LOST AND FOUND PR. MAN black gauntlet glove. Re wdMJJ NV Capfol Bt. km MISCELLANEOUS WiM FRAME bulldlni. Wired and plumb- a. un pavea aney, inoo block south Suitable warehouse, wholesale, tie. Prlee lisoo. Phone owner at 3-1194 mill JES SPRINGER, mens batttr 444 Court. mllO DENTAL PLATE REPAIR S-HR SERVICE IN HOST CASES DR. HARRY. SEMLEKr-DENTlBT Adolpb Blda. -State & Commercial SU BALEM Phono 1-1311 m' HAVE YOlt SINKER Simi machine repaired by a qualified S.ngtr represen-tV'-.e. Ph 9-3511 for frta pick up and delivery service on all makes of ma shine. Pre? estimate given before work 1 started Singer Sewing Machine Co 130 N. Com'). m BUILDING MATERIAL FIREPLACE MATERIALS Superior hratrorm and Bennett-Ireland flraplaca clrrulators. All fireplace and masonry materials. Phone 35043. PVMILITE . Writ Salem mallf SCHWAB Lumber Co., Wallart Rd.. kI0 cedar aldlna. 3 and better dimensions at 158. No. 3 common at 137. Phone tmi. ma 120 Building Contractors Wa have 'a romplele stork of framing lumber, timber At ahlplap. all grades, at rock bottom prices. West Salem saw mill. 1050 Wallaca Rd. Ph. J94B3. Free Delivery. mal43 TILLAMOOK cedar shlnalea del. No. 1 It: No. 3. 15. Cedarwall 11 In. painted aha tea. 113 . 0 pe,r aq. Under course tree. Also baled cedar tow. Te Muller. for merly Eola yard. Ph. Salem 3-1196. Salem Independence road. mi' DOORS, INTERIOR 3 panel doora, at the treat apeclal purchase bottom price, bargain of only 14 40 each. Keith Brown. Fornt Si Court Sia., Salem. ma S AND 14 penny nails. 311.50 per lO0 IbaT. Madton Wrecking Co. 1230 Howard St. mails CLOSE-OUT, Plywood cut-offs. 4B,gii"x (V tor ceiling panel, wall panel, sld lng and many other iwes. Only be par q. ft. Keith Brown, Front Court St., Salem matf NEW PLTWOOD. all thicknesses. Special prlcea on Inaulatlon, 16" by 33" celling tile, electric water heaters, and wall Joerd for bathroom, kitchen or utility Woom. C. O. Long. Phona 2-5121. 1 mile N, of Kelier. main NEW 1 PANEL DOORS 34". 3C, 3B". 30", 33" and 34' widths. Birch, glass and panel entrance doora. Oood supply used doora, tolleta and basins. Check our prlcea. C. O. Long. Phona 2-IM1. 1 oil) N. of Kelier. mailt CLOSE-OUT, Plywood Celling Tile . . . from 4e per iq. ft. in alxea from ("all" lo T"K33". Bevel edge, cut to gtv panel ffect. Keith Brown, Front at Court St., Salem mat HEW SHIPMENT plaat board " l4c; St at, ft. Rock lath. 41 . ft 11.71 MONTGOMERY WARD gUXU fclED Ft FLOORING. Ph. 39702 or 1M119. mal39 RE-ROOF NOW One, two or three years to pay. For ree Miimtiu prion j- n n. WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY CO. mal3l ALUM A - LOCK ALUMINUM LOCK SHINGLE. The modern permanent roof lag. Sa your dealer or dUt. Call 3-4401. millt' CLOSE-OUT SPECIAL, Hardwood Floor ing, pecan and gum In a variety of site at only 1135 M. Keith Brown, Front ft Court Sts.. Salem. matf RED CEDAR shlntTes No. 1, S9 '. IfT No. 3, (6.50. No. 3, 13. 0. We del Phlllpi Bros, Rt. 1. Box IIS. Ph. S9FM. ma USED LUMBER, Rt. ft Box 373T. Out Canter St. to Frultalnd church. V. ml N. mailt SAVE ON ROOFTNO Let Wards give you com plat IN STALLED price on yout roofing needs Wide range of colon Call our euttlde salesman for free estimate. Phone I-31B1 l MONTOOMERT WARD ft OO. SALEM. OREOON ma RARDWOOD FLOORING, now only 195M. Mixed Pecan tt Oak, Vix3" at Keith Brown, Front ft Court , Salem, matf ALUMINUM ROOFING I ft width la the following lent thai r 11.74 r 3 33 1C 3 00 ir i.4g . Ask about InstallatlOD serriee MONTGOMERY WARD ft CO, SALEM, OREGON ma1 BARGAIN In Latch SeU, SSe up. Keith Brown, Frontft Court atreeta, Salem. NURSERY STOCK DAHLIA BULBS, annenomes. tuberous be- Sonlaa, aaaleai, 3 lor si. Marina wann lgton geraniums, 73c. Fuchsias. ,2Sc. nrnitimB mixed colors. 12.50 per dos. Mum plants 10c each. Carina lilies 50c tacb. Merrill g ureennouse, ditoh. mbl31' Fuchsias for sale, no varicttes. MRS. F. I. WARD, 43U CHERRY AVE. mbl39 rOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS S NO. IS galTantced new A used palls for cherries, tic. aiso iwm iu p plnf ladders and some step ladders. For sale cheap. Ph. 3-t3. nll9 TAPPAN GAS Range, 4 burner! and oen. in good condition. No phona calls. At n N. Summer St. nlll KATTNUM Wedding Ring, IS diamond xcl. eondlUoo. 1100.00. Fh. 31471 after I p m 0SED PXrMBINO flxtarea. Cheap. Jud- aon s. 371 N. Com l. OOOD BRASS head for and era round atn-lnklar system. 3tc tach. Judaon'a. 379 N. Oom'l SIX Service Sta. wh1t uniforms. Sites 33-32. ahtrU 15'4. Ph. 39443. Bll9 F11ES!ITRE Cooker. Parti for all popular - makes. Montgomery Ward Service Dept.. I fen Farm Store. Trade tod High Sts. n!33 UEZ SAW, H. I35 S. 30th. . Phone 1-7331. utZ DOUBLE horat trailer. Oood condition New tires. Oood spare tl7S. Phoni 3-7233. nl33' TRUCK BODY INSULATED 11 ft. st 7 ft. x ft ft. steel sides. Onod ahep. Cost loo new. slU for tron Valley PacklngCo Ph. 341M. nl30 M-M CARBINE RIFLE. Phlico ear radio. 3M B. Cottage. Apt. 4 after 1 p. m. 01 JA NICE LOOKING ICE BOX. 90 lb. capacity 112. 2185 Bellevue. i nl20 NEWLY recovered davenport. 180. Trailer house, I19S, new wedding ring set. Hair prlra. Ph. 34779. M2fl FIFTY POUND all steel automatic Ire box with water cooler. Ph. 37242120 CURHMAN "MOfdRsrooter, bor's cloth ing, slse 14, reasonable, 3431 Laurel Ph. 3-3403. n 1 22 9EWINO MACHINES. Special Rental sum mer rate 3 mo. 113. This la not regu lar rate. Offer food till Jung Ith only. Ph. 3-7471; nl33 UNIVERSAL GAS ranae, excellent condl tlon. 239 Ph. 38403. nlll USED COMBINATION OAS RANGE 135 00 MMi'i ornery Ward, Salem. Ph. 1-9191. nl32 COMPANY TRAINED Service men offer you better service on your Ward's Ap pliances using up to date Replacement Parts. Montgomery Ward Service Dept In Farm Store. Trade and Hlah. nl22 ONfTwaRD'S i HP. )et tvpe pump usecl very little. 