AUTOMOIILES AUTOMOBILIS DIRECTORY Capital Journal. Salem, Oregon, Friday, May 13, 194917 DON'T WAIT UNTIL DECORATION DAY When the Rush Is On BUY YOUR CAR NOW These Pre-Holiday Speciali Are Priced to Save You Money Drive With Confidence in a Guaranteed Used Car 1947 Ford Sportsman Convertible. Heater. Low Mileage. Auto matic Lifts. Body has new finish. Glade green. To see is to buy. 1948 Ford Station Wagon, like new, radio, heater, overdrive, white idewall tires. Only driven 25,006 miles. Tuscon-tan color. A beauty. 1948 Ford Super Deluxe Four Door Sedan, radio, heater, over drive, many other extras. Light grey color. Clean as new inside and out. A demonstration will sell you this one. 1946 Oldsmobile Sedan Coupe 76D-Torpedo body. Radio, heater, seat covers, road lamps, windshield washer, A real car to drive. Handles "like a baby buggy." 1947 Pontiac Sedan Coupe. Torpedo body, two-tone, seat covers, radio, heater, road lights, back-up light. Low mileage, motor runs like new, good rubber. Don't overlook this one. A ride will convince you. SOME GOOD OLDER MODELS , 1941 Ford Sedan Coupe 1939 Buick Sedan 1941 Studebaker Sedan Coupe 1941 Nash Sedan 194? Ford Sedan 6 1941 Mercury Convertible Low Prices - Easy Payments - Terms Highest Trade Appraisals VALLEY MOTOR Center at High WE CAN HELP YOU STRETCH YOUR TRUCK DOLLARS INTO REAL PROFIT New equipment built with ' Know How" and to fit your exact needs and specifications. Used equipment recondi tioned and guaranteed to give you the service required. ATTENTION Lumber Haulers 1946 International K7 2 speed with 18 ft. Semi Trailer Lumber Roll and Apron 1946 Ford 2 speed, 825x20 Tires, L.W.B. 1946 Ford Straight Rear Axle, 825x20 Tires, L.W.B. 1946 Chevrolet, 2 speed, 5 speed Clark, 825 tires. L.W.B. 1940 Chevrolet Dump Truck, 2 speed, 825 tires. 1946 Ford V8 V Ton Pickup. 1937 Ford V8 Vt Ton Pickup. ' VALLEY MOTOR TRUCK DEPT. Liberty at Marion Own All D.y gdturd.y for SHROCK "SEZ" If We any person browser or look and For the Best in Used Car Take a Look at These. 1948 Hudson Sedan, Leather UphoT. 1948 Stude. Comm. R&H, O D. 1947 Dodge Sedan, R&H, Sedan, R&H, Clean 1946 Nash Club Coupe, wea ther eye 1948 Dodge Sedan, R&H 1948 Hudson Brom. R&H plus extras 1941 Ford Coupe, good motor 1940 Chev. Coach, short block R&H 1940 Dodge Club Coupe. R&H 1940 Plymouth Club Coupe. R&H r REMEMBER WEXL BE HERE TOMORROW TO BACK UP WHAT WE SAY AND DO TODAY! SHROCK MOTOR COMPANY THIS TIME IT S HUDSON Where Chemeketa Goes to Church Phone 87922 DRIVE SAFELY REMEMBER There Are Others DIRECTORY 1M.AJTE1INO Pi whim, Rcptlrlnf. Ph. 1-1161. Piihei 144 8 Com'l. Ph. l-SOIt. raVMNQ, SPRATINO Philip w Beim. Ph. a-i:oa. L W Caudle. Ph 1-7900. oil!' KAOIATOS KEPAIft Cleaned, repaired. J O Balr Bom ph SUM Bv Drtv-t Theatre Sine HIT BUS Ray Moore 3370 PortUiRdTph-3-M3J BAND GAVtX Oarden Soil crushed1 rock Shovel and dragline tictvitlnf Wtllltti Band OriTel Co, Phona l-tJ4 Valley Sand j Orirtl Co Sill, sand fit dirt lot 10B ho) at cau Traetor scoop a truck for dirt moving Ph affica 14001. re 17141 'atom Saw WrkJ. Ph. I-TMJ 1391 W Mh Ol38 jWtBS AND SEtTlC TANKS EVetrta Eieloi'r Patent Rater- fharp Steel Cutting tlad Clta fttwera Drama fepiw TanW Claaao lUu m 1141 a I-P4U Journal Want Ads Pa USED CAR MART Ph. 3-3147 Your CoriYfnltnct Ph. 1-3147 Had a Latch String It would always be out because we welcome interested In Used cars. Be ne buyer, our tars are wonn they're certainly wortn a try! Values - 1939 Hudson Coach, very Clean 1938 Hudson Coach, R&H 1938 Ford Coach, R&H, good motor ' 1937 Stude Coach, excel, mo tor 1937 Ford Coach, R&H 1937 Chev. Coach, R&H, good tires 1936 Ford Sedan, almost new motor 1936 Ford Coach, Hydr. brakes, R&H 1934 Ford Sedan, clean 1934 Chev. Sedan, one owner DIRECTORY FPTIC TASKS K P Hamel Septic Tank