8- iv A to laf SO an an Ro Ml Sa Kt sit. nil ou In or pa in na sic In wl ea 111 re bl th w tr 18 Capital Journal. Salem, auirut tovtatuiNoi Pat Lim ...lie Per Uu t tlmaa .eoe Pat LIM tlBW 10. Per Lin 1 month II 04 Outatda at Salem lea per Una per dar alln Met I tlmflj mis Me S llmee mln ll.ao Na Refund, BBADESaV la LacaJ Nowo CeL O.lfi Far una eO, To Place an Ad Phons 11406 FOR SALE HOUSES T OWNF.1: House I yri. old. 3 bedrooms. - utility rn hardwood fir., water brat- r. Vt A. 3433 Llvlniston Ae. alio I BOOM BOUSE. Falli City. Fruit room, th, nuh room, electric water heater wash tray, wood bouaa, 13140 Duotnera. Ml water beater, at, c. o. Menu Pall City allt ... OPEN HOUSE 4 it I ii, until sold by owner -builder. PHA built. Ranch. 3 bdrai. type horn. - with ell the tinut features, aurh a ktdwd. Ora oil heat, f.plaee pirture window Venetian Winds. Bendix Ther- - atsdor roue, patio. etc. Priced to eel) -Ola week. Com aouth on tE to the at cf. turn runt up Iwald Ave. to let loft rwclty Art for a block. al 13 AlXmTON DUPLEX 14300.00 for Salem house. Owner. Capital Journal Box 441 alls I.LMM. MODERN T-rm. laU built home in Bnilrwood Dtst. He basement, tire alsee. hdwd. floor, attached garaae. Thl la a iood horn CALL O. V. HUME WITH STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 141 Nlfh St. - Ph .1-4111, Eve. 3-S308 WlW 3 b.r. bouM. unftnlahod upataira. 1 aalVr frnM Kelter JCbOOl. 110 ChUKh- dla Alt. Ph. 133BI. tilt IT OWNER! To ft moved, small house, ' nu tvri a batb. Ftto. 1. Box 108. Cor- ner of Hollywood Drive and Sunnyvlew " A. .n? firm 1 Bdrm. homt with large lot. Will ..n trado far smaller Am. 1130 ""' :ir. BT OWNER AND BUILDER new i m.m. homa. fireplace, hdw. floor, larta utility. You of bit. in. Lane lot. Lawn In. 3 blka to school. PH A. fi nanced at 4. 110,810. Term. Call HUM Eve. MX BM. modern houae. also antique side hnsird 114 Walnut St.. Independence, Or. HOME & INCOME HOLLYWOOD DIKT. 3 new house on Ian lot. 13 b.r.. hardwood floor, elect heat, pi ant red. Attached aar. Insulated. AUO I B.R. completely furn. Elee. atove to rf electric heat. Wall to wall car pet. Complete to rent or Uvo In. Priced to aell by owner. 1060 Norway. alll ipTOU MKK a nlre auburban home, gar rlen. flower and lawn, at a decent price, drive out to ISO RadrllKe Drive aiternoona or evrmngi man are iui Jouraelf -Lane living room, flreplare, riwrl. rinor. elever d.r.. 3 bedroom, food utility room, aaraie, kitchen. Automatic heat, ranae and refnaerator Included. Lot IHxlOO. Nice fence. Own er tearing town. Uuit aell now. Phone a-ejv. m- BY OWN TR Mod. t rm. hae., 0O0 ana fJBA.OM. LATE BUILT PHA 3-bdrm. home. Well located on view lot South. 3-car araae. 1 1 850 down. CALL O. V. HUME WITH STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS IM I. Hiatl St. - Pb. 3-4131, Bves. 3-5304 a 130 ir OPNEKw3 B.R." home. hdwd. flra.. frplr., att. gar., auto, oil ht. Lot 10x140. 110 Duncan Ave. Phono 3-3000 eve, all! rilORM., lVi A. Can be aubdtvlded. Excl nellhborhood. Will take lata model ear as pari of equity. Bal. PHA. Ph. 3-BS07 BUT HEW I B.R. Enilewnod Dl'trlct. LR. D R . Kitchen with nook. Hdwd, floors, fireplace. Attached plastered laraie. Porced air furnace. Good P.H.A. term. Call Len Orion. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtor 141 Ohemeketa Si Ph. 30371 Eves. 3-108.1 alio1 FOR SALE BY OWNERS MEW B.B, Home, located at 1 803 Front at., north off 17lh St. In north Rnale. wood dLllrtct. 110.500.00 With la 000 00 P R A. commitment. Open eveninss. Fade Si Keen, owners At builders, alll Beautiful View Home For those who can afford the finei Ihlnos. we offer this superb example or the popular ranrh type home. Beau tifully located on extra large vlem lot. framed by a giant oak. I full also bedrms.. lane bath, plus shower rm. Living Ai dining rm. All apaclous and attractive: lara fireplace, beau tiful hardwood floor. Smart, curly grain doors. A modern kitrhen to compliment your taste. Lane utlllt rm . double aerate. Modern radiant heating. Price 118 500. Walter Musgrave. R'ltYs. 1311 Edcewater Pb. l-llot V2 A. Fir Grove I bdrm. new hse. In beautiful setting 17950. About i cash. Near Liberty. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 145 B Commercial Ph, S-4At!t Bve. Ph. Dent 3-3011 Reeve 3-. 118 Why Pay Rent 11130. I rm. unfinished hse. Plumbin wiring rouahed In. tt A. North Small down payment C. W. Reeve, Realtor 45 S Commercial Fh. 3 4390 Bve. Ph. Dent 3-3011 Reeve 3-9!t.t8 allg VjM. TTRT NEAT, clean older 3-bdrm lvme pull concrete basement. La: lOAxloft. pered alreel. Oarden, fruit, ehrube Close to bus line CALL O V. HUME WITH STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS IM S. Huh St. - Ph. 3-4131, Ives. 3-5)0 . also- - F.H.A. HOUSES" ' EAST ENOLEWOOD ADDITION JB30 Down -.MODERN EU NO A LOW, f Wdrooms, etcetrte heat and fue f4aoe, Living Si dining room, bit -hen ftnd breakfast nook, laundry ynom. hardwood floors. Oaraae Owe rote drive Je walks. Paved ff reet . Now. See at 12 Bne )e BSffM) thvwft MODERN OOTTAOt 'r-e I bwdronwM) on heat and fireplace Seine St dlBing room, kitchen and wrwakfajt nook, taitwdry room bMpdwfMd floor. Oerae and eon- dene walba. Paved streets New. AW at 3370 Bnglewoed avenue SeSf IVtwn-ltANCM STYLE 3 bdrm BWtrte heal, wuulaied Kitchen laundry rm. Single garaeo with nit tn elevate rones Cone r tie drive walks Paved street. See at 3301 Entlewood avenue. Down HIP ROOF H'NOAtOW 3 bedrooms, fireplace. LR. ON kit erten laundry room hardwood floors. Central heating aril em . Oar- ace A) concrete drive and wa,k Pat-ed Street. New See at 110 North 34th street. Pull price 113,300. I 184) Down 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW Fireplace, eleclric heat. LR, DR, kitchen fllh extra labia spar. Hardwood floora narege A ronrreie drive 1$ walks Paved street, New See it 1370 N. S4th street, Pull price 14 TS0 AI4, MOUftK, brand NPW AND READY FOR IMMEDIATE POASEASTON. CAN BR FINANCED THRU PHA TOP LOANS AT .', INTEREST FOR ft TEAR TERM IP WANTED. Abrams & Skinner, Inc. j Oil Maaonta PMe Ph 1-OttT Insurance Real Istatg Mige. Loans OrfRon. Tuesday. May 17. 