Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 18, 1949, Page 8, Image 8

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1 Capital Journal, Salem, Or., Wednesday, May lR, 1949 legislature in increasing the
amount of salary on wnicn ine
employer must make a contri
bution; $115,000 for new school
sites: $3,000 (or appraisal of
furniture and equipment, neces
sary at least once every 10 years
for insurance purposes.
The sum of $26,227 for main
tenance and repairs. "Many
items of building and mainten
ance have been neglected dur
ing the depression years and the
war years." This item includes
the roofing project of the pub
lic school office building and
the re-decoration of rooms in
various buildings; $58,419 for
modernizing school buildings,
includes fire escapes, better toi
let facilities, more adequate
lighting of some necessary class
rooms and similar improve
ments. $21,091 for equipping
new classrooms. $30,745 for im
proving grounds, fencing dan
gerous areas and providing hard
surfaced play areas and other
grounds improvements; $10,500
for morernizing classroom seat
Registered voters who have
lived in the district at least six
months and who registered
prior to April 19 of this year
are entitled to cast their ballots.
There are no property classi
Four polling places will be
set up: Public School building,
460 North high street; Leslie
junior high school. West Salem
school and C K Lumber compa
ny, 650 North Lancaster.
Eleven of the 12 coaches of
spring and summer sports at
UCLA are graduates of the
1 I iSP , , '
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d i , ,,jLL iri i iiiiiiaiiiiiiifiiiifii,iiit-tr4afl
Hero's Welcome Following his triumphant return io
Washington with Mrs. Clay, Gen. Lucius D. Clay, retiring
military governor of Germany, receives the 2nd Oak Leaf
Cluster to his Distinguished Service medal from President
Truman in the White House rose garden. (Acme Telephoto.)
$717,475 Over 6 Percent
Limit Necessary to Schools
Approval by the voters at Friday's special election of a Salem
school district budget that exceeds the 6 percent limitation by
(717,475 is necessary if the school plant is not to deteriorate,
In the opinion of Donald A. Young, chairman of the board.
"Speaking from the standpoint of a citizen as well as a mem
ber of the board, I naturally dis-
like seeing an additional tax'"'ement funds made necessary
burden placed upon property," bv lhe recent action of the state
said Chairman Young. "But, if
the voters reject the budget it
will simply mean that we will
have to suspend repairs and
betterments to the plant which
re badly needed."
The chairman said refusal of
the taxpayers to favor a propos
ed $3,000,000 bond Issue two
years ago is really responsible
for the present situation. With
the amount cut in half, the
board of directors did not have
sufficient funds with which to
finance the construction of ad
ditional buildings while carry
ing out a maintenance program
that had been held in abeyance
during the war years.
Chairman Young said the tax
burden cannot continue to spiral
upward without endangering the
economy of the community.
But, he added, rejection of the
budget will not be true econ
omy, since school property will
The school administration
urns up the need for the budg
et which is $271,120 in excess
of last year's amount over the
aix percent limitation, in part
as follows:
The sum of $55,125 for an
stmated 17 'A additional teach
ers over last year; $25,031 re
presents an Increased cost of
plant operation due to a deficit
In budgeting last year for plant
operation and to new costs anti- j
eipated in the operation of new
plants; $13,000 for increased re-
Visitor Charms Reporters
(United Pruw Start Correspondent!
Washington You don't have to have painted lips, red finger
nails and a couple of fistfuls of diamond rings to charge the
hard-boiled press corps of Washington.
A simple gown and a pleasant
smile will do it.
This was proved yesterday by
Mme. Vijayalakshml Pandit of
India, the first woman ever to
come to the United States as a
full-fledged ambassador.
'The madame," as everybody
respectfully called her, held her
first press conference here. She
received about half a hundred
of the guys and gals in the poor
ly-lit state room of the Indian
chancery on Massachusetts
The ambassador was dressed
in a white-dotted gown, over
which she draped a purple or-
1. We'll adjust them for greater safety . . .
I Remove wheels Inspect lining and drums
I Adjust all brakes
Add fluid to master reaei mir
W Lubricate brake mechanism
Only 2.70
'2. Or well recondition tJtwn at lew eett
Replace brake linings
Replace cylinders, if neoeaaary
inspect brake drums; resurfaoe. If required
Drain and replace brake fluid
Adjust brakee, including emergency brake
Repack wheel bearings
Replace rear wheal grease retainer
Free additional adjustment within 80 day
and HERE'S
v$g run mvcmr m )
jjfl yesj rlM yow strive a far &V
Ck ejejjMifTiieart. It onriHo you k
VhI afctttM Is oesure otf Mraj KM
fn He, oey Meariof. ftjx
Warner Motor Co.
