail Trade bureau, said the merchants were planning the biggest fall opening night event ever held here. "But we are informed," he said, "that the treasure hunt Is classed as a lottery, and is ille gal. We need It to get out a crowd." Several members thought the district attorney should request an opinion from Attorney Gen eral George Neuner. The Salem Cherrians have al ready arranged to have a float in the Portland Rose festival pa rade, King Bing Deryl Myers told the board, and financing has been provided. The board, nevertheless, approved $300 which will go to build up a re serve for the future. The Chamber of Commerce, Manager Clay Cochran report ed, will sponsor a good will trip to beach places on June 8, and expects to take a large num ber and a band. The new Pa cific Coast Lines buses will be used. The board approved a page advertisement at $100 for a sou venir 32-page program of the coming Cherryland festival. Sid ney Stevens, president of the festival association, says 3200 will be printed and sold at 10 cents each. The board again rejected mak ing a contribution to a raw ma terial survey of the state spon sored by the Portland chamber. President Roy Harland told the board that letters praising the work of Clay Cochran as chamber manager have come from various sources, including Senator Guy Cordon, Marsh Johnson, eastern industrialist, 1 and the Paulus Bros, cannery. The chanfer membership is growing, with the effort being led by Ed Schreder, chairman, and Eleanor Clearwater, secre tary, of the memberships department. 3 Nominated for Lions Presidency Edwin Schreder, Denver Young and Floyd Bowers were placed In nomination for the presidency of the Salem Lions club Thursday noon. Others nominated included: Leo Rei mann, Harry Willett and Percy Blundell, first vice president; Fred Starrett, Robert Fischer. Joseph Felton, second vice pres ident: Arthur Smlther, Wesley Stewart, James Beard, third vie president; Vern Young. Lloyd L. Hockett, Arthur Erlck son, Don Brazee, Carl Aschcn- lltarUTonlte!!' n Starts at Dusk B-i 1 1 Alan Ladd 1 I 1 1 Brenda Marshall I I II "WHISPERING 1 fl Hoosier Hotshot I H U "ARKANSAS III 11 Color Cartoon 1 Mat Daily From 1 P.M. NOW SHOWING! Co-Feature! 1; OPENS 6:45 P.M. NOW! FRANK BUCK'S "BRING 'EM BACK ALIVE' FUN CO-FEATURE! Joan Blondell Roland Young "TOPPER RETURNS" NOW! OPENS 6:45 P.M. Johnnv Welssmuller "TARZAN & MERMAIDS" Fibber & Molly "HEAVENLY DAYS" The Biggest Show In Town STARTS TODAY! iMua.iiai.irj M Take Me to That Rousing, Uproarious, Techni color Spree-for-AII! iWII root, root, root for the romance cheer, cheer, cheer for the songs laugh, laugh, laugh at the fun c j is Keep Your Eye On Those Curves, Fellows! eiMATDA llfll I IslllO UVKFIIV. vimkU in MGM's 7MWE0UTTO BETTY GARRETT EDWARD ARNOLD JULES MUNSHIN 2ND OUTSTANDING FEATURE! inriM nnnnn iv puts ' his Body nd Soul into -CMPVA 1 ' " 4$ III jr . i fi Jr-iosiiitMhmMtiM-I 'J ' - MOM- f EXTRA! Color Cortoon Riot! "BUGS BUNNY RIDES AGAIN" Wornr News Get Set for Decoration Day Shop Until 9:00 P. M. Friday For New Biking Thrills . : . Easier Riding ... Its J. C. Higgins SPRING BICYCLE Compare It With Bikes at $10 to $15 More! Reg. 62.20 NOW ONLY Spring fork feature gives smoother ride! When front