Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 16, 1949, Page 5, Image 5

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    Local Paragraphs
Wreck Ciiihi Injury Clar
ence DeGeer, Brooks Rt. 1, was
hospitalized Saturday night af
ter hii automobile and one
driven by Arme Laymond Doc
kini, 2395 N. Front, collided
just north of the Cherry ave
nue junction on the North Ri
ver road. He wai taken to the
Salem General by first aid am
bulance but is not seriously in
jured, complaining of a neck
Trapper Hill Jackpot Victor
Howard, government trapper of
Silverton, really hit the jackpot
recently when he caught a fe
male fox and 13 kittens in two
dens in the St. Paul district. He
found eight pairs of turkey legs,
the carcass of a small lamb and
numerous chicken and rabbit
bones In the dens.
Engineers Approved Among
the 62 applicants taking an ex
amination in Portland recently
and approved by the state board
of engineering examiners Sat
urday were John D. Martin.
Normal L. Paulson and Douglas
C. White, all of Salem; Donald
R. Short, Albany; Delbert E.
Collinson, Lebanon and Harry
D. Young, Rickreall. Vernon W
Hosford, Independence, was
granted a certificate to practice
professional land surveying.
Bennett on' Summer Staff
Frank B. Bennett, superintend
ent of Salem schools, will be on
the summer teaching staff at the
University of Oregon. It will be
the 45th annual summer session
of the university. It is organ
ized this year as a single eight-
weeks session instead oi tne two
aession term ordinarily held.
Registration Is slated on June 21
with classes starting June 22.
The session ends August 12.
S.P.S. Appointments J. C.
Moore, traffic manager, Spo
kane, Portland and Seattle Rail
way Company System lines, an
nounces the appointment of W.
Z. Myers to the position of gen
eral agent, Oregon Electric
Railway company, headquarters
Enron Ore., effective May 16.
1949, and the appointment of
J. H. Taylor to the position oi
traveling freight and passenger
agent, which position has here
tofore been held by Myers.
Five Will Graduate Mrs.
Acnes Booth, county school su
perintendent, will speak at
graduation exercises May 26 for
the five members of the eighth
grade graduating c 1 a I s at
North Howell. Receiving diplo
mas will be Verna Pickens,
Anna Moses, Edna Stephens.
Stanley Howe and Arnold
jt-. Us i a
USWV at VFW hall at I p.m., so
cial meeting.
Capital post No. . American Le
gion, at American Legion hall.
Organized Marina Corps Reserve
unit, at the Naval and Marine Corps
Training Center.
Headquarters provisional Infantry
battalion of 635th organized army
reserve composite group at Army
Iteservo ouuiincu uuut.
termasters, .Army Reserves, at Army
Reserve quonset. nui.
Companies B and G, 162nd Infan
try regiment, and headquarters de-
t.'.h,i rt-umn National Guard
Pioneer post No. 149. American
Legion, at American Legion neii.
Volunteer Naval Air Reserve unit
at Naval and Marine Corps Reserve
Training Center.
Klnkwood post No. 11, American
Legion at KlngWOOO American uc
glon hall at West Salem.
, , 1 . oIiIm
Ami nuiiniiB
Seaman Richard Lee Arnt of Sil
verton 1 one of those navy men
, -. j . Mnrfnllr Va MV
iaiu ia "v . '
24. after a tlvt-month cruise In the
Mediterranean aooara uie aentrujci
uss wearing.
Company Inspected
Woodburn Col. William E. Orif
fin Inspector general for the sixth
Army oenducted the annual federal
inspection of the Woodburn heavy
tank company at the local armory
May 9. Other officers present were
Col Ted Haakensen, executive of
ficer for the regular array instruc
tion group In Oregon; Col. Bryan
8. Halter, regimental instructor;
Col Frederick Weigand. command
ing' officer of the 186th Infantry
regiment; Col. Hosh. executive of
ficer of the regiment; Maj. Gra
ham Chandler, regimental adjutant;
- M Sgt. Vehrs and and MSgt.
White, enlisted assistant to the In
atructor group, and Col. Seth Qettya.
