Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 18, 1949, Page 9, Image 9

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East Salem Club Members
Recall Early Organization
East Salem, May 18 Looking ovw th membership list of
Auburn Womu'i club and tindinf the nm o( many who have
been members only few year and loir.i who have been mem-
be ra linn itf organization, the program committee tor the May
meeting planned (or the reading ol the original constitution
of the club and a historical re-'
Follows Father's Footsteps Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr.,
elected to congress in the strongly democratic 20th district on
New York's West Side, casts his vote In the special election
to fill the seat which was represented in congress for more
than 25 years by the lata Sol Brown to which he was elected.
Denied the democratic nomination, he ran on a Liberal- Four
Freedoms parties ticket. F. D. R., Jr., is following his father's
footsteps In licking Tammany Hall, his main opposition In the
race. (Acme Telephoto.)
FDR, Jr., Defeats Tammany
In 7 to 4 Vote for Congress
New York, May 18 01.K Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr.'s, 7 to 4
shellacking of Tammany Hall in a special congressional election
was credited today to the vote-getting magic of the Roosevelt
name plus his 18-hour-day doorbell-ringing campaign.
Political observers had predicted defeat for the handsome third
son of the late president in the
normally machine - controlled
20th congressional district of
But the six-foot, four-inch
Roosevelt took a page from Pre
sident Truman's book and got
out to talk to the people from
early morning until late at night.
When the final votes were
counted In yesterday's race for
the seat of the late Rep. Sol
Bloom, Roosevelt had polled
more than the three other can
didates combined.
Running under the banners of
the liberal and four freedoms
-parties because he had been
dft ied the democratic nomina
tion y Tammany, Roosevelt
polled 41,148 votes,
His nearest competitor, Tam
many Hall's democratic candi
date Benjamin Shalleck, polled
only 24,352 votes. And the
other two candidates were far
behind Republican William H.
Mclntyre with 10,026 and the
American labor party candidate
Annette Rubinstein with 5,384.
Two immediate results were
seen from the Roosevelt victory:
1 'Saved my
V,htn w Monutcb arid cttw painful, uffoctfr
UK cu, Kur stomach met heartburn, doctors usually
prtecrtbe the fastest-act! a medleinw known tor
mptoms tic relief mrttetneiiikBt ho la BMtM
ablets. N'o Uxttlve. BrU-n brings comfort In ft
SCyorretiirnbottJetouifordoublemoiwybaM'li A
BEU-ANS for Acid Indigestion 25
Palmistry Readings
Will teD four put present
nd future. Will sdTisc on
love mmrruf
and bnaiBaaa.
A os vers all
qeesttana. An
a warrtofr
as be d
ibt? Special
t 10 sun.
Moved from 466 Ferry to
173 S. Commercial
See the NEW
We don't think
you'll find a better,
inexpensive reflex
type camera any
where. It comet with
f 8 focusing lens,
double- exposure
prevention feature,
flash shutter, and
big reflex view find
er. Takes 12 black-and-white
per roll of Kodak
620 Film. . . 9 full
color pictures from
Kodecolor 620 Film.
Negative 2!4x2V4
See it here.
1. The 34-year-old Roosevelt
had become the brightest star on
the democratic political horizon
m New York state. He already
was being mentioned as possible
candidate for governor in 1950
2. A drastic shake-up was in
order for the city s democratic
Tammany organization. A group
calling themselves the fair deal
democrats demanded formally
the ousting of Tammany chief
Hugo Rogers. Manhattan bor
ough president.
The club was organized in
1928 to stimulate interest in
home and community activities.
In the first minutes is recorded,
It will stand for the education
al and social betterment of the
community." Charter members
were Mrs. t. J. Ayres, Mrs. A.
L. Linbeck, Mrs. E. P. Peltier,
Mrs. Leo Sutter, who were the
first president, vice president,
secretary and treasurer; Mrs. C.
A. Krehblel, Mrs. E. A. Olson,
Mrs. Albert Felstman, Mrs. E. H.
Earl, Mrs. H. Elstrom, Mrs. H.
