8- I E to la S. ai ai B V s b X li n t. o p ii n 1) v t 1 r i t .18 Capital Journal, Salem, Peddler of Dreams By PEGGY DERN , Chapter II The children came In to lunch aUmoroiu with happiness and 'hunger; wide-eyed with excitement .when the y heard of Suaan'e lnvlta- . Hon to a picnic me louowwg uay Ellen, who customarily went about "with Hector held close in her arms. Uto that worshipful animal's resigned .ubmlaslon, held him more closely a the lifted wild blue eyes to Fe licity and said breathlessly, "Did she Invite Hector, too'' . Fellcltv hesitated. The dog looked -lap at her as though he shared his "small mistress' anxiety. "We'll take Hector right along 'Hell probably be a riot." with the children scrubbed wlth- "ln an Inch o( their lives and all clad In their bright new naming faults, Garrett and Felicity loaded .them Into Oarrett's car and turned .toward the Flemlna Dlace. "I declare." said Ma Green at ie entrance to tne camp, wnere 'she was supervising the trimming ".at the "Turk's cap'- hedge, "If you .ain't the very picture of a family 'group! Mignty mce-iooKing iam Uy you've got there, Mr. Forbes." "Thank vou." said Oarrett arave- Tbr. his eves twinkling a little. "The .wife and I like 'em." . Felicity told her startled heart to stop its nonsense and said gaily, "We might as well we're stuck with 'em." : Susan was waiting for them when .Oarrett parked the car. She greeted them gaily, almost affec tionately, and led the way down to the beach, saying to Garrett warmly, "I'm so glad you could .oome. I hop jrou won't be too .bored." "There's no danger of that," he assured her so firmly that Felicity "set her teeth and warned ner neart !to behave Itself. . A stiffly starched, almost terrl fyingly competent looking trained nurse had the small Allen In charge. "Two men in dark blue trousers and shirts that looked a little like uniforms were lounging a little to .one side. . Allan, a sunburned, husky scrap ln his absurd blue sun-suit, squealed with delight at the sight of Tippy, 'and Susan said, "Why, I do be Jleve he remembers her." . , "Sure he does," said Tippy com posedly, holding out ner nana to the baby, who squealed again. "On 'account of he's a very swell baby J and we liked each other a lot " . Susan turned and called to the two bodyguards, who came forward Immediately, "Jim and Charlie, these are the Home children," said Susan. "They are to play on the beach any time they like, and you are to teach them to swim." "Sure. Mrs. Fleming," said the 'taller of the two young men, and 'grinned down at the eager chil dren. Jim and Charlie took the chil dren away for their first swim ming lessons, while Susan, Felicity and Garrett sat down In low-slung beach chairs Bnd Susan proffered cigarettes. When Felicity refused. Susan's brows went up Just a little and Felicity smiled. "It's not that I disapprove. It's Just that It's an Hem of expense I ran avoid, and when I find one that's avoidable I let It drop." aid Felicity, cheerfully frank about the matter. "Oh," said Susan as though atartled that an expense so small should be worth the bother of avoiding. There was a cheerful hall from the road and the man whom Fe licity and Garrett remembered see ing the morning Tippy kidnaped the baby came