A 14 Capital Journal, Salem, OreRon, Friday, May 13, 1949 UJJklSIPII-D ADVEKTIIlNQl Pet Lin lfe Per U I limu . Par tin time 0c Pr LId 1 month 13 00 Outside ef Salem 15e per line per dar. Uln. loci I time mm 60 ttm mln $1.30. No He fund READER! Is Uc4l News CeL Only. PM UM To Place an Ad Phone 2-J406 FOR SALE HOUSES a BDRM. 17000. 174 Senate, W. Sa.tm. al39 ALL MODERN large house with fruit it with mvcd city lot. Can Mtumi O.I. loan nd Pti Uk rent. Will take reas onable prica Lou will help pay off loan. Phone -- JTbR. HOME, i acre. Full basement, hardwood floor, aawduat furnaca. Bus by door 011 3-8840 or 1-9588. all' T OWNER Equity In lovely 2-bedroom home wltn vlw. Turn, or Unfurn. Bal. FHA IS8 Pr DO. King aire closets, pe mb floor, auto. heat. Consider laiae house trailer. South Com'l. to Liberty Rd U Salem Height Ava. to 1360 Win Ola At. m Itooo. Nw 3 Bedroom home with attachad garae. Located close to Salem Height School Lot 60x811. 11500 down. CALL O. V. HUME WITH STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS m mm , mono -" '-Jjj; NEW RANCH STYLE" Large living with fireplace and pic ture window. Dlnln rra. and well planned kitchen, a food ale bdrm., and plenty of loU. 1 car garese, Paved corner lot cloa to Englewood achool. Prioo llO.tOO on PH.A. term. Call Walter Musgrave, R'lt'rs. 1211 Edgewater i BR, 1 fir., 2 lota, dble. iar.. fruit rm., mall cabin, fruit nut treea, ahrub. flower, aarden. Paved at., bu by door. 1 blk. to aohool. 18000. 33s Le St. alio I EM. HOUSE, by owner, 2 yr. old. Utility rm. ha water heater. Venetian blind. Hdwd. floor. 342S Llvlnaatona Ave. a!14 BT OWNER, 6 rm new houaa. Cell at 810 R. 11th or Ph. 84818 114 FOR SALE BY OWNER PH. 3-0102 Two bedroom hou. lust finished. Hard wood floor and floor furnace. e!14 MALL HOUSE on b eorner lot. Inquln at 1005 B. 18lh. Low Priced Homes HO. li Tlinr.a Diunuumn baaement, city, pavad atret, bus, aewr ana water. wv. wn aanannHa with full halts) nent and very good oil far. A real buy at I&MW. HO. St TWO BEDROOMS, north, fire place, full dry baaement, large lot. 11000. ALL ETtOLOaiVB WITH BOURNE Joe L, Bourne, Realtor 1140 If. Capitol Ph. 38316 al!4 Cheap Mora fen and eomplete. Plumblni it wiring roufhed Id. a btdrma. A. good oil, run price awou. C. W. Reeve, Realtor M . commercial Phone 3-4590 Eve. Ph. Dent 3-M06 Rev 3-9536 allV Must Sell This Month A LOTELT 1 rr. eld horn. 1 Lie BR. LR. 13e20. DR. Picture window, all hwd fir thruout under wall to wall rat. On saved atrt east. I blk from achool. Le lot. A really fine home, worth 1878. Oood PHA eom. Vlttment. B. Isherwood, Realtor MO? W. Oaoltat St. ornee F. i-iooi, ire. i-iiit or 2-BM6 aiio I BOOM HOUSE, Pall City. Fruit room, bath. wah room, totrlc water heater. waah tray, wood houaa, 63760. Duotherm ot) water heater, new. c. o. Menus, Pall City. H! XDTJCBD 0 1lM. Modern " oottai f tore t bdrm horn. FH A. aop. 11780 dn, or will take food car. Ph. 36169. allB T bwNERt 1 acre family home. Flower, hnibbary. fruit, nut, barn, chicken hd Prlred for aulck in. 1640 Lancas ter Dr. U6 BEST BUYS Hollywood District Very wte A neat 3 bdrm. home with full baiement. fireplace. Nice oaca yara. Paved driveway. Owner laavlne city. Re duced to 18 IM P H A. Term available. $700 Down Older trp 4 bdrm. home, eloa tn, north. 1 acraa. Oar a. Well. Oood location Immediate poaaeion. Better hurry on thl one I Total price tB900. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors Member of Mnlilpla LLsllne nureau tOS Portland Rd Ph. 3-7830, a-4P8 Eve 3-0478 S-3MS8 allS lift HOOD fit."Thla place for aal or trad 1 would like place near Brooke or fliiverton. wm. nicnara. rn. jihj. alio 23RD & MARKET Fin 8 BR home In the Enalewood achool dUtrlct. Beautiful Int. Hdwd. floor. lire plaoe, Inxlde utility, Insulated, ev.ee). lent Condition throughout. Call Craw ford eVm.83bO "d"b t BURT PICHA, Realtors Ph. 3-3840. allH1 tTt n. men st. NORTH BU MM Fit STREET Larta 4 brtrm home. Llvlne tooth j flreplare. dlnlna room, and nook. Pull baaement with flnlahed room. Oil heat Priced 111.500 Ph I-13M. General Real Estate Co. l I8 renter allt OPEN" HOUSE " I in I p n. until old by owner-btillder FHA built Ranch. I bdrm. type home, with aD the flneat feature-., audi a hdwd fir oil heat, f. place picture windnwa Venetian blind, Hendt Ther madnr rente, patio, elc. Priced to aell thl week Come aoiilh on IDR to the 99 Oafe, turn riant up Fwald Ave. to li lflt Weltv Atel for a block. nll8 tli.VRRTON "ni'n.FttMio 00forRiikm hou. Owner. Capital Journal Rok 441 ml IP F0JL?ALEJ?0USES Q ODD 3 bedroom home In Enilewood DU trict. Pre-war built, ha bath, living room, kitchen, nook, flreplare, oak floor, rum pas room in basement, au tomatic oil heat, caraie. 1mm. PoJ 112. 70n THIS HOME In Enilewood Du-trlet hat 3 bedroom, bath, llvin room, din inn room, kitchen, fireplace, utility room, oil heat faraze. Imm. Pom. and well worth the ukmi price of 18.000.00. P. H. Bell, Realtor 361 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3-1645, 1-48UC - Eve. J-7MS, all6 $50 DOWN! $50 PER MONTH! SMAIL 11NPINIKHKD. livable houe with chlmner and wirlnx In, (5x117 lot, u burban. Immediate Powulon. 1 ACRE! VKRV CI.OHE In. 3 bedroom home with part baement. Bu by door. Lot of fruit and nut trecji. Hard aurfaced road on a aide of property. Only 17,000. No. 318. Reimann for Real Estate Ph, 3-9201 OW'vrn BATH RFLL fltenft, NtVRTH, ranch type, 3 bd. pliw knotty pin den with r place, nice kitchen, nook d rm, lea livlnf rm, rtt'le ear. patio. fuwt. never been lived in. 3 bd rm home with talr way altle, nice llvini rm. apao. kitchen, att ear. Le than 11,000 down OMRR'S RRAL RSTATE r nth Ph, annni allfl' ritM HOI'IE, lane lot private water y tera AIao 8 lot with ft full be rhi Borsenberrv planta Ph 3M41 or e at 1480 Oitord Mr Allenday. alls (nERN 3 bedroom home. Lara corner lot Ntc location Rhniha fruit. C'nn be aeen aftet 8 p m. or on Saturdivi 101 Mill St . Dalla all filTW I br hmie. unrinbhed uwtalra. 