F. Durham, Mrs. Carl Swanson,
Mrs. L. Feskens, Mrs. F. Ver
bick, Mrs. Baumgartner, Mrs,
A. J. Mathis, Mrs. T. C. Morgan,
Mrs. William Hayward, Mrs.
Ethel Johnston, Mrs. Ray Ham
mer. Mrs. H. Armstrong, Mrs.
Lloyd Lee, Mrs. Henrytoohse.
Mrs. Leo Sutter ts now the
only charter member still active
in the club's work, but several
of these charter members do
live in the community. It has
a continuous record tor the
years and an average member
ship list of 25. It has a constitu
tion and by-laws, and these are
read about once a year. They
were read at Thursday's meeting.
The club is now a member of
the Four Corners Community
Center association and will par-
ticipate in the summer carnival.
They have a member on the
association board, but their first
objective is to stimulate the in.
terest in Auburn as a distinct
community and to carry on the
program started by the charter
The theme for Thursday's
meeting was "Know Your
Neighbors" with Mrs. Verne L.
Ostrander, Mrs. O. GilU and
Mrs. Ben Hawkins program
committee. The retiring presi
dent, Mrs. E. C, Sunderlin read
several short poems on leader
ship and fellowship as an in
stallation for the new officers
She was presented with a gift.
A covered dish dinner had been
served at noon and the tables
and room were decorated: with
May baskets of flowers. Sum
mer meetings will be held and
a picnic on the lawn of the Stu
art Johns home is planned for
The last meeting for the
school year of the Auburn Mo
thers' club will be held Friday
afternoon at the school house.
The teachers will be hostesses
for a tea in honor of all new
mothers in the community.
Guests the past week tn the
Oscar Wigle home in Swegle
community were Mr. and Mrs.
E. P. Townsend from Greaham
and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Green
and daughter, Addie May from
Colbert, Wash.
If two glasses become stuck.
ease them apart by pouring cold
water in the upper glass and
standing the lower glass in
warm water. If a stopper sticks
in a bottle, try running warm
water over the bottle.
Mayor Smith 'Victim' j
Council Conspiracy
Dallas City dads conspired
to "pull the teg" of Mayor Hal
lis Smith at the regular council
meeting. For a time it appeared
that the council was defying
other valley cities and would
hang out for standard time.
When the matter of the time
change came up for a vote, all
but two voted in the negative
to flabbergast the mayor who
had contacted the ,councilmen
beforehand and was certain
that the measure would pass.
Auto or Personal CASK LOANS
Salem Agency: 440 N, Church St. Tel. 3418
And WammmJUSaUM
House Point is better than
ever because IT'S FUME
PROOF! It gives a film of
unusual whiteness that will
not discolor or darken when
attacked by cool smoke or
industrial fumes or gases.
Come in and ask about this
new advancement
in house paint. Gal. $6. 1 1
There's a PMibwg Prist far
Every Hem Nesd I
Imott avary aurfeea wit. one
coat. Washat without streakint.
WATISat INAMIL-Quirk-dryifif,
luitraua ftnith for matal
trim, woodwork and rumiture.
noHIO( -Tough, durable an.
iintl for wood or cement floor
and itapa. Qailoo . .
Ceme fai ft ftff tofty.
WALLPAPER for all Rooms!
Bafore decorating ih our aride rang
of attractive patterns. Kara you'll find
a broad auortmant to fit any tstte,
any purpose, any puna. United Stylo
A 5 bum and Salon Selection Dorothy
Laiboa Wcstm handaoma, kmf-laat- ,
Ing budget patterns modern, tra
ditional and period ttylat for every
room in tha home.
St to $4.50 par tine) roll.
Aafc aw fpiaad WvKfMpsjf Caotaffoat fca
) Dependable
Nonplussed, Mayor Smith'
temporarily was at a loss how
io proceed. Councilman Walter
Craven declared that the matter
was defeated and walked out vi
the council chambers.
He soon came back, however,
and then the counciiroen ad
mitted they had conspired
against "His Honor." AH but
two had been "fixed" in ad
vance the two being left out
to make it look a little more re
alistic. Even. Auditor Bill Black-
ley, secretary of the council,
had left out some necessary
parts in reading the resolution
to make sure that the vote was
null and void. t!
