24 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, May 12, 1949 East Salem Groups Hold Series of Social Meetings . East Salem, May 12 Several locial clubi for East Salem women are meeting this week and in Swegle community construe' tlon work on a new home was started this week. - Mrs. John Anglin assisted by Mrs. John Van Laanen, Mrs Jim Shardeen and Mrs. Charles Anglin was hostess for the Tues day night meeting of the Ametie club of Middle Grove. A guest was Mrs. Anglin's daughter-in- law who has recently moved here from California. It was a social meeting with a short busi ness meeting. Serving on the entertainment committee were Mrs. Emory Good and Mrs. Lee Dow. Mrs. Melvin La Due was host ess for the Merry-Go-Round club in her new home on Holly wood Drive Thursday night. At tending were Mrs. Edward Cur tis, Mrs. Gordon Beecroft, Mrs. Keith La Due, Mrs. Paul Bar- ham, Mrs. Hex Peffer, Mrs. Har old Bunn, Mrs. Oscar Forgard, Mrs. Ernest Crum, Miss Florence Kleeman, Mrs. R. M. Proudfit, Mrs. Harold Holler, the hostess and guests who will be new members, Mrs. Wilson Biles, Mrs, Jolley and Mrs. Elise Sides. The annual family night cov ered dish supper for members of the Merry Minglers club will be held at the Mayflower hall Fri day night. The monthly meeting of the Middle Grove Boy Scout com mitteemen has been postponed from Thursday night to Monday night at the home of Hubert As pinwall. Mrs. A. A. Kyle of Garden road, Swegle community, has been In a Salem hospital for sev eral weeks, having two serious operations on her foot. She hopes to return home this week. Mrs. John Goldale, mother of Mrs. Stuart Johns of Auburn dis trict has been in the hospital for several days, but is now at the Stuart home. It is vacation time and sched uled vacations have been started. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ward of Swe gle spent the first few days of his vacation last week with rel atives at Arlington and plan on being at the coast next week. Charles Bottorff of Swegle Is now on a trip east and will visit with his mother and other rel atives in Iowa and Denver, re turning home by way of Los An geles. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hofstetler had the construction for their new home on Sunnyview avenue started this week. It will be Just east of the small house in which they have lived for some time. Women who attend the Fri day meeting of bast Salem home extension are asked to bring all table service needed for the luncheon at the Portland Gas and Coke company. Mf. Angel Club Has Thanks for Uniforms Mt. Angel The Businessmen's luncheon at the Mt. Angel hotel was followed by a short busi ness session conducted by the president, George Schmidt, who thanked the Mt. Angel Co-Op-eratives in the name of the Business Men's club and the Ball club for the new baseball suits they financed. Frank Hettwer spoke of the meeting with the Portland Chamber last week, stating that the talks given by the group were interesting and a nice time was had by all. Rev. Father Damian Jentges who returned from Providence hospital on Saturday, following weeks stay there for medical treatment, told the club the reason why it is not advisable to let the pupils play baseball during school hours. He stated this restriction was made to avoid accidents as there are about 400 school children using the playground. At the request of Louis Schwab, of the Sports club, the Business men set Friday eve ning at 6:30 o'clock for every one to help clean the Ebner baseball grounds, and city park. t -i AT I i Yugoslav Accused as Spy Leader Bogdam Radista (right), testifying before a senate judiciary subcommittee in Washing ton, D. C, accused Dr. J. Vilfan (left), Yugoslav delegate to the UN, of developing a secret police network for Stalin from his "luxurious" New York apartment. Radista, former Yugo slav press officer in the U. S appeared before the subcom mittee in support of a bill to tighten immigration laws. (Acme Telephoto) Dallas Upperclass Students Plan Play Dallas "Seven Keys to Bald- pate." two-act mystery, will be resented by the junior and sen ior classes of Dallas high school on Friday evening, May 20, in the high school auditorium. The old George M. Cohan favorite will