f 18 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday. May 13. 1949 - - r;" EN f CltM ft Fw ritlpc fnlScouts Attend Circus "vl" 1 w " Hubbard Troop 58, Boy Make Gains in Bank Debits A report of the Federal Reserve bank reveals that Salem banks have scored a 1U per cem gain in acuus uuriug pcriuu wncii muai cities have had declines in statistics of business volume. That gain was shown for April. And during the first four mnnthi of this year the Salem banks gained 6 per cent. The with corres-? Largest Bear? Contender for record as world's largest bear is this giant Kodiak, killed on Kodiak island, Alaska, by Morris Tallifson (shown with skin) and Larry Matfay. The bear weighed an estimated 1,800 pounds and skin measur ed 11 feet 5 inches long and 11 feet wide. Official measure ments are being sent to Boone and Crockett club In New York City, which determines records. (AP Wirephoto) Four Corners People Greet Guests from Out of State Four Corners, May 13 Out of state guests for several days In the Henry Benz home, 3885 Mahrt avenue were Mrs. Ida Breitlow, Miss Mary Benz, Miss Minnie Benz all of Winona, Minn. The Benz's entertained with a family dinner honoring the visitors Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kreuzer and Walter, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Otto Gensmer, Gladys and Otto, jr., all of Port- Card Club Invited land. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gray.! Mr. and Mrs. Arlo McLain, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Benz and Nan- Monroe avenue, were hosts to the tv. Marvin and Evelyn Benz. I Friendly Neighbors club. Pi- nochle was in play and dessert , refreshments were served to Mr. Weigarts Are Parent. id Mrs Warren Mf Friends and relatives are con-!and Mrs Lawrence Shrake, Mr. gratulating Mr. and Mrs. George'and Mr, Harold Snook, Mr. and weigart, 42u Jjumin Ave., upon the birth of a son, Danny Curtis, born May 1 at the Salem Gener al. He weighed seven pounds and six and one-half ounces. He has a sister Eileen and a brother Lar ry. The paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Pete Meshelle of Turner. The maternal grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Slover of Woodburn. Mrs. Slover Is visiting her new grandson for two weeks. comDarisons are ponding periods of 1948 Debits, which consist of the volume of checks handlea Dy banks, are considered one of the best yardsticks of business acti vity. Salem's bank debits were $68,464,000 for April as against $61,954,000 for April, 1948, and $239,572,000 for the four mnnths oeriod compared with $228,345,000 in the same period lasi ycai. Two other Pacific Northwest cities covered in the report showed gains in debits, accord ing to the reserve bank. Walla Walla's debits were up 18 per cent for the month and S per cent for the four months. Boise I had 8 percent gain for the i month and a S percent increase for the four months. Portland had debits of $539, 503,000 for the month compared with $575,943,000 for the same month last year. For the first four months of the year Port land's debits were $2,094,829,- 000 as against $2,217,592,000 last year. Portland's figures showed declines of 6 percent for both the month and the four month period. Eugene bank debits totaled $49,628,000 for the month com pared with $50,243,000 and $175,347,000 for the four months as against $200,676,000. Albany Changes Clocks Monday Albany, May 13 Albany cit izens will get an hour's less sleep this Sunday night, the city coun cil ruled without undue or lengthy argument and with only one dissenting vote. The city will go on daylight saving time at 2:01 a.m., Mon day, May 16 and stay on that schedule until September 11. There were no public dissent ers to the counVil's action al though City Attorney Ed Sox said two women visitors, who departed early, had come to peak against the expected louncil action. Mayor Jess Savage told the eouncll that unless Albany shift ed to daylight saving time the eity would he an Island sur rounded by communities operat ing on the summer clock sched ule. Linn county officialdom, however, will probably remain an standard time at least until July 16, County Clerk R. M. Russell said Thursday, This the county clerk added, unless the county court should rule oth erwise. Members of the court were In Sweet Home and could not be contacted. Clerk Russell explained that the 1949 legislature empowered the governor, effective July 16, to declare daylight saving time the legal time for Oregon should he see fit. Meanwhile, however, state law governing the timing of doc ument filings and court pro cedures will probably remain effective, according to the clerk. Mrs. Jack Scorgie, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hansen. Honors went to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Shrake. Girls Plan Picnics Brownie troop 107 met at the Community hall after school. There were 17 girls present. Completing their weaving proj ect and planning a picnic for next meeting took up the hour. Hostesses for the day were Con nie Chambers and Patricia Mey er. Mrs. Robert Burns and Mrs. Francis Miller, leaders. Mr. and Mrs. Hardie Phillips, 4075 Beck Ave., were hosts to a group on Sunday compliment ing Mrs. Phillips' parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Deckard. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. John Deckard, Linda and John, Jr., and Maurice Deckard. be climaxed Saturday night. Exhibits were set up at the high school gymnasium and demonstrations at the Portland Gas & Coke company auditor ium that will determine county winners in every phase of club work started Thursday. Demonstrations were present ed every 20 minutes from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Thursday at the Port land Gas & Coke Co. auditorium. Scouts of Hubbard took a sec ond place ribbon with their pio neering act in the Scout Circus in Salem. They built a useful camping article without the use of nails, a signal tower using mirrors and a flashlight. They were also entered in the chariot race, took part in the parade and in the ceremony later at Sweetland field. The earthworm is blind, and voiceless. deaf Independence Garden Club Holds Election Independence Mrs. C. W Irvine was installed president of the Independence Garden club this week following a covered dish dinner at the home of Mrs Paul Dodele. Other officers are Mrs. Etta Welch, vice presi dent; Mrs. Ernie Fafferty, sec retary, and Mrs. Harlan Nelson, treasurer. Mrs. C. O. Sloper will repre sent the club at the national con vention in Portland May 22 to Linn Healthiest Youth Selected Albany, May 13 Lyle Noah, 15, son of Mr, and Mrs. Enos Noah of Albany, Route 2, and Barbara Brown, 14, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Brown of Corvallis, Route 4, were named Linn county's healthiest 4-H club boy and girl in competition with nearly 800 county health club' members as one of the fea tures of Thursday's opening ses sion of the annual spring 4-H fair. Both winners will receive a scholarship to the 4-H summer school at Oregon State college for 10 days beginning June 14. More than 1000 club members representing 135 organizations and virtually every Linn county community were on hand Thursday for the event that will (AdvrrtUrmfnt) Ashland, Ore., Lady Tells Friends About Kal-O-Dex "W find it a tood mwlKlne and are rffomnwndlni KAL-O-DEX to other who sufffr," wrote thl ladr rteentlv. "U ttomach uatd to iil like my Innard were all tied up in knou. taped ally afttr I ate onions or fUh. but, tliankJ to KAL-O- i'ia I'm on trt road to better health now." Another wrUes, "It keeps that aw- taa down and allow me to aleeo een after ratlin cabbaie. and beat of an mr waiai lint has reduced Inches became bowels art reiular and I'm rid ol that awful blr.it Inf." Try KAI.-O-UpTX on MONEY BACK GUARANTEE: KAL-O-DEX Is in Herbal Formula of 5 Julrej from Nat'ire'a Plant. It has relieved many people who had never been really helped before by any merfirtn Taken shortly before meats It mixes with your food, helptna to eliminate the pot nns that foster stomach trouble. It will cleans bowel, el ear Intestines and re move old, slckenina bile from the -tern. Ao don't to on suffer mat Ott KAL-O-DF.X today at all Drui Stores. PLUMBING 5 CONTRACTING Featuring Crano end Standard Fixtures Call 3-8555 Salem Heating & Sheet Metal Co. 1085 Broadway FREE ESTIMATES FREE SERVICE Ladies Be Ready for The busy canning Rush Bring in Your Pressure Conner Guages for a thorough check over JT GEORGE IV Allen 236 N. COMMERCIAL ST. tailM. Olltoa QGED0 DUTCH BOY Outside White Paint No. 3688 Especially Formulated for Whiteness and Brightness! Extra Tough Film Resists Dirt and Fumes Equal to many other leading brands of paint selling for $6.32 per gallon Per Gallon $4.95 This is a National Lead Company Product WOMEN WANTED For beauty training Ex cellent opportunities are al ways open to ttae skilled beautician- Classes are no forming at Salem's oldest and most advanced beauty school. Call or writ for our new low rates Oregon School of Beauty Culture 230 N Liberty Ph. 36800 You Can't Afford to NEED New Glasses Dr. E. E. Boring Optometrists We make it so easy for you to enjoy the extra comfort and confidence of well fitted lenses and sparkling modern look ing frames. Check with us Dr. Sam Hughes 383 Court AT BORING OPTICAL DIGNIFIED CREDIT Pbone 3-6506 24 with Mrs. Welch and Mrs.lstate convention In Corvallla Nick Versteeg delegates to thelnext month. 5 Recapm KRAFT SYSTEM RECAPS Whil you work, shop or ploy wo put deap, sharp traads on your smooth tiros. Stop spinning, slip ping , . go safo, go straight through mud, slush or snow. State Tire Service State and Cottage Salem, Oregon nn EE a i nine? Finest 1949 Radio-Phonographs 1 (fib -22 7495 17 ONLY NOW 7.50 down, 5.00 per month Greatest Value in Many Years I NOT A HUNDRED DOLURS-but only 74.95 NOT A PLASTIC MODEl - but ve neered In GENUINE MAHOGANYI AMAZING G-I ELECTRONIC REPRODUCER! FINEST RECORD REPRODUCTION you ever heard! PLAYS UP TO MATICALLY! 12 RECORDS AUTO- POWERFUL speaker! RADIO with oversiie SAVE OVER 90.00 ON CONSOLES Best buys you ever saw! Famous GE Model 377, FM-AM automatic radio-phonograph, in modern blond oak. IT WAS 271 so NOW 179 93 Thrill to th pure beauty of genuine FM virtually tatic-free. Enjoy standard broadcasts at their best. Hear your favorite records played as never before with the G E Electronic Reproducer. 0 0 SMASHING VALUES in apartment consoles MODEL 119M NOW 117.95 WAS 132.95 Modern tWMt tnelwffany fimsnl fwrfl AM itf rri itarjf mcI mvtkfjttyt 0-1 sHxtrtt Bf riaSmrl ttimi p?HI Phont 3 851 J