AUTOMOBILES WE CAN HELP YOU STRETCH YOUR TRUCK DOLLARS INTO REAL PROFIT New equipment built with ' Know How" ind to fit your exact needs and pecificatiom. Used equipment recondi tioned and guaranteed to give you the service required. ATTENTION Lumber Haulers ' 1948 International K7 2 speed with 19 ft. Semi Trailer Lumber Roll and Apron 1946 Ford 2 speed, 825x20 Tires, L.W.B. 1948 Ford Straight Rear Axle, 825x20 Tires, L.W B. 1948 Chevrolet, 2 speed, S speed Clark, 82S tires. L.W.B. 1940 Chevrolet Dump Truck, 2 speed, 82S tires. 1948 Ford V8 V4 Ton Pickup. 1937 Ford V8 14 Ton Pickup. VALLEY MOTOR TRUCK DEPT. Liberty at Marion Ph. 3-3147 Oprn All Day Aaturdar For Your C' qllS FOR SALE USED TRUCKS 1 1945 KS-5 Int l., Chassis & I 1936 Ford, Flat Bed Wsingle axle Logging Trailer 11943 Federal Duma Truck, Yd. box 900 11940 WA20 White W1947 WA22 Motor, Brownlipe and Log Truck Equipment $1350 1 1943 Federal, Chassis and Cab , $950 2 1941 K-5 Int'l. 29 passenger Busses, excellent for Crummies or hauling berry pickers, etc 1 Used Columbia House Trailer, almost new, sleeps four, Beautyrest Mattress and spring. Oil heat. Gas cooking. Both elect, and gas lites. Water under pressure, elect. ' brakes. Priced to sell at $1500 JAMES H. MADEN CO. S8 SHverton Rd. Pn. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS BFAD1X WASHER (automatic!. Modern electric ram. Bleach bed suite 7-pc, l-pc. modern llvtngroom set. Mirny other item at auction to high bidder Tuesday. May 17th, I p. m. Glenwood Ballroom. 4 mllea N. on 99E. Don't mliiU1 "J' BABY BUGGY, play pen and awing. 195 Salem Height Ave. nil? RIG GENS " TRAILER Complet with a lr mattresses, ice boxes, etc, Used ore season. 1291. Two Columbia Sport bicycles (man and womansi. new. used short time. 35 each. Seam Tilling Arbor C-lnch aaw complete, l0. 289ft B. Com'l. nil! rrr7"iClNbLEIiM. Std. gauge Inlaid 11.49 It. Heavy Quaker Enameled surface, 55c ft. Bonny Matd Enameled. 40c It. Bonny Maid 9x12 runs 17.95. Balem Home Furn. Co.. 137 8. Com1!. nll7 ELEc7REFRIG, 5-ft., best condition. 185. 150 N. 3Ut. HUT BABY BUGGY, bathinettt, crib, cheat of drawers, drawing table. Ice box. twin bed let, dresser with food mirror. 3055 Portland Rd n"o WlLL8TORK your refrlf. lor 1U use. Ph:3990a. BflHN SYPHON Refrigerator. 100 lb. Lea ther motorcycle Jacket, atae 34, new. Call aftar 3, 701 N. Huh. nil! BENDIX WASHER, Uk new. only uaed ahort time 1150.00. Rt. I. Boi 99E, half mil north of 13th St. cut-off. Phone 2-3064. Frank MlUer. nllS BI.F.CTBOLUX Vacuum, food cond. All new tooli, MO. Ph. 36043. Mil' WALNUTS. 2&C per lb. Ph. 32ttl. n 119 NO ROE REFRIGERATOR, 9 eu ft. Apt. haa ala toa 1350. Ph. 31941 after COLORED FRYERS for aala. 35 Holly- woodATa. t HAN'S NEW dark blua ault, iiae 31. Ph. 3-1431 aftar I p.m. MIS WEtTtNGHOVSE Laundromat. 1 yr. old. Good condition. Call after I. 1-7904 or 1925 N. Church. nlll BAROATN tort fixture Including aah register, 191 8. High. STATE FINANCE CO. TELEPHONE 1-4131 m GAL RlTn iu watar heater aom plet. Perfect aondJtloa cheap. Ph t-Clil. Bill DRAWEE cheat of drawera, painted. Betty Crockar praaaura eookar. Ph. 3O603. nll5 H LB. ICR BOX 110.00. I Hnoltum ruia. fall. Fh. 11137. 1179 Chetneketa. D115 ALL WHITE enamel wood burning ranae with hot watar pipe. (35. CaU 1-8837 r 1130 B. High St. nlil' SILVER GLASS ware, old ahlna. k atnk. furniture. Ph. 34857. nil 104) GALLONS of outilda whlta paint 9319 par gallon in I tallon pall. 1135 Norway St. a 134 tIctrola and record!, flna condition 131, Hasal Apt. 1311 Hatel Art. pill 19cTNDY BAR maehinai. Call morning 07 N. Capitol. Apt. I. n!33 FLAT TOF'propana fans. Com p. with tank. Ph. 1-9140. nll7 FNCH EMctrld Simplex Ironer vary I littla awed. I33S M. In at Santlam LaundrlaUt. Fh. 3301, Sweet Home, Or. Mil PRE.SCRE Cooker Paru for all popular' make. Montt ornery Ward Service Dept., la Farm Store, Trade and High t. nlll LIVE RED FRYERS for your locker or Picnic. 