implor, Idaho Millionaire, v. l ci.:i: - r i u vui ui ucgi ncre J. R. (Jack) Simplot, Idaho millionaire, is no longer interested in the operation of the Salem fertilizer plant, formerly the alum-lna-from-clay plant, according to terms of settlement of a suit against Simplot by J. O. Gallagher of Seattle. The plant, now shut down temporarily, will be under the opera tion of Columbia Metals com pany of Seattle until June 30, when its lease from the war as sets administration expires. The WAA is now trying to sell the plant. A suit at Boise against the J. R. Simplot company and Sim plot personally was dismissed in federal district court by Judge Chase A. Clark. Gallagher, of Seattle, brought the suit against the company to prevent the liquidation of the Columbia Metals corpora tion, of which Gallagher is pres ident. The Simplot company holds notes of the corporation amounting to $231,290. A preliminary injunction against the company was made by Judge Clark May 9, forbid ding the firm from disposing of the notes or from proceeding with liquidation or dissolution of the corporation. In a stipulation filed by attor neys for Gallagher they asked that the injunction be dissolved on grounds that differences be tween the two parties were settled. Included in the settlement, it is understood, is withdrawal of Simplot from the Salem plant in which he and Gallagher were equally interested. The Simplot-Gallagher part nership in the Salem operation was made in August, 1948. They Carl Richards Wins Honors International recognition for his skill in astronomical photo graphy came recently to Carl P. Richards of the state highway department laboratories in the third Michigan exhibition of na ture photography at Detroit. Richards was informed that his picture of Jupiter and the moon in conjunction was given the Detroit astronomical soci ety's award for the best print entry in the show. His other three entries, two astronomical and one geological, were also accepted for exhibition. There were 324 entrants from 34 states and 14 foreign coun tries. Of the total 214 contribu tors had at least one entry ac cepted. Richards was one of three entrants who had all four pictures accepted. The show was held at the franhrnnk Institute of Science and was sponsored by seven sci entific groups. Richards has long been inter ested in astronomy and is treas urer of the National Astronomi cal league. Conductor Strike Settled by Board Chicago, May 19 U.R The Or der of Railway Conductors to day called off plans for a strike of all sleeping car conductors in the United States and Canada. The union and the Pullman company announced settlement of a labor dispute. In a joint statement, they said the agree ment was reached through serv ices of the national railway me diation board. The 1949 National collegiate ooxing tournament at Michigan Ct... ' i . . . aiaie was me iirsi since 1 ' Xr J Gates Speaker Norma Jean Devine will represent the Gates senior class at gradu ation exercises having been chosen valedictorian. expected to buy the plant from the WAA, but decided the price was too high. When later the WAA called for bids on the plant Simplod was a bidder. Another bid was by Gallagher and Arch W. Metz- ger, manager of the plant for Columbia Metals. There were other bidders, but Columbia Metals corporation did not bid. The WAA rejected all bids and is now trying to negotiate a sale of the plant. Pilot Error Is Cause of Wreck The crash of a private plane j in Odell lake south of Bend,: Ore., May 9, in which Pilot Da vid Lupescu of San Francisco lost his life was the result of pilot error, W. M. Bartlett, di rector of the Oregon state board of aeronautics, reported today. Three other persons, forest service men from Bend, riding in the Grumman Widgeon plane were injured and taken to a Bend hospital. They were Ralph W. Cravsjord, Newell Cory and Richard Botcher. Bartlett said: "Investigation! revealed that the aircraft was In airworthy condition prior to the time of the crash. No indications