Peddler of Dreams ly PIGGY DERN (Chanter I) Once they had left the bridse Garret and Felicity dared to breathe again aa they drove awiftly down County Road and Into Royal Palm way. TTiey reached the white villa be hind it Impressive walL and. ai Garrett turned the car Into the driveway, a policeman in uniform aioppea nun. "I have a verv imDortant mea- aae for Mra. naminjr about her oaoy , uarrett anawered tnt ques tion put to him. "Okay. Buddy left have it," he suggested. "Sorry," aaid Garrett. "The mea- aage la for Mrs. Fleming; In per. son." A very good-looking man who waa noi in unuorm came up wen, lis tened to Garrett's Insistence that he see Mrs. Fleming In person. He looked hard at Garrett and Fe licity for a moment, then mounted the running-board, saying curtly "Okay, filler leta go. Ill take you to Mrs. Fleming." Tippy waa holding the baby. Fe licity turned, beneath the eyes of half a dozen watchful, alert men. and took the tousled, sleepy baby from Tippy's arms. She heard the men gasp. There was a little move me n t. Their guid e silenced th a t with a glance and a gesture as he murmur, stilled that movement guided Tippy, Felicity and Garrett inro uie nouse. The butler stood at the door and aa he saw Felicity and Garrett, he cried out sharply. "That's the ones. Mr. Thorpe. Those are the trailer people wny, its Master Allan air!" . There was a little cry, and a girl In white shark -Akin short and a matching bra flew out of the big drawing room, stood for a moment, wide-eyed, before the miracle of her crowing baby held In Felicity's arms. "You found him! Oh, Lanny darling Felicity's hands shot out and steadied Susan as she swayed a little and eased her to a chair. Holding her baby close, as he squirmed to free himself. Susan looked up at Felicity and her eyes widened and grew a little sick. "Oh," ahe whispered faintly, her voice shaken with loatning and ln incredulity. "You are a woman- how could you possibly do such horrible) thing to another woman?" on. come now, Mrs. Fleming wait a minute," protested Garrett. because Felicity was beyond speech "You surely don't believe that Fe licity Miss Home hen kidnapped your baby?" "If you'd Just let me explain what happened," Felicity managed to say In the momentary silence. "Let you? My dear young lady," aald Mr. Thorpe, "we Insist upon it." Garrett Interrupted quietly, putting out a hand, drawing Tippy forward. "If you'll give this young lady a chance," he aaid, '1 think she can tell you what you want to know." She was an exquisite child and Thorpe found himself smiling at her hearteningly. "Don't look so terrified, infant," he consoled iter, "wooooy a going to bite you." "We-e-ell." ahe began hesitant ly, "he's such a perfectly beauti ful baby and I've always been crasy about babies and we were all down on the beach and and he wanted to play with me. Then when Fllsa called us and said we had to go well, he didn't