1949 FOR SALE HOUSES DUPLEX 111 SOO Now modern duplex. eloM In ) barm, each. Electric haat. Immediate possession. 11.100 PHA commitment. Tnj is a wonderful bur for someone. CALL STANLEY BROWN WITH STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 111 S. High Bt. Ph. I-41J1, Eves. 3-SM1 a 130' pAM for thU nlco clean, I bd. rm, larse H'. rm . din. room, celled but ment for good party rm. Elect, heat. ttt.tae into dn. PHA. New 3 bd. rm 11x13 II'. rm , fireplace. hd. fir . din. rm.. nook x utility room. Cell Harvey Huff Real Estate Co. Realtor 11 Chemekeia St. Ph. 39371 Eve. M441 alio BEST BUYS KINGWOOD HEIGHTS Brand new 3 bdrm. with unfinished upstair. Nlre fir grove setting. Attach ed garage. City water, too o. ft. floor pace. Total price. I9OO0 PHA approv ed, will accept lata model car as part payment. 4 BEDROOMS Older type homa In very good rond. IS bath. Walking distance from State House. Nice yard. Will axchange for suburban property of eo.ua! value. Total price tftMM BUSINESS ZONE A very good older type home on aPir ground road 03 ft, front. Part base ment. Completely furnished. Liberal terms. Well worth the money. Total pric 110,000. Al Isaak & Co.. Realtors Member of Multiple Listing Bureau 103 Portland Road. Ph. 3-7130, 3-4501 Evas. 3-0473 - I-3S5I alH iVsew. NEW - MODERN J-B R. home on bus line, eloso to school. Hdwd. floor, fireplace ell furnace. V blinds, at tached garaaa. Immodlata possession. 1650 donn. CALL STANLEY BROWN WITH STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 151 Hub St. MODERN 3 bd rm. house, located In Kel ler Dmt. 730 Dearborn Ave. Terms can be had. alio MODERN 3 b.r. house. Fruit nut trees. Elect, rani tt water heater. 3 bias, to chopping center. 14050, 437 O St., Inde pendence. Ph. 104J. 132 4 BDRM. ENOLEWOOD HOME WOULD COHT 118.000 to duplicate. Priced to sell at 114,500. Further information phono 3-3538. No aaenl. alio M7O0 HERE IK a very attractive 1 B.R. Hsc 3 yrg. old with L.R.. D.R.. K. Wired for Elec. Ranae, Oareie, Elec. water vtem, on 'i A. located In Keixer Dlit. M.IMM t B.R. Hse. Lie. K , L.R.. Elec. heat. Elec water aysiem, 3 A., located between KeUer fe Chemawg on paved road. I.MM NEARLY NEW 3 B R. Ke. L R . DR. K. Full bath. Elect, heai. Hwd Fir. Attarhed garaae. Lot 00x137. Lo cated In Keiier District, 11.000 Dn. will handle. If not sold In next few day, owner will rent at 115.00 per month un til sold. Keizer Real Estate & Ins. Ones S Olson 10! Chemawa Rd Phone 3-1380 i 3-4313 $1000 DOWN BUY YOU nice 3 Bdrm. home on U acre north. Pull price 1 only l"M and it is Just whet the doctor ordered. Colbath Land Co. Realtors 1083 Center St. Ph. 3452 alia KI.7M. CLEAN I BR. home lurnlahed. Close to school. Bit at door. South. CALL STANLEY BROWN WITH STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S Hlih St. - Ph. 3-4131. Eva. 3-361 J BDRM. 17000. 178 Senate, W. Salem a!29 B T OWNER: Vie w Home' Can rt a 1 a r I a HelRht. New 3 BR. Ie. LR. DR. kit rhen and nook. Double garaae. Auto, oil furnace. Large lot. 341 Alice Ave. Out S. Commercial. Turn Writ at Dlrv Queen. Ph. 3-4408. H9 READ THIS TWICE! $;?00 DOWN ON $8,500 HOME! YES. IT'S TRUE. We have an unusual op port it n It y to pass on to y nu . Due o other demands upon hi time and presence the owner of I his brand nea J -bedroom home mint amckly and be elsewhere than Salem, Ore on The house UNI suburban, has fireplace. upAiaira. etc. Immediate possession. Call 3-MUft. Mattson & Roethlin Real Estate 331 N, Huh Phone 3-5138 (Across from Hotel Ben Mori -tve. Ph. 3-1734 or 3-7334 aM7 fM.4M. H ACRE and late biilU I-rmTVoHee Ee.it. Larte garage, poultry hotue, fruit trees. Terms. Immediate possession. CALL O V HUME WITH STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 'U S Kith At. Pb. J-4I1I Eves. $3250 Clean t beji oom house, kitchen dinette utility, acre, near Bionks. Terms. tit In room elec. erelL l $9750 Km wood HfUhi. picture window, mil heat, lane rooms, fireplace, aaraae This home ta very soundl- ronsirtictec) and beautifully decorated. PH A terms Chas. Hudkins & Son im! Him m ph. 3-4130. alio 9P.IOCJ. NEW M01r.RNS-B R home "South Oil furnace. Lane lot. 11.800 do n balance FH A loan CAU, ST ANLEY BROWN WITH STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS :M High St. Phone 34131, Eve 3.1 $10,950 lovely new I -bed room home Just lock from Rngleweod Sonne) 1-orge HTina riHim inn urepiarc. Dining room Hardwood floor. Electric hat. Insula! d FH A. commitment. Call GEO. A. WALTERS REALTOR OCA S Commercial 3-3140 - Eves. 3-llH alll' BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME ONE ACRE atl cult haled, good aoll S A strawberrlec Small hen house, barn and patture for 1 row All fenced I-aree aaraae Plus 3-bdrm home. bath, wired for elec ranee, dec water heater Aheut 1 mile from ctt limits, on bus line. Owner leaving aiat. Call Allen Jones or Mabel Needham, Realtors 141 State. Rm 4. Unstatra - Ph. 3-0301 RS. 3-4311, I.RTU .H7 M.Yte). NEW unfinished hnteraton paied road 184 ft floor spar wtih lev 10 attached aaraae. Lot iiig Terms CALL O V HUME WITH STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS IM H.in i . PI, 1.4111, , .,im w FOR SALE LOTS l.7 e thou t bn;ding lot in Oak Lntta AOdit.e Atl imeroemntj. In cjulrw 1100 S. 14IS cw Pb, 1-tWI. ealll 1 FOR SALE HOUSES McKILLOP REAL ESTATE REALTORS Center and Nigh Streets Daytime Phones l-ltll or !