AUTOMOBILES I BEST BUYS IN TOWN LET'S GO CONVERTIBLE 194T Old II Conv. Hydramatle. radio, hnitr, pushbutton control!. load Off BCC. ISpeetaJ) 1041 Old IS ronv., hydramatle. radio, heater, low mileage, every ace. you can buy 1141 Ford VI Conv., radio. heater, power top, maroon flnlah, lender pinu, aportlliht. (Real class) Many Other Latt Uodele to Choo rrom at LODER YOUR OLDS DEAU.R OPEN aTVENINOB Hwy.) 1419 Fairground Road (Port, FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS UNIVERSAL GAS rami, excellent condi tion. 28b 8 23rd. Ph. 36603. nil! USED COMBINATION OAS RAN (IE 1300. Montgomery Ward, Salem. Ph. 1-3191. am GIKL'ft BICYCLE, good cond. Vacuum coffee maker comp.. 3 etalnle atael up per bowia. Ph. imi alter I. Mil COMPANY TRAINED Service men offr you bettor aerviee on your Ward'a Ap pliance using up to date Replacement Prta. Montgomery Ward Service Dept In Farm Store. Trade and Huh, n!33 ONE WARD'S b H.P. Jet type pump used yery little. 2514 North RhcrRoad. nllO BEAUTIFUL Hand Crocheted ecru table cloth. 114" by II". Lacy motif. Call At 1994 Lee St. . nl32 S YR. OLD white pore. Kenmor washer. 135.00. Set at 411 So. 15tb or Ph. 3-4B7S 119 SPECIAL SALE pellet gum for lea than wholeaale. Price Croaaman 22 tt l.W 111.95. Kxxler 195. TODD'S CAMERA CLJNIC 2031 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph.35451 KENMOR E DE LI' X E washing machine. used 6 mo. 185. Ph. 2-6342. all9 M GAL. RlDD aa water heater. 3-6343. Dill took like new. 130. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS WHITE HOUSE Products Ph, 3-1141. n!41 mbiib r.rv" Electric aewlni machine. desk model. I mo. old. cost 229.50, will sacrifice 110.00. Ph. 2-7123. nlll AUTOMATIC tt hot water heater. 1 ra dio. Iron lence potts. Crib mattreii. Ph. 3-1561. n'11 gTwHEEL TRAILER. 30-fal. hot water .nk n iiHr-irm heater. 3-burnrr gu plate. Phone 2-0595. nll8 SMALL PIANO, mahogany caw. Also Charter-Oak kitchen range. In good condition, very reasonable, low a. tor tage St. nlll NEWBERG TYPE RIVER BOTTOM TOP SOIL. High quality, attractive price. All kinds: Pit run; gravel; sand: mix crush; concrete pipe Ac tile; re-inlorclng steel; cement; septic tanks. OKEQON GRAVEL CO. 140B K. Front St. Ph. 3-3411. n!42' BENDIX WASHER (automatic. Modern electric range. Bleach bed suit 1-pc. 5-pc. modern livlngroom set. Many other Hems at auction to hlah bidder Tuesday, May 17th, I p. m. Glenwood Ballroom, 4 miles 'N. on 99E. Don't miss It ! "111 BABY BUGGY, play pen and awing. 198 Salem HelahU Ave. n!17 FT. LINOLEUM. Std. gauge Inlaid 81.49 ft. Heavy Quaker'Enameled surface. Sic ft Bonny Maid Enameled. 40c ft. Bonny Maid 9x13 rugs 97.95. Salem Home Furn. Co., 137 S. Coml. nllT WALNUTS, 25c per lb. Ph. 23358. nllO BARGAIN Store fixture Including eash register, 111 8. High. STATE FINANCE CO. TELEPHONE 3-4131 B II CANDY BAR machine. Call morning 007 N. Capitol. Apt. I. n2 ALL WHITE enamel wood burning range with hot water pipe. 135. Call 2-6637 or 1130 S. High St. nm IM GALLONS of outside white paint $3.25 per gallon In I gallon pan. 1135 Norway St. n!24 rLAT TOP propane range. ' tank. Pit 2-8840. with nll7 USED WASHERS, 130.00 to 80 00 Y EATER APPLIANCE CO nlll SAVE 3e gal.' on gas! Broadway a Super Senrlca, 891 H. Uberty. nlW STEEL CLOTHESLINE post 112 pair op Railings In stock to order 1141 N. Lib. rty. GENERAL ELECTRIC CroaUy. Olbaoo god Mootaa Appliance at Oavortg. fcON'T WAX your floora Use Piaatl-Kou. tbe cellopbana Ilka Ilnlab for wood or OAJtDEN SAND, gravel crushed rock Shovel drag-line excavating. WALL XNQ SAND GRAVEL CO. Ph. 1-939 DIED Electric Refrigerators. T EATER APPLIANCE CO. RlW DSED TIRE SALE Do to the tremendous sale ot our Rlv ate Cushion Tires, we hava ae- eumulated a large stock of unusually Siod trade-in Urei . . prlet II to M ONTQOMERY WARD TIRE STORE S.E. Corner, Trade and High n El,gQTaiin Fence Controllera. 314.91. T EATER APPLIANCE CO, nlll FULLER BRUSHES. 1141 Oranl. Ph 18361. H CTJ. FT. CHEST fraeaer. Mtw 1330.00 fgED Electric Range, water haatera. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. nlll tLSCTRIC Sewing Maohlnu T EATER APPLIANCE CO. gUVE3a gal on gatl Broadway'a Super Sarvlca, 891 N. Uberty. nue- SALEM SAND a GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Btod - Clearing Dltahlnt ewer es Basement Equipment Rental it tt rd. a.m par lit St Jda. 9 60 per hr D-1 Oat Doaer 10 M Pr br D-l Cat es Doaer 1-40 per br D-4 Oat Dose? 1.00 per hr Phona Davg 1 . 1401 IVaa. 3-1344 or 1-4400 a tern Oregon tKTAR posts, yew wood posts, ihrnglea. tele, ana eiec. poies. rnimpe nroa, ni I. Boa 111 Ph I8P22 n WALLXNO SAND ORAVEL CO. CarjHED ROCK for roads and driveways cement, ready ml concrete, garden and. Bulldoalng drainage and ditching 4-rd ahovel and drag Una. Ph- 1-131 SPRAY ODN8 AND COMPRESSORS You can get the beat In epray paint tag aeceaaorie at Wards 1 Sturdy and officiant spray guns, compressors, prae aure tanks at. Spray guna tot w Uttlt as l IS MONTGOMERY WARD CO. , OREOOH FLATROCK War nattoa. rora walla, walkt. (ardent. and all rock const Wa del and sell here er at pit. Sea or call for prices. Phillip Bros.. Rt 8. Boa in fii FERTILIZER. Cow. horse or chicken ma nure delivered In Salem. Well rotted or 1 fresh, 13 00 per cubic yard del Alio manure bv sack 11 00 per sack at place or will del. five sack orders, pnuupi roe.. Rt. t. Bos 111. Salem. PR. rn TARPATJ1INS Sturehf eanvaa. 