1ft Capital Journal. Salem. FOR SALE HOUSES 1040 SHIPPING. STREET Fine 3 Mrm torn, II rm, din rm. hdd firs, fireplace, hell, bath full bmt, with concrete fruit rm. Sawduit wood heat, excellent condition, 11000. Call Roy Ferrl. APARTMENT HOUSK ZONE Tit feet vacant lot located close to Stat Bids. Willamette Unneriir and Shopping Center, paved at., idwlk. A real value at Wit price. CaU Coburn L. OriMnhont. FINE RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT I Mrnu, Jte ll rm, din rm, hdwd fir flrrplact. all 1st rnu. full bmt. Lot 10x140 ft. fenced back yard. On bua lint and clot to both Jr. Hiah and grtde MhooU. This location tin t bt beat. Prlct reduced t allow for minor repair. Call Richard E. Orabenhorat. GRABENHORST 104 South Liberty Street Rvenlnas and Roy Ferrl Peter Oetatr Karl West - WEEK END SPECIALS $ 000 HALF ACRE CLOAK IN I bed room on one floor. lent kitchen, attached Caret. Thl place la clean and ready to move Into. CaU Ivan Slvere. I . Mt CLOAK TO VNOLKWOOD SCHOOL 4 Mrm. home, attached garage, nice corner lot. Call Ivan Si vera . 111,000 PTVX ACRES EAST Oood 1 rm house. Pull basement. Double faraat, barn chicken house. Family fruit and berrie. Call Ivan Siver. I I, WO HOW e WITH APARTMENT Upstair renilni for 13 per mo. 2 bdrm , living rm., kit., bath down: t rm apt. up. Separata entrancea. II 500 down, balance ISO per mo. Call Ray Da via. WILL SELL OR TRADE Thla ultra midern 1 bdrm. home which hex everything. Well located on S acre, pavement, bus Will trade for business property, or Income. What have you to offer Thl la really good. Call Ray Dau. WILL SELL OR TRADE For Salem home, beautiful 10 acre fruit nuU. good black aoll. S bdrma., clean modern home. Ilv. rm.. fireplace, din. rm., kit-. burnt, and furnace. What have you? Call Rav Davu. GEO. A. WALTERS, REALTOR 9fi0 S. Commercial. Phone 2-3849 . leaning Phonea: Ray DavLi 2-8658 AUTOMOBILES McKAY'S 1942 F0R.D LONG WHEEL BASE TRUCK.. $895 Two Speed Axle 1946 CHEVROLET SHORT WHEEL BASE $1295 Two Ton Truck Two Speed Axle 1942 CHEVROLET DUMP TRUCK $1295 New Short Block 1947 CHEVROLET STYLEMASTER $1395 Town Sedan Radio, Heater, New Tires 194R CADILLAC "6" SEDAN $2345 Black Finish, White Sidewall Tires, Radio, Heater, Windshield Washer DOUGLAS McKAY B80 North Commercial WANTED TO RENT WANT: GARAGE vicinity of 71 Marlon. --Ph. 1-3831. J -1 A RELIABLE high tallbtr permanently employed family man dealrei rental ol a two or three bedroom homt, north " Will aim lean up to a year, MO to . Ifta ner month, older type oi nome pre ferred. Call Joe L. Bourne at 3-8318 or Xvt. 1-7317, or ate at lo n. cepuoi. jalM j BR R mTA PT. or an.alfhoiiie unfurn. -'By elderly couple. Ph. 3-3300. )a!14 SMALL FI'RN. 1 bedrm. home for vet wife. In North Salem. Phone 3-sooi Dt " for 1.30 u rn. Ask for Jack Wilbur. j130 WANTED TO RrfNii Permanent rell- ... able tenanU urgently need 3 bdrm. part ly furnished home. North preferred. Ba . lem referencej. Boi 317, Oapltal Journal. Phone 3-27(17 after 0 JalM ROOM AND BOARD WILL BOARD am a II children day, week o mcmth.Ph. 1-8362. JHH' . ROOM AND BOARD for penalonera. 3n" - . Cnttate Ph. 3-8880 JII14' LOST AND FOUND LOR T Black corker, ! yr.. answer to name Cindy. Ph. 30891. Reward, klla rnVNTV A blkt between Sublimity Sll vertnn. Can rail at Frank J. Wolf. Sub limity. Ore Rt. 1. Owner par for ad ill LOST Man told knife. Initial! WEM. at Silver Creek Fella, Sunday. Call 1-0704 Reward tlU MISCELLANEOUS BOtAO FRAME bulkltna. Wired and plumb ed. On paved alley, 1000 block amilh. Amiable warehouse, wholesale, tic. Price . IS 5(W. Phone oaner al 1-0190 mill rii Springer, men s hatter court miio DENTAL PLATE REPAIR I Kit SERVICE IN MOST CASES PR. BARRY S EM LEW DENTIST Adolpb Bide State to Commercial St SALEM Phrma 1-1)11 fcAVE TOURINGER Sewlm machine repaired by A siialltied Sinter represen ts 've. Ph S-SftlS for free pick up and delivery atrvlea en all makea of ma chine. Free estimate tlven before work la started. Sinter Bewint Merhlnt Co 130 N. Cnm'l .Hff BUI LD I fAG MATERIAL r ANT 1(1 BennT,Vl!i III HO perIO0 lb Madaon Wreck Int Co. 13.10 Howard St mailt Cl-01-I T, Plywood eut-olfa, for eellln pntl, wall panel, aid In and many other wee Only lr per M ft. Keith Brown, Front to Court Sla Saltm matf jHtW rLWOOOr"irhlrkneBae. Special prlree on Initilftlton, II" by 31" reillni ttle. tlertrle water heal era. and wall- Iee.r4 for bathroom, kltehen or utility Morn. C. O. Len. Phone 1-1131. 