Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 18, 1949, Page 7, Image 7

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Double Anniversary on
Episcopalian Calendar
The 100th annivartary of the acquisition of the parish property,
and the 20th anniversary for the Kev. George H. Swift ai rector
of the church will be celebrated at a Joint event, June 14, by
membert of St. Paut'a Episcopal church.
A reception for all of the parish will be given that date, honor
ing the Rev. and Mn. Swift and
Anniversaries Observed The 100th anniversary of the ac-
quiiition of the present church property at Church and Che-
meketa street will be aommemorated by St. Paul s Episcopal
church, and the 20th anniversary for the Rev. George H.
Swift as rector will be observed at a joint celebration planned
by the parish on June 14. The upper picture shows the build
ing now used as a parish house by St. Paul's, the edifice being
the first church building for the parish. It was erected in
1854 and today is the oldest public building in use in Salem.
In the lower picture is a scene of a Thanksgiving service
about 1875 or 1878 in the first church building, now the
parish house. In the picture are the Rev. J. H. Babcock, at
left, fourth rector in the church's history, and at right, Dr.
A. M. Belt, who was a pioneer physician in Salem and the
grandfather of Justice Harry
H. Belt of the state supreme
eourt. The church has had 17
rectors during its century of
commemorating 100 years' his
tory in the parish. The Rt. Rev
Benjamin D. Dagwell, bishop oi
the Oregon diocese, will be here
to officiate at the confirmation
rites to be held that date, also,
and to participate in the parish
anniversary celebration. All or
ganizations of the church are
making plans tor the property
centennial and the Swift anni
versary date.
4 1
It was in 1849 that Dr. W. M.
Willson donated the site upon
which the church was first
built, the same property used
by the parish today at Chenv
eketa and Church streets.
Ninety-five years ago, in
1854, the first church edifice
was erected on the property, and
the structure was in use until
the present church was built.
The church erected in 1854 was
the first Episcopal church in
Oregon south of Oregon City,
And featuring in the June 14
celebration of the present day
parish will be the little old first
church building, now used as a
parish house, facing north on
Chemeketa next door to the
church rectory.
Oldest Public Building
This parish house is today the
oldest public building in use in
the city of Salem. There are
some residences older but the
parish house has the record for
a public building longest in use
95 years.
When Dr. willson donated the
land to the parish in 1849 there
were less than ten of the Epis
copal faith in Salem. Today,
there are more than 700 com
municants In the parish.
The original church building
was consecrated by the first
Episcopal bishop in Oregon, the
Rt. Rev. Thomas Fielding Scott,
on April 22, 1855. Regular
clergy, beginning with the Rev
Michael Fackler, kept the small
congregation together. His suc
cessor was the Rev. J. R. W
Sellwood, who reported only
four communicants in 1858
The Rev. C. R. Bonnell fol
lowed. His daughter, Mrs. Cor
nelia Thomas, was a resident
of Salem until her death about
five years ago.
In 1883 a chancel was added
to the original church, the first
rectory was built and the steeple
added to the church. This stee
ple remained with the building
until about seven years ago
when it was removed due to a
structural weakness.
Parish Growth Steady
The parish Bouse today re
veals timbers and foundations
practically as strong as during
the yean it served as a church,
despite its 95 years of use.
The parish grew slowly in the
early years, showing 138 com
municants m 1922 when I new
church was built during the rec
torship of the Rev. H. D. Chant
ers. The erection of the new
milding in 1922 necessitated
noving the original church
from its corner position to its
oreaent day location on the al
ley west of the church.
The old building is in con
stant use by the Sunday school
and various organizations of the
church. It appears to be old
and weatherbeaten outside but
is an attractive piace inside, the
church organizations keeping it
in good condition for use by the
There are many who regard
the little old building with af
fection and sentiment and are
wondering about the future of
the structure when plans for
new church edifice get under
way. Many former Salemites
often write back regarding the
little church where they were
baptised or received their first
communion. Some in today's
parish favor preserving the old
structure if it is possible to do
Any action comes later,
however, plans to be announced
later for a more adequate church
and parish house, to be erected
either on the present site or at
another location, depending on
decision of the parish.
As example of the sentiment
for the little old parish house,
a lady in Tacoma a few years
ago left a goodly sum in her will
to St. Pauls parish in com
memoration of the little church
where she attended Sunday
school as a small girl.