10 oa before treating Water and mildew resistant Metal gromnteta i i r 1 1 r g r iu Iff a IP 16 ir s ir ii it MOIfTOOMFRY WARD CO, , ORiuua MILK past eur tier for the homo. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WE WANT strawberries. Market price In ranh. Contact Jory parking Co at Ter minal Ice. 141 D BtPhon 3-4810. na' ILDERLY WinOW Wishet refined lady U share her hnmt Una 44. Genital Jour nal. nalll trWTMO MACHINE. air aaatV or cond DaveatBorfc. Pa. 1-1I1L 1JM M. AUTOMOBILES BROS. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED fiirnitura to glut repair Lae nro euro Keiwismug m "b a-iwi USED Fl'RNTTT'RR Phnat 1-011 PERSONAL I WILL NOT b responsible for any bill contracted other than by oaie H. Oaymer. P STANLEY HOME ProdiicU. 515 Croaa St Ph. 2-5441. pn AUTOMOBILES 1930 4 DR. Dodge adn. Good motor Urn. Price 1300. 30N. Liberty, qua IM PLYMOUTH 4 At. 1195. 569 N. Lib- erty 8t. Ph. 35531. qlll FORD PlCKl'tV ir. Phone 41 CHEV. Aero Sdn. Ixcl. Cond. extras. Original owner. 140 S. St. eve. All the Liberty qlll I'M GOING to the army. Must sell equity or outr iht 1141 Bulck conv. Excel, con dltlon. 337 Stat ft. Between 3 p.m. 1 PHI, Ql 19 1949 PACKARD club Jedanette, loaded with extras. Will sacrifice. 1281 3rd St. West Salem. QlU ONE OWNER, very clean 1941 Comman der Ctudebaker Club coupa. Oria. paint Ph. 3-9112. 4UB' I FORD coupe. Ph. 21032. Call between 3:30 li 7 pn Oil TODAY'S BEST BET is STATE MOTORS, INC. "Today's Special" 1941 Dodae Luxury Liner Sedan, new 6-Ply W.8. Urea, new motor, seat cov- ra, heater. Priced for quick aaia. . "Extra Special" LOW PRICES 1949 PACKARD DELUXE SEDAN. Heat er. Driven only 300 miles by owner. 1949 PACKARD SUPER SEDAN. Brand new. at a great reduced price. See these two new Packarda and aave money. Priced lower than most any car except Ford and Chevrolet. Take 24 months to pay. STATE MOTORS, INC. PACKARD DEALER 340 N. HIGH qlll' tl STL'DEBAKER Champion 5 pass. Ceap with overdrive. '35 Ford with 40 runnlns ear. Hydraulic brakes. RAH. Dennis Manning. Oervala. Ore. Clipper Station qlll 1941 CHEVROLET 2 door aedan in good condition. 1948 high tork motor. Good rubber. Low mileage on the new motor IB50. Ph. 2-0936. 314 N. 23rd. 0131 MERCURY I ATE '4)1 ft paasenger aedan coupe. Blue Excellent condition. 1 owner. Radio, Heater, Wlndahteld washers. Almost new Royal Master W.8.W. urea. Apt. i 436 N. Cottage. oil 1 Ifttt DODGE 4 dr. aedan. 1430 N. Lib erty, qin 1W0 PLY De Luxe 4 dr. sdn. Radio, excel tires, beautiful gray finish. Original owner, 11195. Ph. 3-BJ19 or a-iwo. SI FORD convertible coupe, good motor, 13D Patterson Ave., west oaiem. rnone 2-8713. QUI' - A Record Delivery Last Month Gives' Us More Late Model Trade-ins to Offer They Are. Ready MUW and GUARANTEED! 1947 Frazer Manhattan 1947 Kaiser Sedan 1947 Ford 4-door Sedan 1947 Chevrolet 4-dr. Sedan 1942 Oldsmobile (6) 5-pass. 1941 Buick 5 -passenger sedan 1942 Hudson tudor sedan 1941 DeSoto Sedan 1940 Pontlae (6) sedan 1940 Plymouth tudor 1940 Ford sedan U941 Nash 5-passenger coupe 1939 Ford Deluxe tudor 1939 Ford Deluxe coup 1939 Nash 4-door sedan Some Cheapies 1942 Willys Americar Sedan 1935 Chevrolet Standard cpe. 1936 Plymouth Sedan 1929 Ford A Coupe SEE JOE SPURLOCK Teague Motor Company 111 M. Coml Phona 3-4111 ql30 This Week's Specials 194(3 Nash "600H Sedan $1095 1940 Ford Deluxt Tudor $1095 1942 Chevrolet Aero Sedan $1095 1948 Plymouth Sedan $945 TRADE AND TERMS ORVAlS THE LOT WITH THE TURNTABLE Center St Church Sta. Ph. 1-4113 qlll rT ? THEY. Fleet m alter Sedan town. undarseat neater. aeiroiier. anooner lite, radio, windshield washer. oil filter, aaa filter. Oood rubber. Low mileaae. IIM under book. 411 Silver St.. Sllverton. Ore. Ph. 2lleve. gill BE41TIFL'L ' Dodge l-pas. coupe. 110 Ratcmre Drive, rnone qii xa PLYMOUTH l-pass. eoiipe. Sea to ap- orertate. Priced right. No dealers, loss 8. 12th St. M CHEV. 4 dr. adn. Clean car. See at 1114 Franklin after I p.m. Ph. 30977. oil! lf4i MERCl'RY adn coupa, equipped with all eatra appliancee Inc. overdrive. Looks and runs like new, 110 H. Capt tol, during office boura, 1100 14. Cap) toi. apt. 13 eves. all!' 'is OLDS I pa, club coup. R At fog lights. Oood paint, new ttraa. 1413 Madison till I. eve, loot Fairgrounds Road. APt. 4 Ph. Mill. 1H 111! STl'DEBAKER 1 ton trurk. (artery mada at I stake OMIT, anal tires. 11750 r J Anihai. 7O0 Edaewaur. West Salem. 4H7 i ate rnrv. rotPE. IM. Phona 21431, after I p. m. Qlll iea otns CI 11 sedan It Hvdramatle, all ar reaaor lea. 1 owner. 