32 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, May 12, 1949 ciiuirm iuvetiiin(1i Fat Lin. 1M Far Una I time! a Ptr Una I tlmM Ma Ptr Lint 1 nontb W-W Outatta f 8ua It par Uaa par ill. uln. loat I ttmaa mlo. IH i tlmaa mm 11.10. Na K.IuU IADEHII la Laeal Nana Cal Oalri rar una T Place an Ad Phone 1-206 FOR SALE HOUSES 4 BDRM. 17000. 976 Senate, W. Salem. al28 4I.L MODERN large house with fruit ft - With aeven city loU. Cm umimi G.I. J loan and pay like rent. Will take reas onable prica Lots' will help pay off loan. Phone 3-6266. ' ' jjTBR. HOME, t acre. Full basement, hardwood floora, sawduat furnace. Bus " r by door. Call 3-5840 or 2-9586. f14, Vo R-KALE-b t owner: House on W. 18th. 4 oedrooma and sewing room. Dining room. Basement. Call 9-0546. a!13 " FAIRMOUNT HILL "'111.800. F.HA. terms, lor thla beautiful 3 bedrm. home. Hwd. flra. throughout, dining rm nook, apacioiu back yard, ' landscaped, a flagstone patto. 1 CALL HARVEY HUFF Huff Real Estate Co. REALTOR 31 Chemeketa St. Phone 3-9371. Eves. 3-9441. al)3' OWNER will accept lata model ear a part down payment on thla new 2 ' bedroom homa with bath, livlni room, , combination dining room and kitchen, . nook, automatic oil floor furnace, at- tached garage. Lot U 30' X 133'. Priced 1 at 18350, P. H. BELL, REALTOR 31 Chemeketa St. Ph. 1-1545, 8-4B96 Evea. 3-6688, 3-7568. 2-4835 allS" BY OWNER 13750 equity will handle. Homa bal. Lovely 5 rm. home. Over looking Saiem. Hardwood floors nice . fireplace, elec. heat, attractive kitchen. Attached garage with utility. Fenced in yd. Shrubs AJ3owers.Ph. 36059. alls T OWNER Equity In lovely 2-bedroom homa with view. Twin, or Unrurn. Bal. FHA 158 per mo. Klni size closets, pe oan floora, auto. heat. Consider large ) houit trailer. South Com'l. to Liberty Rd. to Salem Height Ave. to 3350 Wln , ola Ave. A HONEY ' 39500 F.H-A Term for thla nice clean ' 1 bd. rm. home, Bleet. heat, Hwd. lira. V. blinds, celled basement yra old. Call Harvey Huff ' Huff Real Estate Co. lualtori 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 1-3371. Ivea. 3-3441 aH3 $1000 DOWN Will buy thla nice 1 BR homa with LARGE LR. DR and Kitch, Bath, Flre plce, Full bsmnt with oil furnace, cor ner lot In city, Full price 18750. Call Kenny Hill. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 841 Chemeketa Bt. PH. 3-9571. Evea. X-1770 tU3 MAM. New 3 Bedroom homa with attached garage. Located close to. Salem Heights - School. Lot 60x311. 11500 down. CALL O. V. HUME WITH STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 1H . Hlf h St., Phon. 1-1121 Eve., J-M08 LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS SUBURBAN HOME: 4.3 Acre: 3 faed Toom plastered house; full cement base- "msnt: furnace; larse livlnt room. Gar aaa. Chicken house; Close In on paved . street. Price only 88800 terms. bedroom home, less than yeer old. Oil furnace, uaraae, ravea roaa. rr.ee ... . 17850. "30 A ORB FARM: 10A. strawberries; 3 A. boysenberrias. 7-rm. house. Price LEO N. CHILDS, INC. REALTORS 34 Stale Bt Phone 3-3883 Evening: 3-4007, 8-41, 10 or 3-llus anil NEW RANCH STYLE t,arae living with fireplace and pic ture windows. Dining rm. and well planned kitchen. 3 good else bdrma., and plenty of eloiiets, 8 car garsta. Paved eorner lot c lose to Englewood aoiiooi. Prloo 110.900 on F.H.A. terms. Call Bon Clear r. Walter Musgrave, R'lt'ra. BT OWNER: View home, Candalarla Hrhta. New, 3 BR, lte. LR, DR, kitchen A nook. dole, gar, auto, oil furn., lae. lot. 34S Alice Ave. Turn Weal at Dairy Quean. Ph 3-4408. a 113 S BR, 1 fir., 3 lots, dble. gar., fruit rm., ...small cabin, fruit A nut trees, ahruba, ..flowers, garden. Paved at., bus by door. S blks. to school, 18000. 33S3 Lee 8t. 118 I BM, HOUSE, by owner. 3 yrs. old. Utility ' rm. has water heater. Venetian blinds, Hdwd. floora. 3435 Livingstone Ave.114 VYi DWNErT8 rm new houae. Call at 810 N. nth or pn. 34B1B. : Sell It 'Saya the owner of this very neat house at 435 South 33rd atreet. lt floor: llv Ini room with fireplaee: dining reom: kitchen, the drain; noon; owirwm, i-.th! then there are two bedrooms up stairs; the basement haa one built-in room; furntjee, trash burner, laundry trayai the lenced yard la very nice and has fish ponn and outdoor iirepiace, Priced at 18350. Salem Realty Co. Realtors 1 it High Bt. Phona 8-7680 Eve. phones 3-M05 - 1-4&B1 alls- FOR S.e" bV OWNER PH. 3-01M Two bedroom house, Just finished. Hard wood floors and floor lurne all4 iMALir"rlOI'erenbi eorner lot, Inqiilrt at 1098 B 18th. a114 TODAY'S BUY This Invelv 1 bedroom home located at 1339 Franklin It selling today at the actual FHA appraised value of 6ooo. This home can be bought for 63000 down, balance at 657 per month. Thli home hai a nice living room, dining room, kitchen and baih. la plantered and haa all hardwood floora. naiement. furnace, dble. garage, aire ahruba and trees. For appointment sail John H. Hansen 1193 Fairgrounds Bead Phonl 37619 or 3-4529 alls LOOK1 1 NfTVOR A HOME? rVRNIftHED HOMB, Read to move In. Nlra furniture, clean, rloae In. Bene- mant, garage. Only 66760. 61150 Down. PRE A auy year eia a sarin, norm, 67900. Terms. L. E. Klumpp, Real Estate North of Orevhound Bug Depot h. 8-141 ftea. 3-0136. 