Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 14, 1949, Page 6-7, Image 17

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    ADDIrfS her aeme te the froup of
June brides-to-be li Miss Jan
Acton, who has announced Fri
day, June 17 m dale for her marriage to
Don Pre in.
The ceremony will be an evening one
at 8:30 o'clock in the First Methodist
church. The reception following also
will be at the church.
The engagement of the couple was
announced this past winter. The bride
elect ii the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Paul H. Acton, Mr. Preiss the son of.
Mr, and Mrs. A. A. Preiss of Vancouver,
By Marian Lowry Fischer
. F INTEREST to many friends is
announcement by Robert D. Paris
of the engagement and approach
ing marriage of his daughter, Miss Fran
ces M. Paris, now of San Francisco, to
Tomie Clarence Brooks, formerly of
Rainier, Ore., and now in San Francisco.
The wedding is planned for noon,
Friday, May 27, in St. Mary's Catholic
cathedral, San Francisco. The couple
plan a trip to Carmel following the
Mr. and Mrs. Paris are going south
for the wedding, planning to drive.
Miss Paris served in the WAVES dur
ing the war. She attended St. Helen's
hall in Portland and later University
of Wisconsin. Mr. Brooks formerly was
. an instructor in the Portland Stenotype
school and now has a position in San
Francisco where the couple will make
their home.
Visitors here this week have been
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin C. Cross and two
sons, Curtis and Stewart, who have been
in Miami, Fla., and elsewhere. They
have been guests at the home of Mr.
Cross' mother, Mrs. Curtis Cross, and
his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Cross. They plan to make
their home on the west coast and left
this forning for Walnut Creek, Calif.
Last evening, the visitors were hon
ored at a dinner given by a group of
local friends at the American Legion
Timmy Heltael, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Heltzel, observed his third
birthday today and in observance of
the event was honored at a party for a
(roup of eight of his young friends this
afternoon at the Heltzel home.
From Son Jose, Calif., comes word of
the birth of daughter Thursday, May
12, to Mr. and Mrs. Allen T. Gllliland
(Aim Huston). Grandparents of the
new baby are Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hus
ton of Salem and Mr, end Mrs. A. T.
ClUSafid of n Jose.
Annual spring breakfast for Delta
Ramma sorority at Willamette univer
sity will be Sunday morning at 9 o'clock
In the gardens t the sorority.
Among committee members working
n plans lor the event are Miss Betty
May Jeckmen, Miss Gloria Stone, Mis
Maney VendeLuyster, Miss Patsy Older,
Mia Doria McCain, Miss Joan Klind
worth, Miss Doris Walser, Miss Inie Lou
Wilhelm, Miss Patty Holtx, Miss Nancy
Whitmore, Miss Patricia Long, Miss
Ann Miller, Mi Polly Pollock, Mis
Ann Swtso, Mis Petty Jo Ham
mond. Traditionally the event 1 planned
s a special setting for any announce
ments of engagements or wedding date
by rhapter members.
Sigma Kappa alumnae are In meet
Thursday evening at the home of Mrs.
Stuart H. ( omplon, 46 n street, Mrs.
I.enn Kverttt assisting. The merlin is
at ( 'elock.
Hosls last evening to their card group
were Mr. and Mrs, Ralph H. Cooley.
Dinner was enjoyed at the Legion club,
cards following at (he Cooley home,
Mr end Mrs. W. I. Needham were in
vited as additional guests.
Club's Dance
A dancing party for next Saturday
evening. May 21, will be that of the
Town club, the event to be a dinner
dance at the Marion hotel at 9 o'clock.
This is the final regular dance on the
rluh's schedule, although a dividend
parly Is planned for some time in June.
On the committee of hosts are Mr. and
Mrs. Glenn Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Har
old Busick, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Adolph,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Drager.
The decorating rommlllee includes
Mr and Mrs. Herman Jochliusen, Mr.
and Mrs T. Harold Tomllnson and Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Helliel.
F.xpecled home Monday evening
from several weeks in the east is Mrs.