want me to leave. I didn't know whose baby he was and he was all alone there behind one of the big dunes, so I Just well, I didn't want to see him cry. and so I Just sort of picked him up." Susan was staring at her over the baby's curly head. "Did you see this man on the beach, little girl?" ahe asked gent ly. "It's a lie!' howled the man. avoiding Susan's eye. "And you didn't see a woman in white the baby's nurse" Susan went on questioning Tippy. Tippy hesitated and then she grinned. "Yes she was lying on a great big striped towel near a sand heap, asleep." she said. "Miss Wallace, you're discharged," said Susan sternly. The nurse stif fened, her face scarlet beneath her starched white cap. "Higgins, you 8 r-ierM nil n ira Mb DP ' - - by the shoulders and shook her hard until she gulped and her teeth stop ped chattering and the frozen look meiteo a uttie from her lace, and Morris art discharged, too," Susan went on. "See my sec retai lor your checks. "I can't tell you how sorry I am. Mrs. Fleming, that all this has nappenea, aaid Felicity. Susan's arms closed about the baby, who was struggling, holding out a pleading hand to Tippy, gur gling at her. She dxcw closer to him, taking that small, pleading hand In hers, bending her head to murmur 10 nun. Susan looked up at Felicity and her eyes were shining. "I think I understand ," she stam mered, smiling a little. "And after all, I do owe you a lot for showing me how inefficient my body-guards and my nurse were." 'I can't ask you to come back and camp here, because of this suiy law, ' said Susan a utile later, "But I can offer you the hosDital- Ity of my private beach any time you want to wing we children over. l u give orders about Wat. Felicity held her breath when she and Garrett were in the car a little later, a subdued but spec ulative Tippy in the back all alone. and the car was going down the drive. She didn't breathe freely until they had crossed the arched white bridge in safety and the car was approaching Ma Green's Thaler camp, and then suddenly she oursi into tears. Fuss, stop it do you hear me?' snapped Garrett, almost as terri fied of her breakdown as the saucer-eyed Tippy was. He brought the car to a halt, caught Felicity ro Be uonunueat rV3030 SIZES 10 40 Summer Love The fitted and flared, jacket teams ud with a graceful gored skirt to create a two-piecer certain to be your sun- season favorite. The deep square necK ana oriei cap sieeves aaa eooi comfort to the smart styling. No. 3030 is cut In siaes 10. 12, 14, 16. It, 30. 3, 38 and 40. Sise U. 4', yds. 35-in. Send 25c for PATTERN with Name, Address, and Style Number I State Size desired. The SUMMER FASHION BOOK is Just off the press, presenting the best tn Summer fashions, all de signed with the simplicity thai spells good style and easy sewing J and wiw special attention to we use of cottons. Over 150 pattern designs for all ages and occasions. Send now for your copy, price Just 30 cents. Address Pattern Depart ment, Capital Journal, 553 Mission I Street. San Francisco 5, Calif. 