- THESE ARE A IX VERY OOOD BUYS P H. A. APPROVED I T,ta 3 bedrooms, large living room, large dining room, excellent kltehea. lot of ouilt ins. utility room, oil beat. Largo lot. Cloaa to bus. store and school. I MO 3 bedroom, living room with fireplace, nook and kttchtn- Nice utility. Oood lawn and shrubs. Excel Unt condition. Paved street. Oood location. I 1.314 3 bedroom home. Hardwood floora. Oood living room, dining room, kitchen and nook. Nice built-in Double garage, Laraa lot, close to school, stores and bus. I 1.3503 bedroom plastered home. Living room with fireplace, dinette, good kitcnen. utility room. Also oxtra drying room. Oarage. Large lot. Oood location. I 1403 bedroom plastered home. Hardwood floors. Living room wtlh fireplace. Basement has extra room with fireplace Auto, oil beat. Insulated and w eat herat ripped. Ii15v 3 bedroom plastered home. Hardwood floors. Oood living room with fire place, nlco dining room, modern kitchen with lots of built Ins. Lars plastered garaaa. Corner lot. Gloat to school and bus. DAYTIME CALL S-1131 or I-M30 EVEN IN OS CALL 1-1103 - J-7141 . I-4MV We Will Appreciate Your LU tines McKILLOP REAL ESTATE NEW LOCATION Center and High Streets DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME IS HERE FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Our office will be open evenings till 3:30 except Sat. at Sun., starting Wednesday, May llth. We have over 000 listings for you to ehooat from and oasy terms to lutt your pocket book. Come In and let us help you with your housing problems. a) Colbath Land Co., Realtors (Open Eves. Earl West KINGWOOD HEIGHTS Pine 3 bdrm. view home, beautiful landscaping, full basmt, dble garage. Drive to this home ever the week-end at MS TERRACE DRIVE In West Salem. Call Roy Ferris. LOOK ME OVER I'm slick, trim, and new. 3 bdrm., lots of closet apace lee. kitchen 6 utility rm. trays my firs are hdwd. and I have plenty of ground ground me. I'll be your for only 17,500. CaU Peter Oelser. SILVERTON ROAD HOME tt BUSINBBS Ideal modern home with 1 rm . best of construction. De signed for clinic, floral shop or any type of retail outlet. 3 acres of around. Call Ccburn L. Orabenhorst. GRABENHORST 134 South Liberty Street Bve nines and Roy Ferris Peter Gelser Earl Wwt . FOR SALE LOTS KINOWOOD Helahts wooded view tract 90 ft. fronts on paved drive. Call 3-4331 after f. aallS' VIEW LOTS, 100 bit.. Vista Ave WOOD' ED LOTS. 0Q blk, Ratcllff Dr. Re tricted. city water. Ph 3-4284. aa FOR SALE FARMS NELSON NEWS 100-ACRF.B STOCKED EQUIPPED All in cultivation. Alohta. Wheat. Oat: Vetch. Barley, Clover & pasture. Water ta irritate 30 to 35 acres. Good home, lge. barn, poultry he milking hse., machine hed. 34 cow. Farm All trac tor with equipment. Ford truck. Priced 143 500 Will exchange for apt. house. NELSON & NELSON SPECIALIZING REALTORS 701 H. High 3-631 bllf COWS - DAIRY - MILK HERE IN A NICE 37 acre Grade A dairy farm with 3 lane modern home, era cabin, lane 33 cow barn In good shape, milk house with walk-In cooler. 30 ton hav. 37 Che v. panel, AC tractor with attachments, 35 head cow 'milk ing 33), Milk route and deliver 335 di. a day Grow 11300 month. Located In the city limits of neUhborinx town OOOD LIVING HERE FOR DAIRYMAN. Colbath Land Co, Realtors 1883 Center St. Ph. 34552 bllR $3500 Down BI'Y THIft 71 acre farm with new barn and sited, older type home, priced right at 119.000. call Kenny Hill. Huff Real Estate Co.. 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 39371 bi iy MISSION BOTTOM 1 acres with modern home. Oood bam. 4 acres In cane berries. 3 car asraae. Nice yard Total price 113.600. Terms. 10 ACRES 3 bedroom home. Fireplace. 15 mm from downtown Salem. Fine view. Only 11.300. Call for Mr. Leavens. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors Member Multiple List Ins Bureau 1035 Portland Road Ph. 3-7130, 3-4301. Eves. 3-1403, 3-38 bill 1 ACRES, 83000. Farmland. ADprox. 30 clear. Some berrie & fruit. F.lcrlrtrlt. prlng water. Approx. l'a ml. N.W. Fall City. Contact alter 0 pm. except Tuen , Frl, 8at. Unfinished cabin 14x28. Kenneih Sample, Pall City, Ore. bl IS BY OWNER 30 acres, I acres Beaverdam g room house barn, or trade for Salem bonne $7000. Ph. 3-RSR7 blH FOR SALE ACREAGE 10 ACREn. Mahway frontage, close to Sa lem, good land. 1150 At REK all in cult. Seeded to oat vetih 13000 11 ACRES. South Small new hou-e Also older hoite pated highway. Can be ir-rift-eted. 14950 19 A. 0 milea N of Salem. 3 BR houae elect, water ivatem nice barn, on paied highway All in crop. l goes with prop erty. 18750. Oood term ws ACRM. North. All In crop or patture. Good blark land. 8 room term home "R" dairy batn. mi'king machine. 