1 mile R. erf Heller. RFW T PANnrpOOBS M M", W. J3- and J" wtdtha Birth, flau and panel tntram-e doora Oond aupply donra, toilet and baatnt. Chrk our prirea. C O. Lon Ph4M I-II3I. 1 mile M, of Relaer RRNS InNbowS wtth frame tin Silver ton Rd., Pti. JIIJI. mail FeiSia per 10M new and "wed pipe New Ai taaed bathroom future, t'aed )oor window. Madaon Wreekini Co 13)1 Howard. rnalil AiosE-ol'T, wood Celltnff Tile . . frana 4r per a ft. In le from r'lll" a 1"i)3". Revel odae, rut to at panel effeet. Keith Browa, Front Court Si . Salem matf 2 and Setter Shiplap, $45 , While n JaeU Weal Salem Saw Mill Pr delivery. Ph. !. 1IM Wallace ,,' Soad. mall tfFW SHlPMKNt piaat board hr; H", St a. It. Reel lath 44 a. t ll .n UONTOOMEKT WARD SaLEM Fred r l-4)t IB Fl-OOBINO. PH. RE-ROOF NOW One, te r threw yean to pay r .. tree inmaiei pnnnt j-titt. WESTERN AUTO SUPPLT CO. main in yt . lorrt - atajmintm 1&ck ' SRI!Of,I The mntfern per asa went rewf. bm. FMT SeeJet at Seat. Owil l-teoi Oregon, Friday, May 13. 1949 ! FOR SALE HOUSES BROS., REALTORS moot 3-3411 Sunday Call - 2-1010 - 1-9981 3-1332 Ivan Siver 1-1013 alio- I AUTOMOBILES CORNER CHEVROLET CO. Phone 3-3175 BUILDING MATERIAL CI.ORE-OUT SPECIAL, Hardwood Floor Int. pecan and gum in a variety of sue at only 1134 M. Keith Brown, Front to Court St a.. Salem mi RED CPDAR ahlmlea No. 1. I0B0. 3, 15.60. No. 3, 13 50. We del. Phlllpi uroi, hi, i, box in. rn. earaa. ml N. mailt SAVE ON ROOFING Let Warda five you complete IN STALLED price on your rooflni need Wld rente of colon Call our futaidr aaleaman for free aatlmat Phone 1-1 19 1 MONTOOUFJ1T WARD OO. SALEM. OREGON ma TILLAMOOK CEDAR SHINGLES. W de liver. No. 1. IB 00. No. 3. 11.00. Ted Muller. Ph. 3-1191. ma 1 10 HARDWOOD FLOORING, now only Ut.lM Miied Pecan At Oak. iX3" at Kettli Brown. Front to Court , Salem, matf ALUMINUM HOOFING I ft width to the follow tn lent that r ii.7i r 3 33 10 3 tO ir . i n Aak about Installation eervirt MONTGOMERY WARD CO. SAL KM. OREGON ma AROAINlnlt7h 8el7"tle-UP.-Kelth Brown. Front Court atreei. Salem. ma if NURSERY STOCK FI'cnniAff FOR SALE. 110 VARIETIES MRS. F. E. WARD. 4.110 CHERRY AVK mbl3t BLOOMING Rhododendron! IS to 110. Aaalea Mollla 13. Geranluma 3 M doa. Rloomlnf Fuarhlaa 3hr earh. Panaiea. Dwarf Dahlia II doa. Tuberoua Re Konlaa 16c erh Eveninf Cueinmera In vited. Merrill Oreen house, Brook a, mhltl FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS IABY RI'GGY, hathlnetlt, rnb. rheat of drawera, drawlne, table, Ire boa, twin bed arl. dreer with ood mirror. 10MI Portland Rd. nlll BONN SYPHON Retriierator. 100 lb. Lea- i hrr molorcyrle Jacket, alte 34. new Call atler 3. 701 N. Hiah. nil. RFND1X WAS1IFH. like new, onlv uaed ahort time ll.tOOO Rl t, Rax OOF. halt mile north of 13th Bt. cut-off. Phone 3-3004 Frank Miller, nll.s n.ECTROI.t'X Vacuum, tood eond All new tool. M0 00. Ph. 31041. nil' WAKM'TS. 3e per lb. Ph. 333M. nllt COLORED FRYER, for aale. 131 Rollv- wood Ave. nil MANS NTW dark bint tult. itta 31 Ph z-Mja arter i p m. nlll RrsTINOHOl Ar. Laundromat 3 yr old ooi condition. Call alter I. l-7t04 or 1131 N. Churrh n BARGAIN Biort ft it urea Including raah rewUter. 