2815 PATTERN N.. Iniaal mt Fraint Panel This beautiful panel waa designed In ruponat to the many request from our reader. Measuring 13', by 10 Inches, the Infant la worked In cro -stitch tn - princely colorings of rose, purple, fold and blue. Pattern envelope No. R281I con tains hot-Iron transfer tor panel, color chart, embroidery Illustrations and finishing directions. To ootam inis pauarn send 30c in COINS, giving pattern number your name, address and eons num. Mi to Peggy Roberts Capital Jour oa. (2 Mission street San Praa eiaeo 1. Calif f COUNTESS KYAAB"M LOOKING L , DID NOT MEEll I WAS TOLD HE WAS " OH -THAT MR BnWB'AYEsI l-" I a FOB THE CHAP WHO CAME TO YOUR A HlM- NATUfALLY- LAST SEEN IN A VEPY Y-WE HAD A LITTLE CHAT PARTY WITH ME-ilEVE ROPERELrC WHEN ONE HAS CLOSE CONVERSATIONTHEN HE WAS CALLED TO J I T Of SPOISHOT MAGAZINE-. MANVGUEST5 WITH YOU t Y-'THE PHONE-I BELIEVE HIS ' S 1 1 . l srn I J trT r J- "-ri: 1 OFFICE WAS TRYING TO GET IN J$8&f THANK5.C0UNTE: f -'kK W ' N V touch wijLH him T-rt -i guess t don v jJr f$S?TS ii I ;' tTL.A itJTk iu need to wash 'I w"s A " L'i Tj-jl V'J': V. - ANY nOORV OVER ' ''51 t:J H&a. FJ) tTjA STEVE -HE CAN I YgJJ II u HEARTS fj, y HETS I l T aL yS s' "r SS!.. , ' CANOEn?QM O faaZaZssiZasaaaaTT!s; ""Jil: W BUT COLD W)t (MS-NaTrtllS NWW--NOBCW YCTjTbuTTT'S fl NK!g 7 . W GEE F-THK MOtSiy BUT A LONG. LONG 1 W KMT TT AGATISr TH" FOUND rr. I GUESS - wl I KNOWS WE IVVE tT I JOB-COUNTlfc OUR Wt - ' SI MUST HOJE B'LOHGeO ) TIME OGOn"S I LOW EVEN TO HftE (WHO'D HMta BETTEK B I CVffll -KEEP COUNTS- B OWN MILLIONS Ml Q t to samwrw ono ( dndeps keepsk now. I gold money? I right to rr? & J I -this is goin' to be Jt i lrm . . - 1 t(l - t tj-- s v - I r" -li- sawaVfjl. W f , W. U I'V . VHn7 I ' . v . s a ' I I 4 kl li&Sr 5r 12 " , i m l UAVEMT 5EEM YWATTJ I DO BEFORE 1"T I IVJONDER TTKeBE'S TMATDOESIT!600P IB '"' I :S (ROSETTAFORTWO METHERTT AINTACWEDf I IF SHE'S MISS1K4 1 AMBROSE.) OR BAD, i SOTTA BP1 t T ftDAVSAKriM LIKE THIS SINCE 1 MAdV I ME LIKE I'M OH. 1Ak;5 A DECISION', P 0 1 tdik VPlMW AWAY WITH JVE RHEOMYTir-.Jf I MISSIM" HER. J AMBROSE!, IT THtSMCXJNriNlS I alf f TSKfr EJf FASTER VOO "..jv; SrTTIN'MGHTV0NRELlA6llOVTTry Jf3 JL lTHfl4' ,rTYp . WIF THEM On FOLKS -J J ST7 j&!Sc& CO N TH' ' i JS'JLfS' L A-SLieiN'AWWATTH' lft- J&O'&XS 51 G-600'BVE. 1 SECOND 'rS TOVAIT FOREV F;P Jfc; , BOTTOM OF rr.r-BLA U tfcdSSMlZZZiiA CV M'SSUS JnEGHBORV 9 THE SL TO SHINE ONVbj I LIKE. THEY TOLD US t&E2&?SiSK&. S X YOKUM.f TODAy.T X My BSG"- STT i BUSINESS,Uf HtRC, ) rSSmSML ?S O ROAD U ?NA? WHUT THtY DOES, C SffitSX lV1Jb. U -HERE.v dW -4 A OWrTL p r JEFF-I'M SELLIH' NEW V IwHATCHA MEAN YSURE iSl EVERV fjEFF I WhI MUTT.1 T li py " '" " '"" TMF MAJB-RESTORER! IT GKOWS NOT VOO NlOMI hAKCXV KNEW I CAME " ' , . S . .r. J" II HA,a tr3-.