FVfJgy THREE SECONDS Y London Boy Has Sneezed Constantly for 10 Days By GLENN WILLIAMS London, May 18 W) The London schoolboy who can't atop sneezing suu can t atop. But an Indianapolis educated chiroprac tor hat him in hand and aaya he can cure the achoo'i for food Michael Hippiiley, It, haa sneezed about every three seconds for 10 daya, except when hea asleep from drugs or exhaustion. Leslie W. D. Jelfs, the ehiro praetor, entered the ease laat night. He aaid today he hai already eased the tneezea. Michael wandered around Jelfa big apartment and office, sneexing quietly and regularly Into a aeriea of white handker- ehlefa. Hia own verdict, expressed to a reporter while Jelfa waa out of the room: "I think I'm a little better.' Mlkc'e parent! sailed In Jells and when doctora, a hypnotist a faith healer and sundry tele Dhoned euggeetlona from well- wiahera had left Mike atill aneex ing. Jelfa aald Mike Baa naa eneeaea and hay fever ever atnee he waa three. Dallas insurance Agency Purchased Dallaa Harold M. Martin of Springfield haa purchased the Hamilton Insurance agency from Edward S. Hamilton. The bualneaa will be known aa Ham ilton Insurance agency, Oregon Ltd. . During the paat two yeara Martin haa been associated with the Springfield Insurance agen cy. He was raised in Eugene and attended the University of Ore- Eon. The transaction, completed May 1, also Included the Hamil ton home and Mr. and Mrs. Martin and amall son have mov ed into the place. Hamilton established the agency here in September, 1947, after recovering from serious wounds received in Trance where he served as a lieutenant colonel spearheading Patton'a drive across France after the break-through. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton plan to leave this week for the east to attend the tenth reunion of his West Point class. Martin's father, Edgar K zviaryn oi r,ugene, xormeriy sen oral n. onager of the Booth-Kelly Lumper company and at pres ent general manager of the Ca marran corporation sawmill at Junction City, la a limited part ner in the business. Butter-Yellow Bill Wins in Assembly Sacramento, Calif., May 18 Of) A bill giving margarine manu facturers the right to color their product a butter-yellow won passage through the assembly Tuesday. The vote was 52 to 20. It came after Assemblyman Thom aa N. Erwin, Puente, charged margarine interests are spend ing 88,000,000 to win repeal of discriminatory laws throughout the nation. The measure now goes to the senate which draws its mem bership predominantly from counties which produce butter. Monmouth Park, N. J., will conduct its racing aeaaon this year from June 20 to Aug. 10. "Probably had a fall or severe bump when he was small," he said. I That, said Jelfs, knocked six neck Joints of his spine too far to the right, pinching some nerves and causing irritation in the nose. He says X-ray pic tures prove the point. To cure the eneezes, he will have to get the neck bones lined up straight again. He won't say how long that may take, be cause, he says, the muscles have shrunk on one side and stretch ed on the other. To cure the sneezes, they'll have to be train ed properly again to hold the bones straight. "Probably take several months?" a reporter suggested "Can't say might not take that long," Jelfs answered. Jelfa gave him a treatment for the benefit of the press. He laid Mike on a long table, pressed down and aideways on his head. Mike sneezed. Jelfs twisted his head a little farther, pressed little harder. For about a min ute and a half, there wasn t single tchoo. Then Jelfs let him up. Mike sneezed, a little less frequently f1rUMBIN3 1 3 CONTRACTING J Feoturing Crone J and Standard Fixtures f, I Call 3-8555 i ; Salem Heating & j Sheet Metal Co. J 5 1085 Broadway ? J; FREE ESTIMATES J '4::::-::::-::-::::o::::::!! MAYFLOWER Milk and Cream Homogenized Milk 10 Milk