Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 18, 1949, Page 17, Image 17

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    Four Drown in
Texas Floods
Tort Worth, Tex., May It U.
At least four persons drown
ed ind 4000 fled their homei
here today the rampaging
Trinity river battered down
four of hi levees and overran
fifth in the wake of a 10-inch
overnight rain.
The bodies of four victims
were found. Police said 12 oth
ers were missing and presumed
drowned. Fifteen were hospital
ised Dy injuries.
One of the dead was identi
fied as Dee Pennington, 08,
swept away 'when a rescue boat
capsiied. The others, two wo
men and a youth, were not lden
It was the first major flood
in Fort Worth since April 24,
The muddy river knocked out
the main city water station, the
Holly pumping plant, raising
serious health and fire hazards.
To help conserve the dwln
dung water supply, hospitals
cancelled all but major surgical
operations. Schools closed be
cause many streets Were impass
able. First estimates of damage
ranged up to $2,000,000. A
thousand homes were flooded in
-various sections.
Service Awards by
Agriculture Bureau
Washington. May 18 WV-The
agriculture department gave
100 employes awards for out
standing service yesterday.
Five distinguished service
awards and S3 superior service
awards were presented at a spe
cial ceremony. Awards also
went to 40 workers who last
year completed 40 years of serv
ice with the department.
Secretary of A g r i c u lture
Charles F. Brannan presented
the awards.
Distinguished service awards
Leslie J. Sullivan, forest serv
ice, Olympia, Wash., for saving
the life of a co-worker.
Superior service awards in
cluded: E. Newton Bates, Portland,
Ore.; Virgil R. Carrell, Estacada,
Ore.; Allan W. McCullough,
Portland, Ore.; Walter Wesley
McLaughlin, Berkeley, Calif.;
Benjamin R. Phipps, Wenatchee,
Wash.; David Chapma Van
Liew, Chelan, Wash.; Donald T.
Lowery, Palmer, Alaska, and
Anthony W. Thomas, Juneau,
Tanks Are Received
Unionvale Several tanks
have been moved to the U. S.
Alderman farms to store 12,000
gallons of metal by-products to
be used in the irrigation sys
tem for fertilizer for beans, po
tatoes, corn and other vege
tables. The fertilizer is pro
duced m Salem.
Bibles Distributed
Falls City The Gideons of
Dallas were at the Falls City
Free Methodist church Sunday
evening. The Dallas Alliance
Missionary men's quartet sang
several numbers. They placed
Bibles in the various rooms of
the Bisck hotel after the serv
ices. TIME to repoir or replace
Marl, thravgh Fri.t 10 f. S p.m.
FulliMu.,Wa4.ei M.,M I
Writ ir call far FSfl dtacrlptive baa let
The Dean Clinio
In Our 3th Ytr
T.hp"AltVas' "tUnUi 14, 0a!
THIS IS OUR BEST... Serve this
natural Cheddar to the family and
lunches and dinners . . . and
times, too, when there's a craving
or two of lemelbing ntlly fees'.
f plumbing-heating
After month, of sains sod Mllowiag. Row
Vilkv Crime it now ready tor you.
ASK YOUR GROCHR or etvOr J-. ew
nu tcin tiiJtiif
Snr. raMf imt le wrre
thttit. Trill It ftmr r mr.
The Four Flats, famous Pacific college male quartet, will
bring a concert Thursday, May IB, at 7:30 p.m. at the Pringle
Friends church, located on Baxter road, West of 99E. These
young men won the all-northwest Barber Shop ballad contest
two successive years 1947 and 1948. They have been fea
tured several times on radio broadcasts. In the picture, from
left, Dick Cadd, Ronald Creselius, Howard Hadley and Har
low Ankeny.
that farorlt with
y.anf and elder
anen, famous
B. V. D.
Comlorublt colton or
fivirdln modtlt
nodt-Ntailared for free
dom of action and prop
ir fit! Wean like iron.
Rand washable, mart two
war collar. Wide selection
brilliant lolld colors and pat
terns. Sits 8-M-ML-L.
Chocolate brown
Kelly green
Pearl grey
Desert tan
Discovery In a
IT HAD paralyzed and rotted muscles in
Eypt, turned men to skalatans in Japan,
made thousands of swollen, useless eripplas
in the Europaon wars yet no ana knew tha
causa af Sari Beri until, in 1889, Dr. Eijkman
noticad tha chickani ha experimented with
evincing tha sama symptoms. Tha chickens
had been fad on polished white rica. Whan
returned to a diet af dirty brown unpolished
rica, tha symptoms disappearad. Food mada
tha difference. Two yeors latar Dr. Garrit
Grijnt pravad that Beri Seri was tha result
of a dial deficiency.
THI GUISf1 Nff or COHNfli
loMt OH At ITtffJ tmtm MM
guests at
for i bite
Mcttw Ckaddarl
MT. AM.Il CO-OP. CSlAMIir, Mt. Aafal.
Pr4MS) isnd focifjs) toe)e4tif
O Afe
is a day to remember
And remember, too, the gift that's
"right with him" always ... at hit
favorite clothiers it's , . , S ( N,
Also colorful, washable
cotton "T" shirts, the
"Berma Basques"
tit State Street
Grain of Rice .
optnt st om '.