Capita? Journal, SaJem, Ore., Wednesday, May IS 1949
When the light dawned onied tor and dxyligttt savings
the mayor, a new vote was eal!-iwas carried unanimously.
Packard 6 and J20
Broke Ratine tabar ..,,,,,,,,,
Motor Tune-Up Labor ,,.,,,,
Chassis Lubrication Labor.
Front Wheels Balance Labor
Front Wheel Searings Repack Labor. , ,
340 H, High
KOTHiNG TO SUr . . . juat cesaa ia
ducinj? Fhitca Refrigerator Week:
and it's yoan at GIFT Hurry
Wbather you'ro moving in town
or to a diatant city, r offer th
finaatia worry -freo moving aarv
ioa. Our local ttoraga and mov
ing facilitiea ara usaxceUod. And
em repreacntativaa for Allied
Van Line we can place at your
distpoaal the know-how of the
world' largeat long-distance
xnoving organixation. Allied'
expert packer, handlers and
drivers safeguard your posses
sions every step of the way.
Call us for estimates.
Red Star Transfer
Liberty Jr Belmont Th. J-Slll
Special limited Offer good only during
Don't miss this opportunity to get a beautiful 35 pc
Dinner Set at no extra cost with any of eight new
Philco models, including this big value Philco 891.
Just look at its sensational deluxe features . . .
Fully Adjustoblt etvet
Zero Zone frteiar lotkar
Sell-Closing Door lotch
Two Crisper Drawers
Dry Storage tin
Covered Mesf Drawer
iosy-Oirt Ice Trsy
a 3-Yof Warranty
fSIN America's
1 ' Greatest
l-j : Lew Priced
:; Hn I 23550
1! Jlr
We Give i,JC Sreert Stems
T425 Eitgewater Street in West Salem
Phone 2-5454 than 2-441 J
Everybody agrees: "Ifs amozingl". , , this New Hudson
ReveOation VMn
CaJebroSno 40
Yeors of fcomsarino teosiorshiB
Comt !!.. Set why the New Hedsoa is America's lt4-M0STn carl p
Voted by million " Amer
ica's most beautiful earf
A low buQd Is tha basis foe.
Hudson, with "step-down"
design, k lowaet of aU
yet there's full road clear
anos Its ctunning Unas flow
naturally, eren to the graoe- .
fui ettnm of its Full-View
Not just "more' ' roomy, but
ifee m&si seating room in
any meae- produced car, the
mart efficient use of interior
space. Amazing head room,
leg room to spare. You
enjoy tha most riding cora
fort ahead of rear wheelav
within tha bate frame,
down where riding la most
smooth, most relaxing.
Not juet Bvor", but mot
road-worthy X Only Hudson
with ecctuatva atep-down
Amg.n and recessed &oac
achieves a new, lower cen
ter of gravity lowest in
any stock car. Result: safest,
ctaadteat ride ever known!
To aH this, Hudsonaddsth
advantages of unit body
and -frame construe tion.
M MOST ttt touM&
Tour choice of tha bign
cosnpreaaion Hudson Super
Six eajrjaa, America moat
powerful Sir, or the- eva
roore powerfuf Super -Eight.
Center -Point Steering- for
easiest handlings Triple
Safe Brakna for utmost
safety. And many mora
h5h-performs nee, low-up-xeep
yWli WejflfflUm . I
And tn osidifion, srJy HuAtM briaft yoe
AH taia aMrt d4aew AatvaMttc r
tMhtej Btfn-MmiHt rmialnlii, , . a(ga.
tempwon pwSJ tntlm awaf sawarM .amlaaa Siv
r mmttrttti Sdrowar . . . Cktwm A3mf Malar MaaS
, , . Omrf CocWatfaa , , SbWCtaMaa OmKk . . . Maaw
tilt tfy-aoa-fa".PiMtn adfcWlaaaia
. . . hrtartw Baar HmrnOm, WtaaW Ciawid la T i
aW ptmit . . . iaaayCaaaiaa Wrar. . . Wafyyaa Km
, . . Waoritaeaaftat WnrCm itlr Ifata.
PRICES RIDUCI& i smUs, iiB,im
234 N Com'l. Diet J-J4J