SXMilk. Cottage Cheese Cheddar Cheese Butter Ice Cream sATVOURDOO Phone 39205 DON'T BE OLD FASHIONED All Metal "NU-FRAME" Window Screens Require no fitting . . come ready to install . . are of permanent all-steel con struction . . need no paint ing or upkeep . . , will not rot nor separate at the corners . . . made to fit any standard window . . . they are the finest flat screen that money can buy yet they Coat No More Than V Wood Frame Screens DICK MEYER Lumber Company IS Lana Ave. Phone 3-49J t blocks north, 1 block east of underpass ,L - i in inn, n... n.i.,.i.ij $6000 Prizes For Carnival Albany, May IS Prizes to be awarded at this year's Timber Carnival In Albany on July 2, 3 and 4 will total 88000, Virgil Learning, chairman of the price committee of the Jaycee-spon- sored event, announced today. Contestants who compete in the lake events will vie for $2,- 000 in c a a h and merchandise awards, queen contestants will receive about 8300 and other prizes totaling $3300 are slated to be awarded at the carnival. Prizes that will go during the colorful three-day affair are: world championship log chop ping First place, $100; second, 850; third, $30; fourth, $20. To tal money: $200; next two pla cea merchandise awards. World championship ' speed climbing $200, $100, $30, and $25. Total money: $375; next two places merchandise awards. World championship topping! $200, 8100, $50 and 835. To-: tal money: 8373; next two pla ces merchandise awards. World championship bucking $200, $100, $50, and $25. To tal money: $375; next two pla ces merchandise awards. Northwest championship log rolling $200, $100, S0, and $28. Total money: $379; next two places merchandise awards. Jousting $15 cash price each day. Total money $30. Rotating trophies that must foe won thTee times in succes sion will continue to circulate aa in the past but the smaller permanent trophies will be awarded this year to each, first place winner. Complete rules for lake events will be announc ed soon. Half Scholarships Given Union School Woodburn Mrs. Lillian B Shener, principal ot the Union school east of Woodburn, hat been informed that her health club (Spick and Span), which includes the entire school, has jbeen selected as winner in theCapital Journal, Salem, Ore., "$Vedtte3r, Mir 18, 1948 it will fi awarded two half schol arships ac c result of winning. Mildred Parton and Patricia Brundidge, both eighth grade pupils, have been chosen aa delegates to the 4-H summer school, June 10 to 24. Glenn Mc Laughlin and Gail Brundidge are tht alternate delegates. ITCH:: A4re iftratbtM) to atVy tori ltjiM 1T Hit M nf -L It J MsM? h vita fUk mtU vMtfc tt tenat I r4iamrr trimal. la ftOKA fc.lto fth mitt (. fatttmt Jr. Ontr tar dan IIIOU tt TJtTt. At ?m PBHp Mini Dm ft(, Kg,it 0(4tn G(tc rjxf if It's MONEY You're After! C. Ray Allen fTfce'Tes Man") FOR LOANS $25 to tSOO on Aato up in $.100 on furnilnre Salary Lotus a Aato Furniture) RUry. YM Choos me Amount 1 You CbotiM Yur Own PsymroW , , , X'p t Month ft Ccfc Imm 4tt feft rfJ rr rnMat to. PERSONAL FINANCE CO. iPhoae 2-2484 $18 State St. Lle-S-122-M-183 i 4. C9 Jr i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 lit it i mi fn i bYiii if rii 'auitim ' S&Fsl TS&T tab aanr...iaSiiiMi... ! y mil ..-l,n in fcl.a.Si-m'Tiliiie -J 'J " - aaa g; iwjMMrtiwwiiwiwiiiiiii -ge NATIONAL mm JasBM atkA aassf rut Af lway svavirsa fit frASA V9P Copitat Seurnoi Wo M69. Thy Wifi ifr YVe? 44 8 $0 Be Sofe! Store your fun now Guard Jhem ogainst moth and warm wea ther damage. Store them in the oir tight vaults at JJ North Liberty IJ ioOffivl... I tovi, te I Mf S an fdinafy " m you f WsMn today m A aaa. OB genuina Mjldoh-e Ketrlgeratar a sJessjjjasas..- M such o low pricef ltxA far emblem. . "aaassssja, m I w mmm Willi's umn mmui 1 bcmi mssBtis j I 5ALEM OREGON CITY j FRIENDLY CREDIT FREE DELIVERY 115 So. Commercial St. Phone 3-9148