1 Capital Journal. Salem, Oregon. Friday, May 13. 1949 Church School Council Meets Woodburn T h e monthly Sunday school council of the local Christian church will be held Sunday May 15, following the morning worship service. A no host dinner will be served at noon. All teachers, officers and those interested in Sunday school work are lnyited to at tend this meeting and dinner. Rev. Lester Gibson, pastoi of the Assembly of God church, is taking leave of two months from his duties here. During his absence Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Bi vins, evangelists, will have charge of the services. Rev. Gibson has been selected as chairman of the camp meeting of the Assemblies of God held annually on the camp ground at Brooks and will be living on the grounds with his family during the session. Part of the time he will be on vacation. The Bible Baptist church will ahow the film "Crucifixion of Paul" put out by Evangel Film Inc. of Portland, Sunday, May 15 at 7:45 p.m. The film will be shown by Arthur Mills and T. R. Anderson. No charge will be made but a free will offering will be taken. The public is invited. A public concert of sac-red music, featuring Mr. and Mrs. J. Stanley Krantz has been an nounced for 7:45 p.m., Sunday, May 15, at the local Free Metho dist church. The couple are singers of ability and the pro gram will consist of special ties, requests, novelties, duets, solns and instrumental music. A solvox will be used during the program. Admission js free and the public is invited. Installation of WSCS Sunday Eve The annual installation serv ice of the Woman's Society of Christian Service of the Jason Lee Methodist Church will be held Sunday evening in church at 7:30. Mrs. Joe Kllnger, presi dent, will preside. Mrs. Everett Faber, of Central Point, will de liver the address on: "Christian Stewardship," and Mrs. Roy Fe d)e will install the new officers. Special musical numbers will be given by a double duet: Mrs. A. E. Utley, Mrs. Carl Gies Mrs. Roy Lively and Mrs. Harry Ir vine. Refreshments will he served following the services. The pub lic Is invited. Immanuel Baptist Youth Program The young people of the Im manuel Baptist church of Port land will present I program at the Bethel Baptist church heri' Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock. The Bethel young people will entertain the Portland group at a social preceding the program This service is sponsored by the Oregon Young People s League According to the League's ar rangement each society is to pre sent a program at some other church. The Bethel young pro pie presented a program at i Portland church several months ago. Willamette Choir To Give Concert The First Christian church will present the Willamette uni versity a cappella choir in con cert Sunday night at 7:30 un der the direction of Dean Mel vln H. Geist. The program will be varied and will Include a violin solo by Betty Kuhlman. Negro Chorus To Give Concert "The Chordsman," a 12-man Negro chorus from the Hughes Memorial Methodist church In Portland, will givt a concert at the West Salem Methodist church Friday evening. May 13 at R p.m. There will be a free will offering. BEGONIA GARDENS Yes! It's now time to plant your Tuberous Begonio garden. We are Salem's only begonia specialist and hove thousands of choice seedling plants now ready at ONLY 25c each or $2 50 pe- dozen, your choice of color. The finest In begonias can now be yours at