8ub itantlal 4'. farm loan, low payment Imm potaeRBion. Priced low at 813,750. R. E. Meredith, Realtor, or B. M. Mason III Commrrrla! Ph. 1-M41 bblll' T OWNM. It Alir"Dali,Vltx llmlu rat. mnd.rn homt Dnual, aira,,. aarn. fhlck.n hmu. 3A al arunnt ,rd 1 cow. Ph lT Dallaa. bbm $1295 acres Beautiful build in soot In eherrv orchard Barn, chicken hse 0' ml from Salem. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 00 S Commercial Ph. 3-4.eg 9e. Ph. Dent 3-3081 Reeve 3-9M8 bblll1 Ideal Suburban 31 acres I bdrm home. Lane livina rm Fireplace Din In rot B K. nook Double pi urn bin Burnt Fur. 3 car aaraae. Sonne On eood irout at ream. 7 acres alrawberriM A caneberriaa. Price 111 00ft C. W. Reeve, Realtor 041 Osmmerrlal Fh. 3-4590 Reevg 3-9338 bblll Ac Ph. Dent 3-1080 ACRES, nice building ppot with shade trees, balance cleared On hard sur 'aced Browning A , 4 m ice from Ledd A Buan. Owners sign on property or Phone S-IB91 M131 CHOICE CREEK ACREAGE ACRES with eier IM ft. et beautiful Croisan Creek Open for sunshine with aretiered anadc trees. Rich creek bot torn aell it minutes from elty. mile from Salem Golf course. Price 03M Phone owner at 3-0190 bblll RIAL ESTATE FOB VOIR PAVINGS Investment bur firat mortgage on real estate, Salem vteinltv. Examine security yourself. Amount lie ta several thou and dew lara. net investors . We make en eel lee: tone for ou if desired STATE FINANCE CO, la S. Big- IFOR SALE HOUSES Till 130) - 3-1333 in- BROS., REALTORS Phone 3-3471 Sundava Call 3-8010 3-B06I 3-12.12 REAL ESTATE George W. Hubba Co. 1851 N Capitol Phone 1-3031 3 ::t. old home wtih I lot. LR. DR. K. bath, coo in; water heat elec. 3-rar garage. Very nice plare. Some fruit tree. blk. to gd. grade achool. Priced for quick aale at 88500. 4 Bdrm. home with LR. DR. K, bath. fireplace. All newly re-decorated. Beau tiful location on corner lot Mil 10. Bu oy door. Oicde school 1 blk. Grocery store 1 blk. imm. possession. 07300. 3 homes on 1 large lot. Ue one an your own home tt ether a Income of 050 per month. One ha HW floors, all pla tered. nice K. utility room. Other house ha 3 bdrm., LR, DR. K. lot of b-loa. dble. garage. A real bu; for 31000. Arree on Lancaster Drive. Verv good oil with a variety of berrie Ac garden ing. With 4 bdrm. home fc 3 itancblon barn, poultry house. Nice lawn lot of ihriib. Price 110.500. Would take 3 bdrm. home In a part payment or in trade. 4 new apt. unit, completely Insulated. Beautiful view nl(, (hrubs. Very good income property. ThU place alio has a 4 bdrm. house, garage, chicken house A- family orchard, on 1 acre ground. Imm. possession, will take good late model car as part payment. Evening Phones: 3-6803. 3-1103. 2-773.1. '3-5481 Farmil till LEO N. CHILDS, INC., REALTORS ACRE. 3 bdrm. house. Some fruit and berries. Small chicken honse. barn. Clear Lake district. Priced ainnn SI MMER HOME. 4 rm. 0 yrs. old. 41, A. land. Bantiam River frontage. Price on Iv $4750. CI. ORE IN 3 bdrm. home. Some furniture. it At RES. 4 bdrm. house. Barn, chicken irera, iruil. friCC reduced tO 1 10 000. SlOOO rlnwn RIA1TIII L SiniRRAN HOME. 3 extra large bdrm. Large living rm.. pullman kitrhen. breakfas tnook. Full cement basement, oil furnare. Good barn. 3 car arage. chicken house. 11 acre good laud. Close tn on paved road. Will con aider ome trade. LEO N. CHILDS, INC., REALTORS 344 Stat Bt.- Ph. 3-.1M1 Evening call; 2-4007 or 3-4513 cllf 280 ACRE DAIRY AND TURKEY FARM MODERN f room plastered house, built t yr.. l red tile barn 30x63, cement stan chion for 14 cows, electric heating ca ble wit hroom for II more cows when finished. Lane brooder buildin. wood construction, 44x100. elertrlc and aas ui Mires set up for use. 5000 bird capa city. 1 lerte 3 story barn fixed for brooder with approximately aime ca pacity, ail on cement foundations. 3 drilled well. spr:nas. 1H acres bordered by two iood etresms. This house and yard has a lovely appearance and a fine lendrape finish You would hae to ee to appreciate. Will consider selltnt 110 acre for llg.&AOOO or the complete . Place without crops or machinery fori .30 500 00. l.S acres In crops. 105 acres! In Pasture with about 40 acres of this eoniatntna oa and fir timber. Located 3 mi et Aunutille. BUILDING SITES ACREAGE Hiiifiw AY between l.von At Mill iiir-ii. iracis oi mgnwav front, aa Oood level ground containing ap proximately S' acre actti Loil tnd acreaae In town of Lyons, largest pay roll town tn Santiam canyon. RAVE large I-room house, a 3-room .vw.. a a-room nouse. stu.ig with 4 lane utility build. nis used for gar ages or barns and 3 arras of land Ideal for trailer courts or building suss for rental cabins within Lvon on hichwav. Mske a swell place to run a trailer court or motel for Detroit Dam need. SMALL FARMS I.EVEN ACRE farm t' miles east of mui City on good tiled road. Large 0 room house, double aaraae with 3 large room foe any purpose. Good well, newly painted buildings, 1 real attractive lace. Ml R ACRE FARM. nwly constructed i- room house in process of being finished beiween Lvon MU1 City, just off the hiehway mile. Make a nice place for or km man and family, price I aim m I ACRE FARM miles southwest of Lvon on aood road, eiectnciiy, good well eprina. I room house lane barn and several other good buildings, al lln good shape. laWm M l ACRE FARM, will sell acreage tract f ten or more acres. I flve.room house now peine built, has at least 1 (ood year round apnngs, fir timber, and. iw.iin.ifn acres or good roiina una tnei nas eeegj cultivated. iubi ii mues tut of Lyons. Hae aeveral new. modern 8-room house and smaller Places if you are interested In the vicinity tt Lyons or Mid. Citv. Fred A. Lindemann Real awtate n Ltqus. Ore e ! 