Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday. May 12, 194 915 all, U TO' v., fTI fjf? IGA EI Bom Hauge's Nemesis John V. Kenny, leader of the Free dom party which defeated the Hague regime in election for municipal comminion poita in Jersey City, N. J., is kissed by his wife (left) and his daughter, Mrs. Paul Hanley. The victory of bis five-man ticket ended the 36-year Hague rule. (Acme Telephoto) Chicken or Pheasant Which? Centralia W Do you prefer chicken or pheasant? Or would you like a little of both off the same bird? V In spite of the fact scientists In the field of, genetics said it couldn't be done, James H. Knowles of Centralia and asso ciated breeders after IS years of effort claims to have crossed Chinese and Mongolian pheas ants with Cornish and New Hampshire chickens. He calls the results "northwesters." They are' broad-breasted, with thick drumsticks, providing Knowles says more white meat and bet ter eating. The northwester has from eight to 15 per cent more meat on the carcass, he claims, and the fine-grained meat retains "just the right touch of the game flavor." The first chicks from the fifth cross were hatched in 1945, and by. the following spring about 900 chicks were being produced weekly, which were placed in commercial broiler plants and given to local FFA members for further devel opment. Knowles says a substantial market for the northwesters has been established. Peterson to Preach Lyons Ernest W. Peterson of Portland will be the guest speaker at the Lyons Methodist Community church Sunday at 11 o clock. Following the serv ices there will be a potluck din ner and discussion of the church problems. All members of the church and friends of the com munity are invited and urged to be present. Junior Garden Club Formed at Dayton Dayton The Dayton Garden club met with Mrs. Marlam Krake with Mrs. Bertha Ewlng as co-hostest. Mrs. Ray Sion re ported on the Junior Garden club, which was recently organ ised. There are nine youngsters signed up and a promise of sev eral more by the next meeting. At the first meeting Roberta Stilwell was elected president and Shirley Smith secretary. The club will go on an iris garden ramble in Salem Mon day, May 10, leaving the Dayton appliance store at 10 o clock, daylight time. Mrs. R.lph Ab dlll became a new member. Mrs. Armanda Caldwell of McMinnville spoke on her ex perience raising chrysanthe mums. Other guests were Mrs. Pauline Belts of Dayton Prairie and Mrs. Lyda Fletcher of Mc Minnville. Mrs. Lynn Williams presided and Mrs. Lewis Alder man acted as secretary pro-tem. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Clara Matthews in Eola Hills with Mrs. Viola McLaugh lin and Mrs. Muriel Wright as co-hostesses, June 13. -STORAGE! -CLEANING! -RESTYLING! Switch to Calvert Continues JJ2 s5 Thousands are switching to smoother, milder, better tasting Calvert Reserve. calvxrt Reserve Blended WhUkej bo.b rrooi-aa' urua neutral spirits Calvert Distillers Corp., New York Cltj One Pair Of Eyes Must Lost You o Lifetime GUARD THEM WELL S. A. Wheat-ley OPTOMETRIST Phone 1-4.469 Dr. 8. A. Wheailey Optometrist 167 8. High St. Your Prescription Store WHEN fOU THINK DRUGS THINK SCHAEFER "It Pay- to Trade at Schoefer't" 799 Prescriptions Accurately Filled 1949 EVERYTHING FOR THE BABY We hove o complete line of medical needs for babies. Let js fill your prescription. JELLY BEANS All Black or Asst. 25c . SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE The Orifinal Ye.lew Front Drue And Candy Special Store In Salem ComX St. Phone 1-5 117 ar 2-91 M ? US N. h a iHORTENMG 385clfeM lu BRANDS YOU KNOW AND LIKE! dy V Gal products you can depend oa IJ priced low every day, too! . at IGA. We have tbeca . For lighter cakes and fluffier p tries. GET ACQUAINTED WITH THESE IGA PRODUCTS AND SAVE MONEY FRIENDLY, COURJWJlSRVItt! -t-v. W.c