20 Capita! Journal, Salem, Orepron, Thuraday, May 12. 19491 Peddler of Dreams By PEGGY (Chapter 8) The trailer camp loomed ahead. A graMV 8X)t, marked by half a dozen trailers parked chummlly close, shaded by tall, featherly-look-Inft Australian pines, with Lhe blue shimmer ol the lake visible through the trees. Felicity blew her horn. There was a weatherbeaten small cabin at the far end of the camp. As Felicity's horn broke the noon day stillness, a screen door slapped somewhere and a plump-middle-aged woman with graying hair done In a loose knot on the back of her head, her clean print dress covered by a white apron, came to wards her. Felicity liked "Ma" Green at sight. Her gray eyes were twinkling and cheerful; her plump face was hiRhly colored, guiltless alike of makeup or wrinkles. "Howdy," she greeted Felicity cheerfully. "Like to stay awhile?" "Yes. we would very much," said Felicity WHrmly. relishing the woman's friendly welcome twice as much aftei the frigid reception they had had on the other side of the lake. "But-I have some chil dren. Do you mind?" "Do I mind? Not if you don't. After all, they're your young ones," said Ma Green comfortably, look ing more sharply at Felicity. "But land sakes, girl, you look mighty young to have a bunch of kids." "They're my brothers and sis ters," Felicity answered her. "And we'd like to stay all winter." "Well, now, that's Just fine. If you're going to De sort of perma nent, you'd better have a 'hitch' down near me, where you won't be disturbed by the coming and tolng of the transients." Mr Green showed Felicity to a parking space down at the farther most end of the camp, where the trailer stood broadside to a glorious view of the lake. Neither Felicity nor Garrett was aware of Tippy's slowness in leav ing Garrett's trailer, nor of her un easiness that sent her back now and then to peer in at the window They were all about the table. Tippy the last one in and Insist ing on a seat nearest the door, and they were jast beginning the meal when suddenly the music of the next-door radio broke off and they heard a man's excited voice, say ing: "We Interrupt this progrgam to bring you a news-flash. Allan, the year-old son of Susan Fleming, oft en mentioned as 'the richest girl In the world,' has been kidnapped from the beach In front of the Fleming home. Every bridge and boat-dock leaving the Island of Palm Beach Is under heavy guard" There was a small crash. Felicity turned and saw Tippy sitting white faced, a spla.sh of milk on hi. face, the broken glass in her plate. Tippy's eyes were wide with ter ror and she was shaking violently "I betcha I've got Mrs. Fleming's baby," she confessed, now In such terror that she had no longer and thought of concealing the reason for her earlier uneasiness. ; "Tippy tell mewhat did you 4o?" demanded Felicity. Tippy slid down from her chair and pattered out of the trailer, Gar rett and Felicity following her, the Oilier children crowding behind. Tippy opened the door of GaueU's trailer and climbed in, the others following her. And there on Gar rett's bed, hemmed neatly in by pillows, lay a sleeping baby. His scrap of a white sun-suit revealed plump golden-brown limbs and an adorable head covered with little "duck-tails" of soft dark curls. ' Tippy looked