17 To Place ClassifiedAdi Phong 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS BUSINESS ZONE ON STATE STREET CHiad lutla I atdroam hau.. with itr ai. attb titra Ian. lai. 101201. flood location for buala.aa buiMtoc. SUM. 3 BEDROOM HOME ON E. WILSON Svell corner location, extra la no lot, very com fort a bl homt, double garaaa. 17500. DRIVE BY AND SEE The address Is 3411 Neff Ave. We thing It 4 tons for the price because It has ft good full baaement with an auto oil furnace, livina room, dining-room. 3 nice bedroom, kitchen and bath, aoout bM ft. floor space. Also has a double xarago and extra large loi. It s new. PHA will finance up to ItOW. 13300 down will handle. Full price 1 ONLY 110.300. BE SURE AND SEX IT. OHMART 4TT Court St. REAL ESTATE VIEW Two of th finest view lots on Kin wood Hts. Over 300' front on Klngwood Drive. Ground lays nicely for atract. building and landscaping. Pull price 83300. 11000 don wlU handle. $5500 3 B R. plast. home. elec. heat Insulated Ven. bid. 34x34 garaae. Surrounded by new homes, Sea at 1503 Ruga St. Shown only in afternoon. $8750 Here Is g Insulated, PHA loan. very attractive home for hdw, fir , elec. ftreplaca, 1503 Ruga St. $9000 Welt built family home complete wltt a real savin. V blk. from city park. 1374 Third St. , GLEN CREEK ROAD, $9500 If you like a 4 B.R. home surrounded by beautiful oak fir treee. an extra lane lot with lot of fruit trees, shrubs fc flowers, you should see this home. Corner of Parkway Drive and Olen Creek Road. WALTER MUSGRAVE, REALTORS 1211 Zdgewater Phon S-S10S cut' REAL ESTATE NELSON NEWS CLOSE IN RENTAL PROPERTY 4-unlt apt. bouse Ac cottage. Lge. cor ner lot with rm. for additional rental. $19,000. Term can be arranaed. TRADE FOR RENTAL INCOME Suburban grocery with 041.000 annua turnover. Owner' health reoulres re tirement from business. Property In cludes 3 bdrm. L. quarter. Priced 330.000. A REAL BARGAIN Owner 1 sacrificing 35x30 garage, mod. cottage A- gc. laud on busy Inter section all for only 15600. Will accept car a part pay. See pictures In our window. NELSON & NELSON SPECIALIZING REALTORS 703 N. H i gh Ph 3-33 c 1 17 A. NEW 3 bedroom bunaalow with bath. living room, kitcnen, oak noors. floor furnace, attached garaae. close to bus Imm. Poss. Price 10.000.00. WE HAVE A FI LLY equipped dry clesn ing and rua cleaninx business in a de sirable downtown location and showing good return. 110.000. P. H. Bell, Realtor 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 31541, 34190, Eves. 31880, 38300. 37585 cllf OUT OF STATE OWNERS Anxious to tell roast Income property consisting of 0 lovely furn. courts. Plus owner's living quarter. Owner will ac cept Salem property In trade to about 116.000. Term on balance. Total Price IJ6.000. Nicely furn. modern 3 bdrm. home, with basement. Oil heat, close to Parrlsh Jr. high. I7950. Call Mr. Noon Chester, high. 87050. Call Mr. Noonchesier. H. E. Corey Real Estate 1303 N. Broadway Ph. 3-0503 daya or evening 3-3310 or 2-010.1 c117 WANTED REAL ESTATE 7 HUDSON Convertible. New tire, low mileage. Exchange for equity In Salem home, or make me a real estate offer. 33A3 State or Phone 3-1888, caI30 WE ARE In need ot good houses to aell In or near Salem If you wish to ust your property for aale ee GRABfcNHORST BEOS.. REALTORS 134 S Liberty St. Phone 3-3471 ca NOTICE! If your property ta for aaie. rent or exchanie list It with us Wf have all kinds of cash buyers STATB FINANCE CO. REALTORS l.SS S Htxh St ca EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE or trade by owner: t 70-100 A. Close In. 3 rental amall 4 rm. hse. Blec water systrm. Stork. Consider amall mod. town property as down pay ment. 3 ml. on Dalle Hlway. Rte. 8, Box 832 cbl!9 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES LOT MxljS, old house. Excellent piece of business property. N. Broadway. Ph. 8-4043. Eve. 3-1847. cdl33 Business Buildings Choice location north. Parkin spare. S rm. apt. upstairs. Owner left state. Immediate possession. Terms. Total price 113.700 Member Multiple List In Bureau Al Isaak & Co., Realtors 3-498. cdlll CONVALESCE NT HOME, wet I eaulPPfd full ol patients. Income about 82200 00 per mo. For details call at 1144 Center Si cdllO A LOCAL DI STrTb I'TOR for nationally advertised Co. desires responsible deal er in thla area. The Individual or or ganisation selected will be granted an exclusive protected territory. A new and fertile fie'd at mvt opportune time in history. Reply Capital Journal, box 440. cdll7 SUPER GROCERY Here la a real opportunity for a live wire operator to ate p right into a 1200 000 a year grocery and meat buainass. The Salem owner is retiring and 1 gelling for only the atock at wholesale price and the fixture at cost. Very reason able eaar. Far further information see ALDSN BOWES REAL ESTATE 3311 Fairgrounds Road. rdU7 ELEC. CONTRACTING to service. Com plete line. Major appi. Modern bldg With attractive living Quarters. Low rent. No competition. Must sell this month at inv. approx. 14338. Hubbard Ore. Ph. 4311. ed!17- 4-Unit Apt. House 310 300 35300 down bal 843 mo. et 4 Interest. Income 1213 per mo. Expense tit to 818 per mo Would consider small home as part payment. 