Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 13, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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Edited by MARIAN
Capital Journal, Salem,
Salem Couple
Wed in South
Tmm faltfnrnin ramM Word
Of the marriage of Miss Dolorese
Jackman, daughter of Mr. ana
Mrs. Carl A. Jackman of this
itv in Private Harold Larking.
on of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lar
kins, also of Salem.
The marriage was solemnized
m a candlelight service at the
I2nd Infantry chapel at Fort
Ord, Calif., May 9. at 7 o'clock
In the evening, Chaplain Clar
ence H. Lund officiating. The
double-ring ceremony was used,
the service taking place before
n altar banked with lavendar
Irises, pink roses and white
The bride wore a white taffeta
dress with Kelly green acces
sories and a corsage of orchids.
Mrs. Sam Saunders of Salem
was matron of honor. She wore
dressmaker suit of black with
pink accessories and a corsage
of gardenias. Sgt. lc Marvin E.
Larkins of Fort Ord was best
man for his brother.
The bridegroom's parents, ac
companied by Miss Clara Lar
kins, Mrs. Sam's Saunders and
daughter, Judith, all of Salem,
went south for the wedding. For
the wedding, Mrs. Larkins wore
in aqua suit with brown acces
sories and corsage of orchids.
A small reception followed
it the home of Sgt. lc and Mrs
Marvin E. Larkins, members of
of the immediate family and a
few friends attending.
Both of the bridal couple were
graduated from Salem high
school with the class of 1948.
Newly Formed Club
Reports Meeting
Silverton The most recently
organized Woman's club In
Marion eounty, the Abiqua La
dies' Sociel club, met at the
home of Mrs. Elenore Kauf.
Tuesday, for a no-host dinner
at noon, with fifteen members
Mrs. Esther Bamett was ad
mitted as a new member. An
Informal program of music,
rocal and Instrumental, and
risiting were enjoyed during the
ifternoon. Mrs. Ben Butler was
the entertainment chairman for
the day.
During the afternoon the
(roup drove to the historic spot
on the Abiqua Cliff where the
monument in memorial to the
defenders of their homes against
the Indians la located. Pictures
were taken of the group and
The June 14 meeting will be
it the home of Mrs. John Jacob
ton for an outdoor picnic m the
facobson gardens. Planning the
entertainment for the day will
be Mrs. Margaret Shepherd,
Mrs. Helen McKillop and Mrs.
William Rue.
Through the efforts of the
fecently elected president, Mrs.
Rue, the club was organized in
January of this year.
176 North
1 - --'-"-'-tlMllf I
Oregon, Friday, May 13, 1949
Entertains Group
Mrs. Melvin Gilson, retiring
president of the Woman's So
ciety for Christian Service in
the First Methodist church, en
tertained the executive board
at breakfast Wednesday morn
ing at the church, the event pre
ceding the meeting of the
Party for
Honoring Miss Phyllis Sand
ers, who is to be married June
11 to Donald Dimbat, a shower
was given Wednesday evening
at the home of Miss Ela Lovre,
the hostesses being Miss Emma
line Bair, Miss Barbara Sadler,
Miss Cecelia Green, Mrs. Chris
tine Mumm, Mrs. Waldron Hill
pot, Mrs. Edwin Fobar, Miss
Lovre. Games were played and
an informal evening enjoyed.
Spring flowers were used in
Attending the party were
Miss Sanders, Mrs. George
Sanders, Mrs. Edwin Dimbat,
Mrs. Maurice Lee, Mrs. Earl
Brinson, Mrs. Duane Hewitt,
Mrs. Lewis McFarland, Mrs.
V. Bousquet, Mrs. Jess George,
Mrs. Ray Berry, Mrs. Xavier
Eckhout, Mrs. Leonard Turn
bull, Mrs. K. J. Hewitt, Mrs.
Georgia Roberts, Mrs. Alice
Jonas, Mrs. Fern Conner, Mrs
Blanche Cupp, Miss Louise Pet
tit, Miss Phyllis Graham, Miss
Mildred Toombs, Miss Emma
Belt, Miss Gladys Schollin, Miss
Janice Eckout, Miss Carol Nel
son, Miss Mildred Robson, Miss
Pat Kuebler, Miss Judy Sand
ers, Miss Darlene Bull, Miss
Sarah Lovre, Miss Bertha Lovre
and the hostesses.
ville Unit of the Legion auxi
liary met In City hail. Spe
cial guests were Mrs. Mary
Miller and Mrs. Williams. Ar
rangements were made for the
annual poppy sale and the ser
ies E bond sales. The last meet
ing of the year will be held
the first Wednesday in June
when new officers will be elect
ed and Installed.
