t 8 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, May 12, 1849 FOCUS ON SALEM With BOB BROWN Supper Tonight Alpha Epsilon chapter of Beta Sigma Phi is meeting for a no- host supper this evening at 6:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Wil lard Morrison, 462 Hoyt avenue. Robert Voigt is to talk to the group on sculpture and model ing. He is a graduate of Wil lamette university with the class of 1942 and the following four years was with the 8th infan 155 North Liberty Phone 1-3191 try in the Pacific. He is now WEEK-END studying for his master of arts degree at Willamette and also is teaching art at Parrish junior high school. Mlw -.,. Nursing Graduate Miss Sylvia Reischke, Salem, will graduate from the Virginia Mason hospital school of nurs ing in Seattle, May 27. Miss Bowder Bride-Elect The engagement of Miss Nor ma Jane Bowder, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bowder, to Pvt. Edwin Culbertson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Culbert son, was announced Tuesday evening at a dinner party given at the Culbertson home in West Tall in. The hosts gave the din tier in honor of their son who has been stationed at Atlanta, Georgia, and now has orders to go to Japan. He is home on leave for two weeks. At the conclusion of the din ner, Miss Bowder passed nut cups in which were concealed pictures of the couple and an nouncement of the engagement. No date is set for the wed ding. Miss Bowder is a student at Salem high school. Sixteen guests attended the dinner party. An informal eve ning of dancing and visiting followed the dinner. Nominating Group Named in Auxiliary Silverton Mrs. George Towe, president of Delbert Reeves unit, No. 7, American Legion auxliary, named as her nomina ting committee Mrs. John De- mas, chairman: Mrs. Frank Porter and Mrs. Roscoe Reeves, The vice-president, also mem bership chairman, Mrs. C. E Higinbotham, reported 18 6 members, a 56 gain over quota. among the first in the state to make this record in member ship gain. Mrs. Roscoe Reeves, Junior activities chairman, presented her junior members in a pro gram of songs, several group numbers, and a duet by Maret ta Smith and Vivian Reeves, honoring ten Gold Star mothers. The juniors donated articles for auction by F. M. Powell, to con tribute to the fund for one girl, their president, Vivian Brown, to Girls State to Willamette uni verslty campus In June. Miss Jeanell Gottenberg is to be sent to Girls State by unit. Both young women are prominent in lodge, church and civic activi ties, seniors in high school. Twelve dollars was taken in collection for the Camp White bed lamp fund. A shower of individual gifts for Camp White hospital was given and will be sent this week to the Medford facility. The local unit received word that their hospital dona tions recently taken to the Port land facility for the pleasure of the veterans there were valued at $117. Included were 28 pil low tops. The donations were taken to the hospital by the chairman, Mrs. A. J. McCannel. The date for the past presi dents' next meeting has been changed from May 22 to May 20, Friday, a dinner at the Double J. restaurant. Betrothal Told At Sorority Announced this week at the Chi Omega house at Willamette university was the engagement of Miss Virginia Atkinson, daughter of Mrs. R. D. Austin of Boise, Idaho, to Eldrid Hutchison, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd O. Hutchison of Camas, Wash. The news was told at dinner at the sorority Monday evening. A mortar board was arranged in the center of the table streamers leading to each place. The placecards had the mortar boards and diplomas on them and inside were the names of the couple. The wedding is planned for September 4 at the First Con gregational church in Salem. Miss Atkinson is a senior as Is Mr. Hutchison. Demonstration Given Grangers at Macleay Macleay At the May grange meeting Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Hidds were given the first and second degree obligation. Standing committees giving reports were Robert Hanson and W. A. Jones on legislature; A Mader on agriculture; and Mrs. Richard McKee on Home Economics work. Instead of the regular lec turer's program, Forest Donken Propane Gas and Appliance company gave a cooking and heating demonstration. Tin meeting was preceeded by a no host dinner. Valley People Off For Visit in Iowa Mt. Angel Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Hoffer accompanied by Ernest Middlemiss of Silverton, and Henry Schaecher, left by car for Spencer, Iowa, Wednes day for a two week visit. Schaecher will visit his father and relatives at Humphrey and Leretto in Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs. Hoffer and Middlemiss will visit at Spencer, Iowa, with their children Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Hoffer, who were unable to come west this May as planned. The Hoffers will visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Long, at Lake Park, Iowa and with other relatives there, and at the homes of his brother Lawrence Hoffer in Cedar Falls, Iowa, and sister Mrs. Mike Baschke of Milfod, Iowa. (ft Y't f I Busy Artist Dale G. Cleaver, art major at Willamette university, takes time out from mural painting