Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 19, 1949, Page 18, Image 18

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    1 Capita Joqrnil, Salem, Oregon, ThnmJir, Miy 19, 14
Bearcats Falter in Crucial
Badgers Take Game, 11-6
Pioneers Drub
Rockets, 13-6
The Parrish Pioneers trounc
tu th Ttli Por-keto bv the
count of 13 to 6. in in afternoon I
"I fneas we were m surprised at being eat in frost that we
coalda't stand prosperity." explained Coach Johnny Lewis of
Willamette oatveraltT when he brourht his Bearcat baseball team
back hem after taklar a ll- heating at the hands of the Pa
cific Badgers a neutral MeMinnville diamond Wednesday
The 'Cats.
with Lou Striven'
game on
- Wednesday. The Kocaeie cot-;, tau te. ( , b - 7
: lected 12 hiU during the seven T he u , , B a ngle I by Corfy lni, Roy Har
: Inning fray, the Pioneers only .i . ' . rington a two baser and Sen-
- t ii t... . .k. c,me 10 ,ln ru,n na y vm' one bio blow accounted
luc'l,vvl nitrhin rnllAnillv lia'nf . . . .
the Leslie diamond r""L.,T .";.;;',..; aiiac in tn nrst inning
The Rockets col
baseball enjoyed a 6-1 lead go-
Bob Douglas opened Willam
attack in the fir:
homer with nobody on. A
nine. Lowell Pierce was the win
ning twirler for Clay Ezlejton s
boys. Larry Paulua was the los
ing hurler for Jim Dimit s Les
lieite. Paulus struck out 10 Pi
oneers. rT jh tt is t s
L: .. h: M- :.
rrc s4 W:n'.r . Pi -J end Wtstoar.
the end of the sixth the situa
tion had become entirely re
versed and Pacific waa leading
10 to
John Slanchik replaced Scrl-
vens one base blow accounted
for two tallica in the second.
Three walks and as many errors
added a trio of tallies to the
Bearcat string In the third. But
that ended the scoring for Wit
vens in uie tounn oy John lameite aa John Burak, relief
siancnix. wno in turn replaced Badger chucker, had the situs
by Larry Stocks. tjon under control.
Beavers Rise to Slap
Oakland With 17-2 Win
I The loss gave the Badgers the
west side title and the right to
jhost College of Idaho in a three
game series for the Northwest
conference title.
Keller Sent to
Newark as Majors
Cut to 25 Limit
I New York. May 19 tThe
locker marked "Keller" In the
New York Yankee clubhouse
was empty today, and ao was
King Kong Charley's heart.
For Keller, one of the greatest
and most beloved in a long line
of Yankee sluggers, waa gone
from the big leagues. Cone to
Newark in the International
league, where he started his
fence-busting career a dozen
years ago fresh from the Univer
sity of Maryland campus.
This was no surprise move
sending Keller down. The Yanks
had to do something with him
to meet the midnight 25-player-limit
deadline. Keller has been
ailing for three seasons first a
back injury, then a broken fin
ger, now an injured side mus
cle. He haa not been in a game
this year.
By optioning Keller to New
ark after his nine seasons with
the Yankees, the club held a
faint glimmer of hope that he
may soon return to shape good
enough for him to come back.
But faint hope It waa. and 32-year-old
Charley knew this best
of all.
"Sure. I hope to be back." he
aaid. "But I know how tough it
will be. But let me tell you this,
the day I don't think I can play
for the Yankees 1 11 hang up my
spikes for good."
He waa one of 13 sent to the
minors by the big leagues last
Junior Garden Club
Members Get Plants
Dayton The Junior Garden
club met at the home of Mrs
Ray Sion with Mrs Roy Ed
wards assisting. There were ten
members present including two
! new ones. Donme Nuttbrock and
Jimmy Rector. Other guests
were Mrs Bill Wright and Mrs 'planti and Mrs. Idwardi give;'
Lynn Williams. Most of thai ptunia plants. The next meet-
members nave weir nowers or jj)f wU, My (t Mr Em
hams gave some nasturtium
Imett Fliers home.
Our way of operating is the reason for
lower premiums. Our product ii o Na
tional Stondord Policy. Only $1270
ecch six months will give you $5' 10'
5,000 Liobititv protection. A $5.00
sales cost the first time.
Phone 3-5441
466 Court St.
Dtrt. sffr.
RheoJodendroni 20 off Camellias 20 off
Hundreds of shrubs reduced from 20 to 33.
We will close our downtown sales yard for the summer in
about 10 days. Hither than replant so many shrubs we are
reducing our stock by cutting price hesvily.
Knight Pearcy Nursery
175 South Liberty, S blocks south of State
Open t 'til 5:10; Sunday 12 'til 4
a Aim. ?rMi
There's some life left in the Pacific Coast league basement after
- all.
Tne Portland Beavers stretched up their paws from deep
last night to slap.
