8- E to las Sc! an' an Ho Mi Sa Ki sit nil tw ou in or pa in In w ea 111 re bl di y w S tr 18 Capital Journal, Salem, Peddler of Dreams By PEGGY DERN (CHAPTER 12) " A lew days after Thanksgiving, M& Green's Trailer Camp had a urpri&e visitor. It was Susan Fiem- ing. iT Felicity was busy oivlna the trall- ; tr a thorough cleaning. "1 would bt!" slie wailed hollowiy to hersell t as Susan stood on the bottom step 3 looking at her curiously. I "Forgive me lor dropping in like I this. Bu I knew you hadn't come I to the beach and well, I wanted you too. bo I came over to Invite t you especially." ? "That's awfully nice of you, said I Felicity, and fel. a little less un i omiortable, because ol Susan's mat- -ter-of-lact manner. "Eftit we ve i toxm da place up nurth ot Jupiter J that's not private, and nobody j seems to mind our using iU " i Susan's face flushed a little, and --ahe said swiftly "But you mustn't let the children go swimming Just anywhere along the coast, mere are daces that are unsafe. My beach i Is always patrolled and the two new oooy guards I ve nirea ior me oaoy are excellent swimmers and ex-life- guards. lhe children must learn J fc swim, and since Lanny is a bit a V young to keep them busy m why don't you let them teach your youngsters?" "Thank you, but I couldn't think of being such a bother" J Susan put out a beautifully kept i band, on one finger of which a star, k t&pphlre caught the sunshine and held it prisoned. "Don't be stuffy,'' she coaxed gently. "I know my , butler was Insolent that day, and I I'm terribly sorry but that exqui a site child of yours who walked I away with my baby seemed a very Mnteresting person, and I'm anxious to know the rest of you. Please come over tomorrow afternoon and we'll have a picnic on the beach -please?" "But you must be awfulh busy" Susan was slightly amused. "I'm a lonely, bored, restless crea ture, and it would be an act ol Christian charity, no less, if you would bring the children and that very nice young man of yours and come over tomorrow after noon! Now. be a good child and say you will." Felicity coud think of no more objections and, to her own surprise. found she really didn't want to oner any more. She yielded as gracefully as she could. Susan smiled and took herself off. Garrett came over, his hair tous led, his shirt collar open at the throat, straight from his morning's work. "That looked like Susan Flem ing,' he said as he lounged in the doorway and studied Felicity. "It was none other," she assured him. "Come to Invite us all to a Elcnic or her private beach beside er private ocean tomorrow after noon. She wants her son's body guard to teach the children how to swim." "Does she, now?" Garrett was unused, Impressed. "And you're invited, too," Felic ity said, and told herself privately the was a fool to feel a very small tingle of Jealousy at the memory of the way Susan had said "that wry nice young man of yours." Oarrett