to model in clay the head of a fellow student, Fred Sanderson. Dale is currently occupied with a mural portraying the history of journalism for Willamette'! Collegian office. Camp Fire Girl News The Elutamda .Wapl Camp Fire Girls and their leader, Mrs. Jasper Button, held their moth ers' tea at the Jason Lee church, Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Ernest Arneson, guest of honor, gave an interesting talk on her trip to Norway. A musical program and ceremonial were presented by the girls. Busy Blue Birds, meeting with their leader, Mrs. Vern Jones, Tuesday, completed mak ing invitations for their moth ers' tea which is to be given in the fireplace room of the First Christian church, May 27 be tween the hours of 4:00 and 3:00. Jolly Time Blue Birds and their leaders, Mrs. Gerald Flsh- Altar Society Feted At Losers' Expense Stayton St. Mary's Altar So ciety members, whose names are in the last half of the all- phabet, were the losers in the recent membership drive held by the organization. As a con sequence they were hosts to oth er members recently in Forest er hall. Cards were the diversion of the evening, with Angeline Lambrecht and George Spaniol, winners in pinochle. In "500". prizes were awarded Mrs. Vir ginia Beitel and John Dozler. Lawrence Grossman was win ner of the special prize. Falrvlew Mr. and Mrs. Ross Rogers are on a week's vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Ned Under bill near Durfur. The women are sisters. er, met at the home of Mrs. S. A. Barker. Gifts for their moth ers were made by the group. Miss Glenda Barker served re freshments. Mrs. Leonard Riman's Morn ing Bluebirds met at her home to work on Camp Fire songs. Refreshments were served after their meeting. Budke Home Scene Of Buffet Supper Dayton Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Budke and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Willert were joint hosts at the Budke home, when a 7 o clock buffet supper was served to a group of friends. Guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Carl Francis, Mr. and Mrs. William Hemmelgarn, jr., Mr. and Mrs. Jack Downey, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Clare Heider, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Hraba, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ewing, Mr. and Mrs. John Howard and Mr. and Mrs. Patchett. Breakfast Is Served Pedee Mrs. F. C. Kerbe was hostess for a breakfast, as sisted by her mother. Mrs. Rob- ett Smith, Mrs. Dick Siddall and Mrs. Rufus Dodge. Places were set for Mr. and Mrs. Fortsch, the product man, Mrs. Frank Shey- the, Mrs. Thera Womer, Mrs. Rittie Kerber, Mrs. C. L. Bur- bank, Mrs. Rufus Dodge, Mrs. Jerry Hilburn and Jenean, Mrs. Mollie Lacey, Betty Burhank Nola Womer, Mrs. Lewis Ritner, Terry, Lynn and Scotty, Mrs. Earl Hanna and Mickey, Mrs. Kenneth Bennett and Charles, and Mrs. Howard Perry. CUT-PRICED . . . FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY! M'tVriWrrilsstaiaTAii 5 Special A Purchase' SALE! REG. 98c VALUE 2.98 quality rayon dress Fabrics KNIT RAYON Toffetos! TTFe GOWNS CrePes! J I yd Sheers! J94 SECOND FLOOR 2 bar tricot rmyon Lace trimmed Run-proof One third less than you would expect to pay for this quality! Pretty, cloud-soft shades of pink, blue, tea-rose, maize and white. Sizes 34 to 42, while they last! MAIN FLOOR SALE! REG. 1.49 VALUE RAYON DRESS FABRICS Celanese taffetas! T "f C t) Romaine taffetas! ' 100 denier prints! SECOND FLOOR SOME QUANTITIES ARE LIMITED! DONT DELAY! FREE SERVICE Ladies Bt Ready for Th busy canning Rush Bring in Your Pressure Conner Guages for a thorough check oyer fa it Ftenct KisiAV out eitment m N4 BM French. Kitlav doeskin glove will outwear ereral pain of ordinary JoMstin (lores. Hiey represent tit Lnest leather and worltmanahip. Btcaut Kitlav cjIotm ... k. washed M oft., aa jroa like, and they will atiR asrtaits atMsr lovely colon and texture, ftnasi these classic) Freack keantisa ara traa tasJaocii-true elegance la Isaeortant spring color. 12 Sale! 2.98 VALUE 11 OZ. DENIM SADDLE PANTS Bar tacked! Mreted! .Sanforised ihronk! Guaranteed two ways! A new pair tree if they rip! Your money back if they dont tit a well and wear as well as any. regardless of price! 247 J 9 IL SALE! REG. 1.59 MEN'S ATHLETIC UNION SUITS Fine combed cotton! OOc Shoulder strap style! if Sizes 32 to 42! WW MAIN FLOOR awaii SALE! REG. 2.49 MISSES' WESTERN JEANS 8 ox. denim! Sanforized! 222 to 34! SECOND FLOOR 1.98 TIMELY SPECIALS, AT MONEY-SAVING PRICES! y.yw ."vyj-.w ""' 'A inni.ui .i miii iii niiinityiniipajii. itmj 'ip ;upii liu j;!P.V"';v;y: gij'j Wt.'.,iM;,ji'if!ijw SALE! POWR-KRAFT JIG SAW . . . WAS 13.95 12-inch throat! 9-inch table! Uses standard 5" blades! BASEMENT 6.88 Reg. 59.95 PAINT SPRAYING OUTFIT What a bars.lnl A H horsepower belt drlrt sprayer oompltU with fun and air JAM hose. You'll have to set this sprayer and AW let us demonstrate It. It's the buy of tht "I week I FISHERMAN'S SPECIAL! REG. 11.75 FLY ROD 8Vi-ft. length! A 00 Tonkin cane bamboo! W 414 Nickel plated fittings! iUW BASEMENT if .rJ Allen VTl",.''l-'' -. ' JBI II ill il ll ml '5' 5i tw sa tsM om) Harpsrt Saw SHOP WARDS 'TIL 9 P. M. FRIDAY MAIN STORE FARM STORE T1RF STORE 33 M. COMMERCIAL ST. SAIIM. Oil OM