Cleaned nmric maehina wrTiet on aawer and drain llnea Guaranteed mark U4J lih St . Wt Galena Ph J-T404. all'a Stptlc Servlea Tanka cleaned Roto Roottr Service on 0wer. 1071 Km St- W Salem. Ph. I-I4M. I-ISJ1 TRAN5FEP BTOKAOE 'rfKal A Distance Trarmftr, ttortge Burner oil, coal briquet Truck to Portland dally Agent tor Bektru House hold good moved to anywhere In Ul o. Canada Lamer Tranafer Js atarage Ph 3-3131 TYPEWRITERS Amlth Corona. Rfmlnftnn RoTftl, Undtr ood eorublM All ntkej w4 mirhiDM Rrptl ftnd root Rovn. Ul Court. VEN'CTIA!1! BLnVDS U44 In m frtt Mt Fboni I7I rimer Uit Bund nta tm Vrnrtlia Blind nod id trApt or rtfmuiiod. Rriaboldt Utt. l-isst watch cvoc arrAinixo Witcneo for Mil. opn ttro Pb. 31121 310 Evenrorn B T Ordn. out wru naitLiNO J. A. Bnrrdin Bono. vin-drUllOB. t9l Rrookl 81., Boltm. n. 3-WM. OlJI- Prod Wraon Rt 1 Bos 111 n lalll 0117 Journal Want Ads Pay WEATHERSTIMFPING Fret estimates 1. WINDOW CLEANING Acne Window Clean" Window. Will fc woodwork cleaned Floor cleaned, waied and pollalied Ph 1-3331 14? Court Lanidoc. Cuibcruoo and Mather WINDOW SHADES Washable. Roller Undo to ordrr. 1 Day Del Re In hold t A Lewi. Ph 33639. o WOOD A SAWDUST Weal 6ali Fuel Co. Ph 2-4031. WOODS A WING At klri i ACroai. Ph. 3i74or 3Sl7i. o!34 LODGES Pacific Lodge No. 60, A.P. & 7K A.M. MM. Degree Friday, May 13. 7 pm. 114 iwflrv I O O F. meets every Wedne CrQ day night. Visitor welcome. LEGAL "noTICE'OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE MOUNTAIN VIEW DRIVE FROM f AN DAI.ARIA BOULEVARD TO HANSON AVEN'I'E. Nolle hereby li given that the rnm moncounell of the ciiy of Salem. Oregon, deem it necessary and expedient and hereby declare It purpose and Intention lo Improve Mountain View Drive from the south line of Candalaria Boulevard to the north line of Hanson avenue. In the city of Salem, Marion county, Oregon, at the eipense of the abutting, and ad larent property, except the street Intersect. ont the expense of which will be assumed by '-he city of Salem, by bringing said por tion of said street to the establbhed grade, constructed cement concrete curbs, and paving ald porilon of said street with a 2'a Inrh asphaltlc concrete pavement 30 feet wide In accordance with the plant and specif Iratlons therefor which were adopted by the common coun- en May y, luiu. wmcn ere now on inr , In the office of the city recorder and I which by thla reference thereto are made a part hereof. The common council hereby declares lt , purpose and Intention to make the above described Improvement by and through I the street improvement department. By Order of the Common Council May 1 t, 181- Alfred mujidt, city Recorder Date of first publication hereof Is May I. 194. Capital Journal. Mar 13. 14. 10. IT. IS. It. 20. 21. 23. 24. 25. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE MARION STREET FROM EAST CI KB LINE OF CAPITOL STREET TO WEST CURB LINE OF TWELFTH STREET. Notice hereby Is Riven that the rom mon council of the city of Salem, Oregon deems It necessary and expedient and hereby declares It purpose and inten tion to Improve Marlon street from the east curb line of Capitol street to the weat curb line of Twelfth street, in the city of Salem. Marlon county. Oregon, at ine expense of the abutting and adtacent property, by removing the existing curb, and constructing new cement concrete curbs, widening the existing pavement from 30 feet to 40 feet, ft feet of such additional width to be on each side of the existing pavement and such addition al width to be paved with a 6 inch Port land cement concrete pavement, "and the existing pavement to be resurfaced with a I'i Inch asphaltlr concrete pavement, all In accordance with the plans and spe cifications therefor which were adopted by the common council May 0. 