Jr., enlisted assistant to Col. Haak
ensejL BORN
The Capital Journal Well-tint
lh. Fnllnwlni; Xew CHIens:
POWERS TB Mr. and Mrs. Bnliert J
pnwira. Rt. 1. at tht Sslem Oeneral Ho
vital, a bog. Hit 1-
TUMBL1TY-Te Mr Bnd '
Trurablev, Ite a. 2h, at tn. Balem hospital, a bor. Mar II.
ert Van Cltavi. at. "a aaltai Oan
ral hospital, a Boy. Mar IS
aWlQART Ta Mr. In
Svrisgrt m. I. it Uu Oeneral
hospital, a bor. May II.
XANSLCT-TO Or. ano Mrs Mll'on
Kanaler. S K. Kin. at Uv Sslem Oen
Br.l hoapltal, a lirl, May It.
!tro Breunbereer. 112 Rosemont. at ina
lil-m Oaneral hoapltal. a llrl. Mar II.
HILLER T Mr. and Mra. Wendell H,t
lar MIU City, at the Salem Oeneral bar
bital. tlrl. May II.
aro OrabenhBrat. 110 X. winter, at tha SB
lam General hoapltal. a tlrl. May II.
HAntnORN To Mr. and Vs. Weal
Rairdorn. 1111 Crnaa. tt tut Balem 0n
aval Hun'til a .irl Mar 11
MtTHIRS To Mr. and Mr !!
Smlther.. ml Norway, at tha Salfm 0n
tral hneoltsl. a. tlrl. May II.
UrPADDEN -To Mr. and Mra Pstrlrg
frrgdtien. 23M Mania, tt tha Salam Oen
ant hnltat, t tlrl. M 1
WARRFTX To Mr. and Mrt. Oat'
WlrrHI. 7M A'adfmy, Davaj. tha B.
Dm onerai aoipiua. a boy. Mar it.
Central Club to Meet Cen
tral Townsend club No. ( will
meet Monday night at 259 Court
street, says an announcement
by the secretary.
Hands Injured Three persons
were given first aid Saturday
for injuries to their hands.
James Rodewald, 310 Bellevue.
cut a hand on a broken fluor
escent light bulb. George Ryan
of Grants Pass was tinkering
with his car when the hood fell
on a hand and cut it severely.
Peter Higgms, 343 Hood street,
was working on his car when he
cut two fingers that required
Meter Tamperer Arretted
Francis B. Schlageter, 510 N,
24th posted $25 bail police rec
ords showed Monday following
his arrest for tampering with a
parking meter.
Extradition Hearings Extra
dition hearings were set for May
27 Monday in district court for
two men charged separately
with non-support of dependents
in California. Bail for Thomas
S. Reese, Rt. 8, was reduced to
$250 while Walter E. Counts,
Silverton, was released on his
own recognizance.
To Meet Thursday The Sa
lem Rose society is to meet
Thursday at 8 p.m. in the Salem
YMCA. A. L. Lindbeck will
preside. Dr. Henry Hartman
of Oregon State college is to
talk to the group on "Growing
and Showing Exhibition Roses."
J. A. Milbrath, professor of
plant pathology, OSC, president
of the Men's Garden club at
Corvallis, is to show slides and
talk on "Sprays, Dusts and Im
plements for Their Use." The
fourth annual rose show of the
society is dated for June 4 and
Stamp Collectors Meet About
80 stamp collectors gathered at
an informal meeting at the Sa
lem YMCA Sunday to do some
trading and studying of each
other's collections. The session
was sponsored by the Salem
Stamp club.
Trucking Firm Quits Notice
of retirement from the E and F
Trucking company has been fil
ed with the county clerk by
Hugh P. Evans. '
Gravel Company Files As
sumed business name for Jung
wirth Sand & Gravel company,
to be operated by Clarence.
Francis and John Jungwirth,
has been filed with the county
clerk. The three Jungwirths
list their address as Box 129,
Lyoni, Ore.
Clock Mutinies There was
mutiny Monday in at least one
of Marion county' courts. The
timepiece of Judge Joseph Fel
ton's district court was merrily
ticking off daylight saving time
despite ' announcements from
county authorities that standard
time would be observed bv
county offices. Judge Felton.
however, was loyal to the edict.
His watch and his court were on
standard time.
Unit Offers Dinner A broiled
dinner demonstration will be
given during an all-day meeting
of the Clear Lake home exten
sion Friday at the home of Mrs.