Cedric T. Reaney. She went to Miami
via New Orleans, and then to Holly,
wood hotel near Miami for the conven
tion of the General Federation of Wo.
men's clubs. Mrs. Reaney is retiring
president of the Salem Junior Woman's
rlub. Following the convention. Mrs.
Reaney went to other places In Florida,
short trip to Havana, then went on to
New Jersey and to New York Cily. She
Is flying home.
A wedding for Sunday afternoon, Mar
12, will b that of Miss Sally Cornelius
nd Clifton Ronp, the ceremony to be
solemnised at J o'clock In the First
Christian church, she Rev. Dudley Strain
Mis Betty Feilen and Donald Belts
re to attend the couple.
The reception following will he at
the Cornelius home.
The bride-elect Is the daughter of
. Mrs. F.velyn Cornelius of Salem, Mr.
lb i Roop the son of John Rood of Slavlon.
Kelt nh yotmf people we frimitted from
'HB fifth anniversary or Bet
Chi chapter of Alpha Chi Omega
sorority at Willamette university
will be observed Sunday afternoon with
semi-formal banquet at the Senator
Salem alumnae of the chapter will
join with the active chapter for the
event, some 100 expected to attend.
Miss Betty Ferguson, chapter presi
dent, will preside.
Of interest to friends in the capital
Is announcement of the engagement of
Miss Elesa Scott Keeney, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Edgar Keeney and
granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie
M. Scott, to John Leiter Newell, son of
Mrs. Gilbert James Newell and the late
Mr. Newell.
The betrothal was announced this
week at a fireside in the Alpha Phi
sorority at University of Oregon. Both
young people are juniors at the univer
sity and Mr. Newell is affiliated with
Beta Theta Pi fraternity on the campus
No date is announced for the wedding.
Seniors of the active chapter at Willa
mette university will be guests when the
Alpha Chi Omega alumnae meet Monday
evening at the home of Mrs. John D.
Minto Dessert will be at, 7:3? o'clock.
Co-hostesses with Mrs. Minto are Mrs.
George Seymour, Mrs. George Fell, Mrs.
Vernon Gilmore, Mrs. Mary Thomas.
Mrs. Ward Davis is to he hostess lo
her bridge group next Thursday, Ihe
members meeting for luncheon and
Mrs. Brazier Small and daughter,
Miss Suzanne Small, will be hostesses
at their home for the meeting of Kappa
Kappa Gamma alumnae Monday eve-,
ning, the group to meet for a no-host
supper. Mrs. Robert Drager and Mrs.
Roger Schnell are on the committee to
make arrangements for the meeting,
which is to be the final one of the sea
son for the group.
Mrs. Daniel J. Fry is to talk to the
group informally on her recent African
Etotka club is meeting Tuesday for
dessert luncheon at the home of Mrs. P.
E. Graber, 802 North Church, at 1:15
o'clock. Mrs. W. E. Hansen, Mrs. M. A.
Esles and Mrs. D. B. Kleihege are co
hostesses. There will be program and
election of officers.
A wedding of late May will be that
of Miss Barbara Robinson and Stanley
The ceremony is to be solemnized the
evening of Friday, May 27, in the First
Congregational church at 8 o'clock. The
reception following is to be at the Chi
Omega sorority.
Miss Robinson, daughter of Dr. and
Mrs. E. S. Robinson of Gooding, Idaho,
is expected to arrive here next Friday.
She is a former student at Willamette
university and a member of Chi Omega.
Mr. Ryals Is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
O. F. Ryals of Salem and a graduate of
Willamette where he is a member of
Beta Theta PI, Blue Key and Alpha Phi
Omega. The couple plan to go to New
York City in June, Mr. Ryals to attend
investment banking school then.
Sevtrol members of thi Soltm Gn
rol Hospital auxiliary want last week
to look ovor equipment purchasad by
tha froup for the banafit of tht hos
pital and to outline plant for tha com
inf yoar't projects.