13 500 4 unit apt located s 13th No 3 bnaineta tone go ft. (romeae x 143 ft. deep. Would consider uric trade 019 0M T unit. 8 bath, full basement, ewe heat, income 1343 per mo. Would consider aome trade a part payment. Call Allen Jones or Mabel Needham, Realtors Established Business $6750 Frier 000 rhickens, targe cement bull ding for ratting chirk from dav-old tt el age. Separate dressing room. 3 bed rem. home Just tt city edae. Making good money. $6500 Neighborhood grocery. Doing ftne trade, location one of beat. tVtunt east elk-in Clean stock long lease. Plea a com in and see a about this one. he phone information Chas. Hudkins & Son M a. aia av rt .IM ,. F0R SALE HOUSES ! A MANBRIN GARDENS HOME Yes. you can move right in to this very attractive THREE bedroom home, has otl furnace, fireplace and toad utility room, extra large lot. I33M moves you BETTER THAN RENT We hare a number of new aV attractive 11 bedroom honors thai can be pur' chased for ONLY 1 600 down, balann lust 03 a month which includes your taxes and Insurance. Never before have wg en able to offer auea financing DON'T FORGET TO SEE US ABOUT YOUR INSURANCE PROBLEMS. RUDY CALABA & I REAL ESTATE LOTS the money, nice lawn Conveniently erranaed. it yard. Carries IB30Q Youngstown klteh,, elee. heat, at blk. to bus. 3 blks. to acnool. B US I N ESS OPO RHJI NITIES CAFE. Idanha, Ore FOE BENT or lease: building suitable for store, office or shop in West Salem di rectly acroaa from new bank. Phone -8018. cdllT riRE COMPANY Including pickup es tablished over two years. Oood buy for right pahy. Reply Capitol Journal R Alt, .all. FURNITURE FOR SALE S-PC. K ACTIONAL 3349.50 Float-in construction. Rose frier arms. Rose- oeiae upi. center, specially priced at 1159.88 Oreen stamps. Salem Home Furn. Co., 137 S. Com!. dll7 BEACTIFl'L new davenox, lust received. Modern mohair frieze, wine dt aaae areen. with platform rocker to match. 8139.8 Green stamp. Salem Home Furn. Co., 137 S. Coml. dll7 AUCTIONS Livestock and Furniture AUCTION Wedneday, May 18 at 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sharp Two 4 -piece bedroom sets. Daven ports and chairs. Breakfast sets. While enameled Easy washlns machine. 3 Ben dix washers. O. E. manale. 0-ft. M.W. refrigerator. Swing rockers, floor lamps. New end tables. Many other articles of furniture and miscellaneous produce and farm machinery. Chickens and rabbits. Calves, veals, feeder and weaner pits. One 8-gal. cow. Sever! other cow, bulls, and heifer. LANE SUDTELLS SALES YARD m miles Bast o Salem on Silverton Road TO BUY OR SELL CALL 3-6008 ddll7 WANTED FURNITURE HIGHEST PRICES "pitld. Phone Glenn-at Woodry Auction Market. P.i 3-5110. da FrRN s Households Ph 3-5511. LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED A LICENSED livestock buver E. C. McCandliah. 1137 S. 38. Ph. 3-8147. e127- PETS A.K.C. REGISTERED Sprlnaer pups. Phone 3-8347. 3333 Ararle Drive. edit CHOICE CANARTS. Ph. 3-4383 1340 Chem ecl30 ONE LIGHT red male Corker Spaniel pup. cur en reo, without papers. 3130 No. River Rort. eciifl FUEL FREE WOOD for the cuttlna. See Ralph Wilson at the Valley Tractor Co. be tween 8 and 8. eellO PRUNE WOOD and-oakT-Phone"- Judd". 3-3139, ellT WEST SALEM FUEL CO. Biock, planer At lab wood Si dust. Ph. 34031. GARWOOD 3 loads for 130.00 1 13 00. Anderson Bros., Ph 3-9734. t TRI-CITY FUEL Fresh cut sawdust. Prompt delivery. Ph 37443. We give 8 ex H Green Stamps Green 10 In. mill wood. ee GOOD SLAB, dry or green Oreen cdxtng 15 30 load Double load 110 Ot. Good clean aawdust. Oregon Fuel Co Ph 3-3S33 eel31" CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR nte.e) and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Phone 3-8444 FOR SALE POULTRY BABY CHICKS. May 10 33. Hamn- ii;re?. Leahoriu, ParmLster. Buff Orpn- inxton. wnite wyandoite. Leaborn: cockerels and heavy assorted. Pr 3-3881. Lee's Ha-chery. f Colored Fryers. Ph. 31298 fus PRODUCE GOOD EATING POTATOES 81.00 per 100 lbs. Al Fed. U. 7. bo Htr 3'a miles norm or unnerpa. Ph. j-isbo. rrin1 HELP WANTED WANTED: 38 strawberry pickers. W.et.1"T now. aj. i Mcoonatd. Rt. T Box 3SS. Salem. A NEW branch office haa been opened in saiem ov a company with a proven sales training program. If tou are In terested m entering the aeltlng profea alon with good earning and opp. for advancement write box 400 Capital Journal for appointment. g!30 STRAWBERRY, pickere. registered now, Stanley Sneed Rt. 3 Box 4M on Che mawa Rd ' ml west of Portland Hi way, on Krleer-Chrmawa bua line. g!33 ALL TURKEY workers report to work Thursday the 19th at $ A.M. Marlon Creamery to poultry Ct. flit WANTED: STRAWBERRY PICKER V-22 acres of aood berries come and see them Mader Bros,, Rt. 5. Box 431. Ph 33-F-13. 3 miscast of Maclear. gl32 STRAWBERRY PIC KERA ree let er a o w . Andresen farm, Rt. 7. Box 171. Ph. 3-I80I. Corner Lancaster Rd. and Ra tevtiie Drite. alll STR A W BE R R V picker. Close'" en Lan caster Dr. Ph. 3-8143. 