194B. which are now on file in the office of ine riiy recorder and which bv thl reference thereto am marl nun of. The common council hereby declares It purpose and Intention to make the above described Improvement bv and through the street improvement depart ment. K By order of the Common Council May t. 1940. ALFRED Umm-T- fit. w...... Date of flrat publication hereof Is May 13. 149. Cptul Journal, lt. 30. . U. 14. M.7 IJ. 14. 1. IT, 11. To Boost Pay Of Armed forces Washington, May 13 OP) The nouse armed services committee unanimously approved today a bill to boost the pay of members or the armed force. ine vote was 28 to 0 after Chairman Vinson (D.t Ga.) read a letter from Defense Secretary Louis Johnson approving the measure and stating that the budget bureau, speaking for the president, lias no objection. ine Din, .estimated to cost $406,000,000 a year, probably win go oeiore the house for de bate late this month. It is expected to run Into a barrage of opposition from mem bers urging economy on all federal spending fronts. The bill would boost pay for the next to lowest enlisted grade by about three per cent, and zoom up to almost a 50 per cent raise for generals and admirals. The raises would average ap proximately 14 per cent, with everybody but the bottom en listed grade getting an increase. First Wreck Occurs On Prineville Railroad Prineville. May 13 (ffi The Prineville railroad had its first wreck in the memory of the town's old-timers last nlKht. Five lumber-loaded cars, being nauiea nere from a sawmill, broke loose on a steep grade last nigni ana careened down to amasn imo lour otner railroadlback Irom his flight across the voi. uciug iuuea ai ine station. Four of the cars were derailed by the Impact and tumbled into a position that nearly blocked a principal intersection. The chief damage was torn-up rails. No one was hurt. T h e wreckage was being cleared! UflV Inriav The little r.ilrod i owned!" qucMion her about the tlgMpaii'l VJ Prti'" by the city of Prineville, md ,0.iruns IB miles from here to main line. Alco Plant May Produce Molasses Washlnxton, May 13 i ".kI:l southern firm has offered over the Springfield. Ore cohol plant and use it to make molasses from wood. Rep. Ellsworth (R., Ore , and the war assets administration labor oblections last night and cyon Taylor, second vice presl announced that yesterday, dis-jratified the Atlantic pact by the dent; K.tla Foiter, secretary; closing that Charles B. and W. S.i overwhelming vote of 333 to 8. iLoui Brown, treasurer: Jerry Hudson of Americus, Ga., made the offer to lease the plant. Terms were not disclosed. The WAA (aid no decision would be made until at least 10 aaya. District Navy Men Inspect Local Vnil In Salem Thursday afternoon and evening to inspect the local Naval Reserve sur face unit were officers from the 13th naval district headquar ters in Seattle. They were accompanied by Capt. G. F. Galpin, USN, who shortly will take over his duties as director of naval reserve for the 13th naval district. Here the men with Lt. Comdr. David N. Morey (right, front), inspector-instructor for the Salem and Eugene Naval Reserve units and officer in charge of naval facilities in both cities, have a look at a 22 mm gun. cut-away model, used in training of the Salem reserves. Left to right the visiting officers are: Lt. (j.g.) D. O. McAllister. USNR; Lt. J. E. Taylor, USN; Lt. (j.g.) E. E. Nowack, USN; Lt. Martin S. Hunting, USN: Lt. C. W. Sanner, USN; Capt. Galpin: Capt. John G. Farnsworth, USNR, who has been acting director of the reserves for 13th Naval district: Comdr. W. Bauer. USNR: Comdr. G. D. Artnz, USN; Capt. Frederick S. Hall, USN; Comdr. M. J. Luosey, USN, and right, front, Lt. Comdr. Morey. District Naval Officers Inspect Reserve Unit Here By MARGARET MAGEE Salem's surface division 13-28. U. S. Naval