very reasonable cost. Why not drive out D Street today? Those beautiful reds, orange, pinks, rose, yellows, and many other colors can be hod m your own garden in full bloom in July if you order now. Don't put it off. Remember "WI GROW OUR OWN THERE'S A DIFFERENCE" HIS D STRUT Ark Subject of Sunday Sermon Detailed facts pertaining to the Ark built by Noah and its "spiritual" application will be the theme for the morning serv ice at the Christian Missionary Alliance church on N. Sth at Gaines St. In this message will be the concise biblical data as it collaborates the fragmentary reports from the late scientific investigations proving the pre sent day existence of Noah's Ark resting on Mt. Ararat. Next month an expedition composed of personnel from America. Great Britain and the Netherlands will proceed to the scene for further scientific facts. The Sad Circumstances of Trying to Put and Keep New Wine in Old Wine-Skin Bot tles" is strictly an evangelist message, with ample biblical il luminating inferences, for the evening service. Missionary to Address Youth Rev. John S. Hall will be the snecial speaker at Salem's next Youth for Christ Rally, Satur day evening, at B o'clock in the Evangelistic Tabernacle, 13th and Ferry Sts. Rev. Hall wat the first missionary among the Tan- Bales, a naked, cannibal tribe of British Nigeria. Africa. Within five years he had Christianized and civilized them to the extent that they were fully clothed and sending out their own mission aries to other tribes. Rev. Bill Rice, of Wheaton, III., interna tionally known youth Evangel ist will appear on the rally along with his song leader, Emil And erud, former N.B.C. dance hand leader and trumpeter. Dan Clau sen, a baritone soloist from Al bany will sing several special solos. The Salem Youth for Christ Rally has grown to the second larcest YFC Rally in the state of Oregon. The admission is free Mrs. Almlie Named President of Group Silvorton Mrs. S. L. Almlie. wife of Rev. Almlie of the Im inanurl pastorate, was elected oresident of the Woman's Mis sionary Federal ion. Oregon Cir cuit, at the Thursday all-day and evening convention held this week at Trinity Lutheran church. This was the place of organization of the federation 30 years ago. Her assisting of ficials are vice president, .Mrs. Earl Rogness, Portland Central Lutheran church; and Mrs Christian Magnuson, Canby. secretary-treasurer. The attendance was large, many more than were expected The special honor euest was un able to attend. This was the founder of the circuit here, Mrs M. A. Christenson, now of Eu ene, widow of a Portland pas lor. establishing the circuit in 10 10, here. Rev. M. J. K. Fuhr and Mrs Fuhr were pastoral hosts for the guests. Women Holding Sale Woodburn Women of the WSCS of the Methodist church will hold a benefit sale of food and needlework Saturday, at the LaBarr bakery to raise funds for equipment of the kit chen and dining room of the new Methodist church now under construction The sale will open st 10 a. m. and the com mittee In charge includes Mrs H. A. Lohse. Mrs. Clifford Applegate and Mrs. Charles Conyne. KINGWOOD BIBLE CHURCH 1 125 Elm Street SUNDAY, MAY 15 TWO GKEAT MISSIONARY SERVICES 10:4.1 a. m. REV. JOHN HALL (Served amona the cannibals and lepers for 34 years In Niscria) 7:4.1 p m REV. PETER BECKER and MISSIONARY D. D. RANDALL (American Sunday School Union Workers In Oregon) D-VISTA GARDENS E Jaaaa L Mtnarlal MMhftdlat North Winter at JafWaon St. l-oui C. Kirby. DD., paitor. SundaT avhool. 