Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 13, 1949, Page 12, Image 12

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    12 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday. May 13. 1949
V3 55 1
Of. II !! -!). .MM I W 1 W ? . . .. Illf J
Firit Car Heads West from Berlin Crowds in Berlin give
a noisy sendoff to the first motor car to move westward over
the autobahn through Soviet-controlled territory from Berlin
to the British zone following the lifting of the blockade. A
woman, second from left, wears an evening gown and a man
at right holds a large bouquet of flowers. (AP Wirephoto via
radio from Berlin)
YMCA Banquet to
Honor Sportsmen
Tuesday Night
Wolves Travel
To Seattle for
Baseball Games
Oregon College of Education
The annual sports banquet
will be held at 6:30 Tuesday, Monmouth Coach Bob Knox
night at the YMCA when tro and a 14 member baseball squad
phies and medals will be distrin- were jn Seattle Friday for the
uted to participants in the events I fir8t of a two-game series. The
of the past few months. first encounter was slated against
An effort is being made to so
eure Jim Aiken, football coach
at the University of Oregon as
guest speaker.
Among the awards to be pre
aented will be trophies and med
als to the three senior church
basketball league winners; win
ners of the Marion-Polk county
handball championships current
y being played at the Y; Jerry
Grimm, Pacific northwest area
YWCA mat champion; Marlin
Nelson, swimming; and members
of the badminton club. Ten high
point winners in the boys na
tional athletic achievement con
test will receive ribbons.
District 5 Meet
Goes to Albany;
Posey Sets Mark
Corvallls, May 13 n Albany
became the District 5 favorite
here yesterday, qualifying in
eight events for the state liigly
chool track meet.
Albany won the district meet
handily, scoring US points. Cor
vallls had 90 4, Newport 72. In
dependence 41, Dallas 28, Tole
do 7, Sweet Home C. Taft 1.
Newport qualified in six
vents for the state meet, Cor
vallis In four, Lebanon three,
Dallas and Independence one
An Independence speedster,
Dennis Posry, crarked the 440
record for the district meet
when he clipped off the race
In SS.I. The old mark was
In class B competition Harris
burg won with 135 points. Mon
mouth had P3, Shedd 69, Perry
dale SI, Falls Citv and Eddv
villt 23 h. SilcU 14 and Alsra
Four Corners All boys 10 to
18 years old and living in the , .... , , ... UmH ... .
.. j, . . . L .Lodge met in the hall with 19
Four Corners fire d strict whoi
Seattle Pacific college and the
second, Saturday, with Seattle
The Wolves have won four out
of their last five starts. Their hit
ting has been fairly consistent
with their fielding classified as
The travel squad Included
May, Brandon. Smith and Hie
bert, outfielders; Holweger,
Rucker, Humble and Petersdorff,
infielders; Van Loo, Buckley,
Funk and Wilson, pitchers; Nas
man and Estes, catchers.
List of Linn Idle
Continues to Drop
Albany Unemployment
the eastern Linn county
has shrunk to about S00 from
a mid-winter high of 1600 E. G
Sloan, manager of the local
Oregon State Employment offi
ce, reports.
Active unemployment claims
have decreased substantially
since March, Sloan said, vet
erans payments were down 44
per cent, state claims for men
were reduced 40 per cent and
payments of benefits to women
fell 16 per cent under the March
total. The manager pointed out
that some of the reduction is
attributable to exhausted bene
fit right. But, he said, an esti
mated ISO or nearly 20 per cent
of the empoyed have returned
to work.
Operation of the logging in
dustry at near capacity and an
upsurge of local building have
also made more jobs, the local
employment official indicated.
Sfayton High
Alumni Called
Over 500 members and
friends of the Stayton high
school alumni association will
make Stayton their seat of ac
tivities Saturday in celebration
of their 35th annual homecom
ing of this outstanding alumni
association, now made up of
over 700 graduates of the Stay
ton high school during that
period of time.
Joining in with the Stayton
high school, the day's program
will commence in the morning
with the annual May day pro
gram at the high school grounds
at 10 o'clock, at which time will
take place the May day program
by the students of the school!
and the crowning of Queen Va
lerie, and in the afternoon at 2
o'clock will be the traditional
baseball game between the
Stayton high school team and
the Stayton high school alumni
The annual banquet will be
served at 6:30 o'clock in the
Catholic gymnasium with Floyd
Booze of the class of 1943, as
toastmaster. Principal speaker
will be Charles A. Howard, for
mer state school superintendent,
now with the Equitable Savings
and Loan association.
annual aiumm oan win iaKe
place in the Forester's hall in
At the banquet, or preceeding
it. will be the annual election of
officers of the Alumni associa
tion. Present officers are: pres.,
Walter Smith, vice pres., Rob. J.
O'Connor; secretary, Alice Feh
len; treasurer, Mary Ely; direc
tors. Wilbur Lesley, Gerald
Marking. Jean Darlev hitnr-
All of the visiting groups willhan Zelnha Grover.