1890 McCoy Bt. 8117 FOUNT AIN HELP, Experience desired Apply in Per so a. Reed a Drivt la. til Sith 12tn til? HELP WANTED MALE S3 LIABLE real estate broker tt manage well eettbliBhed reel estete office. Call after Ma.jii N. Hign St. gain WANTED man with experience dtittng averts 4b welts Call Shaffer, 43171. ext M fraes it 4V, gaUI- HELP WANTED MALE COMBINATION Janttor-Dtshwaaher for summer season start.nx May 31 at Sil ver Falls Lodge. Apply at Nohlgren Restaurant, 44t stale St. on Frl., 3 only. gall!1 WANTED Tractor Mechanic, farming background desired. Apply shop for' nan Valley Tractor company, 134) Che, nicKcie ai., eajem. gain 3 VETERANS under 3T, single, free to travel, u.. transportation furnished, living expenses advanctd dally, no ex perience. musi oe neat. Reoy to leav- Wednesday. See Mr. Hawkins Wednes day oniy. i-i p.m. Marlon Hotel. Don phone. Kall EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY for B eg- periencea poozxeeper. Permanent eol- tlon. Automotive exnerlenca dealrahta Apply In paraon. Sea Mr. Pickett, 353 n. iiDcny. gji OFFICE AND CLERICAL POIITIONI CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency led state St Ph. 3-1400. if WANTED SALESMAN WE HAVE an opening for ambitious m our aaies organisation. An exception al vpp. i or earning, tub . . to man with a p-ovn te!r er plication confidentM. For appoint ment write box 43 Capital wumnut. stating exp. tad qualifications. (gl30 VETERANS: Easy to start business of your own iron, your nome. ruii er part nine, ai no nanoicap. oar needed Write Rawlelgh'g, Dept. ORB-1I8-310I, uaxiana. caitr. ( WANTED POSITIONS LET ua do your cement work NOW. Drive ways, imewaixa, patios, etc. Pb. 3-4413. hl44' IF YOU want a carpenter call 30341. We puim, repair ana paint them. hill MIDDLE-AGED woman desire house- wore, eooxinf. no am. children. 3-3711. Rm. US. hUf ROTO TILLING J If. . Tiller. Ph. 1-7500. hi 33 x teacher a professional ladr wants temporary exptoyment. will consider anything;. Phone 3143. Dallas. hill VET. AGE t". married. Urgently cede perm, em pi. Ex per. la several traar. a m win worx herd to learn Mecn. Inclined. Bag. local ref. Pb. 3-3130. 1070'e State St. hilt LAWN, start to finish. Light tractor on " ooaer. rn. j-gm. also REFRIGERATION man tfMrlniPHi Domestic. Commercial and Reverse Cy cle Heating Coollnc. Wages optional Consider anything. Write 743 N. Russell Street. Portland. Oregon. fain LAWN START to finish. Light tractor on rubber ex doxer. 3-3137. hl3Q MIDDLE AGED woman wants housekeerT ins id country in I Dt I adults. 1710 South 13th. hi 17 BABY SITTER. Pb. 3-0580. YARD WORK, clean-up or what have yoti Phone 3-8133 after 8 p.m. hill TRACTOR WORK. Model B. J. D. Plow. aisc. mower ana spring tooth. Fh. 2-0504 bill' PAINTING INSIDE or out Free est. Call Bill. 3-3070 MJ7 PLASTERING, PATCHWORK and thlm. y building Ph. 3-4389. Free estimates hl33' STACK your sewing then Phone 3-1893 hl34 CARPENTER WK. New, repair. Ph. 3-3093 MIS LAWN CUTTING. Phone 3-8403. 1ST CLASS CARPENTER, new, remodel. amau. s-azsj ait. 8. , hl34 WILL PROVIDE excellent nome or day care for small child. Ph. 3-0305. hl3t TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN 34-hr. ser- lc- Former phone op. Ph. 33073. h 138 LAVARS NURSERY for Infants. Grad. r,-nurjf 'n charge. Ph, 33331, hl37 AUTO PAINTING Just a shade better by nay silver, uau en roc I Motor CO. 3-1101 h NEW LAWNS pruning Rototilllng, Landscaping, tree worx Kicnarc tioyer. Fh. 3-I110. h!33 CHILD CARE la my borne. Pb. 35103 hl30 FOE'S mlineograpbing, typing service. prompt aervice. tuallty work, lower prices 989 N. 18th. Ph. 3-3043 hl28 LET US do your cement work NOW Drive ays. lid walks, P alios, etc. ph. 1.4411 hill CHILD CARE. Ph. 38934. Painting & Decorating Chaplin. 30 r. expr Ph. 3-7533. bllf ROTOTILLER work, 1143 Hood St. 3-0304. hill LANDSCAPING Pruning Rototilllng New lawns, trer worx. Richard Boyer Ph. 3-8110. hl33' FOR RENT ROOMS ROOMS FOR rent. Close in. Women only. aH.winier. pp. 3-1133. ikllO' ATTRACTIVE RM. PrlYatenome."oentle, man. 98 N. Summer. Ph. 3-0308. JkllO' SLEEPING RM. for business meii78l5 N Winter. Ph. 3-8135. JklSJ SLEEPING ROOM for men. Double aln tie. H3Jf. 13th. jkl31 Hot and cold water. jkiai LIGHT HSKPG. and sleeping rm. 790 N. t-nurrn. in. Jxllg J.ttAANSEPINO-rmTfor'tentlemBn. 1030 Norway. Ph. 3-4547. Jkll7 ROOMS TO RENT WEEK OR MONTH HOTEL SALEM Tel IO101 FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURN. Basement Apt. for single person. 14lti Court. Pn. Ipll7- 927 so. utilities turn. 34930. furn. apt. Adults only. JpUf FURN. AFT. Living rm.. kitchen Ar bath. rreier worxing couple, lot? Court St. Call between 8 and 1:30 pro. IpllO t BEDROOM furnished apt. Cloae hi. Ph 3-1422. Jpll7 CLEAN FURN. aet.. refrlg. and auto. heat'. Close la. 133.00. Ph. 21760. Adults. JjallB ONE-ROOM APT., second floor, lady pre ferred. Ph. 31530. Jplll CLEAN t-RM. furn. apt. Inquire 883 S. "th- jpllB NICELY Fl'RNIAHED 3 rooms and bath. Close In. 1434 Ferry St, Jplll 3-RM. FURN. APT., clean. Frl. bath No pets. 410 S. llth. jpin 3-RM. PARTLY furn. apt.. 840. Ph. 3-0SI5, JPHI CLEAN. QUIET 1-room apt. Lady pre ferred. 148 Ferry. JpllS" FOR RENT- 3-rm, fum. or unfurn. gpt7 1st floor. Oil or gat. Adults. 871 8. 13th Fh. 3-9978 ,pi3l- LARGE 3 rm. apartment. Maple eve. Well mm. nose it bus. ijj.w. Phone 3-8.M9 ipllf PARTIALLY FrRNHHED 3 room apt oai.n. asu eieciric. so una. Phone NEW MODERN 4 rm. gpt all electric. jpllS- partly furn. 1149 8. 13th. FI RN. APT. Adult. 170 8. Com' I. JP1I7" I RM. furn.. apstaira. neat Si cleen. am pi atoragt. 1373 H. Commercial jpi.u- FOR RENT HOUSES NICE CLEAN 1 bdrm. cottage. Close In. Adult only. Inquire 830 Garnet flt Nearnew high school. jmllt SMALL MODERN HOTTSE, furnished eood rotwn ape., ua. inautre 800 Boone Ro,l Jmllt 810. NEW 1-B.R. auburban borne. Omer nr.i sv.ate. ecu n. ijta. Jm 118 BD RM IKK, electric rente Sj heaters, water furnslhed, must be a reliable em ployed couple. Ph, 3908 Jmllt FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS I TRAILER space for rent. lOtff Mill sT J118- FOB BENT gar. Also extra rm. fee t or al pce. Ph. 39700. 