Amity Oilers Big May Feie Amity The May Day Pro cram at the high ichool was held Friday. The high school band played the processional, while the prin cesses. Ha Taskanin, freshman, Rebecca Wood, sophomore, Ruth Davis, junior, and Delores Jones, senior, with their escorts, Mur ray Dobbins, Richard Martin, Robert Watts, Boyd Rosenbalm led by Bishop Phillip Hawman, and Herald John Casteel, march ed down the aisle to the platform. Crown bearer was Timmy Barr. Flower girls were Jo Ann Knoch and Judy Jones, train bearers, Vickie Cronin and Susie Meeker. The maid of honor, Phyllis Meeker, escorted by Royal Tartar. Queen Phyllis I, in her royal robes of white with purple velvet train, knelt before the throne, while Bishop Phillip Hawman. placed the crown and declared her queen for a day. Clowns for the court were James Harper, Dale Buck and Jarel Davis. After the coronation the fol lowing program was presented Rhythm Band, first and second grades in costume; seventh and eighth grades; first and second grades; Tonettes, fourth grade: dance in costume, third and fourth grades; fourth grade: tap dance Louise Strout; song seventh and eighth grades; high school band; Bavarian folk song high school girls chorus: May Pole Dance, freshmen and soph--omore girls; procession high school band. Open house" for the 'grade school students was held at noon and at 1:15 a tumbling and gymnastics act by fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth grades; 2:00 p.m. a baseball game between Amity and Sheridan on the Amity diamond. The score was 9 to 7 in favor of Amity. General chairman was Mrs. T. C. Richter. music, Mr. Barr, May pole, Mrs. Haberly, grade school, Miss Veach, decorations, Elmer Christensen. Several hun dred witnessed the event. Ambulance Fund Has More Contributions Aurora Chairman Virgil Giger of the Canby Emergency ambulance fund committee, an nounced during the past week ..receipt of S203.22 more in vol ' untary contributions to the fund, making the total $3,820.83, or less than $1180 short of the $5, 000 goal. ' No active solicitation of con tributions has yet been under taken. Members of the commit tee plan to send, in the near future, representatives to call on individuals and business houses asking for their dona tions in order to complete the fund and place the order for the emergency vehicle. New donors reported In the latest list include: Canby Cham ber of Commerce, Dedman Drug Co., Mary J. McDonald, Clyde Monahan, Milk Creek Extension unit, Owen Amundson, Dr. Richard Weiss, Art Wilson, J. Podbielan, Hamrick's Corner, Earl H. Sheppard, Orville Riley, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Markee, Ed and Elta Thompson, John Antri cian, Herman A. Bergman, Cora Young, Jack Wallace, J. C. All mon and Bob Torgeson. i J , it ti tL.-' a - r ..... ,! wwMMihifi)tiiiiiiiiiii ,iaaaaaaaiWiiMriii.i inn; im ntfjui, imma Nehru Dines with Cburchills Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru (center), Prime Minister of India, chats with Mr. and Mrs. Winston Churchill after dinner at their London home. Mothers Are Honord By Gervais Lodge Gervais Mothers were hon ored at the meeting of Gervais Chapter No. 118. Order of the Eastern Star. A degree for mothers was given and Mrs. C. M. Van Zuyen, the oldest moth er present and also as a farewell as she is leaving for Holland this mouth, was presented a cor-saKe. The worthy matron honored her mother, Mrs. George T. Wadsworth; Mrs. Donald Cum mings, the youngest mother present: Mrs. Elmer Mc Claughry, having the most chil dren and Mrs. Raymond Jeffer son, the grandmother having the- youngest grandchild. The chioter contributed one case each of canned fruit and vegetables to the Masonic and Eastern Star home. Each mem ber made a donation from their own supply. The refreshment committee serving were Mrs. Richard Har rison; Mrs. Harry Huglll; Mrs. Ralph Sturgis and Miss Rena Harper. Gervais Garden Club Guest Berning Home Gervais Mrs. Otto Berning entertained the Garden club at her home with twelve members attending. Mrs. Henry Bern ing was a guest. The group judged bouquet and flower ar rangements, which were furnish ed by the members. Mrs. Clyde rnuiips will entertain the club at the next meeting, May 19. The program will be in charge of Mrs. Martin Seifer and Miss Serena Manning. Ashlon Is Surprised Independence O. E. Ashton was surprised on his birthday Capital Journal. Salem, Oregon, Monday, May 1(5, 1919 S at his home. A dessert lunch eon was served to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Pool and Yvonne; Mr and Mrs. Lyle Pool, Connie and Ernie; Mrs. Stella Pool; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Middendorf, all of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Mills, Independence. POISON Stop itching, dry up blisters qaick ly, Mfelr. &! IVY-DRY How