9:43. Uorn ln itivicf, U. Sermon aubjec-t. "Th R flnfr'a Ftra." Anthem: "Lord Most Holy." nolo: ' The Btranitr of OalilW bv Law- Frtrkrv. Fvrn ni rvR. 7 ju p m. Annual Inatallatlon avvlee by th Worn- orlei y. Quartet nutnotr; i ra a Pilgrim." Rolo: "My Tank,' Mri. A. c. UUejr. Youth (roup meet at a:30. IJIiiU at H'MjIomi Scknca flalrm Woman'i club. 40 North CotUu urcei. Rv. William Byron Charlf. -Are You a Prodlaal Boat" 11. "Your Attracilvenaai.' 1 p.m. faith Tabernac-1- 1105 N. 5th '5th at nainrai Rev. Mai Wyatt. paator. nunnay achool. 10 Momma worinip. n. arrmop by Rev. Wyail. Evangellitlc terv.ee. I. lalnl FanTa I: plat opal Chiirrh and ChfiiiekHa atresia. Thr Hr. QforM H. Swift. R D . rerior. noiy uommumuu if rhapH, 7 30. Junior enurcn inu atM, t-30. Nuraery aihool In parUh home, II. Prayer aerrice, napium ana ermon, 11. Bethany Evangelical Beformfd Ma rion and capitoi atreem. nrv. n"u Mayer, pa "tor. Sunday arhool. 10. Morn ing worship. II. Evening worahip. 7:5. Calvary Chapel Fall Ooapel-1143 N. Liberty St. Rev. Claude C. and Mary w. Rrll. paitori. Sunday srhool. 10. MnrnlriK nip. li. vesper aeryicc, lib. fnuiu service, T.ift. Monitor Camananlty Fall Goapr 1 Moni r Ore. Rev. and Mri. E. C. Schilling. paatora. Sunday athool. 10. Morning wor- nip. II. loung ptDpit, . r.vru.iiK Ire. I. Chrlat l.nlhrran Stale atrert at 18th . R. Srhult. oaitor. Morning worship at 41 a.m. Sunday arhool at a M a m. Di vine worship and reception of members ai li ociock. Orate Lntheran (KLOLiither S. Ror- gen, pastor. Wnrnhlpping In Eniilewooti trhonl North IDth and Nebraska St. Sunday srhool at 10 a.m. Divine worship at ll a.m. Train Center 303 N. Cottese. Sunday xrhool. I 45. Evening service. I. Tuesday, May 17. Library 13 to 3 p m. The Bethel Baptist North Cot I a Re end streets. Rev. Rudolph Woyke. pastor. Sundav school at 9:45 a.m. Morning worship at 11. Sermon topic: "Second Mile ChrixtlanMy." Program by Portland oung people at 7:30 p.m. First Christian Hlrh and Center. Dudley Strain, minister. Walter Naff, as- loclate minister. Church srhool. B45. Morning worship and romm union, 10 '50. Sermon, "Seek Heavenly Things," Walter Naff. Solo. "The Lord I My Light' by Alllaen. Anthem, "Praise the Name of the Lord" bv Jvanoff. Youth groups, flla The FlrM Christian rhurrh 1 pleased to sent tlte Willamette unlverstlv a rapel choir in concert Sunday evening at 7:30 under the direction of Dean Mm in . Oelit. The Church af the Foursquare tiospel 10 N. IBIh street between Center and Chemekta. Rev. Jame H. Taylor, pastor. Runday srhool. 9 45. Morning service. 11. Sermon by the p.ulor. Sermon subject:! Discerning the Lord's Body." Foursquare Crusaders and Defenders. '4S. Evening lervice. 7:45. Sermon by the paxtnr. Ser mon subject, "A Sound to Be Heard." Four Corner Baptist Julius F. Herr, nlsler. Church Bible schnol. 9:45 Morn ing worship. 11. Sermon subject, "What DorU Thoit Here?" Special music. Sunday enlng service. 7:30. Inspiring song ser vice followed by message entitled "The Old Love Story." Male quartet will sing. First Fvangellral In lied Brethren Where Marion crosses Summer. Rev. WIN mer N. Brown, pastor. Sunday aclinol. 9:45 Morning worship. 11. Pennon sub ject, -ine Meaning o the Manna' Eve ning service, 7.45. Sermon subject, "Lock ed Out." First Kplrlluallnl 34S N. Commercial. Rev. Maxlne Huberts, speaker. Services h .ju ana ;ju. Knight Memorial Congregational Nlne Irrni ti and Ferry Sts. Louis E. While, minister. Sunday srhool. 