In tha picture at left above three
of the members look at tha blood
bonk refrigerator which the auxiliary
purchased fa. the hospital. This blood
bank wot teiured after the new blood
prof rem of tht .American Red Cross
von koto atoael. Tkratifk tout pra-
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SAY at the beach is to b enjoy
ed by "the "board of officers for
the Women of Rotary, Monday,
the group to go to the beach home of
Mrs. Floyd Bressler, Vista Haven, just
south of Dorchester House. The group
will leave early in the morning and
have their lunch at the Bressler home
and their meeting, the last of the year
for the board.
In the group are Mrs. Abner K. Kline,
president of the Women of Rotary; Mrs.
Harry B. Johnson, Mrs. Ralph H. Cooley,
Mrs. Bressler. Mrs. Charles Fowler, Mrs.
Lawrence A. Ballmer, Mrs. L. O. Arens,
Mrs. J. L. Franzcn, Mrs. Clay Cochran.
Will Attend Tea
Several Salem folk will be going to
the garden silver tea planned for Wed
nesday afternoon by the Tigard-Metz-ger
unit of the Republican Women's
Federation of Oregon.
Mrs. Douglas McKay, wife of Oregon's
governor, is guest of honor for the tea.
The affair is being given at the home
of Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Foskett, Bend
road, a mile south of Tigard, between 2
and 5 o'clock.
Mrs. Charles A. Sprague and Mrs.
Robert L. EUslrom of Salem will be
among those pouring at the affair.
A group of friends accompanying Mrs.
McKay to the tea will include Mrs. G.
Frederick Chambers, Miss Dorathea
Sleusloff, Mrs. E. M. Page. Mrs. Charles
MeRlhlnny, Mrs. William S. Cole.
Others expecting to attend from here,
representing the local unit of the Re
publican Women's Federation of Ore
gon, arc:
Mrs. R. L. Wright, local president;
Mrs. Lloyd DoGroote, Miss Marjorie
Harris. Miss Elizabeth Porter, Mrs. M.
M. Magec, Mrs. Bertha Junk Darby,
Mrs. Lewis Judson, Mrs. O. K. Bcals,
Mrs. Claude Johns.
Several state officials in the federa
tion from Portland and elsewhere also
will be at the event.
Miss Margaret Hogg will present Kalh
ryn Smith, nine-year-old pianist, in re
cital Sunday at 3 o'clock at 158 South
Liberty street. Assisting will be Mari
rirne Halvorsen, nine-year-old violin
student of Victor Palmason, and Mrs.
Palmason as accompanist.
The program follows:
Preambulum Bach
Bounce Bach
Gigue Bach
Sonatina In C Haydn
Concertina Perlman
Waltz in A Flat Schubert
Melody Schumann
Knight Rupert Schumann
Rainy Day Bloch
Teasing Bloch
March Bloch
Carnival of Venice Paganinl
Funny Clown ost
Humoresque ; Dvorak
Bagatelle Wagenseil
Haunted House Benjamin
Variations on Three Blind Mire. . . .
Soroptlmist club members will gather
for a dinner meeting next Wednesday
evening at Silver Creek Falls lodge, this
being the month's social meeting.
f ram blood It given free to all in need
of it. No charge it made for the blood,
the only charge te tha patient being
the edminittrative one at the hos
pitals. In the picture, left to right, are:
Mist Lillian McDonald, superintendent
of tha hospital, explaining the blood
program and tha refrigerator to the
auxiliary membert; Mrs. Douglot Mc
Kay, wifa of Oregon't governor and
an active member of the auxiliary;
Mr. Wilmer C. Page, wka Itaa eerved
Mu Vhi Epsilon Members
v h? :wmn ' j . ffU: i4' -: : A r "n
iii ttT 4 tr ii ii mti r 1 n i m tmfi f nift Aa fawi,TtW - TNi i iifcfc sAwJ. -mmJk i&iiJ ki&m k?3
Announced recently at the Alpha Chi
Omega sorority on Willamette univer
sity campus was the date for the mar
riage of Miss Barbara Nelson of Port
land to Richard Hartley of Silverton.
The wedding is to be July 29 in the
First Congregational church in Salem.