3!e a !b. N on 991 to Hood view, l4 ml. I. Rt. T. Bo lor nllS rSEDOiRWVTIoVtjASRANGE I3S 00 Table top Roper Oa Ranae. a beauty' 140 00 Monte ornery Ward Salem. Ph 3-1191. nil tSED WAVHrRsTl3bl"to 940 00 Y EATER APPLIANCE CO MIT SMALL upright plana m excellent condi tion. 1890 So. Cottage. nllS CLOSING outbalance of"p1umblng stock at wholesale Cain sale only No de ilverlea. No pipe tain only No return Buy here now and save W A. Skew) Co .1390 Madison. Ph. 3-400. n AVE 3c al on fasl Broadway'a Super Berrtre. 191 N. Liberty. B13I rrrrt VlotheTinepom 113 pair up RaiHoia la Mock to arder 1141 N. Lib erty. nl35 GENERAL ELECTRIC Crosier, Gibson and Men tee Appliance at Oerurta DON'T WAX your floor Ue PiBftl-Kstc the cellophane like IlnUh for wood r linoleum VJtATtn APPLIANCE CO Bill GARrYn sa'nd. travel. cruThed rock Shovel Aj drai-lln efeavatint WAIL IN Q BAND O HAVEL CO Ph. 1-9349 l'ED Eierlrlc Rffriffratrra YFATER APPLIANCE CO ntlV D8ED TIRR BALE lue ta ltf trrrrn1VL t oi 0"tr R:v eruld Atr Cuhion Tire, we have ac cumulate a itrrv atock e' tood trade-in lire . prke tl to 81 IOVTOOMFRY WARD TIRE STORE SB Corner. Trace and Hlfh Journal Want Ads Pay lAUTOMOBIHS Cab $1250 $1250 14131 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS USED REFRIGERATORS, all prtcu, all alsea. to chooae from. Monti omerr Ward. Salem. Phone I-II91. nllS- 14 CU. FT. CHEST fraeaer. New 1330 00 Ph. 3-4384. n save 3 gal on gait Broadway'a Super Service. 891 N. Liberty. nl35 NKWRERG TYPE RIVER BOTTOM TOP SOIL. High quality, attractive price Alt kinds: Pit run, gravel; Band; mix crush; concrete pipe tile; re-lniorc-tng steel, OREGON ORAVKL CO. 140S N. Front St. Ph 1-3417 nllS SALEM SAND A ORAVEI COMPANY Contract Work Road Clearing Ditching ewer Baaament Equipment Rental 19 B H yds 13.00 per hf 10 B S yd. 9.M per Jas D-7 Cat ft Doeer 10.60 per nr. D-l Cat ta Doaer I 40 per far D-4 Cat Doaei 7.00 par hr Phone Da ji 1-9408 ffvea. 3-l2 or 9-440 Salem Oregon n CEDAR poiti. raw wood poata, shlnglea. uia. ana eiec. poies. rmuipi Bros, us, I. Boa 111 Ph 68F33. n WALLTNO SAIfD JB O RAVEL CO. CRUSHED ROCK for ronda and drive waya cement, read? aali toner eta, garden aand. Bulldoalng. drainage and ditching fc-rd. ahoTel and drac Una. Fh. 1-9349 SPRAT GUNS A WD COMPRESSORS Tou ean gal she beat In epraj paint ing accaasorlaa at Wardal Sturdy and efficient apray tuna, eompraaaora, praa aura tank, at. Spray svuaa fee aw Uttla a 98.98 MOHTOOMimT WARD OO. SALEM. ORXOOM S USED WAS RUN O MAC BINES, recondi tioned In our ahop. Come In and eee them. Montaomer? Ward, Saleni. Phone 33191. nll8 FLATROCK For Battea. rockv walls, walka wardana. and all rock const We del. and aali here or at pit. tea ar aali for prlcaa. Phillips Broa., Rt, 9. Box HI. Ph. 08P33. a FERTILIZER. Cow, horse or ehlckan ma- nure deuverad la Balem. Wall rotted or fresh, 85.00 per cuble yard del. Also manure by aark 11.00 par aack at place or will del. fire sack orders. Phillips Broa, tU. t, Boi 111, Balem. Fh. MP23. TARPAULINS Sturdy ewnTaa, 10 oa. heforo treating. Water and mildew realstant. Mate, grommtu r s r 1 1 49 r s r iu 10 IF 10.91 ir i it- ini MONTGOMERY WARD CO, SALEM. OR COON . MILK paatturlaer for the heme. T EATER APPLIANCE CO pllT WANTED MISCELLANEOUS apWINO MACHINE, ... make or cond. W Davenport. Ph 1-7171. 19M M. nth. nallO WANTED furniture to alua repair. Lee aroa. rura noiiniaouii im a-ivvi i:ED PtTIMTrR Pttrm, -91 IS PERSONAL STANLKT HOME FrodUCU. SM Cross St. Ph. 3-5441. pl40 rwiI.LNOT be reaponslble for an? allU contracted other than k) mm If. 3 LlQTd Neit. pill ALCOHOLICS Anoormoua. Boi 734. I-I3H P1I5 'OLD AT 40. 84), St MAN! You're crsiTl Thouanda peppy at 74). Oat re Tome Tablet pep up bod lea lacking Iron. Foi rundown feeling manr mm women call 'old." New "et acquainted" irc onlr adc. At all drugs uu In Sa lem Bt Pre) Mever'F. pits AUTOMOBILES LODER BROS. Down town lot. 411 Center Phone 1-4119 or t-8491 till ltM-rORl37 motor .1 JiriMaTDa- idson. ejlll 19X7 OLDS SEDAN. Oood cond.. heater". new paint, reaa. 1413 if. Bummer. Ph 3-3938. cut I DODGE 4 dr. sedan. MM N. Llb erty. II7 l4 PLT De Lute I dr. adn. Radio, etref tirr. beautifut gray tlnlih. Original owner. 