Doubleheader Slated for Spokane Opener in Salem . Tho Spokane Indiana and the for a twin bill at Watera park after havlnc the Initial teat of wet grounos. ine wo eiuna will wind up the aerlea Thursday night with a anigle conteat and the Solona will meet the Wenatchee WIL Standings (Br u AiMciitvd nu) W Yakima 30 Salem 14 Pet. .133 .600 .500 .480 .423 .409 .400 360 Vancouver 11 Bremerton 13 13 Victoria 11 It Spokane 13 Wenatchee 10 15 Tacoma 16 Result Tuesday Tacoma 5, Bremerton 3. Vancouver 11, Victoria S. Yakima 13, Wenatchee 1. (Spokane at Salem rained out. Cougars Extend Division Margin On Husky Winner Pullman, May 18 W) A 10 run fourth inning helped Wash ington State to a 20-8 victory over the University of Wash ington yesterday in a northern . division baseball game, r The high-acoring triumph lengthener the Cougars' confer ence lead to a game and a half The winners pounded four Husky pitchers for 18 hits, in cluding Tom Marier'a 400-foot home run with a mate aboard in the second. The two clubs belted 11 extra-base blows. Chorlton, Washington outfield er, also had a round-tripper. The Cougars have two con ference games left to play, both against cellar-dwelling Idaho. WU Golfers Top Pilots by Point Bv the' margin of a single point, 9 to 8V4, Willamette university golfers decisioned the University of Portland Pilots over the Salem Golf club course Tuesday afternoon. Steve Mil lich. Pilot divot taker, turned in a 71 for medal honors. Bob Johnson of Willamette, fashion ed a 72. WllUnelU ! ) FrtllH B. Johiuon H S'.4... ,J. Johiuon ......31 AWU J4..., Dow l't Btnaia IVi V,.. lfillich , Davis Goetsc , Gross Lrons National Batting Is Minus Musial New York, May 17 Stan Musial, usually a familiar fi gure up, AUt he-tPP. of the Na tional league nauing race, is eonspicously absent from the top ten hitters, but his place Is occupied by another member of the St. Louis Cardinals second baseman Al (Red) Schoendienst. The skinny redhead, back in the Card lineup after a aiege of Injuries, is hammering away at a .382 clip. He has rapped out 28 hits In 73 times at bat through games Including those of Sun day, May 15. i Schoendienst replaced team mate Eddie Kazak, who led the pack last week. The rookie Card third baseman dropped 49 points from his .387 figure of a week ago and haa dropped down mto sixth spot with .338. Williams-Bolonos Bout Postponed Los Angeles, May 17 () Champion Ike Williams light weight title bout with Mexico's Enrique Bolanos, scheduled for May 28, has been postponed. But a new date probably will be set today. Dr. Francisco Bravo, Califor nia athletic commission physi cian, announced after examin ing Williams yesterday that the champion is suffering from bur sitis of the right shoulder Joint. The malady is an inflamation of -jthe sac containing fluid which lubricates the Joint. Frank (Blinky) Palermo. Philadelphia, co-manager of Williams, requested a delay of six weeka to two months. Dr. Bravo said the condition war rants such a layoff. Inspector Clayton Frye of the athletic commission said no official ac tion will be taken until he con fers with the state board. 5500 WATCH VAPSITY TRIM SECOND SQUAD Corvallis, May 18 ) A crowd of 3,500 was on hand to watch the varsity trim the sec ond string squad, 14-8 yester day aa Oregon State college wound up spring football train ing. This will be Kip Taylor's first year as OSC coach. Andy Mogiih, Syracuse uni versity freshman basketball mentor, has switched to the Orange freshman nine this spring. Soften Up Hard . Stinging Callouses Don't wilt tar yoursslf from Mother da ml taimlBC foot torture. Get If Mint KOWI iotas the millloM of Kappr people lo walk la coot froth comfort thanks to this frosty tM Btrdirttrt Balm. Knjfty Its amattrtf mum nthinf actios. Got Jc-Mlat todai m drawuM. Salem Senators will r.i ..ih.. Wednesday evening at 1 o'clock strength poatponed on account of Chlefe Friday evening for a aer- iea that will extend through Sunday. Ray McNulty and Jimmv Foster may be Manager Bill Beard's pitching selections for tne twin bill Elsewhere in Western Interna tional circlea. the Spokane In- mans, although idle, moved up to the aixth spot in the stand ings while Wenatchee wai be ing laced by Yakima, 12-1. The Chiefs turned in six errors. We natchee first baseman. Hal Rhv- ne ran hla base-hit string to IS siraigm games. The Tacoma Tigers trimmed the Bremerton Bluelackets. 