Floyd Herrold, Rt. 2, box 207
The meeting is scheduled to be
gin at 10:30. Conducting the
cooking demonstration will be
Mrs. Arthur Sorensen, Mrs. Na
omi Massee and Mrs. Jack R
Murder Note Police and pos
tal authorities were puzzled
Monday by an anonymous note
found written on a postal money
order blank in the Salem post
office. The note read; "In case
anyone finds this, I killed a man
and am going to kill myself you
can give this to police." Below
the terse message was the name
"Skipper M." and beneath that
was the notation "killed B66. T.
V. Cample."
Air-steamship tickets, Kugel,
735 North Capitol. Ph. 3-7694.
Tri-Y Girl rummage sale Tue.,
May 17th, 9 a.m., above Church
St. Radio & Appli. 357 Court.
Iris. 60 choice name varieties.
Come choose yours at 1330 Fair-
mount Avenue. 116
Clair and Margie Tucker now
at the Colonial House every nite
except Tues. Come out and join
the fun. 116
We want strawberries, mar
ket price In cash. Contact Jory
Packing Co., at Terminal Ice.
249 D street. Phone 3-4590.
Eola Acres Florist. Ph. 3-5730
Clearance sale of tires and
batteries. Woodrow's. 116'
Best Shatterproof auto glass
installed. Floor tanders for rent.
R. D. Woodrow, 450 Center St
We specialize in restoring
antique furniture. Lambert's,
ph. 37100. 116
Phone 22406 before ( p.m. If
you miss your Capital Journal. '
Federally Insured Savings
Current dividend See
FIRST rederal Savirgt FIRST
143 S. Libert. Pft. t-4944.
Elected by Clubs The six officers elected at the Oregon
Federation of Business and Professional Women's clubs in
convention here three days, ending Sunday, include these
women: Left to right, Mrs. Natalie Burns, Toledo, treasurer;
Mrs. Florence Barton. Coquille, first vice president; Mrs.
Charline Edwards of Philomath, member of the Corvallis club,
the new president; Mrs. Cecelia Galey, Sweet Home, second
vice president; Mrs. Gertrude Dennis, Dallas, recording sec
retary; Miss Nina Rebman, Corvallis, corresponding secretary.
Choice Specimens Shown at
Show by Men s
The display of blooms was not
as in former years, but the annual show of the Salem Men's Gar
den club held at the YMCA over the week-end did attract a num
ber of choice specimens.
This was particularly true in
Burglary Frustrated A burg
lary at the Marion Feed compa
ny in the 200 block on rerry
street was apparently frustrated
when a criminal was scared on,
a police report disclosed Mon
day. A patrolman found a piece
oi plywood used to replace a
window pane, had been pushed
out at the feed company bundl
ing. Sacks of feed stacked against
the window were pushed over on
the floor, but nothing was found
missing from the building.
Y's Men Meet District At
torney E. O. Stadter will speak
during Monday night's meeting
of the Salem Y s Men s club at
the YMCA. It is expected he
will discuss phases of county
operations. The club has been
sponsoring a series of discus
sions concerning civic, county
and state affairs.
Leave Salem General Leav
ing the Salem General hospital
over the week-end were Mrs.
Lloyd Barker and son, 2375 Lee;
Mrs. Donald Parnell and daugh
ter, Rt. ; Mrs. George W.
Nourse and son, 175 Hollywood
drive; Mrs. Newman Fee and
daughter, 221 N. 25th; Mrs.
Kenneth Barber and son. Turn
er, and Mrs. Arnold Finseth and
daughter, 225 E. Superior.
Shutting Off Water Because
of a necessary change in valves,
the West Salem water depart
ment is forced to shut off the
city supply between 2 and 4
o'clock Tuesday afternoon to
make the repairs.
Nails, Lumber Stolen C. H.
Seethoff, 1010 Oak, reported to
Salem police that a construction
shed located at 2050 S. Summer,
had been entered by thieves who
made off with a half keg of
nails and lumber valued at $20
to $25. The padlock ring on the
shed was cut through, apparent
ly by bolt cutters. The burglary
was similar to two recorded last
week by police when power car
penter tools were taken.
