Capital Women Edited by MARIAN L0WRT FISCHER Capital Journal, Salem, Ore.. Wednesday, May 18, 1949 Party for 2 Brides-Elect Two June brides-elect will be honored t a party and shower for which Mr. Floyd Query will be hostess on Friday evening at her home. Miss Ruth Hughlett, who is to be wed June 11 to Bob Lee Smith ot Portland, and Miss Charlotte Reeves, who is to be married on June 18 to Carroll Keasey of Vernonia, are to be the honorees lor the party. About 35 friends have been Invited for the party. The two brides-elect will be feted with a miscellaneous shower and a late buffet supper will be served. Mist Hughlett and Mr. Smith are to be married In the First Congregational church at 8 o'clock the evening of June 11. Mr. Smith is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. L. Smith of Port land, Miss Hughlett the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hughlett of Salem. Miss Reeves, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Reeves of Sa lem, and Mr. Keasey also will be married In the First Con gregational church at an eve ning ceremony June 18. Mr. Keasey is graduating In civil en gineering from Oregon State college this coming June. Going to Play The matinee performance of the play, "I Know My Love," will be attended by several Sa lem folk Thursday afternoon, i Among those going from here are Mrs. Leonard Goldblatt, Mrs. Daniel B. Jarman, Mrs. Francis Burgy, Mrs. C. B. Spen cer, Mrs. J. E. Law, Mrs. Rob ert M. Gatke, Mrs. Merrill D. Ohling, Mrs. C. A. Downs, Mrs. William E. Anderson, Mrs. Clar nce Byrd, Mrs. J. M. Devers, Mrs. Frederick Deckebach, Mrs. V. M. Sackett, Mrs. W. E. Kirk, Miss Alice Crary Brown, Mrs. Walter Kirk, Mrs. F. W. Poor man. Among those planning to go for the Thursday evening show are Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Mc Lellan, Mr. and Mrs. Breyman Boise and Mr. and Mrs. Hollis W. Huntington. Plan for Sale Mrs. Marvin Miller, buddy poppy chairman for Marion auxiliary, Veterans of Foreign Wars, and Mn. Joe Hopkins, chairman for the poppy sale from Meadowlark aux i 1 i a r y , have asked all committee work ers to meet Wednesday evening at tha home of Mrs. Leon Han ten, 160 East Miller, to talk ov er plans for the tale which will be conducted In Salem May 27 and 28. GATES Mrs. Burrel Cole and Mrs. Hollis Turnidge were hostesses at the letter's home honoring Mrs. Marvin Stafford, a recent bride, with a shower. Following luncheon served by the hostesses and the opening of gifts by tha bride, the afternoon was spent informally. Gifts were received from Mrs. Char les Smith, Miss Eileen Eccles lon, Mrs. Arthur Blackburn, Mrs. Norman Garrison, Mrs. Steve Champ, Mrs. Melbourne Rambo, Mrs. Clarence Rush, Mrs. Anna Nystrum, Miss Geor gia Shane, Mrs. Elmer Stewart, Mrs. Merle Devine, Mrs. Glen Henness, Mr. and Mrs. George Stafford, Mrs. Harold Wilson, Mrs. Henry Ercleston, Mrs. Al bert Millsap, Mrs. Harrv Keiser. Mrs. Clare Henness, Miss Car- Senior Recital Miss Edith Fairham, Salem mezzo soprano, is to be present ed In her senior recital at Wil lamette university next Mon day evening at 8:15 o'clock In the Waller hall auditorium on the campus. The recital is given as a par tial fulfillment for the degree of bachelor of muse, and is sponsored by the eollege of music. Miss Patty Jo Hammond will be accompanist for Miss Fair ham. Town and campus friends are invited to hear the program which climaxes an outstanding record In music on the campus for Miss Fairham. Bridae Party This Evening Mrs. Irvin F. Bryan Is to be hostess this evening for an In formal bridge party. A late sup per will follow the hours of cards. Attending the party will be Mrs. Roger Hoy, Mrs. Harold Heiserman. Mrs. Jacob Foos, Mm. Russell Forrest, Mrs. Thom as G. Wise, Mrs. Roy Todd, Mrs. Lee Thomas and Mrs. Bryan. Mrs. Laird to Be At Convention At the meetins nf Alnha Yl Delta alumnae Mnnrinv unin at the home of Mrs. William D. oalloway, Jr., announcement was made Mrs. Eugene Laird will represent the ffrntin at tho sorority's national convention in French