5-2 while Vancouver outscored Vic toria 11-8 in a British Columbia feud. Homers by Charlie Mead and Orrin Snyder were the big Diasts in the CapUanos' triumph. ine snort scores: Vancouv. 310 2S0 000 11 IS 1 Victoria 002 220 002 8 14 0 Nicholas, Hedgecock f). Kin- dsfather (9) and Sheely; Pes ky, Maycock (2), Cirimell (5) and Morgan. Bremerton 002 000 001 3 8 1 Tacoma 310 001 OOx 5 9 1 Allen, Halstezd (7) and Ron- nings; Kerrigan and Warren. Yakima 120 044 00112 12 1 Wenatchee 000 010 000 1 4 8 Savarese, Orteig and Torney: Greenlaw, Gilson (8) and Win ter. Short acorM: Hollywood 910 tit 000 I I 4 Seattle 000 019 0001 9 II Moulder tnd Utuer; Besse and Orasao. San Ditto 000 041 0000 IX 9 San Francisco 030 001 0003 9 0 JurUlcb and Wilton; Dtmmr and Jar-vis. 'Cats, Badgers Aim for Title Series in Crucial Willamette and Pacific meet mond Wednesday afternoon to or the Badgera will meet College to determine the Northwest con ference title. Coach Johnny Lewis' 'Cats, trailing 7-8 going into the ninth Tuesday afternoon, came through with a three run rally to nose Linfield college on the Wildcats' diamond. That win kept Willamette's hopes alive for a ahot at the pennant. The Bearcats and Pacific wound up the regular schedule with six wins and three defeats each. It was Gordy Lenz, Bearcat third Backer who produced the winning runs with his circuit clout after Roy Harrington and Chuck Bowe had been placed in acoring position by being hit by pitched balls. Willamette trailed until the seventh when two runs put the Willamette Cindermen Nab Meet From Wolves, 87-43 Willamette university captured lege of Education Tuesday afternoon, 87 to 43, but it was Hank Decker of the Wolves who took individual honors with 19 points. Decker took firsts in the shot put, dicus and pole vault and tied for top place in the high jump. Ted Mertr of the Bearcat crew won firsts in the hurdles and a tie in the high jump. The meet, held on the Bush pasture field, was handicapped by intermittent rain. Willamette swept the mile, the two mile ev ents and the relay. Mite -Stautfer W) and Reynolds w, tit: Beals (W). Time. I 03.1. 440 Bates (W), Pr MUlatto (W), Martin 0. Time, :&!.. 100 Both w) (O), ShaniU W, Bonner (Ol. Time :10,S. Hifh hurdle Merts W), neddln (O), Tim. :17.1. 880 Welae CW), Plaston (O), M unlock (W). Time, 3:07. 320 Both we II CO), Bhantk (W) tnd Bates W, tie. Time :.S. Low hurdles Merti W), ahanilt (W, Redd in 0). Time. :.. 2 miles Stauffer (W), Seals W), Grimm W. Time. 11:14.1. Hith Jump Merts W and Decker (O). tie; Mauldln W). Helcht. 10 ft. in.' Polo rail It Decker 0, Wot 4W), Red din 40. Helsbt, 10 feet 0 Inches. Broad Jump MeuWln W. Macrae (W), Pin is too (O). Distance. 10 feet Inch. Shit put Decker (0. Johnsrud W), Warren (W. Distance, is feet t Inches. Javelin Hall W, MuUen 0, Johns rod W. DUtanee 1T0 feat 1 Inch. Discus Decker (O), Oottfrled W, Johrurud (W). DUtanee. in feet 0 inches. Mile relar Won by Willamette (Bates. Predllelto, Mardock, Welts). Time, l:4J.t. Aumsville Slates Mohawk Game . Aumsville The Aumsville Ranger baseball team will play the Mohawk team at Albany Friday at 1:30. The Rangers, Marion county B champions, defeated Halsey, Linn county, last week, Mo hawk is the Lane county cham pionship team. $$ MONEY $$ 4M Real Eatat team Farm or City Personal aad Aato Loan State Financt Co. 151 8. Hich St Lie. 8JI -ltz Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, May 18, 1949 Lloyds Insures For Hole-in-One London, May 18 W) Lloyd's of London la now pre pared to Insure a golfer against a hole In one. He paya 12 shillings sixpence 4(12.50) a year against the chance of an ace. If he doea It he geta It (S4t which will cover his traditional round of celebra tion drlnka at