Boat Stolen R. M. Gatke, 280
Richmond, reported to Salem po
lice that a row boat, which had
been tied up in Mill creek be
hind his residence, had been
$25.00 reward for informa
tion leading to the conviction
of persons depositing garbage
on the highway. By the order
of the County Court. 11
Launderette, 1255 Ferry. 116
Furniture Refinishing
of Lee Broi. Phone No. is now
27001. We repair and remodel.
Special sale of pellet guns
for less than wholesale price.
Crossman 22 and 177 $11.03,
Kessler, $.9.V Todd's Camera
Clinic, 2037 Fairgrounds road.
Phone 35451. 116
For Sale: Beautiful Palomino
mart. Eexcellent paraa xyp
$185. Phone 31577.
Dance tonight. 259 Court. 115'
Dr. L. B. Warnlcker Dentist
is now associated with the Dr.
Painless Parker office. 125 N.
Liberty St., Salem. Ph. 38825
for gay kitchen curtains, we
havt yards and yards of per
manent finish organdy yardage
Large selection of designs and
colors and only 1 15 a yard. R.
L. Elfstrom Co.. 40 Court, 118
Road oiling call Tweedie
Ph 24151. Eve. 357(19. 117
Insured savings earn mora
than two percent at Salem Fed
era! Savings Association, SS0
Stata ftraat.
Garden Club
as large or as comprehensive
the iris department. The division
on arrangements for men
brought out several interesting
displays .
A display of calla lilies sur
rounded by a gold frame with a
black background won for the
Little Garden club of Salem
Heights in the club division.
Salem Garden club took sec
ond with red rhododendrons in
a bronze container while Friend
ly Neighbors placed third.
Walter Barkus placed first in
the arrangement division for
men. Mrs. Charles A. Cole was
first in individual arrangements
Mrs. L. E. Bates placed second
and Mrs. J. W. Douglas third
William McKinney was first
in the rose department.
Awartta wrra announced aa followa:
Annual and perennial: Cnlumbinca. one
color, 1. Mark Aatrup; 3. Rex petlcr:
Oeoree Ailing. Mixed colors:
lira. Ollle
Schendel; 2. J. If. Glum; 1. Mrs. U. C.
Blackman. Camellia, Walter Barkua; Can
terberry Bell. Huih Taylor: Bachelor But
ton. Huih Taylor; Delphinium, John Ou
deana, pinks, William McKinney; bleed
.na heart, Ollle Schendel; Oeumred, 1,
Mrs. O. A. Sprout; 2, Jane Colian; 3, J.
M. OlaAs. Yellow, Ollia Schendel; 3, J. M.
Ola. Coral Bell, 1. C C. Doan; 2. J. M.
Olass; 1. Mrs. J. W. Doutlas. Candytuft.
3 W. OouBlas. Lupin, 1 Mary Farnot; 2,
K. Warlnt. Forget me not. Rex Peffer.
Panslea, 1. J. W. Doualas and Mra. O. A.
Sprong; 3. J. M. Otasi; 3, Mrs. Our Halt.
Poppy. Mra. Ben RathJen and Charles A.
Cole; t, Httah Taylor; . Mr. C. A. KM la.
Peonr, 1, Ollle Schendel and Huih Tay
lor; 2. Ollle Schendel; t. Mra. J. W. Doug
las. PrimroMA. Mrs. J. W. Douglas. Paint
ed Daisy. 1, OHM Schendel; 3, 4. M. Olass;
3, Brenda Olass.
Roses' Hybrid toes- white. Mrs. Howard
Hunsker: yellow. K. C. Doan; 3, Karl
Benbow: f. William McKinney. Pink, 1,
Ray Warren; 2. Hush Taylor: 3, Mike
Panek. Flame, 1, William McKlnnv; 2,
Mrs, PHamarlce; 2, Hugh Taylor. Red, 1,
Ray Warren: 2. R. O. Brady; 3, Ray War
'n. Bycolora, t, I. C. Doan: 3, Ray War
ren: 3. A. L. Lindbeck. Sinile. Wm. Me
Kinney; 3, Ray Warren. Single. 3-atem,
Hueh Taylor. Polyanthus, spray of three,
Rex Peffer; as of six In one color. Mra.
Howard Huruaker; vase of six. mlxd. Mrs.
Mike Panek: vase of twelve. Ray Warren.