9:45. Morning worship. 11. Sermon. "The BbsIs of He- nei. unurrn-tnne nur.iery. Pilgrim Fellow-hip group lor senior high and Jun :or high young people, 6.30. First Church ar Ood Hood and North Collage. O. W. Clemens, pastor. Church srhool. f 45. Morning worship. II. Topic. "What Are the Christian Ordlnanres? ' Youth fellowship. Lavelle Bishop, presi dent. 7 p.m. Evening worship. 7:45. To pic, "Job, the Representative Man." St. Jahn'a Lutheran iMo. Stnnd) North ttlth A A St. Rev. H. W. Oross. pator. Morning service at 9 and 11. Sunday school at 10. Jeaus Name Pentecostal 1175 Lewis Mreel. Ronald V. SitUer. paslor. Buiiday school, 10. Morning worship. 11, Evening evangelistic service. 7,45. West Salem MelhndiU Third and tlerth. O. Leonard Jones, minister. Church school, 9 46. Worship. 11. Youth fellow ship. C:30. Young adult fellowship. I. rirst Presbterian-Chemeketa at Win ter Chester W. Hemhlln. pastor. John L. (loocienberger. assistant pastor. Chiirrh srhool. 9.45. Morning worship. 10 55. "What Do You Do In Worship''" Seimon bv the pastor. Evening worship. 7:10, Put Out the Pire. mend." Sermon by Mr. Uoode nberger. Middle Grava- Middle Ornva Amrrlran Union Sunday at honl Ifl a m. cttrh Sun day in Middle drove arliool. I ttltrd Frnlrrealal -445 Pfrrv. Rrv. Na thaniel Wilson, pasior. amid a v achool. ";4.V Morn Inn arrvli e. 11. arrmon anb )ct, "Neither In Thla Mountain Nor Vei at .lertiaalem." Kvftiini service. 130. Ser mon aubject, "Some Foundation." Tenlral l.tttaeran (lalnea and North Capitol. (), B Rundstrom. palor. Sunday M-hool. t 4s. Mornlna worship. II. Junior Leaa.ua parent niiht. 7 JO. Jahnaan Memarlal Kerrnth ! Adven- SALEM, OREGON tlef turn mar and Hoed. A- . Gordon pastor. A- D. Chllaon, assistant. Sabbath srhool. 10. Morning aarvlra, 11. Servlre, 3:10. Young Peoples Missionary Voluo leers, First ihmrth ml Chrlat, Sc lea I let Lib erty and Chameketa Bis. Sunday school, 11. Morning service, It. Sermon subject: Mortals and immortals. nursery tor children up to 3 years af ait provided during the morning servlre. Evening ser vice. I. Sermon subject, "Mortals and Im mortals." Naleaa Helghla Caaamaallr Liberty road at Madrona avenue. Sunday school. 10. Prearhing U and 1: JO Rev. T. C. Brown, pastor. First Baptlat Marlon at Liberty Sts. Rev. Lloyd T. Anderson, pastor. Rev. C. E. Brackwedel. assistant pastor. Sunday school, 9:46, Morning worship. 11. Dr. Hill Rice, evangelist. Youth groups, 1:15. Evening evangelistic service, 1:30. Halbtrt Memorial BaptistLocated on 99-K. one mile north of the underpass. Sunday srhool, t:4ft. Worship service, 11. Young people a league. :io. Evening evangelistic service, 7:30. Rev. C. X. ttnckwedel, pastor. Chrlstlaa Missionary Allianre North 5th at Qalnes. Herman J. Bohl. pastor. Sunday school. f:45. Morning service. 11. sermon subject : Tne racts concerning Noah s Ark, Present and Past. Scriptur al ly Recorded and Scientifically Estab lished. With a Spiritual Application." Kvenliig service, 7:30. Sermon subject. "The Dlsasierous Results of Trying to Preserve New Wine In Old Wtne-Skln Bottles.' Orrheatra practice. 5:30. Young penple'a meetings with visiting speaker, 8:30. rhurrh ef Jems Christ af Latter-Day Salnla-VFW hall. Hood and Church Sts. John E. Saklsbury. bUhop. Sunday school. 