at the baby and tjhen fearfully up at a horrified llicity; and Tippy whimpered, "I I'm sorry, Fliss. Only he was so enjto and and he wanted to omt with us, I didn't know he as somebody else's baby. I thought xhayht he'd like to live with us ' . "Oh, Garry Garry, whnt am 1 going to do?" whispered Felicity so aesoiaieiy mat (Jarrett piilu-d Him self together with an effort. "Your English needs correcting my angel," lie told her grimly. "You nean what are we going to do." Garrett snld sternly, "Here snap ui or it, fuss, pun yourself, to father. We have to work fast, Be v i J ;fj j'J " "-if .ds- jr re "IS 11 I LWA L i I I I S, mM DERN fore the alarm spreads very far.) Jay take the children back to the I trailer and give them their lunch and ride herd on them until come back. Promise not to let one I of them out of your sight fbr sol much as five minutes, will you. old man?" "Okay. Oarry. Come on kids,' said Jason, herding the children I beiore mm. Tippy, trying to slide out u noticed, caught Garrett's stern eyel and paused uneasily. You re com- nK. too. mv ladv. said uarreu.i "So you can tell Mrs. Fleming all about why you thought her baby would like living with the Homes. "Yes, sir," said Tippy faintly, too scared to do anything but obey and far too terrified to think oil exerting any of her small charm on this irate young man In the hope ol escaping punusnmenx. The guards at the bridges were stopping and searching an cars com ing from the Island. The alarm was so newly sounded that they had not yet organized themselves to stop any cars going to the island. (To Be Continued) Mother and Daughter It's twice as smart for mother and daughter to drnss alike! Mother's dress, No. 2974. has a dainty yoke to cut with a boat neck or high round neck. No. 2092 is the younger version ol Uils style an c.act duplicate even to the edging. (Two separate pat terns.) No. 2074 Is cut In sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, and 20. Size 16, 3 yds. 35-ln., yd. 35-in. contrasting. No. 2902 ts cut In sizes 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14. Size 8. Hi yds. 35-ln., yd. 35-ln. contrasting. Send 25c ror PATTERN With Name, Address, and Style Number The BUMMER FASHION BOOK Is just off the press, presenting the best in Summer fashtons, all de signed with the simplicity thai spells good style and easy sewing ant1, with special attentlor to the use of cottons. Over 150 pattern designs Tor all ages and occasions Send now for your copy, price Just 20 cents. Address' Pattern Depart ment, Capital Journal, 552 Mission street. Stan Francisco 5. Calif. PVTTKKN Ne. R2668 Hose FUet Many of the loveliest of today's bedspreads combine cro chet with colored or white sheeting. Make an heirloom spread using this) oirr tc,,''ed to m;cli o; o. .,i.'i..t w.i bec.o;;i cc.o.a. Pattern Knvrlon. Na. HiA eon- itmn.1 complete croenmng imtroc Ittnn... filet fhsrt. material require. menls and stitch IllmtrnMotM. To ptvuln ttito puem end 30c in coins Riving pniiern numoer your name, uddre.vt unci tone num bei to Penny Hotwrw Cpltl Jour in. R24 Mtalon Street Sun Fran I ci.vo 3. Calit iAi o vou said n" weix estmste it.