Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 13, 1949, Page 3, Image 3

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    Polk is Asked
Quota of Bonds
Dallas A quota of $85,000
has been set for Polk county's
share of the U.S. Saving Bonds
Opportunity Drive, but the new
ly appointed county committee
hopes that residents will far ex
ceed this E quota.
George Mimnaugh, state di
rector of the bonds division of
the treasury department, was
in Dallas to meet with the coun
ty committee at a luncheon re
cently. He pointed out that the
county quota is very small in
comparison to those of wartime
and stated that it is only a few
thousand dollars more than resi
dents are purchasing normally
in a similar period of time.
Date of the drive is from
May 16 through June 30.
Emphasis here will be placed
on the Bond-A-Month plan and
the payroll savings plan. A sub
committee will be appointed to
contact industries and busi
nesses of the county which em
ploy 20 persons or over, ask
ing them to cooperate on the
payroll savings plan.
An advertising campaign will
be conducted through county
papers with the cooperation of
local businesses.
The committee will attempt
to point out to the public the
facts that widespread invest
ment in E bonds will secure
a more balanced ownership
of the national debt and bring
the interest to private owners
rather than banks. At the same
time a backlog of bonds in the
hands of individual owners will
help stabilize local economy by
providing a reserve for a "rainy
day" and preventing recessions
due to industrial shutdowns and
other causes.
Charles M. Thomas has been
appointed chairman of the coun
ty savings bond committee.
Others are Walter Craven,
Neale Povey, Claude Hoising
ton, S. E. Whitworth, Wesley
Sherman, all of Dallas; John
Pfaff, Ralph Kletzing and Ira
Mix of Independence; Q. L.
Jacobsen, Al Brown and R. B.
Swenson of Monmouth.
Burmesters Purchase
Home from Duncans
Stayton Mr. and Mrs. Glenn
You Get Hearing
A Hearing Aid is
Not Enough
19JI State St., Salem
Burmester have recently moved
into the home which they have
purchased from Judge George
R. and Mrs. Duncan, on East
Virginia street. The Duncans
have recently built a new home
next door to the one purchased
by the Burmesters.
Engaged in the shoe repair
business with his father, Char
les P. Burmester, the new own
er and his wife had been living
in an apartment in the same
building housing the shop.
School Pupils
Offer Program
Woodburn Pupils of St.
Benedict's school will present
their annual May program at
St. Luke's hall, Sunday after
noon at 2 o'clock.
The program will include
numbers by the rhythm band
of 28 members in uniform, chor
al reading by the second grade;
stunts and songs by boys of
grades five and six and folks
dances by the girls of the same
grade. There will also be an
action song by the third and
fourth grades, chorus by the
girls of the seventh and eighth
grades, and a skit by the boys
of the upper grades.
A short play "The Lady of
Fatima, in several scenes, will
be presented with Harriett Wei
gel as "The Lady," Joyce Yur
anek as the guardian angel and
the parts of the three children
will be taken by Kathryn Non
neman, Jeanette Stravens and
Gerald Smtih. The seventh and
eighth grades will give choral
readings between cenes.
Piano solos will be presented
by Barbara Snyder, Mary Yur
anek, Sam VanArsdale, Janice
Hanauska. Betsy Verboort, Jean
ette Weiss, Nadeen Lucas,
Louise Geschwell, Caril Schin
dler, Bert Seeley, Gordon Zas
toupil and Gerald Smith. James
Kowash and Patricia Halter will
give acordion solos.
Rainbow Girls
Name Officers
Woodburn Miss Betty Jo
DeHaan was elected worthy ad
vsor of ' Evergreen Assembly,
No. 12, Order of the Rainbow
for Girls, at the election of of
ficers at the Masonic Temple.
Other new officers are' Miss
Patricia Houseweart, associate
worthy advisor; Miss Patricia
Withers, Charity; Miss Carleen
Helsel, Hope; Miss Mildred
Gutherie, Faith.
Miss DeHaan has not an
nounced the appointive officers.
Installation will be held at
the next meeting with Miss Lois
Thompson, the retiring worthy
advisor, as the installing offi
cer. Woodburn Chapter of De
Molay will put on the crowning
Visitors escorted to the east
were Mrs. Alma Coulson, dis
trict deputy, from California
and Mrs. Neal Butterfield of
Vancouver, past mother advi
sor. After the meeting the girls
were entertained by their god
mothers whose names were revealed.
Millers Given Farewell
Aumsville Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Weisenhaus had a fare
well dinner for Mr. and Mrs.
Glenn Miller and Larry, who
left to make their home in
Pioneer, Calif. Present at the
dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Hauser and twin daughters of
Monmouth, Mr. and Mrs. Fay
Bates and Jimmie, Charles Val
encourt and Violet Weisenhaus.
Teachers at Albany
Given Promotions
Albany Offers of four
principalships including that of
Albany senior high school were
made by the Albany school
board to instructors already in
the Albany school system.
To William H. Dolmyer,
principal of the junior high
school, went the offer of princi
palship of the senior high
school and he said that "As far
as I know now I will accept."
Ai Neet, Madison intermedi
ate instructor, was offered the
Madison school principalship,
and he too, announced that he
will accept.
A grade school principalship
was offered to Mrs. Laura L.
Davis, now Maple primary
teacher, and Mrs. Sally Casey,
first grade teacher at Maple
school, was offered a primary
department principalship, for
Hater assignment, each to one of
MM gyUatl-Mf
Mm fmrruum arm.
Journal Want Ads Pay
awe twrl bigUn Hint
Edward Williams
330 Court Street
I 330 Court Street j
See Ot
oCarcje .Stock
, lAJeccinff (jiffo
223 North Liberty St.
There are 400,000 Indians on
more than 200 reservations in
the United States.