towards them. "Oh, that's dial he wasn't sure he could make It. lm so glad hr eould," said Susan happily, and greeted the man with a look In her eyes that made Felicity stare a little. "Chal, dear, you remem ber Miss Home and Mr. Forbes Chalmers Thorpe, Felicity and Oarrett." The good-looking man chuckled. "I do. Indeed." He shook hands with Garrett, adding, "It's nice to see you again." "It's darned decent of you to think so," admitted Oarrett almost grimly. "I still get cold shivers when I think of that day." mmm I I I Ml l2fc VII I3 UP A"! aM ' Ore, Wednesday, May 18, 1949 "She's quite a youngster, that Tippy." said Chalmers. "And quite a person. I should sav." "You don't know the half of It," said Oarrett with deeo conviction. and told them the story of his at tempt at punishing her. "The more I hear of Tippy, the more I like her," Susan taid sud denly. 'Tve a marvelous Idea let me adopt her." Felicity caught her breath and siarea at susan, speecniess. Garrett looked startled. Chalmers said quickly In a tone of protest, "Oh, Sue wait a mln- ute "I reidly mean It." said Susan "Allan needs another child to grow up with. He's going to be a selfish Ultle beast of an only child " "But It's not outside the bounds of reason, my dear, that you will some day present him with a lit tle brother or sister" began Chal mers. Felicity was startled at the dark look that winged its way across Susan's face before she said, through ner teem. "1 snau never marry again never!" There was an uncomfortable mo ment of silence which Felicity broke ay saying, "it's nice of you, Mrs Fleming " "I'm not 'Mrs. Fleming' to you. Felicity. I'm Susan remember?" Oarrett said quickly, "If Mrs. Fleming " "Susan!" she Interrupted him. C.rrett nodded and went on. "If Susan really wants to adopt jippy, russ you can naraiy stand In the child's way." (To be continued) Detail Distinction Here's the dress with a high "eye" cue! It's your favorite basque styling full In the skirt and fitted In the bodice with a scalloped collar and cap sleeves to set off the charming simplicity. No. 3021 Is eut In sites 10, 1J. 14. 1, 18. and 30. Sise 16, 4 yds. 35-in. Send 35c for PATTERN with Name Address, and Style Number State Size desired. The SUMMER FASHION BOOK is Just off the press, presenting the best in Summer fashions, all de tuned with the simplicity thai spells good atyle and easy sewing and with special attention to the use of cottons. Over 150 pattern designs for all ages and occasions Send now for your copy, price Jusi 20 cents. Address Pattern Depart ment, Capital Journal. 55 Mission Street. San Franc'"'- nnllf. R2626 PATTERN No. K2626 I l,?f1r Linen Combine crochet land embroidery to form this de lightful dfxinn. The bouffant skirt u croc ne led in pretty pineapple de Rn; the f inure, arbor and (low ers embroidered In simple nUtche ' and delicate coloring. They make I lovely accent for plllowcaaea or ! bureau acarf. Pattern Envelope No. IU6.M con tain complete crocheting Instruc tion, hot-Iron transfer for design. Mlteh Illustration, color chart and finish inn directions. To ootain una pattern lend 30c in COINS living pattern number your name, addren and tone nunv bei to Peggy Roberts Capital Jour I I 1 SIZES fgjf I VOU CAN SEE FOR HAWIS YOURSfLF. THERE 15 NO PESS lONE HERE BJT ME ANDCOUNTESS KAVYAAR: MV SERVANTS, MR LOOK WHOEVER VOU ARE 'OFF THE I KNCW AND DON I WE GO OUT must . ? 