Reserves, was ii spection lor the second time since its activation Thursday by group of officers from the 13th Seattle. The annual inspection of the Grains Shoot Upward Friday Chicago. May 13 m An ac tive buying movement sent most grains higher on the board of trade today. Buying was con centrated on the more distant deliveries, May contracts tend ing to lag in wheat, corn and oats. Rye and soybeans jumped sharply, but there were good gains in new crop wheat and corn deliveries also. The Sep tember rye delivery spurted more than 7 cents at times. Wheat closed -3 higher May $2.24 -, corn was 1 to 2 H higher, May $1.35 Vt-, oats were 4 to 1 cent higher, May 68"4-", rye was i'i-Tt high er. May $1.4H4, soybeans were 534-634 higher, May $2.37 2.37 ., and lard was 8 to 10 cents a hundred pounds higher, May $11.85. Eisler Paid 25 Cls. to Escape New York, May 13 P Com munist Gearhart Eisler, who fled America as a stowaway aboard the liner -Batory, told a CBS correspondent today he hid out aboard the vessel after paying 25 cents to tour it as a Visitor. In a radiogram from Special Correspondent Richard Vaffe which CBS broadcast this morn ing, the man described as the No. 1 Red in the United States said he boarded the Batory with only the clothes on his back and money In his pocket. The Batory, en route to Po land by way of Southampton, sailed from New York May B Subsequently, ship officials ra dioed that a stowaway had been found aboard, that he identi fied himself as Gearhart Eisler and that after his discovery had paid for a first class passage to Gydnia. The Batory is due in South ampton tomorrow. Mrs. Eisler Again Taken Into Custody Washington, May 13 IIP) Mrs. Gearhart Eisler today was re-arrested for deport a 1 1 0 n while the justice department laid plans to bring her husband seas. The department announced thnt Mrm L' . 1 .... .'..0. u.a. an murri niiuim custody in New York City thisli mreVin. khi k-k Vu morning. She had been at liber - ty, without bond, on charges of being illegally in this country. One reason for her re-arrest WOa that thn Oni'nmminl ...;.U. ' Eisler, 52-year-old admitted communist, as a stowaway on a Polish vessel. The Justice de partment said that immigration service ofticials in New York had been instructed to detain Mrs. Eisler on Ellis Island. House of Commons Ratifies Atlantic Pact London, May 13 U The house of commons overrode ml - norlty communist and leftwing The vote was taken after Bri-iCarey. finance; Mary Brown, tish Foreign Secretary Ernest! historian and Rhea Perea, ser Bevin told the house that the'geant at arms. Mrs. Brown Is a strength given western nations by the pact had staved off the iposaibility of war with Russia. naval district headquarters in division, commanded by Lt. Comdr. Coburn Grabenhorst, and the training center started shortly after the officers' ar-1 rival by plane from Seattle early in the afternoon. During the afternoon they in spected the physical set-up and the records at the training cen ter and at 7:30 p.m. inspected the unit, which was holding its regular meeting Thursday night Here with the inspection group was Caot. G. F. Galpin, USN. re cently given the assignment of director of naval reserves for the 15'h naval district. He is to take over his new duties in about a week. The captain, who has been traveling through the district with Capt. John G. Farnsworth USNR, acting director of the re serves until Galpin assumes his new duties, Thursday made his first visit to Salem, though he has previously been through this city as he traveled up and down the Pacific coast. A native of Texas, the new di rector of the reserves for this district is an Annapolis grad- uale, having entered the naval academy in 1917. A large por tion of his duty has been on the west coast of the