9914 North River Road. B114 BeTuTIFI LH and C roche t ed ec ru table cloth. 114" by 11". Lacy anotlf. CaU at 1944 Let Jit. n 1 23 I TR. OLD whit pore. Kenmor WMher 495. H. Set it 441 8o..lSth or Fh. 3-4S1S nli9 9 GAL. Rl'DD auto, gas water heater, looka like new. HQ. 3-443. n 1 19 in' new berry cram for store. Ph. 11711 Journal Want Ads Pay FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS WHITE BOISE Products. Fh. 3-3741. n!41 "SEW GEM" Electric sewing machine. oeek model, t bo. old. coat 339.50. will sacrifice 114 00. Ph. 3-1133. BUI l-WHEEL TRAILER. 30-gal. hot water tana, oas sioe-arm heater. 1-burner gas plata. Phona 2-0595. nil! SMALL PIANO, mahogany ease. Alto inaner-uBs: Kiieneo range, in good condition, vary reasonable. 1490 S. Cot St. nlll NEWBERO TIP RIVER BOTTOM TOP buil. High Quality, attractive price. All kinds: Pit run: iravtl; iand: mix crush: concrete pipa it tilt; re-lnforcing eleel; cement; septic tanki. OREOON ORAVEL CO. 1401 M. Front St. Ph. 3-3417. 143' ft ALNI'TB. 33c per lb. Ph. 33351. a 119 BARQAIN Store flxturea Including cash register, 191 S. High. STATE FINANCE CO. TELEPHONE 3-4131 a' 14 CANDY BAR machines. Call morning 907 N. Capitol, Apt. 4. nlJl ALL WHITE enamel wood burning range with hot water pipes. 935. CaU 9-4437 or 1830 S. High St. nll9 lot gallons of outside white paint 93.35 per gallon In gallon palls. 1195 Norway at. al34 SAVE 3e gal. on gasl Broadway's Super service, see n uioerty. niJ5 STEEL CLOTHESLINE post 312 pair UP Railings In stock to order 1149 N. Lib erty. niat GENERAL ELECTRIC Crosley, Olbson and Montag Appliance at Oerurta. GARDEN BAND, gravel, crushed rock Shovel ft drag-line excavating. WAI.L INO SAND ft GRAVEL CO Ph. 3-9349 USED TIRE BALE Due to the tremendous sale ol our Rlv arslde Air Cushion Tires, we have ac cumulated a largs stock of unusuaily gooa iraac-in ures priee ii to sg MONTGOMERY WARD TIRE STORE BE. Corner. Trade and High n FILLER BRL'SHES. 38357. 1741 Grant. Ph Bl30 SAVE 3c gal on gasl Broadway's Super service, sua n. uoerty. ni3a' SALEM SAND ft ORAVEL COMPANY Contract Work 9toad - Clearing Ditching ewer ft Basement Equipment Rental 14 B H yda. 13 M per hr 10 B yd. 40. per Br D-7 Cat ft Dotwr 10.50 per or D-4 Cat ft Doaer 9.40 per br D-4 Oat ft Dotei 7.00 per br Phone Dayg 9-9409 Evas 3-134 or 3-4400 Balem Oregon a CEDAR posts, yew wood posts, shrnglea. uie. ana eiee. notes, miuips Bros, Rt. 4, Box 119 Ph 48F33. a WALLTNO SAND ft ORAVEL CO. CRUSHED ROCK for roads and driveways cement, ready mix concrete, garden aand. Bulldotlng. drainage and ditching fc-yd. shovel and drag Una. Ph. 3-9349 SPRAY ODNS AND COMPRESSORS You eao get the bast In spray paint ing accessories at Wards) Sturdy and efficient spray guns, compressors, pres sure tanks, eta Spray guns foe at little as 98 99 MONTOOMERT WARD ft CO. SALEM. OREOON FLATROCK For patios, rock walls, walks, e-ardens. and all rock const. We del. and sell here or at pit. Set or eall for prices. Phillips Bros., Rt. g. box 119 Ph nrn. FERTILIZER. Cow. horse or chicken ma- nure delivered in aaiem. wen rotted or fresh, 9500 per cubic yard del Also manure oy aaeg si.oo per sack at place or will del. five sack orders. Phillips are., ru. a, box iig, aaiem. m, agrcz. TARFATJLDfS Sturdy canvas, 10 u before treating Water and mildew resistant. Metal grommets 4 X r I 44 r i r 7 49 iv x ir ; 94 IF x 14 . 19.73 MONTOOMERT WARD CO, SALEM. OREOON WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WE WANT strawberries. Market price In easn. contact Jory peeling co. at Ter minal Ice. 249 D St. Phone 3-4590. aa' ELDERLY WIDOW wishes refined lady to snare ner nome. box , uapuaj jour nal, nallg e-FWrNG MACHTNE, uy make or oond. W Davenport. Ph. 9-747L 1990 H. 19th. ntl30a WANTED furniture M fine ft rona.tr. Lm Bros, run neimianing co rn. s-tooi USED FURNITURB. Phone 9-9199. PERSONAL I WILL NOT be responsible for any bills contracted other than by myself. Gale H. Oaymer. p!19 STANLEY HOME Products. 999 Cross St Ph. 24444. p!40 ALCOHOLICS Anonym cms. ftoi t34. 39334. P145 AUTOMOBILES ACME MOTOR CO. 1542 Chevrolet Spccisl Deluxe 4-door Sedan. Tsilored S4?st covers. New paint. $995 FRONT AT CENTER SPECIAL TRUCKS PICKUPS 1947 m ton Studebaker 1S47 14 ton Pickup 1948 1 ton Studebaker 1941 Chev. ?4 ton. 1936 Ford 14 ton flat bed 1939 Ford m ton 2 peed New rubber B0NESTEELE . SALES tt SERVICE 170 N. CHURCH T., SALEM PHONI M1H ,111' ACME MOTOR CO. 1937 Chevrolet Master 4 -dr. Sedan, A-l shape. $373 FRONT AT CENTER Its 4 DR. Dodge sda. Oood motor ft tires, price gioo. I4J0 N. Lioertv. am' It mrv. Aero Sdn Excl. Cond. All the eiiret Ordinal owner. 444 S. Liberty SU 04. U4 AUTOMOBILES " 19M PLYMOUTH f dr. 4199. Wi N. Lib- any at. rn. aa3g. ug FORD PICK! P. -35 with '43 Mercury mo- r. Phone qui I'M GOING to the army. Must seU cutiy or outrliht 1947 Bulek con v. Excel, con dition. 3379 State St. Between 3 p.m. ft 7jpm. ot 19 194 PACKARD club eedanettt. loaded with extras. Will sacrifice. 