-see? uh-huhI even I1 VrV'-'' STvl I' B " QUICK-INSIDE, 'FORE If WE gMOy NOW THEN-FIRST If BUT HOW COUNT "BOUT A PECK OR 1 THATSSOIN'TO I . ' tZECpy I I " M3NE CON SEE WHER6 WHOEVElf IT 1 WE'LL QO BACK TO Y CAN W8 EVER TWOTHEN FK3G6R HOW ( TAKE AN AWFUL I JC1 ' I i ,J f WE WENT IN CASS IS CANT QET 1 TOW ROOM WITH ALL COUNT SO MUCH? 1 MAttV PECKS IN TO' PILE- LONG TIME- I A TtmfjBoffi. THE WHOLE TOWWl 1 SO AS IONS AS 1 GOTTA I I 1"M SORRY.AMBROSE.MAYBE N AyTCOOM ) ITTSbHI I lltaj&nll . SEEMS TO BE I WORK VOU BETTER NOT MA WILL DRIVE ME DOWN TO SET". BAH! SOME '' N nj t T-. TM-WJ "BOUT MS. l COUWT ON 5EEIM' METOOAy ) SEE THAT BEDROOM 7 WOMEM CAMT NEVER) ll hL AND ROSETTA..MEBBE -r- jR?SIE V SET AT LASS ERS m "n. 5W HOME! J-X H Eij 2992ll (a (V?Hf. CrCXCc i I vou mindTmrVatbackowns T bmtTHTeTcooze h SIZES t - 14 I i Z3& Y ' HW BUSINESSl THE BOTTOM OF THIS f IT " US FO' f 1 J.f . I C tf 4 E5S -AND, WE'LL. MOUNTAIN-RIOHT? YASSUH.7 BUTT1N' II I f I 3Z7 C- l MIND OURS.7 AND, HE CAN DO ''fc i W.' J I 3BBBfcMfc J linS L . vi-- k3iJ. J ,,. anything he wants W. HvHEN I CSITICISFD YOJ F08 I KNOW vnnl THFBF IS NOT TiUF NO MfiB ur rTFTT"i FLVING THt SCHVETKA WOMAN HEREAaRE WIUIANT, RtMUVE THIS MEDOJNO JOUKNALI5IS BELT A f '( Slt-l I DID VOUANINJIJ5TICe,CRUNCH COUNTESS -THE INITIAI 5 WILL MAKE IT SUIT MY e V?.' jft l SSI T WE CAN NOW DISPOSE OF HER ANO KAVVAAR,.-BUT PLANS PfrRrECTLY - k5M5 ii iff CSmSsm m fOPER ANO THROW THE FBI OFF PLEASE EXPLAIN.' 7 , ?(A W W I"-' Jl J J'i COR TRAIL" ALL WITH ONE STRF'wC-VS -i "iVJt (Va. flF0m. I rfSSv il r rarw f mm m Ou ij ill I :-- I iFrm 1 I r 1351 1 P ffi L loaned) IuH-j- fff-f CT I 1 k- f-f1 M BROTHER. S HIS FIRST A HAM SANDWICH, L YoU AREJkVOU KNOW.Mf 4o SEE THE j Ium - THERE AIN'T NO ' T CCME ON, PATTY ANP RUSTY A mVwTHEwSso CDMIN'.TONV YC?JR CAUSE QUENTIN WILESANP THERE'LL J T WAS BAP ENOU6I- JIMMY'S REAPV TO TAKE US ifflffllff A1 JUST PlCKe0 UPTHS tE-6iSRAm) ANP COME BE TYtO KIPS AND TOE 6ALTURNIN' THIS CVTHT R TO THE TRAIN, PR. OUINN iVlTJE PAMCH l!liE 1 WAS IN "" ' 6BT 50ME ' WHO LOOKS AFTER 'EM INTO A PUPE RANCH. U WILL JOW US At THE Lli:p-i KrrTSK.j , Jarsrf NOW WE 60TTA RIPE 1 I 1 m r - 1 1 1 1 "' T(iu CMIIIMH Ml, -).... ujTHtf)6t UTrtWTH0ICOSATlNC)DtAlTMA1 , UMl&A THtRH MARCO OUT IN FRONT I , OARtiNt,-. ANO I'll HOLB 1ZTZX. 1 OP(NfBMVfvt4!..iTnonfNiv mwufnriM V 1 kWvvl Bic,HTnjnw!..iiwfN f US'.W r3" !? ?,nVo A THAT VOU CAN RtAOCHARALTCR IN A f IV,r. MXA EVER BREAK THI , rHOUaHTVOU I .,,.,! --t PARlOAAlOTBtTTtRTHANINAPAlMl ,"KtV TO HER?.' J .IIL'ull RADIO PROGRAMS ALL PROGRAMS PACIFIC STANDARD TIME THURSDAY P.M. 'KSLM JST'KGW hSIKOCO 'KOIN 5: to stralsht Arraw strlm fterenid Slpf Jo Knos Mnnlni :1ft StrftlKhl Arrow Sting Itrtn.d. Kbytha Ruck Bealab :M CiFi Mt'niltal MuilcH Ctcktslli Blni Croibj Chct HMtltr lU Ttm Mil Elmer rten 8prt Tm Ncwa 6: OAbrial Hikttcr Al iUm Sh CandU Llcbl nd Smpcni lift N.W. Nfw Al Jln 8hw 8Uf,r J,l?M,,,lu . :M tltllt 8hw Dorlhy Lmmair Ntwi Crlrai Phal. i UltU Sbnw D.rolhr Umwr Eyw Cbmw Crl PbK. 7.00 Drmi f Mid. 8erca Guild UaM VUltrr" The PIyhoM ill Wlltity Mttile Plarcn UMr Th. nyM :30 MoriM manner Fred Werlns Btll Fin "Ifhtet M Mortip Manner Fred Waring Banditan Flnl Nlfbter 8:00 Mmleal T.thtn Sup Mr Club Dnron Dap Lowell Tbomas :1ft Muileal Echoea New of World Baieball Jack Smith bow M Mu.lo Aldrlch Family Baaeball Mr. Keen Jft Mmle Aldrlch Family Mr- K 9:00 Newa Georr Moerad Baieball Fle Star