United States and twice previously he has been stationed in Seattle. In 1932-33 he was an instructor for the ROTC unit at the University of Washington and following the war was back in Seattle for year of duty at headquarters. The new director during the early part of the last war was operations officer for the task force commander In the battles of the Coral sea and Midway and was aboard the Yorktown when it was sunk. The latter part of the war found him in command of a transport division , Others here with Capt. Farns-l worth were: Comdr. G. D. Arntz. USN, director of distribution: Capt. Frederick Hall, USN; Comdr. M. J. Luosey, USN, di rector of training; Comdr. W. Bauer, USNR, organized re serve planning officer; Lt. C. W. Sanner, USN, Lt. J. E. Tay lor, USN, Lt. (J R.) E. E. No wack. Lt. (j.g.) D. O. McAllis ter. USNR. and Lt. Martin S. Hunting, USN, who recently was assigned to duty in Eugene as assistant inspector for the Eu gene Naval Reserve surface unit. New Navy Secretary Does Own Rowboat Omaha, May 1.1 iff) Francis P. Matthews, newly - nominated secretary of the navy, said today he intends to maintain "the su blime traditions of the navy" if confirmed in the post. Back in Omaha after a half hour conference with President in Washington yester- day. the Omaha attorney told ! ' ' u- newsmen he recognizes unifica tion of the armed forces ait the big problem. He said he belie vert this can be done "without im- Asked about his navy experi ence. Matthews replied: "You would ask me that. Well, I do have R rowboat at my summer home." Ethel Sohn Nominated Legion Auxiliary Head Independence Ethel Sohn was nominated president of Amercian Legion Auxiliary unit No. SB this week. The com- mlltee, headed by Renee Sohn !lo offered the names of Elva Riha, first vice president; Hal- pat president. Rena Harmon Is chairman of the poppy salt to ' be held May 28, Stock Advance Led by Coppers New York. May 13 iflDe- mand for copper company is sues dominated a sluggish stock market today. The coppers closed at the top prices of the day. Elsewhere fractional gains and losses werejc.' ss .core, itc u. Abott price are atrtct in fairly close balance. ! n.nmai rt .1 , C'heeae Hellln price to fortiano ernoie Business generally was slim, 0reSon mmea. aat s oreion i with turnover at the rate ofi'" '' tnpieu we tear than about 800,000 shares for the full1 session. Kennccott and Phelps Dodge advanced well over a point with Anaconda tagging along in the rear. Also ahead most of the time luai-a ITC Glnl ri I w.fcj. Ullll vuill, VIJI .YSM'I , uoociyear. Douglas Aircraft, In-1 ternational Paper, Radio Corp.. Santa Fe. Southern Pacific and Pacific Western Oil. Among the balky soots were ana American i eirpnone. STOCKS QUOTATIONS (By the Aaoclated Pre. u Tel ri 141 Anaconda Bendu A flat loo 3!', Beth Steel 2R Boeine Alrr:ane 31'- tfallf Hactlna 33 , Canadian Pacifia 12!, Caae J I v. Caterpilar S6'i Ohryatet ., 52': Comwlth Sop 3"i Con Vuitee I0;i Continental Can 33:. Crown ieiieroacn 2', Curtl Wrttni 8 , Douila Ant-raft 60 Oupont da Nm 190 Oenerai Kivrrrta 3,1, Oaneral rouda 43' Oaneral Uotora S7 3oodyear Tin 41' Int flarvea'er 2t Int Paper 47 Kennacott . ... 44 'i Ll&br MrH I T, Loni Bell A" - Won ta ornery Ward 53 1 Naab Xelvlnaior 12' Nat Dairy 31' NT Central 11 ttortharn eacifte 14 Pee Am P'.ah Pae Oa Flea 32 Pae rl A fal 9 1 ' Poanei J C 4(S 1 ftadlo Corp 12' ftayomar 24 It a renter Pfd 30' fteraelda Uetala 21s Biehfleld 37 araway fttorej 23' Vara Rnaburk 37s loaihara Parlfle 40' Itaeidard CU Ca fit' ladeoaaer Coi 20 hutm Mlnlni 9'i rrauaera 11' Due Oi Ci 30', Datew Paaitte 81. Halted tir'maa 12' 0 at roe Pie Salem Markets Cem ale ted from teporta aleni deal ore rer Ilia rvldanee (aplti Joarnal Reader. (ReeueO dallyl. tall reed PrtoM rt Mab lA.lft. Itabblt Peileta I 4t Dairy Feed-t4 00 Paallrr: h ivlna once -Orade A cote 1 hen SOe: trade A Leghorn hen, i rent. Orade A rolored frver.v three pound and up, 30c. Orade A old rooster ent tra Baylnt Prleea Butra laree AA. 49c. lane AA 48c; larte A. 4flr. medium AA. r; medium A, 43-44e; pulleu. 