the clubhouse. LaBelle-LaBell Win Tag Match Pierce LaBelle and Rene La- Belle in straight falls took the team match portion of Tuesday night's pro wrestling entertain ment over Bill Sledge and Red Lyons. Lyons substituted for Leo Karlinko. The program opened with Bill Hunter taking a one fall decision over Del Wayne. The special event went to a draw when Frank Stojack and Sugi Hyamaki each gain ed a fall. on Linfield college's neutral dia-- determine whether the Bearcats of Idaho in a three game aeries Bearcats out in front by a sin gle tally. Linfield tied it in the bottom of the seventh and then went ahead 7-6 on Joe Merch and's homer in the eighth. Linfield produced a threat in the ninth when they got two men on with but a single out. At this Juncture Howard Olson who had gone the distance, was replaced by John Slanchik. He got the next batter on a pop up and Catcher Roy Harrington picked a runner off second t o end the game. Bowe and Lenz each collected two hits for the winners, with Lenz driving in four runs. Willam. 003 000 2039 7 2 Linfield 310 010 1107 10 3 Olson, Slanchik (9) and Har rington; Nauman and Burr. a dual meet with Oregon Col Portland Should Send Scouts Here Leavenworth, Kaa., May It The Leavenworth Bravea of the elaaa C Western associ ation have finally won a baseball game their first victory this year. - The Bravea knocked oft Hutchinson, 3-2, last night after 22 straight lossea, be lieved one of the longest los ing streaks with which any team haa ever .opened a sea eon. UCLA lost 12 straight dual meets to big brother California beginning in 1928, before the 194S track squad eked out a 86-85 win. (C30C3 FOR YOURSELF motorists know if VPft to take care of small Trice before tttey be 7 CHICK THI CLUTCH There sboM be about one ioca of frM Mmw" btfan rhm cfcMck Hmnftf. H dMrt nal soot wni oat mal caaacb Wf RKOMMfND OWY HKESSMY KRVlCf Herrall-Owens Co. PONTIAC WON. Liberty Ph. 24113 "We Pickup & Deliver" M htm on. 15 Maneuvers Bring Race Possibiity To Longacre Oval Seattle, May 18 ) The pos sibility that the horses may run at Longacrea this season appear ed nearer today. WlUiam Fitzgerald of Seattle, chairman of the Washington state horse racing commission, reported that two other commis sioners have told him they think the season should be held, but that the Washington Jockey club, of which Joe Gottstein is president, should make the first move by formally reapplying for racing dates. Fitzgerald said he had talk ed by phone with Commission ers Bill Weizman of Spokane and Frank Christman of Port Angeles, who are in New York for a racing meeting. They are expected home later this week, Gottstein previously withdraw his application in a dispute over the commission's failure to ap prove two of his nominees for track positions Dr. W. J. Mc Keon of Vancouver, B. C, and Democratic Rep. George Adams of Shelton. Mat Artist Tharrell A. Tll- gner. USN. son of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Tilgner of Route 2, Dallas, Ore., re cently placed second In the Featherweight Title Division of the All-Navy Wreatling Tournament which was held at the Naval Academy, Annapo lis, Md. Re is currently sta tioned at the Naval Air Tech nical Training Center, Mem phis, Tenn. (Navy photo.) Bevo Crew Wins UBC Shell Race Corvallis, Ore., May 17 U.K) Oregon State college's heavy' weignt varsity crew pulled to a three-length victory over the University of British Columbia oarsmen on the Willamette river here yesterday. Winning time of 9:2 was considered poor oecause ot a strong wind and tough current. LAMAR s CHINCHILLA Indians Play Pirates win an exhibition game 4-3, from the National league club, top strategists of olubs got together briefly. (Left to right) Pirate Manager Billy Meyer, Coach Honus Wagner, Cleve land Manager Lou Boudreau and Coach Bill MeKechnle. (AP Wlrephoto.) Kiner Adds Homer to Dream of New Record New York, May 18 (U.R) He doesn't talk much about it but the one big thing Ralph Kiner Ruth's home run record, and If be the year for it. The handsome husky slugger ine the ball