3-M8 113 Low Priced Homes NO. It TURK! BEDROOM. WUh a full element, cite, paved atreet, but, eewer and water, 65O0. NO. ft TWO BEDROOMH with full ba te rn en t and very good oil fur. A real buy at 95500. NO. ti TWO RCDBOOMft. north, fl re pier e, full dry baiement, leige lot. 67000. ALL BXCl.UMV WITH BOUBNI Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1149 N. Capitol Ph. 36319 al14 Cheap Hot trt and tompleta. Plumbing wiring roughed In. 3 bedrme, 4 A. good toil. Full price 62959. C. W. Reeve, Realtor I.I 0. Commarclal Ptinna i-r-H ti. Ph. ixnt l U-Raara J-M1I lla- FOR SAL! HOUSE $750 DOWN I IT 1 bdrm. noma tut with Ur ine m, dlnlni tm.. laa. kltehan. util ity rm.. fruit rm. Approx 1100 It. nr. apua. Vt acra. Frtca IS3I0 ISO par me. COLBATH LAND CO. Must Sell This Month A LOVKLT 1 yr. old home, 3 Lee BRs, IR, 13X30, UR. nciure winaow, en hwd flra thruout under wall to wall carpets. On paved street east. I bike from school. Lee lot. A really fine home, worth $9975. Oood FHA com mittment. B. Isherwood, Realtor 3007 N. Capital Bt. Office Ph. 2-3883, Eves. 3-3147 or 3-8836 8 BOOM HOUSE, Falls City. Fruit room, bath, wajh room, electric water neater, wash trays, wood house, 12750. Duotherm Ml water heater, new. C. O. Melius, Fall City alia REDUCED TO 17150. Modern cottage type 3 bdrm home. F.H.A. app. 61750 dn, or will take good car. Ph. 36189. a!18 BT OWNER: 1 acre family homa. Floweri, shrubbery, rruit, nuis, oarn. cnicaen shed. Priced for quick sale. 1540 Lancas ter Dr. all 6 16M DN. Full price 16576. 2 year old 3 BR house. LR, dinette, K, oatn. Att. garage, V A. ground. Fenced. On paved road near bus U school. Located In Kelser district. 987IW. X BR dn. Unf. attic. LR, K,BN, full batn. Fireplace, ho wo, lira., urn. rm. Fir. furnace. Attach, garage. Pavement. Sidewalk. Lot 69x14 J. Use. 3 yr. old. lo cated Bruce at, just off Sunnyvlew. Owned would consider trade for acreage not too far out. Preferably south. fit, 000. 30V4 ACRES of excellent soil lo cated near Frultland. Bldga, are old. Hse. has 4 BR, Inside Plumbing, uUl. rm, IT drilled well. 1 hae, jet pump. Will sell complete with machinery for 113,800. Owner would consider trade. Keizer Real Estate & Ins. ONAB S. OLSON C. R RICHARD 663 Chemawa Rd. ml. we.it of Kelxer School, Phone 3-1380 or 24312. allS BEST BUYS Hollywood District Very cute A neat 3 bdrm. homa with full basement. Fireplace. Nice back yard. Paved driveway. Owner leaving city. Re duced to 18,250. F.H.A. Terms available. $700 Down Older type 4 bdrm. home, close In, north. 2 acres. Oarage. Well. Good location. Immediate possession. Better hurry on thla onel Total price 38500. Al Isaak & Co., Realtors Member of Multiple Listing Bureau 303 Portland Rd. Ph. 2-782U, 2-4598. Eves, 2-0473 - 3-3558 all5 LOOKING FOR A HOME? 1430 N. Liberty St. 4 bdrm., plus rental unit. Double garage. A buy for home or rentals. 1035 Highland Ave. 4 bdrm., large lot. Only 57S00. Drive by 1640 Orant St. 3 bdrm, home. Only IB950. Best downtown buy In Salem. Hosue with five aptmU., furn. All for 111,500. Terms. K bargain) House with lovely grounds. North 15th St. Between D and Mar ket. Only 14000, 61500 down. L. E. Klumpp Real Estate North of Greyhound Bus Depot Ph. 7-7642, Res. 2-0126, 3-6848. all3 446 HOOD ST. This place for sale or i wouia nice a piece near Brooke or Sllverton. Win. Richards. Ph, 31943. allS A MODERN home with 4 A. of land In Mm my, uregon. un Kiver jtoad. c. Ball, ,i13 YOU MUST See to believe the cool, clean comfort offered by thla home In choice location In south Salem. Built 3(4 years aio, it has 3 bdrm. (walk In closet), lae. liv ing room, dining rm., kitchen you will like, utility rm., hardwood firs., all elec tric ht.. weatherstrlpped A Insulated, attached garage, patio, garden, 11000 worth landscaping, corner lot. A-l con dition. Price 810,750. Worth the money? FHA will loan appro. 88750. Colbath Land Co. 1483 Center Bt. Ph. 2-4553. Evas. 3-1405 .. a!13 23RD & MARKET Fine 3 BR home In the Englewood school diatriot. Beautiful lot. Hdwd. floors, fire place, InsWe utility, insulated, excel lent condition throughout, call Craw ford Eves. 3-5190. Das BURT P1C1IA, Realtors 37PH. High St. Ph. 3-3649. allB NORTH SUMMER STREET Large 4 bdrm. home. Llvlnc rnnm ith flieplace, dining room, and nook. Full Basement with finished room. Oil heat. Priced 113,1,00. Ph. 3-31(9. General Real Estate Co. 353 Center all4 OPEN HOUSE to I p.m. until told by owner-builder. , FHA built. Ranch, 3 bdrm, type home, with all the finest features, auch as hdwd. firs., oil heat, f, place picture windows Venetian blinds, Bendlx Ther mador range, patio, etc. Priced to sell this week, Come south on MB to the 99 Care, turn right up Ewald Ave. to 1st leftJWelty Ave., for a blork. sits FOR SALE LOTS 12 GRAND ACRES Beautiful building site. Close In on Wallace road. Peaches, nuts, and cher ries. Finest of soil. Out of town owner must sell. Price 110.500. Phone 33389. General Real Estate Co. 35B Center St. aall4 VIEW LOT 75x7Cll7water. Bament dug. 6650. Fair Oaki Way, Kinowood District. Week daya phone 3-3999. 60.1 n. UDeriT. aallft APT. HOUSE RITE A. Com'l bet. Ml.ulnn A Leelle, paved alley 3 sides. EXCEP TIONAL VALUE. Only 13700. Walter Socolofsky Real Estate Ph. 3-863, ills 110 DOWN! will buy you a lot with water, trlckty, ftlbert trete and view. Rxfellen1 bus service, near school. Balance 615 per monin, Reimann for Real Estate PVIS.Oft (HOICK building lot In Oak Lodae Addition. All improvements, lit a ii I re H60B. l4thor Ph. 8-7619. aain KINQWOOD Heights wooded vlew"tract. 90 ft. frontage on paved drive. Call 3-46S6 anar. aallS YirWLOTS, 600 blk Ytsta Ave. WOOD ED LOTS, 900 blk Ratclttf Dr. Re Hhefed. fit? water. Ph S-4m. aa FOR SALE FARMS 4TlEsV6300b7" rlear. Some berries A trult. Elertrleltv. spring water. Approx. 