1317 3rd St . West Salem. alls ONE OWNER, very clean 1941 Com min der Ctudebaker Club coupe. Oris, paint. Ph. 3-9912. qll9 94 FORD coupe. Ph. 33033. Call between 4:30 ft 7 p m aU4 TODAY'S BEST BET STATE MOTORS, INC. "Today's Special" 1941 Dodge Luxury Liner Sedan, new (oy W.S. tires, new motor, seat cov ers, heater. Priced for quick ssle. "Extra Special" LOW PRICES 1949 PACKARD DELUXE SEDAN. Hest er. Driven only 300 miles by owner. 1949 PACKARD SUPER SEDAN. Brand new, gt a great reduced price. See these to new Packs rds and save money. Priced lower than moAt any car except Ford and Chevrolet. Take 34 months to pav. STATE MOTORS, INC. PACKARD DEALER 340 N. HIGH 41 19 II STt'DERAKER Champion 5 paas. Coupe with overdrive. 35 Ford with 40 running tear. Hydraulic brakes. RAH. Dennis Uannina. Oervals, Ore. Clipper Station. qlll 1941 CHEVROLET 3 door sedan In good condition. 1941 huh tork motor. Oood rubber. Low mllease on the new motor. IftSO. Ph. 3-0934. 144 N. 33rd. q!31 MERCURY ATE 4 4 passenier sedan coupe. Blue. Excellent condition. 1 owner. Radio. Heater, Windshield washers. Almost nee. Royal Master W.S.W. tires. Apt. 1. 434 N. Cottaie. qtl9 144 PLT De Luxe 4 dr. sdn. Radio, excel. tires, beautiful gray finish. Original owner. 41199. Ph. 3-4314 or 3-7490. Q '91 FORD convertible coupe, good motor, 130 Patterson Ave.. West Salem. Phone -T13. qllg' A Record Delivery Last Month Gives Us More Late Model Trade-ins to Offer They Are Ready NOW and GUARANTEED! 1947 Frazer Manhattan 1947 Kaiser Sedan 1947 Ford 4-door Sedan 1947 Chevrolet 4-dr. Sedan 1942 Oldsmobile (6) 5-pass. 1941 Buick 5-passenger sedan 1942 Hudson tudor sedan 1941 DeSoto Sedan 1940 Pontiae (6) sedan 1940 Plymouth tudor 1940 Ford sedan 1941 Nash 5-passenger coupe 1939 Ford Deluxe tudor 1939 Ford Deluxe coupe 1939 Nash 4-door sedan Some Cheapies 1942 Willys Americar Sedan 1935 Chevrolet Standard cpe 1936 Plymouth Sedan 1929 Ford A Coupe SEE JOE SPURLOCK Teague Motor Company 333 N. Com l Phone 3-4113 qllO This Week's Specials 1946 Nash "600' Sedan .$1085 1946 Ford Deluxe Tudor $1095 1942 Chevrolet Aero Sedan $1095 1946 Plymouth Sedan $945 TRADE AND TERMS ORVAL'S THE LOT WITH THE TURNTABLE Center Ohnreh Su. Ph. 1-4103 qllg BEAtTTlFFL 4 Dodge 9-nais. coupe. 410 Ratcima Drive, rnone a-aoaj. qui '9S PLYMOUTH 9-oan. coupe. See to bp predate. Priced right No dealers. 1099 s. mn si. qua gs CHEV. 4 dr. adn. Clean car. See at 1414 Franklin after ft p.m. Ph. S0971. qlll 1949 MERCURY adn coupe, equipped with an extra appliances Inc. overdrive, Look and runs Ilka new. 490 N. Capi tol, during office hours, 1000 N, Capi tol, apt. 12 eves. qllO 'tt OLDS I pasa. club coupe, R H. foe llchts. Oood nalnt. new tires. 94M 1499 Madison- till 4 eves. 3003 Fair grounds Road. Apt. 4. Ph. 3-3413. 0131 1444 OLDS CLUB sedan II Hvdramatle, all accessories. 1 owner. 31 000 miles. aluet be sold by the 19th. Best offer ever 31700. Call 90319 or call after 9 p.m. Sat. or Sund. U day. 3910 La arscne Ave. que IT CHEV. Cpe. Can be aeen at 141 8 Church after I p.m. qlll NEW MOTOR INSTALLATION Whv overhaul vour motor when vou ran Install new motor at this reasonable price: '3I--44 Plvmouth 9350 Includes all necessary gasketa. oil and etc. CAN ARRANOE FOR TERMS SEIFER A MOLL CHRYflRFR PLYMOUTH 907 N. Wafer St Ph. 141 SILVERTON. OAEOON ql31 THESE 'ARE CHOICE 194? Chrrsler Windsor Convertible ..91995 A beautiful red wagon. Low mileage, perfeet condition. I4T Pontiae sVdan 11795 Carefullr driven, kept clean, and In excellent condition. Cleaner Inside than a new one. 1941 Bulck Special Sdsn IDM '47 Inline, '47 radio, Bests re -upholstered, metellchroms paint, undercoated, Trlppe fog lishte. averslre :res, low mileage. Mrs. Wilsons per sons! car. 1931 Buick Sedan Mil You should look at this If yu are looking for i low prieed ear that has hid eood care and has lota of trouble free miles to co We have two of these, one with a new paint job. OTTO J. WILSON CO. Commtreli! tt C,nf,r .lit1 Eisner Motors to Buy AUTOMOBILES ACME MOTOR CO. 1932 Packard 4-door Sedan. Heater, clean as a pin. $175 FRONT AT CENTER FOR SALE : ley Plymouth 3-door. New see to appreciate. 9395. 1091 S. 13th. qll 1941 CHEV. Style ma iter 4 dr. Safety Fllie Ures. Spotlit. fosllpM. heater. defrnM er. Wlndxhleid wanner, vac. booster, bumper guardi, hood light. 11.000 ml. A-l cond. 3000 Market St. Ph. 3-7431. qllg 'IT HODGE coupe. Bent offer this wepk. see it. Lsncaiter or. quo 1941 CHEV. 4 dr. serian. Unrterseat henter and defrosters. Clean. Oood rubber, ISM. See after 5 p m. and all clay 8a t urda y. 1354 8. Com l. q 1 30 MUST SELL bjr Friday. 1931 DeSolo 4 dr. sedan. Overdrive, heater. 100 miles on reconditioned mntor. Oood tires. I.HO or best offer. Will accept small trade. Hnllvwonrt Cottage, 1490 N. Can'tni Cabin 13'i. qlll ACME MOTOR CO. 1936 Dodge H-ton pick up. Good shape. $295 FRONT AT CENTER 9404) EQUITY for 1335. A '40 Olds Club uoupe . dubi f ports and skirt. New paint. Phone 2-4421. q!20 IM1 PLYMOUTH 4-door. Oood tires, heat er, seat roven and new brakes, tizss orbest cash offer. 450 N. 30th St. ql30 1941 OLDSMORII.E station waon7Excel lent cond. 11950 cash or trade equity for good motorcycle. Ph. 3-T33I. ql23 tt FORD Coupe mechanically perfect, good paint, new tires, flash guard tubes, new motor, extras. Ph. 34311. ql23" KECAP TIRES In popular sites. 