38.000 mile, Must be sold br the lltb. Beit offer over 11700. Call 103 II or rail after I m sat er Stind. all day. Mil La rache Ave. alii r chfy. Coe. Can ba aeea at 111 8 AUTOMOBILES $965 SPECIAL 1941 BUICK SEDAN RADIO, HEATER. 2-TONE, NEW MOTOR LODER BROS. Your Olda Dealer 410 Piirt round Rd. Ph. 3141 FLYMOI'TH Sedan. Heater, new bat- tiry. For aa'e by owner, uio. pnoite 3-1785. eve. qlll 40 OLDS Clb. Cpe. Very good cond. 940 13th otter 5 p. i Eisner Motors to Buy used ears. Bob Uarr. PONTIACS "47 Sdn. cpe $1595 41 Spt. cpe 995 '47 Ford D.L. spt cpe. 1445 Herrall-Owens Co. M0 N. Liberty Ph, 34113 q This Tlma It's HUDSONI Service Sales - Part Home of Good Used Cara BHROCK MOTOR CO Cnurota A Chemeketa Sta. Ph. 3-9101 Eisner Motors Fine Cars Borne Of OooO Oaett Oars HBOC. MOTOR CO Ohnreb Ohemegeta Su Ph 1-1101 ZEEB'S USED CARS BUY - SELL - TRADE TERMS 333 Fairgrounds Road Phone 3-6454 Eisner Motors to Sell MOTORCYCLE. SCOOTERS 1941 "411" H.D. Motorcycle. 1110.00. Il ood condition. 2163 Chemeketa. Pr 2-6711. 0110 LATE MODEL Harley Davidson '80' 139s". Or trade for car. 975 Patterson, west' Salem. qalU1 INDIAN . orlde most modern motorcycle CUSHMAN SCOOTERS WHI2 ZER BIKES Genuine part, aerv lea even modal Shrock's Motorcycle Sales Open every evening tin t. uonaay througi Friday 1001 Portland Road - Ph 1-1431 FARM EQUIPMENT 48 CMC 6x6 lime truck with Baughman Kpreatler box. nnone z-us. gonn TRAILERS 4 CUSTOM Bt'lI.T trailer house for sale, il ft. alt aluminum. Air condi' tioned. completely Insulated. .Fhllco re friaerator Must be seen to be appre ciated Call alter 4 p.m. or on Saturday t the Brooks Trailer Court, 1984 State street. 9 BITICK and Spartan Royal Mansion trailer Will take small trailer trade In 130 Lana avenue. tl32 17 FT. COTTAGE Trailer, exc. eond. Very reas. lor ouick aaia. JJ rortiana na. tl20 1941 LINCOLN house trailer Sleep 4. 3488 Com'l. tin COEY COACH trailer house. Electric brakes. 6800. 471 Madrono, Ave., Salem Heights. t!17 NEW KARRIALL TRAILERS t-WHEF.L UTILITY TRAILERS reduced from 330 to 8150 BONESTEELE SALES & SERVICE 370 . CHURCH tl36' FINANCIAL . $ CASH $ $25 to $500 FURNITURE, LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT LOANS UP TO 1300 Oar loans up to 1800 Coma In or phona Hollywood Finance Co. 1901 Fairgrounds Road Across street from bank No Parking problems Phone 37033 Lie. N M3SI-8291 Floyd Kenkon, Mar. GENERAL FINANCE CORP. LOANS Lit 8-138. and M-I3I and ROT R. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS 131 8. Commerela St. Tel. 3-1161 PRIVATE MONEY Special ratea and term on larger loans ' long and short time) . payments ROY H SIMMONS 111 Sov'h Commercial St Phona l-flll REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS STATE FINANCE CO. lit 8. Rle' St. Lie. 8-311 M ill SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLY 4 OR 4H INTEREST I to 40 Yeara and No Commission Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS It State Si Phono I AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 183 8. Church Parking a Plenty Ph. 1-14S7 Lie No M-I5I 8-134 r FARM AND CITY LOANS 4 4 i and ll YOrm OW!1 TERMS of repayment wtthtn reason. Cash tor Reel Estate Contracts and Second Mortreres CAPITOL SECURrTTES CO. 801 Pioneer Triut Bide Ph 1-7113 r DIRECTORY ADDINO MACHINE! ail makes nsed machines sold, rented repaired Roan 4M Court Phone I-I713 APPLIANCE BERVirE ELECTRIC HOME appliance repair service Free estimates Tiade-lns aerepted on new appliances. Vtnce's Biectrl. Pboni I-I3M 137 8 Liberty St. AT I I DOOR GRINDING 'Awnmower sharpening and repalrlne Deater'a. Ph 3HR33 41TO RADIOS Authorlred Warranty Repair Rtat! for all makes of Auto Radloa Morrow Radio Co.. 153 8 Liberty Ph Mm MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towing service day phona 1-9366. Nlgnt 3-1604 111 Center Bl ILDIM1 c7e.RPrTRT Remodel, repair that home niw. Term. No down payment. Phone 3-46&0. 0144 BUILD I S G CON T R ACTOR Building a wt home? Let Sullivan St Taylor homo guilder build It for you P. 3-4479 or 3-7579 0131" Bt'Il.niNG OP roi'RT or homes or builder of court at llth-Rurel Labor piu 1 Satisfaction guar Pb 39M oll9 BRAKES B- Com'l. alia nine Ph 3.1161 apetialt't olIO IH'l.LOOZIn Cm ftoiaio. DIRECTORY Bulldoaing leveling, road bldi . clear in treta for brush. Virsil Huskey, 1010 Pslrview Ave. Pn. 3-3146. Salem. Ql3l c" 4 H H R EG I ST ERA Irutam delivery of new RCA cash ret later Al makea sold rented, re paired Roen 46 Court Ph 3-6773 o CFMENTWORkS For expert guaranteed aatlifactlon new or repair of foundations, sidewalk, driveways, patios, curbs, wall. etc. Call 3-4150. 0144J CHIMNEY SWEEP Furnace chimneys vacuum cleaned En ley. Til 8. 31st Ph 3-1176. oUO DRESSMAKING Dressmaklni. Alt Shop, fur work, sew ing Open May 1. rms 31-31. 