-T3- HtAD -"LISTEM- ( POW A Ml ODNT 1 OVER DOUGH IS f 1 HAIR S, , OVER Vo7o7r "-LYA PAYMfc" I WttK ! 1ELL VA THAT k TO PAY PHONY.' VQ ly T T.J& MV N TEN BUCKS IF fSty,V HAIR RfcSTDRERj rufNTVI NI&Mi;jTW IT GROWS HAIR TWCMTY.', Vjpm. WOULD J TWENTY; Jl M?MTi per. IM iiecicCT-nicwUrilir.TlQnllTTtieUTUi-.' fTUemiu MrUmArjKE M e Z4rOHJ t" 1 OF THE SMALL HOUSE. THAT HAS MOVIE WEN? .-Y HOUSE. BY THE WAV, THERE &M5.N0W IW PON'T BE ASAPI I ,.., l,,rn X A ROOM FOR THE LITTLE 6IRL ANPW. rU I V PUE ON THE FOUI?-FIFTEEM., REALLY S1ARTED ON JUST POWMATITEa P. ..JSuivsA THE NUKSE AND ONE FOR THE WlTT 11 K BETTER 60PICKEM UP: JTHiS THINS, I'M A VOU, AND WEU BE . U JtHNHII BOy' TEX ANPTHEYOUN6VET IVfl --wt-rttf1P , KITTLE NEIU'TTWRETrvj S P j p j WILl V0UC0MI HEPt MSRfiO!.. THtf' mv!mv' LIKE A JUD01 PUTTING ON i tAMrrutiur. I wAhTT ITIS4V. If ICNHM)TMl wo.0? lsck rail J wmwm mm C" , r - ' ' ''"'" j Jl BOUT 0C0PATlN&. you 5OUN0 ous ppojta. it you a MODIPN TUFI TMt PITCH captowm ,00 TMt MOU5E.40LBIN 1 NANCV HAS tir0 it UP' n'S ABOUT DECORATING. -tartly! 1- Yt5. --NANI.Y l WELLl'-W DtLK urtu lii1 HI 1 IT Tmink wt fAN AVOID A L055 ON m I 1 ARE &O1NC1 TO BE I AND DtVlOUi LITTLE PI CI A mm - PARTLY! I- yfil NANCY AND 1 APE. MIN& TO BE &ivt w tom MAPRlEO : AND JAflYTH!N AS WE CAN Twt ST YL t I l5t 7 A LICENSE.! WElll-MYDEtP 0EO i AND DEVIOUS LITTLE. m -AS 500N 4CHEMC PAID OFF, -0. GET DID IT r if T Capllal Journal. Salem, Oregon. RADIO PROGRAMS ALL PROGRAMS PACIFIC STANDARD TIME FRIDAr P.M. KGW ToiKOCO KSLM IIH UBS Xaivtrmatt Savor a Cl. MltJalckl Buraa A Ilea Raraa AUta PaiHIa al Plana Elantr Ttttnmu Hbitr Kit Wrbtlcr Hay Rett HkHtaa Rd NkrIUn Ufaaf Rllar Bill tttera Bhrtha Tim Rtirthni Tlma Oabrltl Rtftlltr NMthwMt Nfva M It- Old Bmrtwr Shon Thii la Malc Cle KtJ Clirc Kit. Slraltht Arrcw Slralthl Arraiw VaHflf Timt Variety Tina Neva f World Jimmla Duranta Jlmrala Duranta Stmt Sparti Pat final Rll Town Rlc Town Sam Haraa Ni DbvIsI Ron Itbaw tirarr Hoad tiriKorr Hatwl I Faltaa Lewla rnrranl at Choice RaY Hararll Ray Hatkrll Proaram Pravlrw Selcl Loral Nti ' Stmt Ncwirrrl Th Faltaa Tht rlca IMmsIc ; Lanny Rata ;M ' Sin Off SATURDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. :M Newa :1ft Newe :30 March Tlmt .45 N'ewi , :00 Newt :1ft Breakfaal Gang IA Breakfaal Uang 45 lop Iradra i Bargain Cannier I 5 I Newa Horn at Ptaneare ' 4ft ( Mulr nn Nortbwral Newa It,: Eddy Unrhln M Tatter' all .4. Smokry Ml. . Newt liarden (inidr I M Proudly We Hall 4 Proudly We Hall Doc, Platter Jock Doe, Platter Jock Doe, Flatter Jock Doc, Platter Jock Top Trades Newt Nortbwett Newa Bob Eberly Show Bill Harrington Moilc Nrwa Blng Slnga (sural Star llcre'a la Veta March Tine March Time Michael ODoffy Michael O'Daffy Sanga af Tina Newa Drivers Playhonaa Hemingway Smoke Ringa Smoke Ringa DIAL LISTINGS: REX, 1190; KOAC, SSO 1 r V Friday P.M. :l0. Keeping I s IxCA With Sports; 1:1a, Home Edi