1 4ock from Keller achool. 810 Church daleAvePha)l8 allt bTt OWfr; To he moied, amall hniue, rm and a bath Rie f. Rot 7n. Cor ner of Hollywood Drive and Simnyvicw Ave. allf It OWNrR; ')7M equity will hanille. Bom bal Lovely t rm home. Over looking Salem. Hardod floor, mre flreplare, elec. heat, attractive kltrhen Attached fa rave with unlit Prnied in d Shrub f low ere Ph. 3S058. all Tf OWNPRI View home, randalarla Rfht New I BR. Iff. IB, Vtt Uc hen noot DM, far., auto, oil furn . Ite lot 34 Alice Ave Turn Weit at Dairr Queen Ph 3-4408 all!' PI rORTif" SUBURBAN ATTtfTnE tai built ranch-etvl hme Bait on 4j Arte, (tarrlen planted Nice lawn end ehnihi. Hae flreplare V Mlnda Reerythlnf In flmt riant ronrfl ton H ml f of larraater on Tenter arm. ai home fvtDtni. Pbooi J-c4 4111, JUST ABOUT TWO YEARS OLD new enoufh to be freah and clean old enough to prove lta worth. There are two nice bedroom; combination living and dlnlni room l ihx24r, built-in kitchen: bttth with r;ower; . electric heat; plastered in terior: paved treet; alrtewalk: lot 60x no. A 4 loan of 17500, repayable ISO per month may be axaumed. Owner will accept 12500 ai their equity and take In a 1046 or '47 car. You may havr pouejulon a toon a deal can ba cloaed Salem Realty Co. 14S N. High St. Phone 37660 Eve. Phone 34501 . 3S605 118J LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS NEAT AND CLEAN uburbn home. 2 bedrrrui. oil furnuce. 6U A. Paved road Completely furnished. Price only $7850. McKINLr. r SCHOOL DISTRICT, ft pa- ciou well-arranged rm. with In floor ed attic. Fireplace: HW floor; full ce ment baement; oil furnace. Oarage Clwe to bu. Price 113.000. A BUSINESS OP YOI'R OWN. Bldk. 34x 00; Jot 50x110. Completely equipped. Duln good builnwiB. Can be handled by man and wife. Price land, building and equip only 817,500. LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 344 Btata St. Ph. 3-3663 Evening: 3-4007, 3-4510 or 3-8103 a 116' NICE t Bdrm. home with large lot. Will trade for amaller hse. 1130 S. Liberty, a!18 BY OWNER, beautiful ft rm. houte amoni line new noma in Rosedale add. Cor ner lot. 1968 ft. floor apice. Plu baae ment A unf. upatalr. Will take 113.500 Pl. 3-8393. all6 OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY from 3 'till 0 p.m One two bed room nome located at 1663 urant St. Hat Iflfion PH.A. commitment. ONE THREE bedroom home located at 1B3B No. 34th St. PH.A. commitment oroerea. raae c Keen, owner build- REAL ESTATE I REAL ESTATE LABISH VILLAGE OFFERS - - ' - .Wt ' "fwtvh A t I HOUSES $350 down, $37.50 Per Mo. LOTS WITH WATER $10 down, $15.00 Per Mo. REIMAN FOR REAL ESTATE HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT $7350 mmtiMmmmim " i iirwjEwajl Clote to ahopplng dtttrlct, 1 lg BR. leepinti porch 50 1 100 lot. Half Bsmt. Fenced back yard. Hdwd fin. B. ISHERWOOD, REALTOR REAL ESTATE it INSURANCE 2007 N. CAPITOL ST. North of the Hollywood Theatre Office Ph. 2-3862 Eves. 2-2147 or 2-8836 This nice 3 B.R. home at $10,500 Is a sample of our listings. There are other good listings in our office. Won't you drop by and take a look? er. alls SALE BY OWNER NEW 3 BR hoiwe In very desirable loca tion of touth Salem. Ph. 3-3353. 1595 B. High St. tllfl LOOXTNO FOR A HOME? Partly furnlahed home. Ingle wood Beautiful ground. 14350. t bdrm. home. 9. 30th St. Large room. Fireplace. 88250. Near Center atreet. 4 bdrm. home. Laree llv. A dln.rm. Fireplace. Only 97900. L. E. Klumpp, Real Estate norm oi oreyhound Bu Depot Ph. 2-7642. Re. 3-0138. alltV SKI IS V.? GOODWIN AND McMILLIN REALTORS Ph. 14707 484 Court Iv. 37383 34771 400 Photographs of homa. All on dlaplay and priced for your convenience. Coma In and Purchase Your Home THE REAL ESTATE MARKET 433 N. High St. Phon 3-4793. ai Must Sell Klngwood Height vtew homa. Leaving atate Immediately, t bdrm. and den. Plnlahed baement with party room A uaat rm. Extra lavatory utll. rm. A ator rm. All In knotty pine. Fully In itiated and weatheratrlpped. All oak fir. Venetian blind. Flnlahed dble. tar. Will aaauma ot of landacaplng. Price reduced for quick aal. Ph. 2-3534. lift FOR SALE LOTS 12 GRAND ACRES Beautiful building lte. Cloa In on Wallace road. Peachra, nuta, and cher rte. Plneat of anil. Out of town owner mutt eu. rnre iio.noo. Phon 3-8289. General Real Estate Co, 353 Center St. aa114 VIFW LOT 75x7B.C1tv" watr 'ft. dun. I(i50. Plr Onkn Wav Kinwri Dletrlrt. Week dayt phon 3-3898. Bfl.1 "r'Drriv- aell APT. HOUSE SITE S. Com l bet. MUwTon A Iville. paved alley 3 atde. EXCEP TIONAL VALUE. Only 11700. Walter Socolofsky pn. j-aajji allA Real Batata 110 DOWNI will buy you a lot with water, elec tricity, filbert tre end view. Excellent ou aervlce, near achool. Balance 15 per month. Reimann for Real Estate Ph. 1-njOl 201 South High St aal!4 a75.no CHOICE building lot' In Oak bong Add it ion. All improvement. In quire 1160 fl. 14th or Ph. 3-76J9. aall7 KT NCI WOOD Height wooded view tract' 90 rt. trontnge on paved drive, call 3-45S6 " aallB" Virw l.orH, 5oo big . Vwt Ave WOOD- ai una, poo Bik., Katcllft Dr. Re trlcted. city water. Ph 8-4384. aa FOR SALE FARMS IM A. Stock rnn(h. NarlyaM nrw woven wire iHiMUie ir hccp, nood pasture. BIX room htniw partially modern with elec In. Phone rmninK. Attached garage, ter vire room A- iturrh. Lot of wood tim ber, aom maple A- polea. 