looked startled. "Well, why on earth should she want me? I can swim by myself," he protested. "I wouldn't know, only she In Tlted you especially," said Felicity firmly. "Of course. I didn't tell her definitely you'd come. I could tell her you were working" "Perish the thought." protested Oarrett piously and promptly. "I wouldn't miss It for the world. A chance to see how the other hair lives only the Fleming set wouldn't be half, would It. There can't be more than half a dozen women In the world with as much money as Susan Fleming has." Felicity nodded and looked rave. "Somehow, It doesn't look like such an awful lot of fun, though having that much money does K?" She spoke straight from her heart. Oarrtt looked down at her, musement and affection nicely mingled In his eyes. "You're going to make . some ?Xy K-Vr I - X-oJi .'1. ' TUCVIWBTUITlcrinv.l.ucH I llTjFy 6AV TMAT 1 ! -CPTM IVtfW.VIL.. -. -TTA) HV ' iW .....m...?! COME THTOUiSM THERE WITH HIS NI6HTS VHEN THE MOON S FULL. f, lmKGTr iT0 Sil i JfrJIr FOLKS ANO LINSTOCK. LATEUTUEV THE OLD PIONEEB 60ES THRDU6H SO, BSANP, WE 6ET ALL THESE ( Vk.-V.'lClA . til lrr R P?2JZ?6nfJ2?F WAS ALL FOUNP PEAP.-FaKt.HOBSES, THEREWITH HIS WA60N, ANP ANV PEOPLE THINKIN6 THEV'CE 60INS V SkE A FEW AV.jTiW VTA V Y. Z ...ES?,"'VS0N W A CATTLE, EVEN A POSAHQA ' CATTLE OR LIVESTOCK AROUNO TD BS IN AN EPIC MOVIE. THEY'LL VaSTKTS ff JJ 'A ! i 73 U TMAT CANWNIw,, cat -ALL PEAP. WITHOUT A THERE ON THOSE MIGHTS ARE ALWAV5 BE 6A-6A. ANDCX.S TRIPS OUT Jk661 'tT5 1 ; j 1 '' 'T COLCTO - - PATTFRN N.. RIM1 A h ' "tL TV t run-ln-lh.-iiuii Blurt mWn L yv. -rQ i'V (l 3 M fJV l"- Qjl KggKwTT; I I 04 fa'lj W b Ulf bfU of th bmrh. Eu- .--. - stBzfC! J.--! I l , u lW. L 1 1 lo-ww mutrllt top nd ihoru rt D yt7 VJ-fi ciSSfl 'A W 1 JK-! T iy iAO3 Tlcrw trlmmwl to mutch th, iv n -r3" -.-' cT Cf PILr- l tfX jV SJe, 1 . V 4? CVJT '. lflv ' prmmnt nktrt. B cool, comlorublf i ,i -.Z.fl fYlf V IMl r K-N, TTl I I Vi- e.fl'i K i - IJi "! well drnwed In UiU inrt In- C Y CVT It! " j n 1 i . V rA I' O a4ln 1 ' Pnnlve m outfit. &.ltrTJi Jt- K J. LJ I if wrflliy Pttrn Envelop No. RJMt con- jifiA.' 'TPTtr- X I " J I i ; ' I ' ' '' ,MU Poticrn for tiift 14 V"T".",T,'- T i W-! -li V. ' ' I r '. 14 nd 18 In'11"'"': complete dl- I " I I ' ---1 liv-m v-t- I 7V . WWA '' VU ; rcclloia for muklnit. matrrlnl re- t i ii i . fcrV'l.'l "'fcTL , J . qulrmifnt nd tlllLhln dlrwllom ?Et YOU A. Bvt pARUN'..' PHONE 1 NOW.AIINTMARV.If NrITHf 1 A WON A4 1 f INI5H T..wf I MYCHILD.THt PERSON WHO r I ,.0BiU - Ho ootmn Ull purn irnd JOc tvf NIN6 JM lvtRy i0 lU 1 YOU'LL TAKE THt MOORINS V RRlCKl ' A CANVAWNC. THIS ' AHT YOU f'T M'D. "TWOS COMPANY, I I O . '" In COINS. Ktvtni pattern number WET.' yKN0W I'M NOT JLbT .0 WPE ANO PULL ME DOWN VTUB NEIGHBORHOOD f0 uERt'A THREE'S ACR0W0,"WA5TALH- 1 I . . jr,f JO1". nim ,i',r"n ",,m- u 7 CREAMING!-.-THAT TO EARTH, WE'LL TALU PtANS!?