10. Morning service, 11:30. Evening ser vice, JO. Woodburn Churches Christian E. Llncol- and Doud Sts. Don Priest, pastor. S. S.. 10. Service, 11. C. E 7. Evening service, I p. m. Assembly of God Second and Lincoln St. Lest Gibson, pastor. 8. 8., 9:41. Preach, 11 and 1:45. Y. P., 6:45. Free Methndlst Young and Oaten Sts. Mrs. Rozella B. Douglas, pastor. 8. 8 9 45. Preaching. 1 1 and 7 45. Foursquare 1197 K. Lincoln St - Arthur Ooble. pastor. 8. 8. 945. Worship, 11 and 7:45. Y. P. 9 45. First Presbyterian Oarfleld and Third Sts. Earl K. Fenton, pastor. 8. S 9;4S. Divine worship, 11 and 7:30. Y. P.. 6.30. Church af Jesus Chrlat af L. D. S. LOO P. hall. Sunday school, 10. Sacra ment meeting, 11:30. The Reorganised Church of Jesui Chrlat of Latter Day Saints Corner of Second and Garfield. George Omans, pastor. Church School. 10; Preaching, 11 ; Ziona League 1; Lecture study t. Bethel Presbyterian 3 miles east en Union Srhool road. Earl K. Fenton. pas tor. Worship, 10; 8. B. 10:45., Chwrrh af Ood Third and Grant Sts. Raymond W. Hood, pastor. Church school i; wortnip ti ana a: x. r. J. St. Mary's Mlsslan (Episcopal) --F. Lin coln St. at Cupid's Court. William Van Meter, vicar, enure n acnooi to; worsnip Bible Baptist- strange Hall. Settlemter and Harrison. Glenn B. Campbell, pastor. 3. 0:45; Worship Service 11 and 7;4S; P. 6:45. Immanuel Lutheran Harvln N. Ch Ha nsen, pastor. Doud and Oswald Sta. Sunday school 10; worahip service 11. nervals PresbyterianErnest Tremble y, pastor. S. S. 10; worship 11; C. E. 7:30. Methodist High school auditorium. Harry F. Pemberton, pastor. Church school 9 48; worship 11. St. Lake's Cathallr V. L. Moffenbeter, pa si or. Harrison between 3rd and 4th. Sunday services T. 6:30 and 10:30; after noon devotions 4. Salem's Greatest Youth Rally YOUTH FOR CHRIST Geared to the Times Anchored to the Rock ANOTHER RALLY YOU'LL NEVER FORGET WITH SUCH MEN AS REV. JOHN S HALL, Missionary to the Cannibals of Africa REV. BILL RICE. International Evangelist and YFC Speaker EMIL AANDERUl) former NBC Dance Band Leader and trumpeter DAN CLAUSEN Baritone IN THE EVANGELISTIC TABERNACLE 13th and Ferry St. SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 14, 8 P.M. Brin the Entire Family They'll Love It Changing .Years The procesn of continuous1 change is not o apparent as we go about our tasks and pleasures from day to day. It is only when we stop to compare this year with a distant one that we are fully aware of great differences. This Is true of ourselves, also. And we should make certain our bodily changes are normal and healthy, unhampered by disease. A yearly physical examination is the best health protection. Medicines change, too. They become less potent when per mitted to stand a long time. It Is Important that you get pre scriptions tilled by a druggist who always uses fresh stocks of drugs. rollM TM I, KtMh f a ,( af r4(t,UI Capital DrugStore (tt.lt A Liberty Phont Mill Dallas Churches rir.r. Menneaile J. J. Hlebert. pastor. Sunday school 1.45; Worship service 11. eweil message oj in. paaiu. . ahlp dinner at noon. Mr. and Mrs. me- oeri are returning u riwn. ... - missionaries. First Chrlstlaa Kenneth Johnston, paa tor. Sunday school. 9:45 Morning wor .Mn ti furman bv Evanaelist Walter Flscus "Faithful Unto Death." Christian (llnwihln : Study. 9 30. Evangelistic service. 7:10. aerroon. now to Make Certain of Heaven. Evangelical Mennanlte Brethren A. P. -"" unrnine rvire 11. Sermon. leader in Fresh Advances." Prograi Christian Endeavor, 7:30. Mennonite Brethren O. H. pastor. Sunday school. 