360 Stat' Ph 1-7004. QUO ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Vines' Electric for electrical wiring, contracting repairing 137 8. Liberty Ph 3-0I3B o EXTERMINATORS Cockroach Moth. Exterminator Service fn. 3-30S6 Let Cross. Ubl Pearl. olM' Brelthaupt's for flowers Dial 1-0179 o HOrSEHOLD PRODI XT products Free Ph 3-S3I&. INSULATION A. B.C. Insulation Co. Ph. 3-3741. ol30' LANBSCAPr NURSERY P A, Doerfler A Sons. Ornamentals. 150 N Lancaster Dr. at 1 Cor. Ph. 3-1322. o LAWNMOWERR Sharpening, guaranteed service. New power and hand mowera Call Harry W. Scott, 141 So. Coml St olW LAWN HOWES SHARPENING LAWN MOWER SHARPENING Expert work. F. Roach, ca ll3803g; o i At you! door lawnmower sharpentna Dexter toe lawnm&wer man Ph 36833 chlmnera a block MATTRESSES Capital Bedding. Phone 3-4069. Mt'MC LESSONS Spanish and Hawaiian Oultar. Mando lin. Banjo, etc. 1333 Court fat. Pb. 3-7J.6D 0136 NIRSES" REGISTRY Practical nurse. Dey-nlzht. Ph OFFICE FURNITURE SUPPLIES Dejk chairs, files and filing supplies, safes, duplicators and supplies, dexk lamps typewriter stands, brief cases Plarea Wire Recorders, Roen. 458 Court OIL CIRCULATOR SERVICE Call Cy Younger. Ph. 3-6073. FA PER HANGING Jerry Johnson. Ph. 3-3722. Expert Paperhanglng and painting H J Woodworth. Pn 2-3868 Free est o!33' "tstrom's ere equipped painting Phona 3-3493 to do rout PAINTING AND PAPERHANfiING Painting and paperhanglng. Prae esti mate. Ph. 3-9513. 857 Shipping. 0133 Call 12808 for your Painting hanging. Attractive ratea PAPERHANGINO PICTIlRE FRAMING Picture framing Phove 1-6611 Hutcheoo Paint Store rLAKTFRINO Patching. Repairing. Ph. 3-1101. Ptsher 344 8 Com'l. Ph. 3-3019. Q128' PRUNING, SPRAYING Philip W. Belike. Ph. 2-1308. L W Caudle Ph 3-7900. RADIATOR REPAIK Cleaned, repaired. J O Balr A Bona Ph 31191. By Drlve-lD Theatre Since 1917 ol23 Ray Moore 3370 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-9433 SAND GRAVEL Garden Soil, crushed rock. Shovel and dragline excavating. Walling Sand Gravel Co. Phona 1-1349 o Valley Sand & Oravel Co Slit, sand & fill dirt Etcavatlng 10B ahovel es cats Tractor scoop ft trucks for dirt moving Ph. office 24003. res. 17146. .AWS SEWERS AND SEPTIC TANES Electric Soto-Hooter Exclusive Patent Raaot jharp Steel Cutting Bladea Clean Sewera or Drains Septic Tank; Cleaned Re as. Pn 1-431 of 1-9468 SEPTIC TANKS K. P. HameL Septic Tanks Cleaned Sleet ria machine aervlea on aewer and drain lines. Guaranteed work. 1141 Ith St., West Salem. Ph. 9-1404. olll Klika'a Septic Service. Roto Rooter Service Elm SL. W. Salem. P Tanks cleaned, sn Sewera. 1079 1. 1-9468, 1-8337 0130 TRANSFER eV STORAGE Toeal si DUtance Transfer, atorage Burner oils, coal At briquets. True Its to Portland dally. Agent for Begina House hold goods moved to anywhere in O 8 ex Canada. Larmor Transfer es Storage Ph. 1-3131 TYPEWRITERS Smith Corona. Remington Royal. Under wood portables. All makea used machines Repairs and rent. Roen. 436 Court. VENETIAN BLINDS Hade In Salem Free est Phona 17338 Elmer the Blind man. o' WELL DRILLING J. A. Sneed A Bona, well -drilling. 3501 Brooks St., Salem. Ph. 3-6809. o!33' Fred Wymora. Rt 1 Boa 111 Pb 1313!. 0133 WEATHF.RSTRIFPINO WINDOW CLEANING Acme V.'lndow Cleanera Windows, walls Si woodwork cleaned. Floors cleaned wated and polished. Ph 1-3331. 347 Court, Langdoo, Culbertaon and Mather WINDOW SHADES Washable Roller Hade to order. 1 Day Del Retnholdt A Lewig. Ph 33633. TOOO S SAWDUST Weil Baler Fuel Co. Ph 3-4031. WOODSAWINO . LEGAL I.FOAL NOTICE The State Industrial Accident Commla lon hereby glvei notice that a hearing of tha adoption of a aafetv code known aa the Safety Code for the prevention and Control of Occupational DUeiaae for the s:ate of Oregon, will be held In the Green Room of the Portland Hotel, Portland, Oregon at 9 30 am.. D8 T. state industrial a cc in NT ,,lirnION- p"1 ur'" cn.lrm.n. nth and nth. ui'itet in a eoiiee can lull ni a nin LODGES A Salen 'tfy. AM. Salem Lodge No. 4. A F. 4' Wed.. May 11. rc. tfe. aree, 7:30 p m. . llH.wi.lh t .... 1AI A AgA A M. E A. dure, Tuesday May 17th, 7 pis. 117. IOOP meets every Wed- nesday night. Visitors el MARKET QUOTATIONS la leas t.tvestera Market (By Valley Hacking Company Sprlna lamb top 424.00 to 13100 Sheared lamb, tug. 111.00 to 130. 50 rlinas llsht , 18 00 E el , Cutter cows . .. Fat dairy cows , Dairy heiferg . .. ...13 00 to l00 .110 00 to 114 00 ,.114 50 10 110 VD i . .IIS 00 to 111.00 ' tl 00 to 121 Ofl i 'ah toM SOO-4501bS.) $30 00 to II3O0 Veal 1 1)0-300 lb ' a ood I2.S 00 to 129 00 i jga prices pa 10 wit hip ibc ot Port tnd prices for each type. Top, 110-333 .bs Portland PreOaea Bmterf al 'I eniatlve, auejert to imme male change n mtum quality mailmum to 38 to I percent acidity delivered in Portland 61 -64c lb., fim quality SS-63c b, erond ounlitv 57-fl0c. Valley routes and country points 3c less than first Sutler Wholesale FOB bulk cubes to i ho,e)lf; gradr AA. 93 s:ore, ei-eic. i . 92 score 60-01'ic: B. 90 score. 81c lb C. 19 score. 