Miss Janet Morgan of Portland is to be
maid of honor and bridesmaids will in
clude two Alpha Chi Omega sorority,
eisterg- of Miss Nelson, Miss Vera Jack
of Portland and Miss Sara Warner of
Renton, Wash.
Miss Nelson is a senior at Willamette
this year. Mr. Hartley, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Alvin Hartley of Silverton, is a
junior and a member of Phi Delta Theta
fraternity. The couple will reside in
Salem while Mr. Hartley completes his
work at Willamette.
From Shprman Oaks, Calif., comes
news of the birth of a son, James Mont
gomery, to Mr. and Mrs. Virgil L. Har
rison. The grandparents are Mr. and
Mrs. Homer Harrison of Salem and Mr.
and Mri. Harry Dahlburg of Portland.
at auxiliory vice president the post
year and it the new recording secre
tory; and Mrt. Linn C. Smith, member
of the board thi past year. (Jeiteiv
Miller picture.)
Shown in the center picture it an
other group of the auxiliary membert
ttanding by the fracture table, a $1 695
project the auxiliary assisted in pur
chasing. In the group, left to right, ore
Mrt. Charlet D. Wood, firtt vice presi
dent; Mrt. Carl E. Nelton, the new
auxiliary president; Mn. Cerd Paul
OF INTEREST for tomorrow afternoon will be the recital and stiver te to be spon
sored by Mu Phi Epsilon, national music honor society at Willamette university. The
concert will be in Waller halt at 3 p.m., the silver tea In the gardens and home of Mrs.
Frank Burlinghani between 4 and 6 p.m. One group working: on plan for the event
arp shown in Ihe Burlineham jrardrns abovr, left in rlfbl. Ml Gloria Stone. Misn Glenni
Allen, Miss Betty Kuhlman, Miss Beatrice Nflff, Mrs. Burlingham. (Jes ten -Miller picture)
Golf Event Sunday Afternoon
First two-ball foursome event at the
Salem Golf club is planned for tomor
row, play to be at 1 o'clock, the dinner
at 6:30 o'clock in the evening and the
group is most hopeful the summer wea
ther continues through the day in order
to assure a big turnout for the event.
Among those making reservations,
ither for golf or the dinner, are:
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Perry, Mr. and
Mrs. Howard Wicklund, Dr. and Mrs.
John R. Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Werner
Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Chandler Brown,
Mr. and Mrs. Homer L. Goulet, Mr. and
Mrs. Kenneth Potts, Mr. and Mrs. Ver
non Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Don Hendrie,
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Adolph, Mr. and Mrs.
Max Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Johns,
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Marble, Mr. and Mrs.
M. A. Pekar, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Roth,
Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Joseph.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shafor, Mr. and
Mrs. Ted Medford. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart
Thcde Mr. and Mrs. Al Loucks. Mr.
and Mrs. Donald McCargar, Mr. and
Mrs. William Waterman. Mr. and Mrs.
Ray McLaughlin. Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Bernardi, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Fou-
Salem General Hospital Auxiliary Members Are Active
fe i I - v-.h . &3
h .1 Jl
Will Sponsor
chek, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Paulson, Dr.
and Mrs. Harold M. dinger, Dr. and
Mrs. Tom Dunham, Mr. and Mrs. Rob
ert Needham, Mr. and Mrs. Claybourne
Dyer, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Dyer, Jr., Mr.
and Mrs. Elmore Hill, Mr. and Mrs.
George Schwarz, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Herrall, Dr. and Mrs. James L. Sears,
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Chase, Mr. i
Mrs. John Heltzel, Mr. and Mrs. W.
Grant, and from Albany, Mr. and Mn
Clay Carson.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman A. Hahn an
nounce the engagement of their daugh
ter, Miss Claudine Hahn, to August
Dean Knupp, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles E. Knupp of Salem, formerly
of New Sharon, Iowa. The wedding
is planned for June 3.