38-30c. Wbeleeale Prleea Eci hmeeie prices t 1 cent above theae once aonve Orade A tenerally quoted at 13c; me d 'jtna 4t. iSe. No. t. lie: No price. Whoieaala trad A. Batter .an lit. About 11,000 Americans lost lives in fires each year, and more than half the victims arc women and children. MARKET QUOTATIONS Saleae LlTHtMt MmrkM iBj Vallef facking Cfmpaavi ClocKl wnolm Umtw 1 00 to 134 O0 YprlinitA. undrr 120 lb 114 00 to 110 00 Varlm, Ovtr 120 itu 11100 to 117 00 Evm 13 00 lO 1800 Cuttr cowji 110 00 to 114.00 nl atr roj 114. SO to Hi. SO Dairy hfitcr til 00 to 118 00 Bu"jt .118 00 to 121.00 ru. toM 300-t50It 12000 to 123 00 Veal 1 150-300 :tv iod .. 124 00 to t37.00 !. j prlcf.' paid an hm Ur of Port- nd price tor each tvpe Top, 17033 .be Pnrtland KUide Market Fir.u oflermxA of Willamette vaUey trawnerrirA ere oid (or 14 00 a craw iterate nn the Portland EuL:6 Parm ra Whortvale Produce market lodav. Aparau.i wut t4 00 a JO-lb pyramid or looe pack witri bunched ipeara ellln( or li.ib top. RadLMir brought IS to centa a doxtep bunche;. ltmce anki Inr 13 00 a crate. Mexican tomatoe were 18 31 a lui. rartland Produce. ftulterlat--! eniaitTe. ati)ect V lmme mate cRanne .'ttmlum quamy maximum to 3S to 1 percent acldilt delivered to Portland l-64r lb., firat Quality 59-ile b. econd quality S7-0r. Valley route and country polnta 1c lea mar fust Roller Wholesale FOB Oula eubea l : hoale;A grade A A. 03 acore, 61 -63c t". H'buieaalerai a grade iarf tnr!ium. 31-M'iC grade B. 41'. I'urrhnseo from ...era t'urrei era J 'e oe liadeo beat 3 W l-je dot . in wholesale untatloni foi neM hennery eeaa Portland llrj Market Ituller Price to retailer Orade Aft rtriiiu flfle: A A carton 67c: A prinu. 6fV: A carton.. 67r: B nrlnlji, Me. I fjjB pri. retailer AA arfa nr. S6c; A lane. centred 4-5S-: AA medium. Mr: ter'.illM A medium. S4c: A medium. Uc; carton 3c .ldd'lr.nal t'heete Prtre to retailer Portlad' r--on utrifle 4U' SU'ac Oreaon loal r 43H-SI1ic; triplet l'tc le.- than am Chlckena - No 1 fjuallt FOB plant. No. 1 hrotlera under 3' lb 27-28c lb., frver 3'a to 3 lb.. 2B-30C lb ifwMm 4 lb, dnd over, 30-31c lb.; fowl. Lev horn under 4 lbs. 24-2Sc: over 4 hs. 2B-27e; colored fowl, al) weiithU, 30 "llc: rooster, all weiahta, lS-20c. Kabblti -isera':r to a tower loi iltr vtilte tryrra while. lbs 27-28C lb i-6 lb '.S lie lb . eoioreo IS-Snc old leavy doe. 13-I8c OTejwed fryer tc Tnrk- iPrtcea otioled are iot to the procurer on a dreaxed eifh. eaalat - U 8 trade A youne. torn M hit lb : Nn Toting hen nominally We Oreaed urkera la retailers.. Uade A touni hen 70-71c New tar a'yla drea ert A erarle m tine tome MM Portland MMeeManeoua l aarara Hark Dry 20 lb green le lb iVnol Valley coaraa and medium iradea 4Kr lb Mohair- 2Sr lb. on t2-month irowtb. Illdca - Calvt lOo lb , accoroinf to Aei .il Klrvs IHc lb bret 12-13c lb., bull Vfir i ronntry buyer pay le leu Vul (itlMlinna ttainnia hianriuettea Mrai quallt turn uo 34 7c large J2 7e medium 37 3r, sec nnd qualm Jumboa JO 3c 381c. mefinm 3D 2e baby 13 2e oft thel flrt quality ire. 29 7c. medium 36 3c: aeo rtnd quallt late 37 2c medium 34 Iv ?2 ?e f llhrrle -nertium I6 J um no. Me lb . tari It Quotation above auppited Bj North wrat Nut (irower Quotatior are on the iI or 100-lb ba purchaser 100 pianu. Portland l.lveatork Poriland, Ora., May II (UB weekly hr.'lo;-!" Caltle' Prldfty lble Jfi: calve 10 renrr.'.rnlat1 ve grade ab.senf, few can tier nnd miter cow 14.50 to 16. SO; odd tiffid m-dlum auaae bull 31 50. Hoe.i Friday salable 25; email lot butch er ajCered: no early auction: aoktna tendr with Thur.