Sped Rosea, Earl Benbow Moss roses,
R. O. Brady. Climbers. 1, Hugh Taylor;
2 Ovorte Ailing, I, Mra. Howard Hun
aaker. Wild flowers, three steins. 1, Mrs.
Charles A Cole: 3. Waller Barkua: 2.
Charles A. Cole. Wild flowers, three spraya.
1. Charles A. Oole; 2, Mra. Charles A.
Bulbs and allied planta: day-UUy, 1,
Ollle Schendel: 3, Oeorge Ailing; 3. J.
H. Olass. Iris, pink. Ollle Schendel. Whit.
I, Oeorge Ailing; 2. Mra. Ollle Schendel;
3, Lewis Judson. Lavender and blue, 1,
Witter Barkus, 2, Ollle Schendel: 2. O.
A. Kelts. Blends. 1. Lewis Judson; 2, Ollle
Schendel. Tellow, Lewis Judson; 2, Mrs.
C. A. Kflls. Rd. I. Waring. Othera, 1,
Lew u ludnon: 3. Mrs. M. C. Blackman.
Narcissus. Ollle Schendel; Tulips. Ray
Varren Dutch Iris, Ollle Schendel, Wal
ter Barkua.
Flowering trees and ahruba: Axalla. Wal
ter Barkus. Rhododendron. Huih Tavior.
Shrubs, 1 A. L. Lindbeck; 3, Charles A.
role; 3. Hugh Taylor.
Potted plants: Fuchsias, 1, M. Mor
ris; 3, Rex Peffer. Oeranium, 1, L. J. M
Olau: 3, Max Morris.
Potted Rhododendron, Rei Peffer; Af
rlcen Violet K Waring. Othera, Rex
Petfer. Max Morris. Foltase Plants, 1, K,
Waring; 2. Max Morris; 3. Rosemary
Sprong. Cactus. Mra. J. W. Douglas.
Specimen Potted plants tn bloom: 1.
Chanes A. Cole; 3. Max Morris.
Banquet Held Members of
the Salem chapter of the Oregon
Association for the Deaf held
their annual banquet at Nohl-
gren'a Saturday night with 44
persons in attendance, most of
them former students at the
Oregon State School for the
Deaf. Following the dinner a
program was presented with
George Hill acting as toastmas
ter. Supt. M. J. Clatterbuck, au
perintendent of the deaf school,
reported to the group that the
new building as the school is
now in service. Mrs. Thomas Ul
mer headed the committee ar
ranging the banquet.
Ducks Stolen The theft of
three ducks, minus their feath
ers and Innards, was reported
to the county sheriff's office
Sunday by Mrs. A. J. Fleming.
Salem Route 2, Box 29. She said
she returned from a ten-day trip
and discovered a pile of feath
ers and innards in her back
lawn, where she had kept three
Jake Bird Loses Again
Washington, May IS MTV-The
supreme court today refused for
the second time to review the
trial of Jake Bird, Tacoma,
Wash., Negro condemned to
hang for the axa-slayinf of Mrs.
Bertha KludL
Circuit Court
v Mat Kiwi'er v Eirl 1Rt r'awver.
complaint for divorce Plaintiff anlLi
toralion of ma ldm nimi, thartM cruel
and Inhuman treatment..
Claud W Jertertxpn vi Plnnr Trtutt
:ompanr. motto.. Vo atrika certain por
;iona of complaint.
Adrten Pemberton va Louie Femtwrton
and Helen Pemberton, demurrer 10 com
plaint. Joaephln Cajte v Claude Cue, Jr., mo
tion to modify prevtou decree by ehanilnt
monthly pay menu lor xupport of mi
nor child front 140 to S30.
Prank Cluck va Leo McManaman, antwer
denlw alltMtatioiu resardlna auto-pedea-Irian
accident and ului that action be
dLsmlued and that defendant recover
from plaintiff hia cmli and dtaburae
menta Incurred In cm.
District Court
Charle W. II Ilea and othera vj Hate
flat) eommtaalon, application for an in
junction ault to prevent offleera
from enforcing Initiative act which would
rreclude tue of fixed fUhlntr appliance
on the Columbia river and lu tributaries.
W. K and Lora K. Gray va T. C. and
Margaret 1. MrKenner, complaint aeek
mi to cancel contract of dale of real
lata, restitution of the properly and 1280
on account oi aiieted lou of rentals.