91199. Ph. 3-911I or l-ltwo. ej. ! pKKn CnnT. and 11 XVwfge ranat. iota capiiat. sua. guy, ajUa AUTOMOBILES DON'T WAIT UNTIL, DECORATION DAY When the Rush li On BUY YOUR CAR NOW Thpe Pre-Holiday Special! Are Priced to Save You Money Drive With Confidence in a Guaranteed Used Car 1947 Ford Sportsman Convertible. Heater. Low Mileage. Auto matic Lilts. Body has new finish. Glade green. To see is to buy. 1948 Fnrd Station WaKon. like new, radio, heater, overdrive, whitt sidewall tires. Only driven 25,006 miles. Tuscon-tan color. A beauty. 1948 Ford Super Deluxe Four Door Sedan, radio, heater, over drive, many other extras. Light grey color. Clean as new inside and out. A demonstration will sell you this one. 1946 Oldsmobile Sedan Coupe 76D-Torpedo body. Radio, heater, seat covers, road lamps, windshield washer. A real car to drive. Handles "like a baby buggy." 1947 Pontiac Sedan Coupe. Torpedo body, two-tone, seat covers, radio, heater, road lights, back-up light. Low mileage, motor runs like new, good rubber. Don't overlook this one. A ride will convince you. SOME GOOD OLDER MODELS 1941 Ford Sedan Coupe 1939 Buick Sedan 1941 Studebaker Sedan Coupe 1941 Nash Sedan 1942 Ford Sedan 6 1941 Mercury Convertible Low Prices - Easy Payments - Terms Highest Trade Appraisals VALLEY MOTOR Center at High AIRPLANES FOR SALE AIRPLANE 1 1848 Ercoupe with only 290 hrs. Hour meter, sensitive altimeter, 2-way Bendix radio. Always hangered. Price $1950 JAMES H. MADEN CO. J9SB Sllverton Rd. Ph. Re. Ph AUTOMOBILES 19S7 PLYMOUTH See-nn. rlran. 9285. Sec at Clear Lake Store. Rt. 3. Box 288A. Will trade. qll 1949 STI'DEBAKER 1 ton truck, factory made steel stake bndy. dual tirea. 81750. W. J. Anlbal. 709 Edgewater. West Balem. Qll7 1939 CHEV. C'OI PE, l 50. Phone 21435. after 6 p. m. Qll7 lMO-PLVMOITTH 4-dr. Sedan, rlean. trade up down or even. Ph. 37078. 1355 Lcc. qii6' K-FT. dual axle utility aeml-van. Ph 33805. q116( 1931 PLYMOUTH Sedan. Heater, new bat trry. For sale by owner, 1110. Phone 3-8785, eves. qllT OUR NEW car ha come, our present car niut go. It'a a 1939 Old 5 pa, club coupe. New tire, new radio, heater, good motor, good paint and upholstery throughout. 1485 Madlaon. Phone 3-9421 before 5. Even in as, 2003 Fairground Road. Apt. 4. Phone 2-2513. 0.115 140 FORD Coupe, good condition. 735 Ohemawa Rd. Kelzer DUt. 4118' 48 OLDS Clb. Cpe. Very good cond. 940 N.13th after B p.m. ql!9 19M MODEL A rlub coupe. A-l ronditlon tnrougnoui. lies aao cascaoa ur. west Balem. Ph. 3-5360. Sea after 1:30 p.m. ojllft PRIVATE FARTT will sell a 1941 Che?. sedan. Clean, excellent condition, only 15.000 mtles. Underseat heater Ac de froster. Se this, one owner car. at ISM Bo. Winter. Priced for quirk sale, ql IS 1941 OLDS 3-PASS. COUPE NEW MEDIUM BLUE FINISH, ONI OWNER. INTERIOR LIKB NEW. EXCELLENT TIRES. HEAT ER DEFROST EH, MOTOR IN TOP BHAPB 104a ORVAL'S (The tot With the Turntable B W. COR. CENTER Jl CHURCH PHONE 34701 qlll 1948 OLDS n.I'R sedan 70 Hvdramatlc, all accessories, 1 owner, 38.000 miles. Must be aold by the isth. Beit offer over 11700. Call 30313 or call after 8 pm. Bat. or Bund, all day. 3810 La Brache Ave. a 119 19U Y-S. New angina trim. RAH, 90 rubber. Ph. 35018. Call after 13 p.m. 1130 B. 17th. Apt. 1 (Vets colony). qll USED CAR AUCTION every Friday 7:30 p m. Buyers at setters, sunicu Auction Market, 4.115 Bllverton Rd., Salem, q '4fl NARR Ambassador 4 dr. sedan, fully vquip., wniy iu.vuv mnes. ato, iatn. qlll LOOK If you are trying to save mon ey, two 1934 Chevs, $95 each, cash. Come in and see us about a used car or truck, having your present car over hauled, motor tune-up, brakes relnied, lubrication service, washing, gaa and oil. Free es timate and pick up service. 941 CHFV. aedan. radio A heater, clean. 'M RI'If'K ertr.n. RrVH. rltan. I9W PI YMOI TH sedan. RA:H. clean IBM Pl.YMOl'TH coupe, RAH. rlean. lM FORD coupe, radio and heater, clean. 1947 (ROM.r.Y Bedan. heater, clean. 