9:45. Jantsen. Worship service. 10:45. Keieplion OI miinnrri, 7:30. Evening service, I. Rev. Peter Becker, missionary of the American Sun day School Union. In charge. Evangelical failed Brethren R. Wil liam Elmer, minister. Bible school work ers prayer service. 9:30. Sunday school, 9:45. Worship service. 11. Sermon, Chrtat. Sent Prom OOO. uin a cnorus practice. 930. Youth fellowship study hour. 7. Pre-praver service. 7:30. Evan gelistic Bible itudV, Lib. First Presbyterian Earl William Ben bow. D. D minister. Sunday school. 9 45. Mornlne worship. 11. Message bv Dr. Charles Poling of Arcadia. Calif. Evening service wttn message oy ur. i-oima, i. to. Apostolie Faith Loyce C. Carver, pas tor. Sunday school, 9 30 Morning wor ship. 11. Evening worship, 7.50. First Methodist Clark 8. Em. pastor. Church school. 9 45. Morning worship. 11. Sermon. "He Went on Through Cltiea and Villages." Musical program ov ine Chordsmen of Hughes Memorial Methodist church. Portland. 7:45. Salt Creek Baptist Emanuel Wolff, pas tor. Sundav school. 9:45. Morning wor ship, 11. Sermon by the pastor. "The Victory of Faith." Evening service. I. Mr. and Mrs. Met Bryant, Lodl. Caltf.. will tell of mission work in Kentucky. Falls Cltv Seventh Day Adventfat Ralph Gladden, pastor. Sabbath school, 9:30. Preaching, 11. Church af GodHenry Loggan, pastor. Sunday arhool. 9:45. Morning worship, 11. Young people's meeting, 6:30. Evan gelistic service, 7:30. Christian Science Sunday school. t:45. Morning serv.ee, 11. Subject of the lesson sermon for the week la "Mortals and Immortals.'' Seventh Day Adventlst Ralph Gladden, pastor. Sabbath school. 9.45. Sermon, 11. Assembly ef Ged--L. Otis Triplet! . min ister. Sunday school, 9 45. Morning orsh o. 11. Vesper service. Christ am bassadors, Junior church, B:4S. Evange listic meeting, 1:40. Falls City Free Methodist Gilbert John son, pasior. Sunday srhool, 10. Morning service. 11. Young people's meeting, 7:30. Evangelistic service. 6. First Baptist Sunday school, 9 45. Morning worship, 11. Training Union, 8:30. Evening worship. 7:30. Church af Chrlt -Bible Mudr. 10. Com- lunlon, 11. Sunday evening study, 6.30. St. Thomas Episcopal -Cyril P. Hanney, irar. Church srhool. 10. Morning pray er, 11. Holy Baptism, 12:30. Perrydale Christian C. A. Sias. pastor. Bible classes. 10. Morning worship, 10:45. renlng worship, 6. Falls Cltv Christian- Charles Knox. pastor. Sunday school. 10. Morning worship, 11. Christian tnoeavor. b:jd. Free Methodist R. W. MrCormtrk. pas- r. Sunday scnoni. :. rreacnmg. it. Evening aervlce, 7:45. 1'nlan Missionary Baptist-- Harmony community. W. A Heard, pastor. Sun day school, 10. Sermon, 11. Fala Sunday School Sunday school. 9.46. Morning worship, 11. Bridgeport Sunday Srhool H. Schmidt, Supt. Sunday school. 10. Oak drove Chapel- Fremont Paul, pas- By HJ.lt TT 1UI Dra, tr until? echoo! arh Sunday avtnlni. Palis City Method let James H. Koyer, pastor. Sunday school. 10. Morning wor ship, 11. Rkkreall Randay Brbaal - Supt, l. Thlessen. Sunday arhool, p. JO. Cha-reb af Jeaaa Chrtat ef Latter Day Saints Elder Miller, presiding. Sunday school, 10. Sacrament meeting. 