tion) :M, Yukon Challenge ;6:IM1, Edwin C. Ilitli :I5, Elmer Davis: :30. Tha Sher "fi 1:INI, Firhtt; Sport Showi :00. fat Mam R.MI, 'Neath Western Sklesi :tMI. Richfield Reporter i :l. Intermettei :. Concert Hour; la:S0. Memos ta Tomorrow; 1I:M, Estra Hoar, t:00. Sign Off FV Satarday AM. ta 4:M P-M. rt-A Round-up Boy si tklft. Time Tem pos! i ts. Adventures In Research: 1:B. Deep River Bosi :la. Home Demon vt ra tion Agent: Shopper's Specials S:im, Toy land Tunea; 9:On, Stars af Tomorrow! 10:(H), nirls' Corps i I0;S0. What's My Name; ll-.m. Sweet and Hot Clubt It: IX). Mutic Fetlivali V'.-AW, Rand Box: 1:00, ABC Svwiuhonyt 1:1X1. Mil Ranch Royst t:Hf). Fasrlnstlng Rhythm; S:IH), Inquiring Visiting In Seattle Sublimity Mrs. Grace Ditter left for Olympia. Wash., to at tend the Mother's Day program ACROSt L Neither 4. Slinic of Insect I. Musical eloaa 12. I -ft run bird tS. WtnicUka 14. Seaweeds la. Overwhelmlnt defeat IT. Tall and thin II. UnT1trhe1 glova s ha pea tl. River mud II. Aral nit: abbr. 23. Particular 26. Beseech 28. Forever 39. Pend in. Melody It. Shatter 13. Negative It. Gmwn arlrt t. Perform 17. Anclesnt nlAva 11. Stutlonary part 40. BroR1 street! abbr. 41. New Zealand evergreen tree 41. Hurls 46. I'orjty 4R. French pantry ft". Unadulterated 61. Irpn plant 12. Brazilian parrot II. Imitate! 14. Adjuata eft. Kind of cloth DOWN I Rata mender Author of 'Th RubAlvM" I. Genua of tha eommoB run ' a I' W I' I I7 W' l? I" I" 7T it ,,,, ,,, , . Ju a iitia Mu w ww 55 'f,n III' ;' I I I VWA I ROOM AND I0ARD . . 7 FT SEEWS A IT D TAKE WEEKS TO ALSO, I WAMT V I CENTUKY" AGO, I ' TELL AAV STORY t3 MDU TO KMOW J NEPHEW, WhEM o S'NCt THEN. EVCEPT n YOUKt AV WE WERE LADS ( TO SAY THAT I'VE V PAvORJTS V ON MY OD3 I BEEN SUCCESSFUL 1 NSPMEW ANO TV. V. FARM I AND HAVE AAADE A REEBET!INS FORTUNE AS A OU HAMDSCWfiiy V MANUFACTURER. I V IN AfV WILL -S . OF TROMBONE - (Y'S--J?LJ f I TIATS Rf AL hl UNCLI 1 7, IJ fcJ the old oil y y my! Friday, May 13. 194913 K0IN CM alrany Jo Khrlbai Ranch Bine Craabr baartPaio Candla Light M Sllr New riahraalrr Knoi Manning Ural ah riu-i Hnntlor Neva Theatre of the Air Theatre af Iho Air Theatre of the Air Theatre af the Air o Proudly Ball So Proudly Hall Plavhoaaa Playbovte Favorite lluiband Faiorlta Huaband Ton Band Top Band Rant-ball Bandvtand Raarhall Hatrball BaiTball Batcball llaaoal Dona Baarball Lowell Thomat Jark Smith Show Jark Carton Show Jark Canon Shaw FIyo Star Pinal S porta Spotlight Orrbeelra Mghl Editor Raacball Nrwa Roandan Combo Corner Track 1490 Irark-149a Trarh MtM Trark MM Trark 14M Serenade Yon the World ('ena Krnpa Orrh Gene Krnpa Orrh :M A.M.. Slcn Now Hear Thii Kola Kloek Now Hear Thla N The Old Songs News New( Contumer Kewt Archie-Andrewe To R It tar Mualo for Ton Archie Andrews News Music for Yon Jerry Marlowa tarn Mkt. Rep. You Are There am Hayes Elention Service You Are There Meel the Meeka Haven af Rest Nrwa Meet Ibe