Gates Woman's
Club Entertained
Gbtes The Gates Woman's
club met in regular session in
the social rooms of the high
school. Following a no-host
luncheon the meeting was call
ed to order, with Mrs. Elmer
Stewart presiding. New officers
taking over are Mrs. Albert
Millsap, secretary, and Mrs.
Velma Carey, treasurer. The
president appointed standing
committees for the coming year.
Mrs. Steve Champ, outgoing
treasurer, made her annual re
port, stating a total of $1342.74
the general and building
funds. It was decided to discon
tinue the social meetings of the
club for the summer, meeting
only on the second Thursday of
each month, the meetings to be
held at the homes of the mem
bers and no-host luncheons
served. Two new members were
welcomed in the club, Mrs. El
mer Klutke and Mrs. Paul Davis.
The next meeting will be
held at the home of Mrs. Elmer
Stewart, June 9. The question
of selling the lot owned by the
club, in town, and the purchase
of one less valuable, wilt be dis
cussed and all members are ask
ed to attend.
fHie ttttnt m mtit a ftfrt
The common eouortl htrcar telrt
it purpc nd Infrntlon to suit tb
tbav dMcrlbMl improvement &r h!
through trie ttrct tmptotcmeRt rtepktt-rfirrvt.
Br ordtr of tht Common Council ur
i, int.
OI flrtt ru0:icuoa rwtol ! Uy
13. m.
Cftpitfti jourmt. Mir is. If. If, IT, If.
IS. 30. 31. 33. 3i. to.
Korira or iktcxtios to tstriKms
Kotiro hrreb to fivfB ihst tho fora-
mon council of th cut of 8m. Oregon
deerrtf It neeewsry tad expedient enc
hereby declares lis sursess snd Inten
tion to Improve Morton street from the
esst euro Une of Csnttol street to the
west curb lino of Twelfth street. In the
ettr of solem. Usrton cacnte, Oregon, tt
the expense sf the tmiltuig sr.d ndiseent
property, by removing the existing curbs,
nd constructing neer cement concrete
curbs, widening the existing novensent
from M feet to 46 feet, i feet of such
iddltlonsl trldth to be on etch. std of
the existing psvement ond such nddition
sl width to be pxved with a Inch Port
land cement concrete parement, and the
existing pavement to be resurfaced with
14 Inch asnhaltte concrete cavemen!.
all Ut accordance with the plans and spe
cifications therefor which were adopted
by th common council Ma .
which are now on file In the office of
the city recorder and which by this
Music Store Is Sold
Lebanon Sale of Brevik's
music store to Warren Walker,
owner of the Walker Music and
Appliance company is announc
ed by the new owner. The new
business will continue to be op
erated by Walker, featuring a
complete line of musical instru
ments and music for all instruments.
Good Paints
Good Workmanship
Economical Price
! . . An Unbeatable
. . , and that's what yon get at
14 Court
DIAL 1-2493 FOR
There's a lot satisfactioa In
knowing that your paint con
tracting ts ii qualified hands.
Four and twenty blackbirds
' Baked in a pit, M
Kad nothing on good Master 9
Bread Jf
For tempting you and L 2
At your Grocer's
jrdr oJ th Circuit court of tft 5tt
of Orci on for tht?- Count r m Mttrion, In
Prosit, duty mil md wui on tht
ninth of Ur 14, I hv bn Attlr
..pjxHntnJ tvt wfutot q$ ii ,u( mm
J.TM1 iM,mfrl xmt twit it ? BELLE
QOLDtN STC1KBR. dMfwd, and tiwt I
hv hern tSui niiilirii u such ?
tttor. All pt-natu bvm c!!Si aint
4 M.ftlo tttrtbr t ivquirtvl to prv
mM trwm, with prop euehr, to ws
CflpHfil Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday, May 1R, 1949?
it 3t4 Ptatxer Trut BiUdtac,, asltat,
Jr3SfU, WiiJi!!! SX miM 111 SlrJ tiM tet
it the taxi pwKication ot thta nMlff
sntf first pu611n4 tit IvnUt
dy of M-, 1W.
Executor ftre:l.