87c lb. Above prices are atrict- i ly nominal i Cbeeae Kellina price to eurtiano wnoie- i sale Oregon trngiea, 3li-48Vje Oregon I lb loai. ai-w-an: mpteu ve tea uian i lngiee i Eggs tTe Wheieaaler a A graae large i SS-43'ic. A medium, 81-51Wc; grade B. i anr. 41',-)0c Perlland Hairy Market Butler Price to retailers Orade AA prints 6c; AA cartons 41c; A prints, 6(k: A carton. 67c. B pvinU, 13c. Eggs PrUr to retallera: AA targe 56c , certified A large. 36c : A large, 04-55?: AA medium. 54c: certified A. medium. 54c; A medium, 53e; carton 3c adriti tonal Cheese Price to retallera: Portland Oregon singles 40'j-iOSc Oregon loaf, I .6 43H-33c; triplet lHo leu than elo glea Povltry Live Chlekena Ho 1 quality FOB plants. No. 1 broilers under 3vt lbs 37 -38c lb., fryers l'i to 3 lbs.. 2-30c ib . toasters 4 lbs. and over. 30-31c lb.: fowl. Leahorns under 4 lbs., 24-3Se: over 4 lbs. 26-27c: colored fowl. aU weights. 30 31c; roosters, all weights, 18-20c. Kabblta Averase Ui arowera lor Uvt white, fryers white. 4-1 lbs 21-39e lb . 6-6 lbs.. S5-37c lb . colored 23-3Sci old i heavy does, 13-13c aressed fryers to butchers 17 Kflr. old Besv, ones, 15-SBc Turkeys (Price quoted are "ol to thi producer on a dressed welgnt oasis) - U S grade A young torn 51 &3e lb : No l young hena nominally 60e Oreaaed tnrkevs te retallerai U'ade A young hens 70-7IC New Vore style draaa eo A grade rcung torn l- ran land riiareiianeeaa Caacara Bark Dry 30e ib. green Te re Wool Valley coarse and medium grades I5e lb Mohair 38e lb on 12-month growth. Hides Calves 30c b , accoraing to weignt glps 18c lb beef 13-13e lb., oull' s-6c lb country buyers pay 3o leaa Vol QuotalloBa V alnula f ranquettei nrtl quant) um i. 34 7c, laece 32 7c i medium. 37 3c, itc ond quality Jumbos. 30.2c. otga 38 If medium. 36 Jc: baby 33 3c. toft thei first quality large, 29 7c, medium 36 3c. ee miO quality large 37 Jo medium 34 ti iabj 73 at- Filberts Jumbo. 30e u . large lie medium 16e: small. 13c Quotations aexiva aitppiieo oy north went Nut Growera Quotatiors an on the aaa I of 100-lb bag purchase fob pleats. Chiraae Mvetork Chicago. May 17 fJPi USDA -Salable hngx 9.000: rattier slow. moMly 1S-31 cent.s ower all weiahta butchers; sows 38 cenw lower; top 19.10 spannaly: bulk good and choice 180-240 lb. 18.73-19.00; 3M1-380 lb. 1ft 25-18.7.S; 200-335 lb. 17.7&-18.25; lew S3 0-375 lb. 17,00-17.7.1: odd Jots around 400 lb. at 16.75; good and choice sown under 400 lb. 1S.7S-16.J0; 425-475 lb. 15.00- 15.15; heavier weUliu aa low as 13.71 lor around 600 lb. averairs. Snlable cattle 7.000; salable calves 600: .Mr era 1.100 lb. down active, strong to 50 :enw htclier; weight over 1.100 lb. le. active but mostly steady; heifers steady to 35 cents hlsher; cows and bulls ateadr: enters steady to 50 cents higher; top 36 00 for three loads choice 1.319-1.317 lb. ted sterrs; bulk medium to low-choice steera 1.300 Ib. down 33.00-28 00; load choice 1.100 lb. led heifers 26.33: bulk good yearling hrlfers 34. 30-35.50: lew good young cown up to 31 .50: most common and medium cows 11.75-19.75; canners and cutlers 13.50-17.30: medium and good xaiifiage bulls 30.50-32.25; practical top 37.00 choice vealera. Salable sheep 1.000: old-crop slaughter IsmtM strong to 25 centa higher: sprlna- ers practically absent: load aood to choice Colorado led wools kin 30.35. the top; load Wisconsin fed No. 1 aood to choice cl.pped lambs 29.30: shorn gwea 13.30 down to 6.50. Portland Llreateek Portland. Ore,, May IT (U) Livestock: Cattle salable 100; calves 35: no sales representative cIiaafj: cutter and common cows 15.00 to 17.50; cutter bulla 16.00 to 17.00. Hoxs salable 300: generally steady: ear ly bulk good and choice butchers 300-320 lbs. 30.50 to 21.00; light smooth sow 17 50; good and choice 16.00 lo 17 011; welthty staas 14 00; boars 9 00 to 10 00: feeders steady; good 73-100 lbs. 33.00 to 22 50. Sheep salable 18: spring lambs steady: no other classes sold eirly. Oood and choice 65-90 lb. sprlna lambs 38 00. Portland Grain Portland. May IT Wl Wheat futures not quoted Cash araln: OaU No. 3. 36 56 00: barley No. 3. 46 lb. BW while, Cash wheat bld: Soft white. I 34; aofl white (excluding Rex. 3 24. White Club, 3.24; western red. 3 34. Hard red winter: Ordinary. 3.34; 10 per cent, 3.34; 11 per cent, 3.34; 13 per cent. 2.34. Hard white Bart: Ordinary, 1.14; 10 per rent. 2 24. Today's car receipts: Wheat 64, barley 2, flour 31. corn 4, mUlfeed 11. Salem Markets Oeeag-letee) free reaerte a Salem deal er a fee tbe geld a nee ee Capital Jeernel Readers, (Reelaed dally). tut all Peed Prteea Err Mean I. II. Rabbit Pellets 14 46. Dairy Feed 64.00. Pealtrfi buying price Orade A cole' M hena 30c: grade A Lei horn hena, 26 cents. Orade A colored fryers, three pounds and up, 10c. Orade A old roosters is -ante gga Haying Prleea Sutra large AA, 49c large AA. 46c: large A, 46c: medium AA, 45c, medium A. 41-44c: pullets, 3I-J0e. Wheleaale Prleee Beg wholesale prices ta 1 cents above these prices above Orade A generally ejuoted at 63c; me d imi 49c. tveHeefal Premium. 