6.00-11. oniy eo.wB.excnange, or aa.w outrignt on your earl Montgomery Ward A Co. Salem. ql20 ACME MOTOR CO. 1938 Chevrolet 4-door Sedan. New paint Good tires. $425 FRONT AT CENTER 14) OLDS Clb. Cpe. Very good cond. 940 N. 13th after I p.m. qll9 WANTED clean used cars. Bob Marr, 3160 6. Com'l q PONTIACS 47 Sdn. cpe $1595 41 Spt. cpe 995 47 Ford D.L. spt. cpe. 1445 Herrall-Owens Co. 90 N. Liberty Ph. 34113 Thu Time It's HUDSON Service - Sales Parts Home of Oood Used Cars 8HROCK MOTOR CO. Ohurob Ji Ohemeketa SU. Ph. 3-9101 Eisner Motors Fine Cars This rune ire HUDSON I Servioe Sales . Parts ome at Oood Used Cera SHROCH MOTOR OO. Oattrab S) Ohameaeu SU pj 1-9101 ZEEB'S USED CARS BUT SELL - TRADE TERMS 991 Pair rounds Road Phone 1-9454 Eisner Motors to Sell MOTORCYCLE, SCOOTERS IMt "4ft" H.D. Motorcycle. 1110.00. In good condition. 3144 Chemeketa. Ph. 3-4117. . qa!19 INDIAN World's most modern motorcycle CUSHMAN SCOOTERS WHIZ ZER BIKES Genuine parte, serv ice every model Shrock's Motorcycle Sales Open every evening till 1, Monday tbrouii Friday 9041 Portland Road - Ph. 9-1439 FARM EQUIPMENT USED TRACTOR TIRES, popular slies. 95 00 and up. Montgomery Ward ft Co . Salem. qblJO T.D. IS TRACTOR, drum and doaer. good condition. 3994 State. Ph. 34311. qbl20 '49 GMC 0x4 lime truck with Baughman spreader boi. Phone J-OSM. qblll BOATS ONE lS-ft. Century Boat. Oood condition. 1339. 1311 8. 30th. Phone 3-1331. qqlJ1 TRAILERS '4S CUSTOM BUILT trailer house for sale. 31 ft. all aluminum. Air condi tioned, completely liuulnted. Phlico re frlgerator Must be seen to be appre ciated Call after 4 p.m. or on Saturday at th Brooks Trailer Court. 1914 Blate tret. tll '19 Rt'lCK and Spartan Rova Msnslon trailer Will take smalt trailer trade In HO Lena avenue. tl23 II FT. COTTAOE Trailer, etc. cond. Very reas. tor quiet saie. j rortiana ho. t!20 NEW KARRIALL TRAILERS 9-WHEFL UTILITY TRAILERS redurH from 1330 te 9150 BONESTEELE SALES SERVICE 310 N. CHURCH fise.1 FINANCIAL $ CASH $ $25 to $500 FURNITURE, LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT LOANS UP TO 1300 Car loan up to IS 00 Come In or phone Hollywood Finance Co. 1991 Fairgrounds Road Across street from bank No Parking problems Phone 31033 Lie. N M349-8291 Floyd Kenton. Met t OENERAL ETNANCB CORP. LOANS Lie 8-133 and M ill and ROT R SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 111 Commercla St Tel 3-9141 r' PRIVATE MONEY Special rates and terms a target loans long and short tim paymnui ROT H SIMMONS 191 8orh Commercial St phone 1-9141 4 REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS STATE FINANCE CO 1U 8. Big' SL Ua, S-114 M-I7I I FINANCIAL SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4'. OR 4' INT BREST I to 40 Yeara and No Com mutton Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 944 State St Phone 1-9413 r AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 113 S Church Parking a Plenty Ph. 3-3451 Lie NO M-154 S-154 r FARM AND CITY LOANS 4t' and 1 VUi R OWN TIKMft of repayment within reuon Cash for Real Estate Contracts ana Second Mortiairs CAPITOL SECURITIES CO 301 Pioneer Tru. Rids Ph 1-7141 r DIRECTORY Alt 'ill N dM A CH I NES" APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC HOME appliance repair service Free est;matea Hade-ins accepted on new appliances. Vlnce's Eiectrle. Phone 3B33 151 s Llbertr St AT-L'R DOOR GRINDING "awnmower sharpening and repalrlni Deleter's. Ph JMS1 o AUTO RADIOS A ut homed Warranty Repair Station for all makes of Auto Rsdlos Morrow Radio Co.. 153 8 Liberty Ph 3-4955 MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service day rphone I-I3II' Nignt 3-1804 33" Center o BUILD INO CARPENTRY Remodrl, rrpalr that home now. Terms. No don payment. Phone 3-4150. o!44 BUIL DIN U V O N T R A C T O R S Building a home? Let Sullivan A Tarlor home Builder build It for vou P i 2-4'.':9 or 3-1574 0131 BflTD I NO Of r 6 1' ITTM cTome cy oullder ot rourts' at I3th-Rural ' LsDot pins 5 , Satisfaction guar Ph 39135 V:ke Panek. 375 8 Com l. Ph 3-8111 Brake At Whrel aligning special Uis O130' BULLDOZINC. Dean Robinson. Ph. 26537. Buljdorlns levelinr, road bids- , clear ing teeth for brush. Vlriil Huskey. 1010 Falrvlew Ave. Ph. i-3144. Sslem. 0134 CASH REGISTERS n&iam delivery ol new RCA cash resuter Al mate sold, rented, re paired Roen 454 Court Ph 3-4771 o CEMENT WORKS , For expert guaranteed satisfaction new or repair of foundations, sidewalks, driveways, patios, curbs, walL etc. Call 2-4850. 0144 C HI MNET SWEEP Furnace chimneys vacuum cleaned. En ley. Tit B. 31M Ph. 3-1114. ollO" DRESSMAKING Dressmaking. Alt Shop, fur work, sew ing Open May L rma 33-31. 140 State. Ph. 3-7004. 130 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Vines' Electrlo for electrical wiring, contracting repairing 141 4V Liberty Ph 1-9339 0 EXTERMINATORS Cockroach Motb, Exterminator Service. Ph. 3-3054. Lec Cross. 1554 Pearl. olSO Brelthaupt'a for flowers Dial 1-9119. o HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS J. R Wat kins Co products Free de .Ivery 1111 Center Ph. 3-5399. e INSULATION k.B.C. Insulation Co. Ph. 3-3148. ol30- LANDSCAPF NURSERY F A. Doerfler b Sons, Ornamentals. 140 N. Lancaster Dr. at 4 Cor. Ph. 3-1131. e LAWNMOWERS Bharpenlng, guaranteed aervlca. New power and hand mowers CaU Harry W. Scott. 141 So. Com'l Bt. ot39 LAWN MCJWlEiirVliARPENINa MATTRESSES Capital Bedding. Phone 1-4069. Smltty'a Clipper Sen. trucks, ears rented. Pb 1940S, eor Center as Ctrarab MUSIC LESSONS Spanish and Hawaiian Oultar. Mando lin, Banio. etc. 1621 Court St. Ph. 3-7140. 