Peter M. Koc.h ve Lara and Boynold C.
Meralatad, demurrer to complaint.
P. T. and Mary Olaxer va Roberat D.
Ltmpkln and othera. complaint for Juda
ment of ISA 000. Interest and for fore
closure w specified real property.
Raldo t. Ricks. Jr., va Prances Myrtle
Kicks, divorce decree to plaintiff award'
in i her custodv of a child to plaintiff and
an adapted child to defendant, property
areemeni approved.
Slate on relation of Katharine Pran
ces Wright vs Gilford Allan Wralht. or.
der directing certain payment! be made
under decree or in default defendant to be
brought before the oourt to be sentenced
tor contempt.
Claud. W. Jora.naaa va Truat
eompan? and olhara. motion, to alrlkc
part, of eomplalnt.
Poaaajulon of trout laaa than alx Inchca:
William F. Kamm.r.r. Portland, Robert
W. Kamratrar. Bfarrlhtirat. and L.O D
Main, Jr.. Orrton Citr, fined 125 and
coau, flanlng Bear conflacated.
AnallnB In a prohibited ares- Leona and
Millard Parton. Portland, each fined ,25
and eoita. fine .impended.
Hon aupport: Thome a. Reeee. Rt. s.
ball reduced to l?M. eztrariltlnn ha, pine
aet for May 27: Waller K. Ooiinla. released
on own reeoBnliance, extradition hearina
Mar IT.
Probata Court
Oeoraa W. Thurmon eatala. valued at R. W. Nueom named adminUtrator
de bonla non In placa of aarah I. Thur
mon, deceaaed.
Wilbur Vanderbeek. minor. Antoinette
Vanderbeek. guardian, report, aal. ot
real property for 5250 to Leror O. and
Kliaabeth Gardner.
Ouluf Aaper eatat.. Luther Aaper. ad
minUtrator, authorised to aell personal
J. Harvey Yunt aetata final account ot
lureka X. Yunt, administratrix, final
hearlnt Juna 12.
Hemahorn estate,
final settlement.
Mary Jeanna 7.odrow dUchsrsad as guar
dian of Herry Benedict Schwab, who has
resetted hi 21st birthday.
Worrl K. Crothara appointed bust
dlsn of the eaiete of antrler Ann Crothers
and Donald Morris Crothera. minora.
Order approvlna final .count In the
estate of W. L. Jones. Btt to be dls.
trlbuled by Rose Oreen Jacob, axecuttlx.
Pinal aetllmenl
In aetata of MattK
Order approving final acrounl and dl
reeling distribution of the ealele of John
T Jonas. Hsrry I. Jonas, executor.
, T Rarnea. J. w. Bonn and Mildred
Duniaan appointed appraisers of the
aetata of Anna B. Miles.
aVist. of Nellie Aehlei
nd appraised at
I uoo.
Polica Court
Reekleaa drlvlne- n,rr t. u.Ki.
I Portland road, ball 5100.
Reekleaa driving
ten. 2215 N sir.
sieve William Eurlln-
Bsll M; Roy Lloyd
White. Newport, ball imi
Tempering with s perking meter: Prsn.
rls B. ftchlsgeter. 510 N. 2tth gtrset, bell
Morriogo) Licansoi
Wllberl Plve, II. truek driver, and
Roberta Lea Ross. II. slenocrgpner, both
Bruce A. Brlegaon, 11. atudent. Mllwau
kte. and Berber 1. Smith, 10, state file
clerk, Salem.
Lloyd Mettlngly. II. farm laborer, and
Lr,uls Mattlnglr, 20, gt home, both Bf ail
vert.n. Card of Thanks
We wish to thank our many
friends for their acts of kind
ness, messages of sympathy and
beautiful floral offerings over
our late bereavement.
Mr. and Mrs. Mueller
and family. 116
Card of Thinks
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Thompson
and Alice Van Blair. 375 Fair
view avenue, deeply appreciate
the assistances given by friends
neighbors and the fire dept. In
helping remove furniture during
tha lira. 11a
And Health Plan
Davenport. Ia., May 16 HP
A chiropractor charged the
American Medical association
yesterday with attempting "to
keep the supply of practitioners
far below demand."