63c. No. t, tic: No. I, 9e (buvtng prices). Baiter Wholesale grade A, 6le; .all lie. U- Attempt to Burn Creswell Church Fails Eugene. May 17 An at lamnt In hnmh 4h A iinmhlv nf iGod church in nearby CroMwell was under investigation today by the state police arson squad. A burncd-out candle in a hot tie containing a wnue nuiti was)hon, Pn.n, , mnv. ,nM,iv discovered In the newly built 20-25 cents church early Sunday by the pas- contract prices, quiet In Ore tor and a parlshoner. on were 47.48 cent, for earl Police said the mixture found .nri -ir. in the bottle had also been spill 'vd around the room. The bottle. ......... rolored powd r," was placed at the church altar. ne nev. r, v.,, w. ! " ,jr"l": . Members of the church built thr structure after receiving an unsigned noie warning mem io 'cea?e holding meetings . in a a theatre. l-v t. 3 iVs2' 50 Hunters Bag Patricia Geving 17. holds a bobcat, only trophy of a spring hunt by 50 hunters, for animals which were killing sheep and calves, at McGregor, Minn. Wheat Prices WeakerTuesday Chicago, May 17 Mi Rains over the spring wheat country and a lower government buying basis weakened wheat at the board of trade today. With the ' decline in wheat, other grains developed easiness and some stop-loss selling mark ed the decline. The government buying basis for the May wheat delivery kept pace with the decline in futures, and a weaker cash wheat basis was reported at Kansas City and Minneapolis. The federal weather bureau said rains in North Dakota were generous, although spotty. Fair to good rainfall was re ported from the Canadian grain country, breaking a prolonged dry spell. At the finish wheat was H to 3 lower than yesterday's close. May $2.225n-. Corn was lii to 1 cent lower, May S1.33s-34. Oats were to U lower. May 67-66 7. Rye was 2 '4 to 24 lower. May $1.35 li. Soybeans were 21 to 3 lower. May $2.35"4-3. Lard was 10 to 20 cents a hundredweight lower. May $11.80. Confusion in House Numbers The people of Salem Heights, south of the city and outside the city limits, are much confused about their house and precinct numbers. About a year and a half ago, they say, the post office changed the numbers of the homes on Madrona avenue. Then the pre cincts were changed, when new precincts were added, and house numbers were considered when this was done, but the numbers considered were the old ones and not the changes made by the post office. One house, for example, was originally numbered 3 4 0 Ma drona. The post office changed it to 415 West Madrona, a change from an even to an odd number without notification to the occupant, It is said. Another odd number was changed, but was still an odd number. In this case the owner was notified. Salem Heights has a school election Friday night of this week and the school cleric has asked the voters to be prepared to give their precinct numbers Some don't know what they are. The school district, it is said, comprises all or parts of six dif ferent precincts. Coast Hop Markets Continue Firm Corvalhs, May 17 1 West coast hop markets were firm in the past month, the Oregon State College extension service reported today. Demand for last year's crop increased, and by mid-May fewer than 3000 bales remained . iinenlrl In Draann th regular report aaid Most apot sales were around 30 cents a pound for Rood qual ity seeded hops. Lower quality tlvity was reported In Washinn ton. Transactions for about 600 bales of regular seeded clusters at SO cents a pound were re ported In California. India In Commonwealth New Delhi. India. May 17 i4j With only two dissenting votes, the constituent assembly today approved the agreement under which India il to remain In the British commonwealth of nations. ""iraoltal Journal. Salem. Oreson. Stocks Decline Irregularly New York. May 17 A1 A five-dav advance bogged down sl lu'IT wi ! informal bid for a multi-million in today s stock: market. . ,, . ...... dollar loan. Losses were small but wide- officials in a position to know .spread and included tome of the said today the government's ex utility issues which were lifted p0rt-import bank and the stat to 1949 highs yesterday. Select- department have informed a ed utilities were given a fillip Monday by a supreme court de cision not to halt a reorganiza tion plan for Electric Power & Lieht Co. I Activity slowed considerably 'rom yeste rdty'i 1.030,000 shares. Turnover was at the rate of about 800.000 shares for the ..11 ; tun naaivil. Jimon, at a high for the year yes terday, stayed in minus terri tory most of the day. Losers of fractions to a point Tlor so on the biff board included American Telephone, Phelps Dodge, American Can, Dow Chemical, J. C. Penney, Ameri can Woolen, Southern Pacific, Chrysler, Studebaker and Mont gomery Ward. STOCKS QUOTATIONS (Bp the Aaoelated Praaa) American Can m Pow A U Am Ta) A- rl , Anaconda Bandia Aviation ..... Beth Steel , tts . MS J1S Boeing Airplane Calif Packlna Canadian Paelfla Case J 1 Caterp'.lar Ohryster Com with . Son Cons Vuitee ., Continental Can ,, Crown flellerbeeb Curt las Wrlgnt IDS Douglaa Aircraft Dupont de Nem General nee r Me , General roods General Uotre .. Oood Teat T;rc ...10, ... ai't Harvester ..... Paper Kennecott . . .... Ltbby Metl t .., Long Bell A" Montgomery Ward Nash Kelvlnator . Hat Dairy . ..... . IIS Central . ... Northern Paeifle ., Pee Am rah Pae Oas rieg .,, rae Tel A Tel .... Penney J O ...... nadie Corp ...... ftavenier N a renter Pfd Reynolds Utala , RlekMeld afaway R tores era Roebuck ... Seeihern Parlfk . ttaadard Oil Ca . 