25 A rrnp inn. I'imn. imrgr Darn, a neafl Ol cat lie. All for 87000. School but milk route. Bumf termt or would tak aom trnrie of loosing etimp . car. truck, hue., or Income property, etc. 18 ml. from Pallas, Ore 4 ml. Wett of Pedee. on Pcdee rreek road, 'i ml. of private gravel road. Elton Zum, Monmouth Ore. Rt. a bite 8f ACRF. 11000. Parmland. Approt 20 near, oome rternei A Irull. Elec trlelty. aprliig water. Appro. IS ml. N W, Palit city. Conttcl alter 6 pm. except Tue , Prl. A But Unfinished cabin 14v3 Kenneth Sample, Pall CM v. Or. bll8 -10 ACRE FARM 01ne lo PrultTand achool. Modern houe, barn 4 atRnrhlona. Pnuttr houae for 150 chlrkfn 8 ahed All eultlvated Willmelte jtiu. Bmn'.i atrram on pie re Rome ptvMure. St r a a heme, famijy er tird An 1 ileal farm A full en'ilr-ped. RAWLINS REALTY Hollywood Ointrict Ph. 34864 Evet. Ph. 3601J. 17121. IS7VJ bll5 Owner Leaving Mutt eetl 38 arret of WlllametU Val ley a finest bean and tweel eorn land. Irrigation ditch- 8 rm. he, Oood barn Fenced Near Aumivtll. C. V. Reeve, Realtor 48 0 Commerrltl Phone J-45t4) Ev. Ph. Dent 3J0M-Reeve 3-8M8 bli4 M) Acres South Hie erop Perrie. drain pttturt qu:ppe Pnty ef Bldgt. U50. C. W. Reeve, Realtor H II romT.rrliil fbnnf 1-4 rn. iHDi i-kua-rmv. i m UK' SULLIVAN REALTY CO. New Rlvervltw Home, where the par ticular buyer will find ill that 1 to be deeired In a new home. There are two large comfortable bedrm. plu a novel hemlock den. Tou will find a f fully plutcred baaement, two fire- f place, beautiful oak flooring through out, automatic elec. heat, apacloua kitchen with nook pgce and tha noma 1 completely weatheratrlpped, and In flated. Built to PH A. peclflcatlon from the flneat of material and the finish work If auparb. All for 117,500. Will atand 110,100 F H A. loan. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Rd. Ph. 33255, Eves. 23727 OPEN FOR INSPECTION Sunday - May 14 I 00 to t:00 p.m. 2275 Hayden St. IN WALNUT PARK 1 Blk. South ef Center on 23rd St. Tou will like thl paclou I Bedroom home. Large Livlnf Room with Fire place. Full Dining Room. Part tiled Bath and Kitchen. Oood Baaement And Automatic OU Furnace. YOU ARE INVITED BT JOE HUTCHISON - REALTOR 438 Court At. Salem Phone 1-Is3t REAL' ESTATE I REAL ESTATE NEW DUPLEX to iifcii Each unit has 2 BR's, LR, kitchen, bath and utility room. $4000 down, ,$78.50 a month, 47e interest will handle. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS Real Estate - Insurance & Loans Phone 24115 477 Court St. DEFINITELY DIFFERENT Built for comfort and enjoyment In a beautiful oak grove letting Patio with outdoor fireplace. Ls. LR. with open beam celling. 3 maater alze bedroom. Full tile bath down. Extra bedroom or den up. Extra Is. utility with toilet facilMle. Double karate. 410 acre. 118,500 1 price aaked by owner who la leavlnv the at at. STEWART REALTY 1348 STATE ST. W have a wide variety of food listing for ale and need your luting If we don't already have It. A REAL FAMILY HOME 4 bedroom. 3 up and 3 dn. T.ary living room with fireplace. hardwoo floor. Charming, atrlctly modern kitchen. Full baaement with shower. Automatic radiator heat. Double far age. In No. I buinea zone. GEORGE A. HUBBS CO. J. Zeeb, Mgr. 1853 N. Capitol Ph. 3-3031 UNUSUAL BUY! Thl lovely 1 bedroom homa located at 1231 Franklin 1 telling today at the actual FHA appralted valut of ,000 1 Thl homa can be bought lor 13000 down, balance At 157 per month. Nice living room," dining room, kitch en And bath. Flittered and ha all hardwood floor. Baaement, furnace, dble. garage, nice ahrub and tree. For appointment call 3-781I. awaagMb MWHHWlHBsMBlP m:t0M JOHN H. HANSEN 1893 FAIRGROUNDS ROAD PHONE 3-7819 or 3-4522 Loeated hi Hi all new hone dlatrlet of "Eejt Engl wood." Let 8114x100 Paved atreet a. Two large bedroom livlnf room, dinlnf room, kitchen, utility room, automatic ell heat Fireplace, Oarage, French Door to Patio. 1200 North 24th St. .(Off "D" St.) Price $10,500 . . . $2,200 Down FHA COMMITMENT U JM - Payable 111 14 per Month ABRAMS & SKINNER, INC. 411 Masonic Building Ph. 3-9217 Inauranr A Mortgage Loan CONTENTMENT TOR MOM. DAD, AND JR. . f 1 bedroom, hardwood, fireplace, far- ace, utility room, fenced back yard. 18980, amall down will handle. L. E. KLUMPP REAL ESTATE North of Greyhound Bus Depot ' BUSINESS PROPERTIES, LEASES, RENTALS Ph. 2-7842 - Res. 2-0126, 3-6848 . NEW LISTING Or t eiou Bnfltih type .nn. home. Fireplace, nook, full cement baaement. Oil furnace. McKlnley School Dtttrlct. Price 112.800. A truly lovely place. LEO N. CHILDS, INC., REALTORS 33 Years Dependable Service to Home Owners MORTGAGE LOANS AND INSURANCE 144 State St. Phone 2-3663 Evenings: 1-4007 or 2-8103 FOR RENT FARMS 202 ACRES of Wit tx loam one of the boat farm loc. in Wil. Valley north ai ef Sa lem. Thl yr. crop ahould eroti over HO 000 Can be had without crop or mch. eaceiienl buiVdlnc Ph . ED LUK1NBEAL. REAL ESTATE 440 R. Hth St bill RT OWXFR 20 acre, f if ret Reaverdam room houte barn, or trade for Salem house I70O0 ph I-888J. kl33 FOR SALE ACREAGE VIKW AND 5 ACRES ATTRACTIVE 3 RR hoene with LR. DR. and kitchen If you aant family or chard ie thi. Laree dble faraae, ahop fh.caen fonp, pint a 3 room rental on he pfoperty. amall down payment, re, tontbly priced al 113.500. CU Kenny "Huff Real Estate Co. rieeliora 141 OhemeHet St Ph. M371 lilTO bhllf 1.0 Arsrs Pttbert and wglnui. Ht weele eheoi, 13800 Caab. OeU 3-UM klU FOR SALE ACREAGE Once in a Generation I GRAND EOLA HILLS 108 ACRES! High flop weMerlnf hetghlil mllet NW from throhbtng heart ef Salem' Every wanted tervieel Salem phone! 88 arret freat bearlnf nuta, fruit 1 ft A. berrtel Sal fairy woodlands! Complete Iv modern 4 bedroom home' tandtrap ed ground! Oreat tree' Barn out bdgai Beit tpnng water I A CARBPUL INSPECTION WILL PBMOHTI THE PRICE . . . 