12 Capital Journal, Salem, Ore.. Wednesday. May 18. 1849 Delias Council fons Trackers' Dallas Action of the Dallas city council will make most lr-al kld happy, even though It means some curtailment of their Fourth of July celebra tions. Councilmen approved an or dinance that makes fireworks restrictions conform to the new state law on the subject. Es sence of the new statute Is that the kids will have a longer period In which lo celebrate (June 20 to July 6) but the firecrackers cannot be as large as heretofore allowed. At the time the new ordin ance was passed the old ordin ance on the subject waa repeal ed. It limited shooting of fire works to one day only, July 4, and restricted sale of them In the city to one week prior to the Fourth. Strict control on the sale of fireworks is imposed. No minor will be allowed to oper ate a fireworks stand. Retail ers must buy a city license for each location at which the fire works are to be sold. None may be sold on premises where gas oline or other explosives are to be sold. Sellers cannot display fireworks until they have been granted a city license. Since the state law prohibits the size of fireworks to exceed a certain maximum, none will be received in the city that do not conform to the law. Requests in letters from the Lions club and the Chamber of Commerce that the Dallas school band be made the official city band were presented to council men. The contention is that the school band represents the city at functions outside of town and is capable of representing the city well. The official city band is eligible for a small tax levy for its support, and a second band has been organized during the summer months as the city band. Practices have already been started for the summer designated as official, the other band would probably be discontinued. The matter was referred to the band comn' ' .tee for thorough investigation before action is taken. CASH TALKS and you save at Woodrow's when you pay CASH for Willard Batteries Seiber Ung tires "with full road hazard guarantee " Nason paints, auto glass and un painted furniture R. D, Woodrow Co. 450 Center St. Phone mil PM BU:DKD H'HISKbY o . with thai clear clean taste! hefts tat,, lie M. 1. 1 I.NrralNSlBkaaMlaMa. own. Should the school Slayfon Urged. To Make Plans was Introduced as a new mem ber. George Tate of Sublimity, spoke on the public power issue. He stated that Marion county was the second county in the United Statea In 1848 In the Stayton That a city should, value of its agricultural produc tive a plan prepared, just as tion. Orange county, Calif., be one is needed in building a ling first. - house, was the opinion voiced! by Roy Philippi for the Stay-'r i. f . c,:.J ton Chamber of Commerce! "OIIS Ufy rriendS when the need of a long-range Honor Mrs. Henthorne planning program was discuss- ed by the men and women at-1 Fal1' Citv-A birthday sur- (fnitj wvaa given mis. u. M. Heuthorne at her home by tending. A planning commission was I some of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Henthorne of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Vernor Love! I and family, Mrs. Albini Henthorne, all of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Henthorne of Falls City. Johnny Groth, rookie outfield sensation for the Detroit Tigers, will be 23 on July 23. her neighbors and Refreshments were ; W ,rrv mor. than 70 variati.i of band to be proposed to the city coun- !',,;-,, j c 1, which would have ion irn, .j u i u u7.ii,.... I sewer develooment and street, '"V'd L; M. Henthorne. lOE, DIETETIC FOODS for .torch- be;as a part of its work, in an ad-!... from -.,-,, ' Mr, Ray Sanders, placed on the Braves inactive list with a broken wrist, hit .329 for Hart ford Conn., last season. ; , . . n , T . ITi . , y4r' Orlo Frink and daughter and town was reported having been investigated by T, M. Forrette. With socialized medicine as the topic, a debate was held by Gary Ward and Ruth Bischoff of the hieh school speech class. Their instructor, Mrs. June Miley was also present. Thomas Wayne Tate of Sublimity played a piano solo. L. H. Sums of the nephew, Chester Jahans: Mrs. Oscar Rich, Mrs. Jessie Moyer, Mrs. Leslie Grippin and Lois Lillian and Mrs. Ernest Ingram. A double birthday dinner was given at the Henthorne home honoring Mrs. L. M. Henthorne and her son, Vernon, from Co quille. The guests, who were home folks, were: Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Henthorne of Coquille. and-ugar-restricfed diets, salt-free and other restricted diets. Bread, crackers, jellies, desserts, candies a wide and delicious choice. Also salt-free, starch-free and low calory varieties. Come in for free food chortt and recipes. IOEI DIETETIC