The customary w omen's golf day will
he Wednesday at. the Salem Golf club,
play to be at 9 a.m., luncheon at 1:30
'Program and
ON THE BRIDGE at the edge of the beautiful rardrns ot the Burllneham home are
these Mu Phi Epsilon members who are helping with plans for the recital and tea, left
to risht: Miss .Iny Bushnell, Miss Lois Gottwald. Miss Martha Bcnard. Miss Pauline
Brlstlin, Miss Edilh Fairham and Miss Bernice Isham. Members of the soriely are
soloists for the recilal. Proceeds of the tea so to Gads Hill, a school in Chicago assisted
by Mu Phi Epsilon nationally. (Jesten-MUler picture)
Silverton Dareld Satern, junior in
Pacific Lutheran college at Parkland,
Is at the Silverton rural home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Satern,
for the week-end, here to attend the
Northwest Pacific district Luther league
convention held from Friday evening
through Sunday at Immanuel Lutheran
church. Rev. S. L. Almlie is host pas
tor. The fiancee of Mr. Satern, Miss Lois
Jean Pearson, daughter of Dr. and Mrs.
-A. Pearson of Kelso, Wash., will arrive
with the sixty-voice choral group from
Parkland. Miss Pearson will be among
the sopranos hi two concerts, Sunday
afternoon and evening, and will be a
house guest at the Satern home.
This is the diamond jubilee year for
the Woman's Christian Temperance
Union and Salem Central union is ob
serving the occasion with a silver tea
on Tuesday, May 17, at the home of
Mrs. Herman Lalky, 610 N. 15th SI.,
bclween 2 and 5 p.m. Mrs. William B.
Srhnebly from the Children's Farm home
is to be guest speaker and Mrs. Carrie
Chase will give readings. Interested
friends and the public are invited.
Tea on Sunday Afternoon
Recital, Tea Due
An event attracting a large group Sun
day afternoon will be the spring recital
and silver tea to be given by members
of Mu Phi Epsilon, national music honor
The recilal will be at S o'clock in
Waller hall, soloists for the event to be
Miss Gloria Stone, Miss Edith Fairham,
Miss Jean Rickli, Miss Joy Bushnell, all
singing. Miss Betty Kuhlman and Bennet
Ludden to play a violin and piano num
ber. The silver tea following will be at the
home and beautiful gardens of Mrs.
Frank Burlingham, North 14th between
the hours of 4 and 6 o'clock.
Patronesses assisting with the tea in
rlude Mrs. Burlingham, Mrs. Bruce
Spaulding, Mrs. Melvin H. Geist, Mrs.
C. Herbert Smith, Mrs. A. A. Schramm,
Mrs. Paul B. Wallace, Miss Olive M. Dahl,
Mrs. Ellwood Ball, Mrs. David Eason,
Mrs. Keith Powell, Mrs. Charles A.
Pouring will he Mrs. Ralph Dobbs,
Mrs. Frank Fisher, Mrs. Melvin H.
Geist, Mrs. Ellwood Ball. Members of
the Willamette active chapter of Mu
Phi Epsilon will assist with the serving.
The literature and poetry group of
the Salem Woman's club has its pro
gram arranged for Tuesday afternoon.
The group will meet at the club house
for coffee at 1:30 o'clock. At 2 o'clock,
the program will be given, Miss Mabel
P. Robertson to talk on England where
she toured last summer.
White Shrine of Jerusalem is to hold
its regular meeting Monday at the Ma
sonic temple at 8 o'clock. A report will
be given on the supreme Shrine.
Alpha XI Delta alumnae are to he
guests of Mrs. William D. Galloway, Jr.,
905 Leslie street, for a meeting Monday
evening at 8 o'clock.
Mrs. Estill L. Brunk, a past president
of the Salem Woman's club, is to be
speaker for the half-hour program of the
Oregon Federation of Women's clubs
over KOAC next Friday afternoon. Her
topic is "The Calculated Risk,"
ion, the new treoiurer; Mrt. Donold
McCargar and Mn. James Walton,
both board member! for next year.
(Jetten-Miller picture.)
A flake 'ice machine it a piece of
equipment bought by the auxiliary last
yeor for $1800. Observing how tha
machine operatei are three auxiliary
membert, in picture ot the right above,
left to right, Mrt. Emery Hobbi, for
mer board member; Mrt. Glenn Wil
bur, new board member; end Mrt. Ed
ward loth, who served en tha board
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INAL MEETING of the year for St.