3 ml. N.W. Falls City. Contart after p m. tieept Ttioi., Frl, Set. Unfinished rabln 14x39 Kenneth Sample. Palls City, Ore, bill 40 ACRE FARM Clone to Fruit land school. Modern house, barn. 4 stanentona. Poultry heiiae for y hie tens 9 ahe-ds. All animated. Willamette stlt. Small stream on place. Some pasture. Strawberries, family er etiard. An Ideal farm A full equipped. RAWLINS REALTY Hollywood District Ph. 34664 Eves. Ph. 39013, 91 131, 96787 but Owner Leaving Must sell 39 acres of Willamette Val ley's finest bean and sweet rorn land. Irrigation ditch. 6 rm. hae. Good barn. Fenced. Near Aumavllle. C. W. Reeve, Realtor Ml cammarclal Phana 3-OM Bva. Pb, Dant I 10.1 -Hnii ,.,61, !! Journal Want Ads Pay FOR SALE HOUSES OUR BEST WILL SELL OR TRADE for Salem home, beautiful 1ft acres, fruit, nuta, good black soil, I bdrm., clean modern home, llv, rm., fireplace, D rm. Kit. Basement A furnace. What have youT call Ray Davis. 18200 ONLY 1 ONLY 6176 down, new 3 bed rm home with unfinished tttle, llv. rm. fireplace, hwd floors, oil lurnace vary good, firat check gets It. Call Ray Davis. 38,550 CLEAN AS A HOUNDS TOOTH t bdrm., le. r. rm, fireplace, hdwd. floors, bsrat.. furnace, fine location. Call Ray Davis. 17680 Cute 2 bdrm, home on North Liberty, attached garage, Die hack yard. Only 4 yrs old. Call Ivan Slvers. 86100 KEIZER D18T 4 rm home with stalra to attic, hwd floor, Blca lawn A garden, g. lot, terms. Call Ivan Slvers. 38750 NICE 8 rm. home, full bmt. sawdust furnace, garage, alee Tard, good location, Call Ivan Slvers. 110,500 OOOD SOLID PRE WAR HOMB on K 20th St., I Iff bed Tms A eh lids rm with built Id bunks, dining rm, fireplace, hwd floors, bamt, sawdust furnace, lovely back yd A garden spot, near high school A Englewood grade school. Call Geo. Walters. 86500 NEW SUBURBAN Very attractive 3 bdnn. on H are, S yr. old, near school A bus, 81900 will handle. Call Oeo. Walters. GEO. A. WALTERS, REALTOR t0 8. Commercial Phone 3-3843 Bvc. Phones: Ray Davis 3-8658 Ivan Slvers 3-7013 Oeo. Walters CANDALARIA HEIGHTS SALEM'S FINEST RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT Live In this lovely new district. New, 2 bdrm. home, lae. rms.. fireplace, hdwd. firs.. Inside utility, forced air oil furnace. Let us show you this fine home. Call Peter Oelser. NEAR STATE BLDGS. 3 bdrm. plus den or sun -room, beautiful gum-wood Interior, open staircase, oak firs., up A down, lte. llv. A din. rms., brkft. nook. bath down, full taeth up, baemt auto-oil heat, Ige. lot with creek, auto-sprinkling system. Reduced from 317,500 to 315,750, Call Rol Ferris. FINE RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT 3 bdrma., lae. liv. rm., din. rm., hdwd. firs., fireplace, all he. rms. full burnt., lot 50x141 ft. Fenced back yard. On bus line and close to both Jr. High A Orade schools. Tha price Is cut to allow for small repairs needed. Call Earl West, GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS venlnas and Sunday Call Roy Ferris - 2-B010 peter Oelser - S-996B Earl West - 3-1333 FOR SALE FARMS LOOKING FOR A BERRY FARM? 17 acres. 1 Ac. strawberries and do they look nice I e's Ac. boysenberrlea that are a eight to aee. 2 Ac. young nut treei, A tractor. 3 berirm. home that In In a clasa by Itself. Th la one of the best In Lake Lablsh Dlit. Just think, all the work la done. The next move la to pick. Last year's gross, over 614, 000. L. E. Klumpp, Real Estate North of oreynouno sue uepoi Ph. 3-7642 Res. 2-0126, 3-6848 bll3 30 Acres South Nice crop. Berrlea. Grain A pasture. Equipped. Plenty of Bldgi. 36850. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 945 S. Commercial Phone 3-4590 Eve. Ph. Dent 2-3068 Reeve 3-9536 bll4 202 ACRES of Wll. silt loam one or the best farms loc. In Wll. Valley north east of Sa lem. This yrs. crop should gross over 820,000. Can be had without crop or mch. excellent buildings. Ph. 3-66B0. ED. LUKINBEAL, REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th St b!16 BY OWNER 20 acres, 6 acres Beaverdam 6 room house, barn, or trade lor Salem house 17000. Ph. 8-8683. bI33 FOR SALE ACREAGE CHOICE CREEK ACREAGE 3 ACRES with over 250 ft. of beautiful Crotsan Creek. Open for sunshine witn scattered shade trees. Rich creek bot tom soil. 10 minute from city, ft mite from Salem Golf course. Price 16200. Phone owner at 2-6196. bbllS 91700. 1 ACRES cherries, apples, walnuts, 6 miles from town on Skyline Road. Rte. 9 Boa 708, Mr. Campbell. bbU4 14 AC. S. 8 Ac. prunes, apples A cherries. Oood spring. Priced right. Ph. 2-6752. bb!15 SA300. ' Acre. Close to 4 Corners. Has 3 bedroom neat attractive home. Tnia place In extra nice condition. 7400. 1 Ache east on bus line. Has 9 yr, old plastered 2 Bedroom home with attached garage. Bain, chicken house, lota of shrubs, fruit and nut trees. Gar den space. CALL O. V. HUMB WITH STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS SUBURBAN, modern, 3 bedroom home. An acre of land on bus line. Phone 3-7034. bbllS- REAL ESTATE APARTMENT HOUSE Walk dlst, 4 apts. up, one In bsmt. Prlv. baths, tefrlg. A stoves Included. In come 8276 mo. A bsrtaln at 113,500. To sea this phone 3-S389. General Real Estate Co. 338 Center St. clU" RJLVERTON SPECIALS 8 RM. mod. plastered home, full bsmt., furnace, close In. Price 85000. A. 4 BR mod. plastered home. Oarage, cnicaen nouse, iuvu cp. rtmi, un Portland Hwy. Price 87300. 