Boys' Chorus
In Concert
The YMCA boys chorus will
present Its first annual concert
at S o'clock Thursday night in
the Bush school auditorium un
der the direction of Wesley Bol
linger, Willamette university
The program will also fea
ture a string ensemble for the
university school of music.
Members of the chorus have
been selected from the various
grade schools. They include
Alan Arnold, Edwin Boal, Ste
phen Clark, Richard Clau, Bil
ly Drakely, Duane Epperly, Carl
Reg. 2.49, now
t i j i if nu l YwmsLemm
Sf- Jim
j .A f VSAy i ' Novelty patterned sunback dress,
I- . " ' accompanying white bolero
Sanforized cotton twill fabric won't shrink mora
than 1. Comfortable 2-woy collar, in-or-out bot
tom. Assorted washfast colors. Sizes 8 to 18. Get yours
Haynes, Stephen Highley, Jerry
Jaqua, Donald Lepold, Vern
Lentz, Stephen Little, Sylvan
Long, Jack Loy, Gary Pierpont,
O t h a Rouse, Howard Scriber,
Robert Sim m I n g t o n , Robert
Tom, William Wilson, John
Wood, Larry Wood, Jim Wool
ery, and Bob Wulf. The accom
panist is Miss Jean Rickle.
The string ensemble will pre
sent three numbers. The ensem
ble consists of Betty Kuhlman,
violin; Doris McCain, viola, and
Lucy Collins, cello.
Purpose of the concert is to
raise funds for music and uni
forms. Art Club Entertained
Falls City Mrs. Fred Hughes
was hostess to the Tuesday Art
club at her country home. She
Air Lines
" i
served a luncheon to the fol
lowing: Mrs. Archie Palmer,
Mrs. Maude Broun, Mrs. Otto
Teal, Mrs. J. R. Strauss, Mrs.
M. L. Thompson, Mrs. E. G.
White, Mrs. Laura Horn. The
invited guests were Mrs. Claude
Allen and Mrs. William Stelza.
Rev. Doris Cochran
Missionary to Columbia, S. A.
490 N. 19th between
Center & Chemeketa
Thursday, May 19th,
7:45 P.M.
A home town girl A farewell
Styled for the Sand Pail Set
Picture Pretty Cotton
Sun Suits and
Sun Dresses
to 2.98
There's lots of bright styling . . . lots of good
workmunship in these loveoble young sun out
fits. All made to fit well, fit comfortably too.
You couldn't want fore voriety, an better qual
ity. Fine cotton prints, solids, stripes, combin
ations. 3 to 6Vi.
Boyville, Jr. Shirt
Watch his eyes sparkle when
he tries on this 60 cotton,
40 rayon acetate shirt.
Roy Rogers transfer on chest.
Blue, white, maize. Sizes
fopfin Swim Trunks
Styled for little fellows wilh
a yen to swim! Royal, (old.
berry, tan trunks. Full cotton
knit support, flsp change
pocket. 4-10.
Capital Journal, Salem, Ore.,
Eyes Chanae ' ! .
Glasses Do Not
Dr. E. E. Boring Optometrist Dr. 8am Hushes
Your nagging headache and unusual fatigue may mean
that you need your glasses changed. Let an expert check
your eyes. Order handsome new frames, too!
183 Court
mm ahd mm
484 State Street
Phone 3-9191
Wednesday, May 18, 1949 17
Phone 3-650C
Tots' Cotton
Print Sunsuits
Wide Style Variety!
Goy sunny cotton prints in pret
tily styled tunsuHs for tots. Ruf
fled types, pleats, scores of
other chorming details. All
roomily cut to allow for lots of
comfortable motion In play.
Easy to don, easy to core fotj
too. Sixes 3 to 6V4 for tots.
Toddlers' Cotton
Sun Dresses
Assorted Prints end Sotidl
98c to 1.98
A wonderful collection of do
lectobly iweM cottbn broad
cloth sun dreitoi for your littlo
imps. Soft pastels, bright colors,
novelty prints, florals, gay con
frosts. Eyelet, ric-roc self -ruffle
and unusual applique trim
Mt cut sizes, toddlers' 1 to J,
Boy's Cotton
Twill Pants
Blue), Brown, Green Colors
Reg. 1.98 QQ
Now yyc
Yoanoitefs Mce He wtgafe-wea
comfort of these rvaaed
pants . . .
Bsoehen Mro the low Sears prlcel
lined bib, smcrenders, waist.
bandt snap on bockle, raffed
boltorm, serged seams. Choose
yours b) sriM 4 to I loaayl
Roy Rogers Blue
Cowboy Denims
I s Boyvtlla For Ccwsort
rVotch yoor yoamoster oja tot
mete long wearing Sanforised
6-ounce denims (fabrk won't
shrink more than 1). See bow
yoe save at Seonl Copper rfr
ered front, bortodced back. Ta
pered legs with long tvm-up
Insuam. Even sizes 4 to 16.
Boyvtlla Smart
Lastex Trunks
Adion-Frea Sport, Fun
.Solid ( olor T Shirt
Rises 10 to IX 79e
Get smart coloring, long wear
sensibly priced, genuine lastea
swimming trunks at Sears to
day. Double stitched at the
waist. Button down flop pocket
for key or change. Comfortable
knit supporter. Eggihell, royal
maroon, moiie. Sites 10-18.
STORK HOI RS: 0:30 a.m.
to 5:30 p.m. Daily; 9:3
a.m. to S Oft p.m. Friday,