11 4i. pastor Presbyterian Aid Meets in Woodburn Woodburn Twenty-iix mem bers and guests were present for the May meeting of the Pres byterian Aid society, held In the main auditorium of the church. After the opening period of eroup singing, with Mrs. E. Kay Fenton at the piano, the devo tional service was led by Mrs. Harry Van Arsdale. Mrs. Clarence Wampole vol unteered to take charge of dec orating the church for the month. A musical program was given under 'the direction of Mrs Howard Magnuson, which in cluded vocal solos by Mrs. Rob ert Renn; a piano duet and a number or organ and piano luets by Mrs. Magnuson and Mrs. J. W. Richards. Refreshments were served In the social room by Mrs. William Peltz, Mrs. W. S. Scarborough and Mrs. Alfred Moon. Missionary Circle Guest Dundee Home Dayton The Baptist Mis sionary Circle met at the home of Mrs. Searcy in Dundee, for 12:30 pot luck luncheon. The devotions were led by Mrs. Searcy. Mrs. Carl Blacker of Gladstone had charge of the lesson and also installed the of ficers which were relected at the last meeting. Officers are: Mrs. L. Phelps, president, Mrs. Blanche Rufener, vice - presi dent, Mrs. Robert Wright, sec retary-treasurer. The afternoon was also in form of a farewell party for Mrs. Blacker, who with her husband will leave soon for Ja pan as missionaries. Mrs. A. M. Vernon wrote an appropriate poem and presented a gift from The HART EVANGELISTIC PARTY - i iiai!3e!isasi t."ss Presented by REV MAX WYATT and REV. CLAUDE BELL FAITH TABERNACLE 1 1 North Sth of Goines Q fQCC'' , iwimcx wam mm lumtom t i CHotca f itxfl, tlua ar Wad , iTiBfiaBjBjBBfc.,.. r1h rKhtyehaitd "Htal tttu awf rlar . $10 00. Com pi aThiaa mtmWm v - -ij- 'i aomaintaaihat-ofainaJiiea4, jyi, $?Jjf twoot), nattd-ta. wm l 1U II wtirnn ur muimr n uk . w . en,T if xir.rX': itW T thOW a Hit f peB. 1 1 .!. tmtttl, tndd ftn. IS. May we Sugirst fresh If tl . rmi. M cmm tlL MasterBre.it II ' " ll nas an energising TSt a. SA.aiua.kiec', m na en.SSft9.e(H.U it. l liabi tomaiat. Mi anacti A . fAMi tin;aj1il ai law . i ilAf' ,14 W .1 wiraniiwmrgal faj Ifl H'kLat k'M Bl IT "M '"I IiSI Capital Drug Store fM IZMt&X&Ey 401 Iff Street ' l.ssmmm a J Silverton Churches laaasanael Latheraw L. Almlie. pas. tor. Holy Communion aarved un'"v- a. m. Sunday arhool 10 classes Included. Divine worshio a- Sermon by Bev. paennn ai urm it. Antnem oy junior "- cholre. Choral Union concert Field auditorium, 3:J0 0 0k lo h afternoon Sunday. Iti Paclfle college rhoir ana a jo piece " be present. Sunday evening, at lmman- ueL I ociock, Paclfle eoJlegt coocart- Trlallr Latberan M. J. K. ftibr. pal tor. Sunday achool and Bible classes. 10 a. m. Divine worship 11. special guest M,ii.r nimh faiinwahln dinner. After noon and evening convention aerrlrei at Eugene Pteld building and 1mm an ut I church. rk.iiii 4 yiuliurt Alliance Oor- don T. Bratvold, minister. Sunday achool classes tor all age groups at 10 a. m., ar Bairum, aupi. scorning wwium sermon bv pastor. Toung people meet. 1 p. m. Evening tvangelUllc aervlce. 1:4 o'clock. First Christian Chareh Arthur Charles Bates, minister. Bible achool 9:45 a. m.. B. Pord. aupt.. Lynn Nei assistant. classes tot all groups. Communion and sermon, 11. aermon: "The Oate of Heaven." cnrtaiian nnaeavor, t uu p. m. Evening service, 8 o'clock, aermon topic: Christ's Humiliation." Meihadlit Ben T. Browning, pastor. Sunday srhool. 9:45, rlaases for ail age groups, nursery lor very cimoim, Norman Naegell, supt. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Subject: "The Pleasure of Know ing the Answers." Mualc and singing led by the choir. Nursery tare tor children to ages of four years. Youth Fellowship. 