138 000 tnrlwdea tractor, teola eept. C. W. Stuller, Exclusive Apt, Salem, Ore. WALLACE ROAD. I mile No, of brldg FOR SALE ACREAGE 11 ACRES! All In berrte. Irrigation well. Flneat ot river aitt toll. No heuae. Make ua an offer today. No. 100. .10 ACRES! With eral acre ef berrle. Alto food eeded patur tend. Older type bout. 4 bedroom Oood barn. Tear round erk Some fair timber, about 1 mile out. No. 171. Reimann lor Keal Estate 1-1103 301 South Hlth St bbllt CHOICE CREEK ACREAGE ACRES with vr 350 ft. ot beautiful Croin Creek. Open for auuhtn with tea tie red ahade tree Rich rreek bot tom a 11 lb minute from eltv. i m,it from Satem oolf eonr. Frke (8108 Phone owner at 8-0IM bbU8 It too. 2 ArRVt eherrtea, applet, walnut. I an i let from town on Skvlint Read Rt. 8 Roi 14. Mr. Campbell. eblU M 4t pTunea! apple j nmi O-od trrlng. priced rifht. Ph. 1-873. Mill 41'RI'ERAN. modern. I bedroom hem. As ear oi Iab4 m bao lta. fbeae l-Nt FOR SALE ACREAGE i. horn near Enalewood Sen Baemnt, fumac. Conttder trade for trailer heme up te liOOO. Call Harvey Huff Real Estate Co. Realtor 341 Chemektea 9 Ph. 30271 Eve. 1-0441 bbll8 Whai Are You. Waiting Foi'? If you are planning to buy a home or real estate investment, are you delaying in the hope of a better selection and lower prices? Believe it or not, every indication is just the opposite for better type desirable homes a situation that will hold for many vears and oerhaps for ever. IT TAKES SKILLED LABOR masons, plumbers, electricians to build a home. Do you look for lower wages in these trades? We don't. BUILDING MATERIALS ARE HARD TO GET and prices are considerably higher than 194' levels. Federal'and state government sponsored building will maintain high cost leve for a long time. LOTS WILL STAY Consult these Reputoble Real Estate Dealers if you are in the market for a home. "T HIGHER sewer, water ond all improve ment costs will be higher than ever before. PRICES WILL STAY HIGHER, THAT'S SURE! Business will be good. You will be making money. Why not tackle the future with confidence and enjoy your own home while you are young enough to get the most out of it? Let the kids have the benefit of a good home during their formative years. So, if you are planning to buy a home, rely on the judgment of the realty agents listing homes on this page. The city and suburban communities they represent offer excellent schools, churches, parks and playgrounds, modern shops, theaters, recreational facili ties, and convenient, rapid transportation. GO THROUGH THE 'OPEN HOUSES' THIS WEEK-END REAL ESTATE I REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE I REAL ESTATE OPEN HOUSE 145 Candalaria Blvd. MM. H Arrt. ClOM to 4 Cern,rl. Hu S 6roea n,.t aitricttv horat. Thto .I.e. In itr. alet condition. T40C. 1 Arhf .Ml on on tin,. Mm t rr. old pikitpr.o 1 rVdroom hoin, with ttirhtd ,.,. Bam. chtck.n hntwo. lou f ihrubo, fruit ond nut tr.M. Oar dtn opart. . CALL O. T. RHUS WITH STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS . 184 E. Klfh St.. Phone 1-4131. Eve. 3-?M bbllt li. fed rm. large llv rm. hwd fir, anfin . en 10 A. Rrriea. nut fruit, en paved rd. Call Htrvey Huff Huff Real Estate Co. Realtor 9. I-Olll Attractive 8 bdrm. home, exceptionally well built, llv. rm., din. rm., nook. Irwide utility, forced air oil furnace, hdwd. fir., fireplace. Lot 80x108. Bui by door. Opn Sunday, May 15. 1S4B 2:00 to 5:00 P. M. COME OUT AND LOOK OVER THIS PINE HOME IN SALEM'S FINEST RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 South Liberty St. Phone 3-3411 Evening! and Sunday Call Roy FerrU - 3-8010 Peter OeUer - 3 -8980 Ear) Weat 2-1332 FINE COUNTRY HOME 4 Bed-nom, modern home, mod xnr barn tt chick home on 5 acre Wil lametta Silt NX. S acre In at raw berrlea the price 1 right good ternu MLB 136. I itwt1 I BURT PICHA, REALTORS 379 N. High St. Phone S-Sfl4ft . PEOPLE WHO LIVE IN BRICK HOUSES ARE PROUD OF IT And o would you be proud to of thu home one of Salem' flnbt. eelient condition. Electric heat, "Wta-ther-'trlpped and Inaulatetf:--rd wood floor. Piped for outo wither. Sua at front door, fa acre lot. Total price fis.soo. AL ISAAK & CO., REALTORS MEMBER OF MULTIPLE LISTING BUREAU 303 PORTLAND RD. Ph. 3-7820, J-4591 Evenings 2-0473 - 3-3558 21 A. - 5 BD. RM. HOME Lam livlnf rm.. Fireplace. Dinlnf rm., Breakfast nook. Dble. plumbing. Burnt; Furnace. 1 car far. Spring. Oood trout tream. 7A atrawberriu it can berrte. Price 111,000. $2950 - 2 BD. RM. HOME ' ; Move in and complete Plumbing wirtnc soughed ua. V A. food a oil' Racn able down payment. McKILLOP REAL ESTATE Center and High Street THE! REALTORS Daytime Phone 3-8131 or ! ARE ALL VERY OOOD BUYS F. H. A. APPROVED I 7,9502 bedroom, large livlnf room, laree dining room, excellent kitchen, lot of built In, utility room, oil beat. Large lot. Close to bu, More and achool. 8,500 3 bedroom, living room with flreplare, nook and kitchen. Nice utility. Oood lawn and ahrub. Excellent condition. Paved atreet. Oood location. I 0.3502 bedroom home. Hardwood floor. Oood living room, dining room, kitchen nad nook. Nice built-In. Double garage. Large lot, cloae to achool, atore and bu. I 0,3502 bedroom pi altered home. Living room with fireplace, dinette, good kitchen, utility room. Also extra drying room. Oarage. Large lot. Oood location. $ 1.854 2 bedroom plutered home. Hardwood floor. Living room with fireplace. Baaement ha extra room with fireplace. Auto, oil heat. Insulated and weatheratrlpped. 110,7542 bedroom plutered home. Hardwood floor. Oood living room wtlh fire place, nice dining room modrrn kitchen with lota of built-in. Large plaatered garage. Corner lot. Close to chool and bu. DAYTIME CALL 3-8111 or S-8630. EVENINGS CALL 2-7163 . 3-1141 - 3-4B37 We Will Appreciate Your Listing McKILLOP REAL ESTATE Center and High Streets -Jaj Che.. .a- Chet) i. ..Json Horr & Homesltes M Tl . .-..w.., . .ison I "ins - Insurance R. (Dick) Jr Schmidt R. (tioo) J. Gaucher Business Properties Farms and Acreages Personalized Service By, Men Who Specialize With photograph, soil map, mall route map, city ion map and highway maps plu A lot of other Information on about 1000 farm, home, and buatn propertlu In and around Salem, we can five you dependable tlme-aavlns help la finding suitable property. Lot ot parking space around our office. NELSON-& NELSON REALTORS KAL SSTMfcl HDseiftMSirn FASTmsi tO4MUIc 702 N. High St. Ph. 3-4622 Salem, Oregon 36 ACRE FARM Soil Ideal tor bean. wet corn, or Irrigated dairy pasture. I rm. hse. Oood barn. Fenced. Irrigation ditch. C. W. REEVE, REALTOR 94S S. Commercial ph. J4SJ0 Eve. Ph. Dent 2-3088 Reeve S-853S REAL ESTATE STRAWBERRY Dickers. Clot on Lan caster or. en. j-ses. ivru tacvoy bi. till' PPROX. 