Atme'j guild of St. Paul's Epis
copal church will be Monday
afternoon at 2 o'clock at the West Le-
fclle street home of Mrs, Charles D.
Co-hostesses wUl be Mrs. Walter
Kirk, Mrs. Floyd W. Shepard, Mrs. F.
W. Foorman, Mrs. Philip W. Allison,
Mrs. William Busick, Mrs. Breyman
Boise, Mrs. Carl E. Nelson, Mrs. Donald
A. Younp.
Now officers will be elected at the
business session. Mrs. Charles Clarke
has served as president this year.
A vesper service is planned at the
First Congregational church Sunday
evening at 5 o'clock, Mrs. Jean Hobson
Rich to play the organ, Frank Fisher
the violin, with Miss Betty Nohl as
The program is as follows;
Come. Sweet Death Bach
Fugue g minor Bach
Piece lleroique Franck
Canyon Walls Clokey
Scherzo Dunham
Organ, Mrs. Rich
Chansen-Louis XHI-Pavanne
Old Castille
Finale in F
. Organ,
Mr. Fisher
Miss Betty
. Regcr
. Widor
Mrs. Rich
Board Meets
Mrs. J. T. Brand was hostess Friday
at a luncheon for members of the
board of Town and Gown club for next
year, the event ' being at her home.
Plans were discussed for the new year's
work, meetings to be resumed in Oclo
bcr. The luncheon table was beautifully
decorated with roses. Attending the
gathering were Mrs. Brand as presi
dent; Mrs. Floyd Utter, vice president;
Mrs. Ervin Potter, secretary; Mrs. R. D.
Gregg, treasurer; Miss Mabel P. Rob
ertson, program chairman; Mrs. P. H.
Brydon, music chairman; Mrs. E. M.
Page, social chairman; Mrs. Paul R.
Hendricks, membership chairman, and
Mrs. Ernest C. Richards, president for
the past year.
Sigma Kappa mothers will gather for
a no-host luncheon at 1:15 o'clock Wed
nesday m the Golden Pheasant. All Sig
ma Kappa mothers of Salem and vicin
ity are invited.
Job's Daughters are meeting in reg
ular session Monday evening at Beaver
hall at 7:30 o'clock. There will be
election of officers.
McKinley School Mothers club is
meeting Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the school
building. Miss June J. Joslyn, executive
director of the Mental Health associa
tion, is to talk to the group on "Prob
lems of the' Adolescents." A discussion
will follow. All parents and friends of
the school are invited.
lost year. Each floor hat a imallcr ma
chine filled from thit large one. (Jetten-Miller
Through a memberthip campaign, a
rummoge tole, and a silver tea each
fall the auxiliary obtain! fundi for iti
program of work for the hotpital.
The group often hat met to tew
for tha hotpital and hat contributed
lixeable tumt for lineni and curtaint.
Among other thingt purchased for the
hotpital in patt years have been elec
tric dithweiheri, mone-metal links,
A LUNCHEON" meeting is planned
by the Salem Lions auxiliary for
its May meeting next Thursday,
Ihe no-host affair to be at 1 p.m. in the
Golden Pheasant.
Mrs. Estill L. Brunk is chairman and
on the committee with her are Mrs.
Holly Jackson, Mrs. Floyd Scamster,
Mrs. A. C Haag. Mrs. L. .1. Stewart, Mrs,
William Newmyer and Mrs. Fred Hnl
varson. For the program, Mrs. Stewart is to
give a talk on the Lions International
convent ion.
At the business session new officers
are to be elected.
Highlighting the annual state conven
tion of the Oregon Federation of Busi
ness and Professional Women's chilis,
now in session in Salem, will be the
formal , banquet this evening, honoring
Judge Sarah T. Hughes of Dallas. Texas,
national first vice president.
Because of accommodations, the din
ner is being given in two places, at the
Marion hotel and at the American Le
p'on club, at 6:15 o'clock. Mrs. Marion
F. Wooden and Mrs. Claude Jorgensen
are co-chairmen for the banquet.