1941 fhv. inn plrkuD. aood. Other elder, cheaper cars and trucka RON'S MOTOR CO. 140 S. High 8t Phone 3-4598 Open Evfry Night 'till Jl) o clock i Block Below EUlnora Theater qlll' '9 CltrVROIFT-! door-spec la l SelutV. Lots of extra. Ltka new. 1 owner, aio NMJlh. PhJ-8183. qlll 1948 boiiriB run torn 4 reda'ri" like new, low mileage, perfect mechanical cond. All arc etories. new tires, no trade. Fh 3-6139. qllf I9 chev. suburban earry"alLl8fiTFh 10r. 3BIS State. qui IP47 PR A Jr. B aedsn, low mleate. rsOio heater I12QS Ulu it. 1317 Third Si W. Salem alll ' DODriE inn Pkkup, eieellent eon dltlon. very tow mileage. Fh. 3-4808. aill To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 I AUTOMOBILES USED CAR MART Ph.3-3147 I AIRPLANES 34133 33953 altm, Oreg on AUTOMOBILES 1941 DESOTO 5-PASS. COUPE CUSTOM MODEL. RADIO. HEAT ER. DEFROSTER. OVERDRIVE. PLUID DRIVE. METALLIC BLUE FINISH. MOTOR COMPLETELY RECONDITIONED. THIS IS A DANDY. ORVAL'S fThe Lot With the Turntable) S.W. COR CENTER ft CHURCH . PHONE 3-4703 qlll' '37 Terraplane Good Condition $325 370 South 19th after 0 pm 1947 CHEV. 5-PASS. COUPE , LIOHT TAN FINISH. RS.DIO. HEATER. DEFROSTER. OOOD TIRES. A BEAUTIFUL CAR. ORVAL'S The Lot With thg Turntable) W. COR. CENTER CHURCH FHONB 3-4703 ejlll 1 944) SUPER. BUICK 4 dV, 1190 j Oood eopd. Fh. I0W. ajlU St CBETq radla. heater, M9I, IH Water , m..SaIem . qll 6 87 CHEV. Cpe. Can be mi at 747 8 . Church aftar I " qlll NEW CAR AGENCY Automobile Dealar will aali aoenpleta garage bualnaaa ahowlng a nice profit, AH modern equipment Js well eatab llahed community. Largaat customer following Id area. Will aell at Inventory and prefer to aell on term at reason able Intereat, The building la owned by Dealer and will give long term leaae. Own re have other mora demanding In tereet Writ Capital Journal Box 441. qlll NEW HOLMES Power Wrecker mounted on Studs. 3 ton truck. Used leas than 10 000 ml lee. Full price ISIOO.OO Terms Avsilabla. Write Capital Journal Box 441. ... ,m 1941 BUICK SEDAN SPECIAL MODEL OHIOINAI, DARK OR KEN FIN ISH. RADIO. HEATER, DEFROST ER. ONE OWNER. M.000 ACTUAL MILES. ORVAL'S The Lot with the Turntable) W. COR CENTER it CHURCH FHONB J-4703 ejlll 47 OLDS Bedanetta 71 Hydromatle, radio, air rondttloner and etc. 17.400 miles, one owner. Like new. 19t. CaU 3I9B3 391 Park Ave. ql 1941 CHEV. SEDAN MASTER DELUXE MADEL- IN TERIOR, IS LIKE NEW, RE AIT TIPUL NEW MAROON FINISH. ONE OWNER, NEW TIRES. HEATTR A DEFROSTER. MOTOR IS IN PER PECT CONDITION. SrP THIS ONE 11041. TRADE Ja TFRMB. ORVAL'S 'The Lot With the Turnlshl) B W. COR CENTER CHURCH PHONE 3-4701 q11l Eisner Motors to Buy 1941 CADILLAC I PASS COUPE I) MODEL RA DIO HE A T E Ft, DEFROSTER. WHITE WALL TIRES. JET FLACK FINISH. THIS IS A FPAUTIFUL CAR. 11491. TRADE, TERMS. ORVAL'S TM Tot WHO th. W COR CKNTTR CHURCH PRONr 3-41M .lift' I1H k. CL ' 'FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE NEW AND USED MACHINERY 1 NEW FARMAI.L SUPER "A" 1 NEW FARMALL "H" 1 NEW FARMALL "C" 2 NEW FARMALL "CUBS" 1 NEW OS-4 TRACTOR 1 NEW ENSILAGE HARVESTER WITH BLOWER 1 NEW POTATO PLANTED WITH FERTILIZER ATTACHMT. 1 CORN PLANTER with Fertilizer Attachment Pull Type 2 NO. 30 POWER MANURE LOADERS NEW 1 L'D-6 POWER UNIT with 450 G PM Irrigation Pump 1 NEW U-4 POWER UNIT 4 McCORMICK-DEERING 4' TANDEM DISC 2 NEW FERTILIZER DISTRIBUTORS 1 NEW 300 GAL. Iron Age ORCHARD SPRAYER Bargain 2 NEW 10' GRAIN DRILLS 1 NEW MODEL ' W" GREEN CROP HAY LOADER NEW COVER CROP DISCS, CULTIVATORS. SUB-SOILERS, DIGGERS - Good Assortment o( Other New Equipment NEW AND USED TWO AND THREE BOTTOM PLOWS 1 TD-35 TRAC-TRACTOR with DOZER and DRUM (Used) 1 HYSTER ARCH (Used) 1 USED T-20 TRAC-TRACTOR 1 Used TD-6 WITH DOZER $3250 2 USED FARMALL "H'i" New Rubber, each $1500 1 USED MODEL "A" TRACTOR with plow & wood saw $1200 1 PRACTICALLY NEW No. 60 OLIVER TRACTOR $1550 1 USED No. 60 OLIVER TRACTOR $900 1 USED VAC CASE TRACTOR with Direct Connected 2- Bottom Plow, Cultivator with Fertilizer Attachment . .