10 A. patture with iprlng. Ap pro i. 20 A. prunes, very nice crop. Aito firune dryer. 1 ml. S. Liberty on Sky in rd. Rt. 0, Box 706. C110 REAL EST ATI SACRIFICE $8750 LARGE older type 0 bedroom heme. An eieellent location. Corner lot. A food InvAMment for aomeone. 81000 will han d or will consider trading property. $19,000 FULL PRICE AN EXCELLENT 33 ' acre raneh. Fully etocked and equipped Beat of soil. Oood modern eulidine. Will eorwlder Salem property a part payment. Ak for Mr. Knonr heater. H. E. Corey Real Estate 1308 N Broad Ph. 1-0553 Day ot Eve. 1-3810 or 3-0101 el!4 APARTMENT HOUSE Walk dlt. 4 a pit. up, on Is bsmt priv. bath, refrig. tove included. la com 1371 mo. A bt reals at 111,801. To tee thl phone I-I3H. General Real Estate Co. 353 Center Bt. 4114 FOR TOfR SAVINGS Invettment buy a first mortgage on real estate, Salem vKtnt'y. En mine arurity yourself. Amount two to several thousand du lart. net iifeator l We make oil col tertton for yu if desired STATS FlXAJtOOl OO, 100 V Rib Suburban $6750 2 bedroom, living rm. dinette tith n. Oil htat. elet. cook a water nett ing. 3 lou. A grand buy for aalr liioo down 145 per me. on bal. RAWLINS REALTY Hollywood District 'n. MM, Cm. IMlt, STltS, Mm III' i.i ACRE $4,300 City bus. I bed rra heuee wit ttofia ithed upatalra. Hardwood iTewee. Lew dwn payment. Bal 11 per me. RAWLINS REALTY Hollywood District a. sua semymsi. jjj COOL IN THE SUMMER HEAT WARM IN WINTER'S COLD Lot of room tor the growing family. Excellent term on reuonabt asklnf price. See It thi weekend. Phone for particular. i 3 '. i. .".H- i;i'i- ..n.t BLIVEN & COONEY, REALTORS Member of Salem Multiple Luting Bureau 047 N. High Street lit Evening at Sunday 1-1208 Insurance for Every Need clOO REAL ESTATE FREE BOOKLET on western land bar fain. Pacific Land. Hollywood a. Calif. ell REAL ESTATE SILVERTON SPECIALS 0 Rat. mod. pi altered home, full bamt., furnace, elea In. Price 15000. I A. 4 Rft mod. plastered home. Oarage. r met en noun, louo rap. rrun. un Portland Hwy. Price 87500. 11300 down, bal. l&fl Btr mn Inrlurilna Int. ill A. 7 RM. mod. pi attered home. Full rem en t btmt.. furnace, oak floort. wired for range. Chlrken house. 1000 cap. Nutt. fruit, J blk. to trhoel. on food flthing stream, paved hwy. Will mall snapshot en requeet. 120' 000 Value, Sal Price 811.800 te settle ettate. I A. 0 RM. mod. plastered home. Full cement btmt.. furnace, garage, good dairy barn, ttanrhions 11 cow, silo, 30 A. seeded, bal. timber patture, en Silver CrMk h lte A. H seeded wheat, eat, vetrh. 15 A irtcu griM. ae a. fine patture. wen fenced. 3 BR ret. wired for range Large bam II ttanrhlnn. silo. Milking ma chine. Pnc 013 OM. Terma. No chart for financing J. C. MORLET oo N. Water St. Ph. 1134 I14' 3. no. 6 Unit 1st built court north. Income 13 77. .w per month. Thl court in beat of condition. Would tak in bom. CALL O V. HUME WTTH STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS U a Hath St.. Fhono I-4III, BrM. t-IXM REAL ESTATE I REAL ESTATE OUR SPECIAL Three bedroom home with full basement, about 2 acres of land, family fruit and nut trees. Small barn. Out of state owner will sacrifice, and is in a position to take a low down payment. Try to beat 'this for $7500. JOE L. BOURNE, REALTOR 1140 N. Capitol Ph. 38216 REAL VALUE NEW 2 BEDROOM HOME Featuring lari dinlnf room, living room large kitchen, bath de shower, hardwood floor, fireplace, automatic oil heat, large unfinished upstair, laundry facilities, attached garage. Lo cated northeut. Price 10360. 12180 down FHA. CROl!A CREEK building lot. Treea. -eeg l mile U. B. bnk. 11650. Ph 26801 f 111 WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED TO BUT I THREE bedroom home in Silem In a fhn.ee dUtrift, neer Celholx acheel, iul be auiie new. with full batemem and oil heat preferred. U klUhen with dmmi area. Price rtnte from 13 te 18 thoutrtd doner, wo'itd prefer one atory house. John T. Junell, 47M H Harvard, Portland, Or. Ph. TW 0407 eafll pRrt Booklet on western land bar- FOAli Lead. Hollywood 36 Wlt. 0104 1 WE ORB tn need t teed beue u I in or neat Salem ft roe wjUi I its rO'jr prperi for tile aee ORARtNNnROT BRO0. SK4LTOBB 1M ft. Ueertf Bl. FbfM il4n 0B" C0LBATH LAND CO. 1683 Center St. Ph. 24552, Eves. 21405 FAMILY AFFAIR? Could be. Here are I acre i few minute from Salem with not one but two house I Each ha own water ytem, full plumbing and modern convenience. Barn, Creek through place. Nice tree, price 19200, mU dn. Would conld er exchange for small house in Salem. Call 8edertrom. Evet. 3.7093. HAPPY LAND LIVING For the family who want Every thing Nice but who ere tired o! living on top of their neighbors Thl 1 It 3 bdrm house on 2 1 a acre cloxe In. Barn, ch ru, 17,500. Call Hughei. Eve. 3-7040. 14,330 Comfortable furnished I bed room house. Oarage. Call Sederatrom OIVE UB YOUR LISTINO WE'LL ACT ON IT RIGHT NOW1 SEVERIN REALTY CO. 212 N. High - Phone 3-4016 LOVELY NEW RANCH TYPE r 11 Large living room, dining room, pic ture window. Fireplace. Real con struction. Lovely kitchen. 2 large bed- v rooms. Large closet space. Close to ' Englewood school.- You' will love It. Only 110,000. GENERAL REAL ESTATE CO. Phone 3-3289 255 Center VIEW LOTS Two of the finest view loii on Klngwood Ht. Ovei 220 front, on Klngwood Drive. Oround lay nicely for attract, building and landscaping. Full price 13300. 