DON'T 50 USUI THIMI Iutead bru.b on
KLhEKEX and tee how amazingly Utt tt
hidei ugly pi rapt ei it it driet them often
n first trial. Not a treaty salve that pirn-
? thrive on, but a soothing medicated
iqitld thatrelievcs itch-drives redne out.
Ktk for K Llll IX at all rfragguta. AQf
Doubt rout monty back it it ttilg.
Per Month
Priced as low as any
chain or mail order nous
Local service
The exclusive repre
sentative for the Royal
mi Court
Phone S-WI9S
Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, May 1,1, 1948 1
the four irade school orincioal-
This leaves two ffrarip vhnnl
principalships to be filled, City
School Superintendent I. R. Hal
seth announced.
Dilmver has been In th. ai.
bany schools sinpe 1041 pnm'mo
here after he had receivprt a
B S. degree at the University of
Chicago. He is also a graduate
of the Oregon College of Edu
cation, Monmouth, and is at
present completing hi master's
degree work. Prior to going to
Chicago he had taught in four
other Oregon schools,
Dolmyer will succeed Henry
Otto, resigned.
Now is the time to order that new roof before the
busy lummci season.
Expert workmanship with the highest quality
Free estimates without obligation.
McGilchrist & Sons
2SS No. Commercial Street
Phone 38471
HrtTiay white sale
177 North liberty
famous cannons
t a welcome price!
bath towels
Just half the regular price! These ab
sorbent, thick-loop towels lap up water
Hke a thirsty sponge. There's more-for-yow
money quahty m their sturdy
weave, shadow-plaid pattern, pretty
decorator colors. Domestics, nteizanin
H i$ J
! siti -jir ?,,, f
tSamw tiDea (gta-aaai a16 i O 1
washable, gay-colored
for die kitchen
chair pads
These cheery chair pads of durable
fabric ere treated to make them water
sepeBent. Pretty checks, floral and print
patterns make Kfe in Hit kitchen more
ton. Can be wiped clean with a damp
doth. Domestics,, mrsnnln.
children love 'em!
facially designed
bath towels
" ztOc
value Jb J each
Familiar nursery friends, cowboys and circua
figures in color on white grounds. Irregularities
make possible this km price.
Domestic, smaaaaaJne
diaper weight
27-meh width
outing flannel
Snowy white outing flannel, a 25c a yard
value yours at a low saving price. Per
fect weight and width for diapers. tO
yard Kmit. Domesfrcs, ,,
pretty practical
bath mat sets
And a budget boon as well . . . smartly fringed
waffle weave bath set; standard lid cover, good
slsed mat in 10 smart accessory colors.
Domestics, messanmfl
save dollars on
hates "supreme
luncheon set
Shlmmerlni rayon and cotton set, hemmed and
ready to use. White with conventionalized
pattern resembling linen. Cloth M x M Inches,
4 napklna. Domestics, messanlne
springmairi at savings
Meause of liny flaws
li most cases you'll never see the
miscroscopic flaws which class
these closely woven sheets irregu
lar. 128 threads to the inch,
they're luxurious practicality it
self. Snowy white; full size 81x108
only. Domestics, metunln.
Geerfe Washington
$39.95 Value
This .v.r-popular Bates bedspread In th large wis.
06x110 reversible pattern Is again available for
gifts, for your home an Investment In practicability
and food taste.
aomestles, mesMnfne
Springmoid's sonforixed
bleached muslin
vakil d V yard
Snowy-whhe bleached muslin, 160 threads to
the inch, mecerized and Sanforised shrunk. 36-
ineh width. Limit, 10 yards.
great savings in genuine
100-pound unoponed
Flour Sacks
29r valnp, these sturdy flour sacks offer
dozens of possibilities for the homemaker.
100 pound size, fully bleached. Limit 10.
i Domestics, - -e
a pretty look in
workadav "arottic"
Dish Clolhs
3 C each
Morgan Jones practical light weight, open
weave mesh dish cloths in ecru with gay
colored borders to hghten your chores. Limit
10. Domestic, menanlnt
your table
with beauty
lace cloths
value to
Priced low, low because of tiny
mends, unnoticeable in the elab
orate lace designs. We can't dis
etoae the manufacturer's name,
bstt you'll recognize it. Rcru
color only, size 70x90 inches,
pieot edges. Quantities limited.
omrtcs, mescmnine
' '' :''i!r
' Mlwfnl. eiirakl. soft, unit 17 kmit, white
mattress pads ft , Jown bdsprads supcrfoam pillow sheet blankets pillow cases
" lal HIws
3 95 Value 2.95 59Valu. 3.98 9.95 JU9 Valuo- 2.69 12.49 Value 1.69
Soft 'n dreamy, 100
grey duck down pillows, A limited annortmmt of fit- Th. most onpulir pillow HxM to frt a doubl. bed Hesvy weight piaow aaMa
A h sise pad, sis. Mx1 to 20x20 inches; blue and ured aotton b-d.rrrds-dla- tod"'' .,h ...t fo, wHh mtrlcata aUunplna. fr.
fit a double bed-whipstlU. 'dmooTe -""ued patens - reen iZ'TTr Z Z m,n reM. -n.rt art woe.-rloua
d le well sewn. -izedfor purity. ' an1 "in- White wid eh honsM. tems.
Itnmriillr. mrmnlnl Domestics, mem nine DomMtlrs, aieisanirw ftsmestira, aiennln ttiwnMtiet, axmnhu JtaMsns, si 1