14 Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, May 12. 1949 i Lutheran Young People Are Holding District Meeting Silverton, May 12 The 24th annual conventiop of the Young People's Luther League and Choral Union of the North Pacific District, wilt be held at Immanuel Lutheran church in Silverton, Hv. S. L, Almlie host pastor, from Friday through Sunday. Rev. Rcider Daehlin, pastor of Our Savior's Lutneran church, Great Falls, Mont., is the convention speaker. The district afflreri are: "resident. ytev. Burton Bmltn. Tacoma. War.; vice president, Siea Lee, Everett. Warn., secretary, Leone Jnimin, Tacoma. Wah.; treasurer, Ray Toble ion, I.ortview, Wann.; choral union director. Prof. G. H. Walmln, Parkland, Wash.; PTM secreta ry, Lorraine Luta, Ivsrett, Wash.: ad viser, Oilvef Everett, Seatttlc. Wash. ; Junior Leaiue president. Otto Tollelion, Seattle, Waih.; JtiDior League advisor, John Larsxaard, Mt. Vernon. Wash. Circuit olllcers atr: Boutb Putet Round, Prrildcnl, Rev. A. Rosen, Kent, Wash.; Norih Puget Sound. President. Tonald B'irhhoix, Everett, Wn.; Oreenn. presl rtenl, Byron B rend on. Bprlnsfleld, Ore.; rnnvenllon organist, Mr. Elser Aarhtii, BUverton. Ore.; publicity committee. Mlti Jean Helaa, Aberdeen, and Paul Arlton, Parkland. The outstanding feature of the convention of more than 200 young folk for thii week-end is the sacred concert by the 60 voices of the Choir of the West, C. J. Ma ml in, director, Sunday evening 8 o'clock at Immanuel Lutheran church, offering to be lifted. Friday, May 13, following the 7 o'clock registration of dele gates the opening of the con vention will be at 8 o'clock with Daryll Johnson directing devotionals, Vera Bailer, both of Silverton. welcoming the guests with response by Denny i Park, Seattle, district league president. Justin L. Dyrud of the Silverton school of music, Is directing the Monitor Grieg male chorus in two anthems. The address will be on the to pic: "My Lord," by the conven tion speaker. Rev. Reider Daeh lin, Great Falls. Mont. Saturday, f:30 a.m. deration by Rev. A. J. Knutsen, Canny; 10 a.m.. Senior League session, theme, "Let Chrlat Be I. ord." Topic I. "Lord of My Life." Wil ms Kvenild, Kvtrett; accordion alo, Ma rilyn Moe, Silverton; topic II. "Lord of the Church." Lowell K nut son. Seattle; toplo III. "Lord of the Nations." Byron Brendon, Springfield. Discussion leader. Rev. Knuta Lea, Bremerton, bualneaa mi ion. 10 am. Junior League sessions; Theme, "Ut Christ Be Lord." Devotions, Lauren Bloom, Tacoma; piano solo. Dorothy H irk man. Portland; topic I. "Lord of My Lire," Bill Leed. Kdlsoo. Wash.; topic II. "Lord of the Church," Janice De Jar din, Tacoma; topic III, "Lord of the Na tions' Sidney Kvale, Seattle, Discussion leader, Rtv. John Laragaard. Mt. Vernon. Saturday afternoon, 1 o'clock: Joint ienlor and Junior sessions, Mary Bllerby, Portland, devotion leader. Stan Lee Ev erett, report on inter-synod lea I youth con ference. Panel discussions 1:30 p.m. Lea gue questions. Moderator, Dorothy Larson, Eugene; counsellor. Rev. Clyde Orlmst. deretor, Ray Toblason, Long view; coun sellor, nev. nteriiiig eimnnton. spring field. Bible questions, moderator, Paul Arlton, Parkland; counsellor, Rev, Eld red Nesaet, Btanwood, W.h. Oratorical con test l:lt p.m. Convention ouilng. 3 p.m. Saturday evening: Inlnrmal banquet. Pocket Testament. 1:30 P.m. Devotions. Janice Johnson, Silverton; toastmasler, Rev. Harold Aalbue, Eugene; group sing ing led by Rev. Irving loeet. Klamath Palls; creatines. Dr. H. L. Pnss. president Pacltlc district: music, Portland Central Youth Choir, Mrs. E. a. Hall, director; presentation of pocket testament by Irralne Luti; address, "Clod's Wells." Rv. Daehlin; doxology; sound lllms, "Reaching From Heaven," uuna ay morning, May ig, irao. torn union service. Rev. S. L. Aim lie. Rev. M. J. X. Puhr; 10:00, LL Bible class. Rev. L. Almlie: 11:00. worship service: lltur- iist. Rev. S. L. Almlie: sermon; "Soldiers of the Cross." Rev. Daehlin. Sunday afternoon: 1:30. Choral Union rehearsal. Eugene Pleld building: North Pacific district Choral Union concert. O. Malmln, director, Eugene Field audi torium. 