wheel strikes rut, spec ial fork transfers shock to powerful coil spring, which expands upward to absorb shock. Easy Terms AVAILABLE IN BOYS' OR GIRLS' MODELS Shop ot Sears and Save. For this amazingly low price you get a bike feature usuall found only on bikes costing much more! Deluxe spring gives smoother riding than you ve ever had! Other deluxe features include smart "Color-Flow" styling, streamlined luggage carrier, Crusader ballon tires and tubes. Bright new colors of black, red and gold or green, gold and white. Compare It With Motors Selling for $15 More! is Child's F life Belt 2.69 Aid to safety. Ka potcftlod drill cov r,undrtg strap. Rust resitting buckls. Wlggler Plug 59c Cholc of fiv fUh getting color conc blnotlont. Two tf.bl. hooks. 2. In. long. Ladles' Golf Bag 6.25 Rubbr-ilnd. Plat He strap. Ball pock t and brat drag plat. A Soars bargain! 'm. , f ,-niS Braided Nylon Line 1.49 i. C. Hlggln SO. yd. ipool. SmMth, fl.xlbl, and Mty running. AJloothtr tnti. BassOreno Lures 69c Makat ban fight ing nodi Bright rod and whit, . porch and plk partem. Plastic Visors 29c for tnnls or oB outdoor sports. Crn clllold shad. Swat DELUXE 6 H.P. ELGIN More Power . . . New Features! America's outstanding outboard motor value. Has alternate fir- b. 1 10 of Ins tmln nvlinHon. auto-rewind starter, full reverse steering. Ultra precision carbonation, Zenol Drive gears, super finish NOW crankshaft PLUS a revolution ary new FIL-TRAP1 128&8 Special Sale Combination ROD AND REEL Nationally advertised J. C. Hig gins solid steel rod and J. C. Higgins streamlined level wind reel. You save dollars and get more fishing pleasure when you buy this top value combination at Searsl Res. 7.85 685 Badminton Set Comes Packed in a Cardboard Bene Sears Values, Only. 4.89 TMt top qvoKly Mt IncnfdM two nylon (trvng rock.h, huftt.coda and nil hook. Com kt today, buy II ot Stan. Sleeping Bag Shelter Keeps Sain Off Mead As low As 23.88 Tor leplnr perfection on yoar cttmpins trip f this 34x76-11.. down -filled bu, lt-n. slpptr. oU ton drill coTtr. Lined. All Steel Ice Box Blue Crinkle Enamel Finish J. CHIggin 5.98 All itMl oortobt. k. box ha. wow Kent oolvanlxad mt and k. contolnor. Km, l7Vityisl0K4idMk too M J. C. Higgins Jug Gray-Green Baked On Enamel low Priced....... 2.49 OoRoimIn pknk hi hot atowliwi nor, pollilwd alvmliwm icmr-lypo cvf) mr. kmlatod. Sh It todayl Nylon Fly Lin 18-pound Test 1.19 23-yard coll. J. C Htgglnt nylon. Ktvol fly Una for longkuNng per formance. Ambor color. -58 lb. Mtt...' 2-lb..M pis iil Table Tennis Set Four Bat Set 4.98 Fun Indoors or u1 vtth tMi star d? ble tennis tU CompleW prt Ml with net. itHiividtiftllr kotMt InoludM plsrtni tnstruc lions. 8r bow I Durable Baseball Cork Center 98c TW H oR Mt sfd otxJ boune a profvtskinol couid esh for In IMi r0utation kagv bosboD wfth ahrnvtannvd horihld cevr. rSalder'e Glove Junior Size 4.19 A star en the sandM, It J. C HigglM cowhide glove awdolod after she gkxre mad by Mhr Hor ten. For right hand Ihrewara. J. C. Higgins Bat Air-dried Select Ash Seors low Price . 4 . , 99c A C teooaa oeuol loHtuS bat ada ok-drhd MhM adt. Nmrol SMdif 12-inch Softball Al OHool Specifccotoos Tormad leather h 97c A fd nut Mi mm tt k lv prim Yr wowedi Jaw twpofc i wV