$1500 1 USED TD-14 TRAC-TRACTOR WITH DOZER AND DRUM 1 USED 8- DUNHAM ROLLER $100 See Us, Your International Harvester Dealer For Your Farm Needs JAMES H. J9SI ail vert on Rd. AUTOMOBILES PONTIACS . '47 Sdn. cpe $1595 48 Sdn cpe 2195 41 Spt. cpe 995 '40 Pontiac 2 dr 595 '37 Pontiac Sdn 495 '47 Ford D.L. spt. cpe. 1445 Herrall-Owens Co. ISO N. Liberty Ph. 34113 '39 CHEV. PANEL GOOD MOTOR. BODY IN OOOD SHAPE, NEW FINISH. S44S. ORVAL'S 'The Tnt Wl'h the Turntsb! S.W. COR. CENTER tt CHURCH THONE 3-4T03 ejlll' Thut Time U s HUDSON! Service - Sales - Paru Home of Gowl V4 Cn SMROCK MOTOR CO Church 4l Crtrniekela SLs. Ph. 3-9101 IIMPLYMOUTH dfluxp 4-door sfdan with 1947 motor As Is. ISOO. 1010 8. Bum intr. Call allr 4:30. qlll Eisner Motors Fine Cars 1937 BUICK SEDAN SPECIAL MODFL. RADIO. HP AT ER. DKFROHTER. SPOTLIGHT, OOOD MOTOR. TIRES ARE EX CF.LLENT. 1545. ORVAL'S fTh Tot With thr? Tnr;itnb ) S.W. COR. CENTER A CHURCH PHONE 3-4703 qlll' Thi ritna It s HUDSON Samoa Sa:aa - Paru Boms at Oood Oaad Cars HROCB MOTOR CO Ohnrefe OhsDissts Si n 1-9191 ZEEB'S USED CARS ITT - SET I. . TRADE TERMS 111 Ptlrvrouncta Roftd PhoM 1-I4&4 Eisner Motors to Sell 1938 FORD SEDAN . . . $295 1937 PLYMOUTH SDN. $295 1939 DESOTO SEDAN $B95 ORVAL'S Tha lot Wllh th TurntshW S.W. COR. CENTER CHURCH PHONE 3-4701 qlll MOTORCYC SCOOTErT LATE MODEL Harlry DavldsDn 'SO' 1191. Or trada lor car. 07ft pattaraon. wsi Salrm qa!17 INDIAN World'a moat modern snotorrrrla CUSHMAN SOOOTERfl WHIZ ZER BIKES. Of n ulna sarU, atra laa avari model Shrock's Motorcycle Sales Open rtrr nlDf tin 1. Mooditr ihrDuit Prldtr ton Poniuid Hon - n. i-14i BOATS ATTENTION F1SHF.RMAN Mut sell 13 ft. Cadar Boat, 1 year old. New paint Rt. Boa 4.11. Ph. 31S4I. qqlll U-rT7P1.TWOOlPBOAT. h p. Scott and Aiwatar motor. Prac. new. ph 1-3911. iH H.P. new Mermrr motor U II ft oat, 117100. m. 31T. U79 Chemekeia TRAILERS IT' PT. COTT AO E Trailer. "er rnnr1vV7 f reaa. lor quick sal. 3131 Portland Rd , 1130 TRAILER H01'E. 33 ft Part or? built. Air brakes. Sleeps 4. MM. Hal Master son. Ill N. Commerrlal. till COfT COACH trailer house Elertrk brakes. 900. 471 Madrona Aa., Salem Helfhts. 1117 NEW KARRI ALL TRAILERS l-WHCRI, UTIUTT TRAILERS rerlorKd from I3J0 to IM BONES! ERI E SALm BE H VIC'S 370 N. CHURCH tt1V FINANCIAL $ CASH $ $25 to $500 PITRNTTITRE, LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT IANS UP t TO 1100 Csr losna up (A IMK) Coma in or pnona Hollywood Finance Co. 1991 Psirtrounds Rnari ArroM Street ffnm rK No Psrkinf prob.em Phone N M1S4-S391 PIotO Kenrm. Mtr f Journal Want Ads Pay FARM EQUIPMENT MADEN CO. FINANCIAL GENERAL PIN A NCI CORP. LOANS Lie S-131, and M-331 and ROT R. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS l S Commercla St. Tel 3-911 r PrTvATE- MONET Special rate tnd tarma on lann loan I on a and short tlma payments ROT H SIMMONS 131 8o'h Commsrclal 8L Phona 3-9181 4' REAL PWATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS STATE FINANCE CO. 153 S Hit1 St. Lie 8-311 M-J73 f SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE PARM LOANS ONLY 4 OR 4l, INTERFST I to 40 Teara and No Commlaalon Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS 341 Star St Phona J-3MS r AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CRETIT CO. 113 8 Church Parking a Plenty Ph 3-I4.V7 Lie No M-1M fl-IM r FARM AND CITY LOANS 4', and 9 VOt'R OWN TERMS of repayment a-lihin reuon Cash for Real Enta'a Contract and Second Mortsaaen. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO 201 P!nner Triifi! Ride Pli S-7IM r DIRECTORY aTTdi n6mXTiii n es All makes used machines sold, ranted repaired Roan 411 Court Phone 3-1773 A PPLIAN CE SERVICE ELECTRIC HOME appliance repair service Prie wtlmatea. Ii ade-lna accepted on new appllancea Vlt.ce'n Eiectrlo. Phone 3-9239 157 8 Liberty St o AT-UR DOOR ORINDINO ACTO RAniOS Authorlted Warranty Repair Station for all makea or Auto Rsdloa Mnrrow Radio Co.. I S3 8 Liberty ph 3-69SI. n MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towlna- service day phona 3-9311 HI ant 3-1104 133 Center. o RIILDINO. CARPENTRY Don't put off spring repalrlna, "rebuild Ina. For aj-ik. expert aervlta, auarsn tee( lattfartlon. Ph. 3-4850. ol30 BUILDING CONTRACTORS Bulldlna a w home? Let Sullivan it Taylor home builder build It for you Ph. 3-4479 nr J-7579. o!31 BIHLP1NG OP COITRTS or home o builder of rourta at llth-Rural. Labor plua 1. Satisfaction guar. Ph ivssft nl!9- Prama or mainry constmetton, resldan tin. rem marc I 1 houses raised. New foundatlona. Alt Broa Ph 31909 111 Mlka Psnek. 