with a to mMr y ENRICHED FLOUR "GAbaf 1.89 Blended from Selected wheat. ENRICHED FLOUR 85c Cold with a money-back guarantee. MAYONNAISE igab' 39c You'll like It's smooth and tanry flavor. Sunny; Morn Coffee t. 43c Full body i.avor In the whole beam. Sunny Morn Coffee Vf: 1.25 Priced to have you money. Sliced Peaches 2 tot 25c Juit the right size can to carry In lunches. Fruit Cocktail s V6a" 2 for 29c Delicious combination or California fruits with pineapple added. CREAM CORNN?bV,n2for35c Rich, thick and creamy. SPINACH Noilr 14c Has that garden -fresh flavor. Cane fir Maple Svrup 24 " 39c You'll enjoy its delicious maple flavor. IV ' . in eeery way. year IGA merchant wtto. r i . HERE'S PROOF OF OUR EVERYDAY LOW PRICES ELSINORE CATSUP PORK and BEANS TOMATO SOUP V-8 VEGETABLE JUICE ORANGE JUICE RICE KRISPIES CREAM OF WHEAT CAKE MIX GINGER CAKE MIX PANCAKE FLOUR FELS NAPHTHA SOAP 14 os. Bottle Sol) sise can Van Camp No. 1 can Campbell's 12 can SOAP GRAINS 25c W Feature of the Week! SALLY MAY BEAUTY SOAP Tou can't ret better quality at any price! V avmitj haw .tk Dm train, will rir Ivthti. 20 os. pkf. Betty Crocker am KITCHEN QUEEN FLOUR new comas in rami SACKS COLOKFUL UHFUL MIRABU lb. bog Km URJ" 3 12 ox. 17C 18c I I IT) L "i LVi 21 os. OA. Iv I Vj Complexion Cloth Pkg. 30C FREE 35c I -y um os. pkj. 90. I gg55 Special Offer Betty Crocker I fj"l mm. m 4ip 5ic I IS '".w. DOG FOOD bars Gat ent Free , 3 cam 27c &J VW Saif r tiet IGA 8tr. Sn) 10c and wlnklna doc l M MM'4 " ek' riTt mIU brH lo Ikt Unrc4 with BSy SJ Sib. Bog 69c SCOtch 1WI ONtY pooo Tova boo NtaMl MfinTICOr MyurkMiitlM jsrr" Only 10 and Irmi lours Kw.1 u. n.a.xi.ptMm 16 01. Jf I ClseWky f4T -B1 D, I I a I Mvy leoy. rtr .1 I -tygrtZ L 5.j.'rc:.:::" I Little Women xmSL ' I ,VVVa"eVnartlapaaBVaVeVoV,a,'a SHREDDED RALSTON Pkg., 18e SNOWDRIFT SHORTENING,, 87c Emulsorized for lighter richer, moister cakes. TOMATO JUICE-ELSINORE 28c 46 oz. can rich in Vitamin C PEACHES-TASTY PAN 29c No. 2'i tin, delicious freestones APPLE JUICE Elsinore Brand Quart Delicious and Refreshing . . 23c I 19c iSk23c m mm I Self-Polishinf Bcon 59C mmmmmWLWLmmmmmWmmtWLmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmWLmmMmmWLWmmmU ARTICHOKES Large Siza CALAVOS For Salad BEETS or TURNIPS Fresh GRAPEFRUIT Large, Arizona NEW SPUDS California New 2 for 2J9c 19c 59c 35c 2 bun. doz. 10 lbs. mm rm mrr w JVHITI KINO $OA CO.- IOX-1 JOI Na.STTlOW-tO5AN0m5t1.CtlS. jl WHIH KINO PW.P'lt 27' 23 iiiaa pini s TOIUT b IOAP Elsinore Dimple PEAS 301 tin 18c Real sarlnrs await joa at jtonr neirhberhmtd IOA Mrat Market. It la roar IGA meat man's aim and poller to five Ta naUlr meats at YeryUy lew prlees. Be t serre those tender and tueealent meat duihea and imllea of utis'actlen aerees the table shop at IGA Meat Markets.. CHINESE DINNER 49c Ben Gee SALAD DRESSING I Vi "nS Pint in. Quart CC. p Can needlee, eaa Chew Meln. Tea and Soy Ranee. Com Win for a delleloas Chi nese Dinner. PAROWAX Texwax .... Pound Pkg. Bay new at this lew prle and have seme en hand for jelly maklnf. CERTO . os. bottle The American housewife's favorite set tin. mm fl Jar Jar JJC yA 1 Ita extra whipped, extra t'VS V.7 21cmfrWli'' jltEblm 1 lTOCDttlJeijtDi N. Mn m ioi.iqc f ar wMr)en. can a. J PORK SAUSAQt MEAT .47c Pearson's Food Mkr. ZI4 No. CommereUI Model Food Market 111 North Hlh It. Orcutr's Marker 4100 North River Road Central Cash Market Monmouth, Orefoa Independence Food Market Independence, Orcein Scio Food Market Sclo. Oregon Highland Market 100 Highland An. Ken Golliet Mehama, Ore. Open Sunday Broadway Grocery Rrdwy. at Mkt.-Open Sunday Krueger Kash & Karry C. Center at 40th Open Sua. Ronner's Grocery Cereals, Oregon Equall's Grocery Woodhurn, Oregon Lemmon's Market 591 N. Commercial St Quality Food Mkt. 17lh and Center Carter's Market nth and Market St. State Street Market 130 State St.