c c Si lo he th A at te th ta fr at vl ct G ct of ai at ol d tl at P Ii 1 b JO Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Friday, May 13. 1949 v em. tfv 'Spectacular Bridge Leap' Because of recent publicity eeking bridge jumpers, California state highway authorities have asked for an ordinance banning bridge jumping, with or without parachutes. Getting in a few practice jumps before the law clamps down is Diane Shinn, Chinese dancer, about to make a spectacular leap from the dizzy heights of a span In the Japanese Tea Garden in San Francisco's Golden Gate park. Daring cameraman Ed Hoffman, bobbing about in a small boat below, snapped the shot as Miss Shinn and para chute appearer on the span. Miss Shinn did not smoke a cigar on the way down. (Acme Telephoto) Mrs. Floyd Fox On Ed Board Mrs. Floyd Fox, Union Hill, prominent in educational and civic affairs, has been named a member of the county education al board by Mrs. Agnes C. Booth, county superintendent, to suc ceed W, P. Emery who has moved to California. Mrs. Fox is a member of the county agricultural planning board, of the governor's state committee for displaced persons, has been chairman of the county farm, home and rural life com mittee, a 4-H club leader for 15 years and past president of the Marion County 4-H Leaders as sociation. She Is a member of the school board of Union. Hill district 42C, was a school teach er for several years In Multno mah county after she graduated from University of Oregon and Oregon College of Education and has always maintained a deep and active interest in educational affairs. She is wife of Floyd Fox, Sr., and mother of two children. Other members on the educa tional board are Mrs. Genevieve Oldenburg, Keizer; Mrs. George W. Hubbs, Silverton; Harley W. Libby, Jefferson, and Superin tendent Booth. NEW LOCATION 1144 Center St, Salem, Oregon Dr. R. Reynolds Clinic KtUfo-rrMUUrtet tacltl SptcUHrt orrie t-HM, Koti S-US1 Ptoatr Tr Park ltwe th AartM llrtt Bori'i N w Marks trm SAVE ON THESE SPECIALS New Spinet EQCOO Pi nos J" Used Spinet ACftOO Pianos Piano 9500 Accordions AW up Guitars and Violins V4 PRICE Records (your O 100 choice) for Albums (your O 100 choice, for I Radios. Phonos and Recorders. . . !i TO M OFF Band Instru ments H TO M OFF Musical Toys and Noveltier i PRICE Hundreds of other specials at comparable savings. SALE ENDS MAY 21st JAQUITH Music Co. 136 S. High St. Phone 3-4641 yjk w 4 Here sine man witn Sfil dtosl' real truck know- kTy jklMy 'f how. He's the Inter- 5JIH73fc" national-trained ViV P-PilfUa) truck mechanic trained in special school and classes, in the best and latest ways of servicing trucks. He's an expert on the special International Truck equipment we use for testing, repair ing, reconditioning and proving. He's an expert on preven tive maintenance. So put your trucks in his hands-any makes or models for the simplest repair job or a complete program of regular preventive maintenance. Phone today and tell us when your trucks will be in. JAMES H. MADEN CO. 2955 SILVERTON ROAD Salem, Ore. Ph. 24123 East Salem School Officers Are Host to Grade Mothers East Salem, May 13 Planning for the new school year officers of the Swegle PTA and teachers 01 tne ursi ana second graaes 01 the school were hostesses for the mothers of pre-school children and the pre-school children at a tea at the school. The guest children visited tne primary room lor ine nri nour ana muncu numbers were then given by they- children of the first and second grades for the mothers' program. Guests were Mrs. Fred Fetch and son, Robert; Mrs. Oliver and Jackie; Mrs. Bowers and Zindy; Mrs. Harold Alderman and New ton; Mrs. Claude Harner and Mary Lee; Mrs. Howe and son, Dennis; Mrs. Ray Bernardy and Sharon; Mrs. T. Finell and Lin; Mrs. Clifford Yost and son, Joe; Mrs Savin and Kay; Mrs. Louis Painter and Joan; Mrs. Hinkle