81200 down, bal. 830 ner mo. Including Int. 19 A. 1 BM. mod. plastered home. Pull cement bsmt., furnace, oaa iioors, wireo for rente. Chicken house. 1000 can. Nuta, fruit, 3 blks. to school, on good fishing stream, paved hwy. Will mall snapsnoi on requesi, lao.ow. vaiue. steie Price 811.600 to aettle estate. 79 A. RM. mod. plastered home. Full cement osmt.. lurnace. sarase. goon dairy barn, stanchions 12 cows. Kilo, 30 A. seeded, bal. timber A pasture, on Silver Creek hwy. 139 A, SO seeded wheat, oats, vetch. IB A. fescue graM. 40 A. fine pasture. Well fenced. 3 BR res. wired for range. Large oarn. la stanchions. Slio, Milting mi chine. Price 812.000. Terms. No charge for financing J. C. MORLEY 30B N. Water St. Ph. 1114 Cll4 NELSON NEWS WALDO ST, HOME 34700 Comb. 1R DR (knotty pine), kit., bdrm., I bath, elec. heat, wired tor ran He. elec. wtr. htr. Near ale Kin ley. Lot 50x100. I NEW 3 -BDRM. HOME 68400 IR, DR, kit., bath, one bdrm.. L trays, utll. rm. on 1st fir. 3 bdrnis. up. Hdwd. flra, down at 1m, elec. heat, elec. wtr. hlr. Garage. Lot 100x100 with fiatsned earden, variety fruit. S8400, can handle with 33300 with 163 per mo. APT., HOUSE, LOT AT H. SCHOOL 94500 Ideal spot lor two S-unll bldas. to ac commodate teachers A echool execu tives. Pavement, sidewalk A all utilities In: lot accessible from the alley. The 84500 price la all right. TRADE FOR WAU ACE RD. FARM 79 Ae. All In seed, ha? A grain crops. Ft. orchard, garden, oh) but good 8 rm. mod. home. Ie, barn, chicken hae., brooder hee., mil klue., frutt hse. and machine shed. 9 ml. from Salem city center. All crops Included In the price of 313.000. Would take ear or trailer as part pay. if you want a bargain get n this beam at once. tf none of the above meals your needs, tell us what you want, and we will tell you where it to. Nelson & Nelson Socialising Realtora HS N Hkrtt, Salem Ph. 9-4633 Suburban $6750 3 bedrooms, living m. dinette A kitch en, OH lust, elec. cook A water heat ing. 8 lota. A grand buy for only 81600 down A 148 per mo. on bal. RAWLINS REALTY Hollywood District i.h ... IMll, 111,1, Mill n. $Tei5 Furnished or unfurnished rtna. Rlee. Paved rd. nr. Seleea. 1, 16 ae. Trees. Shrubs. Crt, hae. WIU.AM1TTE REAL EST AT I 173 S Liberty Ph. 3TI13 till raa-BOORt.ET on western land bar it ma. psctfia Lands, Holly eeod 38 OaJtf. 9194 F0R SALE HOUSES BUYS Phone 2-2471 REAL ESTATE George W. Hubbs 1S43 N. Capitol Ph. . 33031 FOUR NEW apt. units, all equip, with electric stove A relrla., electric heat, completely Insulated, beautiful view A nice ahrubs, very good income property. This place also has a 4 bd rm has, gar, kitchen, hse and family orchard on 1 acre of ground. Immediate poss. Will take late model car. as part pay. 3tt ACRES only 1 mile from city cen ter, 2 bd rm home, basement A dble gar., bus by door, 16x38 chicken hse. 10x18 brooder hse. Complete family or chard, all trees bearing. Also a va riety of berries. Most completely In- aulated. Will take late moaei car. 3 YRS. OLD home. 4 bd rm, either ftim or unfurn. L rin, D rm, K, Venetian blinds, etc., cooking A water heat elec. Highland district. This home con be bought with a small down payment. Kve phones 26662, 38163, 27723 ' f35418 farms) cllS HOMESEEKERS AOENCY SPECIALS 4 RMS. A bath, H basement, good roof, ter heater, on East hill. $3600. 7 RMS. A bath. 3 lots, some furnishings. Just outside city, 34300. i&oo aown, sau per month. 3709 DOWN, eaiy terms on balance. Make I ... k... .it.. .hi. a r mnH ni al tered home now vacant. WANT AN acreage close In? 1 acres on sturdy construction, Vt mile out. 15250. 30 ACRES, nearly al! cultivated. 7 rm. mod., lull set ouuaings, ciose in on highway, to trade for city home or email acreage, give or take difference. 38 ACRES, T rms. A bath, full basement. lurnace, gooa oarn ana cnicxen nouse, Irrigation set-up, about 30 acres culti vated, a real buy at 69500. SXlfc ACRE valley farm, 6 Tm. semi mod. nome, couote garage, micnmt men, barn, etc. 97900. Write for our - sale list. Before you sell, rent, or buy, contact THE HOMESWEKER8 AGENCY Sllverton, Oregon cI13 14ACRE $4,300 City bus, 2 bed rm houfe with unfin ished upstairs. Hardwood floors. Low d( wn payment. Bal 855 per mo. RAWLINS REALTY Hollywood District Pfl. 94603 Sva. 26013. 3U2I, 36757 C115' FOR YOUR SAVINGS Investment buy a first mortgage on real estate, Salem A vicinity. Examine security yourself. Amounts 3500 to several thousand dou lars, net Investors 6. We make all col lections for you if desired. STATE FINANCE CO., 153 8. High. S38,M0, 6 Unit late built court north. Income 8.177.30 per month. This court in best of condition. Would take in home. CALL O. V. HUME WITH STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 153 8. High St., Phone 3-4121, Eves. 3-5206 Cll4 $3000 DOWN 5 ACRES T, R. D. R kitchen. 3 B.R.. Oil heat. Insulated, Has 3 rm. house renting for 833.00 1 shop 1 chicken coop 1 brood er nouse Double garage. All kinds fruit and nuts. A very nice place. Call Len Or ton. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa St. Pn. 3-9271 Evea. 3-3983 ell8 9616 DOWN Why pay rent when you can own this new 3 br. hm. with stairway to attic, Nice lvrm. dining space, kitchen hdwd. firs, fireplace, lull price 18500. 