64S giedebaker Cot naualne Mining . Tramaaeriea .... Unlea Oil Cat .... Oalew Paeifle .... Oalved Mr'taee .. s a fxei Warmer dree Pie . waeiwor i 13 C of C Members to Visit Mill City, Dallas Groups from the Salem Chamber of Commerce will be guests this week of two other chambers in the valley. Thursday a group from the Cl l U ...Itl 4- Hit 111 uiamun win Ku iu iniu L;ny ana meei wun ine cnamDer there at a noon luncheon. On Friday a group will go to Dallas for another noon meeting, lea Meaiora OI Oaiem Will De,trirCh of Salem; and granddaughter of the speaker at both places and his subject will be "In a Land of Plenty Where Are We Drift ing? Roy Harland, president, and Clay Cochran, manager of the Salem chamber, will attend both meetings, as will others. Comic Books Are Blamed for Suicide Keowna. B. C. May 17 6J.B The influence of "horror comic books" was blamed today for the suicide of 1 1-year-old Larry Cacchioni. Larry was found by his moth er In the bathroom of their home Sunday. He had strapped a belt around his neck, fastened It to a pipe In the ceiling and then kicked a chair from beneath him. "He was always reading hor ror comic books," the grieving mother told police. "One mo ment he would imagine he was somebody else " LEGAL NOTICE OF NOTICE IS HER ERY OTVBN that sealed bids will be received by the undars1ane4 until the hour or 6 00 P. M. on the 31st day of Mar, 1640, and Immediately there after publicly opened bv the union high arhoo board of Union High Scnool District no 6. Marlon County. Oregon, at tha Hubbard High School, Marlon County, Oregon, a. a meeting of the union hlah school hoard for an tastie of bondj" of i1 school di tr.rt in the amount of TWO HUNDRED AND ElOHTY-RIX THOUSAND II3B 000 DOLLAR siid bond to be dated June l, 1646 and to mature aerially In numerical orrlr a follows; Nna. I tt 16 Inc. for IIOOO each flls flOOt maturing June 1, 10M No. 16 to 30 inc. for HOflO each f SIS 00 maturing J ine I. IBM Nts. 31 to 4 Ine. for 11000 each (livoooi maturing J'int 1, 10M No. IB to 60 Ine. for IIOOO each itlVont maturing June 1. ins J No 61 to IS ine. for 11000 aarh 1116.0001 maturing June 1, 14S4 No. 76 to M Inc. for 610O0 each 111 WOi maturing Jine 1, 19- N. 61 to 10 Inc. for IIOOO each MlVOOOi maturing June I. tfi1- No. 106 to 130 inc. for IIOOO each ll OOOi maturing June 1, MM No 131 to 11 me. for tl ooo each HlVOftoi matunna June I. 19M No 136 to 16 Ine. for 610O0 each '110001 maturlni June I, 1"9 No. Ill to 16 Inc. for 11000 each (IIS 0001 maturtni June 1, 10fl0 Noa, 166 to 10 Inc. for 11000 each ll3,oooi maturing June 1, 1U Noa 11 to 166 ine. for 11000 each (113.000' maturing June 1, 106- Noa. 166 to 310 Ine. for IIOOO each (116,000) maturing June I, 16.l No. 311 to 33 Inc. for 1 1000 each (313,000) matunna June 1, ldh4 No 316 to 340 Inc. for 11000 each 'tlVOnOi matunna June 1, 11J N'. 341 to IS Inc. for IIOOO each (I13.0O0I maturing June 1, 196 No. J6 to 376 inc. tor HOOT each (I1.VO'0) maturing J ine I. liT N't 371 to 3M6 Ine. for 11000 each 116.000) matunna June 1, 196 riil J bond to Dear Intereat at the rata ol not to eaceNl sta '6 per cent p-r an num pavable s'inl-annuallv. principal and Interest parable at hw office of the fount Tieasurer of Merlon County, Oregon, er at tha Itacal aaeney of the Stat of Oreioo tn N' York City at the option of the purchaaer. The bond of said lu maturing on and alier June I. 161 will be aublect to call ind redemotioit in numerical order at tha op'lon of said district at par value and accrued itvereat on said date of apon an 1nteret-Ptrlng dale theresfter Bid bus must be accompanied a eeriitied ehe-lt in the amount ot ONI THOUS AND (II 600 1 DOLLARS The anprnvlne leeal opinion of Wlnfrea HcCullough Shuler Si Savre will be fur nir.eri the fiirreAjful bidder. T Ine bond will be sold to the hleheM bidder for not tew than par atue nad ao rr.ied interest, with tha union high school board reserving tha neul to reieet any an! all bid. ' ROBER1 OOPTE ROBERT OOETZ, Clerfc of Onion Hie School District No, 6, Marlon County Oregon. Addreas Root L, Bol 60, Wood burg OtHota. Saplttu Jowrsaj; Map M, If and It, W4I. Tuesday. May 17. 191919 U. S. Rejects Spain's Bid for Big Loan Washington, May 17 Wu The , ni, aif'" nas 'TlrJ: visiting Spanish representative that Spain's present economic situation makes her a poor cre dit risk. The Spanish negotiator, An dres Moreno, made no formal application for an American credit. But responsible govern ment officials said he "informal ly explored" the possibility tliat the United States would grant credits. OBITUARY Raymond Celsaa -.