with almost un- believeable force this year and along with his seven homers that tie him for the National league lead, he also has a .361 batting average, third high in the loop, and his 22 runs batted in are the fifth highest total In the majors. Last night he got another homer as the Piratea topped the Giants, 3 to 2. Ralph Branca of the Dodgers became the first big leaguer to win six games, beating the Cubs at Chicago, 8 to 5, when his mates scored six runs in the 12th, two on a homer by Roy Campanella. At Cincinnati, Ted Kleszew ski drove in three runs with a double and single in a 5 to 4 victory which snapped the Braves' five game winning streak. The Phils pulled one out of the fire in 12 innings at St. Louis, topping the Cardinals 5 to 4 as Robin Roberts pitched three scoreless relief innings. The Yankeea pummeled Gene Bearden for 18 hits but even so got only enough runs for a 4 to 3 victory over the Indiana at New York. Pat Mullin and Johnny Lipon got back into the Detroit lineup and set off late Inning rallies that produced a 4 to 2 victory at Washington. Relief pitcher Alex Kellner won his third game in four days with six scoreless frames in Philadelphia's ( to 2 victory over the St Louis Browns. Vern Stephens' ninth homer tops for the majors drove in the tying and winning runs for the Red Sox, who beat the White Sox, 4 to 3 at Boston as Lefty Pamell pitched seven hit ball for his fifth victory. I FARM Worlds Most Voluoble Fur Bearing Animol Worth its Weight in GOLD Now Available REGISTERED, PEDIGREED, BREEDING STOCK Visitors Welcome Watch for sign on IDE at Park Lane, 1 ml. North of Underpass til rark Lane, Salem, Oregon When Cleveland of the Ameri can league visited Pittsburgh to dreams about is breaking Babe It ever is to happen thia might of the Pittsburgh Pirates is blast : needled -Vi: edges V'mM: : lend the luxury look A Pill i f ; of extra 1 U M ' smartness ' V$v;' v J .... .. TWs imporfanf "uptifting" detail it featured on many of our new Vartity-Town Oofhes in sfyle-tmorf plain tone fUmnelt, and gabardines. It'$ a luxury "plot" that you can enjoy at a motf practical price. 5250 6000 Tine "Th 4U ST ATI ST. 9 Major Standings kbt unitea rressi NATIONAL LBAOl'l W L Pet. W I Pet. New York 16 10 ,1S Phlldlphla 13 16 .444 Boston 1 10 .615 Plttsbursh 12 15 .444 Clnetnnatl 14 12 .638 St. Louts 10 IS .4 J Brooklyn 11 IS .100 Chicago 10 15 .400 AMERICAN LEA CUE W L Pet. W L Pet. Now York 17 -64 Wahlnitn 14 14 .500 Detroit 15 11 .577 Cleveland 10 11 .476 PhlWlphla 15 IS .536 Boston 11 IS .456 Chleaio 14 IS .519 St. Louis 6 SO .266 Eeaslts Taesdar NATIONAL UAC.l'K Naw York 2. PitLsbursh S. Brooklyn S. Chlesao 6. (11 Innlnsa.) Boston 4, Cincinnati I. Philadelphia t, St. Louis 4. 411 Innints). AMERICAN I.EAm'E Cleveland S. Nrw York 4. Detroit 4, Was hint ton 2. St. Lout 2, Philadelphia t. Chleaio J, Boston 4. -Sll J '.-1 Min Shop Store of Stylt, Quolity ond Value" Moxley It Huntington DiMaggio roTesf Ailing Heel Next Week for Yankees New York, May 18 UP) Joe DIMaggio will don his familiar 'No. B" New York Yankee uni form next week and try out the ailing heel that has kept him on the sidelines since the season's start. The test probably will deter mine the immediate baseball future of the fence-punishing outfielder, whose $90,000-a-year salary makes him the most ox- pensive bench-warmer in the business. In the meantime, the Yankees have no intention of putting him on any sort of formal shelf un til there is definite proof he won't be able to produce. "DiMaggio is going to be on my team until he can't play any more," Manager Casey Stengel said last night shortly before the Yankees nudged the champion Cleveland Indians, 4-3. Shortly afterwards, Traveling Secretary Arthur (Red) Patter-, son announced that a new X-rajr examination of Joe's heel showm ed "improvement." 2-Day Amateur RODEO May 21 and 22 Show Starts 1:30 TURNER TRAIL RIDERS Grounds 1H Miles SW of Turner Stock furnished by Ellery De Laschmutt. Books closed at 12:00 noon. Adults, $1.00 Inc. Tax. Children, 80c, Inc. Tax. SALIM, ORI.