101 8. Rich 81ATF FINANCE CO. TELEPHONE 3 131 M L RI'DD oaa watr heater eom- plett Perfect condition to cheap. Fit i-oits am 0 DRAWER cheat mt drawera. ptned neity Crocker preurt cooker. Ph 3003. ant IS IB. ICE nx 110 00 1 Hnoleim ruea fin. rn ijbjj. H7t Ohemeketa. nllf ALL WHITE enamel wood burnlni rente wttA not water pipe. 133. Call 1 W, r 1310 S Hlth Si mil SILVER to OI.AM wart, oM thins, k alnk rurniture. rrt. 147. nits S FT. PHILCO rtfrtterator Uaed I nontha R t Box 11. pn s-llio nil OAIJONS fauiMewhti saint I'M per gallon la I galloa palla. Ill Norway St. mU V1CTROLA and recordi. fine condition til, HaieJ Apt 1301 Hate) Aie. all! 10 CANDT BR machine. Call motnint 007 N. Capitol. Apt. 9 m DO TOII want to aet In buainee for your eelf I haw Mobllia Sertict Station bualneat for le at wholeaalt price in Dalle. Or. Contact Prank Doolittte Duitrib'itMs teneral Petroleum Pre Pa. l-Atli aCta ti FLAT TOP pePno fftattO. Owatp. "with waw. 9. l-SSaf, Bin AUTOMOBILES FOR USED 11845 KS5 Int l., Chassis & I 1930 Ford, Flat Bed W, jingle 1 1943 Federal Dump Truck, 11940 WA20 White W1947 WA22 Motor, Brownlipe and Log Truck Equipment $1350 1 1943 Federal, Chassis and 2 1941 K-5 Int l. 29 passenger Busses, excellent for Crummies or hauling berry pickers, etc , . .$1250 1 Used Columbia House TralTer, almost new, sleeps four, Beautyrest Mattress and spring. Oil heat. Gas cooking. Both elect, and gas lites. Water under pressure, elect, brakes. Friced to sell at $1500 JAMES H. 20if Sllverton Rd. FOR SALE NEW AND USED MACHINERY 1 NEW FARMALL SUPER "A" 1 NEW FARMALL "H" 1 NEW FARMALL "C" 2 NEW FARMALL "CUBS" 1 NEW OS-4 TRACTOR 1 NEW ENSILAGE HARVESTER WITH BLOWER 1 NEW POTATO PLANTED WITH FERTILIZER ATTACHMT. 1 CORN PLANTER with Fertilizer Attachment Pull Type 2 NO. 30 POWER MANURE LOADERS NEW lUD-6 POWER UNIT with 450 G PM Irrigation Pump 1 NEW U-4 POWER UNIT 4 McCORMICK-DEERING 4' TANDEM DISC 2 NEW FERTILIZER DISTRIBUTORS 1 NEW 300 GAL. Iron Age ORCHARD SPRAYER Bargain 2 NEW 10' GRAIN DRILLS 1 NEW MODEL "W" GREEN CROP HAY LOADER NEW COVER CROP DISCS, CULTIVATORS. SUB-SOILERS. DIGGERS - Good Assortment of Other New Equipment NEW AND USED TWO AND THREE BOTTOM PLOWS 1 TD-35 TRAC-TRACTOR with DOZER and DRUM (Used) 1 HYSTER ARCH (Used) 1 USED T-20 TRAC-TRACTOR 1 Used TD-8 WITH DOZER $3250 2 USED FARMALL "Hi" New Rubber, each $1500 1 USED MODEL "A" TRACTOR with plow it wood saw $1200 1 PRACTICALLY NEW No. 60 OLIVER TRACTOR $1550 1 USED No. 80 OLIVER TRACTOR $900 1 USED VAC CASE TRACTOR Bottom Plow. Cultivator with 1 USED TD-14 TRAC-TRACTOR WITH DOZER AND DRUM 1 USED 8' DUNHAM ROLLER $100 See Us, Your International Harvester Dealer For Your Farm Needs JAMES H. MADEN CO. Ph. 34131 MM Sllverton Rd. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS I INCH Electric Bimplei Ironer very utile uaed. 1339.00. See at Santlam Laundrlett. Ph. 3301. Sweet Home, Ore pwvitrh Rnnker Part for all populai makea. Montgomery Ward Service Depi.. in Farm Store. Trade and Hlch ate. nil!' LIVE RF.D FRYERS picnic. 33c a lb. view. ll ml. E. R for your locker or 1. on 09E to Hood t. 7, Box 303. n!15 WEHTERN FU'.LD 32 Cel. taraet rifle wtih MoMbura cooe. Also peep atiht 3310 flilverion Rd. Ph. 33336. nlM TED COMBINATION OAS RANGE 133.00. Table top Roper Oaa Hanie. a beauty! 40 00. Monti ornery Ward Salem. Ph S-31P1. Hoyt St. Suplus FIRE ENGINE, C03 Fire eitinnlh era. f-yrene for refilla 13.10 sal. Plumb ln fixture, kitchen aink. Mil pipe and fltllnta. cauikini lead 35c lb., to I'a Oatv pipe, bed aide oak ta ble 14 00. Toilet, toilet unxi, lava lonea, bath tub. ELECTRIC Apt. atEC ranae. waAhera, elec water heater, houae and outaide wire, aervlce entrance conduit, meter bae. Elec. Bakery Oven, iteam kettle, hand winch apud pealer. Carrier retrieeratlon unit, a' earn or hot water furnace. 1947 O M C. l' Ton W Bed. Ii20- dork trair 10 ton: BUNK BEDS AND MATTRESSFS. Come ouih on 13th to larae HOYT SIGN, turn eM one block. Tel. 37S16. nil n!17 SMALL uprifht piano ra Won. iBBu eo. conaar. CI.OSINO out balance of plumbing atock at wnoieiaie t:ann aaiei on it no oe hverlei. No nine tales only. No return Buy here now and aevt W A. Skewtr Co.. 1300 Madlion. SAVE 3c al. on ra' Broadway"! N Liberty. Bert ice. HTFEL CLOTHESLINE WWt 113 pair up Railinca In atock to order 1143 n. Lib erty. mas GFN'FR l. EtrCTRIC CroMey. Glbaon and Montai Appliance at oteuria DON'T W4X your floor Vn Piaatl-Kate l ha cellophane like flnlah tor wood or linoleum TFATER APPLIANCE CO nllT GARIIFN SAND, travel crushed rock Shoel to dra-lin excavatint WALL ING SAND GRAVEL CO Ph. 1-034 Bill ism RFlRUitRATORH, all price, all aire. to i-iinnoe from. Montaomery WardSalem Phone 