371 8. Com'l. Ph. 1-B181 Brake Js Wheal allinlnt apaelslUta OI30 RIILLDOEING Dean Robinson ' Ph. IflSlT" Bulldoitni leveling, road blda , clear ing teeth for brush. Viral) Hiukey, 1010 Falrvlew Ave. Ph. 3-3141, Salem. 41I4 CASH REGISTERS I rut ant delivery of naif RCA cash raglater Al' nitu aold, rented, rv palrad. Roan 451 Court. Ph 3-1773. Q CHIMNET SWEEP Purnaca chlmnera vacuum gleaned BnJy. TT1 8. 31at Ph. I-717I. olio nRF.SSMAK IN O Dreu making. Alt Shop, fur work, asw Ina Open May i, ma. Il-f7, 110 State Ph. 1-7004. O1S0 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Vines' Electrla for electrical wlrtni eontrartlng. repairing 117 8, Llbarti Ph 1-9339 EXTERMINATORS Cockroach Moth. Eatarfninator Barrlre Ph. 3-30.- Lee Cruim. ISM Pearl, clap FI.OA1ST Bralthaupt'a for flow era Dial I 9179 f HO L' BEHOLD PBODfJCfs J R Watklna Co produeta Free e Ivery 1717 Center Ph 1-ftiai INMXATION A B.C. Insulation Co. Ph. 1-3741. olio LAND,CAFr NI'RSERV P A. Doerfler Bona. Ornamental. 110 N Lancatter Dr. at 4 Car Pn. 3-1333. LAWN " LAWN sprinkling system Pb 14131 LAWNMOWFRS Rharnenlng, guaranteed service New power and hand mo wen Call Harry W Vott, 147 Bo C..m'l 81 ollf LAWN MOWF.RRnARPKNING At you 1 door !awnmowr sharpening Deitar tha lawnmower mas Ph 38813 ghimnaya block laving MATTRFp. Capital Bedding. Phona 1-4089 MOVING SnVtty Copper left I ruck, car rented Ph l0 or Center Church mi air LEMONS Spanish and Hawsran f lunar Mando lin, Bsnio eta. ii Coo ft St. Ph. J-lstt Ml'ft' RFGITRT Practical sursaa. Day-onhlPrt jvit! Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, DIRECTORY lt E Ft' KTt BEj l PPLItS Dek chair, (ilea and tfltng supplier satca. duplicator and suppnej. dei lam pa typewriter stand, brief raae aierce Wtra Recorder. Roto 4il Court OIL CIRCI LATOR SERVIC E Call Cy Yon7erPh3-607T PA PERHANtil N G Jerry Johnson Ph. 3-3733. 0141 Expert Paperhanclnt and painting H J Woodaorth. Ph. 2-bltQR Free tut. ol33' PAINTING PA1N'TINGAND PAPLHHANtilNG Painting and papei-hsnglng Free entl male. Ph. 3-9513. 337 Shipping. OlJM PAPER HANGING Jerry Johnson. Ph. 3-3731. PICTURE FKAMINQ una Hutcheon Paint Store n.ASTFRlNG "patchlnaT Rcpairmr Ph. " 3-lTolT PL1MB1NG Pl!ier344 8 Com'l. Ph. S-3019. olJS' MIL'NI NG,SPBU YIN G Philip W. Belike. Ph. 3-1308. WCaudiaPh -3-7900" 7" ol3l 0119' RADIATOR KEPAHt Cleaned, repaired. J O. Balr ti Bona. Ph 11193. By Drtve-lo Theatre Since 1917 0133 Ray Moore 3370 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-9433. .SAND GRAVEL Garden Soil, emitted rock. Shovel and dragline excavating Wailing Sand Ai Oravel CO. t-hona 3-9349 O "Valley Sand OraeFc o Silt, sand ft fill dtrt Excavating 10B shovel St cau Tractor scoop Si trucks for dirt moving Ph. office 34003. re. 37141 Salem Saw Wrka. Ph. 1-7003 1393 N. Sth SEWERS AND SEPTIC TANES Electrla Roto-Rooter Exclutva Patent Razor fharp Steel Cutting Blade Clean Sewera ar Drains Septla Tank Cleaned Reaa. Ph 1-1337 er I-I4II SEPTIC TANKS K. F. Hamel. Septic Tank Cleaned Electrla machine service on sewer and drain Hnea. Guaranteed work. 1141 1th St.. Wet Salem. Ph. 3-7404. 0119 M.ka'a Septic Service. Tanka cleaned. Roto Rooter Service on Sewera. 1079 Elm St.. W. Salem. Ph. 1-9481, I-A137 130 TRANSFER A STORAGE Local ! Distance Transfer, atoraae Burner oils, coal h briquet. Trucka to Portland dally. Agent for Beklna Houae hold good moved to anywhere In US o. Canada. Larmar Tranafar Storage Ph. 1-3131 TYPEWRITERS Smith Corona. Remington Royal, Under wood portables All makea uwd machine Repair and rent Roen. 451 Court, o' VENETIAN BLINDS Made In Salem Free eat Phone 37339 tinier the Blind man. o 3alem Venetian Blind made to order ot refinlAhed. Relnnoldt Lew la. 1-3839 WATCH ft CLOCK REPAIRING Watcher- for sale, open evea. Pb. 38539 330 Evergreen E. P. Orda. c114 tVELLD Rl LLI N O J ASnecd i"V SolTs.