Texas Twister Killi Five, Injures IS In the first light of dawn after the storm, rescue workers search wreckage of a home for bodies In the 30-block area of Amarlllo, Tex., which was destroyed by a tornado. Five persons are known to be dead, 83 Injured, and a million dollars of property damage was reported. (Acme Telephoto) & m ' A . . t. 1 : -v v w I - f 1 ... flfC -1 Property Moves In Gates Area Gates Among transfers of property completed here In the last week was the purchase by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Saunders of Salem, of the home of Miss Georgia Shane. The property is located on the Linn couinty side of the river and Includes "Moores Grove," one of the most beautiful spots on the San- itlam and popular camping and picnic ground for parties from all over the state. Miss Shane will reside in Salem in the home formerly occupied by the Saunders. Mr. and Mrs. Harrv A Rnhin. son of Salem have purchased a 212-foot lot with river front age from Mr. and Mrs. Albert Millsap. The new owners plan to build a summer horn, nr, th property. NEW LOCATION 1144 Center St, Silem, Oregon Dr. R. Reynold! Clinic Natr lrctolUt lUctal iMclalitt nt 0Im 1-9469, lUli S-MK Not? t Wt rrk tot SPMfl BMtb 4erH trtl from Btrt'f N w Bapar Mtrkti Mr. and Mrs. H. Mitchell, who have resided in Gates for several months have bought a 90x100 lot, with river frontage, from Riley Champ, west of town and have started construc tion of a home there. The first house, not yet com pleted, to be built by Davis and Park, contractors, has been sold. The place will be ready for oc cupation by the new owners in about two weeks. Davis and ROOFING Now Is the time to order that new roof before the busy tummei season.. Expert workmanship with the highest quality material Free estimates without obligation. McGilchrist & Sons Salem 253 No. Commercial Street Phono 3S478 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore., Wednesday-, May 18, 1949 3 Park plan to build several other new, modern homes on the tract of land recently acquired by them. The Standard Oil Co. has just purchased or leased a location for their bulk station from E. V. Collins, adjacent to the Collins home and have started erection of the station. A dash of sugar added to the water in which vegetables are cooked adds to their flavor. NEW ROTOTILLERS At New Low Price LOOK! A New Riding Tractor ot Prict Yov Can Easily Afford It's Worth Money to You to Call TEAGUE'S Factory Trained Men VII' Glody DEMONSTRATE on Your Land Yes! We Give Terms TEAGUE MOTOR COMPANY 355 N. Liberty Phone 2-4173 Salem, Oregon Scto eager & Go, MOW! Pwi J,' vrALj PBTSS Truly Great Savings at the Very Beginning of The Summer Season! Schlesinger & Co. features 'famous name' Coats . . . Suits . . . Dresses in this sensational final clearance a great event you must not miss! Come in early! 1 I?' 'W (7a ! i : 1 group 100 all- wool tweeds. Full length and shorties. Values to 45.00 Now 1 group 100 all-wool tweeds. Full length and shorties. Values to 55.00 Now 1 group 100 all-wool cord and suede cloth. Tailored by Rolhmoor. Values to 69.50 Now 2500 3900 1 group 100 all-wool gabardine, tailored by Lseds. Values to 59.50 Now 1 group 100 al'-wool gabardine, tailored by Rothmoor. Valuss to 89.50 Now 1 group 100 all-wool covert and tweed suits. Values to 45.00 Now 1 group 100 all-wool gabardine, tailored by Printzess and Leeds. Volues to 59.50 Now 1 group 100 all-wool gabardino, tailored by Rothmoor. Values to 89.50 Now 2500 3000 5900 1 group 100 all-wool men's worsted, tailored by Rossnbloom. Values to 55.00 Now 1 group 100 oil-wool gabardine and men's worsteds, tailored by Henry Fredericks. Values to 79.50 .... Now 1 group 100 all-wool gabardine, tailored by Rothmoor and Natalia Nicholi. Values to 110.00 Now weawwrnimi'iJi Him. ...ji 3400 4900 3400 V 4900 i 6900 I!00 1500 looof 1 300 Pairs Vanity Fair Hose Values to 1.91, now 99c 1 group of light weight gabardine pastel crapes prints Values to 17.95 Now 900 1 group of Francis Dexter dresses in gabardino ok II II crepes. Values to 22.95 Now S. 1700 1 group of Bemburg sheers crepes prints pastels. Values to 29.95 1 group of gabardino crapes prints. Volues to 19.95 Now 1 group of crepes shears prints postals. Values to 24.95 Now 1 group of drossy shears prints crapes pastels. Values to 14.95 ... Now 1 group of 100 all wool hand finished Klmbarly Knit Suits. Values to 45.00 H 2900 Blouses Values t 14.98, now 3.99 4.99 6.99 8.99 200 Irish Linen Handkerchiefs Hand Made Values to 1.00, now 49c 1 group sun backs by Juno lentley 1 group ehombroys Dan Rivor Berkley Juniors cottons 8.98 10,98 12.98 19.98 12.98 14.98 1 group washables, cotton and rayon OOO 1AOQ 11 OQ siios 14Vi to 24Vi 0.7O IU.70 14.70 & C 409 Court Salem