3-1101. nl IS- USED TIRE BAIJ Hue to tlir lirmendoii !' oi our Rt. eralde Air Cuihlon Tires, we have ac cumulated a larae atock o' unuuaily food irade-ln tlrr price II to IS UONTHOMKRY WARD TIRE 8TOHF S E. Corner, Trade and H!ih n BRt'SHKA. 171 Grant. I'SED Electric Rante. water heatera. V EATER APPLIANCE CO. nllT SAVE It gat en gaat Broadway'a Super Setvlre. M N Liberty alii NEWRFRO" TTPFR IVF ROTTO MTOF SOIU Hlch gualtty. attractive prlr. klndi: Pit run. gravel: aand; mil rruah ; concrete pip to tin, re-lnfore-fcng tleel OR POOR OR A VEX CO 100 N Front St PH 3-3lT nil! ""SAIEMAND- GRAVEL COMPANT Contract Work Road - Clear int Ditching Swer Baement Equipment Rental 11 yd 13 00 per tit 10 B-S yd t 00 per hr D-1 Cat to Doeer 10 M per hr D O Cat Doaer I 40 per hr D- Oat to Doeet 1 OS per hr Phone Daa l fM re 3-03O r I-4400 a a km Ore on a 1VD R poat. yew wood poita, ehlngtea. tele and elec polei, Phiiupa Br, Rt 0. Boa 111 Ph F33 "WAMJNO SAND" OrVvIL CO CBt ftRFD RACK foe road and drieewaea cement, read mlt roncret. garden (and Bulldtuung dratnaie and dttcMnt ahorel and drat lint Ph. 1-I341 a' "sr hay avm and com'preso'm Toa eaa get the beat la tprar paint ttig acceaMrie at Ward I Sturdy and trt'flenl apray guna compre.Mora, pre ir tank etc Spray gun tot a till! M ! UOHTOOMFRT ARD to CO. 1 SAUEM, OR BOOR I AUTOMOBILES SALE TRUCKS Cab $1250 axle Logging Trailer la Yd. box $900 Cab $950 MADEN CO. Ores on with Direct Connected 2- Fertilizer Attachment . .$1500 Oregon OJ15 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS I'SED WASHING MACHINES, recondi tioned In our ahop. Come In and ee them. Montgomery Ward, Salem. Phone 3-3101. nl!8 FLATROCK For pat lot, rock walla, walka, garden, and all rock romt. We del. and tell here or at pit. Set or call for prlcea. Phlllipa Bran.. Rt. 0, Box HB ph. SBr-'z. FERTILIZER. Cow. hone or chicken me nu re delivered In Salem. Well rotted 01 frenh. 15 00 per cubic yard del Alio manure bv larlt 11 00 per aack at place or will del. five aack ordara. Phllllpi Broi., Rt. 0, Boi lit, Salem. Ph. ISP32. TARPAULINS Sturdy canva. 10 os before treatlm vter and mildew reals t ant Metal groin met gar I s r i r 1 to 10- t ir loos 13 1 1' ..... 13 78 MONTGOMERY WARD to CO, SALEM. OREGON MILE pasteurizer for the bom. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO WANTED MISCELLANEOUS gas RANGE In good condition. ISO Divl 4FWING MACHINE, any make or eond. W Davenport. Pn 3-717). 1030 N 10th. nal30 WANTED furniture to gin to repair. Let ttro rum Kennianing co "Q i-iwi USED FTRNTTTSK Phone f-tllS PERSONAL nu.L iir oe reponioie tor any nii' contracted other than by myelf. J ' Lloyd Nell. pll ALCOHOLICS Anonymoua. Box 134. I-Jin pi 15 OLD AT . 00, SO?" MAN! You're rraiyl Thousand peppy at 70. Oat rex Tome Tablet pep up bodies lacLint iron. F01 rundown feeMna many mtn omen call old ' New "aet acquainted" lre only Mtr At all druteUt In Sa lem at Fred Merer. pill" AUTOMOBILES tt-FT dual" axle utility aeml-tan Ph 11 PLVMOI'TH Sedan, heater, new bat- In v. For aale by owner, 1110. Phoni 3-671.V tie. QUO' Ol'R NF.W car ha come, our present car must to li e a 10.10 Olds a pa, club coupe New tire, new radio, heater, tood motor, mod paint and upholstery hiouahoul. 15 Madison Phone 3-0431 be tote 5. Eveninaa. 300.1 Fairtround." Road. Apt. 4, Plione 3-3511. qll5 ONE INtl t lirVROLFT two door sedan. super-delut auiomoblle for sale to hull est bidder. Can be seen at Salem Parktna Service tot. 15 N Church Notiry W W. McKlnney, 307 Pioneer Trust Building. qll PI0 FORD CourMYood "condition " 735 Chemawa RdRelter Plat. alio 10 CHEV. Sedan. Clean. Wood Coltagea No. 7. an 10 OLDS Clb. Cpe. N. nth after I p 1 Very good eond. 040 1. 110 IPM MODEL A rlub coupe. A-l condition throughout. 105 030 Cascade Dr. Weat Salem. Ph. 3-1300. Set after I M p m qlU- PRIVATE PARTY will aell a 1041 Chev sedan. Clean, excellent condition, only 15 OM nvlei. Undersea! heater de froster See this, one owner car. at 1000 80. Winter. Prlred far quick aale. a. Ms 1941 OLDS 5 PASS. COUPE NFW MEDIUM Rt US FINISH ONE OWNER INTERIOR 1 1KB NEW EXCELLENT TIRES. HEAT ER DEFROSTER. MOTOR IN TOP SHAPE 11041 ORVAL'S iTh f-crt Wttn the a W. COR CENTER i PHONE 1-4703 TurnteMei I CHURCH will' 1934 FORD sedan with 1941 Mercury motor. 