-5- THE BOND DRIVE I'M " L IN6 ABOUT A HONEYMOON . L,m WJ uu-SSiL? S ' if"" lJ I MUCH PAINFUL 1 DO YOU WANT TH E E AST 7 MOVING! T C0TTA6E.'AND1D RATHER lll,llirU JrOtl ' ?ico cliU SL Hi V "AM PINCHING A "0OM OR .THE NORTH ? -TW'W- 1v-ATAA BE A WELCOME CALLER THAN R lfAa MYttLtl LINK AND IABE Oregon, Tuesday, May 17, 1949 lucky man a very swell wife some Aav ifha mv oil " h jumrf'ri her Suddenly he didn't feel amused any more. The thought of Felicity as another man's wife wasn't amusing at all. He definitely didn't like it "I'm never aoinjr to marry." Fe licity said, without meeting his eyca, "What never?" She looked up at him steadily and ner sort mourn was grave. How can I" she asked levelly "With the youngsters to look aft er'' Garrett definitely didn't like that either. 'Oh. now see here, Fliss, you can't go on sacrificing yourself for me cnnoren an your me. you a make a perfectly swell wife and mother. A girl like you should get married " he heard himself pro testing sharply. "He'd have to be a pretty swell man to want to take over the chil dren along with me. And unless he was willing, I wouldn't marry him so you see? Garrett stared at her, frowning. obscurely angry, yet not quite sure just wnai attitude ne snouid taxe to reveal to her the way he felt. Felicity ended the moment by saying swiftly, "You'd better run along now, Garry, and get your heroine out of the clutches of the villain. I've got a lot of work to do before the children come home to lunch." And Oarrett. feeling as though he had been saved from some very loousn step, yet not at all sure that he wanted to be saved, took himself off. (To Be Continued) One Sided S tor r This breeze- .sleeved dress features buttoning across both shoulders and all the way down the left sideline smart detailing that makes the style so easy to iron I No. 2976 is cut in sizes 10, 13, 14. 10. 18. 30. 38. 38. and 40. Size 16 4 yds. 33-ln. Send 35c for PATTER N with Name. Address, and Style Number Start Size desired. The SUMMER FASHION BOOK Is Just off the press, presenting the best In Bummer fashions, all de signed with the simplicity that spells good style and easy sewing, and with special attention to the use of cottons. Over 160 pattern designs for all ages and occasions. Send now for your copy, price Just 30 cents. Address Pattern Depart ment, Capital Journal, 552 Mission Street, San Francisco 5, Calif. 29761 Wtif sizes io . bJJ& 5TOOp" MRS. SCMvrrnA tr 1 T SORPV TO DtSTU&B A TELL ME WHAT fM AFRAID fTU.BE A B)6 1 pSEET'v COME frUStDE, c -!HHA- DO NOT V VOUCOLWTE55! LEFT J IT IS " I'LL HAVE jA(?MLOADAND 1 MtGHT EjJsiW PLEASE NEED TO" Jagtr SOMETHING AT THE A SERVANT WING HAVE TO HUNT FOP IT Ttf VVj ?C7Tm' T PcvryiTrYSlI party w-flV tTTovourT-You see it's a guy LwQ 1 1 134 Ejt4 tfl , rafm - r? )tAMCP 5TEVe nowt If) y I J I . taW m w-: fiiKFo sfflJEL O 'wiiNPWMx? BSr'IiwT" r""" ' PUNJAB? WHO'S I SMELL UK I USED TO f MAGIC WHISTU5 ( A HOLE TO CRflWL Akllti PUNJAB? KNOW-BUT NOTHN LIKE SAME S WE IN UP ABOVE I iFflTrjlllL'lv ' jjj 1 AND NOW THAT I I "THAT WILL BE CINE, f JEST WUEM I LEAKM 'WroRSET-ME-NOTSJlT.LTAKE VTST I TM SETTLED I ROSI6 SIRI I'LL BE TUERE I TO MAKE LITTLE KKIOTS, I ARE TUB r?TU' R4NSIESi IKl MV NEW HOME V AT SlX-TWIRTY lB16 KNOTS HAFTA LANGUAGE PORGET-ME-NOTSISN t r. AtJLWCEVOUTOHAVE PV BE &TVL1SM! VMS-fiEifTOO SUGGESTIVE I DINNER WITH ME p-i TV N- '1 XciTtttrK AND, ROSE AND ME DAISV MAE.'