1183 N. tb. 1118- TRAILER 3 PACE, Camp Joy Motel. 8J aMTI tncsg, tart. Pb. .Ml 08. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS TRUCKS and ears. Smltty'g Clipper Ser vice Pb l-icoo. car. Center c Church. i GROUND FLOOR room, tultablt for e. flea or stores. STATS FINANCB OO. Ph. 34131 je POWER TOOL rentals tor boat Aj in dustriai st Bowse Bros pb 8-8140. I TBAILEBS, 13.00 Par day. Howaer iroa. 008 Edgewater St., West Salem. BUSINESS BJst for rent, H. L. Stiff. J OOOD USED PIANOS, H L. Stiff. for rant. afontcoaory TO DO a good Job real a good floor gand er, we aau everything to complete tbt Job. ROWSEK BROS. Ph. S-I44J ) WANTED TO RENT telephone EMPLOYE dcolree fara. Of unfurn. 1 b.r. hauaa ant.. Write Capital Journal Box 453. jalll unfurn. modern houae. telle SMALL furnished boum, eletnlty Capital ' --a mw nauvaw woaxaw ana woeaa fat M LOCAL BUSINESS ns want i tr 3 bed- Phon. 3-83U: " " zpuno M.D. and family deal re 1 r t drooxa anfurnlehed hevsae. Pb. mB3. lain 8MLI' trcli', 1 wwlrm. nouae for Yet 7 m. rnoat J-8003 bt fort 0:30 p.m. Ask for Jack Wilbur. rff((. lalM ROOM AND BOARD ROOM AND BOARD for PnionerTS aril. J-DOOU. 1J130" BOABD AND BOOM. 150 E SL Ph. 3-1701. Jji3y LOST AND FOUND WJST: CHICKEN crate Monday rm. an "'""i wiwwn n w s-roduee. Salem and Brook. Notify Lector Henn. Rte. 3 Bog lg, Woodburn. kill PB. MAN'S black gauntlet glove. Re- -"L" -J vp'roi 8t alio MISCELLANEOUS awxtS FRAME building. Wired and plumb- T' y. two woek aoutn. Suitable warehouse, wholesale, etc. Price 11500. Phone owner at 3-0198 mill -SI SPRINGER, men's hatter 404 Court. m!30" DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 3 HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SQitLEK DINTIBT Adolpb Bide State j Commercial Stg SALEM Phone 3-3311 m AVE TOUB SINGER Sewing machine f m uaiiiiea singer represen ts . Ph 3-3513 for free pick up and djllvery service on al, makes of ma chines. Pre j estimate given before work VJ".? 8lnfer a'M alaehlne Co. 130 N. Com'! . BUILDING MATERIAL TILLAMOOK cedar ahinilu dtl. No. 1, ahikea. 112.80 per aq. Undar .ourae lr. AUa baled cedar tow. Ted Uuller lor merlT Eola jtard. PS. (alern 1-11M. s.l.m Ind.pfndeoca road. ma. DOOBS. INTEEIOI p.r.,1 doori. at tha ..... .k..., purcnaaa aoltom price. b.rialn at onlr H to ,ach. Kalth Broao. ornt at Court u.. Salem ma AND la penny nam. ii.h p,r In tr alad.on WrecUna C. 1J30 Howard Bt! CLOSE-OUT, Plj.ood cut-olla. UW, - .-. v..,.u. p.n.1, wau panel, aid. ia. It. Keith Brown, front Court Bta !!m m.tri NEW PLYWOOD, all thlcknauea peciu price on Intulatlon, la" by 32" celllna ..... iic water neatera, and wall aoard lor bathroom, kitchen or utillte Keller. .i,.. .... ..IWw 1 P"EL DOORS " 5'1' ,nd P"" entranc. doori baeina Check our price,, c. o. Loni Phono l-MJl. i mU, . Kelaer. mailt CLOSI-OI'T, Pirood Cenin. Til. to r-alt" o "0M "1" ew BHIPMEWT piaat board. S" lUei II 71 " R0Ck toUl -' UONTOOUEItT WAJtD auai USED na txooEiNo. Ph. ma or mailt RE-ROOP NOW One, two or three year, to Tree eitim.t. nhu. pa;. Pea WESTERN AUTO OPPLt CO. mailt r.l MA -1 oca ALDunrmi t.. 9HINOLK. Tha modern permanent roof" Ina. (ea lour dealer or dm. Call I-tioi. mailt """, ul1 anriAl. Hardwood Ploor. ..... K.k. .na ,um in a variety of allea 'rou","." i!'S 1 " court t, 8il,m. , "?D..C!!DAE "unci'- No 1. nu Na" Broa, Rt, 1. Boi in. pn. lira. MED LUMBER. Rt. ,. B011T ... center St. to Prultalnd church, to ml N. alll SAVE ON Dtvtmin Let Ward. ci,a .. , ... STALLED price on your rooflni needal wd 'ana, of color. Call our auuide .,., ,h ire. aitlmata Phona UONTOOUERT WARD at OO BALEU. OR SOON ma BARDWOOD FLOORING, now .nly Imm" Brow .Xi at Ketth Pront at Court. Salem, matr ALUMTNTTU ervtwyn" I ft width Is tha louoalruj laaethat ' II .It .; JJ "o ir , Aat about Installation aeryice UONTOOMERT WARD a, Ctt ALEM. OREOON AR GAIN In Latch SeU. 88e up. Keith drown, j-Tont. Court streets, Salem. ms tf NURSERY STOCK :THSIAS FOR aim ia7l y a w.Tw.r' MRS. P. E. WARD. 4380 CHERRY svst ...... mbno FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS NO. 10 aalvaniced net s fnr rh.PfiA. ... .I.. .... VJ "'"o moon loo top pine Udder and aome gtep ladder For ale cheap. Ph. 3-1388. nllf TAPPAN GAS Range, 4 burnera and averi. In good condition. No phone call. At 0j4 Summer St. nllO HjATINIM WeddlngRing. 10 dtamond' Excl. condition. 1100 00. Ph. 33478 after alio ni MRING fixtures. Cheap. Jwd. jansri NjComl Bll. GOOD BRAA8 heada for underground ejeivm. sC lath. JlMUan'i 379 Coml. B119 FOR SALE MISCELLANAEOUS . nui srnnt DS of furniture, lncliidin Mr. and Mrs. bleached 3 piece bd rm ulie 4-piece walnut bed rm. suite 3 modern d.nette seta, leather wing bark rocker. Bendtx washer Mm mi.. model electric rang. New Mission Wa ter Heater. 3 piece Monterey 1m in rm . tulte, dateno. radio phono, occasional ehalr walnut chest, maple dresser chirfonier. 3 older wool ruts, wntlna desk, 3 vacuum cleaners. Many other Hems representing around 13.000 00 new. All sells at Auction tonlaht, 3 pm Olenwood Ball Room. 100 yds. north of the Chemawa Pour Corners. Olen Wood ry, auctioneer. Pay cash tr sell for D. but SI. Service Sta. white uniform." Slreg u:2' ln- ai it FRFAAt BE Cooker. Parts for an popular make Montgomery Ward 8-rle Dept bx Farm Store. Trade and High Su . , a 133 (Continued on Pagt 19) A'