7 p. m. Blair Pinlay president. Joyce Polk worship leader. Mrs. Harrlaon Fish er, youth counsellor. Calvary La t It era n James A. Tofte. pas tor. Sunday srhool and Bible class. 10. Miss Olga Johnson, supt. Morning wor ship II, theme: "With or Without Christ." Special tinging. Marauam Methodist Andrew Langcn- dorf, pastor. Sunday achool. 10, Worship, 11. Young people meet, Churrh af Jeaaa Chrlat af the Latter Day Saints (Merman) K. P. Hall. Oak and Mill. Sunday achool, 14. Evening service, 7. -Sunday aehooL 9:41 I. Paal'e Cat belle Father John J. Walsh, pastor. Sunday masses. S and 10, weea aay, a. Assembly af Oed Berrel H. Scott, pas tor, Sunday school. 9:46. Divine worship. 11. Younc people'a society, 6:46. Evan gelistic, Church af Gad Rev. E. 1. Niz. naator. Sunday school, 10. Worship hour. Evening aervlce, 6. Pilgrim Holiness Carl Mansfield, pas r. Sunday school. 10. Worship hour. 11. avening service, a. Seventh Day Adventlet Elder A. D. Chilson, Selem, and Harold Johnson, local elder In charge. Sabbath school. Satur day, 9:30. Morning worahtp. II, Satur day. Sunday evening evangelistic service. the society to Mrs.. Blackler. Mrs. Theodocia Magness gave a reading at the close of the aft ernoon. Starts Tuesday May 17th Message of Christ Sermon and Song EVERY NIGHT 7:45' (Except Monday) 1 Stay ton Churches Baptist Rev. Wtillard Buckner. paator. h.. tftma 10 Marnina wonnie it Training hour T S-.m arvenina eervis a. Cfcarrh ee Christ Oyoa freeman, paa- ... iiu. uhmI mam- nrkhl urv ice. U Youth feuowahtp, f 0 t.m Hint WDTanip a rhasah at Christ L U Beld. Minister. Bible atudy 19 Morning worahip 11. Sve a log worship 6 Methadlei John alsrantt. paJtor. BiWa cnool 19. Worahip aervlca 11. Touts te ionanlp 130 Evening worahip I. Assemble at Ood -RT. alalvtn StoekwatL paator Sunday achool 10 Morning aerv lce 11 Toung people's meeting 6:46. Eve ning evange'Lulo service 14. Imeaarelate Loaceptlea Cat hell Ret. Math. Jones, paator Sunday service. an 6 a m. 7:10 a m and 9:10 ft.m. St. Patrlrk'a Cathalle (Liaaal Father Leander Vhueider. pastor Winter Khed ule. Ut, nd and Ith Sunday. aa 10:) a.m.j Ird and ith Sunday ma at am. Oar Lady of Laardea t Jar dah) Path Leander ichndei pastor Winter sched ule, lit. Ind and oui Sunday nui I 10 a.m.i Ird nd 4th Sundy na 10:10 a.m. Mill City Churches Presbyterian Dr. David Ferguson, min ister. Sunday achool, 10. Morning ser vices. II. Church af Christ-Thomas Courtney Jr.. pastor. Sundav srhool, 45. Morning services. II. Christian Endeavor Hour, 6:30. Evening aervlce, 7 46. Free Methodist Donald Hinkie. nastnr. Sunday school 10 a. m. Morning service, 11. Evening worship, l. Community Wayne Wat kins. pastor. Sunday echoo), 10, Morning aervlce, U. Evening service, 7:4. Amity Churches Baptist Brure Wakeman, pastor. Sun day achool. 10. Morning worship, 11. Youth fellowship. 1. Evening service. 6. Cbarch af Christ Wm. T. Morse, min ister. Bible achool. 10. Morning worship. 11. Junior meeting, T. Young peoples meeting. 7. Evening service, 6. Methodist Rev. Fremont Paul, pasior. Sunday school. 10. Morning worship, 11. Junior fellowship, 9. Youth fellowship, 7. Assembly of God William N. Becrhy, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45. Morning wor ship, II. Children' meeting, 7:30. Eve ning service. 6. CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH Invites You Two Worship Services . Every Sunday 8:45 a. m. 11 . m. Sunday School 9:50 a. m. C. R. 2L- sta,e st l