Meeka Haven af Real Ufa Pretend Fd MrConnell VWttern MelnJIaa Junior Misa .d MrConnell Western Mel tdies Junior Mite Stmt Science Excursion Theatre af Today Public Affairs Taper Room Theatre af Today Vincent Lopes Mums Hltbtil Grand Central Vincent l.opet Worls StallaR NallanaPFara Ccla af Song Starg Over Home Hour Cycle af Song Hollywood Mary Lee Talor Rhaptody In tilvo and Taka Mary Lee Taylor Rhythm (iiva and Taka Young Saturday Serenade News Oregonlang Saturday Serenade Driver's Flavhons Nfwi Saturday Serenade Meet tha Missus Report an Europe Saturday Serenade Meet tha Missus Mutle Pioneers Everybody's Ideas Mother Knowa Muiio Pioneers SaWn Concert Best Musle Pioneers "M Soorto Free for All Music Pioneers Ted Dale Presents Frea for All Health Today Review In Preabneas Stakea Health In Oregon Khythm Prraknesa Stakea Frank Merrlwrll Kiddles Matinee Newspaper af Air Frank Merrlwrll Kiddies Matinee Newspaper af Air I.aitle Rat. Matlnea News Hardwood Forest Nat. Matlnea Hutdon Orch. Tex Beneka Orch. Sat. Matlnea Way for Youth Tea Benekc Orch. Sat. Matineo Way for Youth Neers Chln-I'n Comer Country Journal (iurst Star t'btn-Cp Corner County Journal NBC Symphony Chln-lp Corner fiarden (iate NBC Symphony Chin-l'ti Corner Larry La Sueur NRtrSyin phony Np -roas Section NBC Symphony pe w Bant Cross Section Rands of Land Spotltta an Muile Saturday at Iho Hands af Land Spotltta an Mutlc Chass lAi- Fri. P.M. A: On the Cpaaatt KUV 5:50 ftftt Sparta Clubi d:4, Newa i :I.V Eddy Durhim :M, Mu le af Csechonlovablai 1:1., Evening Farm Houri R:IHI, Research Report; S:IA, Here's to elsi R::tO, Time Ouli :, Newai atlMI, Muslct :tft. Evening Meditations) I:Q, Sign Off. KOAC Rat. A.M. lt WI. News l Beaver Co-ed Weekly I 1:M, Especially far Womrnt ll:M, Concert Haiti 11:00. Newsi 11:15. Noon Farm Hoar; Rida 'em Cowboy: l:Mi. Vole af tha Ar my i 1:4ft, Melody Lanei 1:00, Muilo af tha Masters. r.rrnli 1:111. Iff In In, r.mllr: S:M, OlS and N.wi S:4K. Horrtw-.S ,nd HIupi 4:IM1. 11 Pr'triom Rlnci l:lft, Hnrrr WUnifrl Tf.n Tun.,. to be presented at St. Martini College. She will spend several days visiting relatives In Seattle before returning home. Solution of Yoittrdiy'd Punlt 4. Coverlnn of traea 4. U ta Tort una 4. PhlMpplna peaaant T. tTn.v.a S. NKkplM S. Elnborftt. SuMte liooursM 15. Ulr 11. InYll. 16. U.llclnm STUdslnf H. r.el a llfilrt to scrstcli II. Plrs 11. Tftt waits la lent 14. On. of th ll.hrM.. lalanils It. Animal's lt 15. Tumultuous dlordar r. Part of a dYnarao m motaa- l. rn.t IL Wlnl.r prm;tpftalJ(Mt II. Th.r.for II. Pulillo atrirataouaaa IT. Moral d.praYttr II. Ravca 40. A Unit II. Kind ol aa . Clxas 44. Trlanralar Flac. p cook 44. Health rasori . . . By Cn Ahtro Alio a v e sic o tIIrIa pIx 1 . m C3 Y EjrflB ST ClRlS A i fl tl? liT Esis3 S O sUjjNjpPg TMi L e R o sjjSjTiR BrJa e Ale s obpTe nra 9 p OIOiN atc II AlC I MIC A V 5 If Fl t If 8 e M 81 ReIHREll5i Hib6pUlepu the y