Final :1ft David Ron Show Sport. Fan Final Baaeball FBI, Feaee-War :S0 Affairs ( Peter Banda o( Land Baieball FBI. Peace War i Affaln of Peter Sam Hayei Bawbnll Ntaht Edlter ej j W Fulton Lewli. Jr Morton Downey BaaebaJI Serenade 111 :lt Select Lccal Newe Ry Hackctt Neweeast you the Werl 111:30 Newa Rar Haekett Burrandy Room ocnt Krapa Oreh. I :4ft Newireel Prerram Review Bureandy Room Pent Krapa, Oreh. n OO Mriterloua Track MM :1ft Traveler Track 1400 :S0 Muilo Track 14(10 :4ft Lanny Ron T'ck li'M lt:00 Slrn Off ' Slfn Off Sign Off Sllrat FRIDAY 6 A.M. TO 4:45 P.M. - 90 Newa Farm Time , KO" J ':1ft Newa Farm Time NewB fr,)isn March Tin Th Old Sn Newl V- ;4S Newa Ncwa Fred Beck 7:00 Newi Fed Warlns Tea RltUr Conauraer Newa ;1B Breakfatt Cant Fed Waring New A Sporti Art Baker :30 Mualc Riders ef San Top ' Mornkns Robert Lewis 4ft Top Tradea Sam Hara New Robert Lewie 8:00 Birriln Counter Tommy Dorsey King's Cruiadcrs Vocal Varieties Victor Ltndlahr Tommy Dorsey King's Cruiadcrs Newa .30 one ( Pioneers jACk Bercb Weatent Melodlae Grand SI asm :4ft Muila Newa Weetern Mclndlea Roicmary -00 Northwest News HeTteea Home Church In Wild. Wendy Warren " :1B Kate Smith Slavs Hoetess Rouse Upper Room Aunt Jenny :30 Paetor'i Cell Current Events Mns, W'thoui Helen Trent :4S Wllca Walta Vincent Lopes Wsrdi Our Gal Sunday aTr. :00 Newa T'SMrine bW Coffee Cup Bis Slater IfT -is Gospel Sinters US Marine Band Northwest Reports Ma Perkins llJ:80 'rrr Como Eb't McCormlck hdy la Touag Dr. Malms : Walts Serenade Brighter Day Rbrthm Guiding Light atji 00 Lad lea First Double ar Nothing G,M" w New" II :ift Ladies First Double ar Nothing Glsaa w Comt I 1 1 :W Queen far a Day News GU" w" Norab Drake " Jtt Pr Light at World Glass Wat Makaa Taa Tlsj ,-:M Top Trades Life Beautiful Everybody's Ideas 2nd Mrs. Burtea 11:15 New Ma Perkins - t$un Moods ' Perry Massa I :H Northwest News Pepper Teung News Pal O'Brien Saav IdaVto Bob Eberly Show Happiness Ted Pals Preaenta Newapaper af Air io6 Muilo Backstage Wife Muale from Hint Hunt IS Jonnion Family Stella Dallas Hollywood Hint Hunt :S0 Tell Your Nelgb. Lorenia Jonas tliten to Lelbert Winner Take All M Bing Sings Wldder Brawn All-tlms Favarltas Newapaper af Ahr 7' loo Against the Storm A Girl Marrlea " ta "n" Newa IS Agalnat the Storm prtla Facet Life " lnc 8h" Tunefully Veprs ISO Salem High mt puia BIU Records Off Meet th Mlasag :4ft Navelties an Par. Front ran Farretl the Shelf Meet lbs Mliaas -x :00 Happy Gang Road af Life Claaelea Arttiar Oedfrat :1ft Happy Gang Lara Lawton Claaalca trtbur Godfrey jt iSO Songs af Our Aunt Mary Day Dream Muale Arthur Godfrey V :4A News r,OTa LArB Pay Dream Muale Arthur Godfrey ioi Fulton Lewis. Jr. Worn an a Secret- Wamen'a Pars Herb Shrlnsr :1ft Hemingway Today's Children Philosopher Tn L(tla :S0 Patalng Farad On Sunny Side Spotllta aa Mails Club 1ft :4B Carmen Cavallera Newa Spotllta an Mamie E. Murrsw DIAL LISTINGS! HEX, 1190; KOAC, 55 If FY Thursday P.M. B:0, Keeping VP LA uyith sportat 6:15, Home Edl t.ont 5:Si. Green Hornet t 0:00. Mails Fes. tlvali :30 Jo Staffordi 7:00, Counterspy! 1-30, Ring Crosby t K:00. Milton Be r lei 11:30. Damon Ruayon Thcatrei 9:M, Rich field Reporter! 