0134 NURSES' REGISTRY Practical nurses. Day-night. Pb. 15073 elll OFFICE FURNITURE SUPPLIES Desk chairs, files and tiling auppltas. safes, duplicators and supplies, desk lamps, typewriter stands, brief eaaas. Pierce Wire Records rs, Roen. 494 Court. OIL CIRCULATOR SERVICE CaU Cy Younger. Ph. 1-4072. PAPERHANGING Jerry Johnson. Ph. 1-1721. Expert Paperhanglng and painting. H J. Wood worth. Ph. 3-9141. Free est. o!33 EJfstrom's are equipped to do rout painting Phone 1-3413 PAINTINGAND FATES HANGING Painting and paperhanglng. Free esti mate. Ph. 2-9513. 157 Snipping. olji Call 33601 for your Painting Si Paper hanging. Attractive rates. alll' PA P ER H A N Gl NO PICTURE FRAMING PLASTERING pTtchlng, Repairing. Ph. 2-1101. PLUM BIN O fisher 144 8 Com'l. Ph. 3-3019. ol2l' PRUNING. SPRAYING Philip W Belike. Ph. 2-1301. L W Caudle Ph 1-7900 RADiiPRI.PAIR Ray Moore 3370 Portland Rd. Ph. 1-9411. RADIATOR REPAIR Cleaned, repaired J 0. Balr h Bona Ph 31193 By Drive-In Tntatre Since 1911 4131 Ray Moore 3310 Portland Rd. PrTY-4431 SA.ND A GRAVEL Garden Soil, crushed rock Shovel and draenne eacavatlng Walling Sand s Oravei Co r-hone 9-9349 o Valley Band St Oravtl Co 8IH. sand At Ml dirt Etcavatlng I0B shovel eats Tractor scoop trucks for dirt moving Ph office 14001, res 11144 SEWERS AND SEPTIC TANKS Electtle Roto-Rooter El elusive Patent Rsior .'harp Steel Cutting Blade Clean sewers ! Drains Septie Tangs Cleaned Heaa fit - kill at I-I4II SFPTIC TANKS K F. HameL Septic Tanks Cleaned Electrla machine service on sewer and drain lines Guaranteed work 1141 4th St., West Salem Prt 1-1404 el 14 M.kes S'ptlc Service. Tanks eleaned Roto Rooter Service on Swer I0T9 Elm St W Salem. Ph. 1-9444, 1-1137 OI10 TRANS FTP A STORAGE '.Of al at D st s nee T rensfer. storage Birner aiu. coal A ariaueia Trucks te Portiand dail Acenl for Bkins Hoist hold toots movd to anwnere In US . Csnsda Larmet Iranafer ss Btara Pb. 1-1 II L STOCKS QUOTATIONS iSr tne Aaeelaud Pvaaal American Cm Abb Tow U , Am Tel Tel , Anaconda . ,,, , Bsndis AfteHoa ..... Beth Steel Boeing Airn'ane , Calif Packing , Canadian Pacific Case J I Oaterpilat Chrysler , Comwlth 4i Son Cons Vu.tre Continental Can Crown 11erosb Ourtlas Sfrlint Douglas 41rrraft Dupont de Nem Oenerai Bteetrlg , General IoimU Oenerai Minors Goodyear Tire int Harvester int Paper Kenneeott Llbbr MrN A L Long BeU A" Memgomarr Ward Nash Xelvlaator Nal Dairy NY Central Northern fact fie Pae Am rah Fae Oas Eiea fae Tel Tel Pawner J O Radle Corp ...... Mareaier .......... . ftarealer Reraelda Riebflsld afewey Pfd Mtalg nt ore 4Wrs Roetiurl ewtbern Parlflr ttaadard OH Ca taleaalei Co' HaMii uinlna rrasva.aersa ... JBiesi Ml Ca ... Cwieat Paeifte ... Oaitad Mr.ae S S Sl Win' drms Pie Walwerta- Grain Prices Show Advances Chicago, May 18 ) Most grain contracts scored modest advances on the board of trade today. A conspicuous excep tion was May wheat, which fell more than 3 cents shortly after the opening and never showed much rallying power. ! New crop wheat deliveries were bought on reports of dam age to the grain in western Ken was and prospects that harvest ing would be hampered in the southwest by recent heavy rains. Corn and oats generally held firm in a light trade. Rye spurted sharply at one time, but lost a part of its early gain. Soybeans sold off toward the close in line with a drop in lard and cottonseed oil prices. General commission house sell ing hit lard and all deliveries fell quite sharpy. L. E. Melchers, head of the plant pathology department of Kansas State college, said the loss from mosaic disease to wheat in western Kansas "will be considerable over an exten sive area." Wheat closed V lower to 1H higher. May $2.22-2.22, corn was higher, May $1.34- Mtf oats were Ya-I 4 higher, May 68, rye was 3-Y4-5V4 higher, May $1.40, soybeans were higher, May $2.36-2.36, and lard was 15 to 30 cents a hundred pounds lower, May $11.50: DIRECTORY TYPEWRITERS Smith Corona, Remington Royal, Under wood portables. Ail makes used machtnea Repairs and rent. Roen, 454 Court, o VENETIAN BLINDS Made m Balem Free eat Phone 17124 Elmer aha Blind man. o Balem Venetian Blinds made to order oi .eflnlabed. RelBboldl es Lawla. 1-1139 WELL DRILLING J. A. Bneed Si Bona, well-drilling. 1505 Brooks Bt., Balem. Ph. 3-404 0133 WEATHERSTRTPFTNO Free estimate 1 PULLMAN, Ph. 1-544 WINDOW CLEANING Acme Window Cleaners Windows, walls 4j woodwork cleaned Floors cleaned waied and polished Ph 1-1131 141 Court La os doc CulberUoa and blather WINDOW SHADES Washable Roller Usde to order 1 Del Rein hold t Lewia Ph 13434 WOOD A SAWDUST West Salet Fuel Co. Ph 3-4011. 0 WOODSAWINO Atkins Cross. Ph. 3M74 or 3171. 0114 LEGAL LEGAL NOTICE The State Industrial Accident Commis sion hereby gives notice that a hearing of the adoption of a safety code known as the Safely Code for the Prevention and Control of Occupational Uheanes for the 8:ate of Oregon, will be held In i he Oreen Room of the Portland Hntl. Portland. Oregon at t 30 a m.. D.S.T-. Thursday. June 14 1449. STATE INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENT COMMISSION, By Paul E. Ourke, Chairman. May 11th and 14th. Ill Ne. K.l't.1 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marlon Xounty In the metier ot the Estate Of C. W rtOYER. Deceased. I . WHOM IT MAT CONCERN: Notice la nereby given that on the 15th ner of April, 1949, lha undersigned was appointed Xxeeutor of the last Will of C. W. HOYER, deceased. That Laiterg Testamentary have been Us ued to ss id Esecu'or, All persons having claims atamH silrt Ettsie will file them with O. W. EM MONS, Attorney, or with the Executor, as bv statute provided. Deted this lib dav of Mir l4t VERNE B. HOVER, Esecu'nr Sts 115. Cottage Orove, Dragon O W EMMONS. Attorney for Estate. 