were found of any mechanical malfunctions or structure fail ures prior to the time the air craft struck the water. The wea ther was clear with a mild wind. The cause of the accident was pilot error in that the pilot did not use nearly half of the avail able takeoff area. "The pilot, David Lupescu of San Francisco, flew to Odell lake for the purpose of a con ferenc with the national forest-: ry personnel, who were passen gers on the aircraft at the time of the accident. Cattlemen Re-elect Officers Pendleton, Ore., May 19 U.R) The Oregon Cattlemen's associ ation today unanimously re elected their past officers. O. D. Hotchkiss, Burns, was retained as president; Harry I. Stearns, Prineville, as first vice president and William Kittredge, K!math Falls, as second vice president. SPECIAL Packard 6 and 120 Brake Reline Labor 1 2.00 Motor Tune-Up Labor 300 Chassis Lubrication Labor 1.00 Front Wheels Balance- Labor 1.50 Front Wheel Bearings Repack Labor 1.00 STATE MOTORS, INC 340 N. High PACKARD DEALERS Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, May 19, 1919 11 Jam Jelly Ifip Plain or iodized ffhen it rams it pours REMEMBER YOU SAVE MORE MONEY AT ft sx m m ar m m m -m m et 4200 N. RIVER ROAD -SALEM NEAR BEAUTIFUL MANBRIN CARDIN DISTRICT FOR THIS WEEK-END SHORTENING rasas?. 79c GIANT BORENE 75c BUSS COFFEE ...49c M J.BJ RICE E 2, 35c HEIN'S HONEY 1 ,,, 23c SUGAR bb&w 25 . 2.19 PRESERVES gsssR 1 .25c a? ROAST , 53c BACON SQUARES , 23c BACON ,"h,",c' 47c ('here m the WotMcan ffou Get,., 1 fggft SPAM VfxA Porl Shoulder Meat and Ham jz&M&zES? os. 07- lSat-a Can J C Yes, where can you get the wonderful food values like those at Erickson's? Our every effort Is put forth in bringing to you the best in quality at the lowest in price. Our aim is to please and to satisfy. When price reductions are handed to us, we are only too happy to pass them on to ynu. Dollar for dollar, day by day, your BEST VAIA'KS ARE AT ERK KSuIN S. DEST FOODS MAYONNAISE Pint Jar 39c SPRT k PUBC VEGETABLE SHOBTEMNG 3 Ib: 83 SWEETHEART SOAP 4250 JJJ Chevy Chase, assorted flavors in handy glass tumbler FRUIT COCKTAIL jstzzsrzz.... 31c CANNED MILK : 10c SYRUP IVilb .jar t??.""" l OC PINEAPPLE JUICE 33c GRAPEJUICE..& 37te 39c TOMATO JUICE ?5c ss&j. 23c Snowdrift Pare Vegetable Shortening 3 H..con 83c NOODLE SOUP MIX Lip,8B 3 29c TOMATO SOUP Campbells O OTT 3 cant JLI C PORK & BEANS Plymouth Maid By Van Camps No. 2'i ton 15c Eastern BEER Case of 24 12 ox. bottles Ballantine) $4.00 Plus Bottle Deposit iislMstlsssi ciito. 21c SUEISU. 3 pkg. 33c FRESH QUALITY PORK LOINS mm Center Cuts End Cuts . lb. PorkShoulderRoas,tS Steaks FRESH SAUSAGE 57c .. 49c lb. 35c lb. 45c lb. 35c LUNCHEON MEATS Morrellt O C - Big Bologna ;X;t. SOUSE Morrellt Pride by the piece, lb. 35c CHICKEN FRYERS - - each 1.49 STEWING HENS - - each 1.69 ARMOUR'S BRANDED BEEF BOILING BEEF i.... 35c SWISS STEAK 63c Tender center cuts from baby beef round RUMP,.b 45c Baker premium 14 37c CHOCOLATE Choc.Morsels's cookies, 8 ox. pkg. . . . 19c Choc. Syrup u"lT 2 .an. 25c DIDC il lCC 8oco Bul, itondard No. 1 can 13c KlrCp V.ILI V C Giant Pitted No. 1 can 19 GRAPELADE ,H, irth" 19c Currant Jelly ub ia," 27c Pineapple Preserves 1... 33c Our fruit and vegetable department h achievini an en viable reputation tor Ms tine produce Hems. Come In and join the many satisfied customers. ASPARAGUS fresh 2 lbs. 23c for canning. 30 lb. box 3.39 RHUBARB Strawberry 5 lbs. 19c Can it at this low prici GREEN PEPPERS MT 5c CUCUMBERSl0Br.un"d.r,P2 fnr15c GREEN PEAS fl"hpr' 2 lh, 19c fresh Strawberries at Lowest Prices CATSUP Van Camp. Ige. Max. btl. 2 -25c BOOK MATCHES diamond 1ft. SO book box I UC WESSON OIL Tar 59C For Salads and Deep Frylnf SLICED BEETS Festival ) 1 Q No. 2'. JL cant I 7C SWEET PEAS Happyvale )C No. 303 3 cant ADC PEAS and CARROTS Walla y OOf Walla A. cant ZYC APRICOT HALVES 19c Yosemitf, In Syrun COMPLETE LINE OF LOCKER SUPPLIES Cartons, wrapping paper etc. SAVE ON TREND L..Pkf. lgc 3060 Portland Read 1720 1. State St.