9R6fW) very good small home, lvrm., bdrm., kitchen, bath, large lot, near bus. OMKR'S REAL ESTATE 460 N. 13th Ph. 3-8091 11S ROIiTan CREEK building lot. Trees, c eek. 4 miles U. 8, bank. 11650. Ph. Sean. ellS WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED TO BUY A THREE bedroom homa In Salem In a c ho les district, near Catholic school. Must be quite new, with. full basement and oil heat preferred. Also kitchen with dining area. Price range from 13 to 18 thousand dollar). Would prefer one-story house. John T. Junell, 4789 Harvard, Portland, Org. Ph. TWO407. callB WE ARB In need at good houses to sell la or near Salem. If yon wish to list your propertv for gale aee f.RARINHOKST BROS., BIAtTORt 114 S Liberty St. Phong 2-3471 ea" NOTICE! If your property la for ealt, rent or exchange, list It with ua. We have all kinds of cash buvera. 9TAT8 FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 S H'ip Bt eaa EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE I ROOM hae. nice yard, full basement auto, heat trade for larger house. 460 H 15th Ph 3-4613. rbll6 RUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 3 UNIT APARTMENT Completely furn Vat ed. Part basement. Automatic heat. Extra large lot. Bus at front door. Total price 311.909, Libera: terms arranged. Grocery - Confectionery Her la a ohance tor a eouole to get Inio their awn bnslnaM with a small tntestment, A good neighborhood. Very reasonable tent with living quarters. Everything goes for only 13,954). Al Isaak & Co., Realtors Member of Multiple Listing Bureau 898 Portland Rd. Ph. 8-7639. 9-4S99 Be, 1-0473 8-3859. odll6 FOR RENT rleee: building suitable for store, e-fftee or shoe) in West Salem di rectly eeroae from sew bank. Phone To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 AUCTIONS , AUCTION CARS, TRUCKS AND PICKUPS FRIDAY, MAY 13 7:30 P. M. and Every Friday DRIVE AWAY A BARGAIN TERMS AND CASH All cars lor tale should be delivered to the Auction Market between 10 A.M. and 7 P.M. FRIDAY. Bring you title. SUDTELL'S AUCTION LANE SUDTELL, Auctioneer 4315 SILVERTON ROAD, SALEM 1 Mile East of Fairgrounds, near Lancaster Drive COME EARLY AND LOOK THE CARS OVER BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CAFE ON 99E Grand location near Salem. I booths, private dining rm seats 12. Gas grlU A water heater. Deep freeze. 16 It. re frigerator, living quarters. All equip, goes. Owner must sell due to Illness. Full price (2,000 or make an offer. RAWLINS REALTY Hollywood District Ph. 34644 Eves. 26013, 37128, 257S7 ELEC. CONTRACTING A Service. Com plete line. Major appl. Modern bldg. With attractive living quertera. Low rent. No competition. Must sell this month at inv. approx. 84250. Hubbard Ore. Ph. 4511. cdllT FOUNTAIN SERVICE GROCERY Excellent location doing good business. Large volume Ice Cream and Sundries A real opportunity Call Len Orton. SERVICE STATION & GARAGE Good equipment Excellent location. Call Len Orton. Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 841 chemeketa St. Ph. 3-9271 Eves. 3-3983 cdl!3 TIRE COMPANY Including pickup es tablished over two years, uooo out fnr rleht narty. Reply Capitol Journal Box 440. cdl8 MT. JEFFERSON CAFE. Idanha, Ore. See B. B. Blan. eaivi HOME AND INCOME 8 furnished apartments, poss. Income 8200 month. 1 acre good soil, paving. Owner gone says sell at 16500 with 82000 down, 873 month. IB ROOM APT. HOUSE 4 apsrtr.ients furnished, 4 sets plumb ing. BBE and Business sone. Here you can hsve a nome, ousiness ana trnnu, or Ice. 812,000 with liberal terms. E. M. Hunter Real Estate 770 8. Commercial ONLY $12,000 Down town restaurant. Good business, low overhead. Worth much more than asking price. R. E. MEREDITH, R.L.T. or B. M. MASON 178 8 Com'l. Ph. 3-9641. cd113' DO TOU want to set In business for your self? I have Mobllgas Service station business for sale at wholesale price, in Dalle, Ore. Contact Frank Dooilttie, Distributor, Oeneral Petroleum Pro. Ph. 1-4619 Sslem. cdl!4" THINK THIS OVER For 352.000.00 I can sell you a well estab. business that Is and will continue to make owner over iiooo mo. tneti Plus a beautiful home, no there is no (catch). This will pgr a 15000 yr. .tslery for mgr. plus 36,000 yr. net on Invest, Phone 266B0. XD. LUKTNBEAL, REAL ESTATE 440 N. 14th St. cdH6' GROCERY - 37500 bura gre. stock, fixtures A equip ment, haa package beer In good busy aw. can Harvey nun Huff Real Estate Co. Realtors 341 Chemeketa Bt. Ph. 3-9271. Eves. 3-9441 edllS FURNITURE FOR SALE 1 PIECE walnut bedroom set Including double coll steel springs. 1493 Pearl St. Ph. 33464. dll5 SAVE $50 Lovely modern 5 piece Mr. A Mrs, bdrm. sulie. In beautiful walnut or oleached walnut plus very fine national ly adv. guaranteed Innersprlna mattress and matching box spring. Bdrm. suite has the popular lU In, plank top and recessed drawer pulls, and consists of 3 Mr, ana Mrs cnesu, in. pikic mirror, full else bed and night stand. Finest of const, and fully guaranteed. This la a sensational value at only 1169.30. 317 down, 910.93 per mo. Free oenvery. H. & H. Furniture Co. 1550 Filrrroitnd.1 Rd. Ph. 3-3797. dl!4 WANTED FURNITURE WILL PAT cash for ued easy chair, end table, floor lamp, writing desk. Write Capital Journal, Box 437. dallS HIGHEST PRICES paid. Phone Glenn at woodry Auction M arket. Ph. 3-3110. da' FI'RN. Households Ph. 3-3311. da' LIVESTOCK WANTED BONDED A LICENSED livestock buyer. E 43. McCandtsh, 1127 8. 