0:1ft. lntermesso; 9:30, Concert Hour; 10:80, Memos ta Tomer row; 11:00, Xtra Hourt 1S:0. Sign Off. U rV Friday A.M. 5:00. Early Bird! MA 5-45, farm Newsi :00, I.awaon McCalli 6:1ft, Time Tempoai 0:30, Rabert'a Almanac: :4R, Time Tempoii 7:00. Mrrt and Marge: 7:15, Martin Agronaky; 7: SO. Eaay Acea: 1:45, Zeke Manner: 8:00, Brakfaal Clubj 8:00, Mildred Bedell I t:15. Stars af Today i 8:30, Kay Kyaer's Kal .rrei 10:00. Ted Malonei 11:15, Galen Iraket 10:M, My True Story; 11:00, Betty Crocker: 11 :1ft. News; 11 :80, Bankhage Talklnst 1l:ft, More Oat af f lfct 12:00. North wefteincft VIM. Kav Wet 1:00. Breakfast In Hollywood i 1:SB, Talk Vour Church Plans Dinner Pratum A group of singers of the Negro Methodist church in Portland will furnish music ACROSS L Explosive devices a. Front S. Excitrd 12. Uilfl: Scotch 13. Old musical note 14. Presented 15. Gael 18. Knock 17. Short news papftr atory IS. Part of speech 20 Compound ethers It. Turkish name 14. Pronoun 2.i. Ocean 26. Distress signal S3. God of lov 25. Ventilate 87. Kdge of a root IS. Greek writer of fables 40. Vigor: slang 42. Turf 43. Cover 45. Exclamation 46. Babylonian deity 47. Give 50. Culmination b'2. Fish sauce 63. Oily subsume. f5. Flari S. Father fX Bffnre fiO. Contirtent 61, Mountain In Orearoa S3. Feminine name 63. Those people H ir'Wr wt , '4A is 5455 wwi : M ffl" -ppr il5"" ?rs mis si'w' m- ;r 1111 - a 1 1 I 1 A Newffeef vres ROOM AND BOARD . . TM' JUDGE SAYS HIS UNCLE WOLPSANG IS JUST VflNGlNS HIS WAY THUU TOWN ANO IS ONLY SPENDING TH' WEEK ElVD i:sr3 to t;:axr.i c-t hb rr.AThcPi 8ETORE TA OT KU. K 1 OKTWS BEFORE THEY 5 WOKE HIM OUTOP . HERE I IT I.U B A WUJMIM Ufc?"UKli v lAAT Thursday p.m.i ft, Cpbeati r Jn0 (1:50 B parts CluV :M Nswit :lft. Data With Oregon Stats :, Round the Campflret 7:15. Evening Fans Hosri 8. Psychology af tha Family i S:tt, Great Sonrn S:4ft, Newa! 9:00, Musis Tat Endureaf 9:45, Evening Meditations. 4:4ft B.Bt- IX VMrf io:(Mi, Tha Tha Newsi 19:18, a- peclalty for Wonteni 11:00, Orsgea School af tha Alrt 11:1ft, Tha Caaaaat Hall; 12:00, Newai 12:15, Noon Faru Houn 1:00. Rid esn Cowboy i 1:1a, Oregon School of the Alrt 1:30, Melody Lanet 1:00 CUbwomen's Half Hoari t:8t Memory Bask of Mualei 8:00, News. Wsy Out of Hi 2:00, Surprise Packager iiZQ, Bride and Groom; 8:00, Welcome TrarMcrst S:A0. Art Llnklcttcrt 4i00, Sair rel Cage; 4:3U, Jack Armstrong. for the morning service at Pra tum Methodist church Sunday. A fellowship dinner will follow the worship hour. Solution ef Yettordiy't PuxzU DOWN L Variety of lettuce 2. Bow . Conditional at testations 4. Glut a. Flower . Wing ?. Backs of neek 8. Stir up . Portftl 10. Acroae IL Jewels 19. Alcoholic liquor 21. Understand 22. Completely " muddled 22. Learning 28. Immerse 20. Spronts of Indian hemp IL BacchanaUao cry 12, Genua ot btvalTe molltieki 24. Comforted 26. Told 39. Fruit atone) 41. Moccasin 44, Postpone 47. Run quickly 45. Part of a minstrel show 48. Roman 4 51. rood 64. Ell ft 66. Fee line tT. utter . . . By Gtn. Aham HE ASKED ME THE NAME Or A TRAMSrSR COMPANY TO BRINS WIS TRUKK MERE T-Ar Do;srn lAftuWiU. S0lPHANE9flfu U M odra 0 Pg F O r1"pR I MllB BON t r'apeB cjop" gj fcuuuuje" AlRllAS I I PES S.PiAlR mOpQsJc ARE. H q p" ? llMeBT y .' 1 ou v EQpEfn r n a p q'sIa qimPH 1 rCuuti CSsfT O RHeInU T AiL A 'HA V0NllT A W len ot e n I d e R 1 Lbl aInUoIrIeIsUnIcIp ii i.n ria..L'iiii mm 1