-w Mill CityRaymond Oolaan, 61. owner of a sand and gravel companv here, died suddenly Tuesday morning at a Salem hospital following a heart attack. He was born In Salem Aug. 30. 1807. Surviving re hLa widow Mrs. Winifred Colt an: lighter. Barbara Pennick. and two grandchildren. Patsy and Billy Pennlck. II of Mil City. Servcea will be In chairg of the Clough-Barrick company In Slm with burial In Belcreat Memorial parrnm Salem. ' JACOB TiRAZKN Independence Jacob Orer.en. 71. died) Monday at his home In Moumouth where he had lived since 1943. He was born In Lithuania. July 9. 1671, and came to the XJA. In IkOS, living In Minnesota and a flee. hla marrtaaa moving to oreron in ia7. He located In the St. Johns district, Pott land and also lived at Pedes before mov ing to Monmouth where he lolned the Lutheran church in 1043. Besides hU -widow Susie Orsien. he ta survived by a son, Oeorge Oraien, atso of Monmoulh and two daughters, Mrs. Emma Specs, Yakima. Wash., and Mrs. Mary Dolinaky. Salem. Funeral services will bo hetd fuun the Monmouth Evangelical church - at. 19:30 o'clock Wednesday (daylight sav in ta timet with Rev. E. A. Fen officiat ing, and burial in the Claieett cemeerr at Salem tinder the direction of the Wal ter L. Smith funeral home. Fleming B. Penntaln Canby Fleming B. Fountain. 16, Ajir ore, died Sunday In an Oregon City hos pital after a long Illness. He had .re sided the last several years with a ton, E. B. Fountain at Aurora. Survivors in clude the widow. Mra. Lilian Fountain; two sons. B. B Aurora, and LeKoy. Tl sard. and a daughter, Mrs. K. C. Shep herd. Bmmett, Ida. The funeral will bo it 3 p m. Wednesday In the Aurora funer al home. Burial will be In Aurora Ceme tery. Charles Rente Ware Lebanon Charlea Benton Ware. 63, county road foreman, dropped dead on the street here Monday while talking to a truck driver. He was born In Euiena Sept. 1, 1666, and had lived In Oregon ever aince, the last 30 years here. Ha 16 survived by hla widow. Mrs. Roste Ware; three slaters. Mrs. Oladys Powell. Lrha non: Mrs. Alice Noel, Portland, and Mrs. Carrie Leslie, Pendleton. A younger broth er Jack Ware, was killed In an eutome bill accident near Tiaard. with Charlea Leonard, formerly of Albany, several ear aan, DEATHS Stephen C. Elliott Stephen C Elliott. 31, at the residence at route 6. box 744. Salem. Saturday, May 14. Survived by parents, Mr. and Mra. V. L. Elliott of Malvern, Pa. Bti:p- ment has been made to Pnolk, Pa., by the Howrll-Edwarda chapel for service and Interment, , , Ira. Minnie 1). Craft Mra. Minnie D. Craft, 79. at the resi dence at 433 South JSth Mrcet, Sunday, May 16. Survived by husband. James A. Craft of Salem; daughter, Mrs. Evelyn u. Stark of Salem: brother. W. C. Miles of Manaantta, Oregon; two sisters. Mrs, Josle Richardson of Albany and Mrs. O H, Davis of Portland: and four arand- chlldren Services will be held at the Howell-Edward chapel. Wednesday, May 16 at 1:30 p.m. with Rev. Lloyd Anderson officiating. Interment In Belcreat Memor ial park. Mrf ,, r!ffc Ca.hlng In this city May 14, Mr. Maxlne 01- tich Cushlna, late resident of 1476 Sag naw street, wife of sterna Guanine. Jr., of Salem: mother of Charlena Ann Ciuhing and Sharon Lou Cuahing, both nf Mrs. O. A. Nve of Salem. Active member of First Methodist church. Services will be held Friday. May 30. at 3 p m. at ih W. T. Rlcdon chapel w:th concluding service In Belcreat Memorial park. Ra. Brook Moore will officiate. Lean a Feat Leon k Past, 31. at the residence. 604 North 11th street. May 18. Survived by parent. Mr. and Mrs. John H Past of Salem: and a brother. Lloyd Past of Salem. Member of tbe Hint wood Bible ehuroh of Salem. Announcement of serv ice later by the Howell-Edward ehapeL Stella May Blendrlckaen Stella May Hendnckaon, at the resi dence. 673 River View Rd.. Wst Salem, Saturday, May 14. at the aee of 66 yeara. Member of Salem Aerie 3061, Fraternal Order of Baalee. Carnation chapter OK&. Prlnevllle. Rebekah lodse. Prine villa, and Daughter of Union Veteran at Med ford. Survivors are son. Zeke Hendrlck son and Wetton Hndrlckon, both of Seattle: daughters. Mra. Fiord Sanders, Medlord, Mrs. Larry Luc us. Berkeley, lira Im Thorn JUIem Mra. Lewi McParland. Seattle, brother, iK Rollo Hook. Loaan, Iowa; and sister, Mra. Oeorte Aeaander. Logan; also nine grand children. Shipment ha been made to Seattle for service and interment by the W. T. Rlgdon company. Silvester Charlea Wan ftrltester Charles Wane at the resi dence. Route 3 Box 336. Aalem. May 17, at the ase of 63 year. Survived by two aon. Mavnard Vincent Wane and Hugh lister Wane, both of Salem, one grand dauahter; end tliree grat grandchildren. Announcement of ervlce later by W. T, Rtednn companv LEGAL BOND SALE a 134 C&urea sitar 8 aa. ill'