Committees appointed by the
president, Walter Smith, to
work out the entire anniversary
program are as follows: ban
quet, Elizabeth Murphy; dance,
Gerald Marking; dance decora
tions, Esther Keudell; banquet
decorations, Shirley Darby; in
vitations, Alice Fehlen; 'pub
licity, Edward J. Bell; program
Peggy Booze; election, Francis
M. Forrette; properties, William
Fair; baseball game, Leon Jordan.
Colorful Folk
Dances Sunday
Between 200 and 300 persons,
affiliated with the Folk Dancing
Federation of Oregon will be in
Salem Sunday afternoon to pre
sent a varied and colorful pro
gram at the armory. The affair
will be under the sponsorship
of the Salem Gate Swingers.
H r
King's Counsel Rose Heil
bron, 34, one of the first two
women King's Counsel in
England, stands outside the
House of Lords, London fol
lowing the swearing-in ceremony.
be attired in the costumes of
the countries whose dances will
be demonstrated. From Ashland
will come the "Mountain Mixers
club", attired in Scottish cos
tumes. They will present the
Scotch sword dance and a four
some reel. Music will be pro
vided by a bagpipe played by
a recent arrival from Scotland.
Violet Stockman, of Southern
Oregon College of Education,
directs the group.
Eugene will be represented
by the "Circle O" club and will
feature American square dances.
The International Folk Dance
club of Portland will present
the Russian Hopak and the
"Jolly Czechs" of Scio will give
the "Beseda" a native dance of
Chet McNeill of Portland will
provide bagpipe accompainment
for the "Road to the Isle"' a
Scottish costume dance.
Guest callers for the dancers
will be Erma Weir of Oregon
State College and Margo Florea
of the Portland bureau of Parks.
There will be no admission
charge and the general public is
being urged to attend.
Well Contract Set
Washington, May 13 U.B
The atomic energy commission
announced today that it has
awarded a contract to A. J
Schoonover and Son, Burley,
Idaho, to drill a fresh-water
well near Arco, Ida., contem
plated site of the commission's
new reactor testing plant.
Nominating Committee
Named for Wood burn
Woodburn The regular
meeting of Woodburn Post No.
46 of the American Legion was
held Wednesday night with Don
Barrett presiding. Routine busi
ness was transacted and a nom
inating committee appointed in
preparation for election of offi
cers which will be held at the
next meeting. The committee
includes Rev. W. S. Van Meter,
Hartley LeFebvre and Lloyd
After the meeting the Legion
joined the auxiliary for refresh
ments with W. O. Green, John
Reiger and Hartley LeFebvre
assisting the refreshments com
Lebanon Will Erect
New Armory Soon
Lebanon Bids have been
asked by the Oregon national
guard headquarters in Salem
for construction of seven arm
ories in Oregon, one of which
will be in Lebanon.
The local armory is included
in the first group, costing $65,-
000. The structure will be built
on west Maple between Fourth
and Fifth streets.
Appropriation of the Linn
county building must come from
the current fiscal year budget
ending June 30. Award of con
tract will be made prior to that
Opening of bids will be on
Albert Bauer
Talks Monday
Albert Bauer, president of the
Portland Chamber of Commerce
and general manager of Consoli
dated Builders, Inc., will be the
speaker Monday at the Cham
ber of Commerce. He will talk
on the opportunity bond drive.
Bauer is a native of Portland
where he went to school until
ready for college. He was grad
uated in civil engineering from
Oregon State in 1922.
For a time he was with Port
land Gas & Coke company and
then for nine years with Port
land water bureau, including
service as assistant engineer on
the Bull Run dam. In 1929 and
1930, on leave of absence, he
put in a year on a hydroelectric
project for the Electric Bond and
Share company in Chihuahua,
In 1933 he made a connection
with the United States engineers
in the construction of the Bonne
ville dam, remaining with them
until 1940. Then in Portland he
became associated with the Kai
ser interests as general manager
of the Oregon Shipbuilding yard.
After the war he became gen
eral manager of all the Kaiser
interests in this area. Consolidat
ed Builders, of which he is gen
eral manager, now has the job
of building the Detroit dam.
New members to be introduced
Monday will be: Robert Schrei
ner, Bernard Schreiner and Con
stance Schreiner, of the Schrei
ner Iris Gardens. Route 2; and
Percy Ullman, insurance, 210
Oregon building.
Athletic Association
Mothers' Tea Hostess
Mill City The" Mother's tea
given by the Girl's Athletic As
sociation of the high school. In
charge was Miss Helen Baney.
Mothers and invited friends
were seated at small tables
placed about the auditorium,
and were served refreshments
by the high school girls.