1740 Court Street, Sslem, Oregon Msv 1ft 17.34 II .June 1 LODGE Salem Lodge No. 4 A P. cV AM. Wed., Msy 18, PC. de- F,ree, 7:30 pm. 116 Ttrx IX.6.F, meets every Wed nesdar night. Visitors wel come. Pacific Lodge No. 50. AP y cV AM Staled Meeting Prt. J day, Msy 30, pjn. 130 'Capital Journal. Salem, Ore, MARKET QUOTATIONS lalesa Llestea Marhel By Valley Packing Company i !lprlni lambA top 134.00 to 136.00 Sheared lambs, top Ill 00 to 330 50 Vearl.ngs Usllt 114 00 lo 111.00 Ewes ...13 00 to 14 00 Cutter coas 110 00 to 114.00 Fat dairy cow 114 M to 114.00 Dairy hellers 115.00 to 414.00 lulls 114 00 to 131.00 .'ahc 1004 4300-40lbs. 130.00 to 133 00 Veal U SO-300 lost good ..134 00 ta 334.00 tits price paid within 15c of ort tnd prices for each type Top. 110-331 bs PorllBnd Eatlslde Market Sirawtaemes sold for 13 25 to 43 10 a 13-cip flat on the Portland Eastslde Far men Wholesale Produce merket today. Oootebernes were 15 rents a pound. Lettuce was offered at 13.00 to 43 34 a craie. Asparaaus brousht 15 00 a 30-lb. pyra mid with some sales down to 44.31 to 14 75. Oieen onions sold for 40 te 44 cents a doren bunches. Rarilnhcs were 91 to 14 cents a doicn bunrhrt. Spinach was 14 rents an orange box. Bulterf atTent alive, eusject ia Irnme atate change Premium quality masimum to 31 to I percent eeldlti dallvertd la Portland 41 -44c lb., first quality ll-llc b. tecond qusllty 51-40r. Valle routts inn rountry points le lei than first Butler Wholesale FOB bulk eubes to v.ho'ejiale; arade AA. 93 i;ore, 41-43r. A. )3 score 80-41,ir: B. 90 score. 5le lb.. C. 19 score, 17e lb. Above prices are at mi ly n;nsi Cheese Selling price to Peruana whole ale Oregon smgiea. 3m 4ftlc Oregon I lb toaf 4m-40'-io; triplets Ve lee than inaies Eggs iTe Wholesalers i A grade large M-M'er- A medium. 41-11 '-ie; grade B. arse, 47IJ-S0ljr Paitlaitg Dairy Market flNller Price to retailers Grade AS or,nt-i 44c; A A cartons 47c: A prlni flft: A cartons, 41r: B prlnU. 43c. EggB PrM ta retailers AA targe tie. certified A large. S4c. A terse. i4-A5-: AA medium, 14c: certified A medium. 54c; A medium, 53c; cartons 3c additional Cheese Price to retailers Portiaoi jreson smiles 40'v 50'sc Oreaon toal o l'-53le; triplets Itas ies than sin gles Penltry Ue Cblekene - No I guailty FOR plants. No. 1 broilers under I1 lbs H-lae lb., frrera l1 to 1 lbs . 39-lOc lb., routers 4 lbs and over. 30-3tc lb.: fowl. Leghorns under 4 lbs., 34-35c: over 4 lbs. 2l-31r; colored fowt. all welyhts, 34 31c: roosters, all weights, lg-30e. Rabbits Averaae t irowera lot dve white: fryers white. 4-4 lbs 11-lie lb.. 4-4 lbs.. 5-ne lb . colored 1115c. old ei heavy does, 11- lie oressed fryers to butchers 41 Wr old heavy ones ll-IOr TnrkeyB iPrleea quoted are lot to the producer on a dressed weight Basis i - u s grane a young toma i aw ib : wo I young hens, nominally 40 Dressed tarkeye lo retellem Oiade A roune hens 70-He New Tork atfla drees ed A grade young tame al-gge Portland Mlseelleneeaa Case era Bark Dry 90a lb. green Ta S Weal Valley eoarae and medium grades Ifte lb Mehalr lie lb on 11-month growth. Hldee Calves 30e lb , according to wciaftt kips lie lb., beer ti-iia lb., Bulls 4-4c Ib . eountry buyers pay ta less Nil QflelatUae Walnala Franquettee first inaltl yam bo. 34 7c: large. 33 le: medium. 31 le; see ond Quality Jumbos. 30. le; tares II le: medium. 14 le: baby 13 le; soft ehel first Quality large, to: medium IB ; eee ond quality larga Ilia; medium 14.1a: habv 13.3a. Filberts - Jumbo, loe f4 ; larga. ISe medium lie: email. 13e Quotations above supplied by north west Nut Orowera Quota tiers are an the oasis or loo- ib bag purchase roa pianu. Chleaga Llveslnek Chicago. May lg (u.io (ubdai Live. stork market: Hook: Salable 7000. Market active 21 to 50 cents higher on butchers; weights over 240 lbs. uneven but showing most ad vance; top i 41 uparingiy ; most good and choice 170 to 350 lbs. 19.00 to 11.11: 200 to 300 lbs.. 11.10 to 19.00: few 19.10: 100 to 310 lbs,, 19.00 to 11.50: few around 375 around 315 lbs., 11,40: good and choice sows under 400 lbs., 19.00 to 11.14: a lew 17.00; good 431 to 400 lbs.. 1R.0 14.00: heavier sows as low as 14.00; ear ly clearance. Sheep: Salable 1500. All classes fully Rteariy; lop shorn lambs 19.50: lop Rprlng lambs. 31.00: most shorn lambs 33.00 to zb no; siauenter ewes 9.00 to 13.90 weighty kind at Innirie nrlra. Call: Salable 9500. Calves 500, Steers t ISO lbs. down, morteratelv artlve. ifearfv: heavier weights rather slow, steady to weak; heifers steady to stroni: cows about steady: bulls steady to 31 rents higher: vealers strong: scsttered loads ana iou moire iioo to UJS lb. sleers, 3700 to 3100: too 11.00 for one load- hulk good to low choice steers 1300 lbs. flown. 34.35 to 34 oft: few loads choirs uMi to 13T ib. welihta. 24.71 to 34.31: medium lo low good steers. 23.74 to 34 00: few loads choice 175 to 1050 lb. heifers 24 50 and 14.75: bulk good to low cholre heifers. 34 40 to 34 00: eows 31.50 down: most common to medium .cows. 17.75 to 19.71: canners and cutters, 13 00 to 17.10: medium and good sausage bulls. 