-welldrll!lni. 3S0S Brooks St.. Salem. Ph. 1-0109. oU3 WEATIIIRSTRIPP1NG WINDOW CLEANING Acme Window Cleanera Windows, wall Si woodwork cleaned Floor cleaned waxed and polished Ph 3-1337 347 Court. Lanadoc, Culbertxon and Mather WINDOW SHADES Washable. Roller Made In order 1 Dav Del Relnholdl St Lewi Ph 31639, o yOOM A SAW DltSJ Wrjt Saler Fue Co Ph 3-4031. 0 WOODS A WING Atkins & Cross. Ph. 374 or 19179. ol34 LEGAL N'OTirE-OfTnTENTION" TO IMPROVE MOINTAIN VIEW DRIVE FROM CAN DAI. ARIA BOULEVARD TO HANSON AVENUE. Nottra hereby la given inai ine ram nnraunrll of the rltv Of Salem, Oreaun. deems It neresiary and expedient and hereby declares Its purpose and Intention In Imnrove Mountain View Drive from the south line of Candalarla Boulevard to the north line of Hanson avenue. In the city if Salem, Marion county. Oregon, at me expense of the abutting and artlarenl property, except tne street interarnigna the expense of which will be assumed by the city of Salem, by bringing said por tion of aald street to the established grade, constructing cement concrete curbs, and paving said portion of said street wiin a a' inrn aspnamc roncreie pavement 30 feet wide In errordanra with the plana and specifications therefor which were adopted by the common coun cil May 9, 1949. which are now on file In the office of th cliv recorder and which by this reference thereto are made a part hereof. The common council hereby declares Its purpose and Intention to make the above described Improvement by and through the street Improvement department. By Order of the Common Council May I, 1949. ALFRED MT'NDT, City Recorder Date of first publication hereof Is May 13. 1949. Capital Journal. Mar IS. 14. It. IT. II. II, 30. 31. 3.1, 34, 31. NOTICE TO CREDITORS N. 117 At In the Circuit Oourt of the Slate of Ore gon, for tha County of Marlop. probate Department In tha matter af tha uim of Ola T. Storaasll, deceaaed. Notice la hereby given that the under signed haa been appointed adminlairatnr, era or tne estate or oie T. Btoraaall. de ceased, by the Circuit Court of the State of Oreont for' Msrton County, arfd ha qi alllleO Ail persona having claim aeeinat aald ealaie are hereby nottr.e ts present the earn to me at the office of the Capital Journal, Salem. Oregon, with voucher and duly venlM-d. within six month from the date hereof. Lee or first publication Mar 7, last rtste or last publi.-ailon June 4. Itil. Rdwm H iVeii. Aliorneya. Ms 7 14 31 J .tune 4 LODGES Qs I OOF. meet vcrr Weiii. w w day nli night. Visitor welcome I tf Qp I.O.O.F, mppLs pvpryWe1. n end ay night. VUlUirn wrl comf. ' H 1, mi ".' ' He.w-' 1 Open House Saturday & Sunday t to I P M I to I PM. FOR SALE BY OWNER A i' owis' le heat hard nod floors, n-ntv bu.:t-m, -tare attached a rase, paird street and rem-n il-nU 177M - I.AMY 'I r.KMH 1 T45 Loe Street Saturday, May I t, 1949 13 STOCKS QUOTATIONS , i By tne Aatrcisted Ptsaai j American Cu , i Am Pn 10', Am Tel w lei Anaconda 20 4 Bendia An a' ton 3'a Seth Steel 2. Boeing Airti ana 2 ' L-'alit Pac-slni ;n Canadian Psc-f;e i Case J I 33rm Caierpillar Cfirrler . 52 Comwlth Sou 3 ;i Con Vuiiee 10' Cuntlnen:ai Can 33 ' Crown ','iieroscb 23 Curtis vVr:g:ii 9' Dousla A.nralt UupoiU de Nm 190l Clenerai Erec'ria 37 General ruud tv, Oaueral Uomr :i7 'Joodreat .T;rt ,s.t 41S Ini Hsrveer int Psper ,,. 4" Ksnnarott 4.V L1bb MrN A t Long Bel) A"" 14 Montgomery Ward M 4aJh Kelvinatoi 13's Nat Dairy 3i NY Central Nartharn taclf1e ll' Par Am rah Pa Oa ft Pica ....... Pa Tel lei 91 Peaney J O Ragle Corp 13 Rareeiier Sarealar Pfd 31 Reraelda Ma.aia 33 auebfls JfiH adesr Storea 3H Mti Roebuck 37 T4 Beatherw Parlftr 41 ' Madard OH Ca 84; liaaeeaker Cot 30'i gaaahlae Mining lraHiriu 11H uaiast Oti Cat 39 S Daiea Paelfle 13 Calked tirtaee 13k B IHeel 71 Wmiw wrap Pie 13ai wwweelb 48 Salem Markets CeanpMesI (rem reports el Salesa Seal ers for the guidance Capital Joernal Readers. (Revised dally). Retail Feed Prteaa Kt Mash lo ll. Rabbit Pellets 14 49. Dairy Feed 14.00. Peallrri buylns price Oracle A elop ed hen 10c: grade A Lett horn hena, 38 cent. Orade A colored frrera, ttre pound and up. 30c. Orada A eld rooster 11 -en I gga Raying Price Extra laree A A, M( large AA. 4c; la ran A. ci medium AA, 