11000 dn. will handle. $5500 I BR plant, home, elect heat, Insult tea Ven, Bid.. 34x34 garage. Surrounded by new home. See at 1S83 Ruge St. Shown only in afternoon. $8750 Hera I a very attractive home for the money. Conveniently emoted. Insulated, hewd. fire., elec. fireplace, nice lawn A yard. Carrie 18300 PHA loan. 1862 Ruge Bt. $9000 Well built family home complete with Youngstown kit., sleet, heat, at o real saving, H Blk. from city park. I Blk. to achool. H Blk. to bu. 1174 Third St. GLEN CREEK RD. $9500 If you Ilk a 4-B R. home surrounded by beautiful oak ft fir trees, an extra large lot with lou of fruit trees, shrub it flower, you should ee thl home. Corner of Parkway Drive fc Olen Creek Rd. WALTER MUSGRAVE, REALTORS 1211 Edgewater Ph. 3-3109 jnii isfc nnt'iriffl-t-Tr- - - JUST A BABY! 1 YEAR OLD WELL-BUILT HOME OK OVERSIZED 00X130 LOT NEAR EN OLEWOO SCHOOL. Large living room, kitchen, breakfast nook, 2 bedroom, bath, L. tray. Elec trie heat, Electric range Included. Hardwood floor. Attached tarag. Insulated. Oood exterior paint. Price 16400, small dn. and 184 per mo. KENNY HILL Ph. LEN ORTON Ph. HUFF REAL ESTATE CO. REALTORS - 341 CHEMEKETA ST. WANTED REAL ESTATE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED TO BUY A THREE bedroom home in Salem In a r holre dittrlrt, near Catholic trhool Mutt be quite new, with full betement and oil heat preferred. Alto kltrhen with dining area. Price range from 13 te 16 trjound dollart. Would prefer one-ttery houte. John T Junell. 41M Harvard, Portland. Or. Ph. TWO407. rail! NOTICE) If your property t tor eaie. rent ot etching iiat it witn us w have ali kinds of cash buyers TATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 13S Rif f Bt ee EXCHANGE RE A L EST AT E I BOOM hse nice yard, full basement auto, beat trade ter larger bouse. 4o nh Ph 3-419 cbiia PI RK STONE OTORK, Ou station. Oar ace. A real opportunity for some en. Located in good valley town, doing ex cellent year round but met. Call Len Orion Huff Real Estate Co. Realtor 141 Chemeketa St Ph. 3-9271 Eva. 3-3191 edlll REAL ESTATE I REAL ESTATE I Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, May 13, 1019- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES .WANTED POSITIONS -15 ItZZlll. I, p i ,-,Tf PEOJEbaTr- Jf POR RENT or lease: building suitable for tore, office or shop in West Balem di rectly t c rasa from new bank. Phone 8018. cdll7 riKt: COMPANY including pickup e taDIUhed over two years. Oood buy lor rliht party. Reply Capitol Journal Box 40. cdllB FURNITURE FOR SALE 'Open House Saturday & Sunday 1 to t P.M. " 1 to 5 P M. FOR BALE BY OWNER Automatic heat, hardwood floors, plenty built-in, large attached oarage, paved atreet and cement atdewilk. 17780 EASY TERMS 1545 Lee Street YOU WILL BE AMAZED ONLY 110.950 POR THIS FINE 3 BEDROOM HOME 3 BLOCKS FROM SENIOR HIOH SCHOOL. NEAR ORADE JUNIOR HIOH AtoSO. LARGE LIVING ROOM, MODEL KITCHEN. PIREPLACE, HDWD. FLOORS. LOT 16x137. CHAS. HUDKINS & SON Realtors 250 N. High St. Phone 2-4129 This Is a Very Neat and Well Built Home HAS TWO NICE SIZED BEDROOMS, BATH, 13x18 LIVINO ROOM, AN AT TRACTIVE KNOTTY PINE KITCHEN AND NOOK, LOTS OP BUILT-INS, HARDWOOD FLOORS, PLASTERED, KLECTRIO HEAT, ATTACHED OAR AGE. TRAYS. PRICE HAS BEEN RE DUCED TO I79SO. P. H. BELL, REALTOR 361 Chemeketa St. Phone 3-1545, 1-48BS Ivoa 3-86Bfl, l-HH, 3-4335 TODAY'S BEST BUY' IUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BEER TAVERNS! WE HIVE 4 good beer tavern for 16 MM. 116 000. 118 MO and 120.000 Better in vesttcste the if you are interested in wrung a tavern Reimann for Real Estate PR. 1-0300 Ml Bout. Riri S M iEPPrRlioN UU Be B. B. Biut, ROfir AND FENDER 0HOP Will be epcr a led in connection with frame align nent "hop. Investment ef 1800 00. for tools would be necessary. Ctll United Wneel Aiisnment. Ph. 3-1801, 100 S 17th jit. cdtlO TOf k" I N I J ' NCti R M A-POL'N TAIN. Ileal for I people. 131 Elm St., Albany. edlll rvVirrMVvTHOME.-' well eaulpped full el patients. Income about 63300 00 per mo. Per detail call at 1144 Center St edlll ri.tr. CONTRACTING Bervlee. Com plete line Mtlor tap.. Modern bids With attractive living u triers. Low rent No competition. Most sell thle month at in, approi. 1430. Hubbard Or Ph 4811. ed!17 V IIP 'tlr 1 JT 4 Three bedroom, full basement, fire place, hardwood floors, large lot. Owner out of town need money -aayg ael- for beat offer. Let u how you thi good home. SALEM REALTY CO. Realtors 149 N. High St. Phone 37660 Eve. Phone 2-4591 - 2-6605 One Acre of Excellent Soil "With an Expanse of Beautiful Lawn 4. I ; In front of this lovely three-bedroom pre-war home: large living room; din ing room; kitchen with nook; 2 bed room down; 1 bedroom and dea up; full dry basement with air-conditioned Montat oil furnace; large party room; double garage; secluded aettlng; all for 116,000; more land optional; for fur ther Information call MATTSON & R0ETHLIN REAL ESTATE 231 N. High (Across from Hotel Senator) Eves. Call 3-7534 or 3-1724 WE HAVE THE PLACE YOU'RE LOOKING FOR CALL US! If It's o new I bed rm ranch style home with a double garage, en one aery of ground, nice location, priced right we have H. If It's a pre-war 4 bed rm with full basement, nice lot near Englewood School, priced right we have It. If you're looking for a food M1!d older type 4 bed room house te clean up and make profit on we have It. If you're looking for a I rm elder type home already nice clean, with A large living room fireplace, full baaement, at only $100 we have it. If It i nice new S bed room 'home with a amall down payment w have It. Fact Is We're the Ones to Call If You Want a Good Buy WE HAVE IT GEO. A. WALTERS, REALTOR 960 S. Commercial Phna I-II4I BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 3 UNIT APARTMENT" Completely furnlahed. Part basement. Automatic hett. Extra large lot. Bu at front door. Total price 111.000. Liberal term arranged. Grocery - Confectionery Her i a enence tor a coupie te get into their own busm with a small investment. A good neighborhood Very reasonable rent with living quarter. Everything toe for enlr I1.6M. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors Mem he i ef Multiple Luting Buret u 302 Portland Rd Ph. I-7II0, 2-4.MI Eve. 3-0471 -S5A. edlll CAFE ON 99E . Orand leeatlon near Btlem I booths private dining rm teal 12. Ot grUI Or water heater Deep freer. II ft. re frlgeraior. living euarter. All eaula goes Owner nutt sell due te I Unas. Pull price II. 000 or make an offer. RAWLINS REALTY Hollywood District B. 14004 , M0 IB, 17111 1IT7 edlle- Ev. Ph 1-1360 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES THINK THIS "OVER For l53,onoeo I can 11 you a wen estfb. business that I and will continue lo meke owner over 1 1000 mo. 'Nil i Plus a beautiful home, no there b no retch This win pit a tsooo yr salary for mgr. plu 11,000 yr. net en Invest. Phone 38660. ED. LUKINBEAL. REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th Bt edll4 HOME AND INCOME 6 furnlthed apartment, poas. Income S3O0 month. 1 aer tood soil, pavini. Owner ion aer sell t 1600 with 12000 down. 171 month. .6, ROOM APr. HOUNE 4 apartrornie furnished. 4 set plumb ing elE and Busine tone. Her you rtn have a home, businet and rentals. one 113 0 nth liberal terms, E. M. Hunter Real Estate 770 Com me ret al DO TOU wtnt te get la business fo your eP have Mobiles Servlr Settlor business for eaie at wholesale prte. In Dalle Or Contact Prink fWollttle Distributer OentreJ Petreleuea Pre Pn t-4611 BfJaa. 04116 PIKCE walnut bedroom set Includliu double coil steel springs, 1483 pearl St. Ph. 3M64. rlllS- SAVE $50 lively modern 8 piece Mr, St Mrs. bdrm. suite In beautiful walnut or clenched walnut plus very fine national ly adv. guaranteed innersprmx mattreu and matching box spring Bdrm. suite has the popular l1. in. plank top and recessed drswrr puIIk, and roiwUU of 3 Mr. and Mrs cliesu. 30x44 in. plate mirror, lull tlx bed and nltht stand. Finest of con.it. tnd fully guaranteed Thu ls a sensational value at only 1169 50. 117 down, 110.93 per mo. Pree delivery. H. & H. Furniture Co. Falra round. Rd. Ph. I-S797. dlU WANTED FURNITURE WILL PAY cash for used easy chair, end table, floor lamp, w riling desk. Write Capital Journal, Box 437. dallS FURN A Households Ph 3-SS11 LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED A LICENSED livestock buver E. C. McCandllsh, 1137 8. 26. Ph. 3-8147. ea.2T PETS ONE LIC.HT red male Corker Spaniel pup. Purebred, without paper. 820. 3130 No. River Road. ecllS CARPENTER work Build, remodel h re pair. Large St small Job. Ph. 3-2341. hll LAWN CI'TTINO. Phone 2-8403. M34 1ST CLASS CAKPKNTER. new,' remodeX repair. Large small. 2-8381 aft. I. hl34 TELEPHONE CALLS TAKEN 24-hr. rr vice, former phone op Ph. 3-5073. hl36 CHILD CARE In my horn. Ph. At TO PAINTING Just a shad better by Ray Etiar Call Shrock Motor Co. 3-2101. NEW LAWNS Pruning Rototilling. Landscaping, tree a-ork Hlcnard Boyer. Ph 2-8110. h!33 POE'S mimeographing, typing service, prompt service, quality work, lower price. 689 N. 16th. Ph. 3-3643 hUS LET I'S do your cement work NOW Drive way, tide waits, patios, etc. Ph. 2-4412. hi IT CHILD CARE. Ph7 30924. 1180 Shipping Painting & Decorating Chsplln, 20 ra. eipr Ph. 2-753. hill LANDSCAPING Pruning Rototilling New lawn, tree work. Richard Boyer Ph. 5-8110. hl2S FOR RENT ROOMS WELL Ft'RN. room. Close in. H&C water. Men only. 737 Center. JkllO LEAS ANT ROOM for men. H St C water? Cross from State office hkU. Also Kar aite. 1149 Court. PJl. 37319. Jkll5 RED COCKER Pl'PS To the end of South High, left to end of McOUchrist, IS 10 S. Summer St. eel IS Choice canarys. ph 3-438S. mo chrm eel 20 FUEL PUREBRED RED cocker puppies avail, able fiat, afternoon ft Sunday at 03. Norman Ave. (10 it IIS. Ph. 3-8632. eellS1 WEST SALEM FUEL CO. Biock. planer it slab wood it dust. Ph. 24031. TRi-crry fuel Fresh cut sawdust. Prompt delivery. Ph 37443. We give 8 0c H Green Stamps Oreen 16 in. mill wood ee' GOOD SLAB, dry or green. Oreen edging IS SO a load Double load 110 00. Oood clean sawdust. Oregon Fuel Co. Ph 3-S533 eeI31 CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Diesel and Stove Oils. FRESH CUT SAWDUST Dry Slab Wood Phone 3-6444 FOR SALE POULTRY SPECIAL YOt'NG hen turkeys. Whole, half or quarter. 3Sc lb. C. 8. Orwlg Co. 4375 Bilverton Road. Phone 2-0138. ft 15 Colored Fryers, Ph. 31298 ft 18 BABY CHICKS all popular varieties. In cluding Leghorn, Hampshire. Par- men ters. Auatra-Whites and others Phon 2-2861 or write today for Lee't Baby Chick Chats containing free poul try Information Lee's Hatch try P. O Bon 725, Salem. Oregon. V HELP WANTED STRAWBERRY pickers wanted. Ed Zlelin MCI. fn. 3-5111. guo HELP WANTED MALE WANTED: Experienced truck mechanic. Apply Truck Salee and Service Co.. 95ft N. iron i at. iiiio JV ANTED man with experience digging shafts ft wells. Call Shaffer, 42171, ext. 402 from 8 to 6. gallB' HELP WANTED FEMALE WOMAN OR alrl for general housework. Stay nifthtt. No washings. Ph. 3-8038 alter n p.m. fDiitv PART-TIME secretary for In nu ranee agrn cy. Mutt have some experience In a en eral Insurance and be capably trained In shorthand and typing. Telephone 3-7171 during office hourt. gbllO COMPANION for elderly woman. Phone i-jvw. folia1 IlOt'flEKEEPER wanted. Call 3-8668. Mutt have reference. fbll6' INFLATION MECHANICS needed at once Builders Insulating Co. Bee Mr. Steven 980 8. Com'l. Ph. 2-8822. gb!14' WOMAN or Girl general housework, stay night. 