.'- ) y-fraiS 1 N( WMUT ) - WHO-Mt ? VI HATCHRl-BUT, VO' '-XjEST A DRAP.C- AH ISOUTAMAH ( NEVEROJTA )S IS S I WHUT DOES h HAWT ACTIN' LIKE VOC?Ei rrr1 AH ISTH' MIND-SO AH fe0 ) HAH MIND.'.' J VO' 7S VO' THINK Jz MORDERIN' VUrfT-IO' A. 'f COUSIN OF TH' i WANTS T r-fAM'Ll. MARRY 6ETTIN' V AH IS-A IS ACT! N' 7 KIN IT ( ORIGINAL OOHNNV I MARRY MO'.r ) .SO'.r ) THAR.F0T? 7 COLO-RLOOOtD CONTRARhWItf.? T v BE-MO SS TOKUMSEED-NME I 1 r" S, - ( euonT S kiu-ea ? . C ( got vokum ) ( times removed! 'l'' WHERE WERE K OH. I WENT V00 WHAT? Don't HAND X THIS N whAt'RE VOU ) lyV""" P"1 M YOOTONI6HT' TOTHECIRCOS ME A VARN LIKE THAT- ONEDIDl f FoR, ) U J , , f U M y AND THEN I A LEADING LADY OF NOT ONLY VLOOK,N F0R' fl AH THFPE U ITT TOOK TK6 THE CIRCUS WOULDN'T I THAT BUT r7 THE LEADING VJ - J&il M x I LEADING LADy 6 UT WITH A -V I CAM T V irvVI 1?' SHE ,S- J 1 f"-SJ -iL-ifcaJ!?' TMC VAgu IC TlllfT A IrcMr. I ITWPY CAV THAT NOW nM -CPT-AIN 1 -A.mi..V TMSeA.Z RADIO PROGRAMS TUESOAT- 'KGW kS IKSLM IJH M FallM Ltwlf Jr. Wa' tcr S1mf J Brb SbHaw t ;U Prank RtMlRiwir flvany Sltfa Khyltaa Rink Utttt Sh f iSO rawlBC Jsra N'twi Blag Craihy Clafe IK w m Newt Gcont M rd Sport ff Edwr4 Mar raw 6 Kir kit ht Arr " Muslral CackUtl Cnd!llht"tB4 Knti Maaaiac ... Ktraiabl Arrow Muitcal Cacktall Silvat Bralah :M Ct. Mldnlfbl Alan Vaam Shaw Nawi Chat Xaailay iw Tan Mfi Alaa You&f Show Iiaak Wallaa Nawa 5 Gabriel Heatter Bob HtH Eddla Daehta MadlUtlaa TtaM " ... Norlbwcal Ntwa Bok Hsaa tddit LMar Bab Taaaa Iba Llltta Shaw Flbbar McOat Bate ball Ktrlba It Blah ;W LIU la Shaw flbbar Mr Ge Bandit and Slrlka It Blah -m, Mrdlriaa Drama Rallywaad Thaatra Daisat Doaa Hit tba Jaafeaat fl j. Mtiii Holljrwaad Thaatra Baaafaall Hit tba Jaakawt ff jM Cbtabala Trail Paaala Ara Fnaa Baicball Paat tba Baafe : .u Cblihalai TraU Paapta Ara Fa pay BaaabaU Faat tba Baafc 0 Mania Criata C,"fc Baaaball LawaU Tbataaa 1 MU Cl B"bU J"k"Wh ktZ :M Favarila Starr Th,B ta T"r Uft Baaaball H. Z Fara'lta Iarr Tbla la Taar Ufa Baaaball Mr. Mra. Kartfc ; mTi Favarita Starr . , Bb" 1 Ifl I Nawa Saarta Pact Flaal sw Baanda Mratarr Tbaaira H!:U s,U,t Lacal New. f-" C.ba C.raw Nl.bt Bllf 1 - :U Mataal Nawaraal ' p Track 9 Sarawada aTM Offklal DHrTa Traah IW J Official Dataallra "" Ommmt Track UM " J ! I I II orcbaatra '",r Traek KM Orabaatra ttt Nawa trcbaalra Track UM N9W "H.aa sua Q Q 8Ua Off llllaat WEDNESDAY 6 A.M. TO 4;45 P.M. 6;M Hodta Padia Nawa .15 Hadaa Podia KOIM Blaak H New KOCO Ktock KOIN Klaak ;45 Uodfa Podia BOCO Black KOIN Klaak iio