"Your Lincoln-Mercury Dealer"
430 No. Commercia
Dial 2-2487
gandy sari which ruffled down
to cover her tan sandals. She
didn't look at all like the Far
East. Her lips were a natural
color and so were her finger
nails and cheeks. Her pretty
gray hair had a bluish tinge, in
dicating she had been to an
American hair dresser since her
arrival a few days ago.
Mme. Pandit, one of India's
foremost national leaders, cut
her eye teeth politically in a lot
of places where you'll find
Americans, including the U. N.
She has three daughters who
received their education at Wel
lesley college which is not
located in India.
Her English if almost flaw
less. She spoke with only the
very slightest1 accent and pitch
ed it back overhand to those
hard-boiled correspondents who
tried to trip her up.
There were a lot of questions
about how India feels about the
I Russian situation. She drummed
a pink, nickel pencil on her desk
and said "Well, that depends."
"The communist party in my
country," she said, "is no partic
ular menace. It's more of a
nuisance. There are not enough
of them to be bothersome."
That was telling the snoopy
Somebody else wanted to
know if Mme. Pandit thought
the East and West could have a
honeymoon their people living
together in harmony. !
She smiled graciously andi
i answered the question:
"I believe so; eventually."
You could tell she had con
ducted press conferences before
She started off by saying that
she knew many of the reporters
In the room. Many who had
covered India during the war
and after.
She answered the questions
she wanted to answer (like she
said she would at the start) and
brushed off the ones she thought
might grow up to embarrass
A man in the back of the hall
said he was just curious, but
how many months had the
madame spent in jail? That
was easy, she said. She and
her husband had had quite a
time sitting it out for India's
freedom. Twenty-seven months
in the dungeons altogether.
Proud of it, too.
Linn Logger Injured
By Falling Branch -w
Lebanon While falling tim
ber near Crabtree, Lloyd Be
zant, Lebanon, was struck by
a falling snag and suffered a
fracture of the left leg.
Bazant had been logging
alone all winter until Saturday
when a college student visited
the site. He summoned assist
ance following the accident.
The snag was snapped off
when struck by a tree being
felled by Bazant.
Auditor Takes Vacation
Dallas, Ore., May 18 Wil
liam Blackley, Dallas city audi
tor, is starting his vacation
Thursday and during his ab
sence his office in City hall
will be closed, Mayor Hollis
Smith announces.
10 DOWN!
(With Carrying Charge)
New Visi-Matic Wringer Is Here!
Mid by Hirta Wilkar It Soni Int.,
Pwjru. m. 96 proof7. Blended whiskey.
The fttriijtht whukics in thii product
ve 4 rnn or more old. $0 mi if hi
vhiikcj. 70ft f run DCutriU tpuiu).
p yaw
I 1?S
I C2 t I
I -UCMtC(t
I Hi'" ""' Y ,om" " j inc
VISI-MATIC means you can see entire wring
ing operation! VISI-MATIC means you need
no manual adjustments this new Kenmore
wringer adjusts itself automatically. Giant 3
inch balloon type rolls and sweeping new de
sign give you 25 more actual feed area!
Semi-automatic Kenmore has 20-minute sig
nal timer. Woshes up to 9-lbs. of laundry in
one loading. See this beauty when you Shop
at Sean and Save.
mm 11 mwM
WaTaaw m
Shop today.;. save! Enjoy the wonderful
convenience of your Kenmore Washer Now!
Kenmore Washer
15.00 down
10.00 month
18.5 cu. ft. Coldspot
Freezer i95
42.00 down, 16.00 month
Store up to 740 pounds of food in this 18.5 eu. ft. Coldspot
Freezer. Freezes 75 pounds in 12 hours in separate compart
ment. All steel cabinet, welded and sealed. Inside finish, gray '
porcelain enamel. Large balloon gasket insures tight door
seal. See it today at Sears.
The Entire Cabinet is for Food Storage
9.4 Cu.-Ft. Coldspot
Fr.eier Chest 26.6 Ibt. Cope
eity Twin Criipen Hold 23 Quart
Meat Storage Drawer Holds
19.3 Ibt.
Hinged Shelf Stares Bulky Foods
Handibin Slides out to Dry Star
1.22 Bushelt
26.00 Down 13.00 Month
On Sears laiy Terms
Another Deluxe Spocemaster holds 9.4 eu. ft. of food yet fits the room
space of on ordinary 7 cu. ft. refrigerator! 17.7 sq. ft. of rust-resistant shelf
area. Famous 9-point cold control and glass water cooler are added features.
The built-in theremometer and defrost indicator odd to your convenience. It's
a beauty! See it today at Sears!
&&ficfo fmttt $i WW mttuf at ' fflyfi
484 State Street
Phone 3-9191
9:30 A. M. to 3:30 P. M. Dairy
9:30 A.M. H 9:00 1. M. Friday