A 8 o'clock the two groups will as
semble al the armory for the recent ion
and the talk to he dven by Judtip
Fuphes, who is the official representa
tive from the national organization nt
Ihe convention. Tomorrow
Winding up the convent ion will he
the breakfast Sunday morning at 8:45
o'clock in the Marion hotel, honoring
past state presidents.
New officers will be installed and va
rious awards will he announced. Miss
Minnie Just of the Salem club is chair
man for arrangements for the breakfast.
The post-convention board meetings
will follow, luncheon to be at noon at
Nohlrren's restaurant with Miss Phebe
McAdams from the local club in charge.
Mrs. Arthur Weddle of Salem is the
outgoing president for the state organi
zation, and will officiate at the installa
tion of new officers at the Sunday
breakfast. Judge Hughes also to be at
the event and to give the charge to the
new officers.
Meeting next Wednesday will be the
Woman's Society of Christian Service
of the First Methodist church, in the
Carrier room, starting at 10:45 a.m.
A salad luncheon will be served at
noon with circle No. 4 in charge, Mrs.
Virgil Hume as chairman.
The afternoon session will take up at
1:30 o'clock, Mrs. Julius PinCus is to
lead devotions. Mrs, A. A. Schramm is
chairman for the program on a study of
Korea. Mrs. Doris Lee Cooksey is to
New officers will be Installed, Mrs.
E. L. Tilton, Springfield, newly named
WSCS conference president, to officiate.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence B. Fleck of
Seattle left Friday following two days
visit at the home of Mrs. Fleck's brother-in-law
and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Paul
W. Harvey, Jr.
Mrs. Keith Flory and Mrs. Howard
Arnot are to entertain at the home of the
former Tuesday evening for the Alpha
Gamma Delta alumnae meeting. Dessert
will be at 7:30 o'clock.
service tablet, refrigcrotort, tewing
machine, ultra-violet machine, an elec
tric mixer, a water heater and oil burn
ing heating tyttem.
Auxiliary membert meet the first
Tuetday morning of each month dur
ing the club year and invitotion it ex
tended to all membert to attend these
Member! of the group also are tak
ing an active part in attitting with
plant for tht new hotpital facilitict,
the building program now underway.
! ITESTS for the meeting of Capital
nit No. 9, American Legion aux
iliary, Monday evening, will be
members of the War Mothers, the Gold
Star Mothers and the mothers of aux
iliary members. The meeting is to be
at S o'clock in the Salem Woman's club.
Dr. Robert D. Gregg, dean of the
cnllcRe of liberal arts at Willamette
university, is to be guest speaker. He
has traveled in Europe extensively as
well as in America.
Mrs. Ethel Lewis, poppy chairman,
and her committee are in charge, those
assisting being Mrs. H. G. Henderson,
Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding, Mrs. Edward
Voict, Mrs. John Olson, Mrs. E. W.
liichcy, Mrs. Don Apperson, Mrs. Mai- '
coin Cameron, Mrs. L. A. Lucas, Mrs.
Michael Panek. Hostesses will be Mrs.
I. N. Bacon and Mrs. Clara Poland.
Pouring at the social hour will be Mrs.
Merle Travis and Mrs. Clyde Kaiser.
Special music for the evening will be
provided by the girls' triple trio of Le
lie junior high school.
Westminster guild of the First Pres
byterian church is sponsoring a no-host
supper for members and husbands on
Tuesday evening at 6:30 o'clock in the
Mrs Francis Colgan is general chair
man. The program will feature a duet
hy Mr. and Mrs. William Bush, a drill to
be presented by the Camp Fire group
and Girl Scouts troop sponsored by the
guild, and a film from the Oregon high
way department on "The New Oregon
Trail." Informal games also are plan
ned. Mrs. Paul Fugate and Mrs. Frank
Voirt will he hostesses to the meeting
of Chanter G, P.F..O. Sisterhood, Thurs
day aflernoon, the meeting to be at
1:15 o'clock at the Haydcn avenue home
of Mrs. Fugatc.