FOODS . , . Ik. Hmm4 hcallma 1901 Available tr.m HEALTH SHOP 8S5 North Winter Ph. 2-6D35 This Spring.. . it seems everybody's fancy is turning to tfo ?nostj3eautiu LBlEfTT ofatf Tit FlaH1r. 0 lm eVDoar Siaa tWatto atarWejsf far, mphtmmt t wttm wtf, ...and ti reason is, it gives so tnucA and costs so ittte to ooerate and 'maintain Th mosf Booufrfof BUY for Styling AH yom friends will say, "What a seta; what a bayr For Mw ear has a Body by Fisher exclusive te Chevrolet and higber-priced ears. TU moat Baovfrfuf BUY for Driving card Hiding Eatm Chevrolet's aew Center-Point Desige including Center-Point Steering, Center-Point Seating. Lower Center of Gravity without loss of road clear ance, and Center-Point Rear Stav pentien -.gives mhalr new driving and riding ease. Tht mosf Baovfrfuf BUY for TnritTi and Tnrrft Yea, ao great is the demand for new Chevroleta this spring that it seems everybody' fancy if turning to this mo-rt beautiful buy of all! All America is thrilling to the fleet, flashing linea and colors of Chevrolet's Bodies by Fisher ... to the sparkling and spirited performance of its Val vein-Head Engine . . . and to the extraordinary new driving and riding results imparted by its famous Center-Point Design. And all America is agreeing that Chevrolet is the only car that offers all these advantages of highest-priced cars and costs so little to buy, operate and mainlaial Th mosf Beoufrruf BUY for ' Comfort YouTl be truly comfortable, even if you ride all day long, thanks to a Super Size Interior deep, form-fitting "Five-Foot SeaU" and extra-generous head, leg and elbow room. Too mosf Beautiful BUY for All-Round Safety with new Certi-Safe Hydraulie Brakes with Dilbl-I.ife brake linings; extra-strong Fisher Unisteel Body; Panoramic Visibility; Safety Plate Glass throughout; and the super sale Unitized Knee-Action Ride. dfflMiDiifflr HIT SOI OuAUTV AT IOWIIT COIT AaltlCA't CHOICI SOI II YIAII DOUGLAS McKAY CHEVROLET CO. 510 N. Commercial Salem, Ore. PUT IMS POTTO LINOLEUM Keith Brown stocks a tremendous selection beauti ful patterns from every major manufacturer: ARM STRONG, PABCO, NAIRN (Congoleum), SLOAN E BLABON. And K-B features Armstrong's Asphalt . . ; rubber or Corlon tile plus all trim metals and other accessories. Ask them for an estimate. SPECIAL! Flor-Ever, beautiful vinylite floor cover ing, 2 yards wide, $1.75 per linear foot. (Price subject to stocks on hand; offer good for four days only, May 18, 19, 20 and 21.) PUT THIS UP PAINT COATER WALL COATER. A one-coat finish on most sur focei. Beautiful colors, par gallon PABCO-L. W (Longer Wear) Whitt Gloss Housa point. Reg jlar $4.95 par gallon Now (and anly IMS aer gallon In S's) LTZ PASTE os low os par gallon in 5'i (5 gallons mokes 8-10 gallons of paint) Why 1r(ve all aver te n ... SHOP 3.78 4 05 5.48 BK0W EITh N PtfOftf 0. YAPP- Shingla PAINT prices start ot $2.62 par gallon in S's. Brown & Red. Also available in two shades of green ot $3.12- PABCOAT, Portlond Cement Paint for metal or masonry surfaces in Whita or Five other colors at $5,73 per gallon or $5.58 per gallon in 5 s. Gives o rich, no-gloss finish. K-B has many fine paints for Interiors too, Inrlndlng enamels $1.39 per quart I" S2.59 a quart . . , every one of them lops. A LIFE LONG MEMORY! Your Son & You Too, Will Be Proud as a Peacock in His Graduation SIIT Or Sports Outfit He Will Look Smart You Will Be Smart If you Select His Outfit at the Jn Clothes J0 Shop Salem's Quality Clothiers for Men and Young Men lust received 265 new Spring & Sum mer Suits, many with 2 pairs of Pants We made a great buy of these extraordinary fine quality suits, and pass the great savings along to you. Gat quality, style, value, and satisfaction. BUY NOW AND Save $10.00 to $15.00 Regular $45.00 one pants j I A suits.. $34.50 $39.50 Regular $50.00 and $55.00 suits or""0:" Regular $60 00 and $65.00 t AG FA suits'.;"'2'"" )40J 200 SPORT COATS 100 wool expertly tailored $25.00 to $27.50 Quality. Wide range of patterns and fancy mixtures. Sizes 34 to 44. Sport Coats at actually below regular wholesale price. NOW ON SALf AT 1450 We havt without question, tht finest stock Of super fine Quality Slacks and Extra Suit Trousers In the most expensive fabrics, 100 wool gabardines, sharkskins, tweeds, plaids, checks, stripes, fancy weaves, and solid colors, in sixe 28 waist to 46 waist. Priced $3.00 to $5.00 below Regular Prices Sla'cks995 sloeksMI'S SlaXW Reg. $18.50 to $21.50 slacks and suit goods trousers at $14.50 and $16.50. Seeing is believing, compare! YOU'LL FIND IT PAYS ALL WAYS TO BUY YOUR CLOTHES AT J. J.'s . Open Friday Night Till 9 o'clock Jo Jo Clothes Shop 387 State St. 2 Doors West of Liberty Next Door to Hartman's Jewelry Store