Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 12, 1949, Page 18, Image 18

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    18 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, May 12, 1949
& t ti
' " "' ' -wMii in iiTrrMiiifcSi
Huskies Crew
This U the varsity crew picked by Uni
versity of Washington crew coach Al
Ulbrlckson to row against the University of California May
14. Left to right: Charlie McCarthy, 8; Rod Johnson, 7; Don
Landron, C; Norman Buvlck, 5; Robert Will, 4; Bob Young,
I; John Audett, 2; Ed Hearing, 1; and Allen Morgan, cox.
(Associated Press Photo)
Hurling Highlights PCL;
Bevos Nosed in Overtime
IBT the AMOelttrd PT.-11
Wulnnriiv nicllt in the PSCl
lie Coast league saw excellent
pitching Sacramento's Bob Gil
lespie; pitched a two hitter but
lost and Seattle's Guy Fletcher
got his ilxth straight win on a
The night also had some fancy
liiffirtne Los Anseles and San
Diego hit nine home rum be-
iu,n ihim The mark was lust
two shy of the PCL record of
11 set 26 years ago to the day
by Vernon ana sail Lane -uy.
There also was a 12-inning
kail aam in whlrh the leaeue-
leadlnf Hollywood Stara edged
the lowly Portland Beavers o io
Dino Restelll bunted Jack To
bin home from third base in the
eighth to give San Francisco a
1 In 0 win desDite Gillespie's
excellent mound Job. One of
the hits off the Sacramento hurl
er advanced Tobin to third.
Seattle also won over Oakland
by 1 to 0. One unearned run
In the eighth was all Fletcher
needed to hang up his latest win.
The Ralniers ace had to hurl
that kind of a game to win as
the Oaks' Lloyd Hlttle only
gave up four hits.
At Los Angeles, It looked like
the boys were out to break the
home run record as all nine of
the blowi came In the first five
Portland Jumped to a first in
ning three run lead over the
Stars and then Leo Thomas hom
ered for the Beaveri to dead
lock the game in the ninth 6-6.
The Stars opened the twelfth on
Frank Kelleher's Infield single.
A bad throw got another Star on
base. A single and a long fly
fall then sent the winning runs
Ilrw4- r-ortllni '
aifOA anoA
atemu.1 I 111 1 Bulmkl.l I I I
HiikII.j.J 1114 Rtiekir.c! 1 0
Noren. ef 1111 Thomu.U 4 110
KtU.htr.lf I I 1 0
Oonuin.r! I t I I Laior.rr
Bindlock.a 111! MulUn.l
na, s Sill oi.od. a
o-mii. Mills u
Olnn. till Wool?.
Milubrtr. I I I 1 nemliu.p
SU.uonp 1111 Dlehl. a
atontLrl 111! Heler
Omer. 0 till Brr' alio
Kinudili. 1 f I 1 Burilr alio
Xrtif, 1 114 1
Dlblejl.p 0 0 0 0
Wenner. 1 0 a 0
Total 411411 If ToliU 41 II 16 17
a i i i
l a a a
a a a a
a a a i
PCL Standings
(Bt United Pre)
W L Pet.
Hollywood tl .HI Btattlt
Skit Ditto 23 S3J SnKrncMO 2 33 .40
Sacra mn to 33 31 .SI J LosAntels 31 33 .417
Oakland 33 33 .HI Portland 11 Ml
Kciajllt Wednesday
Hollywood t, Portland f. (IS Innlnn)
Seattle 1, Oakland 0.
8an Pranclaco 1. Sicramento .
hot Anielc 13, flu a Dleco 10.
33 33 .600
It H IrSoBb
Walked for Zak In tin.
Struck out for DIB I Mi In 13th.
Ran far Helm In Ith.
'Ran lor Dlehl In loth.
Hollrwood 110 030 100 003 t
Hit no 041 111 00314
Portland 400 001 001 000
H1U 401 103 003 30013
(13 tnntnia)
Pitching Ip Al
OLsen H
Meltiberaer 44 l
SalvMon 14 II
Hamsdell 3 10
Mooty 4Vi 31
Plemlni IVt 1
oiem 3V a
DiBlasI ... 3 1 1 !
Runs! Steven, Handler 3,
Baxe. Malttberier, Satvuon,
Balnkl, Kuclcer, Thorn o, Lasor. Mullen,
Zak. Krrora. Handler, Oladd. Krux. Win
nlnt pitcher: Ranudrll. Losing pitcher:
DIBlasl. Run batted In: Noren 4, Rucker
Oladd 3, Gorman. Thome. Baxn,
O'Neill. Two bui hlla: Kelleher, Oladd,
Noren. Three bae hit: Handley. Home
rum: Rueker, Thoma. Stolen bases: Bax-
Rucker, sacrldcM: Flemlnt. Steven,
Dlehl 3, SkuHltl. Double play: Noren to
Steven; Mullen to Batnkl to Thoma.
Left on bajiea: Hollywood 11; Portland 14,
Hit by Pitcher: By DIBIajtl (Stevens t. Wild
pltrh: OUnn. Umpire: Mutart, Ford and
Gordon, lime 1:31. Attendance 1,148,
1 t
Jefferson Wins
Dual Meet From
Gervais Speeders
Jefferson By winning 11
first places and picking up sev
eral seconds and thirds, Jeffer
son high scored 89 'i points to
win a track and field meet at
Gervais Tuesday. Other school
finished: Gervais 42 a. School
for Deaf 12, Hubbard 4.