and daughter. Sharon; Lyden Lappen and Norman West; Mrs. Margery Irving and Mrs. Helen Albin with Mrs. Melvin La Due, president of the PTA as hostess. Corsages were presented to the mothers which were made by Mrs. Charles Norton. Mrs. Ken neth Purcell and Mrs. Harold Norton. Mr. and Mrs. Arlo McLain en tertained members of the Friend ly Neighbors Pinochle club at their home on Monroe avenue. Playing were Mr. and Mrs. Law rence Shrake. Mr. and Mrs. War ren Shrake, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scor- gie, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Snook and Mr. and Mrs. McLain. Hon ors were given Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Shrake, Warren Shrake and Mrs. Snook. Mr. and Mr s Henry Hansen of Auburn district were guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Augusta Ramburg at Canby. Mrs. Charles Barney was host ess Wednesday for her sewing club.. Attending were Mrs. Ar thur Stowell, Mrs. Ray Alexan der, Mrs. Barney Kenney, Mrs. Wilfred Wilier, Mrs. Stuart Johns, Mrs. Henry Hansen and the hostess. Mrs. Henry Hansen was in Sil verton this past week as a dele gate tothe WMF from the Grace Lutheran church Ladies Aid of Salem. Mrs. Melvin La Due of Swegle and Mrs. Bert Swanson of Sil verton were guests for the pre- Timber Cutting Control Asked Washington, May 13 Wl Secretary of Agriculture Bran nan called today for govern ment control of timber cutting to prevent further loss of the nation's forests. The government now regu lates cutting on public but not on private forest land. Brannan spoke to the national emergency congerence on re sources. He said that public regulation of cutting, as well as other forestry measures, can not be delayed much longer "if; we are to avoid a permanent shortage of timber." Earle H. Clapp, former as sociate chief of the forest serv. ice, advocated legislation to provide federal regulation of forest conservation practices. He said "it is almost certain to be better than state regula tion." Ellery Foster, former Minne sota state forester and now re search director for the CIO In ternational Woodworkers union, proposed "some sort of restric toin or covenant that might be attached to the title of a forest property, requiring the forest to be handled under high stand-' ards of selective cutting." Foster charged that "some of the most destructive logging in the world Is being done right today in the holdings of Weyer haeuser, Crown - Zellerbach, Longbell and the U. S. gov ernment In the Pacific northwest." ITS ASPIPIM AT ITS BEST view of the showing of "The Red Shoes" at the State theatre In Sa lem Wednesday night. cftef make your dressing ! ... for taogj Duchess Salad Dressing is made the way famous chefs make their dressing from costly ingredients expertly seasoned and skillfully blended. That's why it tastes so good. And only 10V4 minutes after each batch is started it's on its way to your store ... guarantied fresh. Enjoy Duchess todayl Another METRO MARVEL CUSTARD NOUGATS Reg. 49c lb. Now Only 41 Marshmallow Center Rolled in Coconut BUY NOW at this LOW PRICE THI STORES OJ BETTER VALUU 136 North Commercial St. Salem, Oregon ran jE;ir;;i!liMaV"4rn iMH-j'l-, ATTRACTIVE 8-PIECE BEDROOM GROUP WITH RESTFUL BEDDING $17900 Here In the finest Modern styling you have a full size panel bed, chest of drawers, spa ciously proportioned and commodious drop center vanity. All pieces have gracefully curved waterfall tops. The mattress is a genuine innerspring, the ultimate in sleep comfort, supported by a sturdy coil spring. Plump, feather-filled bed pillows, besides. HIM'S WHAT YOU GET: Full Siie Panel led Chest of Drawer Vanity with Mirror 9 Innerspring Mattress Ceil Sp ing Bed Pair of Feather lad Pillewt Night Stand fi ffr little down on a big bill ' ) FURNITURE CO. 27S North Liberty Phone 3-41 S ' .'tMri.Tiiii.i.'nng