SALEM chantfr OrHr rt
eastern star, is meeting Satur
day at 8 p.m. in the Masonic
temple. There will be initia
Visitors In Amity
Amity Visiting Mrs. Martha
E. Brown, on Mother's Day were
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown of
Eugene, Paul Brown of West
Linn, for the week-end, Mr.
and Mrs. F. Ivan Brown, and
Mrs. Edith Jones of Salem.
Guest Day
For Club
A large group attended the
guest day afternoon for the So
journers club, Thursday after
noon, in the Salem Woman's
club, bridge games following
the dessert.
May poles were used in dec
orating, also individual old
fashioned nosegays.
Guests included Mrs. Carl
Nelson, Mrs. Ralph Pickering,
Mrs. Bruce Croghan, Mrs. Earl
Croghan, Mrs. Walter Wood,
Mrs. Buy Albin, Mrs. Verne
Davis, Mrs. David Eason, Mrs.
Alan Brown, Mrs. Evelyn Read,
Mrs. B. W. Stacey, Mrs. Glen
Meier, Mrs. Howard Dook, Mrs.
Ted Stook, Mrs. Ed Payseno,
Mrs. Tyler Stone, Mrs. H. R.
Mrs. Douglas Fosbury played
musical selections.
Mrs. Diana Lynn was welcom
ed as a new member. Mrs.
Frank Ward as chairman of the
committee of hostesses.
Honors at cards went to Mrs.
Alan Brown and Mrs. Severt
Swanson, among the guests;
Mrs. Hobart Jackson and Mrs.
Gordon O. Leonard for the
members, all at bridge; and to
Mrs. O. A. Olson at pinochle.
Two members of the group
are leaving Salem, Mrs. John
Dann going to Coos Bay, Mrs.
Lewis Lenhart for Los Angeles.
Organ Vespers
An organ vesner servirp f tn
be given Sunday evening at S
o'clock in the First Congrega
tional church. Mrs. Jean Hnh-
son Rich will be at the organ,
assisted by Frank Fisher at the
violin, accompanied by Miss
Betty imom. The interested pub
lic is invited.
mity Woman's club met Tues
day afternoon at the home of
Mrs. Katherine Toepfer. Diver
sion of the afternoon was 500
with high score going to Mrs.
Rose Reisterer and low score to
Mrs. Margaret Halfman. After
a short business meeting re
freshments were served to the
following, Mrs. Rose Susbeaur,
Mrs. Margaret Halfman. Mrs.
Gertrude Kintz. Mrs. Rose Ries
terer, Mrs. Mary Dechateau,
Mrs. Martha Glover, Mrs. Rose
Becker, Mrs. Ida Steffes, Mrs.
Angeline Hassler, Mrs. Theresa
Hassler, Mrs. Frances Hartman.
Miss Philomene Schrewe, and
the hostess, Mrs. Katherine
ville Women's club will hold its
annual noon luncheon, May 19,
at the home of Mrs. G. Strozet.
Mrs. L. Carrow, Mrs. Clara Ech-
out, Mrs. J. Hensley and Mrs.
Loretta Fisher will assist the
Shown In tails, mediums and shorts sizes , . .
colorful prints In Butcher-Boy and shirtwaist
styles . . . you'll delight In choosing from this
varied collection of summer pajamas.
PRICED $4.50 to $S.93
" C ' aV-.
r i
Recent Bride The marriage
Of Mrs. LaVerne Eggers, the
former Maxine Stenger, was
solemnized late in February.
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stenger of
Gervais, Mr. Eggers the son
of Mr. and Mrs. John Eggers
of Brooks. (Jesten-Miller stu
dio picture.)
New Officers
In Auxiliary
New officers were elected at
the meeting of the Hollywood
Lions club auxiliary, Wednesday
Mrs. Robert I. Hanna is the
new president and other offi
cers include: Mrs. P. W. Hale,
vice president; Mrs. Cecil A.
Lantz, secretary; Mrs. Charles
D. Cox, treasurer.
Installation will be June 15
at the home of Mrs. Robert A.
Forkner, 1855 North Capitol
street. Mrs. J. Harry Moran,
Mrs. J. E. VanWyngarden and
Mrs. F. Alfred Williams are the
committee arranging for the in
stallation event.
At this week's meeting, held
at the Lions Den, Mrs. A. J.