31 00 to 33 50; bulk vealers, 11.00 to 17 00; top Portland Llreetacb Portland. Ore,. Ma? 11 Un-Livestock: Cattle salable 200: calves M: earl mostly steers and few cows: steady; top eood 441 lb fed steers 14 00: good 1052 lbs 23.50; 111 lbs 25.50; lew good 1011 to mi ids 74.50 to 15.00; no action heifei cutter and common cows 11.00 to 11.1 medium sausaie bulb 3l.ll. Hoes salable 300; generally steady; good and cholre 140 to lia lb butchers 30.50 to 3100; good and choice sobs 11.00 to it no. Sheep salable 100: aleadv: food and choice II lb lambs 31.00: good and cholre clipped No. l and 1 pelt lambs 33 40 to 3.100: aood shorn yearllnts 30 00- medium ana sooa snorn siauenier ewes 1 11. Portland ftrsla Portland. Ore., May II (V-Wheat: Ho rutores quoted. Cash wheat ibidi: Soft while 133: soft white 'no real 3 33. white Club 313; west ern rd 3 13. Hard red winter' Ordinary 3 33: Id per rent 2 3i; u per cent 3.31: 11 per cent 3 23 Hird white baart: Ordinary 1 31; IS per rent 1 U Salem Markets Completed from reports f Aaiem deal ere fer tl e eeleanre o t'epltal Joarnal Readers. (Revise dally). tail geed Prices Eel Maah B.VIK. Rahbit Pellet M .15. Dairy Feed 14 00 PeMltrv h'iv)na once Oredf A eete ed hens Mr; grade A Lec horn hens. 24 rents Grade A colored fryers, three pounds and up, 30c. Orade A aid roosters 14 -enW Bgge Rttvlnr Prices Extra large AA. 44c :arge AA 44c. lane A, 44c; medium AA. 45c medium A. 4l-44e; pullets, gg.ioe. Wholesale PrlseeRig wholesale prices I le 1 cents above these prices above Orde 4 generally guoied at lie; ma rt ,m- tic BBtleefal Premium. Ir. He. 1, 41c: Ne. I, 11 lr biving price i. Baiter Wholesale grade A, He; re- DEATHS Pvt. Danald F. lUrrli pvt. Donald E HarrU, Isle resident nf route I. bog OTfl, BBiem. May ?. ibb, at Okinawa. Survived bv parentB. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Harris of Salem: sister, Mrs Edna Berk of Salem; three children, Ed ward, Nora Ie and Earl HarrU. all of Dixon. III., and trandmnlher. Mrs. Min nie Ray of Lebanon Services will be lt;d at Ihe Colnih-Barrick chapel Sat urday. Mav 3), at 110. p m. with Re Uovd T Anderson officiating. Intermeni ,n Belcrest Memorial park. Silreiter Charles Wane Svlveter Cnarlea Wane at he resi dence. Route 3 Bog 111. Salem Msy 11, at the Bse of II years. Survived by two i ns Mvnarn Vlncmt Wine and Hutu Letter Win both of Selem: one grand daughter; and three great grandchildren Announcement of serviced later by W. T Kladnn mm pan rt. Maalne I Irlrh Cashing In this rite Ms 14. Mrs. MaHni CI- ikl Cushlni. late resident of 1411 Aaeinew etret. Wire of Sierra Ciuhine Jr, of Salem, siowiir at Char lent Ana Wednesday, May 18, 194921 Cashing and Sharon Lou Cuahlng, both ot Salem; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Ulrlcb of Balem; and aranddaughier ol Mrs. O. A. Nye of Sslem. Active member o; First Methodist church. Services will be held Friday. May 30. at 1 p.m. at the W. T. Rudon chapel with concluding s'rvtrea In Belcrest Memorial park. Rev. Brooks Moore wlU officiate, Leon a Fat Leona Fast. II. at the residence. 4f)4 Not t ft 11th atreet, May 14. Survived by parenu, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Fast of Sslem. and a brother. Lloyd Fast of Saiem. Member of the Klncwood Bible church of Salem. Services will be held Monday, May 33, it I pm, at the Howell Edwards Chapel with Rev. A. A. Loe en officiating. Interment In the Leg Mis sion cemetery. Jehu Rsvmend Colsan John Raymond Colian, late resident, at Mill Cltr. at a local hospital May II a the aie of II years. Survived by hi wiie, Winifred. Mill Cltr; a daughter, Mrs. WJl llsm Pennlck. Lyons: two grandchildren. Patsy snd Billy Pennlck. both of M i City; b brother, Lionel K. Colian. Warren :nn: two sisters, CllBdvs Ctirrle, Sslem. and Hsrel rintell, Albany. Services will bs held st the Clouih-Barrlck chapel Thurs day. Msy 19. at 1:30 pm. with Interment in Bf: crest Memorial park. Pvt. Chides Edward Brown Pvt. Charles Edward Broun, late resi dent Of WIS N. 4th St.. May 19. 144. In the South Pacific. Survived by the fath er. Charles W. Brown of Dallas: mother Mrs. Stanley Kllmcxak of Sslem: dau.ih- Shsron K. Brown of siem; two bmthers. James A. Brown of Portlsnd and Stanley Klimczak of Sslem, and a stfter, Mrs. Belly Psnkrats of Sslem. STvlceJ will be held Saturday, Mar 31 at 130 p.m. in the W. T. Rudon chapel with the iTev. Llod T. Anderson officiating. Interment in City View cemetery. t Mabel Nancy Barnes In this rltv Uif IT Nancv Barnes, lata resident or 345 Court street, at the ase'of 77 years. Survived bj hubnd. Edward T: Sarnrf: daughter. Mr. Rut-h Barnes Mif- iioltsnd of Tacoma, Wsxh.; brolhers. .Jo teoli H Baiter of Sslm and Harry D. Biker and Emory J. Baker of Tacoma; ilxier. Mrs. Gertrude Hopkins of Tsfrf- ma: and granddaughters. Joan Barfiea and Suzanne Barnes, both of Salem. SeTv- res will be held at the W. T. Rlcdon nspel Thursday, Msv II. at 130 p m". wttti roncUiding xervire.t In the City Vlw cemetery. Rev. Louis C. Klrby will ofli elate. Dr. Harwtd M. Brewn Dr. Harold M. Brown, at Klamath Falls May II. Survived by wife. Mrs. Oorrlen Brown of Klamath Falls; a daughter, Mar Buarlte Hill of Klamath Fill: two grand children. Harold and Oary Hill of Klam ath Falls: and several n:eces and nerrt ews. Oravejide services will be held Prt day, May 30. at 1:30 p.m. at Belcrest Mem orial park under the direction of Colugh- Bar rick eompanv. Ritualistic service by Masonic lodee Ne. 4, AF A AM. Gearge M. Barek ' "" George