4 good tires Body poor. $95 Bill Culpa LODER BROS. Ph. 34119 or 21490 oil- 1040 olDS 'rit a ae'rlan 71 Hxriramattr all arresaorlea, I owner 30 000 anile Mutt re solo by the inn Rest effer over tnos Call 3111 r eall after 0 sat at auad. au sap. ioio l AIRPLANES FOR SALE AIRPLANE 1 1946 Ercoupe with only 250 hrs. Hour meter, sensitive altimeter, 2-way Bendix radio. Always hangered. Pries $1950 JAMES H. Silvertoo Rd. Ph. Re. Ph AUTOMOBILES 1938 CHEV. coupe. Radio & heater $440 LODER BROS. 465 Center St. Lot SPECIAL '40 Che Fieetllne Deluxe. Extra. '40 Char. Aero. R&H. Lot extra 11705 '40 Che, clb. cpe. RAH. 5000 ml. 1174& '40 Cher. 4 dr. RAH. Almoat new ..11745 '47 Che. Aero. Very good. Two-tone '47 Che Aero. RAH. Skirl. Blue 1155 40 Chev. Aero. W.W. tire. Only ..11305 '47 Chev. Tudor dn. Two-tone green. Special thia week-end. Only . ...I12B5 Thee car are all one oaner. Oregon owned and all in lop ahape. See the If you want a good car. AUo for aale at low price: '41 Ohev. adifMolor recondln 1795 41 Chev. pickup. In top ahape. Only 1745 34 Ply. dn. Only 1105. SOS down. '34 Chev. dn. Your price, If reaa. '30 Model A pickup. Steel body. '40 Chev, dump truck. A bargain. Cah. trade, term. Up to 34 month. KANNIER'S Used Cars lU V-S. New engine to trim. RaVH. 00''. rubber. Ph. 35010. Call after 13 pm 1130 8.17th.Apt. 3 i Vets colonvlQlie USE D C A RA U CT ION every Friday 7:30 p.m. Buyers to sellera. Sudtell'a Auction Market, 4.116 Sllverton Rd.. Salem, q '4S NASHAmbaisador 4 dr. sedan, fully equip., only 10.000 miles. 305 So. 10th qllO 1040 CHEV. Fleet master sedan. Radio to heater. Iota of extras, seat rovers. Life Guard tubes. 30.170 miles. Good, clean. Careiullv driven by a lady. Looks like new. $1315. Clifford Harold. 1030 Fir. Phone 3000. Oil 1010 MERC CRT 4 door sedan 1047 NASH Ambassador 4 door aedan. ra dio, heater, O.D., bed l4t STl'DEBAKF.R Champion coup 1040 NASH Ambassador 4 door aedan 1040 OLD8MOBILK club coupe 1041 8TIDF.BAKER Champion aedan 1042 PLYMOITH 4 door aedan IPOS PONTIAC 4 door sedan 1041 PONTIAC aedan-coupe 1041 CHEVROLET convertible 1000 FORD a door sedan I It 30 FORD 4 door sedan 1041 MERCURY club coupe tS PLYMOITH coupe 1017 PONTIAC sedan 1042 CHRYSLER aedan lilt I PONTIAC club coupe CAPP'S USED CARS 35.1 Union Salem q) 14 ATLEE'S 1. Honest representation of our merchandise 2. Honest values 3. Fair prices 4. Courteous salesmen 5. Every consideration possible On Our Salem Lot This Week-end 1041 C HEVROLET 2 door sedan. low mile sue 11305 1041 PACKARD Super Custom 4 door sedan, fully equipped. Thin Is one of America's finest automobiles. Priced 3000 under new ..cost 03505 104? chrvsler Roval 4 door aedan. R A- H very clean 11110 1041 CHRVSLER Roval 4 door aedan. R A- H. very clean 11005 1041 CHEVROLET 3 door sedans your cho ce for 0045 1040 PACKARD club roupe. This beaut! fill 130 tcrlei Is a real buy at 1005 I0M CHEVROLET tudor. a real buv for 1303 We have several older models that are reallv priced right. LEE'S USED CARS ( S44) No. Churrh St. 1MI a. Main S.lrm. Or,. Ltbanon. Ore. Ph. 2-1527 Ph. TA21 flM4" LOOK If you are trying to save mon ey. two 1934 Chevs, $95 each, cash. Come in and see us about a used car or truck, having your present car over hauled, motor tune-up, brake relnipd, lubrication xervice. washing, gas and oil. Free es timate and pick up service. Il CHEV. sedan, radio healer, clean I'M Btlf K sedan.'RAH. rlean. 10.10 PLYMOUTH sedan. PAH, clean tHM PLYMOITH roupe. RAH. rlean. I.t0 ford coupe, radio and heater, clean 141 f'ROHLEY sedan, heater, clean. 101 Chev. S ton pickup, tood. Other older, cheaper cars and trucks RON'S MOTOR CO. 340 S Hlih St Phone 3-4011 Open Every Nliht 'till 10 o clock, 's Block Below Elslnoro Theater n 00 CHEVROLET 4 doer special deluxe lot of extras. Like new. 1 owner. 