3:30; prelude directed by Helen Moen, Portland; devotions by Lethe. Bcr- lulit. Vancouver. "The Heavens Resound," Beethoven; 'Good Tidings to 7. ion." Chrlstianson; O, Bread of Life From Heaven." arrang d by Christiansen: "At tba Name of Jesus," . Vaughn-Willl m a : convention in. "All Hall the Power or Jesus' tit," Address. "Qod's Melodies." Rev. Dsehlln: offertory. Pacific Luther calleee Utile symphoney. -uoiaen nerps Are Bounding." Psder ewskl: "Now Jesus at the Door fa Knork. Ing," chorale; "Beautiful Savior." arraiig- by cnristianson: Halleluiah chorus from "The Messiah," Handel; benediction: postltide, Pacific Luther college little symphony. I Announcement was made of the International Luther league convention to be held at Sas katoon, Canada, June 20 to July 3. Ml i ijisawswjwjBBsvjWjw , "cr I Club Mothers Are Given Tea Salem Heights, May 12 Mem bers of the Mother's club were honored Tuesday at a Mother's tea at the school, with 66 moth ers prerent. Mrs. Kenneth Zwicker was in stalled as president, Mrs. George Beane, vice-president, Mrs. Leon Frahm, secretary, and Mrs. Jonathon Graber, treasurer, Mrs. Ed A. Carleton, past president, was the installing officer. The club gave their retiring presi dent, Mrs. Lylo Bayne, a gut. The eighth grade was in charge of the serving with Mrs. Charlotte Jones in charge of the tea. Serving were Norma Col lins, lrma Sims, Deloria Paris, Gloria Graber, Darlene Ball. Gary Weber, Jack Bailey, with Mary Marggi, and Nancy Hage man pouring. Ushers were Don Blankenship ' Mark Decew, Jesse Krater, and Fred Butler. On the program was a piano solo by Barbara Bacon, a violin duet by Larry and Charlotte Graber, accompanied by Bar bara Anderson, a violin solo by Larry Graber, accompanied at the piano by Charlotte Graber. Piano numbers by Barbara An derson. A quartet of sixth grade girls, with Karen Anderson, Sharon Elliott, Lois Robbins, and Ruth White with the violin, sang "Down de Road." Mrs. Wilma Hammond was in charge of the program. Mrs. J. Brasher met with her committee for the final plans for the teachers luncheon to be held June 2 at the school at noon. The Chickadee's picnic will be next Thursday with Mrs. Everett Battles and Mrs. Leon Frahm in charge. Primitive peoples I a t o o e dbellishment. although the figures Parking Prices Upped in Portland Portland, May 12 IP) Two- hour parking for the entire metered area in the west side was ordered today by the city council. A boost in the price and ex tension of hours went along with il. In the area between S W. 2nd and 12th avenues and Pine and Madison streets the heart of the downtown district the rate will be S cents for each half hour. Four nickels can be put in at one time to get the two hours for 20 cents. Elsewhere on the west side dt. vneou,.r. p.r.oni auction., m.'.the rate will be S cents for each Betty Craig, 27, manager of the El Rancho stables at Las Vegas, Nev., is her own blacksmith. She knows horses, having grown up on a ranch and having trained horses for the Army at Tucson. During the war she was a flier in the WASPs. But handling horses helped her pay her way through the University of Arizona. hour . and two nickels can be put in at once. Hours will be S a.m. to 1 p.m. They are now 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Albany to Graduate Large Senior Class Albany One hundred and fifty-eight seniors will receive their diplomas at Albany high school at the commencement ex- eicises June 2, Henry Otto, prin cipal announced this week. 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