4&r; medium A. 43-44c; putlrU, 38-30C. W bales re Prteee Beg wholeaala price I t 1 cent above the prlcaa above. Orada A generally ruoted at lie; ma di-im 49c. Bwlterfa Premium. We. No. 1. l Na. I. -9c (buying price. . Better Wholeaals trad A, Me,- ra tal) 71c. LEGAL NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROV M S.HION STREET FROM EAST ('I BB NE OF CAPITOL KTKI.ET TO WEST C1RR LINE OF TWELFTH STREET. Notice hereby I given that the com mon council of the city of Salem. Oregon deems It necessary and expedient and hereby der lares Its purpose and Inten tion to Improve Marion street from the east curb line of Capitol street to tha west curb line of Twelfth street, tn tha ll v of Balem. Marlon rounty. Oregon, at the expense of the abutting and adjacent property, by removing the existing curb. and conMructlng new cement concrete curbs, widening the existing pavement from 30 feet lo 40 feet, ft feet of such additional width to be on each side of (he existing pavement and such addition' al width to be pavrd with a I Inch Port land cement concrete pavement, and the existing pavement to be resurfaced with a l'j inch afphaltlc concrete pavement, all In accordance with the plans and spe cif lea t lone therefor which were adopted bv the common council Mav 9, 1940, which ara now nn file In the olflce of the city recorder and which by this reterence thereto ara made a part here of. The mmmnn council hereby declare Its purpose and Intent Ion to make tha above described Improvement by nd through the street Improvement depart ment. Itv order of the Common Council Mar 9, 1919. ALFRED Ml! NUT, City Recorder Dale of first publication hereof la May 1J. 1f4. Capital Journal, May 13, 14. 11. IT. It, 19, 30. 31. 33. 34. 35. NOTICE-OF PI HEARING Pursuant tn Administrative Orcr No. 3279 Ivtued by E. L. Peterson, Director of Agriculture, State of Oregon, on May 10, 1949, and In arrorrianre with th provision of tha Oregon, Milk Control Act. NOTICE la hereby given that a publl hearing will be held before E. L. Peter ion. Director of Aarictilture. In tha Neighbors of Woodcralt Hall. 8 W. Four teenth and Morrison Street. Portland, Oregon, on May 33. 1949 at tha hour of 9 30 o'clock A.M . at which time sworn testimony will be taken and documen tary evidence received on matters per taining to the retlslnn of minimum wholesale and retail prices of fluid milk and cream, to eatahlish minimum prices to producers for fluid milk for human consumption In fluid form: rellon of the boundaries of the Portland Sales Area; transferring the operation and supervi sion of the Portland central Laboratory In the Milk Control Section of the State Department of Agriculture; to revise pool tne regulations; to revise rules and regulations relating to unfair trade prartlcea and to such other matters a relate to tha stabilisation of production, sales and distribution of fluid milk and rream In the Porlland Production and Hales Aiea; and sperlflrally to amend or repeal the following orders heretofore issued pursuant, tn tha authority of the Oregon Milk Control Art: Order OO. No. 116 Minimum Prteea Order O O. No. 19--Pon1ng Order GO. No. 41 Unfair Trade Prac tices ' Order O O. No. 117 -Testing Labora tory Dated at Portland, Oregon, tttlg 11th day of May, 1ft. Thw. I Ohlsen. Chief Milk Control Sertloa State Dept. of Agii. Legal May U NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE 1 hereby fivn that the under Algncd. ht filed' In im.Cirrult Court of tins State of Oreann for tne County of Marlon. Prooate Isepartment. her duly ver.f.ed Final .Account a Fxeeutrlg of the aeiat of J.;:ia E. Bodxeit, deceased, and ttiat said Court lie fixed Monde, ne 3d ui day of, 1949, at the hour . f 10.00 oo( A. M. of a.d dy a tne time, and t'ie droll Court Pnvim in tn County Co'.irt Ho we in m, M anon Couniy Ore on a the place for hesrin na.d Final Account and a:i objection listed at Salem. Oregon, th s 7th day of Mav. 1144 S4RAH SmiXlFTT PF1 FRStlN, of th of luiia t B.nrtaetr deceased Ranald C, uim r. Attorney for FveciUlx, Salem, Oregon Ma 7 14 II ; June I - - . " ,r.. ... 1