3 PCL Standings
Bf teU AlCs4tt4 PrtJaV
: Hungry OCE Nine
Faces Clark JC
Oregon College of Educa-
tion, Monmouth "Bob" Knox's
OCE Wolfpack will be hungry
. hosts to Clsrk Junior College
- diamondmen here Friday. The
' Wolves hold two early-season
. wins over the JC s and are eeek
" lng to make It a clean three
I sweep over the Vancouver club.
OCE hits the warpath on the
" 24th to Newberg for a duel
with Pacific college, and winds
up the season on the 27th with
sf double against Seattle Pacific
The Wolves are anxious to take
- the double-header with Seattle
Paclfie to close out this year's
- account with a profitable aver-
age. Two losses with the S-P's
'. last week dropped the OCE men
to a won 8 lost t count.
'- : i
Albany War Mothers
: Sponsor Wading Pool
" Albany Instsllation of a wad-
big pool at Takenah park, the
" newest of Albany's public recre-
. ation facilities, located at Twelfth
'and Lawnridge streets, has
'. been undertaken as commun
ity project by Albany chapter
. No. 3, American War Mothers
It is announced by Mrs. Boyd
I Bennett, president.
- the cellar
Z Oakland down from fourth
- place In the standings with a
Z smashing 17-2 victory.
Meantime, Roy Heiser wu, w i rw up,,
" aettina the Osks down with t:nnti m m
- seven hits. Two Oakland runs Kit is.,..e-. ui
Z were unearned. nmurmw aim;
The 17-hit Beaver assault waa
" paced by effective homers from emu (mmii
I the bata of Johnny Laior andl otuii s.
; Bill Burgher. There were six) oili VaoSflia.
Z two-base blows and a triple b-
Eddie Basinski. i "
; The top-ranking Hollywood
Stars bowed 3-1 to Seattle, the
I Rainiers scoring all their runs
on homers by Tony York and
I Neil Sheridan. York also played
. sparkling defensive ball with
' eight assists and two putouts.
Charlie Schanz limited the
Star to four blows, snapping
'. Willard Ramsdell's winning
; streak at three games.
'. San Francisco moved up to
third spot in the standings on a
percentage basis as a result of
Oakland's defeat. The Seals and
; San Diego didn't play because
of rain.
Th mrt seerur
- On iixl M IN ! StS
' rrt;an m 14 Oil 17 IT t
ffeUofi. eut !. 8nonfl 'tr aa4 Hat- :
Bion4l: RtlMf and Ourtfifr. ,
' Htt!?004 000 604 lot 1 4 t
' SatU 100 100 0911 7 t
Riraidtll. Itnahoo (Ii oi)4 UaMri 0ia4- .
' toco (111 aiior.i an Wnito.
Willam. . 123 000 000 3
Pacific . 010 423 lOx 11 12 S
Scrivens. Slanchik (4). Stocks
'8 1 and Harrington. Roth (8):
McKenzie, Burak (2) and D.
If Anything'! Good .
It'i Worth Climbing For!
Try the Stairs at :ta N. Coral
and have your watch repaired
by an espert!
Journal Want Ads Pay
Woolen Mill Store
7y Quality!
Shop Until 9:00 P. M. Friday
Allstate 80 amp. hr. Economy
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Guaranteed 12 Months
$$ MONEY $$
4'j Real Estate Loans
Farm or City
Frrsonal and Ante Loans
Start Finance Co.
151 t). Hick M. Lie. tl l-Snt
famous color-scheme eon
iulfont f o r Alexander
Smith & Sons' Carpet
Coming Next Week
Hear How "Color Sense
eon Save your Dollars"
Toht your decoroting, problems to har for a
Free Consultation
Wotch the papers! Don't miss a person-to-person
interview with this fomous, proctical decorator.
Live power for at least a year
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Ample starting and lighting
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Repower with ALLSTATE and'
pocket the sovings!
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Allstate Battery
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Allstate Battery
U katTT-tlBlr ram-St vlaut.
kll-wtaihtr tlarliaff antl 1
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2500 f. 50 J I WrWr
' . II ! -I II J -4- udD- 1 wmMUmrz&4 .....t.r .umi., .. -1 1 U
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Allstate Motor Oil I i." l
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Dudley ji 10c 269 l?r;!L 33c JJ ll A
fomous color-scheme eon- ik II $ooo oti wj.a "L..h!'.'It I'll" T.T'T Slr W? Vvll ' l
V Mm I oW k.k..t. .1 I I i. r""-"-- -s tmotrwvr. rr wwm, 0. Hau u. I I - W M
VVy -, "' 'ST Poreelain Insulator, eeramie X I S 1 'itfy
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Allstate Super
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Allstate Ready-Mado
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AHiiaia oaMct. 0Wao4 mHr afOMoat
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For Your Drmng bwartoweni
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Factory rebuilt precision
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Even at a low p-ice like this, you get new beauty Inside
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Vinyl imitotion leather trim at top of front back rest.
Elastic inserts osure snug fit.
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484 Sfaft Street
Phone 3-9191