Jim Grimes of Jefferson plac
ed first in the 880, 440, high
jump, broad jump and was a
member of the winning relay
team. He scored 21V points.
Hlfh hurdles: M honey fa). Crenshaw
J, Martin (Ui, Mettle D. :.
100 yard: Jack Orimea J. MeCary
fji, Weddlc (J) and Andre tOI. :I0J.
Mile: Riggs (Ji. McCann (J), Burke
fO. Tierce (JI. 0:02.7.
440: Jim a rime (Jl. Dunn (Dl. Qarbo-
den Dl, Bpecht (Ji and Lansvay (J).
:eo 9.
230: . Jack Grimes J), UcCar? (J),
Schiilkt (Dl. McCall 0. :33.7.
Low hurdles: Bchulke D. Uahoney
(G), Dunn iGl, McCall mi. :34.
IH: Jim Crime J. Kauffman (HI,
Dye (J), Mettle D. 3:1.
Shot: Hifglni Jt, Mitchell (J), Blllson
(Dl, Jemon (Ol. 38-8.
High lump: Jim Orlmei (J). Crenshaw
(J), Andres (Ol, Driver Hi. 1-1.
Discus: Andres G), Weddlo (J, Winn
(Jl. Jeoson lO). Iis-I.
Broad Jump: Jim Grime (J), Jack
Grimes (J), Andre (Oj, Dunn iGl.
Pole vault: Crenahaw (J). Canto (J),
Jensen (G) and Mahoney iO tied lor
Javelin: Txjoney (J). Dodd (Ol, Mitchell
(Jl and Tooley 0 third. 131-1.
Relay: Jefferson (Jim Orimea. sonar
Looney, Jack Orlmenl, Gervais. 1:41.0.
Ken Hointzelman of th
Phillies and Vic Raschi of the
Yankees turned in the first
shutouts in the National nnri
'American Leagues, respectively,
una spring.
Oakland 000 (
Seattle 000 000 Olx I 4 1
Hlttle and Padgett; Fletcher and Qrasao.
Sacramento 000 000 000 0 l 0
in Franc Lien 000 000 Olx 1 3 0
Gil le pi and PI umbo; Lien and Parte.
Ban Dleso 300 140 10110 13 3
hot Aniele 103 170 OOx 13 14 3
Jurlnlcl), Ktpp (0), Hafey (0 and Moore;
Walk In. Ihde (6), Kelly (7) and Melon.
The American Indian, whose
dogs drew sledges, did not have
the crudest wagon or wheelbarrow.
In 23 yean
toe have saved over
for our clients
George S. A ay Company
13mVHC4 nfVtUAMtf
Edge Linfield by
68 to 63 Score
Taking seven firsts and get
ting no worse than a tie In two
others, Willamette university's
track and field athletics decis
ioned Linfield college Wednes
day afternoon, 68 to 63. Individ
ual Bearcat star was Ted Mertz
who took the high and low hur
dles and tied for first in the high
jump for a total of 14 points.
Mile Won by fltauffer (W), Beala (W),
Reynolds (W. Time, 4:58.
440 yards Won by Porter 'LI. Fedje
(Wi, Precliletto (W. Time, :ft3.7.
100 yard Won by Bhanglt (Wi. Burger
(Li. Bates (Wi. Time. :10 8.
High hurdles Won by Merti (W), Jen
kins (L), Fedje twi. Time,
330-yard Won by Shangle W and
Burger (L), tie; Pakulak (Li. Time. .33.3.
3 -mile Won by Beal iW), Reynolds
(WI, Talus ID. Time, 11:34.
Low hurdles Won by Merti (W), Sion
(L). Duckett (L). Time, :38.7.
Mile relay Won by Llnlteld (forfeit).
Pol vault Won by Luckslnge L, Boa
(Wi, Maudlin IW). Helitht. 10 feet.
Shot put Won by Marshall L. Oil
more (I.i, Huntly (L). Distance. 40 feet
10'i inches.
High Jump won by Merti (W) and
Bruce (Ll, tl; Rleder 'Lt. Abrahamson
iL). Dowd (Ll. Huntly (Ll. HeluhL 5 feet
9 Inches,
Discus Won bv Marshall at. Gott
fried i iWi, Johnrud (Wi. Distance. 130
feet 6'i inches.
Broad Jump Won by Macrae (W.
Maudlin iW. Huntly (L). Distance, 30
(est S Inches.
Javelin-Won by Hall (Wt, Orundhau
ser (Ll. Marshall (Li. Dliunr too ft
Dallas Softball
Openers Set for
Next Tuesday
Dallas First two games of
the Dallas Softball league play
will be on Tuesday night. May
17, league officials announce.
From that time, double bills will
be on each Tuesday and Friday
evening through August 26.
The Christian Church and
Ford Garage teams will take the
field for the opening call of
"Play ball!" at 7 D.m. Th. sec.
ond game, slated to begin at
8 p.m., matches the Gerlinger
Carrier Company and the Wil
lamette Valley Lumber Com
pany, under the lights nn T.n-
Creole field.
Second round contests on Fri
day, May 20, match the Rick
reall Merchant, and Mnnmnnth
Merchants in the first game and
me urace Church and Salt
Creek Baptists in the second
Howard DeVoe was re-elected
president of the league at a
meeting- Tuesdav ntaht Wiiw
Steele was rhnspn vlf nm.i.
dent and Bob March was re
elected secretary-treasurer.
kinxki ASPIRIN
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Mothers approve, for
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Toe. ,nd Sat. Only
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