ViisfRf-y J or Ksnutoi.
r It. tt, n nod Jan I
ttAt UttV RGttXtAKU TO H4NaX
Nst:re htffby it firm tht the earn
moncotmcii at tiw ctty ot Salem. Orfgo.iv.
rtfpmi It nrcfuarr nt eiprtient ni
ta ImpfOi Iftaonicm V'!w Driv fjorn tiw
Mimh .Jim1 of Cfifj!ru, Boultrvard to thf
norih Une of Hanirra vetaa. ta th etty
rt Stlem titrtoa countv, Oitsoo, v. ihi
pK of ,hf batt)Tv ttnd o!T.t
property,, except th mrt tnttcttoa
ay gs 07 Dimginr sue por- ,
ttoa of id treet to th MlaoSlthrt
fttdt,'jc'.tuf nxtit waw -c
saffe, nfl pvnj isS poritsn. of Mid
street vHh 2lr ineis hHe eoneret
pratets 30 ieet Wider ta trrif flnr itit
tht MVS spacfftcsvUoni- thertfof
whiri were xs&RitQ isr Ihe torr.mon tottn
ctt ty tr 144. vhtcti r now oa tilt
;n trie office ci the ciiy rerortJer ond
wfilfti by this lefereneo thereto art ar,d
prt hereof.
tm eesnmoa eear.ets fvr&y e(it Ht
parpoae r.d Jnterttloa to make the bov
ecttitet tfHjit-emnt ad th mtijtt
or isiaiT ss in i. jramoa taaen Mar
, ittt.
!! sf l:m Bbiiesti&a hereof it Msr
15. IS.
Cf!'.! Jcjrns!. U? is, ti. It, JT. It,
I. 3S. 31. 33. 2. 2.
Ptr Seautw training, fit
c?'..prA pportanltiea are ai
ways eoea to th aHIied
beu;:ciiD Claasw no
forming at Sateaiw oMest
and most sdvarced beauty
achooL Cat! or writa for our
new km rates.
Oregon Schoot of Beauty
S30N ttserty Pit. 8
ar our expense
Introductory Size ond
Regular 39 Slit
atuc u
Find out for yourself why more men and women use Air id
ttuut ny otitec d?odornt! See wh tht cretm deodortnt
does for you! 1. Jmtanfjy stops porspi ratio I to days.
Acts JifcJy. 1. dm bo ni dtesses or men's shim.
9. Immvm 94r from perspiration on contact. 4. Oom
trrtoat tkim. Anttieptic Preferred by 117,000 nurses.
S. A EHttr. white, suittless vanishing cream, Arrid with the
smaztng new ingredient, Ciexmoges, will not dry out in the jar.
Vie smalt yti ftru. It too doa't asm xatii jar aa s htt f.U. Kerars lartt
Arrid is in ever? way the &st aeun jsc to Orcet Prodmra. tec. New
dcodoraot yoa'n eret and, teep York, b). Y., for tati nrfaod.
Don't b hallsafw-B Arrld-saf
Ut Arrld to b surwl
wcr rt
Paut Amstrong
it took the "Red Shoes"
to bring to the public on
adequate and spectacular
presentation of the art
of battet. This ort is on
surposed in rythmical
grace and physical ex
pression. The PAUL ARM
STRONG, School of Danc
ing is pfoud to bring to
Saiem the opportunity to
study this great art.
New classes wit! soon
start for beginners of oft
ages for those with and
without baSSet training.
For further information
visit the
School of Dancing
1995 Mission St. or Ph. 1-752
r 0V
l fa i)S
Now ymt can enjoy a Straplffaa Bra
ith aB the comfort all ttw srvryport
tiurt woa expect from Rne bnrsnecvj
Your new "Perma-Iift" Strap5es Bt
perfect for those oiT-she-sKoUifier
style of tofJay is riiD only hn with
the famoH "Persris-tift" CBsbioo
insets t th base of the bra mp
that gently support yoi bast from
hfha. No ttraps are needed ft tm
healthful beanty, ttie eomfewtahW
tmpfott khat only a "Parma-sift Br
give yon and ?"memie yo etm
ash k and wsft k aa often a yrm
wish k Burner ioevs ha Magfe Up!iA
Se &m new Pecma-fift" StrapiW
Bra in oirr CotKet Dtpaitjifc Bw
jroure today. Pric f 28
ticon'c a
l7v gT rl
I 1) llM p H
Qa oi . 03 K3HD !nS!J(HI3
Alan o jy t&c Uatsfig: gemfatt af st"Praitct
Gtrrife. Na Sottet Abottt il Slavs L Wttltottt Stark
A y Journal Wont Ads Pay
t $ . ec