Nawa Farm Tlraa Taa RUtar KOIN Black :lD New Farm Tlrna Nawa Saortt Nawa SO Marcb Sim Tha Old Soma To O' Morula Nawi t4ft Nawa Nawa Ntwa Frad Baab P- loo Nawa Fr Waring Waatara Mclodfaa Coo i a mar ftawi )&. Braakfaat Oaac Frad Warlns Waatarn MHodtaa Art Babar jO Braakfaat Gang Rldara af ftaga Waatara Malodlai Robart Lawta : Top Tradea Sam Harai Charch In Wild Bobart Lawta 900 Barcalo Can a tar Second Cap Klng'a Craaadrra Vaeal Tarlatlaa I ., Victor Lladlabr Sacond Cap King's Craaadcra Nawa j0 Sana af Plonaara Jack Batch Maila Grand flam i5 Maala Nawa Maala Boaamarr .00 Nawa N T Bonarmoaa " Coffaa Cap Waady Warns 111 KmU ' N T Haaarmaan N.W. Baaart Aaat Jaaay 14 1 -SO ptar'a Call Tommr Doner Rhapaodv la Helea Trent 4 J M WUfl Walla Tlrna Tammy Peraey Bbynm Oar Gal Saaday Im Newa Tommy Daraay Glaaa Waa Big Slater " ,a Gaapal Slagera Tommy Dorter G, Was Parklas M Uaa Barb Today'a Chtldrea Glaaa Wti Yoang Dr. Malaaia :4B Walla Merc a a da Brighter Pay Glaaa Wag. Gaidlag Llrbt ftfl Ladtao Plrat Doable or Nothing Berybody'a Idea Featar Story ' B.16 Ladles Flrat Doable ar Nothing Oraaa Maads Coma At Get It I m ..jo Qaeea for a Day News ewa Vorab Drake 1 T -45 Qaeea far a Day Llaht af World Ted Dale Praaeata Makea Tea Tlek 1:00 Tap Trades Life Beaatlfal Hollywood Muale Cnd Mrs. Bartsa 16 Newa Ma Perkins Hollywood Muiie Perry Maaaa :J0 News Pepper Young All Ttroa Favorites Pat O'Brtea :4ft Bob Kberly Show Happlneaa All-tlma Fararltea Newapapar af Alt ?M Moalo Baektlare Wlft Rwda Off Shelf Hint Hani .18 Jobnioa Family Stella Dallas Bee or da off Shelf Hint Hunt 30 Tell Nelbgber Lorema Jones Records elf Shelf Winner Tskt All :tft Bins Slags Wldder Browii Records aff Shelf Newspaper af Air 4a tOS AralnU the Storm A Girl Marrl CIbbrIcs News .u Against tha Storm Portia Fares Ufa Classics Tanefnlly Taar J :S0 Muelc jut Plain BUI Day Dream Musle Meat tha Mliiaa ?a On Parade Front Page Farrell Day Dream Mmlc Meet tha Mlssas 4:00 Happy Gang Life Woman's Pag Arthar Godfrey Ift Happy Gang I" Law tea Friendly Arthar Gad fray SO Sanaa af Time Aunt Mary Spstllta Mails Arthar Gad fray :t5 Nawa We Lae A Learn SpoiHgfai an Arthar Godfrey DIAL LISTINGS: KEX. 1190: KOAC, 550 lfCY Tuesday P. M. ft:. Sa air ret AC A Caget ft:M. Sky King! 0:00. Keep ing ap With Sparta t :lft. Home Edition; f:W. Hap-along Caaeidrt Hasle Fea- tltali 7:S'l. Art Mooney Talent Touri :. Coanterapri S:S. Town Meeting) ;a. Monitor Newa; :45. Book Adventareat ia:0O, Richfield Reporter! I0:IS. Intermei-1 oi IA:U, Concert Hoars II :M, Mema to Tomorrow t lt:0t, Xtra Moart 1:M, Sign Off. LfCY Wednesday, A M. ta 4:tft P.M. ICA R:oa, Early Blrdt 0:41. Farm Newa; 1:00, McCall Newsi 1:18. Time Tem po t T'SO, Robert's Atmanart 7:15, Time Tempesi S:0O, Mrt and Marget S:IA, Mar tin Asronakyt 0:30, F.aiv Aceai :4B, Zeke Manners: ft:O0. Breakfast Clabt llt:tM, Mildred Bedel ti 10:10, Kar Kreer Kollerai ll:Wi, Ted Malonet 11:15. Galen Drake i 11:30. My True