'r 1 J . OBEY I DUCK i HX5 DUCK . 0 vU fk cN At FEATHER I & FEATHER I ' SIS , PIU"WS .P'LL0WS AnDBQOH fJ P f-M luataMhl- Welti f LaaaaaaaMiHaaBawaaaBasasasaMaaJ I Ml I 1 I I I I r frHBUT;UySLE HE'S CONE NOW-" HE WENT JHgT O whew r-rmr was -r but wb could 1 I thbt hepr bettehnjd m we get w-ano ibi I SiiiL, - (SiHeHEra JUST MSLV MBR.I I MMLS-0 TrlEV-RE OUT Cf HERE "FORE IS QUS ONLY WW Slff- TELLS ME gWO J HTj r Vttrt " " 70aTH7iJ4 ' HGLLO'.AMEyy "NJ rl WAS INVITED SAME YWCsT !SS " Ammt';P MMfP eiiai&chSu II -THESE EXPENSIVE J-j A, UTTLE 1 1 AINT VERVnw ATS A GOOO LUCK IN VOURSjOSe, MJKWEREyi ROSES J I -MORE WUNfiRycLAUSW! TT rTjl OH-5oa'.'-AHCAIKrT HELP Vah'S V eF X3'KfT AH WERE. YO' SHORE, ISVOYJ YAS.f.' AXIN' -WILX. Vo' 'MARW Jl TED'0IA STOP INSIN- 4 DOWM TH' f DID, MARRVIN SHORE K VAC T faff p-irfr ease-- allhu.ooavtin'ah roadfouf(T( sam-an'hc, T"1 S-TtSt-', V V-JaMZ&mh. I CAV iaMATS IHAVENT MdU HE ARpI' AW, 60 ON.' THAT S OH.NOIU -J F'CS.). I Now r we. I TARE 'Sfis&dJH'fmr . tucVfoiiC MVSOODMAN? A FAKE I'LL BET V oclf V W U WOi JMS ' WELL SHOULD M f- jnSr I SSJSSLLJ' rr SURE IS .' BUT 1 InO.'COURSS T PONT.RUSTV.'T THAT'S RSHT. BUT RUST I TWNK WE'RE W gajy, z g'LiEvg YO0TIB Ail .T.u.. -',., dTTt JSTi acwiucj Ciira I THEVMI6HTVE OFF THE MAIN TRAIL I phuti TuiC cccMS Tn JEEPERS! THAT SOME 6s, coOU? J SOME CATTLE DID PIE IN A J. , V -Mi VLHP UPWARD THtOMUy STORY ABOUT THE JXJ A THERE AT THE LAST S0METHIN FOISONj!'! "V K" A NARROW CUT.' R HAUNTEPCANVON , LJ7Jc--pa1 I FULL WQQNf -rf Ftfl- y' t?j STu'iti".' '"- " ... vjw. 1 1 - -- -- I HAR01Y KNOW WHtTHER i AN www f(DMTS .iVuVl MtOON h I ihJSgr"' j? ' PERHAPS THAT CAN 1 MIND IF 1 rLAY 5 INI' NOT AT ALL BOk(o'u Jth W''S BE ARRANOI0, BUILDING INSPECTOR rW THAT THE 0ENTLEMAN GETS- I fGSZtk MR HARRIS FQB A LITTLE WHILE? ,,V WHAT HE IS ASKING FOB f TJ OF AMERICA SERVICE, 'LETS TAKE Gt-OVES ROPER 15 HERE.' LEAVE UNTIL OF THIS HOUSE 1 " ' ' - I RADIO PROGRAMS WEDNESDAY P.M. KGW K0C0 IKSLM IIH I UBO Pat ralua UU. Ir. ' SU la Hr Sbrla'i Tin i" "..a B.-i.... o. s..., sis. ,ta. a...a :st r.nl.I rr. Ch'rt r ilr. N.l Blm Ctk Clk IS, CBa :U Cmrm. C.l. Sh'w Gc.rg. Mrn Syrt Past KSw. M. M.rr.w .M ,,.. Bl.aSIa CSU tlhl sal aai Haaalas ,lt sapfratan Blaadla Sll.ar Baalak ft.' Caalaln MISaliM Haulal Caektalli Nai ChH BaalUr W ;4 Ton Mlt Elmtr Fturien Span Maai.nti litw m Gabriel H.allir Dallr'a Ta.tra UK Wa IM '' J'' ;ll N.rlh.ail Nti Dafl.'a Ta..r. Eddla LaMar ;" . Mllla BaoalS Calnaa Baball Bnoilnd Thll ll Br.aaar 4B Ma.la BenalS CelwaB Baifball BnatnS Thll la Braadwar Toe lynn Mar'r Shaw Thi Bit Slarir Oatoal Do.. Till la Braaiw ;1 Lraa Mar'r Shaw Th. BlI Slar. Sauball Thla ll Braadwar :S0 Clan Kid Curiam Tiiaa Ba..ball H waad Hal. HaU :U Clica Kid C,l.l. Tlma Bait ball " aad Mai. Ball Si Wbal'i lha Kama Sappar Clab Bauball UwaU Thaaiaa ,1 al thai Sana N.wa al W.rld Baiaball Ja. Saillh Bkra :S0 ramllT ThraUr Ort'l Glldarilaa.a Bauball " CbrUllaa :4S Kainllp Thaalcr Gre't Olld.ril.tra Bawball nr. Chrlallaa oo Nrwt Ch'rk F'tUr N.wl Ba.aball Ftra Star Ilaal . 