38. Pb. 9-9147. esi37' PETS BEAUTIFUL black male Cocker pup for ate. iew reari. rn. i-4BTt. eciiB' RED COCKER PUPS To the end of South Hli.. left to end of McOllchrlat, 3M0 8. Summer St. ecllS CHOICE CAN ARTS. Ph. 9-4S99- 1340 Chem. eel 30 FUEL li" OAK WOOD, 618 ed. Immediate de livery. Tel. 3-4093. Mill WEST SALEM FUEL CO. lock, planer A slab wood taw duet. Ph. 3403 V ee "LAB WOOD. 3 loads "lor 130 0o" V" load 113 00. Anderson Bros.. Ph 3-9734. t133 TRi-crrr fuel Fresh Ctrl gawduat. Prompt deliver. Ph 27443. We give S A H Ortea Stamps. Ore en 19 in. mill wood e GOOD SLAB, dry or green. Oreen edging 88 39 a load, Double load 11 0 00. Good clean sawdust. Oregon Fuel Oo. Ph. 9-JM9 eel3l CALL HIGHWAY FUEL FOR Dlexel end Stove Oil FRESH CUT SAWDUST Pi? Slab Wood Phone S-64 FOR SALE POULTRY SPECIAL YOUNG hen 4urkeys. Whole, half or Quarter. 39c lb. C. S. Orwig Co. 43T6 Bllverton Road. Phone 9-9199. fU9 Colored Fryers, Ph. 31298 AUCTIONS FOR SALE POULTRY BABY CHICKS all popular varieties, in cluding Leghorns, Hampshlres, Par menters, Austra-Whltes and others. Phone 2-2861 or write today for Lee's Baby Chick Chat containing free poul try information. Lee's Hatchery P. O. Bos 723, Salem. Oreton. ! PRODUCE AflPARAGUS for sale. 12c a lb. Bring containers. George Ashere on arena Island. ffH3 HELP WANTED MALE WANTED man with experience digging shafts A wells. Call Shalier, ezm, ext. 462 from 8 to 8. cell6 WANTED: Reliable married man with good car. Prefer man exp. wonting wun wholesale trade but ambition more Im portant. Salary, ear expense and com mission. See Mr. RuM, 433 Ferry St, after noon. 'lJ HELP WANTED FEMALE WE HAVE openings for stenographers, bookkeepers A typist. COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AOENCY 360 State St. Ph. 2-1488 Rbll3 INSULATION MECHANICS needed at once. Builders Insulating Co. See Mr. Stevens 980 8. Com'l. Ph. 3-6622. gDllI' WOMAN or Girl general housework, stay nlahts. 695 N. Liberty call mornings. gb!16 NEAT, attractive girls over 18 for full time usnerettes. apput in person ursna Theatres. goiia1 WOMAN or Qlrl for general housework. Stay nights. No washings. Ph. 3-BB3B alter 6 p.m HOUSEKEEPER wanted. Call 3-5668. Must have reference. gblla EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY for an ex perienced booxxeeper. permanent posi tion. Automotive experience desirable. Apply in person. See Mrs. Pickett, 355 N. Liberty. gt OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS CONTACT Commercial Placement Agency . 360 State St Ph. 9-1488. gf WANTED SALESMAN SALESMEN We hsve several openings In our galea force for men between 34-25. Our work 'Is not seasonal nor part time. Those selected will be liven training and Immediate help. Last week BP. earned 1149.00 Last week E.H. earned 185.09 Last week R. F. earned 107.50 The above listed are all new men. Our experienced men earned more. Come and spend VM hours of your time. This Is a really amazing deal. See Mr. Carnlne at Marlon Hotel, Display Room No. 1 at 11 a.m. or 3 p.m. Friday, May 13, 1949. ggll4 man to sell farm machinery and Irrita tion equipment, also some work In parts department. This Is an excelleent Job for right party. Write Capital Journal Box 439. ggi VETERANS: Easy to start a business of your own from vour homa. Pull or part time. Age no handicap. Car needed. Write RawleUh's, Dept. ORE-153-316I. Oaklsnd, Calif. 8130 WANTED POSITIONS BABY SITTER. Ph. 3-0580. hi 38 wnm.n 1.IKE to care for baby or child in my home by tne cay in pieessnt surroundings, rn. i-euaj. jou lla Bt. hll6' WANT TO MOW lawns for 35o. Wash cars 35c. 754 S. 13th after 3.30 p.m. nils- WOMAN DESIRES position as housekeep er or companion. Good cook; experi enced; no heavy work. Write Box 70, Woodburn. hU4 EXP. INSURANCE stenographer will ac cept any stenographer position. Avail able Immediately. Ph. 36422. hlt4 TREE SPRAYING, white washing, 1764 Market, Ph. 34933, hi 16 PAINTING INSIDE or out Free est. Call BUI 2-3979. hlS7 WANT to build new home lor someone Ph. 2-7729. hllS 1ST CLASS Housework by the hour. (Not Saturday) Phone 3-3709. nU3 PLASTERING, PATCHWORK and chim ney building. Ph. 3-4389, Frea estimates hl33 HOUSE PAINTING. Phone 9-0199. M14 CARPENTER work. Build, remodel A re pair. Large A small Jube. Ph. 3-3S43. hi 14 LAWN CUTTING. Phone 3-9403. t LAWN START to finish. Light tractor on rubber A doner. 89137. hlia1 1ST-CLASS CARPENTER, new, remodel, repair. Large small. 3-9191 aft. 8 hl34 BHINOUNO and gen. home repair. Ph, 3-3234 Or 6763L hill HAND FINISHED drapes made to order ta our home. Tour material, ro, i jhi hllS tfiu. PROVIDE excellent nome ar dav tire lor small child. Ph. 3-6393. h!39 TILE PHONE CALLS TAR EN 34-hr. aer- tice. Former phone op. Ph. 2-5073, h!36 MVArV'nuRSERY for Infanta. Orad. reg. nurse In chaw. Ph. 22291, h!27 CHILD CARB bi au home. Ph. 33183 AUTO PAINTING l.tat a shade better by Ray Etter Call Sfareck Motor Co. 3-9101. NEW LAWNS Pruntnt Retotiuina, Landscaping, tree work. Hie nerd Borer. Ph. 3-9U8. h!33 FOE'S mimeographing, typing service, resapt ear We. quality work, lower prices. 949 W. 16th. Ph. 3-3643 MS3' LET-US deTyour eement work HOW. Drive- ays. aide walk, patloa, eta. Ph, 3-4413 Journal Want Ads Pay WANTED POSITIONS CHILD CASE, Ph. 39934. 1190 Shipping. fll.- Painting & Decorating Chaplin, 30 r. axpr. Ph. t-Wi. hill IOIOTILLEE work. 1149 Hood St. 1-OSIa. INTERIOR painting. Exp. Ph. 2-9799. hll2' LANDSCAPING Fronlng, Rototttllng. New lawns, tree work. Richard Boyer. Ph. 3-8110. h!23 FOR RENT ROOMS t UPSTAIRS APTS. I rooms. 129. Ernest I. Porter k ml. East &. o. NEW MODERN 4 rm. apt. Partly furn. All electric. Ph. 3-3914 Eves. . BUSINESS DISTRICT. Nice glecplng room. 365 Center St. ' HOUSEKEEPING rooms. Auto, hot water. 620 mo. 243 cnemexeiej S ROOM furnished apartment. 2nd floor. No children. 