Reminder from State Police A reminder from your itat police: Oregon! new law re quiring motorists to itop when encountering a school but that la loading or unloading chil dren is now in effect. The law, passed by the recent legislature, makes It mandatory to stop when approaching from either direction a school bus halted on a two-lane road. Ve hicles must remain stopped "if and so long as any children are leaving the bus or croslng the highway." Drivers on three or four lane highways must stop when ap proaching a school bus from their side of the road. The law applies to all roads, streets and highways, whether In cities or rural areas. Initial enforcement will con sist of warnings for all but flagrant violators, state police said, but arrests will be made for any later offense. Plant Operating Upon Double Shift " Unionvale, May 12 The Grand Island sand and gravel company started two eight hour . shifts Monday. There are 23 men employed and IS travel trucks are in use hauling to the stock piles here. Preparing for road repair work at hand. The D. and H. paving com pany of Vancounver, Wash. started Tuesday at the substa tion on the Dayton-McMlnnville highway and will repair about SVa miles south to the Fairvlew schoolhouse, in the Hopewell area. Work will start soon repair ing the Dayton-Salem highway's worst winter-damaged parts of the highway aproximately 12 miles. The distance of about 22 miles from Dayton to Salem has approximately 10 miles that has held up through the winter damage, E. W. Mandigo local manager of the Grand Island Sand and Gravel company re ported Wednesday and the re pair work is expected to be completed by June 30. Petroleum Product Firm is Expanding Lebanon Expansion of Gen eral Petroleum facilities at the Lebanon plant was announced this week by C. J. Vaughan, local distributor, A building program under way at present will increase tank bulk storage of petroleum products from 25,000 gallons to 105,000 gallons" capacity. New buildings include a large ware house, offices, climatic correct storage room for products need ing consistent temperatures, new garages for trucks and a bulk loading dock. The new loading dock, ac cording to Vaughan, will be capable of delivering 250 gal lons per minute Into distributing trucks. The plant will handle eight separate bulk products, includ ing gas, oils and by products. Completion of the building program is expected in about 60 days. Vaughan assumed control of the local plant four years ago. This unit serves all of central and eastern Linn county. gourbon Taste. Compare,. Enjoy... Today enjoy truly delicious. delightful, but Kentucky flavor! KENTUCKY BOURBON WHISKEY A BLEND O30 Mm Pt. 960 ...p.,,., u.imn msucn GorpofWM, n. T. M s Proof . $1 K.ntudty Slrncht (onto Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, May 12, 19491 By PopularRequest . . . v i We REPEAT this RED HOT SPECIAL ! L. M - f If 111111 CUT FROM THE SAME QUALITY BEEF AS OUR BEST T-BONE STEAKS! Here's Some More Real Values in Our Meat Section! Fresh-Lean PORK SPARERIBS LB. 45' GROUND BEEP Ground train dally lb. PORK SAUSAGE Ac Country tyl lb. if LINK SAUSAGES CQc Purt Itan pork lb. W PORK ROAST ACc Meaty thouldor cut lb. iv PORK STEAKS Qc Tender meaty lb. " FANCY HAMS Sugar cured lb. BACON JOWLS Bean pot delight lb. SLICED BACON Fancv. lean lb. PIECE BACON Cudahy's Puritan lb, FANCY FRYERS Ready for the pan lb. 55' 2? 59' 65' Short-ShanV SMOKED PICNICS L.39' FRYING CHICKENS FRESH FROSTED These small-boned, heavy-meated type chickens are specially bred, then scientifi cally fed and developed for fast, tender growth, thoroughly cleaned and quick frosen Immediately after killing to retain all the grown-in flavor and goodness. lb. 65c CHERUB MILK Tall can . 10c Cane Sugar 25 lb. bag. . 2.23 Beet Sugar 25 lb. bag... 2.19 SALMON, Prince EEC Leo, tall can v J JELLO 4 for 25 DALEWOOD r)Ec MARGARINE, lb. 3 Kraft's MIRACLE CQc WHIP, quart J ' NALLEY'S EEC TANG, quart 3 J Belna KETCHUP )K large bottle 3 RITZ CRACKERS J9 8NOWFLAKE M ff C CRACKERS. 2 lbs. SUN MAID lCc RAISINS, lr os. pkg. 13 BISQUICK OQC 40 os. package J Clabber Girl BAK- ) O C NG POWDER, 2 lb. J VELVEETA O C C CHEESE, Yi lb. pkg.- J BREEZE CHEESE )?( lb. package J VELVEETA 7Q( CHEESE, lb. loaf 7 BREEZE CHEESE TTC X lb loaf PLAYFAIR Ec DOO FOOD S for 19 SOFTASILK CAKE C c FLOUR, pkg. J3 NESTLES MORSELS. 7 os. pk. Soap Powders, Oxydol, Rinso, White King, Super Suds, Tide, Ivory Snow, Dreft, Ivory Flakes, Dus, Vel, Lux Flakes, Fels Nap tha Chips SHORTENING, CRISCO, SNOWDRIFT, SPRY 3 ibs 83c GARDEN-FRESH PRODUCE Enjoy these flavorful spring varieties now. Every item it carefully selected by our expert buyers I RED RADISHES GREEN ONIONS Heap a bowl on the dinner table tonight Large fcC launch J Siveet PSAS Gardenside Brand No. 2 Grown in the Northwest Can TOimfflB m Canned Food Vafuet FflflCy PC3S Sugar Lilt No. 10) (an 1 6 New Potatoes . i-AW Spinach tweid i.y n.. 1 9 Spaghetti Sffi ,.., .,21 Tuna Fish iiitmor..ii.n.d. vi35c Celery Soup, (o.,. .14e Coffee Savings Westvaie Brand New, Solid Pack No. Vi Can IS' Tender, young Peas Plump. Green 2 7Se Pods I,. L J White Rose No. 1 New Potatoes The Kind You Like ". ,123' Nob Hill Coffee Airway Coffee Edwards Coffee Mb. ACct-OOl T lba.W . A Ac I- 70l bag tW lbs. I bag Mb. Mb. 51 c O01 lbs. A Mil M H ViVV Swift's PREM With beef added 12-er, Can 39 HOT SAUCE Gardontldt 4,19' At Random Valuet Graham Crackers a" 49 Enriched Flour "tZ1.Ja Tillamook Cheese d..m- 65c Candy Bars 6, w25l 98' Butter Fingers 6 , 25 98 Air WiCk Kills .npl....t edon bet. 69' Red Polish oldish 25' Asparagus 2b.29c Golden Carrots Q Smooth tender ones Lb. Spinach 2 25' 9c Lettuce Heads Fresh, crisp leaves Green Peppers OQr Fine for stuff Ing Lb. Rhubarb A 1QC For perfect pica lbs. I W Squash O 95r Zucchini solid lbs. AaVV 25c Red, ripe flavorful 11 os. cello Grocery Prices Effective Through Monday ROYAL SATIN Mb. Can SHORTENING 79c CRISCO Famous Mb. Can SHORTENING 83c HALEY'S 16-ot, Can MEAT BALLS 39c WELCH'S reach or Apricot Preserves i.ib. j4r 27' PLAYFAIR Popular Dog Food 3 cans 2 3c DUZ Granulattd SOAP 201j-oi. pVg 26c PAR-ORANULATED Largo Sis Improved Soap 53c WHITE KING SOAP Granulated Re?, pig. 26r LUX TOILET SOAP iii Abort 25 Rag. 3 for 25