010 N.llth. Ph 3-1101. tilt I04O DODGE rustom4 dr." aedan." like new. low anlleaie. perfect mechanical rond All arreisorlea, new tlrea. no trade. Ph. t-50.10 tilt ltS CHEV. aubuTbtDaFryalfW0$Ph I IFF f 9. js Biai. 0110 1941 DESOTO 5-PASS. COUPE custom Monn radio hfat. KR DEFROSTER OVERDRIVE. FLUID DRIVE METALLIC BLUR FINISH MOTOR COMPLETELY RECONDITIONED. THIS IS A DANDT. ORVAL'S Th lot Witi Ttirntab'e R W COR CENTER to CHURCH PHONE 3-4703 qlll 141 MFRCIRY SED4.N. Radio heater Original pamt. One owner car. No deni 0 Phone 3-1013. Warner Mi iorCo. 041 Center St all '37 Terraplane Good Condition $.125 170 South 19th liter I pm ill f AIRPLANES MADEN CO. 34131 I3f3 Salem. Oreion AUTOMOBILES PICKUPS These Are Reconditioned Ready To Go 1841 International, 4 Speed In Top Shape 1940 Ford 'j Ton IT'S TOP 1948 Jeep . Ton LIKE NEW 1935 Ford A food ai la Pickup. 1948 Jeep 4 ton panel like new at a big savings. ELSNER MOTOR CO. 352 N. High Salem, Ore SPECIAL 1040 BUICK SUPER SEDANET only S000 miles. Equipped with radio, heater, vloor and white wall tlrea. Tht 1 an ouUtandino car. Prcled for quick tale. ELSNER MOTOR CO. 353 H Hiih. Salem, Ore. 1047 FRAZER aedan. low mtleaoe. radio. heater. 11300 take it. 1317 Third St.. W. Salem e.115 104? STUDE. COMMANDER CLUB CPE, Mechanically aood. R St H to overdrive New tires. 1005. Warner Motor Co. 545 -emer Bt. ynone 3-3013. qll4 "4S DODGE V ton pickup, excellent coiT dltlon very low mlleaat. Ph. 3-4801. qllS' 1947 CHEV. 5-PASS. COUPE LIGHT TAN FINISH. RADIO. H EATER. DEFROSTER. GOOD TIRES. A BEAUTIFUL CAR. ORVAL'S 'The Lot with the B.W. COR CENTER i PHONE 3-4703 Turntable) e CHURCH qlll' I04 SUPER BUICK 4 dr., R4H. Good eond. Ph. 30815. t50 qllft CHEV., radio, heater, St., Salem. 19. 050 Water ails 7 CHEV. Cpe. Can bt Church after I p.m. at 77 t qlll NEW CAR AGENCY Automobile Dealer will sell complete aerate buaine howlnc a ntct profit. All modem equipment to well estab lished community. La nest customer follow in- in area. Will e) at Inventory and prefer to sell on term at reason able interest. The buildlnt 1 owned by Dealer and will live ion term lease Owner havt other more demandim In terest Write Capital Journal Box 441 qllft NEW HOLMES Power Wrecker mounted on Stude. 3 ton truck. Used lea than 10.000 mile. Full price I3S00OO Terms Available. Write Capital Journal Box qll5 J V-S MOTOR complete. 185.00. Ph 30500 between I Oi 7 p.m. qll 1040 PLYMOUTH SEDAN. Clean. A real value on today's market. 6Sft. Warner Motor Co. 545 Center St. Salem. Phone 1010 DODGE 8dn. Set at 785 S. 30th af ter 4 p.m. e qi u 1941 BUICK SEDAN SPECIAL, MODEL OKIUINAL DARK GREFN FIN ISH. RADIO. HEATER. DEFROST BR. ONE OWNER. 45.000 ACTUAL MILES. ORVAL'S The Lot Wtth the B.W. COR CENTER i PHONE 3-4703 Turntable t CHURCH qlll Iom FORD convertible, aood tlrea to mo tor, new top. Radio to heater. Bee at Route 4. Box 31 on 8. 33nd St. off of Mission. ,114 lS FORD 3 dr. Ph. 3031. qll4 RECAP TIRES in popular lire. 6 00-11. only 10 05 exchange, or U 45 outrltht on your cart Montaomery Ward to Co.. on" USED TRACTOR T1RF.S. oonular aire voo and up. Montaomery ward to Co. tem. qiu '47 OLDS Sedanette 70 Hfdromatic. radio. ir conomonrr ana eic. I7.00 miles, one owner. Like new. 11003. Call 31003 303 Park Are. qUS 1041 CHEV. 2 dr sedan In tood condi tion. it Hifn Torque motor, very food ruooer. low mueaft on new motor Ph. 3-0031. qu PREMIUM QUALITY' Three of our finest cars '48 Buick Roadmaster Sedan $2499 '47 Buick Roadmaster Sedan 2199 '46 Buirk Roadmaster Sedan 1999 Low Price Specials '40 Buick Super Coupe $925 '40 Ford Sedan 895 '38 Ford Tudor 429 "40 Ford Coupe 727 '40 Packard 120 Sedan 795 OTTO J. WILSON COMPANY Commercial at Center it. ims aura 4 Joot rh ms nr... Ir. B paint. Will trr.pt ir.d, t.rfft. s?5. e ,t 12th St. Paint Shop tp M. at 14 B Pr.tt St altar It SIM it rnrvanuT i ,u run, iw ser ial Srluka RaSip athat,r. Pp. SUM am 1941 CHEV. SEDAN U K9Tn DELUXR MODEL IN TERIOR IS LIRE NFW. BEAU TIFUL NEW MAROON FINISH. ONE OWNER NFW TIRES HEATTR OFFROSTFR. MOTOR IS IN PERFECT CONDITION SFF THIS ONE 11041. TRADE Si TERMS. ORVAL'S 'Tht lot With ih Tii-Titab W COR CENTFR CHURCH PHONE 1-4 TO? al' Eisner Motors to Buy AUTOMOBILES IIM CHEV. Sedan. Maattr I1T. B Box 434A Oarden Rd. qH4 1040 MERCURY SEDAN CPE. Beautiful blue finish, special tires, radio, heater, undtreoat. porcelanUt, W. 8. washers. Actual m lleaia 3500. Like new. New car euarantee. 