-day or 31.00 for aood and choice hutchera. S!ie"p; Friday aalable none; nominally .-tendy. t'hlraio l.ivetck C'huaso. May 13 fljei- I.tvestork: Hnit aalble no0: marttel fairW achve; tirtrher alrone to 35 rents, mostly 15 to 25 renl. h letter on all weights: sow Meady to 25 rents hlfther: lop 10.00 paid freely for choice 1i)fl-220 pounders; bulk frond nnd rliolre 180-270 Ib. 18 50 lo liOO; 280-11)0 lbs 18.00 to 18 50: 125-375 lbs. 17 2S to 18 00: few 180-180 lbs, 18 38 to 18 85: snnd and choke aowa under lbs. 18 00 In 18 75; 425-500 lb. 15.25 to 18 00; heavier welfiht a low a 14.00; ear ly rlearanre. cm tie salahle 1000: reive 304. Market Mcer and yearling B50 Iba. down, arllve lo atrona: otherwise market mnstlr tea dv with medium steer 1000 Ibv up and ranner rnwi alow: scattered loads and lots, medium to low rhoira Steer and vearMniv Inrludlnt weight UO to 1350 mi. 22 75 to 25 50; common to low medti lirht steer and heifer 30 50 to 33 50: f rood row jn 00 to 31 00; heifer type kind o 71.50. rnner ann tuners u.oo 7 50; and Rood aanaaee hull 30 50 to 32 00; bulk vealert 30.00 to 38.50. orM hend 27 00. fllieep salable 700: general market stea- t to strong: no wnoled lamha available npprnxlniateiv deck and half handy weignt numrier two akin, rnolca clippers wi int: me top ann new man ror week : odrl head and small lots, native iprlng lambs 30 00 In 13.00; IS he ruling R lbs at outside price; shorn we, non rtnwn: weighty kind 00 0 50. three decks lleht Texas lamb fcn teener iiesn unsold Fort and firaln Portland, Ore, Mav 13 f-Cari Wheat 'hid: Soft white 2 35; soft white ei rt'idin rex i 3 15: western red 3 35. Herd red winter- Ordinary 3 25; 18 per Cnmlrmnrd I,ed to Execution Two Chinese, hands tied at their bucks and wenrinj placards proclaiming their crimes and sentence to be imposed, (left and center) are led to their execution by Shanghai garrison detectives. Th doomed men . were convicted of subversive activities and silver manipula tions and shot in accordance with Shanghai's martial law. . (AP Wircphoto) OBITUARY Bertha M. A bell Ut. Aniel Ura. Bertha M. A bell. II. el SslveMon. died at in hospital there Fri day mornini. Announcement later by the Unier luneral home of Mt. Angel, flue wajt born Jan, 3, 1888 in Monroe City, Mo. and came to ail vert on eight yean axo rrom Huio. Colo. Survlvina are her hua band, Jorfn P. Abell. Silverton; fife chil dren. Mra. Dorothy Marie Shimp and Mra. Maria Catherine Rice, bo'h of Silverton; Mra. Mahala Maurer. Molalla: James Abell. Adair Villaie andt John A. Abell, Dearborn, Mich. Jetan T. Burrh uuinnville Funeral aervlcea will ba held at the Marjr Funeral home here Sat- urdav, uay 14. at a p m. tor jonu . Burch. late rejident of Croiaan creek. Sa lem who died at a Salem hospital May 13 after a lone, lllneaa. Interment wilt be in the Evergreen cemelerv. McMlnn vllle Hurviving Burrh are a non. Earl E. Burch, Salem, and a daughter. Bulb Burch Rent roe of Portland. Decyl Raymond Rhelton St avion Funeral aervlcea were conduct ed Mav , from the Weridle Funeral homo (or Deryl Raymond Bhelton. son ot Mr. and Mr. Flovd Shelton of Stavton, who died in Sacred Heart hospital in Eugene Frldav. where he had been a patient tor the paal three week. Rev. Ralph Kleert I of the Methodist church officiated and burial an In Lone Oak cemetery here, Mr. Shelton waa born November 12. 1B13. near Bcio where he attended trhool until about the aecond year in high achool when the family moved to Siayton. He graduated from Stayton hleh achool with the clan of IBM. He waa married to Alma Tonkin of Brownsville April 12, 1938 and for ihe pal five yean the fam ily haa resided in Eugene where he wna in bualneaa. He waa a member of F.u acne lodge BPOE. Rurvivor are hia wi dow, Mrn. Aim a flheltnn; daughters, Carol I.vnn and Betlv Ann shelton; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd fihe'ton. Pt-.ilnn; brother. Virl. Lake view; Rex and Rc.i .'