Oetett Club liwtteJ Capital Jaornal, Salem, Oregon, Frtitay, May It, lilt- rrp uayton m octette eiuo met at the hom el Mrs, Cleta Gell tor a one o'clock luncheon FENNEY which was served on the patio of her home. The afternoon was spent playing bridge and high honors went to Mrs. Lewis Alderman. Other guesU were Mesdames James Penland, Floyd Wiilert, Clare Heider, FJoyd Shawver, Gordon Graham and Willie Hibbert. Mrs. tesh Hogue, CUrton; end; Mrs. Marjorie Hiatt, Viking an nual, Preston Doughton serves ss business manager tor both of the publication. The 1849 an nual will be distributed to the students Thursday, May 19, ac cording to business manager Doughton. The final Clarion will be given out May 28, Citrus juices should be left unstrained to derive maximum nutritional value, for the pulp contains a lot of vitamin C. I A si r i r T Salem 'High's Younr Journalists held their annual Clarion- 1 Viking dinner Thursday night. At the head table, left to right: Mrs. Leah Hogue, Clarion adviser; Mrs. Clifford P. Howe, Prof. Clifford P. Rowe, head of Journalism department, Pa cific university, guest speaker; Dick Louthan, Clarion news editor, toasimsster; Tom Schiedel, after dinner speaker; Mrs. Marjorl Hiatt, Viking annual adviser, Virgil G. Hiatt. High School Editorial Staffs Chosen at Annual Banquet New editors were named for the Salem high Clarion and the Viking annual at the annual Clarion-Viking dinner Thursday night in the senior high school cafeteria. ' Marilyn Power and Pebble DeSart were chosen as next year's editors for the Clarion and Viking, respectively. Others named on the new staff were: Viking Manager, Richard Scott; index editor, Carol Mc Leod; faculty, Judy Wood; girls' sports, Betty Beakly; boys sports, Bob Hamblin; clubs, Nancy Taylor; art, Bonnie Stewart; senior class, Susan Steed; and head typist, Barbara Lange. Clarion officers for the com ing year are: Manager, Margar et Brown; sports editor, Bob Hamblin; news editor, Dave Blackmer; assistant news edi-i tor, John Marie Miller; copy editor, Mervin Broeke; feature editors, Erna Marie Hill and Janet Galser; typists, Betty Wal ser and Joyce Armstrong. Tom Schiedel, senior debater, gave an after dinner speech with marriage as the subject. Fol lowing the talk Pebble DeSart sang "Sylvia" with Senior Joyce Edgell as accompanying. After the introduction of old and new officers for the high school publications. Prof, Clif ford P. Rowe, head of the jour-; nalism department at Pacific university, spoke on the ideal high school staff. Toastmaster for the dinner was Dick Louth an, news editor of the Clarion. Retiring Clarion officers are: Barbara Zumwalt, editor; Al cetta Gilbert, manager; Dick Louthan, news editor; Elizabeth Morley, copy editor; Una Mae Grayless, feature editor; Bob Jones, sports editor; Jane Tro jan and Margy Acton, typists. Annual staff officers for this year are: Jean DeWitt, editor; Don Young, manager; Aliie Lou Ohling, index editor; Pebble De Sart, faculty editor; Pat Fitz simons, co-editor for faculty. Donna Beard and Janet Gaiser. club editors; Phil Johnson, sports editor; Bob Hamblin, boys sports; Barbara Spagle and Lor raine Welling, girls sports; re porters, Betty Beakey, Marlene DeWitt, Shirley Jones, Carol Mc Leod, Joan Sharif and Bonnie Stewart; photographer. Glen Kleen, and assistant photograph er, Don Engdahl, John Ericksen; was photographer for the Clar-i ion, Advisers for the two staffs arej These Sensationally Reduced, New m Prices All of our fine, top quality heusedressts. Mouses, shirts taken from our regular stock. Go now today to Goldie's Dress Shop and Save! SPECIAL PURCHASE! House Dresses Fine cottons. Your choice, stripes, prints, piques, pais leys. Sizes 12-32, Also A sizes. Now 79 Only 2 for $5,00 LOVELY, DRESSY Reg, Vstue 7,95-8,55 Now 3 99 ALL SPRING River cool stripes. 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