Lick Springs, Ind., ear ly In July. The alumnae voted to spon sor a Camp Fire Girls troop, Otakuve. Mrs. William Vnixlr- erbocker as the leader. Plans were made for a nlrnln for the June meeting at the home of Mrs. Tfialmpr Antor. son at Turner. Present for the Mnndsv moot ing were Miss Eleanor Steph ens. Miss .Tnan FcsTpv Mice VI. len Sangster, Mrs. William B Healy, Mrs. R. W. Tavenncr. Miss Elise Schroeder, Mrs. John H Hann. Mn. William Knilrr ' bocker, Mrs. Allison D. Froman Miss Verna Keppinger, Mrs. William D. Galloway, Jr., Mrs. Elmer Meade, Mrs. Eugene Laird, Mrs. Rollm O. Lewis, Mrs. Oliver L. Darlinff Mn A. C. Newell. Farewell Given Mr. and Mn. Henri, Trr- berger were hosts Saturday eve ning at dinner for Mr. and Mrs. George Fletcher, who are leav ing for Hartford, Conn. Later, a group of friends came for a surprise farewell party for the Fletcher. Tn aririilinn to the honorees and the Her bergers, others in the group In cluded Mr. anri Mrs T curia Cross, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ear nest, Mr. and Mrs. William Sul livan, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cop ley, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ramage, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Roth, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Hilfiker, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Joseph, Mr. and Mrs. Morrie Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Goodrich, Floyd Emmons, all of Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Pat Emmons of Albany. men Stafford, Mrs. Clarence Ball and the hostesses, Mrs. Cole and Mrs. Turnidge. Mrs. Dann To Be Feted Honoring Mrs. John Dann, who will be leaving to make her home in Coos Bay, Mrs M. B. Rudd, Mrs. A. J. Becker, Mrs. Arthur W. Cole and Mrs Jacob Foos are to entertain on Friday evening at the East Lin coln street Rudd home. Guests for six tables are being bidden for the evening. A mid night supper will be served. Supper for Chorus Group The chorus of the Salem Bust ness and Professional Women's club met for a buffet supper at the home of Mrs. Donald Jessop. Monday evening. An informal evening was spent. The chorus sang during the convention of the Oregon Federation of Busi ness and Professional Women's clubs last week-end in Salem. Attending the supper were Mrs. Josephine Stephens of Portland, mother of Mrs. Jes sop; Mrs. Vernon Decatur, Mrs. Charles Sherman, Mrs. A. J. Arehart, Mrs. Louis Neuman, Mrs. Claude W. Jorgensen, Mrs. Jessie Bush Mikelson, Mrs. D. W. Baronovich, Mrs. Eleanor Roberts, Mrs. D. M. DuVall, Mrs. Walter Werstlein, Miss Edna Tatro, Miss Helen Tharalson and Mrs. Jessop. Rebekah Meeting Event of Monday Several announcements fea tured the meeting of Salem Re bekah lodge, Monday evening. Social evening is planned for next Monday and the noble grand, Mrs. Lloyd Pepper, has asked that formals be worn. Mrs. Justina Kildee, Mrs. Fred Shafer and Mrs. Virgil Parker will be in charge of decorations. The F. L. club is announced to meet this Thursday evening at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Gavin Hill, 2229 Breyman. The Past Noble Grands club, which was to have met May 18 has been postponed until May 25, the meeting to be at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. John Wiles. After this week's meeting, Mrs. M. W. Ready was in charge of the program. Mrs. Fred Rawlins and the following stu dents gave musical selections: Misses Beverly Ready, Irene Brown, Joyce Stettler, Sharon Barker and Lolita Morris. A musical skit was presented by Mrs. Clarence Woelk, Mrs. Theo Wacken, Mrs. Kenneth Hunt, Mrs. Lawrence McClure and Mrs. J. I. Teed. Following the program no-host refreshments were served. National President Expected at Meeting Mrs. Lena Barrett of Hunting- Ion Park, Calif., national pres ident of the auxiliary to the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, is expected to be a visitor at the social and dinner meeting planned by the Sons and auxiliary Friday evening The meeting