.lii, Sfllem; Lyle. Slay ion; Maurice, (.'.-t-l age Grove: nute r. Km, Rrtty Salt ley, Slay Ion. Pallbearer were Wilbur Lesley, 'larolri Prncileion. Stayton1 Jack Rune, William Mr Broom and Karroll Christen sen of Eugene; and Kenton Thompson, Tofltillle. Honorary pallbrsrera were Ralph sieamund. Btayton: Llovd Hen'emnn and Bone 8k el ton. Portland; R. B. Johnaon and Earl Simmon. Eucene. Mra. Ronnie dm I lb Dalle Funeral aervicea for Mra. Bon nie ftmith, 75. of Portland will be held Saturday at 2 p m. at Henkle tc Bollman. Dallaa. with concluding nervtce at the l.ewUvllle cemelerv. Mra. Smith was born in Norlh Carolina necemher 12. lflflS Rnd came to Orroon In 1888. II vine In Polk coun I y unit I iota when he moved to Portland. 8 he ii aurvlved by four dauiih ler. Mr. Civil Embrre of Lodi. Calif,; Mra. J. T. Weaver and Mra. Paul Dounhty of Portland and Mra. Leland prather of Buena VUta; two lTers. Miss Maltta Slvann ot Portland. Mr. Lela Abrama of Tillamook: one brother. L. L. Slvann of Albanv: elcht urandchlldren and elftht mitm iranocnuaren. DEATHS Matthew Lee Matthew Lee. In thl city. Mar 7. at e age of 88 yrars. Rurvlved by a brother. Joe Lee ot Enrttcott, N.Y. An nouncement of service later by Howell Edwards chapel. Joseph I,. Rica nan Joseph L. Rickman. at the reldenee at 113B Tile Road. May 12, at the age of 91 vear. Survived by two da ut titer, Mr. Dovle Bate and Mr. Effie Bailey; 10 grandchildren and five great grandchil dren. Service wtll be held at the dough- Bar rick chapel Saturday. May 14. at 1 JO p.m. with Rev. Lloyd T. Anderson offi ciating Interment In the City View cemetery. Robert McClaln In this rlty May 11. Robert McClaln. lata resident of 650 Locust street, at the ace of M year. OraveAlde jut vice will be held In the Lee MlMlon cemetery, Satur day. May 14. at 1:30 pm. under the direction W. T. Rlgdon company. Catherine Church At the residence. 4030 Center street. Mar 13. Catherine Church, at the age Of 47 ear. Survived by her husband. Chartc M. Church of Salem. Announcement Of service later by W. T. Rlgdon company. Mre. Jr Hrrbot Mrs. Jeaaie Herbat. late reldrnt of Sa lem., at a local hospital May 13. Survived b- a daughter, Mrs. Hale of Wlllard, wean , a loiter son. (tale Herbal of 8a l m: three grandchildren. Mrs 11. N. Lan Un of r nf ne, Mr. Dick Oroy of 6a m. and Preston W. Hale of Salem: and ' ve great grandchildren. Service will be Re held at the Clough-Barrlrk chapel Saturday. Mav H. a 3 p m. with Inter ment In the City View cemetery, Rahv Ho Read Bbv Roy Read. Infant ann of Mr. and Mr. William Read of West Siayton, at. local hnanltal. May II. Graveside arvlres were held at the Clagaett cemetery Thurs day, Mav 13. under the direction the Howell-Ed wards chapel. Lewi Tavlor Wallace At the reaidence, im Elm street. Wert Salem. May 13 Lewi Taylor Wallace, at the age of 60 years Survived by wife, Delia June Mahew Wallace of Weat Sa lem: a daughter. Mr. Violet Wllxnn of Rremerlon. Wash : two ann. Larry Leroy I-otirinre Wallace of Orrtrh. Klama'h Tall. Ore . and Robert Bruce Wallace nf West Salem: two brother. Harry Rhode of Portland and Forest Rhode nf Brooks: and lw alster. Onal Mason of Lo Angeles and Done MUt of Canbv. Announcement of aervice later by tf, T. Rlgdon company, Emma Ottennn Rmma Otterfton, late resident, nf Ash land. Oregon, at a local hospital Mav 13. Survived bv a lir, Mr. Elhe Roberts of Ashland. Ant.ouni"menl of ervlcJ :ter by -lie Hnwe!'-Fd"'rd.j chapel rent MS; 11 per cent 3 37; 13 per cent 3 39 Hard white baart: Ordinary .3 Today's car receipt; Wheat A3: barley t: flour 3: rorn 1: oa'a 3: ml!! feed 7.