The accusation was made si
multaneously with a petition to
congress by the International
Chiropractors association "to in
clude the practice of chiroprac
tic on an equal basis with other
branches of the healing art in
any national health plan it
may adopt.
A. A. Adams of Tacoma.
Wash., second vice-president of
the ICA, wrote President R. L.
Sensenich of the AMA, "We
smile at your pious opposition
to a national health plan when
you dodge behind the smoke
screen of free competition."
"The actions of the American
Medical association show clear
ly," he said, "the AMA is inter
ested in special privilege and
maintenance of that $18,000
average level of income for your
dues-paying members."
In Chicago. Dr. Sensenich
termed the letter "an example
of the irresponsible and baseless'
statements which are being
made in support of political
Larson Rites Held Funeral
services for Charles O. Larson.
Portland, who died Thursday
while on a business trin to Kla
math Falls, were held in Port-
and Monday. He was a brother
of Mrs. Alice Meier. Salem. Lar
son was safety supervisor for
the PT & T and had been em
ployed by the company for 42
vears. He was born in Portland
Feb. 2. 1!)0. Also surviving are
his widow, a son, his Tiother.
brother and another sister.
Lemon Funeral Monday
Funeral services for Savannah
Gertrude Lemon, of Toledo, sis
ter of Claude Cline. of Salem,
were held at Toledo Tuesday
morning with burial in Portland.
She came from Louisiana with
her parents when 13 years old
and lived in Corvallis and in
1913 married Claude Lemon
They made thpir home at Sher
wood until moving to the coast
26 years ago. She is survived by
her husband, another brother
and two sisters.
Moore Popular Speaker
Rev. Brooks H. Moore, pastor
of the First Methodist church, is
giving his tenth consecutive
commencement talk at King
Hill high school in Idaho and
the sixth at Castleford. where
he lived for nearly twelve years
prior to coming here two vears
ago. In addition he will speak
at the Thursday luncheon of the
Buhl Rotary club and also sneak
at Shoshone and Dietrich. Later
in the month he has been invit
ed to give the baccalaureate ser
mon at the Southern Idaho Col
lege of Education at Albion.
Rev. and Mrs. Moore left Mon
day for Idaho.
Victory Cluh to Meet Town-
send Victory club No. 17 will
meet Tuesday night at 8 o'clock
at the home of Mrs. Olive Red
daway, 1421 North Church
street. The ladies' auxiliary will
meet Thursday at 10 a.m. at the
same address.
Kiwanis Program Gus Moore.
general secretary of the YMCA
will appear before the Salem
Kiwanis club Tuesday noon as
guest speaker. Moore Is a mem
ber of the organization.
Carpenters Donate Work
Carpenters of Ihp local A. F
of L. union joined forces wilh
men of Ihe Portland local Sat
urday to donate work on the
new recreation building that the
Salvation Army is adding to
lis Trestle Glen summer camp.
The building is 28 by 85 feet
with concrete basement storage
room and furnace. There is a
large fireplace on the main
floor which will he used for
craft classes and recreational
purposes. Next Saturday men
who wish to donate work should
contact Captain R. B. Lesher
who will transport them to and
from the job. Please phone 3-
Pigeons Race The Salem
Racing Pigeon cluh held Its
third race of the season Sunday
wilh the birds being liberated
t Heppner. Doug Chambers'
entry placed first wilh an aver
age of 602.5 yards per minute
over the 175 distance. Al Brown
was second, J. Gunnell third
and C. McNeil fourth. The next
race will be staged May 22 from
1 aeV .BatS goBe- .dt
Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon,
u iy ?
Li JN I - K -cj tf
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They Go Over Prison Wall Ralph E. Neyman, left, and
Henry Bradley, truities who escaped from Oregon StaU
penitentiary early Sunday morning by going over th new
prison wall. Neyman, 25, was sent up from Washington county,
and Bradley, 27, from Lant county, both for three yean.
Trusties Climb
Prison Wall
of daylight savings
time apparently wai too much
for two inmates of the Oregon
stale penitentiary, who would
have been released in a short
time, and they disappeared over
a wall some time after midnight
Saturday, their absence being
discovered at breakfast check
Missing are Ralph E. Neyman,
26, and Henry Bradley, 27. They
sawed two bars from a garage
dormitory, according to Warden
George Alexander. They low
ered themselves from the second
floor with the aid of bed blan
kets and escaped over the wall
with a rope that is thought they
had obtained from the flax plant.