will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Garrett, 2490 Garden road, the dinner to be at 8:30 o'clock. The meeting was changed from the following Tuesday to the Fri day date. EXPECTED to arrive the lnt ter part of the week for a visit here are Lt. Col. and Mrs. Er nest C. Knapp and daughter. Carol. They are coming from (juam. Lnlonel Knapp had been in the Philippines two years, then went to Guam a year ago, Mrs. Knapp and daughter Join ing him there. While in the Sa lem area they will be at their farm home on Wallace road and will visit Mrs. Knapp's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Person and Mr. Knapp's sister. Mrs. Claude W. Jorgensen. They will go east then, Colonel Knapp to go to his new assignment in Bos I ton in July. if - k V r n. i m ': l.: -. A .." Jaw Miss Edna Hermanson Miss Barbara Hoadley To Graduate Two Marion county young women will graduate from the Emanuel Hospital School of Nursing, Fri day of this week. They are Miss Edna Hermanson, left above, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Hermanson of Woodbum, and Miss Barbara Hoadley, at right, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hoadley of 560 North 19th, Salem. The exercises will be at Westminster Presbyterian church in Portland. Mist Hermanson and Miss Hoadley completed their training course in February and have received their registered nurse title from the state board of nurse examiners. At present they are both employed at Emanuel hospital. ' Violin and Piano Recital on Sunday The Rawlins Music studio unrior the direction of Mrs. Mar garet Rawlins, will present some violin and piano students in a recital this Sunday afternoon at 2:30 at the Englewood United Brethren church on North 17th anri Nehraska street. The DUbllC is invited to attend. Highlights of the program will Be a vocal solo by Mrs. Lee Waldroop, an nricfinal nmnnKitinn bv GarV Rawlins and a piano trio by Joyce Stettler, Beverly neaay, and Lolita Morris. Thns students who will ap pear on the program are Wyette Capps, Judy scnerrer, naomi Stanton, Judy Gallagher, Bev rlv Parnentpr. Jnvce Hanson. Jeanne Rawlins, Linda Capps, Keith Hanson, Marilyn naier, Dickie Armstrong, Garry Kanz, Kav Kfhorrpr T.arrv Kanz. Ma ry Ellen Klein, Gail North, Lar ry Cummings, Otha House, .Nor ma Jean Blair, Sharon Barker, T.tmriv Jones. Garv Rawlins. Di ane Cooley, Ross Cooley, Bever ly rlanson, Jane Mooreiieia, Beverly Ready, Joyce Stettler, Irene Brown and Lolita Morris. To Visit Group Mrs. Gail Kreason, district No. 2 president, has accepted the invitation to visit Kingwood auxiliary No. 81 at their regular meeting Thursday evening, May 19 at the Legion home on Parkway drive. Mrs. Guy Hastings, president, has announced that final plans for the annual poppy day sale will be made. Mrs. Robert Dickson and Mrs. G. H. Boyd, Jr., will serve refreshments to the Legion post and auxiliary after the meeting. Maccabees Event Thursday Evening Maccabees, 84D, are meeting Thursday for a no-host supper at 6:30 o'clock at 248 North Commercial. All members, jun iors and families are invited. Mrs. Charles McElroy, Mrs. Edith Strang, Ivan Brown and J. E. Reay are the committee In charge. New officers recently installed to fill unexpired terms of some moving away include: Ivan Mar tin, commander; Mrs. Elizabeth Follis, lieutenant commander; J. E. Reay, master at arms; Mrs. Ivan Brown, first lady of the guards. Birthday Party Judson Perman Bressler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Judson Bress ler, celebrated his fourth birth day at a party Sunday afternoon at the South Commercial street home of his parents. A merry-go-round theme was carried out in the decorations and a birth day cake and refreshments were served. Honoring Judson were his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gustafson of Portland, Mrs. Foster Clabaugh and Mary, Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Gustafson and Jay, Mrs. K. J. Peterson, Kathy and Betty, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Gustafson and Maureen, Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Robinson and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Judson Bressler, ETA CHAPTER of Beta Sig ma Phi is meeting this evening at the home of Mrs. Wilbur Pearson. Dance Club Sets Party Planned for next Friday eve ning la the sports dance for the Bonheur club members, the party to be in the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall with Wayne Strachan's orchestra playing. Preceding the dance wilt be a no-host supper for the mem bership, each couple to take their own service. The committee for the eve ning includes Mr. and Mrs. Ed N. Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. McMillan, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Palmason and Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Lee. FIDELIS class of the First Baptist church is meeting Thurs- Evening of Music Invitations are out from Mr. and Mrs. James C. Stone for an evening of music next Tuesday, May 24, at 8 o'clock at the Stone Piano company, Fairgrounds road. Josephine Albert Spaulding, mezzo soprano, with Mrs. A. A. Schramm as acompanist, and Doris McCann, organist, will be featured in the program. The concert is an invitational one. day at 2 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Bessie Julius, 1168 North 15th street. THE WOMEN'S Society of World Service in the First Evan gelical United Brethren church Poppy Sale Group Meets ' Mrs. Sam Harbison, chairman from Unit No. 136, American Legion auxiliary, for the annual poppy sale on May 27 and 28, entertained the captains for the sale at her home last evening. In the group were Mrs. Dow Lovell, Mrs. Harold Streeter, Mrs. Duane Janicek, Mrs. Rob ert Irwin, Mrs. Carroll Robin son, Mrs. Charles P. Driver, Mrs. Kenneth Schomaker. The auxiliary has window I displays at Sally's and the Sa lem Realty company downtown and at Wallery'a in the Holly, wood district advertising tha poppy sale and it purposes. will meet Thursday at 2 p.m. it Ithe church. AS PURE AS MONSV CAM BUY SUCH STARTLING CAMERA VALUE! JWacy... JDcaoty... fSiiaracter t e&ef wyHm 9eW VyMM trtvoptt j Jf4fcJAW(aB ferft IffW aWfsrV a . 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A Slacks Reg. 6.98 Blouses Reg. to 7.98 Shorts Reg. to 3.98 Play Suits Reg. 3.98 Slips Reg. to 7.98 For... $3 For....$4 Slacks Blouses Reg. 7.98 Val. to 10.95 Blouses Play Suits Reg. to 8.98 Val. to 10.98 Dresses Slacks Reg. to 19.95 Rf- Gantner Gantner Swim Swim Suits Suits Reg. 8.98 Reg. 8.98 For.... D Dresses Val. to 24.75 Play Suits Val. to 14.98 Pedal Pushers Reg. 14.98 Blouses Val. to 10.98 Gantner Swim Suits Reg. 10.98 For. 6 Gantner Swim Suits Reg. 12.98 Blouses Pure Silk Val. to 14.98 Dresses Val. to 14.91 Play Suits Val. to 18.91 ON SALE IN THE DOWNSTAIRS DEPARTMENT Reg. 39 95 Reg. 69.95 COATS $19 $39 Reg. 49.95 Reg. 79.95 S29 $49 DRESSES Reg. 39.95 Reg. 69.95 SUITS $19 $39 Reg. 49.95 Reg. 79.95 $29 $49 FORMALS One group CIA Val. to 23.95 H One Group t 1 C Val. tr 29.95 ? laJ One Group CIO Val. to 39.95 I ' Better Dresses for Casual and Afternoon Wear. Famous Labels. Sites 9 to 15, 10 to 24 H. C1lt 1 Group ?V Reg. 29.93 t 1 O 1 Group 3 lJ Reg 34.95 Others up to 49.95 1 Group Reg. 19.95 1 Group Reg. 24.95 $15 $19 WEDDING GOWNS One Group $V Vol. to 59.95 One Group $OQ Vol. to 69.95 J ACCESSORIES GLOVES! Fownea Nationally Advertised Gloves Reg. up to 1.50 HANKIES' Reg. 1.25 Values For Only PURSES! One Group Fine Leather Purses Leather lined Val. to 15.00 (Plus tax) JEWELRY! Earrings Pins - Bracelets -Necklaces. Val to 10 00 (plus tax) FAMOUS BRANDS HOSIERY Reg. 1.95 69c 85c 500 100 99c 2.99 LINGERIE SUPS'. Reg. 6.98 Famous Brand GOWNS! Blue Swan f) 1A Reg. 4.98 AAl BRASSIERES! Reg. up to 2.50 . . . 1.00 BLUE SWAN PANTIES! Reg. 1.25 SOCeg. 1.50 St Limit 6 to Customer 43 only. Reg. 6.00 . 21 only. Reg. 1.00 . 14 only. Reg. 11.00 CAT A LIN A SWEATER SPECIALS 3.99 4.99 699 16 only. Reg. 13.00 1 1 Only Cashmeres Reg. 17 00 888 12 88 MILLINERY BETTER HATS DRASTICALLY REDUCED Alt sales final Ne credits, rerunds er exchange Court at Liberty