Crose and Mrs. Forkner were
named delegates to the conven
tion to be held in June in As
toria. For the music songs were
given by Boy Scouts of troop
No. 3, sponsored by the Lions
club. Ed Lewis showed pictures
on India.
Hostesses for the meeting
were Mrs. L. P.. Thomas, Mrs.
Charles D. Cox, Mrs. C. A. Gies,
Mrs. C. R. Lindstrom. The serv
ing table was elaborately deco
rated with a May pole on a bed
of pansies with pink and white
tapers on either side. Mrs. Carl
G. Collins was a guest at the
Miller's are showing a special
buy In cool summer sleepwear
In very practical seersucker.
Thpre's nothing better than soft
cool cotton for summerl These
come in white with pink or blue
printed designs and plain tail
ored etc. Featured in the group
are the "FLAT-BAK" waistband
which assures correct fit and
comfort. Free action SYL-O-SLEEVES
which prevent bind
Ing or ripping under the arms.
Officers in
Club Named
New Officers for St. Joseph's
School Mother's club were elect
ed last evening as follows:
Mrs. Willard J. Stone, presi
dent; Mrs. William Gentzkow,
vice president; Mrs. Chandler
Brown, secretary; Mrs. Paul E.
Wilson, treasurer.
The meeting was the last of
the year, the group to resume
activities in the fall. Outgoing
officers were hostesses last eve
ning, including Mrs. Donald
Burke, Mrs. Farnk Test, Mrs.
Jack Hayes and Mrs. Norval
Mrs.Riggs Is
Feted by Club
Mrs. Irving Zeller entertained
the Sunflower club on Thursday
afternoon for the regular meet
ing and a surprise shower for
Mrs. Ralph Riggs. After the reg
ular business meeting, Mrs.
Gladys Mazac played two piano
solos. Games were enjoyed and
prizes won by Mrs. Emma Stew
art and Mrs. Gladys Mazac, and
the special prize by Mrs Lucille
Laws. Refreshments were served,
at tables decorated with favors,
on the lawn. The guest of honor
was presented with a gift by
the group.
Those present were Mrs. Myr
tle Bruijn, Mrs. Elvera Cerven
ka, Mrs. Constance Rausch, Mrs.
Mary Mann, Mrs. Mary Gerken,
Mrs. Maud Harms, Mrs. Lucille
Laws, Mrs. Gladys Mazac, Mrs.
Zana Monzingo, Mrs. Florence
Mann, Mrs. Jackie Riggs and
Ray, Mrs. Florence Smalley and
Gary, Mrs Alma Sonner, Mrs.
Sarah Vrooman, Mrs. Hattie
Bevier, Mrs. Emma Stewart, Mrs.
Lela Allen, Mrs. Maude Simpson,
Mrs. Bamneell, the hostess and
daughter Marilyn.
LEBANON In observance
of Mother's Day, the Beta Sig
ma Phi members invited their
mothers to a model meeting
Wednesday evening. The busi
nes session preceded a cultural
meeting. Miss Ruth Schackman
told the guests the history of
the sorority and its activities.
Mrs. Kenneth Wilshire gave a
toast dedicated to mothers.
After the closing ritual, In
stallation of officers was held
A jeweled gavel was given to
the outgoing president, Mrs.
William Abott, by the newly
elected president, Mrs. Robert
Peterson. Refreshments were i
In charge of arrangements!
were Mrs. James bietz, Mrs '
Wayne Johannsen, Mrs. Lon
Estep, Mrs. Thomas Warden,
Mrs. William Olds and Mrs.1
James Nichols.
Joan Griffith
Birthday Feted
Joan Griffith, daughter of Dr.
and Mrs. John J. Griffith, will
observe her seventh birthday
with a party Saturday after
noon at her home.
Guests will include Barbara
Keudell, Sally Frese, Suzanne
Davis, Janet Griffin, Margaret
Lancefield, Marilyn Luther,
Nancy Miller, Carol Ramsden,
Carolyn and Catheryn Stadter,
Jacquelyn and Patsy Gorman,
Julia Marshall, Judy Walker,
Laura de Weese, Mary Griffith.
Christine and Kathleen Drye,
Judy Fortmiller and Joan.