The dormitory is between the
Fishing Season
In District Court
Fishing season opened Mon
day in district court.
Judge Joseph Felton meted
out $25 fines and confiscated
the angling gear of three men
hooked by state police for pos
sessing trout smaller than the
legal, six-inch limit.
William F. Kammerer, Port
land, was accused of having 11
trout. Robert E. Kammerer,
Marylhurst, was charged with
having six trout, and Leo D.
Main, Jr., was accused of hav
ing seven. Of the mess, only six
were legal size, with all of
Main's being classified as Ille
gal four and a half and five
A Portland couple, Mr. and
Mrs. Millard Payton, was fined
525 and costs for fishing in
prohibited area, but the fine was
suspended because doubt as to
their knowing of the prohibition
was presented to court.
Salem Man Named Dean
Wilcox, Salem student attending
Pacific university at Forest
Grove, has been elected secretary-treasurer
of Pacific chap
ter of Blue Key, national scho
lastic honorary society.
Leaders Are Coached A
church leaders' convention as a
coaching conference was held
at the First Methodist church
here Sunday afternoon from 3
to 5 o'clock.
Ag Club Meets Moving pic
tures will be shown members
of the Red Hills Agriculture
club at the school house Tuesday
night by the Slentz Implement
company of Salem.
Drivers Pmtt Ball Two driv
ers were free under $50 bail
Monday answerable to charges
of reckless driving in Salem po
lice court. The men were Steve
William Zurlinden, 2215 N.
Fourth, and Roy Lloyd White,
Building Permits John Mc
Culloy, to repair a one -story
dwelling at 1155 Nebraska, $40.
J. D. Carter, to repair a one
story dwelling at 120 East Ow
ens, $200.
Graduation Scheduled Gra
duation exercises for the four
eighth grade pupils at Hazel
Green will be held there Friday
night at 8 o'clock with Fred
Remington, deputy county
school superintendent, speaking.
Graduating are Richard Haury.
William Rossow, Otis Phillips,
Jr., and Ray Richard. giv you that
am rich flavor in
vary pound!
al your
Monday, May lit, 19495
old and the new walls and tha
point chosen for the escape is a
section of the new wall that is
not within view of a guard. Tha
new wall is not yet in use.
Neyman has a mother, Mrs.
Elizabeth Neyman and a wife.
.Mrs. Elsie Neyman, Both living
at Silverton. He was received
from Washington county in Ap
ril, 1948, under a three-year sen
tence for obtaining money under
false pretenses and order for pa
role was made April 9 but not
yet issued
Bradley was serving a three-
year sentence for larceny in Land
county and was received in May,
1945. He was paroled in July,
946. but returned March 15,
1945 for violation of parole. Ha
would have been released June
Tlrsl in
Mayflower Warehousemen
offer th finest and moil
dapondable moving ser
Protection and care are as
sured for your possessions .
when you store In a May
flower Warehouse.
"Packed with Pride" Is not
tust a slogan of Mayflowar
lut an earnest Interest In
tht Job st hand.
Capital City
Transfer Co.
239 S. Front St. Phont 2-24.11
Real Furniture
Tues., May 17
8 P. M. Sharp
4 mi. N. on Pacific Hi way,
500 yds. N. of
Chemawa 4 Corner!
Several large consignments of
very good used furniture and
appliances, by people leaving
the state as follows:
Late Model Klee. Range-
2 l.ate Models Electric
Washers Inc. Automatic
Mr. and Mrs. Bleach Oak
Red Suite complete wilh
Simmons Deep Sleep
5 Pc. Farly American
Daveno group like new
7 Pc. Wai. Dining Suite
2 Slightly Vseri Dinnettea
4 Used Rugs
Walnut Chests
Walnut Beds
Spring Filled Mattresses
4 Pe. Wai. Red Set
Occasional Chairs
s Floor Lamps
Writing Drsk
I Vacuum Cleaners
Breakfast Set
Lawn Chairs
Linoleum Rugs
Leather Rockers
Hundreds of good Card and
New Items NO JINK. No Re
serve I sell on commission
or pay "V" cash.
Glenn Woodry