Lebanon Prohibits traveling In reverse direction on one-way streets to get to a fire indicated that no ordinance now Capital Journal. Salem. Ore.. Wednesday, May IS, 1949 13 The Smart Shop's Open Trash Hauling is in effect to control the situ ation. The council will take this -f 1 ' Lebanon Enforcement of an matter under advisement. A check of wells on city pro ordinance forbidding trash to be hauled in open vehicles through the city atreeti has perty showed that all open been announced by the city council following report by shafts had been capped. the Lebanon safety council. Robert M. Rownd Dies Ripley, N. Y.. May 18 U.R Robert McKee Rownd, 104, for mer national commander of the Grand Army of the Republic, died in his sleep early Tuesday. Police will first issue a warn ing ticket to be followed by summoni for disobedience to the city law. Report of volunteer firemen ft - ' J.- " I I I i in "writes I v .7-v. -:(m New Fighter Plane Designed ' Burbank- Calif Mnv in JP 'Details of a long-range, heavy weight Jet fighter, designed to fly and fight deep in enemy territory, were announced Tues ; day by the U. S. Air Force and Lockheed Aircraft Corp. ; The needle-nosed craft, deslg , nated the F-90, made its first ' taxi runs at 90 miles an hour iTuesday on the , 000-foot Lock heed runway. ' The plane will be shipped 'later to the Air Force test base at Muroc, Calif., for the first test flight. ; Designed to seek out air or . ground targets behind enemy ; lines, the F-90 will rely on speed and maneuverability to avoid trouble. ' It is a heavily armored, single seat fighted with twin jet en Igines. It is almost as heavy as the DC-3, a familiar two-engine airplane transport. The 40-foot wings sweep back at a 35 degree angle. Rudder and elevator surfaces are raked comparably. The cockpit is set swell forward of the wing for 1 visibility. It Is nrenurized. air 9 'conditioned and incorporates a The f;-90's armament and per formance! characteristics are se cret. The ship will be tested '.for a year at Muroc by Lock heed and Air Force pilots be fore being turned over to the Air Force. . C. L. Johnson, chief research engineer at Lockheed, said ex pensive aerodynamic and struc tural tests during development 'have answered many questions about the new plane that for 'merly were available only after testing, ! Some $60,000 was spent on wind funnel tests and in addi tion six steel and plastic mod els were dropped from high flying aircraft and their descent Tanks Roll Through Shanghai Chinese Nationalist tanks move through the old French concession district of Shang hai as garrison troops make a show of strength. Signs pro claim the public should help the Nationalist forces and their country by fighting the Chinese communists. (AP Wirephoto) STRAWBERRIES! If you or not contracted We would like to hove your crop We pay the Market in Cash. Contact us at Terminal Ice. 249 D St. or Ph. 3-4590 JORY PACKING CO. studied by radar. The model drops furnished about half the informational normally obtained through dive tests, Johnson said. Unit Taking Holiday Roberts The last meeting of the home extension unit was held in the auditorium of the Portland Gas and Coke company with a sack lunch and generous helpings of the "broiled din ners" which was cooked and served by Mrs. A. D. Cater and Mrs. Keith Austin, the project leaders. Beginning in October the home extension unit meet ing date will be changed to the last Thursday of the month. you'll INJOY TMI HANDDIPPID W of this exceptionally delici ous ice cream. Be sure to ask lor it by name ... f Arden FLAVOR-FRESH5? ICECREAM CgSfjjJ ctnarrai your friends by bringing out the natural beauty of your home with O-Cedar AU-Purpose Pol ish. It CLEANS U it POLISHES U is protects furniture, floors and all wood surfaces. Used by more homemakera than any other polish! Ask for it today where you buy your cleaning sup plies. Ustituritbyour O -Cedar Trio guhtr Mop. They mti wutdtjortMcb tbtrt It's to easy with S35 & MOW 0"(edar "The rtatett hla In IwvMkMplnfl" 0IDARCOM'N,ChlMff,lll.,Tmfit,CM. HELP! Need help planning your Living Room? CLARA DUDLEY famous color-scheme consultant for Alexander Smith & Sons Carpet Company Here in Person All Next Week! Let her show you how simple it is to make an old room new with color. Let her help you with your own decorating problems. Watch for announcements of her FREF ILLUSTRATED LECTURES! Get her personal help with your decorating problems it's free! OREGON DEPT.Of AGRKUlfURfl INSPECTED PASSED A 1 MIDGET MARKET Salem's Retail Packing Plant 351 State St. CHECK THIS LIST Everyday Prices No "Specials" DtPT.Of AGRlCULTUBEl INSPECTED! V PASSED I PIG PORK ROASTS Picnic Cuts lb. 35c LEAN JOWL BACON Nice To Slice lb. 25c SUMMER SUGGESTIONS Our Cold Cuts are ideal to serve on hot days. They are economical, too, DELICIOUS BOLOGNA 35c ASSORTED LUNCH MEATS 45c lb. TASTY Liver Sausage 35c - 1 "FLAVORIZED" HAMS 50c You or always ready far emergencies with one of thaia delicious hami on hand. Thtra art to many dif ferent ways to prepare. Lowest prico in years. A Real Value. BEEF POT ROASTS JSt BACON SQUARES A Main Dish LEAN PORK STEAK ,, 47c PURE LARD Th. Shorten, S.,in, , 5C Plenty to Choose From-When You See It in Our Ad, It's So. Remaining LONG COATS $25" Remaining SHORTY COATS $23" One Group SPRING HALF SUITS PRICE One Group SPRING SUITS $35 One Group SPRING SUITS $ One Group SPRING HATS HALF PRICE One Group SHEER CREPE HALF DRESSES PRICE Smart Shm 115 North Liberty Street oo