640 Marion. jaua NEW COURT Apt. unfurnished, range. ret. Dallas no. near west Daiem, ow 330. JkllS PLEASANT SLEEPING rm. for gentleman. 1050 Norway. Ph. 2-4647. JkU7 SLEEPING ROOM for employed person. 2270 Lee atreet. Ph. 2-5409. Jkll4 RM A BREAKFAST privileges for middle axed empl. woman. 3 blks from post office. Write box No. 410, Capital Jour- naU JkU4 SLEEPING RM, Close In. Imp. lady. No amoklng. 310 Leslie. Ph. 2-1B08. JJtiii BOOM FOR RENT. 130 McNary, West Salem. IkllS FURNISHED ROOM with or without gar age. Close to bus. 860 Spruce. Ph. 20848 jklie ROOMS TO RENT WEEK OR MONTH HOTEL SALEM Tel. 1-3161. FOR RENT APARTMENTS 2 RM. furnished Apt. $25. 2210 Haul Ave, F1IRN. 2 rm. A kitchenette ant. Ph. 27546. iiu wnuams Ave. jpud IF YOU are looking for a nice large cieao luraisnea apt. witn n ez v water, gas, range A gas or oil heat, close In, now at 930. Adults. Drive to 160 Divi sion St. Corner Division A N. Front St. JPH5 MODERN CLEAN Apt. Bath Utility, out- me entrance, no onnxuig. rn. s-eoae. JpllS' FURN. apt for 1 or 2. Clean A light. 760 N. Church. Ph. 29201. JP113 RM APT, pullman kitchen. Nicely furn. Women only. 1118 Oak St. Jpll5 FURN. apt. for 1 or 3. Clean A light. 760 N. Church. Ph. 29201. Jpll2 t RM. FURN. apt. 65. wk. Elderly gentle man preferred. 1290 oak. Ph. 35276. JpiH' NICE FURN. 3 RM. light housekeeping apt. AH elec, I07S N. Capitol. Ph. 38700. JplH LARGE t room furnished, private bath ana entrance, rn. z-b?i alter 4 p.m. Jpll4" 3 RM. FURN. Apt. Adults only. Ph. 2-6372, 1935 Center St. JpU4 MODERN, LARGE furn. Apt. close in, quiet, private home, garage A yard, Tel. 3-4318 for appointment. JP114 FURN. APT. Adults. 770 8. Com'l. JP117 FURN. 3 rm apt. hot A cold water, ground nr. no pets or children. 449 Division. Jpll4 3 RM. partly furn. apt. 120. 915 8. 32nd JPH4' FURNISHED apartment. Downstown. Phone 2-4469, Eve. 8-8353. JpllS NEARLY turn. 3 rm. duplex apt. Prlv. cnt. prlv. bath, nice yard. Bus in front of house. Ph. 2-6339. IP 116' 2 ROOM furnished apt. with private toilet A shower. Business Isdy preferred. 250 South Cottage. JpllS S RM. furn., upstairs, neat A clean, am ple storage. v a. commercial. - JP133' UNFURN. 1 bdrm. Apt. In very attractive court. Liv. rm., kitchen A bath. Equip, with ref.-lg. A range. Auto, laundry. Call 907 8. 13th. Jpll4 FOR RENT HOUSES 4 ROOM house and bath, upstairs unfin ished, not and com running water, ga rage. No objection to one child. 860. Ernest E. Porter ft ml. East K. 8. Jmll5 COTTAGE In Hollywood. Reasonable. Ph. 34344. JmllS MODERN t bdrm. hse. 878 per month. Adults. Englewood Dlst. Electric heat. Ph. 3-3845. Jmll4 HOUSE, 6 rms. 365. Call 3-4526. 3-ROOM unfurnished, all etectrle house. Inquire ma sixth St- West Salem. Jmll6 New 2 bdrm, suburban home 170 mo. OMER'S REAL ESTATE 460 N. 13th , Ph. 3-5091 JmllS COMP. FURN. 8 rm. flat to sub-let June 5 Sept. 8. Elect. W. heater, stove. refrlg A w. mach. gr. door, centrally loc, cniwren accepted, rer. required. sro mo. write box ua capital journal. JmllS 1URAL Duplex for rent or lease. Phone 3-8213. JmllS FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS rental, good location north for beauty shop and barber shop, of fices, or misc. rentals. Reasonable rent. Joe L. Bournes, 1140 N. Capitol. Ph 3-6316. J114' OFFICE SPACE for rent. Call bet. I a.m and 10:30 a.m. Phone 3-8088, J1131 Trailer Space Sift Mo. Includes all modern conveni ences Rlgnt across street on 8. side of Paulus Cannery. Telephone 28885 Wn. Roth Trailer Park, 1740 Oxford, J114' TRAILER SPACE. Camp Joy Motel. J134 U DRIVE trucks can Pb 2-9103 TRUCKS and ears. Smltty's Clipper Ser vice. Ph 8-9600. Cor. center A Church. J" GROUND FLOOR rooms, aultable"for of fice or stores. STATE FINANCE CO. Ph. 34121 J POWER TOOL rental lor home A hi dustrlai use Bowser Bros Pb 8-3646 r TRAILERS, 12.00 Per day. Howser Bros 606 Edgewater St., West Salem. RUSINESS MM tor rent. H. L. Stiff. J GOOD USED PIANOS H L. Stiff. FLOOR SANDER for rent. Montgomery Ward. J' TO DO a good Job rent a good floor sand er. We sell everything to complete the Job. ROWRER BROS. Pa. 8-3646. WANTED TO RENT WANT: GARAGE vicinity of 876 Marion. WlOMT. Jails TRAILER HOUSE. I need large house trailer. Wilt pay good rent, park en City lot, J60BI. jaua- YOUNO M.D. and family deaire 3 or 3 bedroom unfurnished house. Ph. 33633. jam A RELIABLE high caliber permanently employed family man desires rental of a two or three bedroom home, north. Will sign lease np It I year, 850 to 858 per month, aider type 01 home pre ferred. Call Joe U Bourne at 3-8116 er I Eve. 3-1211, ar tea at 1144) N. Capttol. 1 BDBM. APT. or small house nnfvm. By elderly couple. Ph. 3-3390. Jall4 PROFESSIONAL MAN A wife desire 2 or bdrm. house. North preferred. Ph. 33314. Jel!3 YWCA Secretary and wife desire rental of unfurnished house ar apt. 3 bdrrru ggrPhono Mr. Holtg3.giiT. jam VET A Wife desire furn. house, pre- lerrably With option to buy. 3-1493 eve Jall3 3 BEDROOM house or apartment, fur- tiiahed er unfurnished. State eaa ployed will tease. Phone 4-3171 But. 49a. 9 a m to 9 p m. or 2-9449 after 9 DRSPFRATELT need 3 brdm. up'urn, ho-ue. R, B. d J trie preferred. Ph, 3-9973. lailS WANTED TO RENT BEDROOM bouse In West Salem. Phone 9 -9777. lal!3 SMALL FURN. I bedrm. house for vet A wife, in north saiem. rnone j-sboj Be fore 9:30 p.m. Ask for Jack Wilbur. JaI3fl WANTED TO RENi i Permanent reli able tenants urgently need 2 norm, part ly furnished home. North preferred. Sa lem references. Box 867, Capital Journal. Phone 2-2707 alter e. jan- 'eaSaJteaaJJ ROOM AND 80ARD WILL BOARD smalt children day, week O month. Ph. 2-6363. Ill 14" ROOM AND BOARD for pensioners. 