13305 Warner Motor 541 Center St., Salem, Ort. Ph. 3-3013 qll' 1040 MERCURY Station Waion. Wood body in perfect ahape 11450. Bet at 33S5 Portland ho. Ph. 33350. qua' 1941 CADILLAC . I PASS COUPE. U MODEL. RA DIO. HE A T E R. DEFROSTER. WHITE WALL TIRES. JET BLACK FINISH. THIS IS A BEAUTIFUL CAR. 11400. TRADE, TERMS. ORVAL'S 'The Lot With the Turntable S W. COR. CENTER to CHURCH PHONE 3-4703 qlUV used car. Bob Marr, 1047 MERCURY SEDAN. Spotless, cream color, runa to drives like new car, Ona owner. 33,000 miles. Warner Motor Co. 040 Center St. Salem, Ort. Ph. 3-3013 0114 P0NTIACS '47 Sdn. cpe $1595 '48 Sdn cpe 2195 '41 Spt. cpe 995 '40 Pontiac 2 dr 595 37 Pontiac Sdn 495 '47 Ford D.L. spt. cpe. 1445 Herrall-Owens Co. 160 N. Liberty Ph. 24112 '39 CHEV. PANEL OOOD MOTOR, BODY IN GOOD SHAPE, NEW FINISH. Ui. ORVAL'S Tht Lot With tht Turntable) S W. COR CENTER to CHURCH PHONE 3703 qllS Tht Tlmt If HUDSON Servlea Salea - Part Home of Good Used Car SHROCK MOTOR CO. Church to Chemtketa St. Ph. 1-0101 1030 PLYMOUTH deluxe 4-door aedan with i4i motor Aa la, 1500. 1010 8. Sum mer. Call after 4:30. qlll Eisner Motors Fine Cars If You Are Looking for a First Class Used Car That You Can Absolutely Depend on Come in and See What We Have to Offer You THESE CARS ARE THOROUGHLY CONDITIONED Carry Our Guarantee 1947 Frazer Manhattan 1947 Kaiser Sedan 1947 Ford 4-door Sedan 1947 Chevrolet 4-dr. Sedan 1942 Oldsmobile (6) 5-pass 1941 Oldsmobile (8) 5-pass. 1941 Buick 5-passenger sedan 1942 Hudson tudor sedan 1941 DeSoto Sedan 1940 Pontiac (8) sedan 1940 Plymouth tudor 1940 Ford Sedan 1941 Nash 5-passenger coupe 1939 Ford Deluxe tudor 1939 Ford Deluxe coupe 1939 Nash 4-door sedan Some Cheapies 1942 Willys Americar Sedan 1935 Chevrolet Standard cpe 1938 Plymouth Sedan 1929 Ford A Coupe SEE JOE SPURLOCK Teague Motor Company 252 PT. Com'. Ptaona 2-4171 1937 BUICK SEDAN 8PECIAL MODEL. RADIO. HEAT ER. DEFROSTER. SPOTLIGHT. GOOD UOTOR. TIRES ARE EX CELLENT. Oil. ORVAL'S The Lot With the Turntable S W. COR CKNTER to CHURCH PHONE 3-4703 qlll' Rome at Oood 0d Can SHROCS MOTOR OO Churab Ohamlta St Ph S-0101 ZEEB'S USED CARS CT - SELL TRADE TERU8 212 Palrcraundu Road Phona 2-4454 Eisner Motors to Sell 1938 FORD SEDAN . . . $295 1937 PLYMOUTH SDN. $295 1939 DESOTO SEDAN $695 ORVAL'S 'The Lot Wtth the Turntsblei SW. COR CENTER CHURCH PHONE 34703 111 - - -- - . MOTORCYCLE. SCOOTERS HOMEMADE motor scooter 131 or trade. I. 3-7070. 0114 INDIAN World a moM modern motor eyrie CU8HMAN SCOOTERS WHIZ ZKR BIKES Oenuln porta, wry It ttery model Shrock's Motorcycle Sales opea avtry eteniao mi 7. Monoay throuti Friday 1001 Portland Road - PR. 1-14S OATS -FT. PLYWOOD BOAT. 1 h e Scott and Ata-ater motor. Prae. sear. Ph i-ai. ni- I a UiHiipt nMat p 1 fl aitat, 117100. Ph. 11037 U7t Chemeketa. oollt TRAILERS TR41LFR Rore,p. n ft Far'ore built. Air brakes. Sleeps 4. 0000. Hal Master son. lot N. Commercial. till mi Lincoln-boa trailer Slotaa 4. un N Com L till COPT COOT trailer house Electrtc brakes. UOO. 471 Madron a At . Salem ohii. tin -aAROlB ho, trailer. 4 ft. tlyM torn, troTa Trailer Park. 4114 TRAILERS NEW KARRIALL TRAILERS 1 -WHEEL UTIUTT TRAILERS reduced from lft to HM RONESTEELK SALES BERV1CB 370 H. CHURCH till U ALJOA 10 ft. house trailer. Bleep I. Also 1 Wheel trailer. 140 Ford St. till 10 BUICK and 4 month oM Spartan Roral Ma ns ion trailer lor aale. 130 Lana Avenue 1114 FINANCIAL $ CASH $ $25 to $500 .FURNITURE, LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT LOANS UP TO 1100 Oar loan up to 1100 Com Id or phona Hollywood Finance Co. 1001 Pal rt round Road Acroaa atreet from bank No Parkins problem Phone 17032 Lie. N U38B-SJ01 Floyd Kenkon, Mtr. r GENERAL FTNANCR CORP. LOANS Lie S-1JI. and M-lSf and ROT R. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS ISO 8. Commcrela Bt. Tel. 1-tlll r PRIVATE MONXT Special rate and tamo on la ner loans loni and short tlma payment ROT H. SIMMONS 111 Sov'b Commercial St Phone l-llll 4' REAL ESTATE LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CAR LOANS STATE FINANCE CO. 188 fl. Htg' St. Lie. 8-211 M-27J r SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE FARM LOANS ONLV 4 OR 4 INTEREST 1 to 40 Year and No Commission Leo N. Childs, Inc. REALTORS J S44 State St Phone 1-36BS r AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 113 8. Church Parklno a Plenty Ph. 1-J437 Lie No M-1.1I S-1S4 re FARM AND CITY LOANS 4'i and 1". fOUR OWN TERMS of repayment within reason. Cash for Real Estat Con trad and Second Mortrair. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 101 Pioneer TruM Bldt Ph. 1-7101 r DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All makes uaed maeblnaa sold, renud. repaired Rota 4M Court Phone 1-077J. APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC HOME appliance repair serrlc rret estimate. Trade-in accepted on . new appliance. VI ace's Electric. Phona 3-0339 117 S. Liberty St. AT-CR DOOR GRINDING Tawnmoer aharpenlno and repair ma. Dexter'a. Ph 10831 AUTO RADIOS Authorlied Warranty Repair Station for all make of Auto Radio. Mono Radio Co.. 153 8. Liberty. Ph. S-19S1. a" MARION MOTORS NASH SERVICE Towlnf aervlce day paon 1-1110. Ripht 3-1104. 333 Center. BUILDING, CARPENTRT Don't put off sprint repttrlnt. rebulM Int. For qikk. expert aervlce. outran teed satisfaction. Ph. 3-4150. el30 BUILDING CONTRACTOR!) Bulldlnc a nw home? Let Sullivan Taylor horn builder build It for you Ph. 3-4471 or 3-7570. till" BUILDING OF COURTS or home oy ouuoer oi court at utn-Rural. Labor Plus 1. Satisfaction ouar. Ph 39885. oll9 Pram or masnry construction, residen tial, commercial houses ratted New foundation. Alt Bros. Ph. 30900 ol IS Mlk Panek. 378 8. Com'l. Ph. 1-6101. Brak Wheal al urn log apoolallst. ol30 BULLDOZING Dean Robinson. Ph. 36537. Bulldoilno leveling, , road bid., clear ing teeth for brush. VI rail Huakty, 1010 Palrvltw Ave. Ph. 3-3140. Salem. 0114 CASH REGISTERS Instant delivery of new RCA cash register Al make told, rented, re palred. Roen 450 Court. Ph 1-0773 C HIM NET SWEEP Furnac chimney vacuum cleaned. Ensley. 771 8. 31M Ph. 1-7170. ol30" DRESSMAKING Dressmaking, Alt Shop, fur work, tew In Open May 1. rmt 31-37. 100 State. Ph. 3-7004. el3o ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Vinet' Electric for electrical wlrlna. contracting, repairing 107 to. Liberty. Ph. 3-9330 EXTERMINATORS Cockroach Moth. Exterminator Servlre. Ph. 3-3030. Lee Cros. 1535 Pearl. ) Brtlthaupt'o for flower Dial 1-1171 e HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS 3 R Wat kins Co product. Pre o .ivery 1717 Center Ph. 3-3395. INSULATION A. B.C. Insulation Co. Ph. 3-3741. oixfi I.ANDSCAPF Nt'RSERT P A. Doerfler As Son. Ornamentals, no H Lancaster Dr at 4 Cor. Ph. 1-1333 LAWN sprinkling aystema Ph J4537 LAWN MOWERS Sharpening, guaranteed aervlce. New power and hand mower Call Harxy . Scatt. 147 So. Cam'l St ol LAWN MOWER SHARPENING LAWN mower tnadt to cut perfect 11.11. rn Oll At youi door lawn mower aharpentna. Dexter tht lawnmower man Ph n e Fireplaces, chimney to block laying. Ph 13961. ol34 MATTRESSES Capltat Bedding. Phont 1-4081. Smltty'a Clipper sen truck, ears ren'ed Ph Itooo a or Oeaur chore. MUSIC LESSONS Spanish and Hawaiian Ouitar. MandeT lln. BanJo etc. 1333 Court St. Ph. ano NIBSES' REGISTRT Practical nurse Day-night. Ph 30071. olio OFFICE FURNITURE SUPPLIES Desk chair, rile and tiling aupplie. re. duplicator and auppllaa, desk lampa typewriter it and, brief ease. irc Wirt Recorder. Roea 40 Court. OIL CIRCULATOR SERVICE Call Cr Tounorr. Ph. 3-0073. PAPER HANGING Expert Paoerhangino and potatlno H. J Wood worth. Ph. 3-Sloi. Free art, 133 Jfitrom' or equipped to 4 ytnr painting Phono 1-3491 PAINTING AND PAPER RANGING Painting and paper!. anting. Pre matePh-0313 337 Shipping. 131 Call 33001 for your Painting jPaper hanttnt. Attract ire rate out P0PERH4.NGING Jerry Johfuoo. ph. 13731. PICTURE FRAM10 P-eNre rram'nt Hutche-M lmt Stota. Phe, 1-0M7 M (Continued on Page 17)