The program which was car
ried on during refreshments
was given by the boys and girls
glee club of the school with
Kirk Wirick as soloist. "The
New Look," a story of a high
school girls entire day, was read
by Miss Baney with the Home
Economics classes modeling
clothing which they had made
during the school term. Offi
cers of the G. A. A. include
president, LaCrela Thomas; vice
president, Wanda Vandemeer;
secretary-treasurer, L a V e t a
Tony Zale is the second ex
boxing champion to retire this
vear. The other fellow is Joe
$$ MONEY $$
4 H teai Estate Loans
Ftrrr o City
Pentonal AuU Loans
State Finance Co.
153 8 Hifh St t ' i
May 24, it was announced by
the Lebanon guard headquarters.
Milk and Cream
Homogenized" Milk
1 OX Milk 5 Milk.
Cottage Cheeie
Cheddar Cheeie
Ice Cream
Thalia Rebekahs Make
Plastic Party Plans
Hubbard Thalia Rebekah
want to play baseball this sum
mer in the Junior B league may
ign up at the Four Corners bar
ber shop.
present. Plans were completed
for the plastic party. Money was
voted for the two delegates, Mrs.
George Rogers and Mrs. Charles
Vri'denhurg, to attend the Reb
ekah Aosembly at North Bend,
and you save at Woodrow's
when you pay CASH for
Willard Batteries Seiber
ling tires "with full road
hazard guarantee " Nason
paints auto glass and un
paintea furniture
R. D. Wood row Co.
450 Center St Phone 22411
NOW is the Time
Call Elfstrom's for
Take a tip from Mother Nature
and brighten up with sparklitif
new colors this spring . .
Have those drab interiors re
designed in smartlr coordinated
colors by our expert colorists
. . . Your whole house will
fairlr sing; and too will, too
when ELFSTROM'S crews
take over.
Our Prices Are CompetltlTt
Workers are Wanted
Dayton The Brnokside ceme
tery in Dayton needs to have May 17 to 19.
hte grounds cleaned before Dec- Mother's Day was observed
oration Day, and it is urgedlduring Good of the Order with
that anyone or organization, in-j reading and presentation to all
terested in cleaning it up. to members present of small sach
send donations or notify Mrs. leas. Refreshments were served
Wesa Rossnrr or Paul Loncler-iliy Mrs. Lloyd Kuizely and Mrs
hauien. I Ruth Blake.
The hardboard
with 1001 uses!
Tour Friend Neighborhood Yard
349 South 12th St., Solem, Oregon
120 Welloce Reed, West Salem, Oregon
"Riders in the tyour store
a V....I.- kJ ni 4n4AC
mmmi I w .. . rnone jtxuj 1 34 court 011-249:1
Burl Ives , J
Ring Crosby
Downstair Oregon Bldg. jj
State and High 5-3J I 1 jfAyfT'jP
r. t
W . ""A
A n" J I Ij . m I J
W. yetw'eZer Vl!sOO l'iieAie) ta. 1 I kn II E f
A erf eteei lStete I I W Mf M
W afcleaHam to IflM ffVMfh I T97 M
A " I V M I
J ria tr.M tWMM taa 1 1
W ton SMMM rW V
9 TtlittMTw-ftMCiiMri Vw
.4 In mr tovtwel Ht iter VnA VT 1 V
W m riH tew fW tfci-e) TakA.Y,S W
WA 4, t anWIaMl ew eM. rtM?r
M (.MM Tj.J Sgjfr M
A UtL m m Mm4 ! H . I C ff
Ml ? ef I f I 3 B I
j Solem Tire Service ((11)
Dam Barry JoheVereteef SJqzH
A MS Marlon Kt. Salem, Ore. ( 1U1UM 1M I
Insured Moth Proof
Oust Proof Fire Proof
It not only pays to know vour
furrier, it also pavs to know
your source of storage!
Whether your fine fur is stor
ed in some store s attic or in
in a frigid cold, mothproof
vault . . it's important to
know . , . and see tor yourself.
Miller's Invite you to Inspect
their fine fur storage any
time. It has circulating frost
cold air ... It has demothing
process In connection.
Be sofe! Be sure! Store the
modern woy!
f !
Store Your Furs Now!
Your bith becomes 1 fragnnr ritual of
pleasure with famous "4711" Bath Salts.
Quick to dissolTe. ther toftea the water
noticeably . . . help sooth tired nerves
and bodr In four exquisite fragrances.
Liat operate asom
This is an
PLYWOOD CEILING TILE from 4c tq. ft.
In sizwi from 6"xl8" to 7" to 32". Bevel edge cut it
give panel effect. '
PLYWOOD CUT-OFFS . . : only SVie tq. ft.
Wx48"xl1" for ceiling, wall panel, etc.
now 7uC up
Mixed oak and pecan flooring ftC rtrt
'l"x2" 70 .UU M
Pecan Flooring IOC AA
Vi'xVA", 'ix2", txl'i" IJLD UU M
frJSv! 125.00 m
Pricei Quoted on Present Supplies Only.
Stocks Limited.