Story i 12.00, Betty Crock er t It:Iff, News: lt:M, Bsukhaget lS:4ft. i Get More Out af l.lfet 1:00. Nnrlhwestar-j aeni 1:30, Kay Westi t:txi, Breakfast In I Visitors In Silverton Silverton Visiting relatives and friends over Sunday and at tending the convention Luther League musical programs dur ing the afternoon, were Mr. and ACROSS I. City In Tesaa ft. Danish island S. Nimbus 12. Biblical Judge 13. Cereal 14. Genua of tha ma plea It. C it ton tn advance 17. Scrutinlte 15. Half scora 19. Corpulent It. Befora 22. To tha Rood S3. Pernl 26, Footlefta animal 15. Blracb. 37. Brink 38. Snatch 39. Dad 40. Till ot Mohammad 45. Work hard 46. Enprinr'a ahltr 41. Animal's ntrh hRir SO. Kardwara f2. Grandparent! 63. Novel hi. Vice 65. Steer In a wheal 66. Aeriform fluid 67. Dlnitla SS. Malta resentful 32. Equality 33. Anoint 14. Indt vidua.' DOWN 1. Threads that cross tha warp $ $ r- n :7 s zi, b7 28 N ' 3 p -,V-;. 55 iSi Lii! 5j ::v " :Sw ROOM AND BOARD WHY YES, UNCLfi vkxTOanS, I'll, haS th6 transfeu. COV.ftW FETCH MXH. TRUNK F SOW THE DEPOT - YES - tiM A - WAA -TWERES JU5T OKE THING, THOUSH . 1 I n JU5T ONE THING, v . - I "-W WHY SURE; THE) P.M. KOCO 'K0IN P.M 0:00 Oa tba Oa- beati S:M Sparta Clabt 0:00. Tba Newat 0:15, Graea Be r gar at tba KOAO Orgaat 0:30. Baaad tha Campflr! 1:19, Paras Hear; S:0O, Errand af Marari 8:1a, I'nlT. af Oregon Sympaefam: S:U, Newst 0:O0 Cam pas Beadltnes; 0:M, Masts That Endures i 0:43, Evening Madltattaui 10:00, Sign Off. lrA( Wed. A M 10. Newai 10:10, vMV Ksperlslly for ffamea; 11:00, Concert Halh 12:80. Newat IC:1K, Farm riety Tlmei !:Stfl, Melody Ui S:00, Ka peelally for Women: t:Sn, Memory Book af Maftle t t : 15, Oregon School af tba Alrt S:00, Newa. Hollyywoodt t:M, Talk Toar Way Oat af III 3:00, Surprise Package) 1:10, Brfda and Groom t 4:00, Welcome Trarelersr 4:W( Art Llnklelter. Mrs. Walter Larson of Salem and Ben Funrue of Portland with the families of brothers and lis ters, Mrs. Edwin Overlund, Mrs. C. J. Towe, Severt Funrue, and the Helek Funnies. SL I E E H A N K E RBE C A R T E OiRlElT MiE, Solution of Yooterday't Puxito 1. Tentury plant S. Pood atapis 4. Unitv I. Asiatic natira . Strlnirad tnstrumant 9. Showtnf rood Judicmant t. Owns 9. Emphastiad 10. Shaksspaarau king 11. Departmsnt In Francs II. Was TlctoriouO Ureal Laka 22. Small Bab 24. By 26. Anthropoid animal 29. JMroka s;snU 27. rrlstlno Is. Oltlng powar ta 29. Convanad 30. Inclta 1U ilottlad ap pearanea ! mahofasy SS. Alack 14. Conjunct loO) 17. Babvlonlaa Kod 19. Writs 40. OrlantOi ftmrM 41. Hatha 41. Surf a CO 44. ftwsara 46. Orotto 46. iaad eoTorllig 47. Amarlcan Inrantor 41. Traa II. Uarrr By Gn Ahrn WOULD lOJ FIND IT INCOHVSJKWMTI IF nr WERE KEPT IN THE 6ARASSf J "OUH HALL JWRWW COINS t3 TO THE UPPER. FLOOR MAS N SEEN WEAKENED BY TERVJTI5, S;P;AlB;ARCjNRjOL 1 11 1 1 5L E jjKjic'A'MllP RTjClpI N;e,p vtto MjE NjgEJa D E D'iiS2iCjastUJ LffiSa l t t rBa e a k I V THE TRUNK MIGHT AH tM- S I