269 S. Cottage. Ph. J-66B0. J11I4" LOST AND FOUND SPOTTED GUERNSEY heifer. Notify Ar il ur Pranks. Rewar a . Kt. a, box aw. xiii FOUND A bike between Sublimity A Sll verton. Can call at Frank J. wolf. Sub limity, Ore., Rt. 1. Owner par for ad. klli LOST: Lady's bill fold. Black A red. Mothers' day gitt. vaiueoie papers, money. Reward. 649 Jackson St., Salem. Dorothy Laschlnger. kll8 LOST Man's gold knife, Initials W.E.M., at Silver Creek Falls, Sunday, call 2-6704. Reward. k!15 MISCELLANEOUS 80x60 FRAME building. Wired and plumb- ed. On paved alley, 1000 block south. Suitable warehouse, wholesale, etc. Price 18500. Phone owner at 3-6186. mll8 -ES SPRINGER, men's hatter. 484 Court. ml30" dental plate repair 2-hr. service in most cases dr. Harry semler dentist Adolpb Bids. State A Commercial Sts. SALKM Phone 3-3311 m HAVE YOUR SINGER Sewing machine repaired by a qualified Singer represen ts'! vs. ph. 3-3513 for free pick up and delivery service on all makea of ma- BUILDING MATERIAL NEW PLYWOOD, all thicknesses. Speciat prices on insulation, 16" by 32" celling tile, electric water heaters, and wall board for bathroom, kitchen or utility room. C. O. Long. Phone 3-5821. 1 mils N. of Kelier. mil II NEW 1 PANEL DOORS 34", 20", 38", 30", 32" and 36" widths. Brick, glass and panel entrance doors. Good supply used doors, toilets and basins. Check our prices. C. O. Long. Phone 2-5821. 1 mile N. of Keizer. mails FRENCH WINDOWS with frames. 3310 Sllverton Rd., Ph. 33326. ma!14 .x4 325.00 per 1000 new and used pipe new A used bathroom fixtures. Used doors A windows. Madson Wrecking Co. 1230 Howard. malll 2 and Better Shiplap, $45 M While it lasts. West Salem Saw Mill. Free delivery. Ph. 3-9393. 1050 Wallace Road. ma 114 NEW SHIPMENT piast board. V. 6Uc; v . 00 aq. it, rock lathe. 3 aq. ft. $1.18 MONTGOMERY WARD. SALEM ma Ph. 39703 or mal39 RE-ROOF NOW One, two or three years to pay. For free estimates phone 3-7177. WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY CO. ' ma8- AXUMA - LOCK ALUMINUM LOCK shinole. The modern permanent roof ing. See vour dealer or dlst. Call 9-8401. mal26 RED CEDAR shingles No. 1, 89.50. No. x, is.SD. no. 3, 93.00. we del. Philips Bros, Rt 1, BOX 118. Ph. 66F32. ma" USED LUMBER, Rt. 0, Box 273T. Out veneer be. to rruttaind church. k ml. N. mails SAVB ON ROOFING Let Wards give you complete IN STALLED price on your roofing needs. Wide range of colors. Call our outside salesman for free estimate. Phono 3-3191. MONTGOMERY WARD A OO. SALEM. OREGON ' ni TILLAMOOK CEDAR SHINGLES. We de liver, NO. 1, IB.00, No. 3, 96.00. Ted Muller, Ph. 2-1196. mal20 ALUMINUM ROOFING 2 ft. width in the following tanrthii 81.74 9 3.32 10 4 3.90 12 3.48 Ask about Installation service MONTOOMERY WARD A CO. SALEM, OREGON NURSERY STOCK BLOOMING Rhododendrons 98 to 810, Azalea Mollis 92. Geraniums 83.60 doa. Blooming Fuschlas 35c each. Fancies, Dwarf Dahlias 81 dog. Tuberous Be gonlas 35c each. Evening Customers In vited. Merrill's Oreenhoute, Brooks. e rrr TTrssrrrrrrsr rsrr FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS GAS BANGE In good condition. 160 Divl- sion Bt. nlla MAN'S NEW dark blue suit, slie 38. Ph. Z-1U9 siter e p.m. nils WESTINGHOUSE Laundromat. 3 yrs. old. vjooo. conaition. -u Mier e, S-1BD4 or 1933 N. Church. nll5 BARGAIN Store fixtures Including flash register. 181 B. High. STATE FINANCE CO. TELEPHONE 3-4121 99 GAL RUDD gas water heater com plete, perfect condition A cheap. Ph. . Bill S DRAWER chest of drawers, painted. Deny wocr pressure oooxer. Ph. awoa. mis 35 LB. ICE BOX 810.00. 3 linoleum rugs. m. ujiemexeta. nils ALL WHITE enamel wood burning rang wihi not water pipes. 825. Call 3-6637 or 1830 8. High St. mil- SILVER A GLASS ware, old china, k sink. lumuure, rn, mis FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS S FT. PHILCO refrigerator. Used 9 months. Rt. a box lis. pn. 3-1119. nl!4" 190 GALLONS of outside white paint 83 33 per gallon In I gallon palls. lias Norway St. nl24 VICTROLA and records, fine condition 9. naiei Apt. 238 1 Hssei Ave. nil 19 CANDY RAR machines, CaU morning 607 N. Capitol. Apt. 9. nl22 UPRIGHT PIANO. Modern walnut cut. uooa conciuon. sroo. rnone 35974. nllS 1 A.B. ELECTRIC range. Apt. Silt. A-l anape. cneap. rn. 9-4707. nll3" 8 FT, O. E, refrlg. 739 8. 13th. BllB SCHWAB LUMBER CO. WALLACE ROAD At eoat! Plywood, Insulating tile, and doors. Also: 8 common and t and better dim ension and boards. No. 4 common 3x4'a and lxs ahlplap. KxlO oedar aiding. Aluminum roofing. Truck and truck nauK Ph 3-1611. nllS TRAV-I.-BEE baby buggy excl. condition M.kes a car bed. Ph. 3-9923 1424 N. Winter. Bns a MATERNITY Dresses alta 16 111 W. Ph7 n 113 DO TOU want to get In business for your self I have Mobllgaa Service Station business for sale at wholesale price Dallas, Ore. Contact Frank Doollttla, Distributors, General Petroleum Pro. Ph. 3-4619 Balem. rviu- 49 INCH Electric Simplex Irener very little need. 1336 00. 8m at Sent lam Laundrtette. Ph. 3301, Sweat Heme, Ore. . BUS A MATTRESS Bargain. Spring filled mat tress. St. Francis cover. Pull ar ti tte 119 93. We give green sumps. Sa lem Home Furn. Co, 191 So. Com'l. lilIJ TRADE in your ota washer an a new young machine Liberal allowance. j' Salem Home Fun. Co, 137, So, Com 1. J nllS (Continued on Pagt 23) I.