be directed by Kenneth Thompson who has been holding regular rehearsals. Mumps and measles have exact ed a toll on the cast during practice sessions but Thompson hopes that all such ailments will be over when curtain time comes. Leads are Don Blanchard and Margie Holter. Blanchard also assists as student director. Tickets went on sale Monday. All tickets will be exchanged for reserve seats. A special ma tinee for school children will be on Thursday afternoon, May 19 at 1:30 o'clock. Albany Budget Is Considered Albany Albany municipal taxpayers will be called upon to dig up more for operation than the 8 percent limitation law allows, and their city tax levy will be but $7141.57 more for all purposes than they paid last year if a tentative budget discussed by the city budget committee is adopted as it stands. i Despite the comparatively slight tax increase involved the new budget provides for addi tional city services, though a major item, providing for muni cipal garbage disposal, was ta bled pending council action. The tentative budget calls for total 1848-80 expenditures of $390,721.13, which, is $59,868 higher than the 1948-49 budget, but the margin is reduced by an increase of $52,717.93 in cash receipts to a total of $277,-217.93. The proposed new tax is within the legal limitation and therefore the city will not be called upon to seek approval of its budget Mothers Are Feted By Sfayton Knights Stayton An extensive Knights of Columbus program was the event of Mother's day when the Knights of Columbus served over 175 at a Mother's day breakfast under the direc tion of Marcel Van Dreische as general breakfast chairman. i At this same breakfast, come 25 new candidates to be initiat ed later in the afternoon in the Knights of Columbus, also par ticipated, as well as other mem bers, with a total serving of over 250. At the breakfast, Rev. Father Gabriel of Mt. Angel gave the principal address. j Three degrees were conferred under the direction of Grand Knight Vincent Mertz and State I Deputy Sylvester J. Smith. Of-' ficers of Portland council con-! ducted the first and second de gree and the major degree was1 conducted by Past State Deputy Edw. J. Bell, assisted by L, A. Bud" O'Neill of Portland. Long ago "medicine women" used eyestones various small, smooth objects to remove cin ders, dust particles, etc., from the eye. stoplight jg topflightg Make sura your stop light really work And tava yourself tome jack. Otherwise some near-sighted jerk Might climb right up your back. .P.8. Here is one that is topflight from it's glistening top to it's rubber heels. Everything is first quality on this all but new 1948 Buick Roadmaster Sedan. Beautiful black with white tires and only a few miles and priced at $2499. Park it In front of your house tomorrow. OTTO J WILSON CO, 388 North Commercial St. Phone 2-3621 Coming to Portland' for the Antiques Fair? Enjoy a delicious luncheon or dinner In a delightful atmos phere on ttie lakefront. IRELAND'S OSWEGO en the Pacific Highway at Oftwego. Open 12 noon to t p. m. Second Annual Antiques Fair of Oregon May 12,13 and 14 . nm ---- - w . i JJ J FT UUlCll iVgULfffiy II m-imBWTOnvjiWgyuuwwjjiiiiiiiiiiii an JiiuuajiwuwwiuuuuMjmiujwiLisLMju la if uiuwuujMigfllflr SKsSIl MFN't wfadi IMRIr f W . m -ii w it m -imitem&i.. jr lfTII) Bsm 300 For Selection ' IT A I ? ' eS -t WlllBm fc jjA f FOR CARDS . slacks ' mk X ' K . SPORTCOATS Ru, W FOR BEDROOM Jr :i i50oo . 2000 m jf TfitifTr -r "Open Saturdays" - . Jr ' . rfflSy p nmS f 1fEE3 FOR FIREPLACE 260 South- 12th Street L . 1 -''- llBlp" TERMS: 50c Down, 50c Week M (1 QC RW ' "Wfr X Your Choice of Blonde er Welnut M I J j JU i, ,, X REMEMBER . . . rD " f I fl Cr X:- "BILTWELL" uv ff I 5fVi Thil ' streamlined beauty i Juuimn1 i Week-end Special! Fri. & Sat. only! m Kenmore Powerful Suction tank type cleaner reg. 52.75 Q Thil i streamlined beauty does b thorough cleaning job , . . restores natural sheen and eauty to rugs, drapes, upholstery . . . helps keep colors alive and fresh. Stur dy 14 H. P. rubber mount ed self lubricating, air cool ed motor. Complete set of attachments. See it today! Shop Until 9:00 P.M. Every Friday iCiTYIrrrTT-iT riirmilri7 I flftf I S lfflVl 484 State Street, Phone 3-9191