11:IS Srl.el Laral N.wa parU raia Flaal New. Kaaadaa Jfaa and aaaarlir iHI a Fallaa L.wl, Jr. Mr. Dl.l. All.rr.rr Tr.ck KM ;.ari. Taw.a " :U Malaal New.retl Mr. Plil. Allarn.r Trark Ma Nlakt Edllaf i0S Jaha Sla.1. Saa Baraa. B.P. Trark IIH S.r.nada 10 Ad.entarar Currant A Chalca Track MM Taa a lha Warid :M Nalwark Orcb. I'rral Knltbt Or. Track IIH Orcbaalra M X.wi 1'rr.l Kalaht Or. Track IM Orrhaalrn li-M sin on sim on sun on su.nt THURSDAY -6 A M. TO 4:45 P.M. - ;M Hodft Ptd KOIN EUok MB Hodf PodM KOIN Klek Kntui, Newi KOCO Klock Ntwi f tU Hodf Podit KOCO Block KOIN Klotk PoO Nswt Farm Tin Ti Klttn KOIN Kltck It New! F.rn Time Nwi 8rU titwM ;M March TIM The Old Konn To O HeraiM Newi News Knuii w. Newi .Ntwa . fred Betk 8" Too Newt I'retl Waritif Wtern Mclodlei Con iu ner Newt :1ft Brvakfitt Gam Fred Warinf Wealern Mclodlea Art Baker :Wl Breakfast Gam Rid'rs f'rw. Baft Home 8lnr Robert Q. LewU :4B Top iradei Sm Ha yea Chrchjn Wlldwd Robert Q. Lewia Too Barialn Connter The Second Cup Haven et Rest Feature llerr. .16 Victor tindlatar The Second Cup Haven of Rest News :M Sons el Pioneer Jack Kerch Music Wit boat Grand Slaa M Music Kneasa w. News Horda Reseniary m :M Northwest Sews N. Y. Honeymoon Coffee Cy Wendy Warren 1, 1:1ft Kale Smith N. Y. Honeymeon Northwest Report Aanl Jenny 1 1.0 Pssior b !' Tom D'rsey Show Rhapsody In Helen Trent :4ft Charlie Splvak Tom D'rsey Show Rhythm Onr Onl Snndnp mm 'M Neri Ton D'rsey Show Glasa Wa Bit Sister Fin :1ft Brnnlt Walker Tom D'rsey Show Glasa Was Ma Perklu J l:U Wiles Ortanaltttea Today's Children Glass Was Yeans Dr. Males :4 Walls Serenade The Brighter Pay Class Wai Guiding Light m n -00 Ladles First Double 'r Nothing Everybody's Ideas News '10:16 Ladles First Double 'r Nothing Organ Msoda Come Get II I :N Queen for Day Kneass w. News News Norah Drake :ft Queen for a Day Light of World Ted Palo Presents Makes Yon Hot 1" Tm Top Trades Life Cn Bo BstUl Hollywood Maslo Sn4 Mrs. Barton- .16 News Ma Perkins Hollywood Metis Perry Mas en : Northwest News Pep. Young Fam. All Time Far riles Pat O'Brien Show :4ft Bob Eberly Show Right to Ha'p'nesa All Time Favrltea Newspaper of Aty m Musli Backstage Wife Records off Shelf Hint Hani ilft Johnson Family Stella Pallas Records ofr Shelf Hint Hani 130 Tell Neighbors Lorenie Jones Becords off Shelf Winner Take All 4A Bint Sings Yng Wlddcr Brwn Records off Shelf Newspaper of Air Too Against the Storm When Gil Mar'lea Capchart Concert Newa .16 Aialnst the Storm Portia Faces Life Capchart Concert Tunefully Years ;30 Hollywood Mel. Just Plain Bill 3apehart Concert Meet the Miss as :4ft Hollywood Mel. Front Ps. Farrell gapehart Concert Meet the Minns 4:0 llsppy Gang Road of Life Women's Pare Arthur Godfrey " 16 Happy Gans Lora Lawlon "hlloiopher Arthar Godfrey Sfl Songs of Times Attnt Mary Spolllte on Masts Arthar Godfrey :4ft News We Love Learn potllla on Masle Arthar Godfrey DIAL LISTINGS: KEX. 1190; KOAC, 8M CY Wrdnesday P.M. A:00. Squirrel l LA Cage: fi:3fl. Jack Armstrong. 