To Stop Corns Club Officers Are Replaced Central Howell Members of the Nemo club were enter tained at a one o'clock luncheon at the home of Mrs. Mrs. Clar ence Simmons Sr. Assisting her were Mrs. Walter Haverson, Mrs. Philip Simmons. Mrs. Earl Schar and Mrs. Clarence Sim mons, Jr. This being the last meeting of this year, Mrs. Will Roth, chair man, called for election of offi cers, following the regular or der of business. Replacing last year's officers will be Mrs. Frank Way, chairman, Mrs. Maurice Hynes, vice chairman, and Mrs. Leonard Roth, secre tary. Mrs. Everett Milne is re tiring vice chairman and Mrs. Loren Gower, retiring secre tary. Secret pals were revealed when each member placed her corsage and card at a place at 'he table and her secret pal took that place. New pals were cho sen for the coming year. A so cial hour was held following the business meeting. Plans were also made for the annual picnic for members and their families and which will lie he'd in the Silverton city paik Sunday, July 17. Place for the first fall meeting will be an uounced later. One. member, Mrs. Henry Rasmussen, was re ported ill. Members present were Mes ihmes Will Roth, Everett Milne, Loren Gower, Frank Way. Mau rice Hynes, Leonard Roth, George Plane, Nellie Tuve. M. O. Hatteberg, Ralph Plane, Perl Wood, Gladys Ditchen, Eu Hynes, Harvey Lively. Earl Schar, Maud Tweed, Dn Kuen zi. Ral McKibben, Harry Mc Kibben, Milton Kephart, Ernest Roth and the hostesses. Young Matrons Club Guest Smith home Independence Mrs. Dean Smith was hostess for the Young Matrons Bridge club recently. High scores were won by Mrs. Paul Worthington and Mrs. John Martin. Mrs. Kenneth Byers was a guest. Members present were Mrs. Harvey Thibeau, Mrs. John Martin, Mrs. Earl Johnson, Mrs. Roy Morris, Mrs. Paul Worthing- DUTCH BOY PAINTS KEM-TONE WOODROW'S 450 Center St. Phone 22476 ton, Mrs. Rav Houslcy, Mrs J"" Harvey Engblom. Mrs. C e c i 1 MADE JUST fttill Lamb. Mrs. Clyde Major andlFOR 1OUX WjfwMLlM w -j My 10 give, gv - jngneeniocuis i : Citrus juices snould be left ! 'hese tablets. i. JU SE PH unstrained to derive maximum Ara t".Ud!!it 1 ASP""H nutritional value, for the pulp dose. Easy to take. 1 FOR CHIIOREN contains a lot of vitamin C. orange flavored. AND MORE OF IT! Get 12 Full Glasses in Pepsi's Six Bottles More for your money in taste and value. That's Pepsi, America's favorite big bottle cola. Pick up 6 Pepsi's today! Buy a Carton Today! WHY TAK- LESS WHEN PEPSI'S BEST! Buttled in Ha leu by Ram ate' Inder appointment from Pepsi-Cola Ve.. New Vera "listen to Counttr-Spy, Tuesday and Thursday awnings, your ABC station" and get there 4 times as iast.e e CEO and your best dollar buy Is when you fly UfJuta SAN FRANCISCO i'h hours 105 ANGELES 6 hours And "All TM MST" Airport Tormina! Coll Solon 2-2455 Or, tee mm vfaon'iW rwof ement of recorded music automatically Modal 6V1J WIEKLT PAYMENTS AS LOW AS Yes, 4 hours of continuous music with the Niw LP (Long Playing) records on this sensational fIW ADMIRAL 2-SPEKO TABLK MODEL RADIO-PHONO- craph. Plays standard records automatically, too. All through a smcut tone-arm with "feather touch". . . cuts record pressure 75. And what tone! Full! Rich! Clear! . . . The radio is a super heterodyne with automatic bass compensation. The mahogany-finished cabinet finds a rich con trast In the French Gold grille. SEE! HEAR! COMPARE! tMi Stiffs T BSTOTHO SERVICE RECCED End Pain Instantly Do em millions now do find you'll never have corns! At linit sign of wire tot from new or tight ahoua, protect tlx-in with Dr. Scl.ill'a Zino-pada! pa in end nd corns ewe stopped before they run develop! But if you have corns these soft, sooth inn, cunhioninjr pads will relieve your pain in wronoV Used with the separate At edication included, Kino-pada speedily remove corns, (let this famous relief of Dr. Hrholl's today! Man.. Mar lth Martha .LUB TBalClfexl T i Taner. fcltitrom's Horns f yV-J . A Sf EranomUt. "Katlnc Oat- mufj Wed., May 1th Martha tSXr Taber. "Tricks with t" ''' f., JtMiop, Hand Dirrrtor fmy'fVwr' Vantti Mutilriani Art sJyffissaaSai Thorn iv Intrriar Deter a- AHO " iraf JfiidOU' tar. "Let. KurnWb, Oar lWOAKAJT I I I I ft. 19 SnVvm AU broadcasts are held in Urop in lor coffee the ii-E Model Kitchen at Elfstrom's and listen to the interviews. Pilau GBfB when you smoke PHILIP MORRIS! That's the Reason Over nil muni mi Smokers SVSMTCHI5 PHILIP IViuiw f 4" -r Top ranking doctors eminent now and throat specialists actually suggest Philip Morris in cases of irritation due to smoking. Find out what a difference it makes ...what a pleasure it is to smoke America's finest Cigarette. Try a pack of Philip Morris today! YOU'LL BC GLAD TOMORROW - YOU SMOKtD PHILIP MORRIS TODAY I l$ than any other leading brandl NO OTHER CIOARETTI CAN MAM THAT STATEMfNTf rt PHILIP MIB