Mrs. Charles L. Dunlop of Cleveland
Heights, Ohio, arrived last evening for
a Hl-day visit at the home of her brother
and sister-in-law. Dr. and Mrs. Charles
W. Mills. Mrs. Dunlop's mother, Mrs.
Charles W. Mills, Sr., of Chillicothe,
Ohio, returned lo her son's home today
following a slay in a hospital here.
In Portland today was Miss Susan Fa
herty to attend a meeting of the depart
ment child welfare committee in the
American Legion.
Veterans in the two Oregon hospitals
have made more than 400,000 poppies
this spring to be sold on poppy days,
May 27 and 28. For making these red
crepe paper poppies the veterans re
ceive two cents apiece. For many this
is the only possibility of earning money
during the year. The remainder of the
proceeds of the sale Is equally divided
for veteran rehabilitation work and for
veteran child welfare work.
Capital Unit No. 9 auxiliary is mak
ing plans for the sale of 8500 of these
poppies. Mrs. Ethel Lewis, chairman,
lias announced the following commit
tee: vice chairman, Mrs. Walter L.
Spaulding; secretary, Mrs. John Olson;
publicity, Mrs. Michael Panek; window
display, Mrs. L. A. Lucas; outside con
tact, Mrs. Frank Marshall; worker's
luncheon, Mrs. Edwards Voigt; radio,
Mrs. E. W. Richey; committee at large
Mrs. I. N. Bacon, Mrs. Helen McLeod,
Mrs. Malcolm Cameron; office, Mrs. Don
Apperson, Mrs. Clara Poland, and Mrs.
Merle Travis.
Meeting Thursday with Mrs. Lewis
were the following captains who com
pleted plans for the sale: Mrs. W. Carl
ton Smith, Mrs. Stuart Johns, Mrs. O.
E. Palmateer, Mrs. Frank Marshall, Mrs.
B. W. Staccy, Mrs. Paul Flcke, Mrs.
Michael Panek, Mrs. Austin P. Wilson,
Mrs. II. II. Henry, Mrs. Silas Gaiser,
and Mrs. Hattie Cook. Mrs. Sam Har
bison, poppy chairman for Salem unit
136 met with the group.
Rotana to Install
Calendared for Monday evening is
the eighlh annual installation for the Sa
lem Rotana club.
A formal dinner Is planned for 7
o'clock in Nohlcren's restaurant. Mrs.
Sylvia W. Riggs of Portland, who has
installed local officers each year since
the club was formed, has been Invited to
officiate nain. There also will be a mu
sicnl program.
On tiio committee for the evening
are Mrs. Lester Thomas, Mrs. Floyd
Mnthews, Mrs. S. L. Aumnn, Mrs. Ches
ter Pickens.
Tile riw officers to be installed in
clude: Miss Lorena Jack, president;
Mrs. Alfred Lnue, first vice president;
Mrs. Enos Nelson, second vice presi
dent; Mrs. Fannie Douglas, secretary;
Mrs. S. L. Aumnn, treasurer; Mrs. Jack
Brown, board member.
About lull attended the mother and
daughter banquet of the Englcwood
church Thursday, In the church recrea
tion rooms. Mrs. Ben Koh was the
guest speaker of the evening. She was
drescd in a Korean costume and gave
a very interesiing talk about the women
of Korea and some of the marriage cos
tumes of that country.
Mrs. Harold Douris was the chairman
of the program and also the toastmis
tress. Giving the toast to the mothers
was Miss Cleta Martin and the toast to
the daughters was given by Mrs. Floyd
Query. A group of tne Junior high
girls of the church gave short play
and group' singing was enjoyed. The
color theme of orchid and white was
carried out on the tables with flowers,
rnndles and crepe paper. The men of
the church served as the kitchen com
mittee. The Salem Ministers Wives' group Is
lo meet Tuesday at 1 p.m. at the home
ol Mrs. Louis Kirby, 860 Jefferson
street for a no-host luncheon. On the
program following, Mrs. Lloyd T. An
derson is to lead devotions and Mrs. W.
S Ankney Is to review "The Year! of
the Locust," by Erdman.