Leaders at
Camp Event
Girl Scout leaders of the San-
tiam area are attending the
training camp at Smith Creek
from noon Friday to noon Sun
day. There are courses offered
on outdoor program unit, day
camp unit and troop camp unit
Special courses on fire building,
trail making, lashing, nature
and hiking technique will be
These courses will be directed
by Miss Lucy MacAffee. Her
assistants are Miss Dorothy Wil
son, Miss Donna Gill, Mrs. Hu
bert Davis, Mrs. G. R. Boatright,
Mrs. Don Dill and Mrs. Ivan
The leaders attending from
Salem are: Mrs. Ray Strineham.
Mrs. Sherman Burris, Mrs. Ed
gar Morris, Mrs. Victor Wal-
dele, Mrs. Elmor Amundson
Mrs. Jerold Wing, Mrs. Lewis
Mosier, Mrs. Robert Burris. Mrs
Edwin Keetch, Mrs. Charles Ry
bloom, Mrs. Francis Miller. Mr.
Gilbert Steen, and Mrs. Gwen
MRS r W DABiri,n
. ,,. i nnncit was
hi u uuuge group Fri
day, the club meeting for lunch
Ann an1 nn
HnSTFee to,. i... i- .
iiiui.-,uay 10 ner
bridge club was Mrs. Arthur
,vitiiig me group lor
...luh buu carus.
Save Those Precious Hose!
Wnw Menr1innf .
Good nylons are expensive! vgr"-"' (k
wny not nave your nylons
menaed? Hove them repaired fv'tl
at . . ,
Stevens 6?
Livesley Bldg.
Campus Clippings
Orion's 5flth Junior Week-end
an unprecedented crowning of two queens at the "Songs of
Scherezade," all-campus sing, Friday evening. The two queenly
coeds smiled happily as they received their royal crowns from
the mayor of Eugene, then they ascended the purple carpeted
steps, along with the three Jun-'
ior Week-end princesses, to
their thrones, where they
watched Sigma Phi Epsilon and
Alpha Phi present winning
Songs of Scherezade. tran
Mahula, Jim Gilbertson, Bob
Zeller and Hugh Byrkit are
members of the Sig Ep frater
nity who received the winning
trophy at the song contest, as
well as first place In the float
parade with an "Arabian Night
mare" float. Contralto Elizabeth
Nelson presented several vocal
selections during the inter mis
sion of the coronation ceremon
ies and campus sing. Elizabeth
was selected the star performer
in the vaudeville show that was
presented in McArthur Court
last month. At the mothers'
meeting on Saturday morning
two Salem ladies were elected to
executive positions with Uni
versity of Oregon monther's
club. Mrs. George H. Swift was
elected state president of the
group and Mrs. Robert M. Fitz-
maurice was selected secretary.
The members of Skull and
Dagger, sophomore men's hon
orary tapped Beta Theta Pi Don
Pickett and Pi Kappa Alpha
Beldon Owens as new members
of their organization at the pic
nic Saturday noon, and the
week-end festivities were
brought to a royal close at the
Junior Prom on Saturday eve
ning, and the Sunlight Serenade
Sunday evening when the win
ners of the song contest pre
sented their songs and other en
tertainment was presented for
the visiting mothers and mem
bers of the court.
Sigma Delta Chi and Theta
Sigma Phi, professional jour
nalism fraternities, have sent
Nationally advertised
men's ond ladies'
watches with the
"Stevens" guarantee.
We Carry
Pen and Pencil Sets
make a fine gift.
1.20 up
Rings for the graduate
a very personal gift.
Ronson Lighters
and combinations.
Elgin Americon
"1001 Nights" commenced with
awards to Barbara Zumwalt and
Robert Jones of Salem in recog
nition of their outstanding ser
vices to their high school paper.
George Swift was recently ini
tiated into the national mathe
matics fraternity on the campus
and Virginia Huston is a new
member of Delta Phi Alpha,
German honorary. Virginia is
also one of six new pledges who
will be initiated into senior
Orchesis, women modern dance
honorary, on May 23. Bob Sed-
erstrom has taken an active part
in the spring sports at the uni
versity and was a member of
the undefeated golf team that
overdrove the Oregon State Col
lege squad last week.
Mrs. Mills Is
Hostess to Club
Silverton Mrs. W. Howard
Mills was hostess at her Salem
home Wednesday evening to her
fellow members of the Silverton
Junior Woman's club. Ten mem
bers were preesnt.
The members discussed the fi-
nal plans for the May 26 cere
monial initiation of ten new
members, and the installation of
new officers, in a candlelight
program at the First Christian
church. Mrs. John W. Myers of
148 Fiske street, Silverton, will
be hostess to the members Wed
nesday evening. May 25.
Mrs. Mills served refreshments
during the social hour.
390 State St.