60S N. Liberty call mornings. ghl!6' EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY for an i- perlenced bookkeeper. Permanent posi tion, Automotive experience dexirable Apply In person. See Mrs. Pickett, 3ftft N. Liberty. gl ""OFFICE AND CLERICAL prTxiflNS CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency SflO State St Ph 2-148 gf WANTED SALESMAN WANTED AT ONCE, men to supply con sumers with everyday household necessi ties under our factory to home plsn. Pull time. Earnings bssed on Bales. Write Rtwlelgh'a, Dept. ORE-1SS-738. Otkltnd, Calif. gtlM SALESMEN We have several openings In our ssles fore for men between 34-28. Our work Is not seasonal nor part time. n,o selected will be given tralnlnf and Immediate help. Last week BP. earned 1148 00 Last week E H earned 165 00 Last week R. P. earned 107 SO The above listed are all new men. Our experienced men earned more. Come and spend I ' hours of your tin. This is a really amatlne deal, flee Mr. .Carnlne at Marlon Hotel, Display Room No. I at 11 a m. or 7 p.m. Friday, May 13, 1041. unt' VETERANS: Easy to start a business ol your own from tour home, Full or part time, Ate no handicap. Car needed Writ Rawieigh'a. Dept. ORE-US-J 11. Otkltnrl Cnlir en lilt WANTED P05ITIONS W4NT tn build new house for tomi Hh. 3-7720 hill EXP. YOI NO man would like route Ph. 305HI. BABY SITTER, Ph. 3-0SM. hill ""hl3l WOILD LIRE to rare for baby or child In my home bv the day In plnt surrnundlngt. Ph. 2 -Via J. j0 Me no li St hl)6 ANT TirMOWaw"nfor2Se WasV car IV, 7S4 B. 13th after 130 p m, hm WOMAN DEOIRES potltlnn at houtekeep. er or rnmpanlnn. Oood rong, expert em eit: no heavy work. Write Box 70. Woodburn hi 14 t XP.INHI RAN( K stenntrPherwlil ac cept any stenoerapher position. Avail able imniedlttely. Ph IfltJl hilt TREE RPR 4 YINfJ. whit washing, 1734 Market. Ph 14S31. hue PAIS'TINO INS1IIR or out Free est. Call 111. 3-1879 hill PLASTERING, PATCHWOBK and Chim- ey building Ph. 3-4180. Free estimates hll OL6I PAINTING. Phon 1-0163, Al 14 S t'PSTAIRS AITS. 3 rooms. 126. Ernest E Porter 'i ml. East K. 8. jplia NE1V MODERN 4rinapt7ParTly fu7nAll electric. Ph. 3-3914 Eves. JpllO Bt'SINE SSD ISTRICTrNlce elecplng room. 35S Center St. Jkll4 IIOl'SEKEEPING room i. Auto, hot water? 120 mo. 343 Chemeketa. ltU5 2 ROOM furnished apartment. 2nd floor. no c una ren. 640 Marion. JpllO PLTsA N f 5 LEE PIN oTm. for gentleman? 1050 Norway. Ph. 2-4547. Jkll7 RM A BREAKFAST privileges for middle sited rmpl woman. 3 blks from post office. Write box No. 410, Capital Jour nal. 3kll4 Pl'RNIRIIED ROOM with or without gar age. Close to bus 860 Sprflce. Ph. 30348 JkllO ROOMS TO RSTNT WEEK OR MONTH HOTEL SALEM Tel 3-3161 FOR RENT APARTMENTS 2 RM. APT. Private entrance, employed couple. 1308 Court. Jpll6' Rm7APT?-3ndfioor. Lady preferred". PhJlSSO. Jpll5" NEW COURT Apt. unfurnished, range? ref. Dallas Rd. near Weat Salem, Box 830. JpllO -' ROOM furnished apt. with private toilet St ahower. Biutnea lady preferred. 3 SO 8. Cottage. Iplll F.'JtN.APT. 836.00. 001 B1 13th. JpllO !t RM. APT. downstairs. Private bath. Ft'RN. 2 rm. it kitchenette apt. Ph. 27546. 140 Williams Ave. JpllO IF YOU are looking for a nice large clran furnlthed apt. with H St C water, gns. ranee As gat or oil heat, close in, now at 830. Adults. Drive to 180 Divi sion Bt. Corner Division tfe N, Front St. JpllO I RM APT, pullman kitchen. Nicely furn. Women only, 1118 Oak fit. IpllS' ritM. Fl'RN, apt. 15. wk. Elderly gentle man preferred. 1290 Oak. Ph. S-S276. 1P114 NICE Ft'RN. t RM. light housekeeping apt. All elee. 1078 N. Capitol. Ph. 38706. Jp117 2 RM. FI'RN. Apt. Adult only. Ph. 2-5372, 1936 Center St. JpUt MODERN, LARGE furn. Apt. clot In, quiet, private home, garage it yard. Tel. 3-4316 for appointment. JpllO FURN." APT. Adult. 7708?Com'l J pill FURN. 2 rm apt, hot it cold water, found fir. No pet or children. 449 DIviSlOTL JpU4 iRM. partly furn. apt. $20. 815 8. 22nd. JpllO 2 RM. furn., upstairs, neat St clean, am ple storage. 1370 N. Commercial. JP133 UNFURN. I bdrm. Apt. In very attractive court. Llv. rm., kitchen it bath. Equip.. with ref.tg. St range. Auto, laundry. Call 007 8. llth. JplH FOR RENT HOUSES FOR LEASE 9 bdrm. home with basement, very clean, choice location, rent 170 per month. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors Member of Multiple Listing Bureau 303 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7830, 3-4590 Even. 2-0472 3-3558 )mll4 i"BnR"M?houie?hJ33SSorcsir7t535 8. High St., middle of blk. I6S. Liberty. JmllO RM. unfurn. home. 1716 Baker. Get pose!m1on May IS Be at the hoti.e to day and Sat. 'till 3 pm. 406 Silver St. Bilverton. II. I. She I den. )mll5 BDRM. houte. Electric range refrtg. Newly rlecornted. 70. See at 60S Ewald Ave. Ph. 2-5.I5S. JmllO BEDROOM HOUSE, cleaned. Reasonable to the riant pnrty, Clarnite, hdw. flnnrs. Box 446 Capital Journal. JmllO 4 ROOM house and hnth. upstairs unfin ished. Hot end roid running water, ga rs s. No objection to one rhlld. 150. Ernest E. Porter H ml. East K. S. JmllS FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS rental, good location north for beauty shop and barber shop, of fice, or mite, rentstt. Reasonable rent. Joe L. Bournes, 1140 N. Capitol. Ph 3-8316. JI14 Trailer Space 110 Mo. Includes all modern convent fees Rig ut across street on S. std of Psoitis Cannery. Telephone 2aR5. Wm. Roth Trailer Park, 1740 Oxford. 1114 TRAILER SPACE. Camp Joy Motel, lilt It DRIVE trucks cars Ph 2-0103 GROUND Floor room i. suitable tor of fice or S'ores STATE FINANCE CO. Ph. 34131 J POWER TOOt rental tor home St in dustrial use How.sr Bros Ph 1-3646 Rl SINES RM for renl HL. Stiff. J GOOD 1'SFD PIANO II L Stiff. J TO DO a good lob rent a good floir Sand er We ell everything to complete the Job. Hownrn Bi?ri Ph i is6 ! WANTED TO RENT IRM. unfurn. modern house Ph. 335.1 1S119 COUPLE WANT fumlied "t tr li'is. Permanent or lumm'i only. Ph. 2I.M1. ui16 roi'PLE Willi small rhlld on I ft liKr I 3 o-droom h.e. reasoiiabie rent Will ase. ph. 3-471it. jail 6 TR 411,1 R HOI sr.. 1 ired large hou trslier W 'H isy good rent, park on city lot JM)'I itllS YOUNG M D. and familv dr.re 2 or 1 bMiroom unfurnished nousc. Ph. InflM, JaU7 (Continued on Page 16)