6:00, Keeping Lp With Sports: ;I5. Home Edi tion) :M. Challenge of Yukont ?:M, Mi ll. Festival: ?:M. Music Timet S:00, Lone Ranger; :. Amateur Hour: l:N, Groa cho Marat 10:00. Richfield Reporter) 10:18. InUrnmii l:S0, Concert Hoari 1I:S0, Memo to Tomorrow: ll:M, Memo tn To- ; lt:00. Xtra Honrt IM, Sign Off. ICY Thursday A. M. 6:00, Early Bird; tSCA 6:43. Eddie Arnold: 1:00, Newa: 7:13, Time Tempos: .:30, Robert's Alma naei 7:4.1, Time Tempos: R:00, Myrt and Margei :lft, Martin Agronskyt S:A, Easy Aces: :4.1, Zeke Manners: B:00, Breakfast Club: 10:00, News: 10: IS, Stars of Today: 10:S0, Kay Kvaer's Kallege: 11:00, Ted Three Schools Join For Commencement Hopewell The annual joint graduation of three rural schools eighth grade students this year will include: Grand Island, Hopewell and Wheat ACROSS L Lath I. Macaw K. Soft feathers Received Lived Withdraws formally Singing; bird Old measures of length City In Paraguay Ford Border Recently acquired Supplements Flaps Sea emtio Repoas DOWN Havtnn ilttlo speed Molten rock 12. Rich fabric 13. Finished edg 14. Wild cry 15. Heated 41. cnamoer 1C. Salutation SI. 17. Article of food 62. IS. Desires 63. . SD. Stored In a silo 64. 22. Ret out 24. TurklRh tltl 27. Choose 2S. SDlte 32. Leavs 34. Sober : IS. Dar-Rer alien al 6. Close firmly ' m3 r ( i5 1' i7 xw ' " " '; it "I y Jo 1' 1 X3 lb : . 77 21 2f po 31 32 JI is yy: 4a y so" Ti si Si "4- S4 i, 1 si "'j , JS 3j III' -i lJ ' 1 as N.wrif.al.ra ROOM AND BOARD ' AT FI8.5T MV UrJCLE WOLFGAlS SAID ME WAS JUST GONG TO VISIT FOkThE WEEK END-, THfcN HIS 1 RUNIC LAAAfe U I DOnT vant TO SHOW imrtience over, wis stay AS ME TOLO ME IM FAvOAEO 1 ui me urn 1 1 ... 1 ira .I ii s x f tm n srvt r IM MIS WiULf ' WCwLL i HANDLE IT, ROBIN 7 HANDLE IT, ROBIN ? - mm tfIlM kOIN Malonet 11:13. Galen Drakei 11:SS. at True Story. KfiAp We. P.H.-:06, On I he 0. Besti S30 Bporto Clnki 6:M. The Newei i:lft. Meledlosi :, Chemistry i 6:4ft, Gsest Start 1:M, Farmers' Onion; 1:16, Farm Henyi :, V. . Marino Band: 6:16, Great Songs; S:36, Vets News: 6:46, Newsi :, J6nslct 6:43, Meditations) 16 :M, Sign Off. lAAr B"n M 1:66 Novel io:ift. For Women i U :. Concert Hall: IC:06, News, Newsi 11:16. Farm Hour: 1:00, Ride 'em Cnwbert 1:16, Ride 'em Cowboy i 1:11, Oregon lehtes si Variety Timet 1:48, Melody Lanet t:66. Home Garden Hoar: t:S0, Memory Beekl .1:00. News. land. The graduation exercises will be held Thursday evening May 26, at the Hopewell United. Brethren church with Mis Joy Hills, principal of the Leslie Junior high school of Salem, th speaker. The program will be by the student body of the school. Solution of Yetterday'd Puxxl So may It Portable shelters I. Sunksn fsno I. Return T. Spike of flowers I. Unqursttonabla . Kgit-shaped 10. Roused from sleep 1L Necessity 1. Rsired 21. More rigorous 23. Likely 24. Mountain la Alaska 2&. Thicken 14. 80. Americas rlvsr 2t. Horse SO. Americas Indian , tl. Assembled U. Takes Into custody 34. Doleful 3 A. Dark brown S9. Largs net 40. One's natural gifts 41. Location 42. Island of Napolson'l fills 41. Social organi sation 41. Cook In aa oven 48. Roman data 47. Cory home 10. Beard of grata By Gent Ahern 1 A VISITINS RELATIVE IS LIKE A COLO SORE.' "A NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO. YOU CANT any UURCV ITS COINS THE DECISION WHEN 10 LEAVE IS UP TO THE COLO SORE - IIH W A ClclfA L SflH A L O g L O Nil R Y CA C t R F O RIwJa" H Nitj CAN AiPiWe MlTgT EjrTl p!a RjTjN ku EHE go E u'u'a wCES-l jA'Ll i Hsu AVgQC All) UIa n7eT"r owia Rjg.1 AV A ln E Wg V I L cm ucw& o ur iu ins -A r -5