M. Burch, late resident of 47T North 33rd si reel, at a local hospital. Wednesday, May 14. Survived by wife, Mrs. Edna Bureti f Balem; a daushter, Mrs. Vera Helen Morrow of Balem: a son. Claude L. Burch of Los Angeles: seven randohlldren and one great irandchlldi Announcement of services later br Cloueh Barrlek company. OBITUARY Sarah Kimball Lebanon Mrs. Sarah Kimball. H. died May 14 at the Lanamack hospital. She was bom In Ottawa, Canada, Fab. e. 1149. eomlm to Oregon 11 yeara ago and to Sweet Home In 1937. Services will bl held Friday at 10 a.m. at the Howe -Huston chapel la Sweet Home with Will White of ficiating. Committal aervlee will be -al 1 p m. in the Rose City cemetery In Port land. Survivors are one son, Sam Kimball, Sweet Home; daughter. Mrs. R. E. White. Sweet Home, nine grandchildren and - U great grandchildren. Charles Benton Ware Lebanon Charles Benton Ware, fl, district road foreman dropped dead Mon day morning as he talked to a truck driver at the corner of Seventh and 8 streets. He was born September I. 1944. near Eueene and had lived all his Ufa in Oregon, the past 30 yeara having been apent In Lebanon. Survlvlns are his wid ow, Rosle; three sisters, Gladys Powell of Lebanon. Alice Noel. Portland, and Carrie Leslie, Pendleton. Services will bo held at the Howe-Huston chapel Thursday at 11 a.m.. darllaht savins time. Orave- side committment la In Eueene at the Mul key cemetery at 1 p.m. standard time. William Elliot LaRae Lebanon William Elliot La Rue died at the Lebanon hospital on May 14. He waa born Nov. It. 1191 In Oa-allah. Kansas, coming to Lebanon 14 years ago. Rev. Lynn ton Bwell conducted the funeral service at the Howe-Huston chapel Tues day, Interment was In the IOOF ceme tery. Survivors are two sons. Charles and Dale of Lebanon: parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed LaRue and two brothers, Charles and Elmer, all living out of state; and five grandchildren. Jalla Anne He Ilea Sllverton Mrs. Julia Anne Hutlon. -IS. died Tuesday afternoon, at Sllverton ho pltat, following a stroke three days' previ ous. She was born August 31. 1143, In the Sllverton community, spending all her life In this section. She has lived at tho present family home. 704 North Second street for Ihe pest 3ft years. Surviving are two daughters. Threaa Qullhot. Sllver ton, and Mrs. Louis Osborn of Balem. one son. Donald Hutton. Sllverton. a brother. Fred Elsenhart. Sllverton. ten grapd children and aeven great-grandchildren. Announcements later, Ekmaa Funeral Home. Alfred Warns Range AumsHlle Funeral aervlew for Alfred Wayne Rohde. seven year old son of Mr. and Mrs Alfred Rohde who died at the home of fits parenu Sunday, ere held at Newberg Tuejday with burial In tha Friends cemetery there. He Is survived bv his parents; four brothers, Jimmy. Da vid. Donald and Jack: slater, Viola; mat ernal grandpa rents. Mr. and Mrs. John Spears. A urns Wile, and psternsl tmTirt oarents. Mr. and Mrs Patrick Rohde. of Newberg. also twelve uncles and aunts. The family lived at Newbere until coming to this area a short time aio. Lie W. PJill Monmouth- Llovd W Hill, a former Monmouth resident, d ed at his hnfha m Salem May IS. Hill came to Mon mouth from Illinois In the fall of 137, making his home here until the last few yeara when he moved to Balem. He la survived by hla widow. Mrs. Mamie Hill; dauehter. Mrs. Louise Ostrln: a son, Harold Hill, all of Salem: steorhildrr n, Mrs. Merle Cunneen. Kansas City, Mo, and Frances L. Csmpbel), Pueblo, Colo ; and one brother. Fred H:!l of Monmou'h, ervlces were held Tiej.day from te Clnush-Barrlck chapel with Rev. W. H. I.vman otrirlBilna. Interment was In Bel crest Memorial park. Olte Psttenger BilvertonRervlre will he held Saturday, at 1 p m. for Olio Pattenger. 14. Bt the lemoriai chapel of the Fkman tuner m home. The Re. M J. K. Fuhr will olft rlate Final rites will be held at Silverioa cemetery. Theodore H. Hall Sllverton Funeral services for Theo dora H. Hall, killed tin Okinawa April 37, 1P45, will be n"ld from (he memorial cha pel of the Ekman funeral home at 3 or lock Sunday, Rev. M. J. K Fuhr of ficiating and final rites at Valley View cemetery. He waa born at Oratid Junc tion, Colo, Aug. 24, 1911 and entered the armv from Sllverton July 20. 1944, gn.ng overseas In January 1445 with the DAh dlvUlon. He la turvlved by a on. Terldy WiniBm Hell; parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Hall, Sllverton: brothers, Jamea F. Hall, Umatilla: Paul A. Hall Airier Iran Fort. Utah; three aiilerv Mm. C. C. Tucker, l.voni Mrs. Ralph Monte, made Park. Colo, end Mrs. Oordon Sullivan, Orand Junction. Olte Pallenier Sllverton-otto Patteneer, 44. d erl al hlf home, 123 Went Cuter TueMlav He had lived there 54 vearv He wa born at Cedarburv, Wis., Ort. 13 113 and had lived here SI veara. Ill wife died aeveral veers ato. Surviving ere etrral nephews end nlerei Announcements later by tha Ekman funeral home. Jalla Anne Hull en Sllverton-Mi v Julia Anne Hutton, II. Cied at the RHvrrtnn hon tal Tie 'av. She wai born here Aug. 31. I44J and spent her entire life in the com ni unit v litiug at 104 N. Serond atreet the lent 35 yeara, Surviving are two daughters. Theresa Qullhot, Sllverton. and Mr Loul Otorn, Salem, a ton. Donald Hutton. Sllverton and a brother. Fred Eienhart. alun of Sllverton: a I no ten grandchildren and even g r e a t-grandrhildren. Ann ruin r mente later by the Ekmaa funeral bomt. 4